Ah, that unique impartiality BBC guests are renowned for…
The_MediaBlogThe Media BlogRT @Kevin_Maguire: BBC Apology: The BBC would like to apologise to c**** everywhere for comparing them to Jeremy Hunt
To some that may smack of a certain partisan bias for one never off our airwaves. To others, more unique than most, it counts as not just a job application, but a market rate talent raise.
Next, fellow BBC stalwart and Guardian/Scott Trust employee Polly Toynbee on how awful it is for companies or individuals to dodge tax, live from the BBC studios during a U2 concert they are helping promote.
Basically, if you are uniquely funded, it’s fine to say or do or share true feelings on whatever you want now in the spirit of ‘openness’.
But….. only if you are in charge of the editorial suite.
Anyone else does it and you’re off for a ‘horrified’ quote from Ken/George/Diane/Some bloke who used to run Gordon’s campaign but now is on £250kpa as CEO of a ‘charity’ that mainly issues dodgy research on social engineering.
Conceding it to be a bit ‘two wrongs…’ ‘n all, and trying hard not to slip myself, as that bast..ion of impartiality and pub… lic example that is the nation’s broadcaster (and its most senil…senior employees) have declared open season on naughty words to describe folk who don’t share their values, like chavs with Tourettes, maybe a free for all is in order?
That Johnson best get his leadership campaign out… I mean up, I mean… er.. our Alan best shaft Ed… I mean….
The BBC’s Sue Llewellyn loved it and didn’t think Naughtie should apologise. She’s employed by the BBC to teach its idiot employees how to use Twitter.
Well, like many BBC and Graun wimmin, one is sure they will feel the move of this highly descriptive word from the gutter to the mainstream will be highly positive. Can’t wait for my kids to get back from school.
Nice to see Messrs Naughtie and Marr have managed to lower themselves to the level of rappers in their use of patois. One is sure they will soon be using colourful racial and homophobic epithets soon too, when referring to Baroness Wo… arsi and Mr. Dunkin.. can in normal conversation?
I don’t think that is acceptable from a public service employee and if she thinks it is, she is in the wrong job. She should be disciplined for that – and not because she is a woman but because she is an employee.
He’s just joining in with the the new ‘infotainment’ mentality at the BBC – hence uber-gay Thomasz Schfafenacker (can’t be arsed to check spelling, ironically) and his desperate attempt to gain column inches (oo er missis) (and hence further his career) with assorted ‘slips of the tongues’ (oo err again missis) and rude hand gestures.
Another one who is totally unsuitable for public service. Not only the “slips” of the tongue, the gestures and rows with colleagues while on air and the posing as beefcake in magazines but he actually thinks it is acceptable to insert sexual innuendo in the weather forecasts (I have seen a number of discussions of these online, believe it or not).
Pothole_ProtestPothole Protester!!Feeling #Naughtie send us inspiration to#fillourholesforfun
This week’s Newswatch.. ‘we think we got it about f*ckin’ right, you c***s!
Informative and entertaining! Just… ‘odd’ I have to co-fund it if I’m not keen. Ironically, how do you feel about that, Mr. Hunt?
Sorry but no one does this by accident if so Mr Balls would be laughed off the air but no! because he’s one of the good guys[labour] the beebs like !
To me this at worst shows utter contempt and disdain for the interviewed [just by chance a Tory and enemy what luck =-O !] at best the interviewer is absent in brain and thought and should no longer be doing the job and should be seeking less taxing [or in this case tax avoiding as others pay tax not beebles] work in the beeb say a door stop or potted plant may be ?
It is possible that he Spoonered “Hunt” and “Culture”. He must be given the benefit of the doubt, just. @Natsman, if it was an accident I must admit I would be trying to muffle my giggles too at such an unfortunate slip of the tongue.
However, I tend to agree with Martin that that’s probably the nickname these bastions of intellectual integrity have for Mr Hunt, and therefore Naughtie called him what he normally does forgetting he was on air.
More disturbing is the thought that Naughtie may have planned to say it this way just for a laugh and to get a reaction, even planning the apology.
I doubt that Naughtie planned it, but I think given the inevitable fuss about the first incident Andrew Marr’s repeating of it was deliberately mischievous or extremely incompetent. In his throwaway on-air “apology” he couldn’t seem to decide whether it was another slip or whether repeating the word was necessary to explain what had been said earlier.
It is possible that it was a straightforward Spoonerism, yes. However, if you worked in an organisation where standards of decorum, propriety, respect, impartiality etc prevailed, particularly when broadcasting to millions as a publicly funded venerable institution and you inadvertently came out with the worst possible word in reference to a Minister who was about to be interviewed, your first reaction would not be a giggle but an anguished heart-sinking groan at the realisation of what you had done and that that was the end of your high-profile employment. It is only because people like him operate in a cavalier anything-goes and who-cares environment where there are no sanctions, that the giggle is the inevitable reponse. Nothing will happen to him as a result of this. It’s all jolly japes and carry on camping.
I don’t know if anyone else noticed but me and the missus were watching news 24 yesterday morning when the inevitable student protest segment was advertised at the top of the hour. Clearly in the bottom corner a placard with “f**k the cuts” was visible in all its un-starred glory.
Yes, that’s the level of expression, wit, intelligence and education of the youngsters who are trying to convince us all that we should fund for another three years their feckless failure to acquire either an adequate vocabulary or a sense of how to conduct themselves in the public view.
So help me here, Carole Thatcher refers to a blackman as a gollywog off air, in a greenroom and because a fat ugly lebo was offended she is sacked . Yet 2 mainstream bBC presenters use the more offensive ‘c’ word live on air, laugh till they piss themselves and are allowed to continue with work. No reprimand, No fine, no job loss. The mind boggles.
One rather thinks you have hit upon yet another of those funny little ‘quirks’ that makes our enforced-funded national broadcaster and the actions of many of its favoured employees so… ‘unique’.
The thing that strikes me about this is the nature of Naughtie’s “apology” on the clip in this thread. Now, I would have thought this merited an apology because it was self-evidently offensive in itself and offensive to Jeremy Hunt personally.
However, instead of acting on its generally recognised offensiveness and the offence to the person called it, Naughtie first (cleverly or crassly?) implicated Mr Spooner in his slip, then said that from e-mails received, some found it funny, some found it offensive and he was very sorry to anyone who didn’t want to hear it over their breakfast, adding that neither did he. And that was it.
Why did he need e-mails to tell him that some people were offended by it? Why didn’t he make a straightforward apology on the merits and not because he had to be told by some people? And where is his apology to Jeremy Hunt?
So whether it was inadvertent or not, looking at what passes for an apology, the giggling, the comments by the BBC employee mentioned above, there is still enough evidence to give rise to a strong sense of something rotten in the BBC.
Yeah, they think those that love nation, fiscal and moral probity, and care for their families are cunts.
We know we are right. For if there is one sure thing on earth, the BBC is full of cunts.
And I have also found it rather odd all the horror of that word. Women have them. Men are very keen on them. I love them.
The worst insult in my lexicon also has four words: liar.
“Presenter James Robbins’s interview with ministerial aide Mike Crockart, in which he appeared to say he would be prepared to resign over the increase in tuition fees, turned out to be nothing of the sort.”
So this MP did not say he would resign? I heard this on 5 lite. They repeated that they had made a mistake and interviewed the wrong man, yet they still repeated in the headlines that this LibDem MP was going to quit over tuition fees.
As odious an individual as James Naughtie is, it has to be said that the comlocution of ‘Jeremy Hunt Culture Secretary’ does allow for an honest mistake.
“James Naughtie gaffe: How to make a complete berk of yourself””You can’t blame either Spooner or Freud for James Naughtie’s bloomer on Radio 4, says Christopher Howse. ”
Given how screamingly bent Naughtie is, I’d say there’s a very high likelihood its a Freud induced Spoonerism. That said though, I dont have any problem with the comments he made having said it. Seemed perfectly reasonable to me.
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Oh dear. I almost choked on my porridge….
I have just left a post on the open thread, but check out Andrew Marr then repeating whatt was said at 9.35 on Start the Week.
Ah, that unique impartiality BBC guests are renowned for…
The_MediaBlog The Media Blog RT @Kevin_Maguire: BBC Apology: The BBC would like to apologise to c**** everywhere for comparing them to Jeremy Hunt
To some that may smack of a certain partisan bias for one never off our airwaves. To others, more unique than most, it counts as not just a job application, but a market rate talent raise.
Next, fellow BBC stalwart and Guardian/Scott Trust employee Polly Toynbee on how awful it is for companies or individuals to dodge tax, live from the BBC studios during a U2 concert they are helping promote.
Anyone can make an unfortunate slip of the tongue. Unless they’re right wing, in which case it demonstrates their ignorance.
I blame the Wikileaks effect.
Basically, if you are uniquely funded, it’s fine to say or do or share true feelings on whatever you want now in the spirit of ‘openness’.
But….. only if you are in charge of the editorial suite.
Anyone else does it and you’re off for a ‘horrified’ quote from Ken/George/Diane/Some bloke who used to run Gordon’s campaign but now is on £250kpa as CEO of a ‘charity’ that mainly issues dodgy research on social engineering.
Conceding it to be a bit ‘two wrongs…’ ‘n all, and trying hard not to slip myself, as that bast..ion of impartiality and pub… lic example that is the nation’s broadcaster (and its most senil…senior employees) have declared open season on naughty words to describe folk who don’t share their values, like chavs with Tourettes, maybe a free for all is in order?
That Johnson best get his leadership campaign out… I mean up, I mean… er.. our Alan best shaft Ed… I mean….
The BBC’s Sue Llewellyn loved it and didn’t think Naughtie should apologise. She’s employed by the BBC to teach its idiot employees how to use Twitter.
Well, like many BBC and Graun wimmin, one is sure they will feel the move of this highly descriptive word from the gutter to the mainstream will be highly positive. Can’t wait for my kids to get back from school.
Nice to see Messrs Naughtie and Marr have managed to lower themselves to the level of rappers in their use of patois. One is sure they will soon be using colourful racial and homophobic epithets soon too, when referring to Baroness Wo… arsi and Mr. Dunkin.. can in normal conversation?
I don’t think that is acceptable from a public service employee and if she thinks it is, she is in the wrong job. She should be disciplined for that – and not because she is a woman but because she is an employee.
You can bet Hunt is called a C**t at the BBC all the time.
“From the man who referred on air to Labour as “we”…”
When was that then?
2nd March 2005 speaking to Ed Balls on the Today prog: “If WE win the election, does Gordon Brown remain Chancellor?”
Not hard to find, really.
“Naughtie pro-Labour gaffe”
Sack the bastard – I heard the muffled giggling in the background…
He’s just joining in with the the new ‘infotainment’ mentality at the BBC – hence uber-gay Thomasz Schfafenacker (can’t be arsed to check spelling, ironically) and his desperate attempt to gain column inches (oo er missis) (and hence further his career) with assorted ‘slips of the tongues’ (oo err again missis) and rude hand gestures.
Another one who is totally unsuitable for public service. Not only the “slips” of the tongue, the gestures and rows with colleagues while on air and the posing as beefcake in magazines but he actually thinks it is acceptable to insert sexual innuendo in the weather forecasts (I have seen a number of discussions of these online, believe it or not).
Have to give these guys credit:
Pothole_Protest Pothole Protester!! Feeling #Naughtie send us inspiration to #fillourholesforfun
This week’s Newswatch.. ‘we think we got it about f*ckin’ right, you c***s!
Informative and entertaining! Just… ‘odd’ I have to co-fund it if I’m not keen. Ironically, how do you feel about that, Mr. Hunt?
On the bright side, the BBC sisterhood must be now dreaming up ways to up the profile by pushing the envelope.
Hoping for a Jacksonesque ‘wardrobe malfunction’, but please let it not be Emily Maitless.
Sorry but no one does this by accident if so Mr Balls would be laughed off the air but no! because he’s one of the good guys[labour] the beebs like !
To me this at worst shows utter contempt and disdain for the interviewed [just by chance a Tory and enemy what luck =-O !] at best the interviewer is absent in brain and thought and should no longer be doing the job and should be seeking less taxing [or in this case tax avoiding as others pay tax not beebles] work in the beeb say a door stop or potted plant may be ?
It is possible that he Spoonered “Hunt” and “Culture”. He must be given the benefit of the doubt, just. @Natsman, if it was an accident I must admit I would be trying to muffle my giggles too at such an unfortunate slip of the tongue.
However, I tend to agree with Martin that that’s probably the nickname these bastions of intellectual integrity have for Mr Hunt, and therefore Naughtie called him what he normally does forgetting he was on air.
More disturbing is the thought that Naughtie may have planned to say it this way just for a laugh and to get a reaction, even planning the apology.
I doubt that Naughtie planned it, but I think given the inevitable fuss about the first incident Andrew Marr’s repeating of it was deliberately mischievous or extremely incompetent. In his throwaway on-air “apology” he couldn’t seem to decide whether it was another slip or whether repeating the word was necessary to explain what had been said earlier.
It is possible that it was a straightforward Spoonerism, yes. However, if you worked in an organisation where standards of decorum, propriety, respect, impartiality etc prevailed, particularly when broadcasting to millions as a publicly funded venerable institution and you inadvertently came out with the worst possible word in reference to a Minister who was about to be interviewed, your first reaction would not be a giggle but an anguished heart-sinking groan at the realisation of what you had done and that that was the end of your high-profile employment. It is only because people like him operate in a cavalier anything-goes and who-cares environment where there are no sanctions, that the giggle is the inevitable reponse. Nothing will happen to him as a result of this. It’s all jolly japes and carry on camping.
Demon, I agree with your suspicion that it was a slip of the consonant there. But where Naughtie blames Dr. Spooner, I blame Dr. Freud.
Remember Hunt is keeping back 800 million from the TV tax to use on broadband. The BBC don’t like that, they see that 800 million as THEIR money.
800 million can buy some cracking Cocaine and rent boys you know.
Who shives a git.
Jeremy Bowel?
“BBC’s James Naughtie and Andrew Marr make C-word slips over Jeremy Hunt”
Beeboids would never make a mistake over mispronouncing the name of its non-Tory reporter, Ms Kuenssberg.
I don’t know if anyone else noticed but me and the missus were watching news 24 yesterday morning when the inevitable student protest segment was advertised at the top of the hour. Clearly in the bottom corner a placard with “f**k the cuts” was visible in all its un-starred glory.
Yes, that’s the level of expression, wit, intelligence and education of the youngsters who are trying to convince us all that we should fund for another three years their feckless failure to acquire either an adequate vocabulary or a sense of how to conduct themselves in the public view.
So help me here, Carole Thatcher refers to a blackman as a gollywog off air, in a greenroom and because a fat ugly lebo was offended she is sacked . Yet 2 mainstream bBC presenters use the more offensive ‘c’ word live on air, laugh till they piss themselves and are allowed to continue with work. No reprimand, No fine, no job loss. The mind boggles.
One rather thinks you have hit upon yet another of those funny little ‘quirks’ that makes our enforced-funded national broadcaster and the actions of many of its favoured employees so… ‘unique’.
The thing that strikes me about this is the nature of Naughtie’s “apology” on the clip in this thread. Now, I would have thought this merited an apology because it was self-evidently offensive in itself and offensive to Jeremy Hunt personally.
However, instead of acting on its generally recognised offensiveness and the offence to the person called it, Naughtie first (cleverly or crassly?) implicated Mr Spooner in his slip, then said that from e-mails received, some found it funny, some found it offensive and he was very sorry to anyone who didn’t want to hear it over their breakfast, adding that neither did he. And that was it.
Why did he need e-mails to tell him that some people were offended by it? Why didn’t he make a straightforward apology on the merits and not because he had to be told by some people? And where is his apology to Jeremy Hunt?
So whether it was inadvertent or not, looking at what passes for an apology, the giggling, the comments by the BBC employee mentioned above, there is still enough evidence to give rise to a strong sense of something rotten in the BBC.
Good point about the failure to apologize to Hunt as well as po-faced listeners.
Yeah, they think those that love nation, fiscal and moral probity, and care for their families are cunts.
We know we are right. For if there is one sure thing on earth, the BBC is full of cunts.
And I have also found it rather odd all the horror of that word. Women have them. Men are very keen on them. I love them.
The worst insult in my lexicon also has four words: liar.
Oh dear: Radio 4 follows Jeremy Hunt gaffe by interviewing fake MP
I’m guessing the problem there is 0131 (Edinburgh) vs 0113 (Leeds). V funny, anyway.
I read on Sky News that the impostor whom they interviewed was the person who had inherited the real MP’s old telephone number.
“Presenter James Robbins’s interview with ministerial aide Mike Crockart, in which he appeared to say he would be prepared to resign over the increase in tuition fees, turned out to be nothing of the sort.”
So this MP did not say he would resign? I heard this on 5 lite. They repeated that they had made a mistake and interviewed the wrong man, yet they still repeated in the headlines that this LibDem MP was going to quit over tuition fees.
As odious an individual as James Naughtie is, it has to be said that the comlocution of ‘Jeremy Hunt Culture Secretary’ does allow for an honest mistake.
Yes, but do you cite Spooner or Freud? And even if it was an honest gaffe, the smart-ass recovery and apology is pretty obvious.
“James Naughtie gaffe: How to make a complete berk of yourself””You can’t blame either Spooner or Freud for James Naughtie’s bloomer on Radio 4, says Christopher Howse. ”
Given how screamingly bent Naughtie is, I’d say there’s a very high likelihood its a Freud induced Spoonerism. That said though, I dont have any problem with the comments he made having said it. Seemed perfectly reasonable to me.