So, an agreement has been reached by the 20,000 fanatics at Cancun. Billions of pounds are to be wasted in battling the biggest non-existent problem ever imagined, and millions of people worldwide are going to be condemned to needlessly intensfying fuel poverty; meanwhile the UN bureaucrats will get fatter and more powerful as they dream up endless Gormenghast laws. The BBC, of course, is crowing about how marvellous this is and still giving airtime only to those who think this criminal straitjacket on development is not enough. And providing ludicrous, lying graphics supposedly outlining the scale of the problem. Get ready for an outpouring of triumphalism…
Update: …as I predicted, here, from Richard Black, on the one hand saying how wonderful and surprising the Cancun accord is, on the other, worrying, as usual, that the meaasures aren’t enough. Scepticism? Not even on the page. For real reporting of the Cancun travesty, try Booker, spot on as usual.
And, having convinced themselves of a famous victory, en masse they stepped toward the cliff, and hurled themselves off, like demented lemmings into economic oblivion, dragging the rest of us, kicking and screaming with them. Fools, blinkered, ignorant, brainwashed muddleheaded fools. Welcome home, Lord EcoHuhne, Oh Great and loony One, welcome home. I’ll have eight ounces of subsidies, please, and not too many windmills…
Gotta love these millionaire socialists!
I knew that whatever they came up with would involve gathering in more money – yours and mine – and it does. Hey ho, hey ho and off to work we go….
A non-‘BBC Greenpeace’ comment:
Read more:
The public no longer believe this crap and most Countries will simply ignore it.
‘BBC-Greenpeace’ and Points of View, Messageboard:
All countries except ours no doubt.
Still, what better way for Cameron to ‘detoxify the brand’ than sending billions of £s that we don’t have to corrupt 3rd world dictators.
As Daniel Hannan notes in comments on D. D’Souza’s book ‘The Roots of Obama’s Rage’:
“Obama’s climate change policies make little sense either as an attempt to slow global warming or as a way to make the US more popular. But they make perfect sense as a mechanism for the redistribution of wealth from rich nations to poor. (D’Souza notes, as an instance, the way in which the Obama administration has banned offshore drilling in the US while sponsoring it in Brazil).”
And ‘BBC-Greenpeace’ supports Obama in the imposition of ever higher energy taxes on ordinary people in Britain and America, so as to redistribute money to people in ‘Third World’ countries.
“The Abdication Of The West”
From The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley
Can someone explain the graphic here? ‘Extreme stress’ from drought in the south of England, 1961-1990? WTF?
You will all die of thirst in the South East while we in the North East will drown.
Aaaaah, that explains why successive governments have been doing so much to keep immigration – thus the population of S.E England – to a bare minimum!?!?
I think it must be representative of a shortage of booze as the middle east looks really stressed out by it 😉
Like everything these people say on “climate change” it means nothing.
“The Cancun deal commits all countries to keeping temperature rise below 2C (3.6F) by reducing emissions.”
“Well, this seems doable, at least according to this new NASA model.
Doubled CO2 means just 1.64°C warming
So a country can double its CO2 emissions and satisfy the Cancun accord? Historic!”
Note: Except the UK, which is unique in having an Act of Parliament which will ensure we British suffer a lot more than any nation on the planet. Cameron is an idiot.
The political class in Britain has to keep this going. They cannot admit that the AGW theory is one of the most flawed theories in the history of science, even if they were clever enough to see it, as they would also have to admit that they had consigned the British to an energy poor future. I dispise the dishonesty of these socialist millionaires who make the banking system seem snow-white in comparison.
How can you tell that the BBC is merely an ecofascist mouthpiece?
VICTORY claims the BBC, its a stunning success even though it isnt, no mandatroy CO2 caps and only a limited fund to buy off the worlds despots and NGO tranzi parasites, Mmmmm all those pension funds and Swiss accounts and gravytrain jobs for the in crowd not to mention the increased BMW/Merc dealerships excited at the prospect of all those tird world despots with money to burn, all right for some I guess.
Just declare victory through theior stooge client media and Bobs yer comrade comissar? The BBC knows it is no victory and no deals other than the despot buy off plan was delivered but they and their CAGW cult comrades need the masses to see a victory after the long weeks of pointless jabbering about non existent CAGW by pointless morons with a bloated opinion of their self worth.
The scum at the BBC always ready to lie and cheat to serve its own grubby and rancid aims. The West declines and falls into ruin with the BBC scum dancing with glee and delight as the prophecies of their Marxist educators bears fruit, the evil capitalist West destroyed.
Quite. This is the “agrement” without the BBC hype.
“The agreement includes:
* an acknowledgement of the need to keep temperature rises to 2C;
* bringing non-binding emissions cuts pledges made under the voluntary Copenhagen Accord into the UN process;
* setting up a green climate fund as part of efforts to deliver an annual $100 billion by 2020 to poor countries to help them cope with the impacts of global warming and develop without polluting (although there is no detail on how the money will be raised);
* a scheme to provide financial support for countries to preserve their forests;
* progress on how countries’ actions are going to be monitored and verified.
These are people who will happily sign a petition calling for the crippling of the US economy, and are so ignorant they don’t even know the molecular composition of water. Warmism is not science: it’s a religious belief.
Since the BBC only sent Black to this shindig and not the usual contingent of Beeboids, he has to speak all that much louder to get the Narrative across.
Why is it the mainstream media obediently swallows all this guff? I confess to watching Channel 4 news this evening (I avoid BBC television “news” like the plague). They swallowed it all hook, line and sinker – they interviewed loony Huhne in Cancun, and he was spouting utter nonsense, and no-one ever seems to query it – Why? I just fail to understand how people seem to believe everything they’re told, without question, when it’s so blindingly obvious that the “information” is patently false. Do they get some perverse enjoyment from being lied to and ripped off? Judging by comments here, and on other newspaper blogs, the believers appear to be in a tiny minority, so why aren’t the majority heeded? It defeats me.
As is often the case in human history, the believers are the gatekeepers. And I bet half of them would sign a petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide if they were told it was the most abundant greenhouse element on the planet.
Unfortunately every news outlet is the same, no dissenting voices, just spokesmen from WWF, Greenpeace, FOTE etc.
Its simple really – they are cowards. Frightened to have a different opinion. To be different means you have to defend your point of view. To say that the AGW theory is flawed would mean that they would have to know the science behind it. Better to stay on the bandwagon, ignorant but happy.
Speaking of believers who are gatekeepers, high priest of Warmism Richard Black is now calling Cancun “the chihuahua that roared”.
It’s a triumph, never mind that Japan said they want nothing to do with the Kyoto Accord now, and don’t worry about China getting to do whatever they please regardless, and don’t even think about how this is nothing more than yet another collective nodding of heads with fingers crossed behind backs. To Black, the Warmist movement to save the world has been revived and is back on track.
Also, he still won’t tell you about the desires of these Warmist mandarins to gain control of worlwide wealth redistribution. No, to a true believer like black, these synods are always about saving souls and never about finding ways to fill the church coffers.
Well, Black is a joke, and if one reads his blog has about six acolytes who the mods indulge, mostly throwing ad homs or demanding anyone who does not share their Messiah’s view be banned or jailed. Is he related to Jo Abbess?
But what is truly frightening, beyond the political ineptitude on display (which can, for now, be corrected every few years, especially when consequences come home to roost) is how the broadcast only message of these commitments of baxillions to ill-defined ‘solutions’ (subsidies, compo, bribes,etc, over anything much that may work) is still in the hands of so very few and so woefully qualified.
That… is the tragedy our kids will have to deal with.
When it comes to “climate change” reality goes out of the window.
“This bunch of academics now proposes that Britain should lead the world by cutting its carbon emissions by 60 per cent in the next 20 years. One of the chief ways to do this, says Lord Turner, will be to ensure that there are 11 million electric cars on Britain’s roads by 2030. Quite how 11 million motorists will be persuaded to pay more than £20,000 a time for these vehicles when, for little more than half that, they could buy a Ford Focus, Lord Turner does not say – nor why they should opt for a car that will drive for barely 100 miles before its batteries have to be recharged for several hours. As for who will provide the millions of charging points necessary, Lord Turner suggests that electricity companies could be forced to do this as a licensing condition. But he overlooks the fact that almost all the electricity they need would come from fossil fuels, which with transmission losses, would largely if not wholly negate any supposed savings in CO2.”
Yes, you’d think these people would realise that they need a better car, not a worse one.
Can someone explain the graphic here? ‘Extreme stress’ from drought in the south of England, 1961-1990? WTF?””
Broadly speaking, yes.
The SE UK has by world standards a severe water shortage due to it’s density of population & limited resources. What is overlooked is the the SE is surpisingly also an extremely efficient user of water. Some it is used several times over. This can make the system somewhat fragile, the long hot summer, drought & watershortages of ’76 being an example but the overwhelming majority of time it’s resources are perfectly adequate despite the available water p.p being equivalent to a desert.
Jon Sopel (today’s Politics Show): “Later in the programme, the Liberal Democrat cabinet minister who didn’t vote with Nick Clegg over tuition fees, Chris Huhne. Well, he was in Cancun saving the planet. As excuses go, not a bad one.”