Here’s Roger Harrabin’s take on Cancun. Pushing the official BBC alarmist line as usual, he’s terribly worried that not enough is being done to “curb emissions”. Sadly, he doesn’t mean his own:
Study after study shows that the current offers of emissions cuts are way, way off track, supposing that the climate models are right.
Of course, Mr Harrabin firmly believes that those models are right, and he and the BBC have done their bit in pushing them hard over the past few days as part of their cheer-leading towards world government.
And as B-BBC contributors have noticed, Mr Harrabin puts a completely different gloss on the “achievements” of Cancun, because elsewhere (unlike in his own eulogy) they have been universally ridiculed as a failed greenie propaganda coup. First, he chooses – as usual – a ludicrous propaganda picture to illustrate his story. Second, compare his take on the story to the normally econut Times, which stated this morning:
The climate change conference in Cancún has ended with failure to set a target date for the reduction of carbon emissions The Mexican hosts of the 16th annual UN Climate Change Conference were determined that Cancún would not share Copenhagen’s fate by becoming synonymous with failure. They persuaded 192 out of 193 countries to accept the “Cancún agreement” by the simple trick of aiming for the lowest common denominator — the agreement was secured by deferring decisions on all of the most contentious issues.
Or try this, from Dr Benny Peiser:
The UN climate summit shows that there is no prospect whatever for a global and legally binding climate treaty. All that the Cancun summit has done is to bless, formally, the Copenhagen accord, and roll it forward for another year.Despite all the usual rhetoric by politicians and campaigners, the fact remains that yet another attempt has failed to reach a legally binding agreement.
I have asked time and time again when Mr Harrabin will show anything other than thick-headed obstinacy in reporting the necromancy that is AGW; I fear the answer is never.
Fat chance. He’s a wrong-headed,bigoted idiot following the party line. I find it hard to believe that, if there’s anything between his ears,he can genuinely believe the rubbish he spouts.
Not just the party line – the beeboid pension fund has investments in the warmist industry.
Wonderfully succinct summary of the Warmist Druids agenda from a WuWT contributor:
…”suicidal energy policies, and the transfer of wealth from “the poor of rich countries to the rich of poor countries”.
Doesn’t that about say it all? All the sanctimonious Cameron-bollox Chris Huhne tosh Harrabin/Black lies rolled into a simple sentence. Shallow, misconceived, and utterly worthless. But it pays well.
I had seen that sentence too – it is a perfect description not only for the climate nonsense but for much other overseas “aid”. We average punters are being taxed to fund the lifestyle of the top slice of people in “developing” countries. After decades of all this there is little sign of true development towards efficient economies, and endless signs of the really fat cats robbing the whole thing blind. Robbing us blind – and sod the peasants.
My closest experience of some of this is in Nepal. Billions of aid has been poured in – whcih is why you see lots of wealth in the capital’s rich upper 5%, precious little in the poverty-stricken mountain areas – uncompleted dams, hydroelectric projects that don’t work, no proper schooling or medical care, NGOs living relatively luxurious lives etc.
Warmism takes the whole thing to a new level of fraud.
As an antidote to the stupid “reports” by the likes of Black and Harrabin at the BBC – here is a series of comments that portray the Cancun “deal” as hardly worth the paper it was written on :
This is perhaps the best article that is cited – it describes to a T the way people like Black and Harrabin lie about the sheer emptiness of Cancun :
The Warmist bubble has not yet burst. I cannot wait for the day it does – and for the day when Black and Harrabin et al are required to perform real journalism, not propaganda. They continue to ride the gravy train of Warmism – at our expense.
My those polar bears get a long way from the ice don’t they ?and it would be nice if one of those caring greenies would help the poor dumb beast instead of twittering to Harraspin another dumb beast !
These sort of stunts are pathetic childish dross thought up by the same morons who thinks that a gap year travelling gives them the right to lecture older wiser people on the state of the world and a subscription to amnesty monthly means their fighting oppression by caring but only £2 a months worth ?.
If a five year old thought this stunt up I would be proud! a 25 years old ? I would get my biggest stick !
I can recall that not too long ago Mr Black’s blog was commented upon only by true believers. Now at least 50% of the comments are hostile, which is a small signal of hope.
Not that it deters Mr Black’s ramblings in the slightest.
Bloomin’ ‘eck!! How did this get past the Greenoids?
I saw that the other night and was taken aback that such heresy was allowed. I reckon Armstrong & Miller’s next series has just been cancelled.
On Today to comment on the Cancun triumph were Michael Jacobs from the Grantham Institute at LSE and Julian Oram of the World Development Movement. Guess what? Jacobs was a long-time advisor to Brown and all-purpose rent-a-gob while the WDM makes Hitler’s ambitions for world domination look humble. At least Adolf was willing to share the globe with the Japanese.
While Jacobs followed the lead of his fellow loonies at the Institute (prime public face being Bob Ward – the prince of the ad hominem), even Oram admitted that the Cancun “agreement” – which bears an uncanny resemblance to your punter’s agreement with Littlewoods Pools (ie binding in honour only but don’t forget to include your money with the coupon) – is a vast disappointment for the warmists. OTOH it won’t stop Huhne and Cameron increasing “green” taxes on the basis of our “international commitments”.
Oh yes still no sight of any sceptics on Today (or anything else). Criticsm only from the “give us more” lobby. Evidently the BBC is relieved that the process is still technically ongoing if not completely on track. BTW no mention by anyone on the BBC (that I’ve heard/watched) that if we did away with the cost of the Climate Change Act the our tertiary education system and the employees of ACPO could be fully funded by the taxpayer. I’m not saying that I would agree with putting those funds to use in that way but just a thought: a thought that appears not to have occurred to Ceri Thomas (or if it has, quickly suppressed).
I heard some idiot claiming the other day that we might need to get to these types of winters due to extreme climate change.
How do these idiots get jobs?
What the warmists don’t realise (or, rather, they do realise but conveniently ignore) is that in “science” as against “climate science” if the response to every bit of evidence, particularly that which contradicts the predictions of the person putting forward the conjecture, is always the same (ie the conjecture can never be refuted no matter what evidence is submitted) then it is not “science”. Of course, warmist “predictions” do not include happenings today or tomorrow (that’s just “weather”) but, luckily for the “climate scientists”, the prediction that the temperature in London at midday on 5 September 2090 will be 60 Centigrade cannot be tested for 80 years. On the contrary the warmists practise “post-normal science” which, briefly, asserts that if you really really want something to be true – then it is.
A report for BBC-Greenpeace to spike:
“Nigel Lawson points out that UK has signed up to binding climate change targets, but rest of world has not”
Every day, and in every way, the Former UK never fails to provide us all with a new source of amusement.
If it’s not daft health and safety rules, it’s some other freedom-limiting nonsense, and as for giving your dwindling money away when you’re strapped for cash, to a cause which involves an impossibly ridiculous eco-dream, and in tandem, the financing of third world despots, would be utterly hilarious, if it wasn’t going to be so devastatingly damaging for everyone. I suspect you’ll be picking up the pieces for – well, for ever.
I clicked it ‘cos its true, but never has ‘Like’ been less the case here.
It appears there is no limit to how far eco-driven politicians – eg the Obama regime – will go to press their Warmist lunacy. It emerges from the Wikileaks stuff that Obama’s administration even involved the CIA in pursuing the Warmist agenda :
Not the sort of Wikileaks info the BBC would broadcast, of course.