Where is your donation button, please? I know these sites have costs in order to ne maintained and I would like to make a small contribution.
BTW, what a change in my life. In Decembers past it was always the Oxfams and the Red Crosses and the like that got my 10%. NO MORE! A few years ago I stopped my DDs to such outfits and now dontate mainly to individual blog sites on their merits. I do still regularly support the Gurkha Welfare Trust on its merits but all others are weighed in the balance.
Can you give me some information as regards supporting B-BBC, please?
Unsurprisingly, with near zero of the legitimate questions posed, and promised as being pondered for answer, being addressed save a few selective platitudes.
Pretty much packed up and gone home across the board… Robinson, Neil, Black (interesting last thread comment selected to close his – http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/richardblack/2010/12/cancun_outcome_splits_opinion.html – ‘… There is one approach that the BBC may have to implement. Scrapping BBC comment threads altogether to save money and/or comply with competition laws), Stephanomics…
2011. The year the BBC got back to Broadcast…. only?
The Goodies is being repeated over Christmas, after midnight most nights on BBC2. As some people may know, this programme is never repeated on the BBC or UK Gold, which is part owned by the BBC. The reason why is a bit of a mystery, and is usually put down to intellectual snobbery by the Beeb.
However, I just watched the “Goodies and the Beanstalk” that I recorded last night, and there is the odd moment of casual racism. I am thinking here of a brief sequence that implies that Indian takeaways use puppies in their food, and a black man with a bone through his nose throwing coconuts in a spoof of It’s a Knockout. Perhaps this is why the Beeb is reluctant to show them.
It seemed to me that these very short sequences could easily be edited out without affecting the programme in any way.
Anyway, all episodes are now available on DVD even if the Beeb generally won’t show them.
I await reports from the BBC to the effect that the perpetrators of violence against Iraqi Christians are Mossad agents (taking a seasonal break from killing children in Gaza) financed by UK tax-avoiding Zionists egged on by climate change deniers who march with the EDL and support the “cuts”.
Did any one else notice that it is the government’s fault that there is a flu epidemic (not sure it has quite reached those proportions)? The BBC only too keen to report the Labour mantra that it is only becuase they used to pay for an advertising campaign that anyone went for a flu jab.
the headline makes it seem that Tory Zac is a very lucky boy
“Zac Goldsmith spared police probe over election cash”
but it hardly seems to be a capital crime
“In a case review, the watchdog found Mr Goldsmith may have under-reported his spending in the final weeks before polling day – the so-called “short campaign” – by at least £1,185. This would have resulted in an overspend of £966 during this period, the commission said. But it found that even if this were the case, his overall spending was well under the £39,856 total allowed during the overall campaign.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-12062582
Now if he wasn’t a fellow eco -loon the BBC could have foamed against him as much as Jon Snow has done
In BBC land coconuts need fertiliser…perhaps, nitrogen, or trace elements such as magnesium, potassium. Hence the high cost.
In fact, a bucket of sea water will do nicely. Salt water (and the dissolved minerals is all the coconut needs to thrive…they grow on atolls at near sea level with zero fresh water. That is their ‘eco-niche’.
Rising sea levels (Reg. Trade Mark) is very good news for coconuts.
You doubt me?
See what the Phillipine Coconut Authority has to say.
The bBC, reporting from Gaza and reinventing terrorists as victims. Israel kills Gaza militants amid cross-border violence Palestinians in Gaza have fired two rockets into Israel, its military says, hours after Israeli aircraft killed two militants in Gaza, amid rising tension.The Israeli army said the militants were trying to plant explosives.
Well what do you know the bBCs version of events says we only have Israels word on why they slotted a couple of…Militants. Who according to the jist given by the bbC were most likely out picking flowers for their sick and lame mother.
Here is what Islamic Jihad has to say on why their men died: The Islamic Jihad militant group said two of its gunmen were killed by Israeli fire after they detonated an explosive device against a passing Israeli patrol on the southern birder.
BBC: now more explicitly a political propaganda of the European Union .
On BBC News online ‘Europe’ page, at about half-way down, one can click to a further page of items entitled ‘INSIDE EUROPE’, which is more or less straight poltiical propaganda for the European Union:
To point a contrast, the ‘Daily Telegraph’ will publish an article like the following which indicates the growing danger of an undemocratic E.U. take-over of British institutions:
“Now Brussels wants to merge Whitehall into a European civil service. Can we stop this power grab?”
-but the BBC-EU only uses our licence money to propagandise on behalf of the EU, to falsely pretend that the EU is ‘democratic’.
The BBC, is not really a ‘British’ broadcasting corporation because it does not represent the interest of British people. For instance, re-the EU, the BBC already behaves politically as though it is part of the European Union institutional bureaucracy.
Just watched the awful Carrie Gracey on News 24 (she of the 90K a year) going a puff piece on the plans to cut the funding of ‘free’ books to kids.
We get a grinning Ross Hawkins talking about Government cuts and U-turns and his face beamed with a smile when he mentioned Red Ed.
Then we get a one sided interview with some author spitting venom at ‘cuts’ and how people must oppose them. So a nice even handed debate from the BBC. NOT!
But free books? I thought we had libraries for ‘free’ books? I never got free books as a child, I used to either buy them, get them bought for me or borrowed them from the school or town library.
Yet again we get this endless waste of money where free money is spoon fed to chavs.
The mong Gracie was interviewing claimed that middle class kids were devoid of books, hey arsehole if parents can afford X-Box and Nintendo’s for their kids, they can afford to buy books, I don’t want my taxes being wasted on more free handouts.
Same here. I was a bookworm as a child and never had free books given to me. I certainly borrowed freely and copiously from the school and town library, from schoolmates who had older siblings who had all the latest books, and as I got older, began joining book clubs and buying my own books. There was no shortage of books for reading if you wanted to read.
This book thing is a typical example of how Liebour have spoon fed the public on tax payers money. People don’t think twice about buying their kids a £40 computer game, but for some reason the tax payer has to pay for books.
Never mind books, shouldn’t children from poor families be given free X-Box games? We need to put an end to hand-to-eye co-ordination inequalities. Grand Theft Auto skills are a right not a priviledge. X-box disadvantaged children suffer discrimination, shorter life expectancy, and if that wasn’t bad enough, are more likely to speak with a Liverpool accent.
Well I believe the venomous scribbler has a point! if the government stops this scheme then the authors won’t get minimum volume sales at full face value from tax payers funds and will have to flog their books on the open market and starve probably .
Like most on here I got my own books from Libraries and book shops and I got the ones I needed to learn not the trite p/c rubbish this report was about!
The BBC drones who made a story out of a non-story regarding the draconian “burning of books” for children by the ever evil coalition, may not want to look at this :
INBBC (like its political chums at the ‘Guardian’) is keen to put out the political propaganda of Swedish writer, HENNING ‘Wallander’ MANKELL. This includes advocating mass immigration from ‘Third World’ countries to Europe, support for Hamas, and ‘understanding’ for recent Islamic jihadist’s attack in Stockholm.
For a critique of Mankell on the latter point, Robin Shepherd has:
“Swedish writer wins politically correct idiot of the year competition for blaming Stockholm suicide bombing on islamophobia, in the Guardian of course”
As far as I remember, I think he has some close connection with Africa – maybe lived there for a time and I think has set one of his books there. I don’t read him any more, though I did read some of his books a while back.
Sociologists Robert D. Putnam and David E. Campbell write in their new book ‘American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us’ about the study they conducted amongst 3,000 ordinary Americans to rank religions.
“Most surprisingly, the most popular religion in America are Jews among non-Jews, followed closely by Catholics. Fifty years ago, or 100 years ago, that almost certainly would not have been true,” the Jerusalem Post quoted Putnam as saying.
Obviously the Holocaust has had a lot to do with delegitimizing the idea that Jews control everything, and put a damper on openly anti-Jew comments in public. However………..
While anti-Semitic apologists in the U.K. claim that the increase in anti-Semitism is a direct response to Israel’s Operation Cast Lead in the beginning of the year, the majority of the incidents appeared to simply be cases of Jew hatred. Only 23% of the incidents featured any sort of reference to the war between Israel and Hamas.
Let’s see now: the US, while being so religious as to be a laughing stock in the halls of Broadcasting House, has less religious bigotry than Britain, the country which the BBC constantly claims is the most tolerant of all. Islam, of course, is the catalyst in one place, but not the other. The BBC has an editorial policy which explicitly caters to one, but bends over backwards not to appear favorable to the other. We know which is which.
BBC: Shhh. Nothing to see here, move along. The US is racist because, well, just because, and Britain is a haven of tolerance. Which is why the BBC cenors news of violence against Jews.
I’d take anything said by sociologists with a huge pinch of salt. There’s little rigour and no scientific method involved in this ‘pseudo-science.’ Those that call it ‘the science of socialism’ are not far wrong. As for <i>”Most surprisingly, the most popular religion in America are Jews among non-Jews, followed closely by Catholics. Fifty years ago, or 100 years ago, that almost certainly would not have been true,” the Jerusalem Post quoted Putnam as saying.
</i> They seem to have a lack of skill in English too. Look at it this way. You are approached by a researcher who asks you which religion, other than your own, you prefer. What would <i>you</i> say in public? For most people I’d’ve thought they would plump for the answer that makes them seem the least racist. Hence the choice of Judaism (Jews) and Catholicism (Latinos) – most blacks are Protestant so they don’t figure as the majority of respondents would be Protestant so naturally Protestantism appears down the list.Few Americans would publicly choose Islam given recent events. I wonder exactly how many of those who responded knew anything about either religion, or their own come to that?
I suspect (judged only on the linked article) that Putnam and Campbell have it wrong. It’s not that the Jews and the Catholics are loved more but that the Muslims are loved less.
So now that the infamous Mavi Marmara has returned to Istanbul, Turkey is demanding an apology from Israel over the deaths of those “activists” on that boat carrying “aid” for Gaza, before agreeing everyone is friends again. Turkey supposedly wants peace, but Israel is being intransigent and that naughty Avigdor Lieberman said that Turkey should be apologizing instead.
“If anyone has to apologise, it is the Turkish government to Israel for its co-operation with terror entities, for supporting terror.”
BBC audiences will have no idea what he’s talking about, because the BBC censored news revealing the Turkish government’s ties to the terrorist-supporting Islamic “charity” behing the flotilla. This report is no different. Judging from the other news items they link to, everyone is copying and pasting from a wire service report. But, as this report from New Zealand media reveals, the BBC censored a key part of Lieberman’s statement:
“If anyone should apologise, it should be the Turkish government to Israel over cooperation with terrorist elements, support for terrorism, support for the IHH, Hamas and (Lebanese) Hezbollah. There will be no (Israeli) apology,” Lieberman said.
Not only that, but the BBC chose to censor another part of the story.
The Irish Times says this about the crowd greeting the returning ship:
The Mavi Marmara sailed into Istanbul’s Sarayburnu port yesterday, following repairs, and was greeted by thousands of pro-Palestinian activists carrying Turkish and Palestinian flags.
The activists, mostly members of pro-Islamic groups, chanted “down with Israel” and “Allah is great” as they greeted the vessel.
The biased BBC version:
Large crowds, including family members of the nine dead activists, greeted the vessel in a ceremony organised by the activists who sent it.
Spot the missing word.
I know the BBC links to these same reports which provide the information they’ve censored. Leaving aside how this helps the case that the BBC is worth paying for specially when they do this sort of thing, how is that an excuse for the twisted, sympathetic description of the crowd?
Has anybody been able to figure out exactly what could have provoked 9 men to plot to commit mass murder on the streets of London? I only get my news from al beeb so have been unable to quite work it out.
Sorry to reply to my own post but i’ve just realized that the answer is staring me in the face, in the third para of that article. They are obviously anti-capitalists – of sorts. 🙂
What is not mentioned and forbidden to be mentioned is that London did not used to be like this. That such endemic extreme violence is quite new.Confronted with this reality the liberal left ,and many on the “right” . retreat into a world where they believe the well meaning just might be able to effect a change. I wish them well but they are deluded.
Don’t know if anyone else heard fatty Nolan prattling on this morning on Radio 5, but he was spouting off about this survey showing where the best places to live were.
Funny thing is none of the beeboids seemed to think London was a nice place, really BBC? The great multi cultural melting pot, London is unfriendly and horrid? Surely hearing the call to prayer across London is a fantastic thing? Much better than some little cobbled village surely?
Where else can you get your windscreen washed at every set of traffic lights by Somali asymum seekers?
To be able to walk along Tottenham Court Road and NOT HEAR a single word of English is fantastic isn’t it?
Want to see your 15 year old son stabbed to death? Not going to happen in some posh village in Surrey, but the streets of London, yer man it’s the culture innit?
Seems to me the BBC are all racists if they don’t think London is the best place in the world to live.
I made the mistake of watching “Upstairs Downstairs ” In every way it was incomparably inferior to “Downton Abbey ” The acting, the awful script and the general rubbish directing.
But the BBC couldn’t resist it could they. Fascists everywhere and the message bashed into us with a sledgehammer. Characters became ciphers and it was just so obvious.
The Beeb should give up drama. It can’t hack it anymore. Stick to reality shows and Eastenders with a bit of sport.
Something’s gone awry with the Beeboid indoctrination of the populace. All that Beeboid mult cult stuff is seen by some complainers as raaaaaaaacist when shown on the TV in a comedy show apparently (I haven’t seen it):
(Scroll down to near the end of the article to see the Beeboid mult cult defence of the prog):
It was pretty bad. The BBC banned “It Ain’t Half Hot Mum” reruns for less.
I assumed Lucas and Walliams would get away with it because one of them is a homosexual and so gets a free pass, and the other is a media darling who holds the usual approved thoughts.
Will the BBC take the same line of defense for this as they did for Russel Brand and Jonathan Ross?
I saw the show on Christmas Day and it was pretty dire. If it had been filmed in the 1970’s then it would have been classed as racist and hidden away in the vaults of Broadcasting House. I presume the Beeb management think Walliams and Lucas are hip and edgy but they badly misjudged this one.
It seems common to all the British TV stations management that they no longer have the guts to tell the “stars” when they are past their sell by date (Lenny Henry anyone) and instead leave them alone making series until the the bitter bitter end.
INBBC routinely propagandises that ‘Islamophobia’ (but not its own Islamophilia) exists; and unlike ‘Daily Telegraph’, INBBC ignores Islamisation of Britain:
“David Cameron must face the challenge of Islamisation”
Here’s a French video about Islamisation of Britain that I came across on Digital Spy the other day (the divorce “court” Imam caused incredulity to say the least):
Luvvie editor of today’s Today, Colin Firth, wanted some poetry. We got Benjamin Zephania’s “The British” which bigs up the new “British” at the expense of the old. Then “the young poet Haroon Anwar, who won a performance poetry competition for under-16s run by The Poetry Society Slambassadors, recites Western Child [from the Today website]” This was the usual mixture of Moslem whining and anti-British bile delivered as a sub-rap piece of Goebbels-like propaganda. It was, literally, disgusting but, as a primer for those beliefs apparently required for BBC employees – and their favourite luvvies, it was spot on.
I heard only the first piece by Benjamin Zephania – who always seems to me to be a droning voice devoid of poetic talent. A BBC favourite.
His piece was worth a blog entry on its own – making out that the population includes a few early Anglo-Saxon settlers but they were then followed by immigrants from everywhere under the sun, accent on African and Asian nations, we are all one glorious and happy mix – but concluding with suggestions that the original population needs to play nice.
I am glad I missed the second piece of non-poetry you mention.
It was sickening twaddle, but hopefully boring to most people.
I just listened to the Benjamin Zephaniah outpouring on the iPlayer and I do not regard that as a poem. It was pure agitprop. The language was just awful – banal, unoriginal, uninspired, clunking, lifeless – and poetry is about language above all, which is why I say it wasn’t by any stretch, poetry. No redeeming features of composition, structure, rhythm, sentiment or individual voice to elevate it from the dull careless witterings of politics. It was just trite. It was dire. And to think of the treasure of poetry that we do have.
I missed the first part, but caught the second piece of ‘poetry’ by Haroon Anwar.
This was utter drivel – I was really angry at the time. to think of all the poets we have in the UK and the BBC keep putting on left wing whingers. It was the pits.
Its Christmas- cannot the bBC put something on to uplift our spirits, perhaps a tiny bit patriotic to make us proud, and look at the positive influences this country has in the world? BBC – there are a few. Or just put something on to make us feel good about this time – a spot of Pam Ayres perhaps?!
There’s no excuse, that was completely uncalled for and positive proof of the rotten bias in that organisation. Really dreadful…
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is burying this important story, while the ‘Daily Mail’ is updating the report, and, rightly, has it on frontpage of its print edition:
“‘Plot to bomb London Eye’: Nine in court accused of planning Christmas terror blitz on the capital’s busiest landmarks ”
(I won’t provide the link to the INBBC online, and its relegated, not updated report; check BBC News online if you want to see how INBBC has buried it.)
Note to Emily Maitlis: just because the Tories are in charge now doesn’t mean there’s a flu pandemic and they’ve failed to protect the public. And anyways, you’d best not push this angle too much or your producers will have to bring that NHS guy back to reassure everyone that health services ARE NOT stretched to the breaking point by flu cases.
Yes David despite the BBC having it confirmed by the NHS that they never had a specific flu programme for under 5’s the BBC are STILL claiming that the Government has cancelled it due to ‘cuts’.
No beeboid scum it’s the Liebour party claiming it, it’s not true.
Mr Assange is now wanted on suspicion of rape, sexual coercion and sexual assault. It is important to him that it is known he has not yet been charged with any crime anywhere else.
Mr Assange regards himself as a victim of radicalism. “Sweden is the Saudi Arabia of feminism,” he said. “I fell into a hornets’ nest of revolutionary feminism.”
Two things stood out to me from that Mail article. First, I see Anjem Choudhury complained. That means the BBC will need to find a spot for him on some show post haste to keep the side up. Secondly, I noticed that the outcry about the burqa gag was much louder than that against the buffoon Clarkson for bringing a Nintendo DS (and not even the 3D version) to the Nativity scene. I’d like to hear a discussion on the BBC about the difference.
The original story came from the Daily Star, not so much a paper as a toilet roll.
The whole thing as usual just got blown out of proportion, the show credits the Syrian Motor association or something for their assistance and you can bet they had a Syrian Government official with them, so the idea this was upsetting Muslims is just nonsense.
It’s a stunt a joke, why the newspapers feel the need to go hunting for a rent a prat to comment is beyond me.
I don’t see Christians complaining that it was the baby Stig and not the baby Jesus.
The Beeboid agenda infects everything. A N Wilson in his article on the PC Archers, sums up why I stopped listening to The Archers years ago, having previously been addicted to it. It began to be embarrassing with its self-conscious tokenism: its gay and its one ethnic minority Asian character who suffered racism, don’t you know, but married the vicar, no less. As if Ambridge was a real place, or ought to be. Even more excruciating was when it began to simulate the sounds of things we really did not want to hear, notably the exaggerated slurping of Shula and Neil kissing and, on a different occasion, the gasping, panting struggle of someone else giving birth. That really was more than one could be expected to bear. I gave up to spare myself any further torture. The reason one listened to The Archers was for the enclosed domestic world and inconsequential chatter of Dan and Doris, Jill and Phil, Jack and Peggy, Cyril, Eddie, Clarrie, Jennifer and Brian, Pat and Tony, David, Shula and Elizabeth against the background of village life, farming and the countryside – fictional of course. It wasn’t supposed to be real.
Staggering bias on Today this morning re the appointment of Simon Hughes to promote higher education opportunities. Interviewee labour shadow John Denham. Interviewer: “What two pieces of advice would you offer Mr Hughes in his new post”.
Cue Denham opening up for the entire piece.
Why “two” pieces of advice. Surely the two hadn’t agreed the question beforehand?
Apparently the gunmen were linked to Al Qaeda and that is all that is known about them.
And the list of attacks (ludicrously shortened on the real very long list of attacks on Iraqi Christians over the last seven years I might add)…
apparently they were all perpetrated by unknown assailants, groups demanding ransom, mlitants or the events happened by themselves.
Thanks for clueing me in bBC, looks like we will never know who is committing these attrocities, its a perplexing mystery.
BBC is going soft on Northern Ireland Water a state owned company. Over 40,000 without water, can’t wash or flush the toilet. Now had this been a private company, you wouldn’t hear the end of the shrill screams.
They just showed footage of Martin McGuinness pointing the finger at NI Water and saying people have been let down and he’s looking into it. How reassuring.
The Beeboid in NI said that it’s a bit tricky for the government to criticize a government-run company. WTH? Since when? In the real world, ministers and other government officials complain about other government organs all the time. Oh, that’s right, it’s tricky because the minister in charge is also IRA…sorry…Sinn Fein. What the BBC reporter obviously meant but didn’t dare say is that IRA solidarity is more important.
He also mentioned that money will have to be spent on infrastructure now. The BBC website has this print version of the story, with accompanying video. Note the defense from the NI Water boss in the inset: “Historically, we have had an amount of underinvestment here.” I sense a pattern.
Not much scrutiny provided otherwise, but we do get lots of emotional human interest stories, which are easier to do than actual news.
But since it’s state owned, NIW is partially run – in the end – by those darlings of the BBC, Sinn Fein/IRA. Those who have – or would like to have – British (and NI unionist) blood on their hands get a free pass from the BBC.
On that theme, I notice that the next big drama on BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/stories/2010/12_december/23/laconia.shtml concerns a good nazi: the U-Boat captain who rescued survivors of the liner – the Laconia – he’d torpedoed and, after giving away his position to the British (approved by the good Admiral Doenitz no less) was attacked by US warplanes and British warships.
Apparently, in the warcrimes stakes the allies are up there with those naughty “misguided criminals” (™ John Simpson) who set up Auschwitz. But forget Auschwitz and slaughter in the Atlantic, in the BBC narrative the WW2 ubercrimes were the raids on Dresden and Hiroshima and the bombing of other towns where peaceful Germans and Japanese suffered at the hands of the British Flying SS (or RAF Bomber Command as it is commonly known outside Islington) and the USAAF.
Sickening BBC catering to the most outrageous of Muslim sensibilities in this report about the “cartoon plotters”, i.e. the Mohammedans caught planning to commit mass murder at the paper which printed those infamous cartoons. (Why is this in the middle-east section, and not Europe?)
Martin Asser attempts to be even-handed at first, even going so far as to try to explain that one specific cartoon is actually harmless. But writing out descriptions of the cartoons is playing into the demand that non-Muslims obey Muslim law.
That’s really what this is about, and the BBC leaves that out. We’re told that making an image of “the Prophet” is against Muslim law, but so is the eating of pork, drinking alcohol, and homosexuality. Yet non-Muslims are not required to obey Muslim law – unless, that is, they live under Muslim rule. If non-Muslims in Europe, Britain, the US, etc. are expected to obey Muslim law, this places them under de facto Muslim rule. That’s the Islamification of the West that so many people complain about. It’s actually the whole point of publishing the cartoons: non-Muslims are not required to obey Muslim law. Yet the BBC sweeps that under the rug.
Another problem with this piece comes in the last section where Beeboid Asser mentions those other cartoons that caused the most outrage which were not published by the newspaper under attack.
Asser says this:
The Jyllands-Posten cartoons do not include some images that may have had a role in bringing the issue to international attention.
Three images in particular have done the rounds, in Gaza for example, which are reported to be considerably more obscene and were mistakenly assumed to have been part of the Jyllands-Posten set.
One of the pictures, a photocopied photograph of a man with a pig’s ears and snout, has been identified as an old Associated Press picture from a French “pig-squealing” contest.
All three pictures were in fact bogus, and had nothing to do with the Jyllands paper. The way Asser frames it makes it seem as if these were other cartoons attacking Muslims that the paper chose not to print. But instead of stating the truth that these were fakes meant to incite even more violence, he prints this for the defense:
It was reportedly circulated by Danish Muslims to illustrate the atmosphere of Islamophobia which they say they live under.
Unbelievable. And it gets worse.
There is no doubt that the some of the original Jyllands-Posten cartoons are sufficiently hostile in nature to be taken as provocative by the Muslim community, whatever their intention.
There is no doubt that we are being asked – just like the BBC did with the student violence earlier this month – to understand the anger behind the desire to commit mass murder. It’s only a baby step towards condoning it, surely, but there it is.
But some critics have said all the drawings and the manner of their publication betray European arrogance and Islamophia.
“But”? This isn’t a rejoinder, it’s a continuation of the argument. It should read, “And some critics have said”. Sloppy.
Muslim writer Ziauddin Sardar likens them to anti-Semitic images published in Europe in the 1920s and 30s, with Muslims being demonised as violent, backward and fanatical.
“Freedom of expression is not about doing whatever we want to do because we can do it,” he wrote in the Independent on Sunday.
“It is about creating an open marketplace for ideas and debate where all, including the marginalised, can take part as equals.”
This is the most sickening of all. Jews in Germany at that time were not committing mass murder all over the f@#$ing landscape. Yet the BBC doesn’t dare point this out. Equals? It’s against Muslim law for non-Muslims to be considered equals.
It’s a classic example of the BBC’s intellectual failure in dealing with the problem of Islamic extremism. They don’t dare give a serious challenge to these arugments, and in fact provide a willing platform for them, just to appear fair and balanced.
Obviously, Asser and Sardar assume the readers of Asser’s apologia have never seen the der Stürmer cartoons referred to by Sardar. They rarely portrayed Moses or any of the founders of Judaism or any ancient Hebrew. Nor were they intended to be humorous. They were aimed at contemporary Jews and insulted them in the crudest terms possible. The Mo cartoons had little to say about Moslems but a lot to say about Mo. BTW, the continuing failure of the BBC to publish the cartoons (a picture of an obscured picture in a newspaper is not “publication”) says it all about the BBC mindset where Moslems are concerned.
In my 16:32 comment above I refer to the BBC narrative about WW2 warcrimes. In another part of the BBC narrative it is almost inconceivable for any Moslem (rather than, say, a Person of No Appearance) to be considered violent, backward and fanatical (in Sardar’s telling phrase – he knows his co-religionists only too well) despite the overwhelming confirmatory evidence.
INBBC’s Asser behaves like a political transmitter for Islam; Asser, apparently a fount of Islamic knowledge, has the intention of propagandising how Muslims think and feel. In his Islamophilic manner, he is duped by all the Muslim moaning about their ‘victimisation’ in Europe, and allows himself to be taken off the problem which is the Islamic jihad threat to Europe. He insults Jewish people, who have peacefully integrated into European societies, by going along with the deceitful Islam porpaganda that Muslims are the new Jews. No, Jews are the new Jews, and are experiencing increasing anti-semitism in Europe, not least at the hands of some Muslims.
And Asser plays down the serious nature of the particular Islamic jihad threat to Denmark, unlike ‘Jihadwatch’:
Nothing to do with BBC bias per se (other than they love the individual in question) but I thought I would sharfe it with fellow contributors. I walked past Horseferry road magistrates court this morning and saw a ‘student grent’ type poster on the wall there ( next to the winos) with a picture of Assange (the victim) saying “exposing war crimes is no crime!” Unfortunately I didn’t have anything to add “but rape is…..” to it
Compare and contrast this BBC profile of WikiHacks with this one by non-Left blogger Richard Fernandez of the Belmont Club and Pajamas Media.
Notice the drastic difference between the way the BBC presents the footage of US forces “killing” that group which included journalists and the way Fernandez describes it. Notice also the glaring difference between the WikiHacks releases the BBC chooses to highlight as examples of why so many people view Assange as a hero, and then notice the examples Fernandez presents to support his case. Also notice how much more information Fernandez gives you, as opposed to what is censored by the BBC.
If Fernandez and PJ Media are Right-wing, then someone who presents an opposing viewpoint must by default be Left-Wing. So the BBC is Left-wing, as they are clearly presenting an opposite perspective here.
Climate heretic Piers Corbyn has apparently won some money betting on weather, because he knows about the effects of the sun on weather patterns.
December 25th and nights before and after were some of the coldest ever recorded in the UK especially in Shropshire in the West Midlands where Piers Corbyn started his meteorological pursuits as a teenager and he made sizeable net winnings on the snow on Xmas day PUBLIC* bets he placed in November with William Hill.
* *Piers is banned from weather account betting with William Hill following years of winning but can enter public bets and won money on all the UK stations which recorded snow. These were Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Newcastle, York & Lincoln.
Piers said: “We predicted snow was most likely in Scotland and East parts of England and that is where it came. Newcastle made me the most cash. Punters who stuck to our detailed advice are well ahead.
If anyone thinks this is just his unsubstantiated claim, Wired (a committed Warmist magazine) backs him up:
Another sign he’s not your everyday weatherman: the conspicuously displayed photocopy of a check for £2,291 hanging on the wall. Unique among meteorologists, Corbyn bets on his forecasts. Unusual among bettors of any stripe, he wins regularly. The check on the wall is a payout from London bookmaker William Hill on one of their monthly bets.
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any…
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive https://www.timesofisrael.com/hostages-were-chained-starved-kept-in-pitch-black-some-return-almost-unresponsive/ ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Lucy Pevensey Think of all the money that you have saved over all those years .
pugnaziousFeb 23, 00:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Despite it being confirmed as an Islamist terror attack the BBC’s headline is this…. ‘One dead in stabbing in French…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir Do not have any contact with Crapita or Al Beeb whatsoever. Just tell your bank to stop paying out,…
The bBC ,And Not The Nine O/Clock News.
Here are a few stories which the bBC hasn’t bothered its arse in reporting:
Palestinian family sends mentally ill son to settlement in hope IDF shoots him.
Hundreds of Gaza Christians depart for Christmas in the West Bank
Israel allows more exports from Gaza in effort to slowly ease blockade
‘Palestinians uncover Hamas weapons cache in Ramallah’
Hamas Struggles for Cash after Spending on Property, Weapons
As ever, Merry Christmas from the BBC’s most sainted of peoples “The Religion Of Peace”!
Is this real?
@ deegee:
On behalf of the BBC I’d like to wish you a Mohammad loving Winterville and may 2011 bring us the saviour called ‘Red Ed’
On behalf of me have a good Christmas and new year and stuff the BBC.
Interesting article by His Grace today The BBC Responds
Also interesting is the use of a familiar logo which links nowhere
Merry Christmas to all non(BBC) believers
Daniel Hannan gets a typical bbc fob off over his complaint over the Freedom Association:
Merry Christmas, everyone, have a good one, and a very Happy New Year to you and yours.
Spidey 😉
Where is your donation button, please? I know these sites have costs in order to ne maintained and I would like to make a small contribution.
BTW, what a change in my life. In Decembers past it was always the Oxfams and the Red Crosses and the like that got my 10%. NO MORE! A few years ago I stopped my DDs to such outfits and now dontate mainly to individual blog sites on their merits. I do still regularly support the Gurkha Welfare Trust on its merits but all others are weighed in the balance.
Can you give me some information as regards supporting B-BBC, please?
Happy Christmas!
Given this…
Read more and comment at the BBC Internet Blog.
… there is a certian irony to be taken from it all if you are not one of the, er.. 6 uniquely-funded BBC licence fee payers who had the chance.
This entry is now closed for comments
A hint of things to come?
Ho, ho… oh.
Going through a few more, I also note this has also succumbed, eventually…
Unsurprisingly, with near zero of the legitimate questions posed, and promised as being pondered for answer, being addressed save a few selective platitudes.
Plus ca change…
And this one..
Funnily enough, at time of writing, with the link to the topic of the story still not noticed by author or editorial or mods as corrupted.
One predicts a 2011 of pure broadcast… and of anything they feel like, it seems, without correction or challenge.
A unique use of £3.6B, to be sure. Not a very good one, mind.
Pretty much packed up and gone home across the board… Robinson, Neil, Black (interesting last thread comment selected to close his – http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/richardblack/2010/12/cancun_outcome_splits_opinion.html – ‘… There is one approach that the BBC may have to implement. Scrapping BBC comment threads altogether to save money and/or comply with competition laws), Stephanomics…
2011. The year the BBC got back to Broadcast…. only?
Happy Chiristmas to everyone.
Its 7.45 on Christmas day and I just checked out the bBC news website and frankly I would never know its Chriistmas day in the UK.
Some stories about a dog and the archbishop praisinig the royal wedding.
I hope everyone has a relaxing and peaceful day.
The Goodies is being repeated over Christmas, after midnight most nights on BBC2. As some people may know, this programme is never repeated on the BBC or UK Gold, which is part owned by the BBC. The reason why is a bit of a mystery, and is usually put down to intellectual snobbery by the Beeb.
However, I just watched the “Goodies and the Beanstalk” that I recorded last night, and there is the odd moment of casual racism. I am thinking here of a brief sequence that implies that Indian takeaways use puppies in their food, and a black man with a bone through his nose throwing coconuts in a spoof of It’s a Knockout. Perhaps this is why the Beeb is reluctant to show them.
It seemed to me that these very short sequences could easily be edited out without affecting the programme in any way.
Anyway, all episodes are now available on DVD even if the Beeb generally won’t show them.
For INBBC: the real jihad, the real Islam, in Pakistan-
“Jihad against the World Food Program: woman with grenade, suicide bomber kill dozens waiting for aid in northwest Pakistan”
INBBC report (by Aleem Maqbool, Islamabad) –
“Pakistan suicide bombing kills dozens”
“Tiny Minority of Extremists rally in the thousands to uphold Pakistan’s blasphemy laws”
No INBBC report on above online.
Especially for Bob Crow and his comrades:
For INBBC, no elephant in room in IRAQ.
-which people, of which religion, are perpetrators of violence against Iraq Christians?
“Security fears mar Christmas for Iraqi Christians”
I couldn’t find any clues in that long, self-censored, whitewashed ‘report’.
But ‘Jihadwatch has this:
“Christmas requiem for Iraq’s Christian community”
“Thousands of Christians flee central Iraq amid ongoing wave of jihadist attacks“
I await reports from the BBC to the effect that the perpetrators of violence against Iraqi Christians are Mossad agents (taking a seasonal break from killing children in Gaza) financed by UK tax-avoiding Zionists egged on by climate change deniers who march with the EDL and support the “cuts”.
Meanwhile we can only guess as to the real perps.
The BBC does report – it just ignores its own reports.
Winter weather: December ‘set to be coldest since 1910’
Did any one else notice that it is the government’s fault that there is a flu epidemic (not sure it has quite reached those proportions)? The BBC only too keen to report the Labour mantra that it is only becuase they used to pay for an advertising campaign that anyone went for a flu jab.
INBBC’s pro-Islam political stance on KASHMIR.
“MC Kash raps for Kashmir protest victims”
An alternative analysis of Kashmir, which INBBC censors:
‘Jihadwatch’ (2006):
“Why a jihad in Jammu-Kashmir?”
(Hugh Fitzgerald)
the headline makes it seem that Tory Zac is a very lucky boy
“Zac Goldsmith spared police probe over election cash”
but it hardly seems to be a capital crime
“In a case review, the watchdog found Mr Goldsmith may have under-reported his spending in the final weeks before polling day – the so-called “short campaign” – by at least £1,185.
This would have resulted in an overspend of £966 during this period, the commission said.
But it found that even if this were the case, his overall spending was well under the £39,856 total allowed during the overall campaign.”
Now if he wasn’t a fellow eco -loon the BBC could have foamed against him as much as Jon Snow has done
Oh dear oh dear – Shukman will be upset. Hark back a month to his visit to Sweetwater, TX and his lovefest http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11837896 with T Boone Pickens and windpower madness. We now understand – not from the BBC natch – that TBH has abandoned the whole thing http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/12/25/t-boone-pickens-abandons-u-s-wind-power/#more-30216. TBH is selling his hardware to the mugs north of the border who – like us – have been mugged by their government to waste money on windpowered crapola.
“I’ve got a luverly buncha a coconuts’
Ceylon’s coconut shortage…..attributable, in part to the high cost of fertiliser, opine BBC cited analysts.
In BBC land coconuts need fertiliser…perhaps, nitrogen, or trace elements such as magnesium, potassium. Hence the high cost.
In fact, a bucket of sea water will do nicely. Salt water (and the dissolved minerals is all the coconut needs to thrive…they grow on atolls at near sea level with zero fresh water. That is their ‘eco-niche’.
Rising sea levels (Reg. Trade Mark) is very good news for coconuts.
You doubt me?
See what the Phillipine Coconut Authority has to say.
Click to access salt-coconut-fertilizer.pdf
High cost of fertiliser?
“Big ones, small ones, some as big as ya …..”
The bBC, reporting from Gaza and reinventing terrorists as victims.
Israel kills Gaza militants amid cross-border violence
Palestinians in Gaza have fired two rockets into Israel, its military says, hours after Israeli aircraft killed two militants in Gaza, amid rising tension.The Israeli army said the militants were trying to plant explosives.
Well what do you know the bBCs version of events says we only have Israels word on why they slotted a couple of…Militants. Who according to the jist given by the bbC were most likely out picking flowers for their sick and lame mother.
Here is what Islamic Jihad has to say on why their men died:
The Islamic Jihad militant group said two of its gunmen were killed by Israeli fire after they detonated an explosive device against a passing Israeli patrol on the southern birder.
That’s a disgusting piece of pro-pali anti-israel propaganda. The article was clearly written by somebody with an agenda to push.
BBC: now more explicitly a political propaganda of the European Union .
On BBC News online ‘Europe’ page, at about half-way down, one can click to a further page of items entitled ‘INSIDE EUROPE’, which is more or less straight poltiical propaganda for the European Union:
To point a contrast, the ‘Daily Telegraph’ will publish an article like the following which indicates the growing danger of an undemocratic E.U. take-over of British institutions:
“Now Brussels wants to merge Whitehall into a European civil service. Can we stop this power grab?”
(by Alex Singleton)
-but the BBC-EU only uses our licence money to propagandise on behalf of the EU, to falsely pretend that the EU is ‘democratic’.
The BBC, is not really a ‘British’ broadcasting corporation because it does not represent the interest of British people. For instance, re-the EU, the BBC already behaves politically as though it is part of the European Union institutional bureaucracy.
Just watched the awful Carrie Gracey on News 24 (she of the 90K a year) going a puff piece on the plans to cut the funding of ‘free’ books to kids.
We get a grinning Ross Hawkins talking about Government cuts and U-turns and his face beamed with a smile when he mentioned Red Ed.
Then we get a one sided interview with some author spitting venom at ‘cuts’ and how people must oppose them. So a nice even handed debate from the BBC. NOT!
But free books? I thought we had libraries for ‘free’ books? I never got free books as a child, I used to either buy them, get them bought for me or borrowed them from the school or town library.
Yet again we get this endless waste of money where free money is spoon fed to chavs.
The mong Gracie was interviewing claimed that middle class kids were devoid of books, hey arsehole if parents can afford X-Box and Nintendo’s for their kids, they can afford to buy books, I don’t want my taxes being wasted on more free handouts.
Same here. I was a bookworm as a child and never had free books given to me. I certainly borrowed freely and copiously from the school and town library, from schoolmates who had older siblings who had all the latest books, and as I got older, began joining book clubs and buying my own books. There was no shortage of books for reading if you wanted to read.
This book thing is a typical example of how Liebour have spoon fed the public on tax payers money. People don’t think twice about buying their kids a £40 computer game, but for some reason the tax payer has to pay for books.
Never mind books, shouldn’t children from poor families be given free X-Box games? We need to put an end to hand-to-eye co-ordination inequalities. Grand Theft Auto skills are a right not a priviledge. X-box disadvantaged children suffer discrimination, shorter life expectancy, and if that wasn’t bad enough, are more likely to speak with a Liverpool accent.
Every charity shop has rakes of books at a nominal price for children. This is just self interest and biased reporting from the usual suspects.
Well I believe the venomous scribbler has a point! if the government stops this scheme then the authors won’t get minimum volume sales at full face value from tax payers funds and will have to flog their books on the open market and starve probably .
Like most on here I got my own books from Libraries and book shops and I got the ones I needed to learn not the trite p/c rubbish this report was about!
The BBC drones who made a story out of a non-story regarding the draconian “burning of books” for children by the ever evil coalition, may not want to look at this :
BBC-Greenpeace’s chums: the MET OFFICE –
“The green hijack of the Met Office is crippling Britain”
by Christopher Booker
He says the Met Office predicted a warmer winter for this year. I wonder what that was based on.
Booker is a Crown Jewel.
INBBC (like its political chums at the ‘Guardian’) is keen to put out the political propaganda of Swedish writer, HENNING ‘Wallander’ MANKELL. This includes advocating mass immigration from ‘Third World’ countries to Europe, support for Hamas, and ‘understanding’ for recent Islamic jihadist’s attack in Stockholm.
For a critique of Mankell on the latter point, Robin Shepherd has:
“Swedish writer wins politically correct idiot of the year competition for blaming Stockholm suicide bombing on islamophobia, in the Guardian of course”
As far as I remember, I think he has some close connection with Africa – maybe lived there for a time and I think has set one of his books there. I don’t read him any more, though I did read some of his books a while back.
Apparently anti-Semitism is at an all-time low in the US.
‘Judaism’ most popular religion in the US
Sociologists Robert D. Putnam and David E. Campbell write in their new book ‘American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us’ about the study they conducted amongst 3,000 ordinary Americans to rank religions.
“Most surprisingly, the most popular religion in America are Jews among non-Jews, followed closely by Catholics. Fifty years ago, or 100 years ago, that almost certainly would not have been true,” the Jerusalem Post quoted Putnam as saying.
Obviously the Holocaust has had a lot to do with delegitimizing the idea that Jews control everything, and put a damper on openly anti-Jew comments in public. However………..
Recorded anti-Semitic incidents at an all time high in United Kingdom
While anti-Semitic apologists in the U.K. claim that the increase in anti-Semitism is a direct response to Israel’s Operation Cast Lead in the beginning of the year, the majority of the incidents appeared to simply be cases of Jew hatred. Only 23% of the incidents featured any sort of reference to the war between Israel and Hamas.
Let’s see now: the US, while being so religious as to be a laughing stock in the halls of Broadcasting House, has less religious bigotry than Britain, the country which the BBC constantly claims is the most tolerant of all. Islam, of course, is the catalyst in one place, but not the other. The BBC has an editorial policy which explicitly caters to one, but bends over backwards not to appear favorable to the other. We know which is which.
BBC: Shhh. Nothing to see here, move along. The US is racist because, well, just because, and Britain is a haven of tolerance. Which is why the BBC cenors news of violence against Jews.
I’d take anything said by sociologists with a huge pinch of salt. There’s little rigour and no scientific method involved in this ‘pseudo-science.’ Those that call it ‘the science of socialism’ are not far wrong.
As for
<i>”Most surprisingly, the most popular religion in America are Jews among non-Jews, followed closely by Catholics. Fifty years ago, or 100 years ago, that almost certainly would not have been true,” the Jerusalem Post quoted Putnam as saying.
They seem to have a lack of skill in English too.
Look at it this way. You are approached by a researcher who asks you which religion, other than your own, you prefer. What would <i>you</i> say in public? For most people I’d’ve thought they would plump for the answer that makes them seem the least racist. Hence the choice of Judaism (Jews) and Catholicism (Latinos) – most blacks are Protestant so they don’t figure as the majority of respondents would be Protestant so naturally Protestantism appears down the list. Few Americans would publicly choose Islam given recent events.
I wonder exactly how many of those who responded knew anything about either religion, or their own come to that?
I suspect (judged only on the linked article) that Putnam and Campbell have it wrong. It’s not that the Jews and the Catholics are loved more but that the Muslims are loved less.
So now that the infamous Mavi Marmara has returned to Istanbul, Turkey is demanding an apology from Israel over the deaths of those “activists” on that boat carrying “aid” for Gaza, before agreeing everyone is friends again. Turkey supposedly wants peace, but Israel is being intransigent and that naughty Avigdor Lieberman said that Turkey should be apologizing instead.
According to the BBC, Lieberman said this:
“If anyone has to apologise, it is the Turkish government to Israel for its co-operation with terror entities, for supporting terror.”
BBC audiences will have no idea what he’s talking about, because the BBC censored news revealing the Turkish government’s ties to the terrorist-supporting Islamic “charity” behing the flotilla. This report is no different. Judging from the other news items they link to, everyone is copying and pasting from a wire service report. But, as this report from New Zealand media reveals, the BBC censored a key part of Lieberman’s statement:
“If anyone should apologise, it should be the Turkish government to Israel over cooperation with terrorist elements, support for terrorism, support for the IHH, Hamas and (Lebanese) Hezbollah. There will be no (Israeli) apology,” Lieberman said.
Not only that, but the BBC chose to censor another part of the story.
The Irish Times says this about the crowd greeting the returning ship:
The Mavi Marmara sailed into Istanbul’s Sarayburnu port yesterday, following repairs, and was greeted by thousands of pro-Palestinian activists carrying Turkish and Palestinian flags.
The activists, mostly members of pro-Islamic groups, chanted “down with Israel” and “Allah is great” as they greeted the vessel.
The biased BBC version:
Large crowds, including family members of the nine dead activists, greeted the vessel in a ceremony organised by the activists who sent it.
Spot the missing word.
I know the BBC links to these same reports which provide the information they’ve censored. Leaving aside how this helps the case that the BBC is worth paying for specially when they do this sort of thing, how is that an excuse for the twisted, sympathetic description of the crowd?
BBC-‘multi-culti’ report on contemporary Britain, with indigenous white people as invisible bystanders to violent invasion:
“Can lessons from Burundi combat London street violence?”
by BBC’s Chloe Hadjimatheon
Has anybody been able to figure out exactly what could have provoked 9 men to plot to commit mass murder on the streets of London? I only get my news from al beeb so have been unable to quite work it out.
Sorry to reply to my own post but i’ve just realized that the answer is staring me in the face, in the third para of that article. They are obviously anti-capitalists – of sorts. 🙂
What is not mentioned and forbidden to be mentioned is that London did not used to be like this. That such endemic extreme violence is quite new.Confronted with this reality the liberal left ,and many on the “right” . retreat into a world where they believe the well meaning just might be able to effect a change. I wish them well but they are deluded.
The above is actually a reply to George R but applies equally to the post by Lloyd.
Judging by their names, I’m guessing all evil Joows.
Don’t know if anyone else heard fatty Nolan prattling on this morning on Radio 5, but he was spouting off about this survey showing where the best places to live were.
Funny thing is none of the beeboids seemed to think London was a nice place, really BBC? The great multi cultural melting pot, London is unfriendly and horrid? Surely hearing the call to prayer across London is a fantastic thing? Much better than some little cobbled village surely?
Where else can you get your windscreen washed at every set of traffic lights by Somali asymum seekers?
To be able to walk along Tottenham Court Road and NOT HEAR a single word of English is fantastic isn’t it?
Want to see your 15 year old son stabbed to death? Not going to happen in some posh village in Surrey, but the streets of London, yer man it’s the culture innit?
Seems to me the BBC are all racists if they don’t think London is the best place in the world to live.
I made the mistake of watching “Upstairs Downstairs ” In every way it was incomparably inferior to “Downton Abbey ” The acting, the awful script and the general rubbish directing.
But the BBC couldn’t resist it could they. Fascists everywhere and the message bashed into us with a sledgehammer. Characters became ciphers and it was just so obvious.
The Beeb should give up drama. It can’t hack it anymore. Stick to reality shows and Eastenders with a bit of sport.
I don’t watch much TV – but have watched the first 2 episodes of Upstairs, Downstairs out of lazy nostalgia.
As you say – it has been utter crap, formulaic, predictable, boring.
Something’s gone awry with the Beeboid indoctrination of the populace. All that Beeboid mult cult stuff is seen by some complainers as raaaaaaaacist when shown on the TV in a comedy show apparently (I haven’t seen it):
(Scroll down to near the end of the article to see the Beeboid mult cult defence of the prog):
It was pretty bad. The BBC banned “It Ain’t Half Hot Mum” reruns for less.
I assumed Lucas and Walliams would get away with it because one of them is a homosexual and so gets a free pass, and the other is a media darling who holds the usual approved thoughts.
Will the BBC take the same line of defense for this as they did for Russel Brand and Jonathan Ross?
I saw the show on Christmas Day and it was pretty dire. If it had been filmed in the 1970’s then it would have been classed as racist and hidden away in the vaults of Broadcasting House. I presume the Beeb management think Walliams and Lucas are hip and edgy but they badly misjudged this one.
It seems common to all the British TV stations management that they no longer have the guts to tell the “stars” when they are past their sell by date (Lenny Henry anyone) and instead leave them alone making series until the the bitter bitter end.
INBBC routinely propagandises that ‘Islamophobia’ (but not its own Islamophilia) exists; and unlike ‘Daily Telegraph’, INBBC ignores Islamisation of Britain:
“David Cameron must face the challenge of Islamisation”
Here’s a French video about Islamisation of Britain that I came across on Digital Spy the other day (the divorce “court” Imam caused incredulity to say the least):
Luvvie editor of today’s Today, Colin Firth, wanted some poetry. We got Benjamin Zephania’s “The British” which bigs up the new “British” at the expense of the old. Then “the young poet Haroon Anwar, who won a performance poetry competition for under-16s run by The Poetry Society Slambassadors, recites Western Child [from the Today website]” This was the usual mixture of Moslem whining and anti-British bile delivered as a sub-rap piece of Goebbels-like propaganda. It was, literally, disgusting but, as a primer for those beliefs apparently required for BBC employees – and their favourite luvvies, it was spot on.
I heard only the first piece by Benjamin Zephania – who always seems to me to be a droning voice devoid of poetic talent. A BBC favourite.
His piece was worth a blog entry on its own – making out that the population includes a few early Anglo-Saxon settlers but they were then followed by immigrants from everywhere under the sun, accent on African and Asian nations, we are all one glorious and happy mix – but concluding with suggestions that the original population needs to play nice.
I am glad I missed the second piece of non-poetry you mention.
It was sickening twaddle, but hopefully boring to most people.
I just listened to the Benjamin Zephaniah outpouring on the iPlayer and I do not regard that as a poem. It was pure agitprop. The language was just awful – banal, unoriginal, uninspired, clunking, lifeless – and poetry is about language above all, which is why I say it wasn’t by any stretch, poetry. No redeeming features of composition, structure, rhythm, sentiment or individual voice to elevate it from the dull careless witterings of politics. It was just trite. It was dire. And to think of the treasure of poetry that we do have.
I missed the first part, but caught the second piece of ‘poetry’ by Haroon Anwar.
This was utter drivel – I was really angry at the time. to think of all the poets we have in the UK and the BBC keep putting on left wing whingers. It was the pits.
Its Christmas- cannot the bBC put something on to uplift our spirits, perhaps a tiny bit patriotic to make us proud, and look at the positive influences this country has in the world? BBC – there are a few. Or just put something on to make us feel good about this time – a spot of Pam Ayres perhaps?!
There’s no excuse, that was completely uncalled for and positive proof of the rotten bias in that organisation. Really dreadful…
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is burying this important story, while the ‘Daily Mail’ is updating the report, and, rightly, has it on frontpage of its print edition:
“‘Plot to bomb London Eye’: Nine in court accused of planning Christmas terror blitz on the capital’s busiest landmarks ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1342004/Plot-bomb-London-Eye-Nine-court-accused-planning-Christmas-terror-blitz.html#ixzz19PVFeuLt
(I won’t provide the link to the INBBC online, and its relegated, not updated report; check BBC News online if you want to see how INBBC has buried it.)
Note to Emily Maitlis: just because the Tories are in charge now doesn’t mean there’s a flu pandemic and they’ve failed to protect the public. And anyways, you’d best not push this angle too much or your producers will have to bring that NHS guy back to reassure everyone that health services ARE NOT stretched to the breaking point by flu cases.
Yes David despite the BBC having it confirmed by the NHS that they never had a specific flu programme for under 5’s the BBC are STILL claiming that the Government has cancelled it due to ‘cuts’.
No beeboid scum it’s the Liebour party claiming it, it’s not true.
Another disgruntled man with a gun causing a police shootout – a common sight in Britain these days, right BBC?
WikiHacks leader and alleged rapist Julian Assange says that “Sweden is the Saudia Arabia of feminism”.
Mr Assange is now wanted on suspicion of rape, sexual coercion and sexual assault. It is important to him that it is known he has not yet been charged with any crime anywhere else.
Mr Assange regards himself as a victim of radicalism. “Sweden is the Saudi Arabia of feminism,” he said. “I fell into a hornets’ nest of revolutionary feminism.”
BBC: Zzzzzzzz
The most irreverent thing BBC has ever done regarding the ‘religion of peace’? Excellent!:
“Top Gear stars cause religious row after dressing up in burkas on Boxing Day special”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1342138/Top-Gear-stars-cause-religious-storm-dressing-burkas-Boxing-Day-special.html#ixzz19QqWPRsj
‘Jihadwatch’:-UK: Comedians spark outrage by dressing in niqabs for TV show
Two things stood out to me from that Mail article. First, I see Anjem Choudhury complained. That means the BBC will need to find a spot for him on some show post haste to keep the side up. Secondly, I noticed that the outcry about the burqa gag was much louder than that against the buffoon Clarkson for bringing a Nintendo DS (and not even the 3D version) to the Nativity scene. I’d like to hear a discussion on the BBC about the difference.
The original story came from the Daily Star, not so much a paper as a toilet roll.
The whole thing as usual just got blown out of proportion, the show credits the Syrian Motor association or something for their assistance and you can bet they had a Syrian Government official with them, so the idea this was upsetting Muslims is just nonsense.
It’s a stunt a joke, why the newspapers feel the need to go hunting for a rent a prat to comment is beyond me.
I don’t see Christians complaining that it was the baby Stig and not the baby Jesus.
The Beeboid agenda infects everything. A N Wilson in his article on the PC Archers, sums up why I stopped listening to The Archers years ago, having previously been addicted to it. It began to be embarrassing with its self-conscious tokenism: its gay and its one ethnic minority Asian character who suffered racism, don’t you know, but married the vicar, no less. As if Ambridge was a real place, or ought to be. Even more excruciating was when it began to simulate the sounds of things we really did not want to hear, notably the exaggerated slurping of Shula and Neil kissing and, on a different occasion, the gasping, panting struggle of someone else giving birth. That really was more than one could be expected to bear. I gave up to spare myself any further torture. The reason one listened to The Archers was for the enclosed domestic world and inconsequential chatter of Dan and Doris, Jill and Phil, Jack and Peggy, Cyril, Eddie, Clarrie, Jennifer and Brian, Pat and Tony, David, Shula and Elizabeth against the background of village life, farming and the countryside – fictional of course. It wasn’t supposed to be real.
Staggering bias on Today this morning re the appointment of Simon Hughes to promote higher education opportunities. Interviewee labour shadow John Denham. Interviewer: “What two pieces of advice would you offer Mr Hughes in his new post”.
Cue Denham opening up for the entire piece.
Why “two” pieces of advice. Surely the two hadn’t agreed the question beforehand?
Apparently the gunmen were linked to Al Qaeda and that is all that is known about them.
And the list of attacks (ludicrously shortened on the real very long list of attacks on Iraqi Christians over the last seven years I might add)…
apparently they were all perpetrated by unknown assailants, groups demanding ransom, mlitants or the events happened by themselves.
Thanks for clueing me in bBC, looks like we will never know who is committing these attrocities, its a perplexing mystery.
BBC is going soft on Northern Ireland Water a state owned company. Over 40,000 without water, can’t wash or flush the toilet. Now had this been a private company, you wouldn’t hear the end of the shrill screams.
They just showed footage of Martin McGuinness pointing the finger at NI Water and saying people have been let down and he’s looking into it. How reassuring.
The Beeboid in NI said that it’s a bit tricky for the government to criticize a government-run company. WTH? Since when? In the real world, ministers and other government officials complain about other government organs all the time. Oh, that’s right, it’s tricky because the minister in charge is also IRA…sorry…Sinn Fein. What the BBC reporter obviously meant but didn’t dare say is that IRA solidarity is more important.
He also mentioned that money will have to be spent on infrastructure now. The BBC website has this print version of the story, with accompanying video. Note the defense from the NI Water boss in the inset: “Historically, we have had an amount of underinvestment here.” I sense a pattern.
Not much scrutiny provided otherwise, but we do get lots of emotional human interest stories, which are easier to do than actual news.
But since it’s state owned, NIW is partially run – in the end – by those darlings of the BBC, Sinn Fein/IRA. Those who have – or would like to have – British (and NI unionist) blood on their hands get a free pass from the BBC.
On that theme, I notice that the next big drama on BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/stories/2010/12_december/23/laconia.shtml concerns a good nazi: the U-Boat captain who rescued survivors of the liner – the Laconia – he’d torpedoed and, after giving away his position to the British (approved by the good Admiral Doenitz no less) was attacked by US warplanes and British warships.
Apparently, in the warcrimes stakes the allies are up there with those naughty “misguided criminals” (™ John Simpson) who set up Auschwitz. But forget Auschwitz and slaughter in the Atlantic, in the BBC narrative the WW2 ubercrimes were the raids on Dresden and Hiroshima and the bombing of other towns where peaceful Germans and Japanese suffered at the hands of the British Flying SS (or RAF Bomber Command as it is commonly known outside Islington) and the USAAF.
Sickening BBC catering to the most outrageous of Muslim sensibilities in this report about the “cartoon plotters”, i.e. the Mohammedans caught planning to commit mass murder at the paper which printed those infamous cartoons. (Why is this in the middle-east section, and not Europe?)
Martin Asser attempts to be even-handed at first, even going so far as to try to explain that one specific cartoon is actually harmless. But writing out descriptions of the cartoons is playing into the demand that non-Muslims obey Muslim law.
That’s really what this is about, and the BBC leaves that out. We’re told that making an image of “the Prophet” is against Muslim law, but so is the eating of pork, drinking alcohol, and homosexuality. Yet non-Muslims are not required to obey Muslim law – unless, that is, they live under Muslim rule. If non-Muslims in Europe, Britain, the US, etc. are expected to obey Muslim law, this places them under de facto Muslim rule. That’s the Islamification of the West that so many people complain about. It’s actually the whole point of publishing the cartoons: non-Muslims are not required to obey Muslim law. Yet the BBC sweeps that under the rug.
Another problem with this piece comes in the last section where Beeboid Asser mentions those other cartoons that caused the most outrage which were not published by the newspaper under attack.
Asser says this:
The Jyllands-Posten cartoons do not include some images that may have had a role in bringing the issue to international attention.
Three images in particular have done the rounds, in Gaza for example, which are reported to be considerably more obscene and were mistakenly assumed to have been part of the Jyllands-Posten set.
One of the pictures, a photocopied photograph of a man with a pig’s ears and snout, has been identified as an old Associated Press picture from a French “pig-squealing” contest.
All three pictures were in fact bogus, and had nothing to do with the Jyllands paper. The way Asser frames it makes it seem as if these were other cartoons attacking Muslims that the paper chose not to print. But instead of stating the truth that these were fakes meant to incite even more violence, he prints this for the defense:
It was reportedly circulated by Danish Muslims to illustrate the atmosphere of Islamophobia which they say they live under.
Unbelievable. And it gets worse.
There is no doubt that the some of the original Jyllands-Posten cartoons are sufficiently hostile in nature to be taken as provocative by the Muslim community, whatever their intention.
There is no doubt that we are being asked – just like the BBC did with the student violence earlier this month – to understand the anger behind the desire to commit mass murder. It’s only a baby step towards condoning it, surely, but there it is.
But some critics have said all the drawings and the manner of their publication betray European arrogance and Islamophia.
“But”? This isn’t a rejoinder, it’s a continuation of the argument. It should read, “And some critics have said”. Sloppy.
Muslim writer Ziauddin Sardar likens them to anti-Semitic images published in Europe in the 1920s and 30s, with Muslims being demonised as violent, backward and fanatical.
“Freedom of expression is not about doing whatever we want to do because we can do it,” he wrote in the Independent on Sunday.
“It is about creating an open marketplace for ideas and debate where all, including the marginalised, can take part as equals.”
This is the most sickening of all. Jews in Germany at that time were not committing mass murder all over the f@#$ing landscape. Yet the BBC doesn’t dare point this out. Equals? It’s against Muslim law for non-Muslims to be considered equals.
It’s a classic example of the BBC’s intellectual failure in dealing with the problem of Islamic extremism. They don’t dare give a serious challenge to these arugments, and in fact provide a willing platform for them, just to appear fair and balanced.
Spot on DP.
Obviously, Asser and Sardar assume the readers of Asser’s apologia have never seen the der Stürmer cartoons referred to by Sardar. They rarely portrayed Moses or any of the founders of Judaism or any ancient Hebrew. Nor were they intended to be humorous. They were aimed at contemporary Jews and insulted them in the crudest terms possible. The Mo cartoons had little to say about Moslems but a lot to say about Mo. BTW, the continuing failure of the BBC to publish the cartoons (a picture of an obscured picture in a newspaper is not “publication”) says it all about the BBC mindset where Moslems are concerned.
In my 16:32 comment above I refer to the BBC narrative about WW2 warcrimes. In another part of the BBC narrative it is almost inconceivable for any Moslem (rather than, say, a Person of No Appearance) to be considered violent, backward and fanatical (in Sardar’s telling phrase – he knows his co-religionists only too well) despite the overwhelming confirmatory evidence.
Yes, very well said.
INBBC’s Asser behaves like a political transmitter for Islam; Asser, apparently a fount of Islamic knowledge, has the intention of propagandising how Muslims think and feel. In his Islamophilic manner, he is duped by all the Muslim moaning about their ‘victimisation’ in Europe, and allows himself to be taken off the problem which is the Islamic jihad threat to Europe. He insults Jewish people, who have peacefully integrated into European societies, by going along with the deceitful Islam porpaganda that Muslims are the new Jews. No, Jews are the new Jews, and are experiencing increasing anti-semitism in Europe, not least at the hands of some Muslims.
And Asser plays down the serious nature of the particular Islamic jihad threat to Denmark, unlike ‘Jihadwatch’:
Denmark: Five arrested in “imminent” jihad attack on Motoons paper intended to shoot as many people as possible
Nothing to do with BBC bias per se (other than they love the individual in question) but I thought I would sharfe it with fellow contributors. I walked past Horseferry road magistrates court this morning and saw a ‘student grent’ type poster on the wall there ( next to the winos) with a picture of Assange (the victim) saying “exposing war crimes is no crime!” Unfortunately I didn’t have anything to add “but rape is…..” to it
Compare and contrast this BBC profile of WikiHacks with this one by non-Left blogger Richard Fernandez of the Belmont Club and Pajamas Media.
Notice the drastic difference between the way the BBC presents the footage of US forces “killing” that group which included journalists and the way Fernandez describes it. Notice also the glaring difference between the WikiHacks releases the BBC chooses to highlight as examples of why so many people view Assange as a hero, and then notice the examples Fernandez presents to support his case. Also notice how much more information Fernandez gives you, as opposed to what is censored by the BBC.
If Fernandez and PJ Media are Right-wing, then someone who presents an opposing viewpoint must by default be Left-Wing. So the BBC is Left-wing, as they are clearly presenting an opposite perspective here.
Climate heretic Piers Corbyn has apparently won some money betting on weather, because he knows about the effects of the sun on weather patterns.
December 25th and nights before and after were some of the coldest ever recorded in the UK especially in Shropshire in the West Midlands where Piers Corbyn started his meteorological pursuits as a teenager and he made sizeable net winnings on the snow on Xmas day PUBLIC* bets he placed in November with William Hill.
* *Piers is banned from weather account betting with William Hill following years of winning but can enter public bets and won money on all the UK stations which recorded snow. These were Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Newcastle, York & Lincoln.
Piers said: “We predicted snow was most likely in Scotland and East parts of England and that is where it came. Newcastle made me the most cash. Punters who stuck to our detailed advice are well ahead.
If anyone thinks this is just his unsubstantiated claim, Wired (a committed Warmist magazine) backs him up:
Another sign he’s not your everyday weatherman: the conspicuously displayed photocopy of a check for £2,291 hanging on the wall. Unique among meteorologists, Corbyn bets on his forecasts. Unusual among bettors of any stripe, he wins regularly. The check on the wall is a payout from London bookmaker William Hill on one of their monthly bets.
BBC: Look – Polar bears!