Dozy female Liebour MP just allowed to say unchallenged on Radio 5 that “the cold winters are caused by climate change”. Fat shit Nolan didn’t challenge this.
The fraudulent parts are that Man plays a significant contribution, that Man can change it by his actions, that Britain can make a difference and that the mechanism is Carbon.
What is it with the BBC love affair with the prats on th “Now Show”, An utterly unfunny prog performed (if it is actually live) before a sycophantic crowd. The worse the “funny line”, the more the “audience” screams support,
This week’s version was aas bad as usual. Including a 6-minute rant agaist the EDL – on and on it went, slagging them off as violent, racist etc
Never of course any reference to the ultra-violent “UAF”
The piece ended with a few lines to say “Of course the EDL is crazy – it harmonises with the US Tea Party”.
Thanks, BBC, dfor your impartiality.
What really makes me sick is 2 things. First, the BBC is running the nasty “Now Show” ranting loudmouth prats as a Radio 4 pantomime in Christmas week.
I keep asking – how low can the BBC stoop ?
I now find out that Radio 7 – which does OLD comedy, drama, SciFi and thriller stuff – is running the bloody “Now Show” every week – the most recent episode. They have nothing whatsoever to do with the main Radio 7 theme – re-running quality stuff from the past.
Radio 7 should be ashamed at caving in to crasp like this – it dilutes the channel.
Not at all, Dez. I haven’t the time or equipment available to isolate the audio and do an analysis nor incentive to request a F.O.I. but I have excellent ears and sound editing experience.
The tell-tale signs of pre-recorded laughter especially when the editor is lazy or budget low are: 1) The volume and length of the laughter are strangely repetitive; Let’s face it. In the real world not all jokes are equally funny nor do audiences necessarily react as the scriptwriters predict. 2) Laughter at all and only the right places and never out of sync. Occasionally in the real world one member of the audience will find something funny where no one else does or will find a joke much funnier than everyone else and continue laughing when others have stopped. No evidence of this here nor evidence that even one ‘joke’ failed. 3) No distinctive voices. Because most shows have such a limited ‘library’ of laugh tracks no distinctive laughs can be allowed without giving the game away. 4) No extraneous other noises. Coughs, sneezes, mobile phones, crackles, whispers, apologies, shuffling or interjections that one would expect at a live venue. 5) No ‘recorded in front of a live audience at a named venue’ messages. If a show is live the producers want to add to the value by making an announcement.
Canned laughter, including sweeteners (editing real audience responses before broadcast) have a long history in radio and television, more often in America than in the UK. There is even an elegant variation where a show is first recorded and then shown to a live audience to record their response.
One problem in such an overtly political comedy show as ‘the Now Show’ is not only the difficulties in synchronisation but unless the audience is particularly selected and even auditioned to be sympathetic with politics the responses can be catastrophic. Someone might be offended and actually boo or heckle and the cast would have to ignore or put down the heckler. No sign of this here.
So make your choice, Dez. What would you prefer accept that the BBC added canned laughter to this programme or that this was a sycophantic audience filtered to exclude anyone who might find it unfunny or even offensive, and thereby disrupt the BBC narrative?
meeh off-main-topic-but-on-this-topic – Canned laughter is particularly obvious when there is a quote young, edgy unquote show on and the producers use a laughter track recorded at an episode of The Golden Shot with an audience full of pensioners bussed in from Blackpool.
You do pick some odd ones to defend dezzie ? the people that come on here are not attacking all BBC comedy how could we? there is none and the not show is a prime example, it was funny for the first few series but as with many new programmes like one foot in the grave with it’s decent into killing animal jokes , has now fallen into mindless bigoted ranting and sniping with some lovely racist jokes about the French and Germans/ Tories/Clegg/ B.N.P[how old are these jokes?]Palin/Bush/fat people/Daily mail that we have heard endlessly for 18 months+ ! even a new U.S president hasn’t changed the one liners ! but not surprising as they haven’t come up with one single joke about Oba after 12 months?? now there has to be a few laughs in Guantanamo even a daft punt should be able to come up with one ?.
This is the best the BBC can do is it ? these joke are tired and boring like the 40+ year old comedians writing [if that is the right term!] this rubbish and before you say owt my sense of humour is far beyond the mindless ramblings of some fat bigot like Prigstoke! try Jam or Brass eye! god even the Goons/Q8 was by far more inventive then this trite bitter cods wallop .
Thanks to Biased bbc my ability to spot bbc newspeak has been heightened. Here is a classic being disseminated by the ever compliant Suzzane Reid on News 24 this morning.
Quote, “The Chief Government Advisor has been asked to consider whether the UK should plan for periods of more prolonged severe weather conditions in the future.”
I wonder if that reactionary word “cold” has been struck from the official bbc lexicon.
“The Chief Government Advisor has been asked to consider whether the UK should plan for periods of more prolonged severe weather conditions in the future.”
One presumes it has not occurred to the market rate talents (especially the young ones under 30 who might have missed the last time these ‘unprecedented’ events have happened) to ask if there might be consideration on why the UK did not plan for periods of prolonged severe (one presumes they mean ‘snowy’ ‘snaps’) weather (or, what we slightly more mature folk have also referred to in the past as ‘winter’).
Maybe because a ton of folk have been claiming (to willing ears… and the sound of retyping press releases) it couldn’t be possible now there is glob… er… clim… er… stuff that ‘Scientist’s say’ can lead to taxes.
That all said, it seems the ‘Shadow Transport Secretary’ is finding willing homes in the studios to be a total hypocrite on Government response to and preparedness all this.
The coalition is now embedded and committed enough to various odd priorities to be held to account for their waffle, but surely Labour is the last party to stick its head over the parapet on long-term policy or lack of funds.
But I guess they are the opposition. However, one can only hope the BBC will be impartial in not giving them free rein in making political capital from yet more that is even worse due to their poisonous legacy.
Who was the settled science climate ‘go-to’ guy under Brown, until recently?
Disgusting. The BBC do this deliberatly. The are truly aggresive anti-Christian.
” In practical terms, that meant that early in the year we showed enough of the Danish cartoons to give audiences an idea of what infuriated some Muslims. But we did not show them fully. We felt that would have caused gratuitous offence”
But it does not matter if thye cause “gratuitous offence” to Christians.
The BBC can offend whom they like, but I object to paying for their idea of “impatiality”.
Interesting I wonder hen the bBC is going to come out with a program where the prophet(as always highlighted by the the beeb) ‘Mohammed’ is exposed for the pedophile he was. Something his current followers have no problem emulating, Silly me they wouldn’t in a month of Fridays.
Interesting, the Andrew Marr Show is featuring guest commenter, fellow BBC employee Susannah Reid. Er… no one outside the bubble even on the approved iPhone speed dial?
She even just used the term ‘impartial journalists’. Bless.
At least Charles Kennedy has been allowed to show the hypocrisy and idiocy of Miliband E. with his daft schoolboy notions trying to change how people talk or think like anyone pays attention to him. But one is sure Aunty will approve when allowed the unchallengeable broadcast-only opportunities she is more comfortable with.
I’m not sure how responsible the BBC can be for what somebody says on one of their programmes but I would have to agree that this tends to reinforce claims of left-wing media bias.
Hello All. I have a funny feeling that Auntie Beeb knows she has crossed the line with this one and is trying to cover her back. I have read several blogs about this morning and the not employed by the Beeb at all (honest) astroturfers are out in force in the comments section. Most of these comments are almost identical and make claims about the Freedom Associations links to apartheid South Africa. There seems to be something of a campaign going on to provide a smokescreen on this.
‘I’m not sure how responsible the BBC can be for what somebody says’
Haven’t listened to it, but fair point.
I guess it goes to the conduct of the editors (if pre-recorded) or the moderator/interviewer (if live).
If the former, no real excuse. If the latter, at the very least one might presume the person chairing the thing might be competent enough to a) know some facts and/or b) recognise a contentious charge when its made.
That does rather presume them to understand the concept of professional impartiality, which at the Beeb is a stretch.
It’s not like most programmes are above wheeling in a ‘guest’ as a thinly disguised proxy to say what they are all giggling about round the water cooler daily.
Thing is, the population of the Uk should not be compelled to fund them all having fun playing student uni shop stewards still, especially those who may not share the views they hold.
I can actually live with a fair degree of robust input… but only if balanced.
Getting on Littlejohn to lob out a few potentially libelous allusions on a daily basis about Aunty and her sista’s heavenly bovine herd does not seem too likely.
I’m not sure how responsible the BBC can be for what somebody says on one of their programmes …
The one time I appeared on the BBC I was interviewed beforehand and questions very similar to the ones I was eventually asked were given to me for my response. Unless the interviewee lies on the preliminary off-air interview the BBC knows exactly how they will answer.
In the case of guests with a known position (they are allowed to be biased not the BBC) they were chosen precisely because what they say can with some confidence be predicted.
While researching German currency, I happened across something amusing to give a Beeboid apoplexy: an old East German coin:
“The communist government of East Germany (German Democratic Republic, or DDR) considered pollution to be good! It symbolized industrialization, progress and productivity. Thus when East Germany issued its first 50 Pfennig coin in 1950 the design featured a factory belching out smoke. An old plow sits in the foreground. The date and denomination are on the obverse.”
Unless it’s just my computer, the first link appears to be broken. Hopefully, if anyone else is experiencing the same problem, this link will work instead.
“Given the controversy over the veracity of climate change data we should refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed (or cooled) in any given period without IMMEDIATELY pointing out that such theories are based upon data that critics have called into question. It is not our place as journalists to assert such notions as facts, especially as this debate intensifies.”
Of course not, but it seems the author is being lambasted for being even handed in the AGW debate.
Listening to the Nicky Campbell phone-in via the internet here in Spain. Topic: coping with the heavy snowfall.
My fellow countrymen in blizzard strewn Blighty will be best able to tell me:-
a) Is it or is it not an issue that local and national government has been badly prepared to deal with the heavy snowfall because we were told by global warmists with the BBC guaranteed seal of approval that we will no longer see barely even a snowflake anymore?
b) Is the major debate on whether this wantonly false claim by the warmists means we should start paying a lot more attention to what sceptic scientists are saying taking place?
Yes there seems no lack of certainty in this report from 2000
Monday, 20 March 2000 According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”. David Parker, at the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research in Berkshire, says ultimately, British children could have only virtual experience of snow. Via the internet, they might wonder at polar scenes – or eventually “feel” virtual cold. Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner, but when it does we will be unprepared. “We’re really going to get caught out. Snow will probably cause chaos in 20 years time,” he said.
Whoever occupied the awful “thought for the day” slot this morning (one John Bell?) made the comment “now that we are certain that global warming is happening” within his “sermon”.
Is there no escape? Has he been in the UK lately? Or is he just parroting the BBC (and church?) ideological stance?
They just can’t leave it alone, can they? – Dig, dig, dig….
It must surely have occurred to someone by now, that the public no longer buy this drivel, and never will. It’s gone much too far.
Natsman I know! it never stops and if they can help it, it never will too much vested interests and ego involved! they are now into what i call the ‘Poseiden’ syndrome there they were all happily chugging along on their ship having a great party when along came a tidal wave [climate gate] triggered by an earthquake [ the hockey stick disaster]and turned the ship upside down and as in the film some have lost the faith know the ship is lost and are trying to get off ,others are deluded and awaiting rescue that will never come and staying put till the bitter end !.
Mind it has a happy ending for us as the bloody ship sinks eventually !lol
And very sad news of the death of ‘I counted them all out and I counted them all in’ Brian Hanrahan. Old school BBC. He used to be the norm. Rest in peace sir.
Yes, I don’t recall him ever forcing his opinions on the audience via his articles. Factual, humble and respectful. What a pity the new generation of ‘reporters’ can’t learn a thing or two from the old school. I think it is a sad loss.
Men arrested in anti-terror raids Right now everyone is hedging their bets so let’s start a book on which media will be the first to state why these men might have been willing to blow up the places they live and which one will be the last.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) reports : “men”, “militants”:
INBBC’s euphemistic and purposely censored report is headlined:
“Men arrested in anti-terror raids”
(INBBC always censors out telling words such as ‘Muslims’, ‘Islam’ and Jihad’ on such occasions, as part of INBBC’s Islamophilic deliberate, and permanent political policy.)
Is this the reason that beeboids (Thompson/Attenborough) are already paving the way for the BBC’s formal adoption of a left wing bias in reaction to Murdoch’s potential for a UK Fox news?
“The European Commission is expected to clear News Corporation’s planned £12bn buyout of BSkyB this week. The Commission, which is studying potential competition issues, not plurality, is due to hand down its ruling by Wednesday. The decision is expected to be favourable for the Rupert Murdoch-led News Corp, which already owns The Times, The Sunday Times, the News of the World and The Sun through its News International unit, the Independent reports.”
So…. to counter their fears of an independent, free from public support, live-or-die by market forces new medium, the luvvies reckon it’s only fair for the state to gouge as much as it can from the public to ensure a ‘counter-balance’ exists in the from of pumping our their world views unrestricted… like they have not been acting in this Charter-breaking ‘role’ for decades?
The severely cold weather is obviously top news right now.
Boris Johnson points out that London government apparently pays attention to Piers Corbyn – whom he regards as far more prescient than the Met Office. Johnson claims that this is why the London system of tube and bus transport is largely unaffected by the snow, things have been kept running.
Boris’s piece in the Telegraph has surely been seen by many among the 1000+ BBC “journalism” staff ? It represents strong and justifiable criticism of the Met Office, its huge budget and its mega-computer systems and models.
So when will News at One, Newsnight etc be picking this story up, interviewing Boris or Piers Corbyn, hauling in someone from the Met Office for a grilling ?
I am not holding my breath. Because the Met Office and its damn computer models are central to the Warmism case that the BBC expounds at every turn. To undermine the Met Office would start to undermine the whole Warmist argument.
‘So when will News at One, Newsnight etc be picking this story up,..’
Well, other than obvious (professional courtesy to Clan Ciimate – they and the Met Office are very much affiliated. One gives the other cr@p forecasts that cost bazillions, and the other costs us billions to cite them as the only worthy source of science since Miliband E. got his tongue stuck in a flask of Helium), it may be that 99% of the BBC staff seem to be on holiday for 3 weeks, hopefully stuck at Heathrow as they head for a not-at-all hypocritical period of R&R on the slopes before returning to tell us all not to travel.
In fact Boris was interviewed by World at One on Radio 4. But only about the problems of clearing snow at Heathrow.
He was NOT asked about his assertion that the Met Office is unreliable but Corbyn the climate sceptic is relatively reliable. Dear me no, the BBC would not dare go down that relevant avenue of discussion on the biggest news story of the week.
Of course, BBC-NUJ branch does not issue a disclaimer to the effect that all BBC-NUJ reports on the English Defence League (EDL) necessarily presents only a politically oppositional stance to the EDL, and a politically stance which supports UAF. This is offical NUJ policy which pervades the British MSM.
“Hackers steal English Defence League membership list”
(So we pay for all the INBBC Islamophilic propaganda against ‘Islamophobia’.)
Yet another Mohammedan plot for mass murder in Britain, on the heels of a failed attempt in Stockholm. I would like to as the BBC if they’re interested in discussing why there seem to be so many more plots like this in the UK and Europe than there are in the US. If the only cause of Islamic “radicalization” is Westerners killing Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan, surely the US should be the top focus, as the other countries combined have a fraction of the troops in either theater than does the US.
There should be ten times the attempts, ten times the plots broken up. At least. Am I missing something?
The US is greatly shackled by PC as we are, but Muslim societies I think are far more deeply embedded in Europe and Britain. Plus in the States, I think inspite of the absurd approach to Islamist fronts like CAIR, there are a lot of people in the ‘private sector’ doing a great job in exposing what such terrorist fronts actually stand for. The counter-terrorist ‘scene’ is pretty pathetic in Britain in contrast. Melanie Phillips stands out a mile for ‘telling truth to berks’.
The US is greatly shackled by PC as we are, but Muslim societies I think are far more deeply embedded in Europe and Britain. Plus in the States, I think inspite of the absurd approach to Islamist fronts like CAIR, there are a lot of people in the ‘private sector’ doing a great job in exposing what such terrorist fronts actually stand for. The counter-terrorist ‘scene’ is pretty pathetic in Britain in contrast. Melanie Phillips stands out a mile for ‘telling truth to berks’.
The US is greatly shackled by PC as we are, but Muslim societies I think are far more deeply embedded in Europe and Britain. Plus in the States, I think inspite of the absurd approach to Islamist fronts like CAIR, there are a lot of people in the ‘private sector’ doing a great job in exposing what such terrorist fronts actually stand for. The counter-terrorist ‘scene’ is pretty pathetic in Britain in contrast. Melanie Phillips stands out a mile for ‘telling truth to berks’.
iaindaleIain DaleRT @DenisMacShane: Wonder how much of exchange for R4 PM wth @iaindale on lack of gov grip over weather emer will survive edit?
Not so much for the wet Tories getting all they deserve from an opportunistic Labour pol whose memory seems to have stopped prior to May, but the general acceptance by all sides of the political coin accepting that whatever the public hears, it will first go through the filter of a few folk chez Aunty.
We must all be on alert guys to make sure the BBC does NOT get away with telling lies about the cold weather.
I keep hearing ‘extreme weather’ and ‘climate change’ being used as an excuse.
At NO time have wankers like Harrabin ever suggested our winters would be like the ones we used to have 30 years ago, in fact as I have commented on before, Harrabin has a habit of doing puff pieces on how mild the winters are BECAUSE of man made global warming.
He continually does pieces on early flowering at Kew gardens, reports on the lack of snow in the alps etc and his most famous one of ‘no snow in Moscow’ a couple of years ago (even though two days later Moscow was under 6 feet of snow as normal)
Remember how the rent boy users at the Indy were telling us that snow was a thing of the past?
The BBC just showed the lighting ceremony of the new stadium for the London Olympics. The Prime Minister was there, as was Boris the Clown. So it’s the perfect opportunity to do a hit piece on how the nasty Coalition cuts are harming sports for children, including criticism from a Labour mouthpiece. BBC Sports editor said that the Coalition simply can’t provide what it promised “after the lights go out”.
Dopey discussion on the News Channel just now. What can businesses possibly do to prevent massive snowstorms from harming their trade? What are they supposed to spend money on that would be so smart? Snowmobile buses to round up customers? No details given, of courses just platitudes. It’s smart for businesses to spend money on what they do best like services everyone needs, says the business advisor. “That’s good advice, thanks”.
The BBC is trying to blame everyone for this disruption to services and public life except the Met for telling everyone this wouldn’t happen and they didn’t need to plan for it.
Of course, the Iran regime is amazingly still allowed to operate its ‘PRESS TV’ 24/7 TV station on the Sky satellite from its London studios! No major British political party, nor media outlet campaigns to close it down.
The BBC seems to find it necessary to repeatedly stress that the proposed high speed railway passes through Tory constituencies and the voters don’t like it.
Surprise surprise virtually all rural seats are held by Tories or liberals. So why bother to mention it.
No real discussion as to the merits of this scheme just another chance for the BBC to portray middle England as obstructive and selfish.
This railway links the ****holes of London .Birmingham and eventually Manchester and Glasgow so I can sees why beeboids like it.
Makes being stuck in Manchester much less unpleasant for the relocated ones.
Yes Dave, but notice HOW the BBC didn’t goto their usual leftie mates Greenprats for a sound bite on how the High Speed railway would cut CO2 emissions? When Nu Liebour were going on about this when in power the BBC were always giving airtime to the greenies.
Again as well the BBC, keep calling the recent bad weather ‘freak weather’. It’s not freak weather it’s normal winter weather. The reason we’re not prepared is because the BBC have been pumping out left wing propaganda for years about climate change and snow being a thing of the past.
Oh and note how all of a sudden 4X4’s are the saviours? Remember not so long ago anyone who owned a Landrover was seen as a child rapist by the BBC, now these are important vehicles for helping get to those hard to reach places.
A company I used to work for always used to buy a % of 4 wheel drive vehicles for their fleet, but of course these days’ you’d be punished for that and have fat lesbians from Greenprats spitting at you in the street.
How interesting that some camp beeboid on the BBC news is trying ‘explain’ why we’re getting this current weather. “It’s beyond the science” he says with a straight face.
No offence beeboid mong but if you can’t predict this sort of trend how the f**k do you think you can make any accurate predictions about climate change?
As most of us with a brain have known for years, the climate is so complicated that to simply say that higher levels of CO2 cause more warming is just bollocks pure and simple.
There are a huge number of factors that they need to model and the truth is they can’t do it, they ‘guess’ usually ensuring that any data they use has a ‘warm bias’ so as to always get the outcomes they want.
I am not sure how the alleged knowledge seekers did with the three “out of the blue questions” on University Challenged about a BBC favourite : Global Warming.
But I don’t suppose they got any bonus points for remembering how difficult it was in getting to the studio in the snow in the first place either.
Having seen Snowdon a few months back, I wondered if the BBC had any news of the weather in the area, and any photos of the snow. The search, however, led to an article from 2004 called
Snow ‘disappears’ from Snowdon’:The snow is disappearing from Snowdon, scientists have claimed. Dr Jeremy Williams, of Bangor University, said: “This data confirms what many gardeners believe – winters are not as hard as they used to be.” The data collected by experts from the university suggests that a white Christmas on Snowdon – the tallest mountain in England and Wales – may one day become no more than a memory. The results appear to back the growing body of evidence to support climate change.Temperature studies carried out on the slopes of Snowdon as part of the UK-wide Environmental Change Network have helped record a 1C rise in UK temperatures in the past 25 years. Snow cover on these mountains has been steadily declining over the past ten years apart from 2001. Dr Williams said: “What we have found is that it is not so cold as it used to be. By 2007, as this article Scientist’s fear for Snowdon’s snow shows, this had progressed to:Snowdon could lose all its snow in less than 15 years as climate change continues to take hold, it is claimed.
There’s been no update since though. Why?
Well, the aforementioned Environmental Change Network’s website has posted weekly photos of Snowdon since 2000 to prove its point. No more photos have been published since June 2010. Why?
Here’s a selection which possibly supplies the answer:
Of course, if there’s a cooler winter on Snowdon in 2008-2009, a colder-still winter in 2009-2010 and a even-colder-still winter in 2010-2011, there’s always the option of the Paradoxically Cop-Out:
“Within my lifetime we could have glaciers on Snowdon, predicts a Welsh climate scientist; Snow and ice ‘all winter, every winter’ if Gulf Stream fails to deliver warmth.” (Dr Alun Hubbard)
THIS winter’s prolonged cold spell could be a taste of things to come for Wales – with glaciers a possibility within 40 years. That’s the chilly message from a leading Welsh climate expert who has warned that global warming could paradoxically trigger a collapse in temperatures in western Europe.
(Western Mail)
The BBC could (and probably will) try this line out soon time soon.
Yes, whether Snowdon has little snow for a few years or is covered in snow for a few years, it’s ‘man made climate change’! One scientist (during a mild winter) says the snow will all be gone in a few years never to return, another scientist (during a cold winter) says the snow will remain, get worse and result in glaciers. Either way, it’s ‘man-made climate change’!
I see St Vince has been secretly recorded saying he’ll bring the Government down if he doesn’t get his way.
Regardless of the importance of St Vince to the coalition I bet that the BBC will NOT take the approach they did when Sky recorded the one eyed mong calling some working class woman a ‘bigot’.
Remember how the BBC took a sympathetic approach to mong’s outburst?
Don’t expect St Vince to get the same treatment…unless he resigns of course
He’s turning out to be a right little prima donna. Does he think he, one little man from one little party, is more important than the public’s voting preferences or the major party in the coalition? Hope he does flounce out and leave the government to get on with the job. Byeeeeeeee….
A few comments above on the way the ‘weather’ is being spun climatically.
Not Aunty, but soul sister Ch4 has an interesting take on it, which caught my eye as the word ‘unprecedented’ seems to get deployed a tad too easily when the folk who said there would be no more snow need to explain how we’re now just getting what happened… er … before. If a few decades ago.
Snow causes ‘unprecedented’ travel chaos
Heathrow Airport is a complete shambles. The world’s busiest airport is struggling into life with one runway open and still a number of long haul and short haul planes stuck, frozen at their gates. Whilst climate change and once in a lifetime weather events are being blamed, there is an increasingly long finger of suspicion pointed at BAA, who own the airport.
Can it be that some in the media are getting their pretty heads around the fact that running a press release about global warming might not cut it when it may well simply be some overpaid dopey pols bought into what some trendy settled scientists seeking funding or a knighthood told them what they wanted to hear? Especially over the last, say, 13 years or so? The current crop are as dire, but giving airtime to ex-climate minister Miliband E’s merry crew crowing now after the zero investment made in contingency over AGW spinning they managed, is simply risible.
And when fingers of suspicion track around, maybe a few in the MSM could do with looking at their own complicity too.
To make matters worse (if that’s possible) the CEO of BAA did his rounds of interviews with the media in what only he and his mother could of have thought was a rather fetching and appropriate High visibility Jacket.
In other words, not only did he look like a prat, he managed to sound like one as well .
But bound to impress the mentaly challenged who would think he was either in a position of authority or a Nativity Play at the very least.
However, luminous man went on to say – “We shall be carring out a forensic study into what happened and the resulting consequences for customers.”
The BBC “journalist” savaged him by saying – “Oh right, good !”
The SKY journalist asked him if he was aware that it had snowed before in London and, as early as this year, had caused similar disruption.
To which we were treated with the Mother Of All Excuses – “Saftey is our main priority.”
Meanwhile back in the Heathrow Terminals as “customers” start to kill and eat each other, the BBC cut away for a very important news item in the studio –
We’re getting reports that Vince “traitor” Cable has has said something beastly about the coalition, so sod the airports, this is the sort of stuff we want.
It’s enough to make you want to pay for a licence fee. If you enjoy comedy and have too much cash then maybe the BBC is for you after all.
Some more opinion poll results showing how warped aberrant the Muslim mindset appears to be, worldwide. Just the sort of polling the BBC would never mention, even as background info – for instance when Islamist terrorism threats occur :
One of the comments on this piece suggests that political correctness is akin to HIV – it attacks the body’s immune system, its capability to reject attack. Not a bad analogy – the BBC is deliberately blinding people to reality, deliberately underplaying the threats we face from a growing and often parasitic and/or hostile wedge of the population. From a community that apparently feels it wrong to tell the police when they see Islamist maniacs amongst them.
In the process of a cup of tea before i head upstairs and while i do so I go through the news and I came across this parting shot to America from the BBC’s America correspondent Kevin Connolly whose next posting is to the Middle East. well after reading such parting gifts such as: “But there is, nevertheless, a deep-seated European instinct that says the United States might be all right if it would only tweak its attitude towards healthcare, or gun control or the death penalty.”
“And America is, of course, an intensely religious place – something that is not difficult to trace to its foundation by a band of hardy religious zealots.” (And yet the bBC refers to even more polarized Muslims as conservative.)
“American writing, for example, beguiles and exasperates in equal measure. Its newspapers – with one or two exceptions – are awful”
“One possible casualty might be the curious form of credit-card imperialism that has helped to shape the world in recent years.”
“And they could speed up their journeys to work by not insisting on holding every elevator for everyone who wants to catch it as though it was one of the last helicopters leaving the roof of the Saigon embassy in 1975. There will be another lift along in a minute.”
To his credit the backstabbing wanker does finish with:
“Still, for all his tireless labours and exalted musings, I bet nothing ever happened to him that explained as clearly as that five-minute conversation in an airport car park three years ago, exactly what it is like to live among those extraordinary people in that extraordinary place.”
But seeing as he moving to the Middle East you can bet your bottom dinar that Israel is not going to get any honest reporting from this leftwing twat.
Connolly is quite wrong when he holds up putting “In God We Trust” on currency in the 50s as evidence that the country was becoming more religious. That and Eisenhower putting “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance was about taking a stand against “Godless Communism”. The country was already religious and Eisenhower responded to that. The birth of TV evangelism probably helped.
Obviously Connolly is so clueless about the country he was assigned to cover that he’s unaware of things like the Great Awakening in the 1740s, the great influence of Lutheranism from the German and Scandinavian immigrants who settled the midwest, the Quakers or the Shakers, the Scopes Monkey Trial, Prohibition, and on and on and on.
What an ignorant correspondent. Yet the BBC expected you to trust him on US issues for so long. He’ll probably show up in Jerusalem in January wondering what all those Jews are doing there.
You got to laugh at how far the bBC will go to cover up the blood lust of its peaceful religion the finishing statement on the story about how a woman accused of an affair died after getting beaten for it is: “Nearly 90% of Bangladesh’s estimated 160 million population are Muslims, most of whom practice a moderate version of Islam.”
Yet, two major stories from yesterday include the one about the Bangladeshi father and son who walked free from court over the abuse and threats on the the life of Harry Potter Star Afshan Azad . (Which for some reason the bBC has kept low key)
and the one about how 12 Muslims (yes Muslims) have been arrested over allegations of trying to kill us all. Some of whom are believed to be from Bangladesh. Funny thing is the bbC article on this spends a lot of time on how the Met have a poor recored on charging people for terrorist offences. For a less Islamic friendly synopsis I just go to the Guardian.
With that in mind can somebody please explain to my single braincell what does the bbC mean by: “Nearly 90% of Bangladesh’s estimated 160 million population are Muslims, most of whom practice a moderate version of Islam.”
One of the outposts of anti-Christian bigotry, especially in the run-up to Christmas, is the ludicrously risible BBC radio London which makes Radio Moscow of the Brezhnev era appear as entertaining as the old Radio Luxembourg – so dire and authoritarian is its committment to political correctness and taking “Christ” out of Christmas.
One of the main anti-God evangelist is “Big” (short for ‘bigot’) George who broadcasts a show mainly for cab drivers between 2-6:00 am. He claims to have made a special study of debunking Christian myths such as the Virgin Birth, the Empty Tomb and the Slaughter of the Innocents and states there were many Christ-like figures in many civilisations before Jesus (whose historical provenance he doubts). Really, George, next thing you know you will be telling us that Adam and Eve never lived in the Garden of Eden. They are biblical parables, like the story of the Good Samaritan, designed to illustrate a point.
However such advanced theology is beyond ‘Big’ George’s ken. He has a particular aversion to Mormons – I don’t know why – maybe one of them played a wrong note in one of his former bands (he is a musician). He opened his show last night (early hours of Monday) by asking if Muslims, Hindus and Jews in London celebrate Christmas – errr, no, George, they don’t – the clue might be in the word “Christmas”.
The point was obviously to imply that Christianity was simply one of a number of religions in multi-faith Britain despite the fact the overwhelming majority of the population – including in London identify themselves as Christian. I called up to ask why he is celebrating Christmas if he isn’t a Christian. I went on to ask if he disbelieved the Sermon on the Mount in the same way he disbelieved the miracles. By this time he was becoming increasingly agitated when I asked him why Christianity had persited in Europe for almost 2000 years but Communism had lasted barely 70 he cut me off abruptly.
Radio London could be easily closed down without any loss to broadcasting quality. Londoners would simply continue to tune into Capital.
R4 reports on an Australian terrorist trial start, even after the guilty verdicts, with the terrorists defence. The report opens by telling us – Belief that Islam was under attack from the West was the cause of the actions.
Search Biased BBC
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Dozy female Liebour MP just allowed to say unchallenged on Radio 5 that “the cold winters are caused by climate change”. Fat shit Nolan didn’t challenge this.
The BBC must think people are idiots.
Silly bitch just said it again and again fat shit Nolan didn’t challenge her on it.
It’s THE NEW LINE from the global warming Fascists. So of course the BBC are going to allow it to pass, and with flying colours.
Cold winters ARE caused by climate change!
The fraudulent parts are that Man plays a significant contribution, that Man can change it by his actions, that Britain can make a difference and that the mechanism is Carbon.
I’ve heard that changing climate will move the Gulf Stream. Since it is the Gulf Stream that keeps Britain warm so the country will likely get colder.
Whether this is man-made and whether anything can be done about it is another matter.
What is it with the BBC love affair with the prats on th “Now Show”, An utterly unfunny prog performed (if it is actually live) before a sycophantic crowd. The worse the “funny line”, the more the “audience” screams support,
This week’s version was aas bad as usual. Including a 6-minute rant agaist the EDL – on and on it went, slagging them off as violent, racist etc
Never of course any reference to the ultra-violent “UAF”
The piece ended with a few lines to say “Of course the EDL is crazy – it harmonises with the US Tea Party”.
Thanks, BBC, dfor your impartiality.
What really makes me sick is 2 things. First, the BBC is running the nasty “Now Show” ranting loudmouth prats as a Radio 4 pantomime in Christmas week.
I keep asking – how low can the BBC stoop ?
I now find out that Radio 7 – which does OLD comedy, drama, SciFi and thriller stuff – is running the bloody “Now Show” every week – the most recent episode. They have nothing whatsoever to do with the main Radio 7 theme – re-running quality stuff from the past.
Radio 7 should be ashamed at caving in to crasp like this – it dilutes the channel.
Sounds very much like canned laughter to me.
Sigh. On not this whole “I personally don’t find it funny therefore it must be canned laughter” thing again….
Not at all, Dez. I haven’t the time or equipment available to isolate the audio and do an analysis nor incentive to request a F.O.I. but I have excellent ears and sound editing experience.
The tell-tale signs of pre-recorded laughter especially when the editor is lazy or budget low are:
1) The volume and length of the laughter are strangely repetitive; Let’s face it. In the real world not all jokes are equally funny nor do audiences necessarily react as the scriptwriters predict.
2) Laughter at all and only the right places and never out of sync. Occasionally in the real world one member of the audience will find something funny where no one else does or will find a joke much funnier than everyone else and continue laughing when others have stopped. No evidence of this here nor evidence that even one ‘joke’ failed.
3) No distinctive voices. Because most shows have such a limited ‘library’ of laugh tracks no distinctive laughs can be allowed without giving the game away.
4) No extraneous other noises. Coughs, sneezes, mobile phones, crackles, whispers, apologies, shuffling or interjections that one would expect at a live venue.
5) No ‘recorded in front of a live audience at a named venue’ messages. If a show is live the producers want to add to the value by making an announcement.
Canned laughter, including sweeteners (editing real audience responses before broadcast) have a long history in radio and television, more often in America than in the UK. There is even an elegant variation where a show is first recorded and then shown to a live audience to record their response.
One problem in such an overtly political comedy show as ‘the Now Show’ is not only the difficulties in synchronisation but unless the audience is particularly selected and even auditioned to be sympathetic with politics the responses can be catastrophic. Someone might be offended and actually boo or heckle and the cast would have to ignore or put down the heckler. No sign of this here.
So make your choice, Dez. What would you prefer accept that the BBC added canned laughter to this programme or that this was a sycophantic audience filtered to exclude anyone who might find it unfunny or even offensive, and thereby disrupt the BBC narrative?
meeh off-main-topic-but-on-this-topic – Canned laughter is particularly obvious when there is a quote young, edgy unquote show on and the producers use a laughter track recorded at an episode of The Golden Shot with an audience full of pensioners bussed in from Blackpool.
DB made the same claim regarding “The News Quiz” (because he personally didn’t find it funny). He was wrong.
You do pick some odd ones to defend dezzie ? the people that come on here are not attacking all BBC comedy how could we? there is none and the not show is a prime example, it was funny for the first few series but as with many new programmes like one foot in the grave with it’s decent into killing animal jokes , has now fallen into mindless bigoted ranting and sniping with some lovely racist jokes about the French and Germans/ Tories/Clegg/ B.N.P[how old are these jokes?]Palin/Bush/fat people/Daily mail that we have heard endlessly for 18 months+ ! even a new U.S president hasn’t changed the one liners ! but not surprising as they haven’t come up with one single joke about Oba after 12 months?? now there has to be a few laughs in Guantanamo even a daft punt should be able to come up with one ?.
This is the best the BBC can do is it ? these joke are tired and boring like the 40+ year old comedians writing [if that is the right term!] this rubbish and before you say owt my sense of humour is far beyond the mindless ramblings of some fat bigot like Prigstoke! try Jam or Brass eye! god even the Goons/Q8 was by far more inventive then this trite bitter cods wallop .
You know we have been banging on about this for years.
Richard North and Autonomous Mind are right. The only solution is violence. The English take a long time to get there but it is coming.
The EDL deserve to be derided for the nasty yobs they are.
But as you say, the extremists at the BBC stay shtum about the violence on their side.
Agreed. If I was granted a license to hold Firing Squads Steve Punt would be the first customer (even before I built a wall for him to stand against)
Thanks to Biased bbc my ability to spot bbc newspeak has been heightened. Here is a classic being disseminated by the ever compliant Suzzane Reid on News 24 this morning.
Quote, “The Chief Government Advisor has been asked to consider whether the UK should plan for periods of more prolonged severe weather conditions in the future.”
I wonder if that reactionary word “cold” has been struck from the official bbc lexicon.
“The Chief Government Advisor has been asked to consider whether the UK should plan for periods of more prolonged severe weather conditions in the future.”
One presumes it has not occurred to the market rate talents (especially the young ones under 30 who might have missed the last time these ‘unprecedented’ events have happened) to ask if there might be consideration on why the UK did not plan for periods of prolonged severe (one presumes they mean ‘snowy’ ‘snaps’) weather (or, what we slightly more mature folk have also referred to in the past as ‘winter’).
Maybe because a ton of folk have been claiming (to willing ears… and the sound of retyping press releases) it couldn’t be possible now there is glob… er… clim… er… stuff that ‘Scientist’s say’ can lead to taxes.
As a recent thread asked, ‘Which is it?’ Aunty?
That all said, it seems the ‘Shadow Transport Secretary’ is finding willing homes in the studios to be a total hypocrite on Government response to and preparedness all this.
The coalition is now embedded and committed enough to various odd priorities to be held to account for their waffle, but surely Labour is the last party to stick its head over the parapet on long-term policy or lack of funds.
But I guess they are the opposition. However, one can only hope the BBC will be impartial in not giving them free rein in making political capital from yet more that is even worse due to their poisonous legacy.
Who was the settled science climate ‘go-to’ guy under Brown, until recently?
“BBC faces fury for portraying Virgin Mary as rape victim”
Read more:
Could anyone imagine the BBC presenting a similar ‘blasphemy’ against Islam, at any time of the year, least of all just before Ramadan?
Disgusting. The BBC do this deliberatly. The are truly aggresive anti-Christian.
” In practical terms, that meant that early in the year we showed enough of the Danish cartoons to give audiences an idea of what infuriated some Muslims. But we did not show them fully. We felt that would have caused gratuitous offence”
But it does not matter if thye cause “gratuitous offence” to Christians.
The BBC can offend whom they like, but I object to paying for their idea of “impatiality”.
Interesting I wonder hen the bBC is going to come out with a program where the prophet(as always highlighted by the the beeb) ‘Mohammed’ is exposed for the pedophile he was. Something his current followers have no problem emulating, Silly me they wouldn’t in a month of Fridays.
Seems its not just the BBC who discrimintate against “non-muslims” Only one religion is treated with deference in this country.
George: What year was that story in the above Mail link?
Interesting, the Andrew Marr Show is featuring guest commenter, fellow BBC employee Susannah Reid. Er… no one outside the bubble even on the approved iPhone speed dial?
She even just used the term ‘impartial journalists’. Bless.
At least Charles Kennedy has been allowed to show the hypocrisy and idiocy of Miliband E. with his daft schoolboy notions trying to change how people talk or think like anyone pays attention to him. But one is sure Aunty will approve when allowed the unchallengeable broadcast-only opportunities she is more comfortable with.
BBC slanders Norris McWhirter:
I’m not sure how responsible the BBC can be for what somebody says on one of their programmes but I would have to agree that this tends to reinforce claims of left-wing media bias.
Daniel Hannan blogs on this topic:
Hello All. I have a funny feeling that Auntie Beeb knows she has crossed the line with this one and is trying to cover her back. I have read several blogs about this morning and the not employed by the Beeb at all (honest) astroturfers are out in force in the comments section. Most of these comments are almost identical and make claims about the Freedom Associations links to apartheid South Africa. There seems to be something of a campaign going on to provide a smokescreen on this.
‘I’m not sure how responsible the BBC can be for what somebody says’
Haven’t listened to it, but fair point.
I guess it goes to the conduct of the editors (if pre-recorded) or the moderator/interviewer (if live).
If the former, no real excuse. If the latter, at the very least one might presume the person chairing the thing might be competent enough to a) know some facts and/or b) recognise a contentious charge when its made.
That does rather presume them to understand the concept of professional impartiality, which at the Beeb is a stretch.
It’s not like most programmes are above wheeling in a ‘guest’ as a thinly disguised proxy to say what they are all giggling about round the water cooler daily.
Thing is, the population of the Uk should not be compelled to fund them all having fun playing student uni shop stewards still, especially those who may not share the views they hold.
I can actually live with a fair degree of robust input… but only if balanced.
Getting on Littlejohn to lob out a few potentially libelous allusions on a daily basis about Aunty and her sista’s heavenly bovine herd does not seem too likely.
Littlejohn was on Talksport the other day. They are getting in a bit of bBC bashing on their morning show.
I’m not sure how responsible the BBC can be for what somebody says on one of their programmes …
The one time I appeared on the BBC I was interviewed beforehand and questions very similar to the ones I was eventually asked were given to me for my response. Unless the interviewee lies on the preliminary off-air interview the BBC knows exactly how they will answer.
In the case of guests with a known position (they are allowed to be biased not the BBC) they were chosen precisely because what they say can with some confidence be predicted.
The BBC also may monitor the programme or use a broadcast delay if offensive language may be predicted but ‘apparently’ it’s not standard practise.
I’m not sure what method the BBC will use with Jonathan Ross when he returns for Stargazing Live.
All TV and radio shows do that, though. Everyone prescreens.
While researching German currency, I happened across something amusing to give a Beeboid apoplexy: an old East German coin:
“The communist government of East Germany (German Democratic Republic, or DDR) considered pollution to be good! It symbolized industrialization, progress and productivity. Thus when East Germany issued its first 50 Pfennig coin in 1950 the design featured a factory belching out smoke. An old plow sits in the foreground. The date and denomination are on the obverse.”
Here’s a link with a picture of the coin. (Scroll down the page)
Perhaps we should institute a symbolic 50 Pfennig Award for particularly egregious examples of propaganda by Beeboid Ecoloons Harrabin, Black & Co.
Interesting article about wet liberals and their double standards, you just know most of the mincing BBC types are typical of this lot.
I posted this on the last open thread in reply to Dezs’ request for some information, but he may have missed it.
Dez said
“And what about the thickness of the ice cap? Do you have a graph for that as well?”
Hopefully Dez will thank you for that.
Unless it’s just my computer, the first link appears to be broken. Hopefully, if anyone else is experiencing the same problem, this link will work instead.
Is this an internal memo from the BBC?
“Given the controversy over the veracity of climate change data we should refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed (or cooled) in any given period without IMMEDIATELY pointing out that such theories are based upon data that critics have called into question. It is not our place as journalists to assert such notions as facts, especially as this debate intensifies.”
Of course not, but it seems the author is being lambasted for being even handed in the AGW debate.
This is the stance that all journalists should take – they are not qualified to say which research is right and which is wrong.
What is Global Warming? Dumbing down for the kids?
Great article by Melanie Phillips which touches on the dhimmitude of the BBC
Listening to the Nicky Campbell phone-in via the internet here in Spain. Topic: coping with the heavy snowfall.
My fellow countrymen in blizzard strewn Blighty will be best able to tell me:-
a) Is it or is it not an issue that local and national government has been badly prepared to deal with the heavy snowfall because we were told by global warmists with the BBC guaranteed seal of approval that we will no longer see barely even a snowflake anymore?
b) Is the major debate on whether this wantonly false claim by the warmists means we should start paying a lot more attention to what sceptic scientists are saying taking place?
Yes there seems no lack of certainty in this report from 2000
Monday, 20 March 2000
According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”.
David Parker, at the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research in Berkshire, says ultimately, British children could have only virtual experience of snow. Via the internet, they might wonder at polar scenes – or eventually “feel” virtual cold.
Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner, but when it does we will be unprepared. “We’re really going to get caught out. Snow will probably cause chaos in 20 years time,” he said.
Whoever occupied the awful “thought for the day” slot this morning (one John Bell?) made the comment “now that we are certain that global warming is happening” within his “sermon”.
Is there no escape? Has he been in the UK lately? Or is he just parroting the BBC (and church?) ideological stance?
They just can’t leave it alone, can they? – Dig, dig, dig….
It must surely have occurred to someone by now, that the public no longer buy this drivel, and never will. It’s gone much too far.
Natsman I know! it never stops and if they can help it, it never will too much vested interests and ego involved! they are now into what i call the ‘Poseiden’ syndrome there they were all happily chugging along on their ship having a great party when along came a tidal wave [climate gate] triggered by an earthquake [ the hockey stick disaster]and turned the ship upside down and as in the film some have lost the faith know the ship is lost and are trying to get off ,others are deluded and awaiting rescue that will never come and staying put till the bitter end !.
Mind it has a happy ending for us as the bloody ship sinks eventually !lol
Bell is another utter leftie that the BBC cycles through every month. I don’t think I have ever heard him say anything interesting.
Natsman – this is the “honest” chap. Its a shame that you cannot even trust churchmen to tell the truth.
And very sad news of the death of ‘I counted them all out and I counted them all in’ Brian Hanrahan. Old school BBC. He used to be the norm. Rest in peace sir.
Sad to hear of his passing ! it throws into sharp relief the utter pale waste of valuable space the current lot of fools the BBC employ on news are !
…I counted them all back.
Yes, I don’t recall him ever forcing his opinions on the audience via his articles. Factual, humble and respectful. What a pity the new generation of ‘reporters’ can’t learn a thing or two from the old school. I think it is a sad loss.
Men arrested in anti-terror raids
Right now everyone is hedging their bets so let’s start a book on which media will be the first to state why these men might have been willing to blow up the places they live and which one will be the last.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) reports : “men”, “militants”:
INBBC’s euphemistic and purposely censored report is headlined:
“Men arrested in anti-terror raids”
(INBBC always censors out telling words such as ‘Muslims’, ‘Islam’ and Jihad’ on such occasions, as part of INBBC’s Islamophilic deliberate, and permanent political policy.)
Non-INBBC translation: –
UK: Anti-terror cops arrest 12, uh, “people” for planning to set off bombs in “multiple locations”
Will INBBC mention this?:-
“Al Qaeda Militant Killed In Afghanistan Was Amnesty, CagePrisoners, Guardian, Indie Pin Up“
Is this the reason that beeboids (Thompson/Attenborough) are already paving the way for the BBC’s formal adoption of a left wing bias in reaction to Murdoch’s potential for a UK Fox news?
“The European Commission is expected to clear News Corporation’s planned £12bn buyout of BSkyB this week. The Commission, which is studying potential competition issues, not plurality, is due to hand down its ruling by Wednesday. The decision is expected to be favourable for the Rupert Murdoch-led News Corp, which already owns The Times, The Sunday Times, the News of the World and The Sun through its News International unit, the Independent reports.”
So…. to counter their fears of an independent, free from public support, live-or-die by market forces new medium, the luvvies reckon it’s only fair for the state to gouge as much as it can from the public to ensure a ‘counter-balance’ exists in the from of pumping our their world views unrestricted… like they have not been acting in this Charter-breaking ‘role’ for decades?
The severely cold weather is obviously top news right now.
Boris Johnson points out that London government apparently pays attention to Piers Corbyn – whom he regards as far more prescient than the Met Office. Johnson claims that this is why the London system of tube and bus transport is largely unaffected by the snow, things have been kept running.
Boris’s piece in the Telegraph has surely been seen by many among the 1000+ BBC “journalism” staff ? It represents strong and justifiable criticism of the Met Office, its huge budget and its mega-computer systems and models.
So when will News at One, Newsnight etc be picking this story up, interviewing Boris or Piers Corbyn, hauling in someone from the Met Office for a grilling ?
I am not holding my breath. Because the Met Office and its damn computer models are central to the Warmism case that the BBC expounds at every turn. To undermine the Met Office would start to undermine the whole Warmist argument.
‘So when will News at One, Newsnight etc be picking this story up,..’
Well, other than obvious (professional courtesy to Clan Ciimate – they and the Met Office are very much affiliated. One gives the other cr@p forecasts that cost bazillions, and the other costs us billions to cite them as the only worthy source of science since Miliband E. got his tongue stuck in a flask of Helium), it may be that 99% of the BBC staff seem to be on holiday for 3 weeks, hopefully stuck at Heathrow as they head for a not-at-all hypocritical period of R&R on the slopes before returning to tell us all not to travel.
Awesome. I’ve just bookmarked Corbyn’s site. The sun. Who could have imagined, eh, BBC?
Here is Corbyn being interviewed :
In fact Boris was interviewed by World at One on Radio 4. But only about the problems of clearing snow at Heathrow.
He was NOT asked about his assertion that the Met Office is unreliable but Corbyn the climate sceptic is relatively reliable. Dear me no, the BBC would not dare go down that relevant avenue of discussion on the biggest news story of the week.
Of course, BBC-NUJ branch does not issue a disclaimer to the effect that all BBC-NUJ reports on the English Defence League (EDL) necessarily presents only a politically oppositional stance to the EDL, and a politically stance which supports UAF. This is offical NUJ policy which pervades the British MSM.
“Hackers steal English Defence League membership list”
(So we pay for all the INBBC Islamophilic propaganda against ‘Islamophobia’.)
Yet another Mohammedan plot for mass murder in Britain, on the heels of a failed attempt in Stockholm. I would like to as the BBC if they’re interested in discussing why there seem to be so many more plots like this in the UK and Europe than there are in the US. If the only cause of Islamic “radicalization” is Westerners killing Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan, surely the US should be the top focus, as the other countries combined have a fraction of the troops in either theater than does the US.
There should be ten times the attempts, ten times the plots broken up. At least. Am I missing something?
The US is greatly shackled by PC as we are, but Muslim societies I think are far more deeply embedded in Europe and Britain. Plus in the States, I think inspite of the absurd approach to Islamist fronts like CAIR, there are a lot of people in the ‘private sector’ doing a great job in exposing what such terrorist fronts actually stand for. The counter-terrorist ‘scene’ is pretty pathetic in Britain in contrast. Melanie Phillips stands out a mile for ‘telling truth to berks’.
The US is greatly shackled by PC as we are, but Muslim societies I think are far more deeply embedded in Europe and Britain. Plus in the States, I think inspite of the absurd approach to Islamist fronts like CAIR, there are a lot of people in the ‘private sector’ doing a great job in exposing what such terrorist fronts actually stand for. The counter-terrorist ‘scene’ is pretty pathetic in Britain in contrast. Melanie Phillips stands out a mile for ‘telling truth to berks’.
The US is greatly shackled by PC as we are, but Muslim societies I think are far more deeply embedded in Europe and Britain. Plus in the States, I think inspite of the absurd approach to Islamist fronts like CAIR, there are a lot of people in the ‘private sector’ doing a great job in exposing what such terrorist fronts actually stand for. The counter-terrorist ‘scene’ is pretty pathetic in Britain in contrast. Melanie Phillips stands out a mile for ‘telling truth to berks’.
Found this interesting:
iaindale Iain Dale RT @DenisMacShane: Wonder how much of exchange for R4 PM wth @iaindale on lack of gov grip over weather emer will survive edit?
Not so much for the wet Tories getting all they deserve from an opportunistic Labour pol whose memory seems to have stopped prior to May, but the general acceptance by all sides of the political coin accepting that whatever the public hears, it will first go through the filter of a few folk chez Aunty.
We must all be on alert guys to make sure the BBC does NOT get away with telling lies about the cold weather.
I keep hearing ‘extreme weather’ and ‘climate change’ being used as an excuse.
At NO time have wankers like Harrabin ever suggested our winters would be like the ones we used to have 30 years ago, in fact as I have commented on before, Harrabin has a habit of doing puff pieces on how mild the winters are BECAUSE of man made global warming.
He continually does pieces on early flowering at Kew gardens, reports on the lack of snow in the alps etc and his most famous one of ‘no snow in Moscow’ a couple of years ago (even though two days later Moscow was under 6 feet of snow as normal)
Remember how the rent boy users at the Indy were telling us that snow was a thing of the past?
All utter bollocks of course.
The BBC just showed the lighting ceremony of the new stadium for the London Olympics. The Prime Minister was there, as was Boris the Clown. So it’s the perfect opportunity to do a hit piece on how the nasty Coalition cuts are harming sports for children, including criticism from a Labour mouthpiece. BBC Sports editor said that the Coalition simply can’t provide what it promised “after the lights go out”.
We always have a clown for London Mayor. 😉
Dopey discussion on the News Channel just now. What can businesses possibly do to prevent massive snowstorms from harming their trade? What are they supposed to spend money on that would be so smart? Snowmobile buses to round up customers? No details given, of courses just platitudes. It’s smart for businesses to spend money on what they do best like services everyone needs, says the business advisor. “That’s good advice, thanks”.
The BBC is trying to blame everyone for this disruption to services and public life except the Met for telling everyone this wouldn’t happen and they didn’t need to plan for it.
INBBC provides largely uncritical assessment of summary state executions in the Islamic Republic of Iran:
“Iran hangs 11 Jundullah Sunni militants”
Of course, the Iran regime is amazingly still allowed to operate its ‘PRESS TV’ 24/7 TV station on the Sky satellite from its London studios! No major British political party, nor media outlet campaigns to close it down.
Instead we have this situation:
“Iran weighs cutting ties with London”
The BBC seems to find it necessary to repeatedly stress that the proposed high speed railway passes through Tory constituencies and the voters don’t like it.
Surprise surprise virtually all rural seats are held by Tories or liberals. So why bother to mention it.
No real discussion as to the merits of this scheme just another chance for the BBC to portray middle England as obstructive and selfish.
This railway links the ****holes of London .Birmingham and eventually Manchester and Glasgow so I can sees why beeboids like it.
Makes being stuck in Manchester much less unpleasant for the relocated ones.
Yes Dave, but notice HOW the BBC didn’t goto their usual leftie mates Greenprats for a sound bite on how the High Speed railway would cut CO2 emissions? When Nu Liebour were going on about this when in power the BBC were always giving airtime to the greenies.
Again as well the BBC, keep calling the recent bad weather ‘freak weather’. It’s not freak weather it’s normal winter weather. The reason we’re not prepared is because the BBC have been pumping out left wing propaganda for years about climate change and snow being a thing of the past.
Oh and note how all of a sudden 4X4’s are the saviours? Remember not so long ago anyone who owned a Landrover was seen as a child rapist by the BBC, now these are important vehicles for helping get to those hard to reach places.
A company I used to work for always used to buy a % of 4 wheel drive vehicles for their fleet, but of course these days’ you’d be punished for that and have fat lesbians from Greenprats spitting at you in the street.
How interesting that some camp beeboid on the BBC news is trying ‘explain’ why we’re getting this current weather. “It’s beyond the science” he says with a straight face.
No offence beeboid mong but if you can’t predict this sort of trend how the f**k do you think you can make any accurate predictions about climate change?
As most of us with a brain have known for years, the climate is so complicated that to simply say that higher levels of CO2 cause more warming is just bollocks pure and simple.
There are a huge number of factors that they need to model and the truth is they can’t do it, they ‘guess’ usually ensuring that any data they use has a ‘warm bias’ so as to always get the outcomes they want.
“It’s beyond the science” – How does he know. The BBC don’t employ any scientists.
University Challenge just featured three bonus questions on anti-Warmist items. Is the BBC following Fox News’ lead on balance?
I am not sure how the alleged knowledge seekers did with the three “out of the blue questions” on University Challenged about a BBC favourite : Global Warming.
But I don’t suppose they got any bonus points for remembering how difficult it was in getting to the studio in the snow in the first place either.
Or was it pre-recorded in Cancun ?
Having seen Snowdon a few months back, I wondered if the BBC had any news of the weather in the area, and any photos of the snow. The search, however, led to an article from 2004 called
Snow ‘disappears’ from Snowdon’:The snow is disappearing from Snowdon, scientists have claimed. Dr Jeremy Williams, of Bangor University, said: “This data confirms what many gardeners believe – winters are not as hard as they used to be.” The data collected by experts from the university suggests that a white Christmas on Snowdon – the tallest mountain in England and Wales – may one day become no more than a memory. The results appear to back the growing body of evidence to support climate change.Temperature studies carried out on the slopes of Snowdon as part of the UK-wide Environmental Change Network have helped record a 1C rise in UK temperatures in the past 25 years. Snow cover on these mountains has been steadily declining over the past ten years apart from 2001. Dr Williams said: “What we have found is that it is not so cold as it used to be.
By 2007, as this article Scientist’s fear for Snowdon’s snow shows, this had progressed to:Snowdon could lose all its snow in less than 15 years as climate change continues to take hold, it is claimed.
There’s been no update since though. Why?
Well, the aforementioned Environmental Change Network’s website has posted weekly photos of Snowdon since 2000 to prove its point. No more photos have been published since June 2010. Why?
Here’s a selection which possibly supplies the answer:
Of course, if there’s a cooler winter on Snowdon in 2008-2009, a colder-still winter in 2009-2010 and a even-colder-still winter in 2010-2011, there’s always the option of the Paradoxically Cop-Out:
“Within my lifetime we could have glaciers on Snowdon, predicts a Welsh climate scientist; Snow and ice ‘all winter, every winter’ if Gulf Stream fails to deliver warmth.” (Dr Alun Hubbard)
THIS winter’s prolonged cold spell could be a taste of things to come for Wales – with glaciers a possibility within 40 years. That’s the chilly message from a leading Welsh climate expert who has warned that global warming could paradoxically trigger a collapse in temperatures in western Europe.
(Western Mail)
The BBC could (and probably will) try this line out soon time soon.
There are a lot of “coulds” ,”Ifs” and “probables” in there. So he is not certain then?
Yes, whether Snowdon has little snow for a few years or is covered in snow for a few years, it’s ‘man made climate change’! One scientist (during a mild winter) says the snow will all be gone in a few years never to return, another scientist (during a cold winter) says the snow will remain, get worse and result in glaciers. Either way, it’s ‘man-made climate change’!
I see St Vince has been secretly recorded saying he’ll bring the Government down if he doesn’t get his way.
Regardless of the importance of St Vince to the coalition I bet that the BBC will NOT take the approach they did when Sky recorded the one eyed mong calling some working class woman a ‘bigot’.
Remember how the BBC took a sympathetic approach to mong’s outburst?
Don’t expect St Vince to get the same treatment…unless he resigns of course
He’s turning out to be a right little prima donna. Does he think he, one little man from one little party, is more important than the public’s voting preferences or the major party in the coalition? Hope he does flounce out and leave the government to get on with the job. Byeeeeeeee….
A few comments above on the way the ‘weather’ is being spun climatically.
Not Aunty, but soul sister Ch4 has an interesting take on it, which caught my eye as the word ‘unprecedented’ seems to get deployed a tad too easily when the folk who said there would be no more snow need to explain how we’re now just getting what happened… er … before. If a few decades ago.
Snow causes ‘unprecedented’ travel chaos
Heathrow Airport is a complete shambles. The world’s busiest airport is struggling into life with one runway open and still a number of long haul and short haul planes stuck, frozen at their gates. Whilst climate change and once in a lifetime weather events are being blamed, there is an increasingly long finger of suspicion pointed at BAA, who own the airport.
Can it be that some in the media are getting their pretty heads around the fact that running a press release about global warming might not cut it when it may well simply be some overpaid dopey pols bought into what some trendy settled scientists seeking funding or a knighthood told them what they wanted to hear? Especially over the last, say, 13 years or so? The current crop are as dire, but giving airtime to ex-climate minister Miliband E’s merry crew crowing now after the zero investment made in contingency over AGW spinning they managed, is simply risible.
And when fingers of suspicion track around, maybe a few in the MSM could do with looking at their own complicity too.
Ah… ‘experts’ & ‘gov scientists’ are on the case.
That’ll sort it. And even if not, the BBc can do so in post.
To make matters worse (if that’s possible) the CEO of BAA did his rounds of interviews with the media in what only he and his mother could of have thought was a rather fetching and appropriate High visibility Jacket.
In other words, not only did he look like a prat, he managed to sound like one as well .
But bound to impress the mentaly challenged who would think he was either in a position of authority or a Nativity Play at the very least.
However, luminous man went on to say – “We shall be carring out a forensic study into what happened and the resulting consequences for customers.”
The BBC “journalist” savaged him by saying – “Oh right, good !”
The SKY journalist asked him if he was aware that it had snowed before in London and, as early as this year, had caused similar disruption.
To which we were treated with the Mother Of All Excuses – “Saftey is our main priority.”
Meanwhile back in the Heathrow Terminals as “customers” start to kill and eat each other, the BBC cut away for a very important news item in the studio –
We’re getting reports that Vince “traitor” Cable has has said something beastly about the coalition, so sod the airports, this is the sort of stuff we want.
It’s enough to make you want to pay for a licence fee. If you enjoy comedy and have too much cash then maybe the BBC is for you after all.
Global Warming – Don’t you just love it !
Some more opinion poll results showing how warped aberrant the Muslim mindset appears to be, worldwide. Just the sort of polling the BBC would never mention, even as background info – for instance when Islamist terrorism threats occur :
One of the comments on this piece suggests that political correctness is akin to HIV – it attacks the body’s immune system, its capability to reject attack. Not a bad analogy – the BBC is deliberately blinding people to reality, deliberately underplaying the threats we face from a growing and often parasitic and/or hostile wedge of the population. From a community that apparently feels it wrong to tell the police when they see Islamist maniacs amongst them.
In the process of a cup of tea before i head upstairs and while i do so I go through the news and I came across this parting shot to America from the BBC’s America correspondent Kevin Connolly whose next posting is to the Middle East. well after reading such parting gifts such as:
“But there is, nevertheless, a deep-seated European instinct that says the United States might be all right if it would only tweak its attitude towards healthcare, or gun control or the death penalty.”
“And America is, of course, an intensely religious place – something that is not difficult to trace to its foundation by a band of hardy religious zealots.” (And yet the bBC refers to even more polarized Muslims as conservative.)
“American writing, for example, beguiles and exasperates in equal measure. Its newspapers – with one or two exceptions – are awful”
“One possible casualty might be the curious form of credit-card imperialism that has helped to shape the world in recent years.”
“And they could speed up their journeys to work by not insisting on holding every elevator for everyone who wants to catch it as though it was one of the last helicopters leaving the roof of the Saigon embassy in 1975. There will be another lift along in a minute.”
To his credit the backstabbing wanker does finish with:
“Still, for all his tireless labours and exalted musings, I bet nothing ever happened to him that explained as clearly as that five-minute conversation in an airport car park three years ago, exactly what it is like to live among those extraordinary people in that extraordinary place.”
But seeing as he moving to the Middle East you can bet your bottom dinar that Israel is not going to get any honest reporting from this leftwing twat.
Connolly is quite wrong when he holds up putting “In God We Trust” on currency in the 50s as evidence that the country was becoming more religious. That and Eisenhower putting “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance was about taking a stand against “Godless Communism”. The country was already religious and Eisenhower responded to that. The birth of TV evangelism probably helped.
Obviously Connolly is so clueless about the country he was assigned to cover that he’s unaware of things like the Great Awakening in the 1740s, the great influence of Lutheranism from the German and Scandinavian immigrants who settled the midwest, the Quakers or the Shakers, the Scopes Monkey Trial, Prohibition, and on and on and on.
What an ignorant correspondent. Yet the BBC expected you to trust him on US issues for so long. He’ll probably show up in Jerusalem in January wondering what all those Jews are doing there.
You got to laugh at how far the bBC will go to cover up the blood lust of its peaceful religion the finishing statement on the story about how a woman accused of an affair died after getting beaten for it is:
“Nearly 90% of Bangladesh’s estimated 160 million population are Muslims, most of whom practice a moderate version of Islam.”
Yet, two major stories from yesterday include the one about the Bangladeshi father and son who walked free from court over the abuse and threats on the the life of Harry Potter Star Afshan Azad . (Which for some reason the bBC has kept low key)
and the one about how 12 Muslims (yes Muslims) have been arrested over allegations of trying to kill us all. Some of whom are believed to be from Bangladesh. Funny thing is the bbC article on this spends a lot of time on how the Met have a poor recored on charging people for terrorist offences. For a less Islamic friendly synopsis I just go to the Guardian.
With that in mind can somebody please explain to my single braincell what does the bbC mean by:
“Nearly 90% of Bangladesh’s estimated 160 million population are Muslims, most of whom practice a moderate version of Islam.”
One of the outposts of anti-Christian bigotry, especially in the run-up to Christmas, is the ludicrously risible BBC radio London which makes Radio Moscow of the Brezhnev era appear as entertaining as the old Radio Luxembourg – so dire and authoritarian is its committment to political correctness and taking “Christ” out of Christmas.
One of the main anti-God evangelist is “Big” (short for ‘bigot’) George who broadcasts a show mainly for cab drivers between 2-6:00 am. He claims to have made a special study of debunking Christian myths such as the Virgin Birth, the Empty Tomb and the Slaughter of the Innocents and states there were many Christ-like figures in many civilisations before Jesus (whose historical provenance he doubts). Really, George, next thing you know you will be telling us that Adam and Eve never lived in the Garden of Eden. They are biblical parables, like the story of the Good Samaritan, designed to illustrate a point.
However such advanced theology is beyond ‘Big’ George’s ken. He has a particular aversion to Mormons – I don’t know why – maybe one of them played a wrong note in one of his former bands (he is a musician). He opened his show last night (early hours of Monday) by asking if Muslims, Hindus and Jews in London celebrate Christmas – errr, no, George, they don’t – the clue might be in the word “Christmas”.
The point was obviously to imply that Christianity was simply one of a number of religions in multi-faith Britain despite the fact the overwhelming majority of the population – including in London identify themselves as Christian. I called up to ask why he is celebrating Christmas if he isn’t a Christian. I went on to ask if he disbelieved the Sermon on the Mount in the same way he disbelieved the miracles. By this time he was becoming increasingly agitated when I asked him why Christianity had persited in Europe for almost 2000 years but Communism had lasted barely 70 he cut me off abruptly.
Radio London could be easily closed down without any loss to broadcasting quality. Londoners would simply continue to tune into Capital.
R4 reports on an Australian terrorist trial start, even after the guilty verdicts, with the terrorists defence. The report opens by telling us – Belief that Islam was under attack from the West was the cause of the actions.