Me thinks the BBC should put it’s skill in the black arts to good use to help the students gain more support as they are flagging in the publics mind a bit =
1= they got a spokesperson who was literate and understood the politics of their movement and it’s limitations ! not useless thick upper middle class losers who keep calling people scum and traitors and running off to the papers the moment they get done for breaking the law!
2= spent some time working with the police to root out trouble makers and activists that just happen to turn up for a riot!
though as we can plainly see from the vids this small group of trouble makers seem to be about 90% of those attending ?
3=Learn the real use of the word ‘hypocrisy’ and grasp it means hanging around with Labour MPs that voted for the fee’s in the first place after saying they wouldn’t and helping to organise demo’s and flash votes at democratic elections to throw the votes we the tax payer have the right to cast as we choose not the way they tell us!
4= grasp the maths I.E too may people in higher education doing media studies and world music/popcorn art which can only survive on grants of public money as there is no markets out side the BBC or Grundian for this stuff and too few people in vocational education engineering /building /dentists which create wealth and taxes and make the world a better place
E.G= a engineer will dig you a well so you can drink the water !
A arts student will ask you to imagine being the well so you can drink the experience of water ??
Bias by omission. Harriet the hypercrite is reported in saying that it is good that families on benefit send money abroad. This is effect saying that our benefit payments are too generous and a waste of the public’s money.
As a public servant the bBC should highlight what our politicians views are: that is unless it goes against their beloved Labour Socialist Worker; etc.
Opps seems the BBC gene pool is showing it’s self again! On Friday Guido got a wind of a rumour that the BBC’s Jon Pienaar was being lined up to spin for Ed Miliband. He isn’t returning calls
You don’t have to be a farmer to be stunned by the twelve minute assault on the trade that goes under the name ‘Farming Today’. This morning’s edition was a vintage example.
Several points to listen out ofr:
1. Listen for the screeching condemnation of metaldehyde slug killing pellets. No one asks why we have to use them (no slug pellets, no wheat, no bread.), no-one asked to give a reply.
2. A longer piece about the eeeeeeeevil cuts meaning the ‘end’ of the footpath system. Sensational headlines about ‘forbidden britain’, ‘80% closure’….all utter bollocks. I met three men in two brand new Land Rovers ‘checking’ the route of one path on my farm. It may surprise beeboids that the footpth system was there before ‘Rights of Way Officers’.
3. In that piece on footpaths, hapless farmer is asked why landowners don’t open up their property to public access as a matter of duty. Property is theft, you know.
And people wonder why farmers get up in a foul mood!
Chuffer you beat me to it ! FFS beeboids, the clue is in the title – The utter bollox this morning from a hysterical hiker from the ramblers. Last week it was vegitabalists and nonsense from the compashionistas.
That’s another example of how every programme on Beeboid radio and TV is now infected by agenda. It doesn’t matter the subject. They have to get their angle into it. Could be farming or cookery or clothing, history, geography, history, science, maths. gardening, music…
I’ve just emailed the Farmers Weekly, asking why they continue to be so soft on the producers of that programme – there was a piece in it a couple of weeks ago that was all very luvvie.
And I’ve just had a pathetic response from the NFU saying that they found the programme quite fair and balanced.
I don’t remember hearing the BBC reporting along these lines, does anyone else? From the “horse’s mouth”, so to speak…
…The UN climate summit shows that there is no prospect whatever for a global and legally binding climate treaty.
All that the Cancun summit has done is to bless, formally, the Copenhagen accord, and roll it forward for another year.
Despite all the usual rhetoric by politicians and campaigners, the fact remains that yet another attempt has failed to reach a legally binding agreement.
The summit has postponed, once again, all real decisions and has solidified the international deadlock. What little that was agreed was without substance and is not binding in any case.
No other country has been as foolish as Britain to enact extremely aggressive and completely unrealistic climate targets. For the UK, to keep going it alone is not merely suicidal but pointless.
Nor does it make sense to make British industry – and manufacturing in particular – even more uncompetitive, or to drive it overseas, by gratuitously driving up energy costs.
The Government should now suspend its unilateral and extremely costly climate targets until such time as all other major nations have signed up to the same course…”
Dr Benny Peiser Director, The Global Warming Policy Foundation
Yes, all that Cancun ended with was agreement to carry on the sloppy unbinding accords reached to rescue the Copenhagen fiasco – and to meet again in the sun next year at Durban.
You’d never guess that from the gushings of the BBC propagandist “reporters”.
Not the second point – that the UK and the UK alone has legally committed itself to heavy and expensive interference with industry.
I like how the BBC reports on the latest discussion of cuts to councils from the perspective that all current expenses and activities and employment figures for councils are correct and aren’t under question at all, and how very dare the nasty Tories take money away from councils who are “already under stress”.
On the Today programme Naughtie kept pressing the CEO of Coventry City Council – “will you be cutting executive pay”.
I wish the CEO had responded – “I probably earn less than you do – and I have to manage many public services, with thousands of staff in a sizeable city. It’s a cheap stunt for a grossly overpaid BBC presenter to wave shrouds over high salaries.”
The President’s compromise with the Republicans will extend the Bush tax cuts – which were for everyone – for two more years, and eases payroll taxes for one year. The Republicans got what they wanted, more or less. In exchange, the President won an extension on some unemployment benefits and some pork for his buddies in the ethanol and windmill industry.
The most important part of this for the BBC?
The $858bn (£545bn) package would extend Bush-era tax cuts on even the wealthiest Americans.
Typical. And in case you didn’t get the message the first time, the BBC News Online partisans say this a mere 58 words later:
Under a proposal that the White House crafted with Republicans and announced last week, tax cuts enacted by President George W Bush in 2001 and 2003 and set to expire this year would be extended at all levels – including for the wealthiest Americans.
A trifecta of BBC/Leftoid shibboleths: Republicans, Booooooosh, wealthiest. It’s as if they used a matrix to generate content.
Did you get the idea? No? Don’t worry, because after one single, solitary sentence about what the Democrats got out of it, the BBC News Online minion writes this:
Mr Obama and his Democratic allies had vigorously opposed allowing low tax rates for wealthy Americans to continue at a time of massive budget deficits, but Senate Republicans rejected Mr Obama’s preferred approach and the president said he saw no option other than compromise.
I hope the message got through the third time in just 150 words. A model of BBC efficiency.
Any evidence of the viewpoint that the Democrat leadership were holding the rest of the country hostage (those Booooosh tax cuts, by the way, were for everyone, including lovely working-class people and lovely minorities) for purely ideological reasons? Of course not, as the BBC’s ideology leans the other way.
There’s also the question of whether or not it violates the Constitution by forcing people to purchase a product from specific, government-approved vendors, health insurance in this case.
The BBC has never mentioned this before, so it will come as a complete shock to anyone trusting the BBC for their information.
The BBC is reporting this now, but guess what? Judge Hudson, according to the online article, “declined to invalidate the entire law, in what correspondents say was a small victory for Barack Obama.”
The BBC News Online minion wrote that ObamaCare “aims to extend” coverage to millions who don’t have it by forcing people to pay for it. Kind of like how the mob “aims to extend” protection to local businessmen.
BBC’s Robinson asks us “Deep council cuts are coming. The political question is who do people blame – the coalition, the minister or the council?”
Blame? Why should getting the government off our back be a matter of blame? And we obviously shouldn’t think of blaming the govenment that spent far beyond its means, necessitating the current “cuts”
Right so can some drugged up pervert from the BBC please explain WHY ITV showed the footage of the rioting excrement on the news tonight as filmed by the Police but the BBC didn’t?
Did anyone here England mentioned in connection with the £9000 a year tuition fee rises?
Question Time, Any Questions, Newsnight, R4 news in general – all failed to report it is English students that face the highest fees in the world. Scots and Welsh to pay nothing and next to nothing.
The Brit Brainwashing Corps just cannot bring itself to say the E word. Just like the British government it peddles the myth that “were all in this together” when quite clearly the people of England are discriminated against by the British parliament.
I recall seeing on Beeboid News review of the papers one night recently, the headline in the Daily Mail referring to the students’ fees was Punished for being English.
What do you suppose the Beeboids’ guest reviewer rendered this as?
Punished for being British!
Yes, honestly. I am not making this up. Not only was the headline wrongly quoted but its whole point and purpose was thereby negated.
Is this hatred of the E word so ingrained that it is automatically, unthinkingly rendered into the B word, no matter the context and no matter how absurd this makes what is being said?
BBC-NUJ’s John PIENAAR to get more explicit role for Labour?
‘Independent’ {extract]:
“His [E. Miliband’s] difficulty will lie in persuading a suitable journalist (the name of the BBC’s John Pienaar is circulating) to join a ship that could capsize in a year or two. Mr Miliband’s adenoidal voice, combined with the impression he gives of having just arrived from another galaxy, may render him unacceptable to right-wing editors and voters alike. Yet for all his undoubted disadvantages, his master Gordon Brown established reasonable relations with the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph. Surely it is worth Mr Miliband giving it a try.”
‘Stephen Glover: Only a spin doctor can save Ed Miliband’
According to Guido the mongs at the BBC got confused between Ed Miliband and David Miliband this morning, of course it’s forgiveable, the state national broadcaster getting confused between the leader of Her Majesty’s official opposition and his brother.
Bit like a slip of the tongue when talking about North and South Korea, I’m sure the BBC would forgive someone who had a momentary lapse on that one wouldn’t they BBC?
I see also that Blatter has basically told gays not to do any bottom fun during the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.
I look forward to the BBC giving Blatter a good going over (tumbleweed blows by)
As many know Scotland failed once again to qualify for the World Cup but this didn’t stop the BBC deploying as many celts to South Africa as English people.
One of them is my second favourite Scottish mong at Radio 5 (after Dame Nikki) Colin Paterson, who during the World Cup enjoyed a rather long all expenses holiday driving around South Africa doing not a lot.
Paterson is Radio 5’s entertainment correspondent, so he’s NOT part of the BBC sports team.
So why then BBC is he now swanning off to Australia to cover the Ashes? No offence to my ‘friends’ north of the border but I’m sure Cricket is as dull to them as it is to me and I don’t think Scotland are involved in the Ashes, nor is Patterson part of the sports team.
Just how much CO2 is being wasted transporting this bulb headed lanky streak of piss half way around the world?
I see the bbC have found a disabled man in which to protest police brutality at the recent peaceful student protests. Anybody else wondering how somebody who sings ‘aluminum’ in church found himself right at the front of a riot and has a video tape of himself been physically taken out of firing line onto the side of the road.
It seems that the so called innocent disabled man isn’t so innocent when it comes to protesting: Gaza Tower Hamlets
and here’s his old blog where he says he has traveled the world including living in the West bank and travelling South America. Good going for somebody who in the above bbC interview claims he cannot move without a helper. Which kind of shines a little more light on what our so called helpless victim was getting up too on a previous student march :
Back to last Wednesday’s events, and the mood was militant. “Downing Street, Downing Street…”, the chant went up. Actually, it was the by now infamous Treasury that we were heading towards; every bit as legitimate a target. I forced my way to the front of the crowd.With their under-staffed facade of Millbank out the way, the police were back at their brutal best. As we begun to force the metal barriers they had erected out of our way, Constable Askew VW 872 grabbed my chest and begun shaking me violently, screaming “Get back! Get back!” Considering the crowd of 500 people behind me, I am not quite sure where Mr. Askew was suggesting I could “get back” to. He began to push my chest in, forcing me to gasp for breath, but luckily the crowd pushed forward again and I managed to escape his grip.”
He is using his disability as a shield – I can do what I like to you; but you can’t touch me as I’m disabled. This man is an odious slimeball to demand special treatment but is happy to cause trouble wherever and whenever he can, making sure that any reprisal by the law-enforcing bodies will be filmed, edited and shoved on Youtube immediately. These lefties are really so low they are beyond disgusting.
The bBC its left of center reporting and spot the missing adjective EU and Libya condemned over treatment of migrants Amnesty International has condemned Libya and the EU over co-operation to try to prevent African migrants crossing from North Africa to Europe.
So with that headline in mind has anybody heard anything about how Africans are refused entry into Europe. Or could it be just one certain type of migrant? You know the type found in small boats off of Malta. I quote: Even migrants found in small boats close to Malta are sometimes sent back to a very uncertain future in Libya.
Put away your telescopes earthlings, the BBC have saved you the bother and once again have been reporting on the state of the universe’s biggest Black Hole.
Yes, that’s right – the British NHS.
All morning BBC science experts have been telling us about the dire consequences of reducing the amount of oxygen the Big Bang Theory receives.
Captains Cameron and Clegg are clearly not up to the job as far as the unbiased orbitting BBC are concerned.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the BBC’s next celestial call will be for Cosmonaut Brown to be brought out of the Suspended Animation Tank and jettison what little money we have left to the English Patient.
The BBC and the NHS do, after all, live in another world.
BBC Breakfast have just shown a clip of the Scottish one eyed twat appearing on some American comedy TV show where he is telling the audience that today’s mess was all the fault of the banks “they overreached themselves and paid themselves too much bonus”.
Why did BBC Breakfast think that was a news item? Why did the BBC even think it was reporting *for any reason*? As they do think it is an important news item, where is the balance where they allow us, the BBC Breakfast viewer, to hear the alternate view point.
With most of the news this morning being cuts (Coast Guard, NHS, Council etc) I can only assume that this “news” item was put in by the lefties in control as a pathetic and conveniently timed move designed to deflect growing blame for the need for cuts away from Labour.
Every single story I’ve heard on the BBC today has been based on the premise that cuts are bad and impossible to achieve. Has anyone heard one that came from the view that cuts are unavoidable and what will happen if they are not made?
I’ve always wondered why the EDL don’t protest outside BBC Television Centre. When it comes the promotion of the Islamification on Britain the BBC is far worse than any Iman or Mosque.
first it was rape, then it became sexual assault, now the BBC implies that Assange is being held for no alleged crime at all, describing his behaviour as “sexual misconduct” on R5 “UpAllNight”.
There is an actual charge of rape, according to the Swedes themselves. Granted, the laws of Sweden on how to define it might differ from other countries (in this case it seems that a woman can decide later that she didn’t want it?), but Swedish is law is the law of that land, full stop. Anyone is free to disagree with the law itself, but that’s a personal trip, not journalism.
If the BBC describes the charges in any watered-down or otherwise misleading fashion, it’s pure editorialization, changing facts of the story to fit the BBC emotional perspective.
And hey, you ridiculous Beeboids, how the hell is Russia an example of any kind of normal legal scene? Saying that a few Russians have successfully proven that their own government has trumped up charges against them surely does not have any relevance to Sweden. Utter biased BS from the BBC.
I notice that the BBC are very quiet on the failure of hundreds of schools to achieve Government targets on education, despite billions being pumped into the education system.
Who gives a damn which wealthy celebrities are willing to put up money for Assange’s bail? Why does this have any meaning at all – unless the BBC means for this to be evidence of the justness of his cause? Is the BBC’s message here that Assange is righteous because all these people support him? It seems so, especially the way the Beeboid on scene is talking about it right now.
Plenty of celebrities back Castro and Chavez and Ahmadimjihadi, BBC. Oh, wait….
Actually, Martin, they all supported Roman Polanski – even after he was convicted of drugging and raping an adolescent girl. Morality is merely a prop for them.
Luckily, the BBC’s renowned impartiality means that the guest commentators whose opinions we are treated to daily are reflective of this paper’s readership figures vs. other more niche organs of the press…
Bianca Jagger just spelled out the BBC position on Julian Assange: because “he has held governments accountable”, he should not be tried in court. Instead, she believes in “due process and freedom of expression”, and this is all politicized and bogus.
Except for the part where she mumbled that if there are real charges Assange “should answer for them”. What a load of nonsense, yet the BBC gives this full credence and support.
Since the just repeated Biance Jagger’s BS five minutes later, I can correct my quote of her about Assange’s justice: she said “they should not try him” because he held governments accountable.
And the BBC features her in a major way as one of the high profile celebrities who support the heroic self-avowed enemy of the US.
The female Beeboid in the studio just referred to Assange as “a great internationalist”. Oh, how “unbearable for him”, she laments, that he hasn’t had access to the internet for a couple days.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) had no idea how to fill ‘Newsnight’ slot tonight, so it decided to reprise the well-worn 1930s-40s, Mitford-Nazis stuff, but NOT the Mufti of Jerusalem-Nazis stuff.
The BBC 6PM news has just been one long attack on the Government, yet the BBC have chosen NOT to mention the failing schools, why not? Oh hang on that was a Liebour priority and they threw billions at it.
Can’t remind the proles of Liebour failures can we?
A very old friend of mine of impeccable liberal views on just about anything is involved in setting up one of the new free schools ( a primary one). He sees no contradiction between his desire to educate children properly and his socialist principles and regards the opposition from the teaching unions as mainly to protect their status and to prevent the removal of useless teachers from the profession. I must add that he is far to good a teacher to attempt to indoctrinate a child.
Needless to say the local education authority is making every effort to deny them the building ( a recently redundant school) on very dubious grounds.
This Tory policy of the free schools will never get a fair hearing from the BBC as it strikes at the heart of the statist desire to control us and to ensure that a large client base of teachers always supports the hand that feeds them.
“Am calling San Francisco stations to tell them it may be raining, but Assange has got bail. Meanwhile, CNN running a Miley Cyrus story.” Tweets by ruskin147
I commented earlier on the Today programme interviewing Jody Mcintyre, the student in a wheel chair. I assumed he wasn’t the innocent he claimed to be.
‘Don’t the BBC ever do any background investigation before they interview these people? ‘
Not a great deal of evidence that they are too keen on the barest modicum of professionalism or objectivity if it may get in the way of ‘the narrative’.
Remember the recent ‘coalition-splitting’ MP that wasn’t?
This individual will be a regular guest commentator or Crick source before Helen Boaden can intone ‘genetically impartial’.
Do you notice how many times he managed to say “successful” to describe the recent “direct action” of students and hackers? I bet he did a little sex wee in his pants reliving it π
Paul MASON, BBC-NUJ Father of the Chapel of ‘NEWSNIGHT’, sets his socialist utopia agenda again tonight, with more of his propaganda extolling anti-capitalist direct action, apparently even violent protests, by ‘students’ and ‘greenies’.
Mason was getting a bit over excited. He thinks most of us care about these matters as much as he does. Well we don’t and greenies and “students” had better get used to it.
Once a Trot always a Trot. They were always an excitable bunch which is why a proper communist had no time for them.
On Viewsnight last night one of the guests was a Polyversity Grant from UKuncut who twattered
‘Thank you all for your crowdsourced thoughts for newsnight. We thought Daniel did brilliantly in a slightly strange discussion.’
Well here’s an individualsourced thought. If you believe that ‘hundreds of billions’ are tax-avoided in the UK (as Daniel does) and that we have a General Election in the UK every year (as Daniel believes) then Daniel did indeed do ‘brilliantly’.
Meanwhile (back on planet Earth) you’ve got to ask why this person was on. Is it now the policy of the DBC (Droid Broadcasting Corporation) that any halfwit who starts up any campaign group (well, any anti-government campaign group) however ridiculous which behaves like a bunch of four year olds on a sugar rush – sorry – indulges in DIRECT ACTION !!!! becomes important and relevant and newsworthy.
This one bears watching I feel.
And for the Polyversity Grants, all they used to have was Twatter and Facetube – now – big whoop – they got Viewsnight and Question Time in their back-pockets.
Anyway, must dash as I got a Liverpool @UKuncut action! Meet at 12.30pm at the big screen, Clayton Sq. Secret target – bring a sleeping bag! Check the website!
The bBC, how it defends Islamic terrorists by rewriting history. Terror suspect Abid Naseer sought by US authorities A terror suspect living in Manchester was part of an al-Qaeda plot to launch co-ordinated international bombings, US Justice Department lawyers have said…Mr Naseer, 24, who is originally from Pakistan, denies the charges.
So let me get this straight Mr Naseer originally from Pakistan. Really so where is he from now..Britain? was part of a plot because the nasty Americans say so and just so you can’t find out anything about this so called bBC ideological hero they include no links to his past what so ever. How strange the bBC which has no problem littering its article with links in this case hasn’t. I wonder why. No doubt the bBC will be bringing out the big guns soon (MPACUK/Ridley/That window licker) in which to complain about how this poor man will get tortured if sent to the US.
Director General THOMPSON breaks promise (of March ) to close apartheid ‘Asian Network’, and so 95% of British people who are non-‘Asian British’ are forced to continue to finance the interests of people who apparently describe themselves as ‘Asian British’.
No. Close down ‘Asian Network’ NOW.
Of course, ‘Asian Network’ has its political pages online too, paid for by licencepayers:
Why is it criticising the BBC4 television channel but not BBC3, the youth channel:
The review made no mention of plans for BBC3, which is aimed at youth, but made mildly critical comments of the BBC4 arts channel, saying it had to ‘increase its impact’. Only 58% of the population consider the licence fee to be good value for money, the review revealed
I must say that I always thought BBC 2 was the arts channel and I didn’t even know there was a BBC4 channel till very recently (like this year), let alone that it was an arts one.
So Beeboids, if I didn’t know about it, you can bet that lots of other people didn’t either. So isn’t it up to the Beeboid Corporation to put arts programmes on one of the two channels that everybody does know about? (I mean, if they want to increase the impact of the programmes.) If they meant not the programmes but the channel, then I think that means we don’t need the channel. And how the blazes did the youth channel escape any criticism? Does “youth” enjoy a special status so that to question it is off limits?
There really is not enough worthwhile BBC programming of substancew to smear across 4 channels. BBC certainly should be shut down, and probably BB4 as well.
The so-called “youth programming” is a complete waste. Family Guy imports, Snog Marry Avoid, and other celebrity/titialltion-fueled drivel is what the BBC thinks the yoof need for themselves? And for only four hours a day? This is value for money?
How much money could be saved by dumping the entire thing and shifting anything useful to a slot on one of the other channels which currently shows a rerun of something from earlier in the week? There’s no need for a separate channel and streaming video at all. They could probably save Radio 6 just by doing that.
So the BBC tells us that the Muslims who drowned off Australia were seeking a safer life.
Now I’m not that good at Geography (a bit like Obama there I think) but Australia is a long way from Afghanistan or Iran or Iraq. Why wouldn’t Muslims look to seek sanctuary in say Saudi Arabia or Pakistan? There are wonderful Islamic Countries are they not?
Why would Muslims want to go and live in infidel hell holes?
Rather funny, if one’s bag is delicious irony, the way this is playing out on the blog.
I rather think they may wish they had not done the usual ‘we think we got it about right’ number this time, as it seems to have been the first occasion when the world’s 1000 most vocal ‘ists/’ingers’/zis from another political direction have discovered Aunty has not this time been a team player… and they are not happy.
I do love the volume of whinges about referals, house rules, sucky complaints replies, etc.
Er, guys… welcome to the world of the 59,999,000 in the UK who are not you, and have had this BS to deal with for years.
I don’t know who will be the first to lob Guido’s backgrounder into this nest of vipers, but it’s a powderkeg of luvvie ‘anger’ right now.
Just caught Adam Brooke’s report about the nutjob who brought a gun to a city council meeting in Florida. Brookes summed it up by saying that this was “a familiar American story: a disturbed man with a gun.”
Derek Bird and Raoul Moat were unavailable for comment.
INBBC unable to tell us how these particular Islamic jihadist murderers in the Islamic Republic of Iran were ‘radicalised’; INBBC finds itself referring to Islamic conflict dating back 1300 years:
They’re only local Georgia pols, nothing national, but are they racists now? Or could it be about the policies? Guess they didn’t get the “No Labels” memo.
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Me thinks the BBC should put it’s skill in the black arts to good use to help the students gain more support as they are flagging in the publics mind a bit =
1= they got a spokesperson who was literate and understood the politics of their movement and it’s limitations ! not useless thick upper middle class losers who keep calling people scum and traitors and running off to the papers the moment they get done for breaking the law!
2= spent some time working with the police to root out trouble makers and activists that just happen to turn up for a riot!
though as we can plainly see from the vids this small group of trouble makers seem to be about 90% of those attending ?
3=Learn the real use of the word ‘hypocrisy’ and grasp it means hanging around with Labour MPs that voted for the fee’s in the first place after saying they wouldn’t and helping to organise demo’s and flash votes at democratic elections to throw the votes we the tax payer have the right to cast as we choose not the way they tell us!
4= grasp the maths I.E too may people in higher education doing media studies and world music/popcorn art which can only survive on grants of public money as there is no markets out side the BBC or Grundian for this stuff and too few people in vocational education engineering /building /dentists which create wealth and taxes and make the world a better place
E.G= a engineer will dig you a well so you can drink the water !
A arts student will ask you to imagine being the well so you can drink the experience of water ??
Bias by omission. Harriet the hypercrite is reported in saying that it is good that families on benefit send money abroad. This is effect saying that our benefit payments are too generous and a waste of the public’s money.
As a public servant the bBC should highlight what our politicians views are: that is unless it goes against their beloved Labour Socialist Worker; etc.
Opps seems the BBC gene pool is showing it’s self again!
On Friday Guido got a wind of a rumour that the BBC’s Jon Pienaar was being lined up to spin for Ed Miliband. He isn’t returning calls
Link seems bad.
But one is sure, in the past, he answered any from a certain direction before the 3rd ring.
Thats unusual – a BBC unbiased “commentator” spinning for labour. He will no doubt need a lot of re-education on how not to be fair.
You don’t have to be a farmer to be stunned by the twelve minute assault on the trade that goes under the name ‘Farming Today’. This morning’s edition was a vintage example.
Several points to listen out ofr:
1. Listen for the screeching condemnation of metaldehyde slug killing pellets. No one asks why we have to use them (no slug pellets, no wheat, no bread.), no-one asked to give a reply.
2. A longer piece about the eeeeeeeevil cuts meaning the ‘end’ of the footpath system. Sensational headlines about ‘forbidden britain’, ‘80% closure’….all utter bollocks. I met three men in two brand new Land Rovers ‘checking’ the route of one path on my farm. It may surprise beeboids that the footpth system was there before ‘Rights of Way Officers’.
3. In that piece on footpaths, hapless farmer is asked why landowners don’t open up their property to public access as a matter of duty. Property is theft, you know.
And people wonder why farmers get up in a foul mood!
Chuffer you beat me to it ! FFS beeboids, the clue is in the title – The utter bollox this morning from a hysterical hiker from the ramblers. Last week it was vegitabalists and nonsense from the compashionistas.
That’s another example of how every programme on Beeboid radio and TV is now infected by agenda. It doesn’t matter the subject. They have to get their angle into it. Could be farming or cookery or clothing, history, geography, history, science, maths. gardening, music…
I’ve just emailed the Farmers Weekly, asking why they continue to be so soft on the producers of that programme – there was a piece in it a couple of weeks ago that was all very luvvie.
And I’ve just had a pathetic response from the NFU saying that they found the programme quite fair and balanced.
I don’t remember hearing the BBC reporting along these lines, does anyone else? From the “horse’s mouth”, so to speak…
…The UN climate summit shows that there is no prospect whatever for a global and legally binding climate treaty.
All that the Cancun summit has done is to bless, formally, the Copenhagen accord, and roll it forward for another year.
Despite all the usual rhetoric by politicians and campaigners, the fact remains that yet another attempt has failed to reach a legally binding agreement.
The summit has postponed, once again, all real decisions and has solidified the international deadlock. What little that was agreed was without substance and is not binding in any case.
No other country has been as foolish as Britain to enact extremely aggressive and completely unrealistic climate targets. For the UK, to keep going it alone is not merely suicidal but pointless.
Nor does it make sense to make British industry – and manufacturing in particular – even more uncompetitive, or to drive it overseas, by gratuitously driving up energy costs.
The Government should now suspend its unilateral and extremely costly climate targets until such time as all other major nations have signed up to the same course…”
Dr Benny Peiser Director, The Global Warming Policy Foundation
High Priest Black said it was a triumph, and that the movement to save the planet was back on track, better than Copenhagen. Funny.
Yes, all that Cancun ended with was agreement to carry on the sloppy unbinding accords reached to rescue the Copenhagen fiasco – and to meet again in the sun next year at Durban.
You’d never guess that from the gushings of the BBC propagandist “reporters”.
Not the second point – that the UK and the UK alone has legally committed itself to heavy and expensive interference with industry.
You wont see Monckton asked to appear on the BBC alongside Black/Shukman/Harrabin to tell the public about this:
It is quite long but I think you get the gist of it by reading part of it.
Lord Tebbit on the BBC mindset
I like how the BBC reports on the latest discussion of cuts to councils from the perspective that all current expenses and activities and employment figures for councils are correct and aren’t under question at all, and how very dare the nasty Tories take money away from councils who are “already under stress”.
On the Today programme Naughtie kept pressing the CEO of Coventry City Council – “will you be cutting executive pay”.
I wish the CEO had responded – “I probably earn less than you do – and I have to manage many public services, with thousands of staff in a sizeable city. It’s a cheap stunt for a grossly overpaid BBC presenter to wave shrouds over high salaries.”
Once again the BBC reports on US issues from the far-Left perspective.
US tax cuts: Senate vote expected on Obama deal
The President’s compromise with the Republicans will extend the Bush tax cuts – which were for everyone – for two more years, and eases payroll taxes for one year. The Republicans got what they wanted, more or less. In exchange, the President won an extension on some unemployment benefits and some pork for his buddies in the ethanol and windmill industry.
The most important part of this for the BBC?
The $858bn (£545bn) package would extend Bush-era tax cuts on even the wealthiest Americans.
Typical. And in case you didn’t get the message the first time, the BBC News Online partisans say this a mere 58 words later:
Under a proposal that the White House crafted with Republicans and announced last week, tax cuts enacted by President George W Bush in 2001 and 2003 and set to expire this year would be extended at all levels – including for the wealthiest Americans.
A trifecta of BBC/Leftoid shibboleths: Republicans, Booooooosh, wealthiest. It’s as if they used a matrix to generate content.
Did you get the idea? No? Don’t worry, because after one single, solitary sentence about what the Democrats got out of it, the BBC News Online minion writes this:
Mr Obama and his Democratic allies had vigorously opposed allowing low tax rates for wealthy Americans to continue at a time of massive budget deficits, but Senate Republicans rejected Mr Obama’s preferred approach and the president said he saw no option other than compromise.
I hope the message got through the third time in just 150 words. A model of BBC efficiency.
Any evidence of the viewpoint that the Democrat leadership were holding the rest of the country hostage (those Booooosh tax cuts, by the way, were for everyone, including lovely working-class people and lovely minorities) for purely ideological reasons? Of course not, as the BBC’s ideology leans the other way.
Come see the bias inherent in the system.
One for Sue – a very short cartoon critique of Obama/EEC/UK diplomacy in the Middle East, faithfully pushed at every turn by BBC “reporters”.
A District Judge in Virginia has just ruled Obamacare unconstitutional. Beeboids will be apoplectic.
Me on Oct. 23rd:
There’s also the question of whether or not it violates the Constitution by forcing people to purchase a product from specific, government-approved vendors, health insurance in this case.
The BBC has never mentioned this before, so it will come as a complete shock to anyone trusting the BBC for their information.
The BBC is reporting this now, but guess what? Judge Hudson, according to the online article, “declined to invalidate the entire law, in what correspondents say was a small victory for Barack Obama.”
The BBC News Online minion wrote that ObamaCare “aims to extend” coverage to millions who don’t have it by forcing people to pay for it. Kind of like how the mob “aims to extend” protection to local businessmen.
BBC’s Robinson asks us “Deep council cuts are coming. The political question is who do people blame – the coalition, the minister or the council?”
Blame? Why should getting the government off our back be a matter of blame? And we obviously shouldn’t think of blaming the govenment that spent far beyond its means, necessitating the current “cuts”
Actually Will Toenails should have asked “shouldn’t Gordon Brown say sorry” for the mess HE created?
Right so can some drugged up pervert from the BBC please explain WHY ITV showed the footage of the rioting excrement on the news tonight as filmed by the Police but the BBC didn’t?
Did anyone here England mentioned in connection with the £9000 a year tuition fee rises?
Question Time, Any Questions, Newsnight, R4 news in general – all failed to report it is English students that face the highest fees in the world. Scots and Welsh to pay nothing and next to nothing.
The Brit Brainwashing Corps just cannot bring itself to say the E word. Just like the British government it peddles the myth that “were all in this together” when quite clearly the people of England are discriminated against by the British parliament.
I recall seeing on Beeboid News review of the papers one night recently, the headline in the Daily Mail referring to the students’ fees was Punished for being English.
What do you suppose the Beeboids’ guest reviewer rendered this as?
Punished for being British!
Yes, honestly. I am not making this up. Not only was the headline wrongly quoted but its whole point and purpose was thereby negated.
Is this hatred of the E word so ingrained that it is automatically, unthinkingly rendered into the B word, no matter the context and no matter how absurd this makes what is being said?
British Social Attitudes Survey: trust in Beeboid Corporation drops…
Wonder if this has been reported by the Beeboids!
BBC-NUJ’s John PIENAAR to get more explicit role for Labour?
‘Independent’ {extract]:
“His [E. Miliband’s] difficulty will lie in persuading a suitable journalist (the name of the BBC’s John Pienaar is circulating) to join a ship that could capsize in a year or two. Mr Miliband’s adenoidal voice, combined with the impression he gives of having just arrived from another galaxy, may render him unacceptable to right-wing editors and voters alike. Yet for all his undoubted disadvantages, his master Gordon Brown established reasonable relations with the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph. Surely it is worth Mr Miliband giving it a try.”
‘Stephen Glover: Only a spin doctor can save Ed Miliband’
Why pick just one “suitable journalist” when the majority of BBC on-air talent are self-starting spin doctors for Labour already?
According to Guido the mongs at the BBC got confused between Ed Miliband and David Miliband this morning, of course it’s forgiveable, the state national broadcaster getting confused between the leader of Her Majesty’s official opposition and his brother.
Bit like a slip of the tongue when talking about North and South Korea, I’m sure the BBC would forgive someone who had a momentary lapse on that one wouldn’t they BBC?
I see also that Blatter has basically told gays not to do any bottom fun during the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.
I look forward to the BBC giving Blatter a good going over (tumbleweed blows by)
Lighten up;
The BBC in association with Scotty M cordially invite you to partake in “The Gay Way“
Good thing Sarah Palin didn’t accidentally confuse them. Otherwise the Beeboids would be calling her an anti-Semite as well as shrill and mad.
As many know Scotland failed once again to qualify for the World Cup but this didn’t stop the BBC deploying as many celts to South Africa as English people.
One of them is my second favourite Scottish mong at Radio 5 (after Dame Nikki) Colin Paterson, who during the World Cup enjoyed a rather long all expenses holiday driving around South Africa doing not a lot.
Paterson is Radio 5’s entertainment correspondent, so he’s NOT part of the BBC sports team.
So why then BBC is he now swanning off to Australia to cover the Ashes? No offence to my ‘friends’ north of the border but I’m sure Cricket is as dull to them as it is to me and I don’t think Scotland are involved in the Ashes, nor is Patterson part of the sports team.
Just how much CO2 is being wasted transporting this bulb headed lanky streak of piss half way around the world?
I see the bbC have found a disabled man in which to protest police brutality at the recent peaceful student protests. Anybody else wondering how somebody who sings ‘aluminum’ in church found himself right at the front of a riot and has a video tape of himself been physically taken out of firing line onto the side of the road.
It seems that the so called innocent disabled man isn’t so innocent when it comes to protesting:
Tower Hamlets
and here’s his old blog where he says he has traveled the world including living in the West bank and travelling South America. Good going for somebody who in the above bbC interview claims he cannot move without a helper. Which kind of shines a little more light on what our so called helpless victim was getting up too on a previous student march :
Back to last Wednesday’s events, and the mood was militant. “Downing Street, Downing Street…”, the chant went up. Actually, it was the by now infamous Treasury that we were heading towards; every bit as legitimate a target. I forced my way to the front of the crowd.With their under-staffed facade of Millbank out the way, the police were back at their brutal best. As we begun to force the metal barriers they had erected out of our way, Constable Askew VW 872 grabbed my chest and begun shaking me violently, screaming “Get back! Get back!” Considering the crowd of 500 people behind me, I am not quite sure where Mr. Askew was suggesting I could “get back” to. He began to push my chest in, forcing me to gasp for breath, but luckily the crowd pushed forward again and I managed to escape his grip.”
Having “forced his way” to the front of the crowd, couldn’t he force his way back again? Or perhaps that never occurred to him.
That excerpt just screams “professional trouble-maker”, doesn’t it.
This guy does my nut as much as Clare Solomon. Using is disability to make able bodied people feel sorry for him.
He is using his disability as a shield – I can do what I like to you; but you can’t touch me as I’m disabled. This man is an odious slimeball to demand special treatment but is happy to cause trouble wherever and whenever he can, making sure that any reprisal by the law-enforcing bodies will be filmed, edited and shoved on Youtube immediately. These lefties are really so low they are beyond disgusting.
Also being discussed here…
I don’t envy any Beeboid suddenly faced with contradictory PC-messages whilst also trying to maintain a modicum of professionalism.
The bBC its left of center reporting and spot the missing adjective
EU and Libya condemned over treatment of migrants
Amnesty International has condemned Libya and the EU over co-operation to try to prevent African migrants crossing from North Africa to Europe.
So with that headline in mind has anybody heard anything about how Africans are refused entry into Europe. Or could it be just one certain type of migrant? You know the type found in small boats off of Malta. I quote:
Even migrants found in small boats close to Malta are sometimes sent back to a very uncertain future in Libya.
“Uncertain”, meaning not sure whether they’re shot on sight or just later on?
Put away your telescopes earthlings, the BBC have saved you the bother and once again have been reporting on the state of the universe’s biggest Black Hole.
Yes, that’s right – the British NHS.
All morning BBC science experts have been telling us about the dire consequences of reducing the amount of oxygen the Big Bang Theory receives.
Captains Cameron and Clegg are clearly not up to the job as far as the unbiased orbitting BBC are concerned.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the BBC’s next celestial call will be for Cosmonaut Brown to be brought out of the Suspended Animation Tank and jettison what little money we have left to the English Patient.
The BBC and the NHS do, after all, live in another world.
BBC Breakfast have just shown a clip of the Scottish one eyed twat appearing on some American comedy TV show where he is telling the audience that today’s mess was all the fault of the banks “they overreached themselves and paid themselves too much bonus”.
Why did BBC Breakfast think that was a news item? Why did the BBC even think it was reporting *for any reason*? As they do think it is an important news item, where is the balance where they allow us, the BBC Breakfast viewer, to hear the alternate view point.
With most of the news this morning being cuts (Coast Guard, NHS, Council etc) I can only assume that this “news” item was put in by the lefties in control as a pathetic and conveniently timed move designed to deflect growing blame for the need for cuts away from Labour.
Every single story I’ve heard on the BBC today has been based on the premise that cuts are bad and impossible to achieve. Has anyone heard one that came from the view that cuts are unavoidable and what will happen if they are not made?
Predictably Radio Jihad with Victoria Derbyshire is in full defence of the Muslim terrorists that inhabit Luton.
Apparently it’s the fault of the car manufacturers closing factories for creating so many suicide bombers.
I’ve always wondered why the EDL don’t protest outside BBC Television Centre. When it comes the promotion of the Islamification on Britain the BBC is far worse than any Iman or Mosque.
first it was rape, then it became sexual assault, now the BBC implies that Assange is being held for no alleged crime at all, describing his behaviour as “sexual misconduct” on R5 “UpAllNight”.
There is an actual charge of rape, according to the Swedes themselves. Granted, the laws of Sweden on how to define it might differ from other countries (in this case it seems that a woman can decide later that she didn’t want it?), but Swedish is law is the law of that land, full stop. Anyone is free to disagree with the law itself, but that’s a personal trip, not journalism.
If the BBC describes the charges in any watered-down or otherwise misleading fashion, it’s pure editorialization, changing facts of the story to fit the BBC emotional perspective.
And hey, you ridiculous Beeboids, how the hell is Russia an example of any kind of normal legal scene? Saying that a few Russians have successfully proven that their own government has trumped up charges against them surely does not have any relevance to Sweden. Utter biased BS from the BBC.
I notice that the BBC are very quiet on the failure of hundreds of schools to achieve Government targets on education, despite billions being pumped into the education system.
The BBC have also as I predicted given scumbag Blatter and easy ride over his ‘gay jibe’
Want to bet if a Tory had said it he or she would have had to resign by now?
This is fun.
Who gives a damn which wealthy celebrities are willing to put up money for Assange’s bail? Why does this have any meaning at all – unless the BBC means for this to be evidence of the justness of his cause? Is the BBC’s message here that Assange is righteous because all these people support him? It seems so, especially the way the Beeboid on scene is talking about it right now.
Plenty of celebrities back Castro and Chavez and Ahmadimjihadi, BBC. Oh, wait….
BBC hacks love, and are swayed by, celeb opinion. See Peter Bowes.
I look forward to the wet liberal left supporting every other alleged rapist as well. NOT!
Actually, Martin, they all supported Roman Polanski – even after he was convicted of drugging and raping an adolescent girl. Morality is merely a prop for them.
I don’t remember these people speaking out about this.
The Telegraph blog threads seem almost tripping over themselves finding tangible examples of Beeboid numptiness with their £3.6+pa pocket money..
Luckily, the BBC’s renowned impartiality means that the guest commentators whose opinions we are treated to daily are reflective of this paper’s readership figures vs. other more niche organs of the press…
One is sure any discrepancy is down to one of those unique ‘splits’ the BBC is so fond of.
Bianca Jagger just spelled out the BBC position on Julian Assange: because “he has held governments accountable”, he should not be tried in court. Instead, she believes in “due process and freedom of expression”, and this is all politicized and bogus.
Except for the part where she mumbled that if there are real charges Assange “should answer for them”. What a load of nonsense, yet the BBC gives this full credence and support.
‘Bianca Jagger just spelled out the BBC position ‘
Don’t tell me: she issued forth an opinion on twitter; they reprinted it as news.
Happens a lot. Though an odd way to run an impartial media organisation.
Since the just repeated Biance Jagger’s BS five minutes later, I can correct my quote of her about Assange’s justice: she said “they should not try him” because he held governments accountable.
And the BBC features her in a major way as one of the high profile celebrities who support the heroic self-avowed enemy of the US.
The female Beeboid in the studio just referred to Assange as “a great internationalist”. Oh, how “unbearable for him”, she laments, that he hasn’t had access to the internet for a couple days.
The BBC just can’t help themselves.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) had no idea how to fill ‘Newsnight’ slot tonight, so it decided to reprise the well-worn 1930s-40s, Mitford-Nazis stuff, but NOT the Mufti of Jerusalem-Nazis stuff.
1.) INBBC ‘Newsnight’ on Mitford-Nazis:
2.) ‘Jihadwatch’ on Mufti of Jerusalem-Nazis:
How Important was Hitler’s Mufti?
The BBC 6PM news has just been one long attack on the Government, yet the BBC have chosen NOT to mention the failing schools, why not? Oh hang on that was a Liebour priority and they threw billions at it.
Can’t remind the proles of Liebour failures can we?
A very old friend of mine of impeccable liberal views on just about anything is involved in setting up one of the new free schools ( a primary one). He sees no contradiction between his desire to educate children properly and his socialist principles and regards the opposition from the teaching unions as mainly to protect their status and to prevent the removal of useless teachers from the profession. I must add that he is far to good a teacher to attempt to indoctrinate a child.
Needless to say the local education authority is making every effort to deny them the building ( a recently redundant school) on very dubious grounds.
This Tory policy of the free schools will never get a fair hearing from the BBC as it strikes at the heart of the statist desire to control us and to ensure that a large client base of teachers always supports the hand that feeds them.
“Am calling San Francisco stations to tell them it may be raining, but Assange has got bail. Meanwhile, CNN running a Miley Cyrus story.”
Tweets by ruskin147
He must have the same qualifications as those leading scientists Black and Harrabin.He certainly is a great “ technology correspondent”
“Who knows their way round a windows phone? Trying to work out how much data I’m using while abroad so don’t exceed 10mb allowance”
I commented earlier on the Today programme interviewing Jody Mcintyre, the student in a wheel chair. I assumed he wasn’t the innocent he claimed to be.
Guido Fawkes has the full information on him.
I was right. (My husband says I am rarely wrong!!).
Your husband is a wise man π
Don’t the BBC ever do any background investigation before they interview these people?
” If an issue is controversial, relevant opinions as well as facts may need to be considered. When necessary, all the relevant facts and information should also be weighed to get at the truth.”
“Truth” .. that is one thing the BBC does not want to “get at”.
‘Don’t the BBC ever do any background investigation before they interview these people? ‘
Not a great deal of evidence that they are too keen on the barest modicum of professionalism or objectivity if it may get in the way of ‘the narrative’.
Remember the recent ‘coalition-splitting’ MP that wasn’t?
This individual will be a regular guest commentator or Crick source before Helen Boaden can intone ‘genetically impartial’.
Newsnight scum gloating in the ‘protesting’ nonsense. Paul Mason has probably had a full on erection since the unwashed student scum started rioting.
Do you notice how many times he managed to say “successful” to describe the recent “direct action” of students and hackers? I bet he did a little sex wee in his pants reliving it π
Paul MASON, BBC-NUJ Father of the Chapel of ‘NEWSNIGHT’, sets his socialist utopia agenda again tonight, with more of his propaganda extolling anti-capitalist direct action, apparently even violent protests, by ‘students’ and ‘greenies’.
Mason was getting a bit over excited. He thinks most of us care about these matters as much as he does. Well we don’t and greenies and “students” had better get used to it.
Once a Trot always a Trot. They were always an excitable bunch which is why a proper communist had no time for them.
Does this headline ” Australia sinking “drowns dozens”” make Australia appear somehow complicit in the deaths of these poor asylum seekers?
Australia sinking…Oh, dear, is poor old Australia sinking into the sea? π
On Viewsnight last night one of the guests was a Polyversity Grant from UKuncut who twattered
‘Thank you all for your crowdsourced thoughts for newsnight. We thought Daniel did brilliantly in a slightly strange discussion.’
Well here’s an individualsourced thought. If you believe that ‘hundreds of billions’ are tax-avoided in the UK (as Daniel does) and that we have a General Election in the UK every year (as Daniel believes) then Daniel did indeed do ‘brilliantly’.
Meanwhile (back on planet Earth) you’ve got to ask why this person was on. Is it now the policy of the DBC (Droid Broadcasting Corporation) that any halfwit who starts up any campaign group (well, any anti-government campaign group) however ridiculous which behaves like a bunch of four year olds on a sugar rush – sorry – indulges in DIRECT ACTION !!!! becomes important and relevant and newsworthy.
This one bears watching I feel.
And for the Polyversity Grants, all they used to have was Twatter and Facetube – now – big whoop – they got Viewsnight and Question Time in their back-pockets.
Anyway, must dash as I got a Liverpool @UKuncut action! Meet at 12.30pm at the big screen, Clayton Sq. Secret target – bring a sleeping bag! Check the website!
Ooooooh secret squirrels – my favourite.
Ranting Stan on bBC bias (I assume Holby City is bBC – yes it is – just checked).
The bBC, how it defends Islamic terrorists by rewriting history.
Terror suspect Abid Naseer sought by US authorities
A terror suspect living in Manchester was part of an al-Qaeda plot to launch co-ordinated international bombings, US Justice Department lawyers have said…Mr Naseer, 24, who is originally from Pakistan, denies the charges.
So let me get this straight Mr Naseer originally from Pakistan. Really so where is he from now..Britain? was part of a plot because the nasty Americans say so and just so you can’t find out anything about this so called bBC ideological hero they include no links to his past what so ever. How strange the bBC which has no problem littering its article with links in this case hasn’t. I wonder why. No doubt the bBC will be bringing out the big guns soon (MPACUK/Ridley/That window licker) in which to complain about how this poor man will get tortured if sent to the US.
Director General THOMPSON breaks promise (of March ) to close apartheid ‘Asian Network’, and so 95% of British people who are non-‘Asian British’ are forced to continue to finance the interests of people who apparently describe themselves as ‘Asian British’.
No. Close down ‘Asian Network’ NOW.
Of course, ‘Asian Network’ has its political pages online too, paid for by licencepayers:
Thompson, March 2010:
“BBC 6 Music and Asian Network face axe in shake-up”
The latest:
“BBC may axe channels to hit 16% budget cut”
Read more:
Why is it criticising the BBC4 television channel but not BBC3, the youth channel:
The review made no mention of plans for BBC3, which is aimed at youth, but made mildly critical comments of the BBC4 arts channel, saying it had to ‘increase its impact’. Only 58% of the population consider the licence fee to be good value for money, the review revealed
Read more:
I must say that I always thought BBC 2 was the arts channel and I didn’t even know there was a BBC4 channel till very recently (like this year), let alone that it was an arts one.
So Beeboids, if I didn’t know about it, you can bet that lots of other people didn’t either. So isn’t it up to the Beeboid Corporation to put arts programmes on one of the two channels that everybody does know about? (I mean, if they want to increase the impact of the programmes.) If they meant not the programmes but the channel, then I think that means we don’t need the channel. And how the blazes did the youth channel escape any criticism? Does “youth” enjoy a special status so that to question it is off limits?
There really is not enough worthwhile BBC programming of substancew to smear across 4 channels. BBC certainly should be shut down, and probably BB4 as well.
The so-called “youth programming” is a complete waste. Family Guy imports, Snog Marry Avoid, and other celebrity/titialltion-fueled drivel is what the BBC thinks the yoof need for themselves? And for only four hours a day? This is value for money?
How much money could be saved by dumping the entire thing and shifting anything useful to a slot on one of the other channels which currently shows a rerun of something from earlier in the week? There’s no need for a separate channel and streaming video at all. They could probably save Radio 6 just by doing that.
So the BBC tells us that the Muslims who drowned off Australia were seeking a safer life.
Now I’m not that good at Geography (a bit like Obama there I think) but Australia is a long way from Afghanistan or Iran or Iraq. Why wouldn’t Muslims look to seek sanctuary in say Saudi Arabia or Pakistan? There are wonderful Islamic Countries are they not?
Why would Muslims want to go and live in infidel hell holes?
Odd how they love to seek out the faraway, hated western countries. Could it be something to do with the west being soft?
I’m suprised they didn’t head for Luton.
Yes, the same thought occurred to me. Not to mention (en route to far Corkedhatistan):
Indonesia (Choose an island !)
Basically anywhere in the Celebes or Moluccas
Just very, very curious, no ?
Rather funny, if one’s bag is delicious irony, the way this is playing out on the blog.
I rather think they may wish they had not done the usual ‘we think we got it about right’ number this time, as it seems to have been the first occasion when the world’s 1000 most vocal ‘ists/’ingers’/zis from another political direction have discovered Aunty has not this time been a team player… and they are not happy.
I do love the volume of whinges about referals, house rules, sucky complaints replies, etc.
Er, guys… welcome to the world of the 59,999,000 in the UK who are not you, and have had this BS to deal with for years.
I don’t know who will be the first to lob Guido’s backgrounder into this nest of vipers, but it’s a powderkeg of luvvie ‘anger’ right now.
Just caught Adam Brooke’s report about the nutjob who brought a gun to a city council meeting in Florida. Brookes summed it up by saying that this was “a familiar American story: a disturbed man with a gun.”
Derek Bird and Raoul Moat were unavailable for comment.
Yes and many others, not to mention the nut jobs who go around knifing people, oh look two coppers were knifed in London today.
We in the UK of course export mass murders with big bushy beards to the rest of the world thanks to Nu Liebour.
INBBC unable to tell us how these particular Islamic jihadist murderers in the Islamic Republic of Iran were ‘radicalised’; INBBC finds itself referring to Islamic conflict dating back 1300 years:
“Deadly bomb attack in Iran city of Chabahar”
Sunni “Soldiers of Allah” murder 39 Shi’ites; Iranian parliamentary speaker blames Zionists, U.S.
Still waiting for the BBC to mention this:
Two black Democrats bolt party for GOP
They’re only local Georgia pols, nothing national, but are they racists now? Or could it be about the policies? Guess they didn’t get the “No Labels” memo.