Richard Black here chillingly relates – without an ounce of balancing comment – how our lunatic leaders in Cancun are hatching a plot to deprive us of £100bn a year (of which the UK’s share will be at least £1.5bn a year, enough to pay for legions of university students to avoid going into debt)by ludicrously jacking up “carbon” taxes. Christopher Monckton spells out here what Mr Black doesn’t – that the cash will actually be used by the UN to construct a massive new, unaccountable world government that will spend the billions on self-aggrandisement and delusion. As usual, the bilge is illustrated with alarmist pictures. I surmise in this case that the water is made up of not of melting glaciers but of the tears of the Statue of Liberty as she realises what crimes are being committed in her name. Shame on the BBC for reporting this outrage in such partisan terms.
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I’ve written to my MP, George Osborne, on this subject. It might have some impact if individuals did the same. It probably won’t but it’s the only thing I can think of doing to express my objections.
“However, with just two days of negotiations left, it is far from clear whether an agreement can be reached.”
Lets pray for that.
The “students” are very cross at the moment, but I wonder how many have actually made the link between the level of cuts and the utterly unforgivable comitted expenditure Huhne and Co are making on their ( and our) behalf? I doubt that the degree of intelligence amongst them will amount to the necessary levels to comprehend. However, on reflection I’ve no doubt most of them are lefties, anyway, and by definition ecogreeniewarmists. It would appear that both the coalition and the labour party are hell bent on the annihilation of the British economy, bugger what the inhabitants of that once great country think.
Watching the level of violence of these, er, “students” on the telly tonight from the comparative safety of my French retreat, I reflect on how proud I am to be British – NOT!
“Germany in the early 20th Century had a very well-educated public and was on the cutting edge of many lines of scientific and technical research. Nevertheless, in Nazi Germany many types of pseudoscience flourished alongside real science and technology. In the realm of the Earth sciences, bizarre notions of a Hollow Earth or the World-Ice-Theory found official support. ”
“Once upon a time, there was a supergiant star in the direction of the constellation Columba. A smaller star, dead, water-soaked to the core, fell into it. It was heated up, vaporizing the water, and causing a great explosion. The fragments of this smaller star were spewed out of the supergiant into interstellar space. The water condensed out into ice, forming giant ice blocks. A ring of this ice formed, as well as a small number of solar systems.
This ring is known to us all as the Milky Way. Among the solar systems that formed was our own, with many more planets than exist today.”
“When anyone pointed out to him that this or that assertion of his did not work mathematically, he responded: “Calculation can only lead you astray.” One recalls that he was an engineer. When anyone pointed out to him that there existed pictures that show that the Milky Way consists of billions of stars, he answered straightforwardly that the pictures had been faked by “reactionary”
astronomers. ”
Black and his friends in the “climate community” are nothing new. But they are just as evil.
The photoshoped image has a strange caption.
“Campaigners are using the gathering to voice their fears about a lack of progress”
How does that reflect the photograph? It is a doctored photograph used for propaganda (“appeal to fear”). Dispicable.
I fell the end game of Global Warming approaching and it’s clear to me that the most egregious liars and boosters of this cultism should receive punishment beyond simple humiliation.
Black and co should simply lose their jobs as a starter.
Which hunt? – damn right – and followed by the old fashioned and reliable methods of dealing with witches too.
Here’s a nice glimpse into the minds of the Warmist activists at Cancun. The Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow got a bunch of them to gleefully sign a petition calling for the crippling of the US economy. Even better, they played the old “Let’s ban dihydrogen monoxide” gag, and the Warmists fell for it.
Who’s down with the science, then? If the BBC can say that the few outliers they found totally represent the millions of people who consider themselves part of the Tea Party movement, then we can say that these dopes totally represent the mindset behind Warmism. This is why they should be called Watermelons. Yet the BBC will never focus on these people like they do with groups who hold unapproved thoughts.