Yesterday evenings 10 o’clock news played a blinding piece of taxpayer funded pro labour propoganda with the news about changes to healthcare. It was difficult to see how they could have been more unsubtle if they’d tried. The narrative was very much that the tories had gone back on their pledge to increase welfare spending. We had repeated flashbacks to Camerons claims of the campaign followed by the Labour’s very own Tim Nice but Dim at PMQ’s. The angle – The Tories have broken a promise.
But then we get to the nub of the issue – it’s not that the tories were deliberately breaking a promise but that inflation had cut into the increase in spending.
Shame they don’t seize on the well hidden maybes in climate change reports in a similar fashion.
Even thought the BBC keeps asking the Scots if it’s unfair for English students to have to pay for Scottish university education while Scots and EU residents get it for free, why do they never discuss the idea that this is due to the surrender of national sovereignty to the EU?
Same question for the BBC’s coverage of abortion being possibly forced on Ireland for the same reason. The only pro-life voice they interviewed mentioned the issue of national sovereignty for a second, but this was quickly swept aside by more abortion advocates and Beeboid statements that Ireland was more liberal and secular these days.
Two stories on the same day about the EU causing countries to surrender their national sovereignty on specific issues (not to mention the recent attempt by the EU mandarins to dictate conditions of Irish elections), yet the BBC isn’t interested in bringing it up.
Actually the Beeboids have brought that up a couple of times when speaking to Scottish pols. But at no time does anyone discuss the fact that they are forced to do this by EU law and not sovereign laws of the UK or Scotland.
David, and more to the point, why is it that we are not permitted to decide who lives in our country and who should be deported? Reference EUReferendum blog; mohammed ibrahim runs down a 12 year old girl and the courts prevent him from being deported back to his kurdish homeland. If ever there was an example of denial of justice, this case is it.
You make an excellent point and fivelive radio has majored on this tonight. I feel sorry for the father of the poor murdered girl.
however fivelive let his local mp one Jack Straw come on and say he was going to do this and that and if necessary take the case to Theresa May the Home Secretary. It slipped everyones mind at the BBC to point out that he as Minister of Justice had brought the law in…
I hope the father of the girl has told Jack Straw exactly what he thinks of not only the law that he brought in but also his weaselling.
Because of our own Human Rights Act. That’s not to do with the EU and he does not appear to hail from the EU so we could deport him except that the Immigration Court decided it would breach his human rights – right to a family life.
Word reaches us that the new controller of Beeboid Channel 3 – the yoof channel – is a gentleman from ITV2 renowned for his work on such quality programmes as Katie Price’s reality shows and something called The Only Way is Essex.
Today prog, this tuesday. Going on abouts cuts, left you in no doubt about who is doing it, even named Osborne as chancellor. Fair enough, but then they talked about public sector pensions and how a hole that was £40B in 2007 has now doubled to £80B. So I thought well to be even handed name who allowed this to happen. Not a peep, left it in the air as if the coalition is to blame for not finding the £80B is an instant.
Bias by ommision again, as well as slanted jounalism.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC): ever the advocate for Islam.
Two small current examples:
1.) ‘Newsnight’ tonight: INBBC criticises Swiss democratic vote against further building of minarets in Switzerland; INBBC does not want to stop, but wants to expand the Islamisation of Europe and Britain.
INBBC will only regard unlimited mass immigration from Islamic countries as a first step towards INBBC’s ‘tolerance’ of Islamic supremacy.
2.)INBBC Radio 4 has a programme on Sunday entitled:
‘Young, Muslim and Black’, which is another programme of Islamic advocacy, with only a few doubts:
I notiiced that last nights ( Wednesday) Newsnight totaly fitted in with Labours questions at PMQs. It was one sided in favour of Labours attack with no proper investigation of the unemployment figures. It was Grayling vs The BBC.
An excellent speech here recently delivered by Col Richard Kemp that has great bearing on the BBC’s propaganda pogrom against Israel, particularly its reporting of the incursion to end rocket attacks from Gaza:-
“Parents awaiting forced deportation would still be held in secure houses, but their children would be assigned minders so they can move around freely.”
How long before this is challanged – “seperating mother and children”
“Five portions a day ‘saves lives'”
“The research, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, was based on a computer model linking food consumption with mortality from heart disease, stroke and cancer.”
So proper science research is out and playstation “science” is in. Well if you can get very rich by “modelling” the climate why not do it for every branch of science?
The out of date Scientific Method
Ask a Question
Do Background Research
Construct a Hypothesis
Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion
Communicate Your Results
The brand new post-modern, ultra-time saving Scientific Method.
Ask a Question
Fire up the playstation
Communicate Your Results
Two things I hate. AGW hippies and beeboids spouting crap without engaging one single brain cell.
Today the Brainwashed tories of the AGW cult were forced to admit that the ‘sugar lump in the swiming pool measures’ we are being forced to fund are going to cost us each £500 per year.
We are a tiny country on the edge of a small continent and any alteration we could do to the global CO2 levels would be so infinitesimely small as to be not statistically significant yet our economy is going to be sacrificed on this alter to climate voodoo.
The beeb then start spouting this but with the justification that we have no choice and that we must throw our hard earned away to ‘keep the volcanoe gods from giving us a bad harvest’.
Do none of these bastards have a window? Get the LSE educated trots outside in a t shirt and leave them there for four hours and then see if the deluded tits still believe the shit they are shuveling.
They dont mention that this is probably going to be the coldest winter for over 100 years. Winter hasnt officially started yet and yet my drive has had snow on it for over 3 weeks.
Every where people actually live seems to be having a freeze and yet the areas of the planet that supposedly have a goat a bear and a couple of rabbits are experiencing record warm periods. BOLLOCKS.
The Cancun weather was the most sweet Karma. They thought they could combine their delusion rock festival and catch a few rays at the tax payers expense and yet they spent the six days looking for good brass welders. Bloody brilliant.
The beeb were supposed to be giving balance or at least some place for counter argument and yet today across all channels they spouted al gores guff without any contra arguments.
We are nearly bankrupt and yet our govermment has sold the cow and bought al gores magic beans and our 4th estate meakly spouts the spin without challenge. Tossers
We are a tiny country on the edge of a small continent and any alteration we could do to the global CO2 levels would be so infinitesimely small as to be not statistically significant yet our economy is going to be sacrificed on this alter to climate voodoo.
Yes, but we’ll be setting a shining example to the world, won’t we ?
(What we’ll be an example of you might like to suggest. I’ve got dibs on “Collective Braindeath.”)
And once we’ve taken the brave step (over the cliff, clutching an anvil…) then every other country will be fired up to follow our noble blueprint. Yessss !
Or maybe not.
But that DOESN’T MATTER !! NO !! Because we’ll have done THE RIGHT THING !!
It’s much the same argument CND used to spout with regard to getting rid of our nuclear deterrent, and is being advanced by the same wretched crew who, having seen one moronic ideology laughed to scorn, casually adopted another one in its place.
Assange on Newsnight sounded as dull as he looks. Also he was not pressed on the charges he faces in Sweden. If you want to take on the world make sure you are above reproach in your personal life.
The Newsnight smearing of the Swedish legal system is very odd as uber liberal Sweden should be the ideal state for a beeboid to want to live in. Liberals are full of contradictions at the best of times and this matter must be causing the little dears some soul searching.
What was funny on Newsnight was the Great Leaker bleating about the Swedes leaking details about him and his case to the press. He’s such a sensitive soul when it comes to anything affecting details about himself. What a whining wimp.
Have you seen his lawyer in action? My goodness, how he lays it on with a trowel: the “show trial”, the “vendetta” by the Swedes, the Victorian prison. He really is something. He makes Max Clifford look shy and retiring and Alastair Campbell like a choir boy.
The one who told Andrew Marr that Sweden was a “lickspittle” of the United States? (I thought the word “lickspittle” went out with the Soviet Union.)
Almost as bad…another member of Assange’s defence team is Baroness Helena Kennedy of the Labour Party. She was interviewed about it, without interruption, on last night’s The World Tonight.
Talking of Alistair Campbell…Campbell blogged last week “I know Mark Stephens, and like him”. Looking at his 18-page C.V., it looks like they know each other because Stephens was on the defence team for Campbell during his trial for defamation by Conservative MP Rupert Allason back in the 1990s. Allason lost but the judge said of Campbell `He did not impress me as a witness in whom I could feel 100 per cent confident.’ Good call! Campbell, former press secretary for Tony Blair, now accuses Stephens of spin over Wikileaks. Oh, the irony!!!!
How interesting. Well spotted – the Campbell case in the middle of that exhaustive and exhausting CV. I notice he even got into Spitting Image. He definitely is spinning like a top, (even if I have to agree with Campbell in saying so) and has a real relish for doing it in the full media spotlight. He is in his element with this case and milking it to the full with his ready stream of emotive phrases (show trial…vendetta etc) to the assembled media who hang on his every word.
Of course, BBC-NUJ uses licencepayers’ funds to join Guardianistas and Mr. M. Moore in becoming more politically committed to Assange and to Wikileaks by the day.
Richard Littlejohn, ‘Daily Mail’:
[Extract] –
“This may seem like a silly question, but what is Julian Assange doing in Britain? He is an Australian who has been hacking into American government computers from a bunker in Sweden, where he is wanted on rape charges. Frankly, he’s none of our business.
“If the Guardianistas want to work themselves up into a lather of self-righteous indignation, let them get on with it. Out here in the real world, the fate of the WikiLeaks founder is a matter of complete indifference to most of us.
“How did this circus end up clogging the pavements outside the High Court in London, with a bunch of snappers dressed up like Nanook of the North clambering all over a security van from the Scrubs via Television Centre?”
I loved Littlejohn’s piece earlier in the week, likening the wheelchair-bound SWP activist Jodie Macintyre with Andy from Little Britain.
If you ask me, the police should have done society a favour and rolled the dribbling twat in to the Thames.
Although I suppose he at least has an excuse for sitting on his arse doing fuck-all all day, unlike every other UAF freak.
Lower down in the Littlejohn piece – he points out that the BBC coverage of politics continues to be totally one-sided. “This isn’t balanced, it’s Balls”
I asked some days ago why these troublemakers all seem to end up here. I would like nothing better than to see him parcelled up, given a first-class stamp and dispatched by special guaranteed delivery to Australia in time for Christmas. After all, I don’t see why the Ozzies should escape having to put up with him. 😀
And if they could roll up Pilger Fatuus in the parcel as well, that would be even better.
Anyone notice the report on R4 just before 0900 on the Mexican drug cartels?
Lots of hand-wringing about the number of gun shops in Texas and the statistic that 90% of the drug gangs’ guns originate from the US. The segment concluded that Mexico’s drug problems are made in the US — because of the ‘ease’ with which guns are bought north of the border (another semi-falsehood) and smuggled south.
At no point did they mention that these aren’t guns bought by civilians, they are almost entirely built in the US yes but they are stolen or sold out the back door from government agencies. Many are types of guns that are effectively banned for civilian manufacture and use in the US. Full-auto M4s for instance have never been available from the factory except for government agencies such as the military and police. And no, the old argument of ‘easily converted to full auto’ is a total myth perpetuated by those with no real knowledge of how firearms work.
Well said. The BBC has been peddling that 90% myth for some time. Unfortunately, most Leftoids in the US believe it as well,including the gun-hating Sec. of State.
You can’t buy the grenades and certain assault weapons the drug gangs use. That’s military black market stuff. They come from elsewhere.
Come on Matt. The next thing you’ll be saying is that Mexico is a corrupt kleptocracy whose wounds are largely self-inflicted.
To be fair, the drug control policies of successive US administrations don’t help but, in reality, such policies are far more destructive to the US polity than Mexico. As you and DP write, the gun laws applied in Texas have little to do with the availability to the cartels of their armaments of choice but such assertions fit neatly into the general contempt for the US spewed out by the BBC.
Just noting that every BBC blog dealing with substantive issues – politics, enviro, The Editors… – is closed for comments.
One wonders how many from our £3.6B, 24/7, world-reaching news gathering organisation have already bailed to more clement climes for the school hols, and won’t be heard from again until mid-Jan?
Meanwhile certain less ‘uniquely-funded’ service outfits, with a remit to provide year-round service, may actually have arranged a degree of professional cover.
I think you will find over the next few days, plane fulls of camp men from the BBC will mincing their way over to Goa to enjoy the pleasures of the well tanned buttocks of the local rent boys and of course a nice selection of drugs available from the local dealers.
No self respecting beeb will be hanging around this frozen hell hole.
” frozen hell hole” nah that cannot be right can it ? i,m sure the met said it ‘s the hotest year since the big bang [ or to give it it’s latin name ‘John Presscot’] and that they can prove it this time as they have a mate who’s seen it on the intermet !
This strange piece by one N. Cardwell, in apparently attempting to explain ‘Islamic jihad’* (*a phrase censored) in Luton, talks of Huguengots, the IRA and Vauxhall car production of yesteryear. There is no mention of the growing size of the Muslim population in Luton, variously estimated at between 30,000-40,000, up to 20% of the total; there is no reral exploration of the Islamic jihad activity in Luton associated with 7/7, nor of Stockholm jihadist, nor of abuse against British troops in Luton by some Muslims. There no historical exploration of the intrinsic nature of jihad to the tenets of Islam.
Instead, Carswell ends will some wishful, utopian possibility, based on little evidence, that the practitioners of Islam, after 1300 years will become less Islamic jihad orientated in their actions towards ‘infidels’.
Personally, I found this the kind of comedy one could only wish from Aunty’s current market rate talents:
‘The BBC has raised a non compliance with the Community Cohesion Quango regarding its Christmas programming. Some of the programmes are so old that not all authority figures are portrayed by members of minority groups’
INBBC’s Ms. C. Wyatt shows an extraordinary interest here in the details of ‘combat codpieces’ (she shows more interest in this piece of equipment than I think she has expressed in comparison, in helicopters, for instance):
“Troops back armoured underwear dubbed ‘combat codpiece'”
– but the embedded Ms. Wyatt does not reveal whether she wears one.
I see the bBC has got round to writing an article about Homophobia in the Uk Gay hate ‘alive and, sometimes, kicking’ A young woman and man have been found guilty of beating a gay man to death in London’s Trafalgar Square – a brutal reminder that despite steps towards equality, homophobic violence remains a very real threat.
Yet for some reason the bBC kind of leave out just who are behind the largest rise in homophobic attacks in the UK. Here is a bBC article from last year on the subject, take not of the areas with the biggest rises: Homophobic crime rise in London
Homophobic crime in London has risen by nearly a fifth, according to the latest figures on incidents reported to the Metropolitan Police (Met).Last summer, gangs of youths attacked people outside gay bars in east London on a number of occasions.
I was doing some web research on Compendium when I came across this from Richard Black -it’s a cribsheet on how to counter sceptic arguments. This is 3 years old but should Black and the bBC be involved in this indoctrination?
Anyway, does anyone use Compendium? Someone used it to map Black’s article.
I’ve been using it for a number of years and find it essential for storing and cataloguing information. It can map arguments and provide links to all kinds of documents whether on your computer or on the web. Here is a shot of my map on Cambodia just to give you a flavour of what it can do. All of these icons link to websites or documents.
I know that Richard Littlejohn feels the same way as we do – sorry about the picture of Balls – I am assuming there are few children reading this site who will get scared.
After the 1997 Labour election landslide, the Tories couldn’t get arrested. No one was in the slightest bit interested in what any of them had to say about anything.
Their then awkward, callow young leader, William Hague was routinely ridiculed as a boy trying to do a man’s job.
Even I bought into it, casting Hague as Kenny from South Park.
The BBC’s idea of balance was to have spokesmen from the different wings of the Labour Party.
If Blair was the Government, Brown was presented as the official Opposition. There wasn’t a Conservative in sight. Even the (first) resignation of Peter Mandelson was treated as a death in the family.
<img src=”” alt=”Man with a plan: Fomer Labour minister Ed Balls”/>
Man with a plan: Former Labour minister Ed Balls
So we might have expected a similar period of silence from the Labour Party while their nerdy teenage leader finds his feet.
Instead they are lauded as if they are a proper Opposition. Gordon’s partner-in-crime Alistair Darling is wheeled out as an expert witness to tell us where the Government is going wrong on the economy — ignoring the trivial fact that he helped get us in this mess in the first place.
Ed Balls is billed as the man with a plan, even though he carried Gordon’s bag for 15 years.
Because the BBC so hates the Coalition, it builds up Labour as a government-in-waiting and never asks any shadow minister about his or her own record in office, while ladling on the woe about the ‘cuts’.
Meanwhile, ministers are routinely monstered. I don’t have any problem with that. It’s what this column does for a living.
But please don’t pretend that what we are fed in exchange for our licence fee is anything approaching ‘balance’.
I wonder when the bBC will get round to reporting this very interesting travel warning from the Simon Wiesenthal Center: Stockholm, December 14th 2010 The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a leading Jewish Human Rights NGO, has announced it is issuing a travel advisory concerning Sweden due to harassment of Jewish citizens in the southern city of Malmo, the third largest city in Sweden. The decision was conveyed to Swedish Justice Minister Beatrice Ask, by Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the associate Dean of the Center and Dr. Shimon Samuels, Director of International Relations, during a wide-ranging meeting in Stockholm, earlier today. Gosh I wonder why the Swedes who took in so many jews during WW2 would suddenly start to abuse the people they previously helped?
But during the recent story about a Mohammedan suicide bomber in Stockholm, Huw Edwards told me the Swedes had a “tradition of tolerance” and that….oh, wait….
The political leaders of the US have heard the voters, and are at least temporarily dealing in sane fiscal policies. Hot on the heels of The Obamessiah caving and working out a deal that continues all those nasty Bush tax cuts (while getting a few things He wanted and on which the Republicans had to compromise – which is how things are supposed to work), Democrat Senate leader Harry Reid had to cave and give up on his massive, pork-laden, spending bill which would actually increase the budget by $16 billion over last year. Reid was trying to force a year’s worth of legislation through during the lame-duck session, before those Tea Party-elected people came in next session and he no longer had the votes. This was a big FU from Democrat leadership to the voters.
Democrats had hoped to pass the 1,924-page bill, which would have funded everything from national defence to scientific research, before January.
The move is being seen as a chance for Republicans to enact big spending cuts.
From the Democrats’ point of view, of course.
The measure was introduced earlier this week and would have set funding levels for government programmes until 30 September 2011 – the end of the fiscal year.
Never mind that it was an autocratic move, against the will of the people.
Mr Reid gave up efforts to pass it after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and eight other Republicans decided not to back the measure.
Reality: The challenges in the primaries and results of Nov. 2 put Republican leadership on notice. They listened. Reid refused to do so, even though he faced a tough challenge himself.
Mr Reid said he would work with Republicans to produce a funding bill to keep the federal government running into the beginning of 2011.
Oh, really? McConnell has already offered a plan for a two-month period, until the new Congress takes their seats. Which was, you know, what the election was about. Naturally, the BBC sees it through a partisan filter.
The move reflects the power the Republicans gained in November’s mid-term elections, when they won control of the House as well as extra Senate seats.
Any relevant issues which led them to victory, BBC? Any citizens’ movements involved or anything? ZZzzzzzzz.
The BBC even ends with the Democrat perspective:
Time is running out to get legislation passed during the lame duck session of Congress, which refers to the time between November’s congressional elections and the January start of the new Congress.
Time is running out if you’re a partisan Democrat, sure.
The tax deal and this defeat of a massive porkfest are thanks to the Tea Party movement. No mention whatsoever by the BBC. Instead, they let you know which way to think.
Oh, noes! The Queen’s a racist! The Obamessiah and His wife are not invited to the royal wedding! Is it ‘cos they is black? What’s the diversity quotient of the official invitation list?
On Wednesday night’s The World Tonight there was an interview with Brendan Kelly of the National Marine Mammal Laboratory in Alaska, co-author of a report in Nature about how the interbreeding of Grizzlies and polar bears “as a result of the melting ice cap” raises “a big concern” about other hybridizations that might be brought about “because of sea ice diminishing”, possibly prompting extinctions. “The key question is ‘Are we accelerating extinctions as a consequence of our impact on the environment?'”
The World Tonight‘s website boldly asserts “Polar bears and Grizzlies are meeting and mating thanks to climate change.”
Young British Muslims are being urged to mark the holy month of Muharram by giving blood in Manchester.Muharram is a period of mourning to commemorate the death of Imam Hussein, grandson of the prophet Muhammad.In an extreme demonstration of their faith, devout Shi’a Muslims makes themselves bleed on the festival day of Ashura.But the Islamic Unity Society is appealing for young Muslims to back its blood donor campaign instead.
Seeing as both Shia and Sunni Muslims would rather die than be associated with each other never mind share their blood.(Which kind of explains Irans nuke plans and the rests attempts to get the US to bomb it) I’m surprised the Pakistani muallahs at the bBC allowed the all encompassing ‘young British Muslims’ to be used when talking about Shia Islam.
As for this weak f-ing snippet:
“Only 4% of the UK population gives blood on a regular basis. That figure is even lower among British Muslims, with many believing wrongly that is against the teachings of Islam.”
Well I give blood and have done for over 30 years, I’m B+ a common Asian blood group and in all my time I have never seen another Asian giving blood. So going back to that much lower figure, how much lower do you think it is as the bBC isn’t saying. Well for the entire black/brown ethnic community it is 3% of that 4%, Here don’t take my word for here is what the Blood service has to say.
and the incidence of sickle-cell anaemia and thalasaemia among immigrant communities is very high – both need regular major transfusions to avoid death eg through iron overload in heart muscle.
So they demand a disproportionate level of blood transfusions – but donate a disproportionately low level of blood.
It began with a section on local authority funding. Though the government’s cuts were discussed with a Conservative council leader from Westminster and a Labour council leader from Durham and though presenter Ritula Shah did give the Conservative only a bit more of a hard time than his Labour counterpart, this balance was spoiled by preceding this double interview with one with BBC favourite Colin Talbot of Manchester Business School, always a critic of Conservative proposals and always on the BBC criticising them (prominently in the run up to the general election). Professor Colin Talbot is another of those left-wing academics the BBC must have on speed dial.
Then there was an interview with Jody McIntyre, the butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-his-mouth revolutionary non-student-in-a-wheelchair (when not climbing 18 flights of stairs to trash Tory HQ apparently). This one, also with Ritula Shah, was separate from the various other BBC interviews with Mr McIntyre.
Then there was the usual hatchet job on Berlusconi from the BBC’s Rome correspondent Duncan Kennedy. The first talking head was Antonio Buonfiglio, a centre-right opponent of Berlusconi. Then we heard a satire on Berlusconi from director Roberto Benigni, another outspoken critic of Berlusconi. A clip of Berlusconi, translated by Kennedy as saying “It’s better to love beautiful women than to be gay!”, was followed by the sound of anti-Berlusconi demonstrators. The other talking head was Professor James Wolston of the American University in Rome, another critic of Berlusconi. Kennedy presumably knew when inviting him for interview that the Italian ambassador to the US had complained about this professor for calling Italy under Berlusconi a “brothel state”. ‘Ordinary Italians’ were then heard from. The first said Berlusconi thinks only of himself. The second said he hopes the right-wing coalition falls. It’s true that Berlusconi has an approval rating of just 30%, but no-one from that 30% got a look-in here. It was enemies all the way,
Worst of all the Islamist suicide bomber in Sweden, fourth in the pecking order, was discussed with just one interviewee – Dr. Jonathan Githens-Mazer of the European Muslim Research Centre. This Guardian-writing academic has previously denounced the ‘stiff sentences’ imposed on Muslim protestors who took part in London demonstations against Israel’s actions in Gaza last year, is particularly concerned about ‘hate-crimes’ against Muslims and the threat of the EDL, and shamefully attacked the Quilliam Foundation fairly recently for attacking Islamists. In turn the Quilliam Foundation said that some of the funding for his research group comes from those very Islamist organisations he was condemning them for attacking.
Next there was an interview about the passing of the tax cut compromise in the U.S. with just one person – Professor Christian Weller, professor of public policy at the University of Massachussetts, a senior fellow of the BBC’s favourite U.S. think tank – the left-liberal Center for American Progress.
The bBC and how it drones on about UAV attacks in Pakistan. Scores die as drones renew attack on Pakistan’s Khyber
The bBC as the propaganda arm of every Islamic terrorist outfit going really doesn’t like how its fellow members of the religion of peace have a habit of dying whenever there is a Predator in the air above. Which is why it really goes to town in which to portray the killing of its heroes as a crime against humanity. But for some strange reason while it has no problem reporting how the Pakistan government is really angry about how death is bestowed upon allah’s little helpers from above it fails to mention how those death dealing UAVs are based in …..Pakistan. Yup while the bBC reports to the great unwashed how Pakistan probably provide intelligence for such strikes. The rest of the world have known since Feb 2009 that US UAVs are based in Pakistan. And to think that the bBC actually pays their so called defence experts to report on the news.
One man’s unique approach to the burning question.
Sit back and laugh your socks off at these gems from the great Beeboid:
…Thompson said that the BBC News services would remain impartial…
…he added that views regarded as “extreme” could and should be broadcast by the BBC even within the current rules on impartiality…[They are; they are, except they are not called that]
… the public broadcaster had forced the main parties to discuss immigration during the 2010 election campaign. …
[Oh, my aching sides]
… He promised that there would be more space for “extreme and radical perspectives” on the BBC, which one day could become common views. …
[What? Even more nutters? But the Beeboid kind of nutters?]
“I don’t believe that necessarily means you get the dire consequences that some people see in America. …
[Having Matty Boy & Co there, you mean?]
“Impartiality is sovereign for the BBC. …
[Help! My sides are bursting.]
The premium on impartiality would grow. But I’m not convinced that the public service broadcasters need to have a monopoly over news for ever.”
[Everso kind]
During the debate it was suggested the Daily Mail newspaper should be free to set up its own opinionated news station if it so wished.
[Does he know what opinionated means?]
Is this how Impartiality Thompson (It’s in his genes) convinced Jeremy Hunt he has a grip on the problem of Beeboid lefty bias:
As much of a slippery wind-up artist Rod Liddle can be, unless he’s just making up stories (which he will do for effect, if it suits him) in his latest Spectator post, this is important:
Thought I’d draw your attention to an article in the Daily Mail by a former colleague of mine, Barnie Choudhury. Barnie’s a Hindu, and his piece is pegged to that new report which suggests that Hindus and Sikhs are, more than ever, part of the bedrock of Middle England, sharing the same values and aspirations as the white majority. Quite why anyone found this surprising is beyond me, but apparently they did. Anyway, Barnie explains at some length how he his family came to Britain (his father had an affection and respect for the Raj) and personified those somewhat dissolving values of hard work, belief in education, intense patriotism and a sort of social conservatism.
He also mentions that he covered the race riots in the north west of England back in 2001. Indeed he did – I commissioned him to report on what was going on while I was the editor of the Today programme. He did a brilliant job; he was the first journalist to report on “no-go areas” for white people in parts of Burnley. What he didn’t mention in his article, out of a typical modesty, is the intense vitriol poured upon him both from within the BBC and beyond, as a consequence of his reports. Among those who eviscerated him was the smug and reptilian Channel Four News presenter Krishnan Guru Murthy; all of this because Barnie dared to challenge the convenient shibboleth that racism works only in one direction – from whites and towards ethnic minorities. He was a good and brave and honest reporter, Barnie and it’s a shame the BBC didn’t make him an editor. But not surprising………
Raymond Snoddy is the pointman for the BBC’s navel gazing impartiality flagship programme Newswatch, where moody BBC employees are given the opportunity to claim that in punting out opinion as fact, often not very lucidly or professionally, they always ‘get it about right’.
So his twitter feed is always worth a gander. Here’s the latest in his capacity as Writer, media consultant and presenter of BBC’s Newswatch:
RaymondSnoddyRaymond SnoddyExpected competence from Cameron Government – instead lot of stupid decisions – latest plan to close Forensic Science Service – see Times.
In quoting a paywall source with no link it is of course not easy to assess with what he, as a BBC journalist, um, ‘believes’.
One looks forward to the tweets of Aunty’s finest alive with similar thoughts on the words and deeds of genius of others in politics from other parties.
Very factual. No analysis, no opinion, no guest commentary… just, Gordon’s ‘vision’.
Perhaps just as well no journalists with a modicum of professional integrity or anyone else brought in on this, as a few questions might have been raised as to what brought the country to the state its in such that our youth is so at risk.
I read this article about MillipEd’s new spin doctor with a familiar weary resignation about the nature and character of our political ruling class, its skullduggery and manipulations:
To keep me relatively on topic, about two thirds of the way down the article there is an account of a plot against Beeboid Humphrys:
“Another victim of Baldwin’s Labour fanaticism was the broadcaster John Humphrys, who was loathed by Campbell because of his combative interviews with Labour ministers on Radio 4’s Today programme. He is just as pugnacious with Tory ministers.
In 2005, Baldwin was central to a dirty tricks plot to smear Humphrys as anti-New Labour and so not fit to be a BBC interviewer.
A video was passed to Baldwin by his friend Tim Allen, a former No 10 deputy to Campbell, who had his own public relations company.
It showed the broadcaster making a private after-dinner speech that included him poking fun at the veracity of government ministers.
Baldwin co-wrote the resulting story that filled two pages in The Times and claimed Humphrys had ridiculed Labour politicians and had implied that all government ministers were liars.
It was seen as a deliberate attempt to get him sacked — an outcome that would have delighted Campbell.
However, not only did this plot fail, but Humphrys received £10,000 compensation from the company who had hired him to speak — it was revealed that someone who worked there had sent the video to Allen. ”
Well, after Polly Toynbee last week, Simon Jenkins, Will Hutton and Polly Toynbee (again) on the three previous editions, this week’s Dateline London with Gavin Esler chose Labour-friendly Steve Richards of the Independent as its representative of the British press.
With him were swivel-eyed Palestinian leftist Abdel Bari Atwan (yet again), liberal Canadian journalist Laura Lynch and…for a spot of Berlusconi bashing, duly delivered…left-wing Italian journalist Analisa Piras (the only Italian they ever have on the programme). And, of course, Gavin Esler himself, never afraid to chip in an opinion.
They got to discuss Wikileaks and how well the Coalition is doing. I bet you can guess what the consensus view of the panel was on both these subjects.
The Beeboid Corporation gets a dishonourable mention in Max Hastings’s article about Prince Charles:
“But it seems rash to expect too much, when the ‘white British’ are diminishingly confident about what our values are.
They are scarcely churchgoing Christians. Even the Church of England is racked with doubts about its own beliefs. That other great British institution, the BBC, often seems more concerned with providing a platform for minorities than with articulating the views of the majority. ”
That this tweet from a media observer followed one I was reading about MSM Global Warming advocacy obsessions seemed… ‘ironic’…
BBC News showing helicopter shot of stranded @virginatlanticplane at @HeathrowAirport & reading out tweets from ppl inside
Maybe Aunty thinks we are not too clear on what snow looks like, which is why, in her unique way, she also sees nothing wrong with flying film crews halfway around the world to stand on it to tell us it’s melting because of folk, other than them, flying around the world.
Or… sending up carbon gushing helicopters to show us pictures of grounded airplanes?
Search Biased BBC
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Yesterday evenings 10 o’clock news played a blinding piece of taxpayer funded pro labour propoganda with the news about changes to healthcare. It was difficult to see how they could have been more unsubtle if they’d tried. The narrative was very much that the tories had gone back on their pledge to increase welfare spending. We had repeated flashbacks to Camerons claims of the campaign followed by the Labour’s very own Tim Nice but Dim at PMQ’s. The angle – The Tories have broken a promise.
But then we get to the nub of the issue – it’s not that the tories were deliberately breaking a promise but that inflation had cut into the increase in spending.
Shame they don’t seize on the well hidden maybes in climate change reports in a similar fashion.
Even thought the BBC keeps asking the Scots if it’s unfair for English students to have to pay for Scottish university education while Scots and EU residents get it for free, why do they never discuss the idea that this is due to the surrender of national sovereignty to the EU?
Same question for the BBC’s coverage of abortion being possibly forced on Ireland for the same reason. The only pro-life voice they interviewed mentioned the issue of national sovereignty for a second, but this was quickly swept aside by more abortion advocates and Beeboid statements that Ireland was more liberal and secular these days.
Two stories on the same day about the EU causing countries to surrender their national sovereignty on specific issues (not to mention the recent attempt by the EU mandarins to dictate conditions of Irish elections), yet the BBC isn’t interested in bringing it up.
The interesting part in the bBCs coverage of this story is how they omit the fact that EU citizens won’t be paying either.
Actually the Beeboids have brought that up a couple of times when speaking to Scottish pols. But at no time does anyone discuss the fact that they are forced to do this by EU law and not sovereign laws of the UK or Scotland.
David, and more to the point, why is it that we are not permitted to decide who lives in our country and who should be deported? Reference EUReferendum blog; mohammed ibrahim runs down a 12 year old girl and the courts prevent him from being deported back to his kurdish homeland. If ever there was an example of denial of justice, this case is it.
You make an excellent point and fivelive radio has majored on this tonight. I feel sorry for the father of the poor murdered girl.
however fivelive let his local mp one Jack Straw come on and say he was going to do this and that and if necessary take the case to Theresa May the Home Secretary. It slipped everyones mind at the BBC to point out that he as Minister of Justice had brought the law in…
I hope the father of the girl has told Jack Straw exactly what he thinks of not only the law that he brought in but also his weaselling.
Apologies I meant to say that he was Home Secretary…
So that’s domestic law, not EU-enforced.
Jack Straw is a c*** pure and simple.
I admire the father’s restraint. I can’t even begin to imagine how he must be feeling.
If I were in his position I’d be in prison by now.
Because of our own Human Rights Act. That’s not to do with the EU and he does not appear to hail from the EU so we could deport him except that the Immigration Court decided it would breach his human rights – right to a family life.
Word reaches us that the new controller of Beeboid Channel 3 – the yoof channel – is a gentleman from ITV2 renowned for his work on such quality programmes as Katie Price’s reality shows and something called The Only Way is Essex.
Birds of a feather, then.
Today prog, this tuesday. Going on abouts cuts, left you in no doubt about who is doing it, even named Osborne as chancellor. Fair enough, but then they talked about public sector pensions and how a hole that was £40B in 2007 has now doubled to £80B. So I thought well to be even handed name who allowed this to happen. Not a peep, left it in the air as if the coalition is to blame for not finding the £80B is an instant.
Bias by ommision again, as well as slanted jounalism.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC): ever the advocate for Islam.
Two small current examples:
1.) ‘Newsnight’ tonight: INBBC criticises Swiss democratic vote against further building of minarets in Switzerland; INBBC does not want to stop, but wants to expand the Islamisation of Europe and Britain.
INBBC will only regard unlimited mass immigration from Islamic countries as a first step towards INBBC’s ‘tolerance’ of Islamic supremacy.
2.)INBBC Radio 4 has a programme on Sunday entitled:
‘Young, Muslim and Black’, which is another programme of Islamic advocacy, with only a few doubts:
INBBC has no radio programme entitled:
‘Young, Christian and White’ presented by a white person.
And INBBC will not discuss this:
“Fitzgerald: Black Americans and Islamic Da’wa”
I notiiced that last nights ( Wednesday) Newsnight totaly fitted in with Labours questions at PMQs. It was one sided in favour of Labours attack with no proper investigation of the unemployment figures. It was Grayling vs The BBC.
“Failed asylum seeker who left girl, 12, to die after crash can stay in UK as deporting him would ‘breach his human rights'”
Read more:
Our new leader in 2008
No comment
Shami Chakrabarti will be furiously strumming herself off over this news!
An excellent speech here recently delivered by Col Richard Kemp that has great bearing on the BBC’s propaganda pogrom against Israel, particularly its reporting of the incursion to end rocket attacks from Gaza:-
Asylum seekers.
1.) ‘Daily Express’:
“Asylum gets even softer”
2.) Open-door for all immigrants, BBC:
“Detaining children of failed asylum seekers to end”
“Parents awaiting forced deportation would still be held in secure houses, but their children would be assigned minders so they can move around freely.”
How long before this is challanged – “seperating mother and children”
And who will be the minders?
BBC-NUJ, like its ‘Guardian’ political chums, is enthusiastic for Assange and ‘Wikileaks:
“Phone hacking, WikiLeaks and the hypocrisy of the liberal elite”
(by Stephen Glover)
Read more:
“Five portions a day ‘saves lives'”
“The research, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, was based on a computer model linking food consumption with mortality from heart disease, stroke and cancer.”
So proper science research is out and playstation “science” is in. Well if you can get very rich by “modelling” the climate why not do it for every branch of science?
The out of date Scientific Method
Ask a Question
Do Background Research
Construct a Hypothesis
Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion
Communicate Your Results
The brand new post-modern, ultra-time saving Scientific Method.
Ask a Question
Fire up the playstation
Communicate Your Results
John. You missed out a vital step in the new research model and that is:
‘Include the words Climate and Change in the description of your research work and watch the grants roll in from the EU.’
Two things I hate. AGW hippies and beeboids spouting crap without engaging one single brain cell.
Today the Brainwashed tories of the AGW cult were forced to admit that the ‘sugar lump in the swiming pool measures’ we are being forced to fund are going to cost us each £500 per year.
We are a tiny country on the edge of a small continent and any alteration we could do to the global CO2 levels would be so infinitesimely small as to be not statistically significant yet our economy is going to be sacrificed on this alter to climate voodoo.
The beeb then start spouting this but with the justification that we have no choice and that we must throw our hard earned away to ‘keep the volcanoe gods from giving us a bad harvest’.
Do none of these bastards have a window? Get the LSE educated trots outside in a t shirt and leave them there for four hours and then see if the deluded tits still believe the shit they are shuveling.
They dont mention that this is probably going to be the coldest winter for over 100 years. Winter hasnt officially started yet and yet my drive has had snow on it for over 3 weeks.
Every where people actually live seems to be having a freeze and yet the areas of the planet that supposedly have a goat a bear and a couple of rabbits are experiencing record warm periods. BOLLOCKS.
The Cancun weather was the most sweet Karma. They thought they could combine their delusion rock festival and catch a few rays at the tax payers expense and yet they spent the six days looking for good brass welders. Bloody brilliant.
The beeb were supposed to be giving balance or at least some place for counter argument and yet today across all channels they spouted al gores guff without any contra arguments.
We are nearly bankrupt and yet our govermment has sold the cow and bought al gores magic beans and our 4th estate meakly spouts the spin without challenge. Tossers
We are a tiny country on the edge of a small continent and any alteration we could do to the global CO2 levels would be so infinitesimely small as to be not statistically significant yet our economy is going to be sacrificed on this alter to climate voodoo.
Yes, but we’ll be setting a shining example to the world, won’t we ?
(What we’ll be an example of you might like to suggest. I’ve got dibs on “Collective Braindeath.”)
And once we’ve taken the brave step (over the cliff, clutching an anvil…) then every other country will be fired up to follow our noble blueprint. Yessss !
Or maybe not.
But that DOESN’T MATTER !! NO !! Because we’ll have done THE RIGHT THING !!
It’s much the same argument CND used to spout with regard to getting rid of our nuclear deterrent, and is being advanced by the same wretched crew who, having seen one moronic ideology laughed to scorn, casually adopted another one in its place.
As you so succinctly put it: TOSSERS.
Assange on Newsnight sounded as dull as he looks. Also he was not pressed on the charges he faces in Sweden. If you want to take on the world make sure you are above reproach in your personal life.
The Newsnight smearing of the Swedish legal system is very odd as uber liberal Sweden should be the ideal state for a beeboid to want to live in. Liberals are full of contradictions at the best of times and this matter must be causing the little dears some soul searching.
What was funny on Newsnight was the Great Leaker bleating about the Swedes leaking details about him and his case to the press. He’s such a sensitive soul when it comes to anything affecting details about himself. What a whining wimp.
Personally, I think the US Government should start leaking full details of Assange’s bank accounts. He could have no complaint after all.
In his little victory speech yesterday, Assange said “During my time in solitary confinement in the bottom of a Victorian prison…”
The horror! The horror!
Have you seen his lawyer in action? My goodness, how he lays it on with a trowel: the “show trial”, the “vendetta” by the Swedes, the Victorian prison. He really is something. He makes Max Clifford look shy and retiring and Alastair Campbell like a choir boy.
The one who told Andrew Marr that Sweden was a “lickspittle” of the United States? (I thought the word “lickspittle” went out with the Soviet Union.)
Almost as bad…another member of Assange’s defence team is Baroness Helena Kennedy of the Labour Party. She was interviewed about it, without interruption, on last night’s The World Tonight.
Lickspittle! That’s a good one.
The one I’m referring to is Mark Stephens. He’s invariably described as “media lawyer”. I’ve never seen him in action before and it is an eye opener.
Even when he was telling the media about having to raise the bail money, he couldn’t resist getting in a sideswipe at Mastercard, Paypal etc.
Yes, Mark Stephens was the ‘lickspittle’ guy too.
Talking of Alistair Campbell…Campbell blogged last week “I know Mark Stephens, and like him”. Looking at his 18-page C.V., it looks like they know each other because Stephens was on the defence team for Campbell during his trial for defamation by Conservative MP Rupert Allason back in the 1990s. Allason lost but the judge said of Campbell `He did not impress me as a witness in whom I could feel 100 per cent confident.’ Good call! Campbell, former press secretary for Tony Blair, now accuses Stephens of spin over Wikileaks. Oh, the irony!!!!
How interesting. Well spotted – the Campbell case in the middle of that exhaustive and exhausting CV. I notice he even got into Spitting Image. He definitely is spinning like a top, (even if I have to agree with Campbell in saying so) and has a real relish for doing it in the full media spotlight. He is in his element with this case and milking it to the full with his ready stream of emotive phrases (show trial…vendetta etc) to the assembled media who hang on his every word.
Of course, BBC-NUJ uses licencepayers’ funds to join Guardianistas and Mr. M. Moore in becoming more politically committed to Assange and to Wikileaks by the day.
Richard Littlejohn, ‘Daily Mail’:
[Extract] –
“This may seem like a silly question, but what is Julian Assange doing in Britain? He is an Australian who has been hacking into American government computers from a bunker in Sweden, where he is wanted on rape charges. Frankly, he’s none of our business.
“If the Guardianistas want to work themselves up into a lather of self-righteous indignation, let them get on with it. Out here in the real world, the fate of the WikiLeaks founder is a matter of complete indifference to most of us.
“How did this circus end up clogging the pavements outside the High Court in London, with a bunch of snappers dressed up like Nanook of the North clambering all over a security van from the Scrubs via Television Centre?”
Read more:
I loved Littlejohn’s piece earlier in the week, likening the wheelchair-bound SWP activist Jodie Macintyre with Andy from Little Britain.
If you ask me, the police should have done society a favour and rolled the dribbling twat in to the Thames.
Although I suppose he at least has an excuse for sitting on his arse doing fuck-all all day, unlike every other UAF freak.
Lower down in the Littlejohn piece – he points out that the BBC coverage of politics continues to be totally one-sided. “This isn’t balanced, it’s Balls”
I asked some days ago why these troublemakers all seem to end up here. I would like nothing better than to see him parcelled up, given a first-class stamp and dispatched by special guaranteed delivery to Australia in time for Christmas. After all, I don’t see why the Ozzies should escape having to put up with him. 😀
And if they could roll up Pilger Fatuus in the parcel as well, that would be even better.
Anyone notice the report on R4 just before 0900 on the Mexican drug cartels?
Lots of hand-wringing about the number of gun shops in Texas and the statistic that 90% of the drug gangs’ guns originate from the US. The segment concluded that Mexico’s drug problems are made in the US — because of the ‘ease’ with which guns are bought north of the border (another semi-falsehood) and smuggled south.
At no point did they mention that these aren’t guns bought by civilians, they are almost entirely built in the US yes but they are stolen or sold out the back door from government agencies. Many are types of guns that are effectively banned for civilian manufacture and use in the US. Full-auto M4s for instance have never been available from the factory except for government agencies such as the military and police. And no, the old argument of ‘easily converted to full auto’ is a total myth perpetuated by those with no real knowledge of how firearms work.
Well said. The BBC has been peddling that 90% myth for some time. Unfortunately, most Leftoids in the US believe it as well,including the gun-hating Sec. of State.
You can’t buy the grenades and certain assault weapons the drug gangs use. That’s military black market stuff. They come from elsewhere.
Come on Matt. The next thing you’ll be saying is that Mexico is a corrupt kleptocracy whose wounds are largely self-inflicted.
To be fair, the drug control policies of successive US administrations don’t help but, in reality, such policies are far more destructive to the US polity than Mexico. As you and DP write, the gun laws applied in Texas have little to do with the availability to the cartels of their armaments of choice but such assertions fit neatly into the general contempt for the US spewed out by the BBC.
‘It’s Christmasssssss!’
Just noting that every BBC blog dealing with substantive issues – politics, enviro, The Editors… – is closed for comments.
One wonders how many from our £3.6B, 24/7, world-reaching news gathering organisation have already bailed to more clement climes for the school hols, and won’t be heard from again until mid-Jan?
Meanwhile certain less ‘uniquely-funded’ service outfits, with a remit to provide year-round service, may actually have arranged a degree of professional cover.
I think you will find over the next few days, plane fulls of camp men from the BBC will mincing their way over to Goa to enjoy the pleasures of the well tanned buttocks of the local rent boys and of course a nice selection of drugs available from the local dealers.
No self respecting beeb will be hanging around this frozen hell hole.
” frozen hell hole” nah that cannot be right can it ? i,m sure the met said it ‘s the hotest year since the big bang [ or to give it it’s latin name ‘John Presscot’] and that they can prove it this time as they have a mate who’s seen it on the intermet !
I think the Latin for a Prescott is “fattus slapper shaggerus puncher twattus”
Which, roughly translated probably means “Fat, fornicating, bullying lying bastard wot ate all the pies”.
Thanks for that Martin! tried to look it up but there was a picture of the offending article and i’m still thrownig up !!
Another evasive, INBBC Islamophilic ‘report’ on LUTON:-
“Is Luton a breeding ground for terrorists?”
This strange piece by one N. Cardwell, in apparently attempting to explain ‘Islamic jihad’* (*a phrase censored) in Luton, talks of Huguengots, the IRA and Vauxhall car production of yesteryear. There is no mention of the growing size of the Muslim population in Luton, variously estimated at between 30,000-40,000, up to 20% of the total; there is no reral exploration of the Islamic jihad activity in Luton associated with 7/7, nor of Stockholm jihadist, nor of abuse against British troops in Luton by some Muslims. There no historical exploration of the intrinsic nature of jihad to the tenets of Islam.
Instead, Carswell ends will some wishful, utopian possibility, based on little evidence, that the practitioners of Islam, after 1300 years will become less Islamic jihad orientated in their actions towards ‘infidels’.
As for the Luton Islamic Centre, of which INBBC’s Cardwell has such high hopes:
Stockholm Terrorist al-Abdaly and the Luton Islamic Centre
‘Gates of Vienna’:
The Stockholm Bomber’s Alma Mater: Luton
More anti beeb stuff on Guido today
The message is spreading.
Particularly liked the bit about Wark
Personally, I found this the kind of comedy one could only wish from Aunty’s current market rate talents:
‘The BBC has raised a non compliance with the Community Cohesion Quango regarding its Christmas programming. Some of the programmes are so old that not all authority figures are portrayed by members of minority groups’
INBBC’s Ms. C. Wyatt shows an extraordinary interest here in the details of ‘combat codpieces’ (she shows more interest in this piece of equipment than I think she has expressed in comparison, in helicopters, for instance):
“Troops back armoured underwear dubbed ‘combat codpiece'”
– but the embedded Ms. Wyatt does not reveal whether she wears one.
I see the bBC has got round to writing an article about Homophobia in the Uk
Gay hate ‘alive and, sometimes, kicking’
A young woman and man have been found guilty of beating a gay man to death in London’s Trafalgar Square – a brutal reminder that despite steps towards equality, homophobic violence remains a very real threat.
Yet for some reason the bBC kind of leave out just who are behind the largest rise in homophobic attacks in the UK. Here is a bBC article from last year on the subject, take not of the areas with the biggest rises:
Homophobic crime rise in London
Homophobic crime in London has risen by nearly a fifth, according to the latest figures on incidents reported to the Metropolitan Police (Met).Last summer, gangs of youths attacked people outside gay bars in east London on a number of occasions.
Newham: +190%
Harrow: +137%
Waltham Forest: +107%
Bexley: +85%
Barking and Dagenham: +70%
Kensington and Chelsea: +61%
I blame Sepp Blatter.
“Lesbian and gay people”, he writes in the article.
Er…as far as I know, Lesbians are gay people.
Does the Beeboid writer know something we don’t? That’s a very strange coinage.
While INBBC continues to report on the July floods of Pakistan, INBBC does not find space to update report on this Islamic jihad threat in Pakistan to all supporters of persecuted Christian, ASIA BIBI:
“Pakistan: Islamic supremacists threaten all who defend Christian woman accused of blasphemy, plan mass rally to prevent her release and any change in the blasphemy law“
I was doing some web research on Compendium when I came across this from Richard Black -it’s a cribsheet on how to counter sceptic arguments. This is 3 years old but should Black and the bBC be involved in this indoctrination?
Anyway, does anyone use Compendium? Someone used it to map Black’s article.
I’ve been using it for a number of years and find it essential for storing and cataloguing information. It can map arguments and provide links to all kinds of documents whether on your computer or on the web. Here is a shot of my map on Cambodia just to give you a flavour of what it can do. All of these icons link to websites or documents.
Compendium is an Issue Based Information System used to solve wicked problems –
As I’m retired I no longer use it for mapping company meetings and projects but as a system for storing and cataloguing large amounts of information.
If you don’t know Compendium, I can highly recommend it. The Open University are involved in its development and it’s free!
A bedtime story will demonstrate its use for dialogue mapping.
If anyone wants any links for further information, I can let you have them (all stored on Compendium of course!).
Your license fee hard at work.
I forgot the Compendium download link –
I know that Richard Littlejohn feels the same way as we do – sorry about the picture of Balls – I am assuming there are few children reading this site who will get scared.
This isn’t balance, it’s Balls
After the 1997 Labour election landslide, the Tories couldn’t get arrested. No one was in the slightest bit interested in what any of them had to say about anything.
Their then awkward, callow young leader, William Hague was routinely ridiculed as a boy trying to do a man’s job.
Even I bought into it, casting Hague as Kenny from South Park.
The BBC’s idea of balance was to have spokesmen from the different wings of the Labour Party.
If Blair was the Government, Brown was presented as the official Opposition. There wasn’t a Conservative in sight. Even the (first) resignation of Peter Mandelson was treated as a death in the family.
<img src=”” alt=”Man with a plan: Fomer Labour minister Ed Balls”/>
Man with a plan: Former Labour minister Ed Balls
So we might have expected a similar period of silence from the Labour Party while their nerdy teenage leader finds his feet.
Instead they are lauded as if they are a proper Opposition. Gordon’s partner-in-crime Alistair Darling is wheeled out as an expert witness to tell us where the Government is going wrong on the economy — ignoring the trivial fact that he helped get us in this mess in the first place.
Ed Balls is billed as the man with a plan, even though he carried Gordon’s bag for 15 years.
Because the BBC so hates the Coalition, it builds up Labour as a government-in-waiting and never asks any shadow minister about his or her own record in office, while ladling on the woe about the ‘cuts’.
Meanwhile, ministers are routinely monstered. I don’t have any problem with that. It’s what this column does for a living.
But please don’t pretend that what we are fed in exchange for our licence fee is anything approaching ‘balance’.
I was going to say ‘apologies’ as the photo didn’t go into the comments – but apologise for a photo of Balls not going up – no I couldn’t do that!
I wonder when the bBC will get round to reporting this very interesting travel warning from the Simon Wiesenthal Center:
Stockholm, December 14th 2010
The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a leading Jewish Human Rights NGO, has announced it is issuing a travel advisory concerning Sweden due to harassment of Jewish citizens in the southern city of Malmo, the third largest city in Sweden. The decision was conveyed to Swedish Justice Minister Beatrice Ask, by Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the associate Dean of the Center and Dr. Shimon Samuels, Director of International Relations, during a wide-ranging meeting in Stockholm, earlier today.
Gosh I wonder why the Swedes who took in so many jews during WW2 would suddenly start to abuse the people they previously helped?
But during the recent story about a Mohammedan suicide bomber in Stockholm, Huw Edwards told me the Swedes had a “tradition of tolerance” and that….oh, wait….
The political leaders of the US have heard the voters, and are at least temporarily dealing in sane fiscal policies. Hot on the heels of The Obamessiah caving and working out a deal that continues all those nasty Bush tax cuts (while getting a few things He wanted and on which the Republicans had to compromise – which is how things are supposed to work), Democrat Senate leader Harry Reid had to cave and give up on his massive, pork-laden, spending bill which would actually increase the budget by $16 billion over last year. Reid was trying to force a year’s worth of legislation through during the lame-duck session, before those Tea Party-elected people came in next session and he no longer had the votes. This was a big FU from Democrat leadership to the voters.
So how does the BBC report it?
Democrats had hoped to pass the 1,924-page bill, which would have funded everything from national defence to scientific research, before January.
The move is being seen as a chance for Republicans to enact big spending cuts.
From the Democrats’ point of view, of course.
The measure was introduced earlier this week and would have set funding levels for government programmes until 30 September 2011 – the end of the fiscal year.
Never mind that it was an autocratic move, against the will of the people.
Mr Reid gave up efforts to pass it after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and eight other Republicans decided not to back the measure.
Reality: The challenges in the primaries and results of Nov. 2 put Republican leadership on notice. They listened. Reid refused to do so, even though he faced a tough challenge himself.
Mr Reid said he would work with Republicans to produce a funding bill to keep the federal government running into the beginning of 2011.
Oh, really? McConnell has already offered a plan for a two-month period, until the new Congress takes their seats. Which was, you know, what the election was about. Naturally, the BBC sees it through a partisan filter.
The move reflects the power the Republicans gained in November’s mid-term elections, when they won control of the House as well as extra Senate seats.
Any relevant issues which led them to victory, BBC? Any citizens’ movements involved or anything? ZZzzzzzzz.
The BBC even ends with the Democrat perspective:
Time is running out to get legislation passed during the lame duck session of Congress, which refers to the time between November’s congressional elections and the January start of the new Congress.
Time is running out if you’re a partisan Democrat, sure.
The tax deal and this defeat of a massive porkfest are thanks to the Tea Party movement. No mention whatsoever by the BBC. Instead, they let you know which way to think.
Oh, noes! The Queen’s a racist! The Obamessiah and His wife are not invited to the royal wedding! Is it ‘cos they is black? What’s the diversity quotient of the official invitation list?
Maybe Wils and Kate already have iPods and don’t need another one.
Maybe that’s why those “students” attacked Prince Charles and his consort: they knew of the royal racist snub.
How will the BBC deal with this? Is it the end of the monarchy?
I for one, am insulted that the President isn’t invited and shall be boycotting the broadcast. Bunch of racists.
“Is it the end of the monarchy? “
I hope so
JHT get rid of the monarchy but don’t replace it with anything. All I have to say is a warning is the following
President Bliar
President Livingturd
President Kinnock(s)
President Prescott
President McMong
On Wednesday night’s The World Tonight there was an interview with Brendan Kelly of the National Marine Mammal Laboratory in Alaska, co-author of a report in Nature about how the interbreeding of Grizzlies and polar bears “as a result of the melting ice cap” raises “a big concern” about other hybridizations that might be brought about “because of sea ice diminishing”, possibly prompting extinctions. “The key question is ‘Are we accelerating extinctions as a consequence of our impact on the environment?'”
The World Tonight‘s website boldly asserts “Polar bears and Grizzlies are meeting and mating thanks to climate change.”
What melting Ice Cap? Looks petty normal to me.
And what about the thickness of the ice cap? Do you have a graph for that as well?
It appears the world wise bBC doesn’t know about the schism between Shia and Sunni Islam when it came to writing the headlines for this story:
Young Muslims urged to give blood during Muharram
Young British Muslims are being urged to mark the holy month of Muharram by giving blood in Manchester.Muharram is a period of mourning to commemorate the death of Imam Hussein, grandson of the prophet Muhammad.In an extreme demonstration of their faith, devout Shi’a Muslims makes themselves bleed on the festival day of Ashura.But the Islamic Unity Society is appealing for young Muslims to back its blood donor campaign instead.
Seeing as both Shia and Sunni Muslims would rather die than be associated with each other never mind share their blood.(Which kind of explains Irans nuke plans and the rests attempts to get the US to bomb it) I’m surprised the Pakistani muallahs at the bBC allowed the all encompassing ‘young British Muslims’ to be used when talking about Shia Islam.
As for this weak f-ing snippet:
“Only 4% of the UK population gives blood on a regular basis. That figure is even lower among British Muslims, with many believing wrongly that is against the teachings of Islam.”
Well I give blood and have done for over 30 years, I’m B+ a common Asian blood group and in all my time I have never seen another Asian giving blood. So going back to that much lower figure, how much lower do you think it is as the bBC isn’t saying. Well for the entire black/brown ethnic community it is 3% of that 4%, Here don’t take my word for here is what the Blood service has to say.
and the incidence of sickle-cell anaemia and thalasaemia among immigrant communities is very high – both need regular major transfusions to avoid death eg through iron overload in heart muscle.
So they demand a disproportionate level of blood transfusions – but donate a disproportionately low level of blood.
Great. Obviously the “community” values are high.
AFAIK, better drug treatments mean than blood transfusions for sickle-cell anaemia are quite rare these days.
But never mind.
Currently there are about 12,500 people in the uk who have sickle-cell anaemia.
That’s 1.1% of the uk black population.
Or 0.3% of the uk black and asian population.
So when you say; “they demand a disproportionate level of blood transfusions” who exactly are you talking about?
Congratulations! You’ve managed to show that there’s a whole 3% difference between the immigrant and non-immigrant populations.
Now all those 96% of white people who’ve never given blood can feel vastly superior to those 99% of black/brown people who’ve never given blood.
Although it’s the best of the daily current affairs programmes on Radio 4, The World Tonight can sometimes be overwhelmingly on-message.
Monday’s edition was a classic.
It began with a section on local authority funding. Though the government’s cuts were discussed with a Conservative council leader from Westminster and a Labour council leader from Durham and though presenter Ritula Shah did give the Conservative only a bit more of a hard time than his Labour counterpart, this balance was spoiled by preceding this double interview with one with BBC favourite Colin Talbot of Manchester Business School, always a critic of Conservative proposals and always on the BBC criticising them (prominently in the run up to the general election). Professor Colin Talbot is another of those left-wing academics the BBC must have on speed dial.
Then there was an interview with Jody McIntyre, the butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-his-mouth revolutionary non-student-in-a-wheelchair (when not climbing 18 flights of stairs to trash Tory HQ apparently). This one, also with Ritula Shah, was separate from the various other BBC interviews with Mr McIntyre.
Then there was the usual hatchet job on Berlusconi from the BBC’s Rome correspondent Duncan Kennedy. The first talking head was Antonio Buonfiglio, a centre-right opponent of Berlusconi. Then we heard a satire on Berlusconi from director Roberto Benigni, another outspoken critic of Berlusconi. A clip of Berlusconi, translated by Kennedy as saying “It’s better to love beautiful women than to be gay!”, was followed by the sound of anti-Berlusconi demonstrators. The other talking head was Professor James Wolston of the American University in Rome, another critic of Berlusconi. Kennedy presumably knew when inviting him for interview that the Italian ambassador to the US had complained about this professor for calling Italy under Berlusconi a “brothel state”. ‘Ordinary Italians’ were then heard from. The first said Berlusconi thinks only of himself. The second said he hopes the right-wing coalition falls. It’s true that Berlusconi has an approval rating of just 30%, but no-one from that 30% got a look-in here. It was enemies all the way,
Worst of all the Islamist suicide bomber in Sweden, fourth in the pecking order, was discussed with just one interviewee – Dr. Jonathan Githens-Mazer of the European Muslim Research Centre. This Guardian-writing academic has previously denounced the ‘stiff sentences’ imposed on Muslim protestors who took part in London demonstations against Israel’s actions in Gaza last year, is particularly concerned about ‘hate-crimes’ against Muslims and the threat of the EDL, and shamefully attacked the Quilliam Foundation fairly recently for attacking Islamists. In turn the Quilliam Foundation said that some of the funding for his research group comes from those very Islamist organisations he was condemning them for attacking.
Next there was an interview about the passing of the tax cut compromise in the U.S. with just one person – Professor Christian Weller, professor of public policy at the University of Massachussetts, a senior fellow of the BBC’s favourite U.S. think tank – the left-liberal Center for American Progress.
All in a night’s work.
The bBC and how it drones on about UAV attacks in Pakistan.
Scores die as drones renew attack on Pakistan’s Khyber
The bBC as the propaganda arm of every Islamic terrorist outfit going really doesn’t like how its fellow members of the religion of peace have a habit of dying whenever there is a Predator in the air above. Which is why it really goes to town in which to portray the killing of its heroes as a crime against humanity. But for some strange reason while it has no problem reporting how the Pakistan government is really angry about how death is bestowed upon allah’s little helpers from above it fails to mention how those death dealing UAVs are based in …..Pakistan. Yup while the bBC reports to the great unwashed how Pakistan probably provide intelligence for such strikes. The rest of the world have known since Feb 2009 that US UAVs are based in Pakistan. And to think that the bBC actually pays their so called defence experts to report on the news.
One man’s unique approach to the burning question.
Sit back and laugh your socks off at these gems from the great Beeboid:
…Thompson said that the BBC News services would remain impartial…
…he added that views regarded as “extreme” could and should be broadcast by the BBC even within the current rules on impartiality…[They are; they are, except they are not called that]
… the public broadcaster had forced the main parties to discuss immigration during the 2010 election campaign. …
[Oh, my aching sides]
… He promised that there would be more space for “extreme and radical perspectives” on the BBC, which one day could become common views. …
[What? Even more nutters? But the Beeboid kind of nutters?]
“I don’t believe that necessarily means you get the dire consequences that some people see in America. …
[Having Matty Boy & Co there, you mean?]
“Impartiality is sovereign for the BBC. …
[Help! My sides are bursting.]
The premium on impartiality would grow. But I’m not convinced that the public service broadcasters need to have a monopoly over news for ever.”
[Ever so kind]
During the debate it was suggested the Daily Mail newspaper should be free to set up its own opinionated news station if it so wished.
[Does he know what opinionated means?]
Is this how Impartiality Thompson (It’s in his genes) convinced Jeremy Hunt he has a grip on the problem of Beeboid lefty bias:
As much of a slippery wind-up artist Rod Liddle can be, unless he’s just making up stories (which he will do for effect, if it suits him) in his latest Spectator post, this is important:
Thought I’d draw your attention to an article in the Daily Mail by a former colleague of mine, Barnie Choudhury. Barnie’s a Hindu, and his piece is pegged to that new report which suggests that Hindus and Sikhs are, more than ever, part of the bedrock of Middle England, sharing the same values and aspirations as the white majority. Quite why anyone found this surprising is beyond me, but apparently they did. Anyway, Barnie explains at some length how he his family came to Britain (his father had an affection and respect for the Raj) and personified those somewhat dissolving values of hard work, belief in education, intense patriotism and a sort of social conservatism.
He also mentions that he covered the race riots in the north west of England back in 2001. Indeed he did – I commissioned him to report on what was going on while I was the editor of the Today programme. He did a brilliant job; he was the first journalist to report on “no-go areas” for white people in parts of Burnley. What he didn’t mention in his article, out of a typical modesty, is the intense vitriol poured upon him both from within the BBC and beyond, as a consequence of his reports. Among those who eviscerated him was the smug and reptilian Channel Four News presenter Krishnan Guru Murthy; all of this because Barnie dared to challenge the convenient shibboleth that racism works only in one direction – from whites and towards ethnic minorities. He was a good and brave and honest reporter, Barnie and it’s a shame the BBC didn’t make him an editor. But not surprising………
Not surprising to anyone here, at least.
Raymond Snoddy is the pointman for the BBC’s navel gazing impartiality flagship programme Newswatch, where moody BBC employees are given the opportunity to claim that in punting out opinion as fact, often not very lucidly or professionally, they always ‘get it about right’.
So his twitter feed is always worth a gander. Here’s the latest in his capacity as Writer, media consultant and presenter of BBC’s Newswatch:
RaymondSnoddy Raymond Snoddy Expected competence from Cameron Government – instead lot of stupid decisions – latest plan to close Forensic Science Service – see Times.
In quoting a paywall source with no link it is of course not easy to assess with what he, as a BBC journalist, um, ‘believes’.
One looks forward to the tweets of Aunty’s finest alive with similar thoughts on the words and deeds of genius of others in politics from other parties.
Now there’s a thing, the BBC not just lifting its editorial from the Graun…
… sometimes it goes with the Mirror!
Very factual. No analysis, no opinion, no guest commentary… just, Gordon’s ‘vision’.
Perhaps just as well no journalists with a modicum of professional integrity or anyone else brought in on this, as a few questions might have been raised as to what brought the country to the state its in such that our youth is so at risk.
I read this article about MillipEd’s new spin doctor with a familiar weary resignation about the nature and character of our political ruling class, its skullduggery and manipulations:
To keep me relatively on topic, about two thirds of the way down the article there is an account of a plot against Beeboid Humphrys:
“Another victim of Baldwin’s Labour fanaticism was the broadcaster John Humphrys, who was loathed by Campbell because of his combative interviews with Labour ministers on Radio 4’s Today programme. He is just as pugnacious with Tory ministers.
In 2005, Baldwin was central to a dirty tricks plot to smear Humphrys as anti-New Labour and so not fit to be a BBC interviewer.
A video was passed to Baldwin by his friend Tim Allen, a former No 10 deputy to Campbell, who had his own public relations company.
It showed the broadcaster making a private after-dinner speech that included him poking fun at the veracity of government ministers.
Baldwin co-wrote the resulting story that filled two pages in The Times and claimed Humphrys had ridiculed Labour politicians and had implied that all government ministers were liars.
It was seen as a deliberate attempt to get him sacked — an outcome that would have delighted Campbell.
However, not only did this plot fail, but Humphrys received £10,000 compensation from the company who had hired him to speak — it was revealed that someone who worked there had sent the video to Allen. ”
Read more:
Well, after Polly Toynbee last week, Simon Jenkins, Will Hutton and Polly Toynbee (again) on the three previous editions, this week’s Dateline London with Gavin Esler chose Labour-friendly Steve Richards of the Independent as its representative of the British press.
With him were swivel-eyed Palestinian leftist Abdel Bari Atwan (yet again), liberal Canadian journalist Laura Lynch and…for a spot of Berlusconi bashing, duly delivered…left-wing Italian journalist Analisa Piras (the only Italian they ever have on the programme). And, of course, Gavin Esler himself, never afraid to chip in an opinion.
They got to discuss Wikileaks and how well the Coalition is doing. I bet you can guess what the consensus view of the panel was on both these subjects.
This programme is beyond a joke.
The Beeboid Corporation gets a dishonourable mention in Max Hastings’s article about Prince Charles:
“But it seems rash to expect too much, when the ‘white British’ are diminishingly confident about what our values are.
They are scarcely churchgoing Christians. Even the Church of England is racked with doubts about its own beliefs. That other great British institution, the BBC, often seems more concerned with providing a platform for minorities than with articulating the views of the majority. ”
Read more:
That this tweet from a media observer followed one I was reading about MSM Global Warming advocacy obsessions seemed… ‘ironic’…
BBC News showing helicopter shot of stranded @virginatlanticplane at @HeathrowAirport & reading out tweets from ppl inside
Maybe Aunty thinks we are not too clear on what snow looks like, which is why, in her unique way, she also sees nothing wrong with flying film crews halfway around the world to stand on it to tell us it’s melting because of folk, other than them, flying around the world.
Or… sending up carbon gushing helicopters to show us pictures of grounded airplanes?