The BBC is impartial, as we know, because it tells us loudly and often, especially when it comes to reporting the weather and climate. I wonder, then, why it expunges from weather stories figures that show record cold in North Yorkshire? And also why it is champing at the bit in reporting record world heat when a few minutes with a calculator will tell you that even despite natural warming cycles, 2010 is actually not over yet and the figures do not show any records have been broken? Could it be that Richard Black and Co desperately want an agreement at Cancun?
Meanwhile, Roger Harrabin gleefully reports our ruling class’s continued obscene efforts to sabotage the UK energy generation capacity so that we are forced into fuel poverty. When are we going to rise up against this useless, lying, shower?
Watts up with that has this in some detail including cached copies of the deleted headlines.
The BBC and headlines appearing or changing, etc, but definitely not by stealth, oh no. It is at be… worst… ‘an evolving story’… a note I have had in person by way of ‘explanation’, whilst appreciating as familiar but being unable to verify the following:
‘Paul says:
December 6, 2010 at 2:51 pm
I suggested the story was so factually incorrect that it should be removed from the site. The response I got back was a note saying that it was BBC’s policy not to remove any article once it appears on the website. I wonder how editing an article fits in?
The BBC’s editorial standards are, truly, ‘unique’. Feel free to chip in, but despite promises of answers, this is a thread that has been well and truly ‘parked’:
I was in S.Wales last week talking to old miners and it seems that there is a bit of quiet prospecting going on for workable coal seams and things look promising ( mining techniques have evolved somewhat). The BBC won’t like that at all which is probably why it is low key.
“When are we going to rise up against this useless, lying, shower?”
I suggest “never”. The simple reason is that there is no part of the political class in whose interest it is to lead such a rising. The history of the Civil War suggests that there needs to be a substantial part of those with power in the state who object to the way the country is being ruled. In the 17th century the rising mercantile class – who were represented in the Commons – objected to the way Charles 1 was ruling the country. Yes, there were other reasons – particularly religious – but the fear of the mercantile classes concerning their wealth and incomes actually got them moving. There is no similar motivation now.
You only have to see the large corporations (and seriously rich businessmen) who have climbed onto the AGW band-wagon, the nodding through of the Climate Change Act, the feeble reality of the “cuts”, the insistence on maintaining “overseas aid” (despite evidence over the last 60 years that it is not just useless, it’s massively counter-productive), the desire not to punish criminals for real crime but punish the rest of us for “perceived crime”, the continuing corruption of the Parliamentary expenses arrangements etc to see that no part of the governance of the state has a real grievance against the state – they’re all doing too well on our – the taxpayers’ – money.
At some point – maybe when the food runs short – it will all be too much for the general population to take but don’t think that, for instance, just because the lights will begin to flicker in 2014 that there will be a general uprising. The students demonstrating to “stop London” are not a precursor of genuine and general anger concerning real grievances: they are the “useful idiots” of today. There might be occasional trouble on the streets but the reality is that those in power will stay in power because the political class recognises that a “real” change (eg leaving the EU or admitting that both the science and tax-funded response to CAGW are shams) will affect both its power and its pocket.
It won’t happen.
I agree. The 17th century turmoil was over which grouping controlled the state for it’s own benefit. Now the political and economic governing class is in total control and can completely ignore reality and our own wishes.
An “elective dictatorship”that offers a fraudulent choice every 5 years.
The nearest historical analogy is the period after the Norman conquest- a real tryanny enforced by penal taxation and brutal laws.
Today they are nicer as long as we stay in our place but I don’t count on them staying benevolent indefinitely.
The uprising will only occur when power cuts are sufficient to interfere with population’s daily dose of EastEnders and Corrie.
Oh I don’t know : a national shrug and a sigh of “musn’t grumble” would probably be all that would happen. OTOH the failure of floodlights during a Man U or Millwall match might spark something.
Funnily enough, this might be tested sooner than one imagines. Just back having heard news highlights from R2’s merry crew, and they were cheerfully reading out a press release on how ‘we’ needed to get our carbon down, which meant ‘we’ were going to get a slew more of those magic freezing cold, no breath of wind turbines, but it’s OK as it will all get ‘paid for’ (ie: ‘we’ fund it) by vast eco-levies on energy bills.
Now I am heavily involved in eco-activities and am a passionate advocate of reduced waste and increased efficiencies, but this really got my goat, in both failed logic and arrogance of tone.
I have zero interest in being gouged by yet another tranche of science/engineering-inept PPE/Oxbridge English troughers so the likes of Huhne and Prescott can fly to exotic locations and strut their box-ticking, target meeting abilities.
Cameron… Miliband… Clegg… keep up this BS and none of you have a hope in hell of my vote, and anyone I can swing away from your sorry excuses for leadership. You and the likes of the BBC can sit in the bath surrounded by the wreckage of your ‘B’ Ark and make daisy chains with rigged polls all day if you like, but when you steal the basic means of survival from my family now to p*ss away on a multi-trillion boondoggle that has no chance of working into some vague future you have spun based on what has been presented (with Aunty’s absolute mendacious complicity) so far, I am done working to keep you and your useless parasite classes in clover any more.
Good post but why soften your anger by using “Aunty”?
Harriban’s headline still says “Record cold”, so what’s real difference between that and adding “at some sites”? Now that I think about it, that qualifier could actually be interpreted as diminishing the impact. Not sure I understand the fuss here.
Record cold? You ain’t seen nothing yet. After a four or five day thaw in the UK, you are in for a double whammy, probably over or around Christmas, and this is going to spread throughout Europe, particularly the southeast, who are enjoying balmy temperatures at the moment. Cold? You betcha. I wonder what the headlines will be like then?
2010 Is Still The Hottest Year On Record
We ALL know that’s not true, don’t we? The assumption is that weather began in the last 2 -300 years.
“Warmer and Wetter Winters in Europe and Western North America Linked to Increasing Greenhouse Gases”
Is it possibe, just possible that Richard Black is ‘taking the mickey’?
‘Terrific ten’ given days to save the world
Enid Blyton had five (and then seven) – Ocean had 11 (and then 12).
Flash, Flash, I love you….
Outlook on the World Service last night actually had Stephen Sackur giving quite a hard time to the ridiculous President of the Maldives over his demands that we all commit economic hari-kari on his behalf. Sackur clearly accepts all the Warmist nonsense – but he points up the political stupidities much more clearly than the regular eco-loons at the BBC :
Here is a very simple explanation of the total fraud the IPCC has been pushing – the oceans are NOT rising. So “countries” like the Maldives and Tuvalu are whining for nothing, just begging.
When ever I think the world is dangerously warming up I look at this picture graciously distributed by the Beeb, if only for Scotland.
UK snow cover viewed from space