Back in December 2006,when there was no snow in Red Square, no ice on the Moskva river (for the first time in decades), and some European ski resorts were without snow, the BBC were very keen to report matters. Like a rat up a drainpipe, James Cove was also avid to tell us that many blamed AGW for the so-called problem, and that the OECD (brimming no doubt with climatological expertise) was warning that the ski-ing industry faced a future of sharply diminishing returns.
Over the past few days , it’s been reported almost everywhere on the blogsphere that December 2010 has been the coldest in 120 years, record snowfalls have been falling in everywhere from the Arizona desert to Mongolia, and that Moscow airport has faced a revolt from passengers because it could not cope with the volumes of snow. Not only that, the record cold has cost billions in bills for inadequate infrastructure and repairs to frozen gas-fired boilers that John Prescott ordained were best for dealing with climate change. Ski resorts? They are on a roll, according to latest figures from last winter. On the BBC, there’s so far an eerie silence on all these topics. Nothing. Yadda. Zilch. I wonder why?
Because they don’t want to know – and they’d rather we didn’t know, either. Luckily for us all, up until now, they have no control of the internet, although I’m sure they’d like to have.
I liken BBC AGW reporting to flight training for an instrument rating, where a blind is pulled over the windows, and the pilot is forced to use instruments only, and has no spatial awareness. The big difference between this scenario and the BBC is that the instruments are replaced with ideologies and dogmas, which must be believed and followed at all costs, being the bedrock and life blood of the organisation. The blinds have been pulled on the outside world, and on personal observation, so that these people have no real idea what’s going on in the real world, and ascribe every and any event they encounter to one (or more) of several possible causes listed within the corporate remit. The result defies reality.
As with the mainstream press, there is a huge time lag between the accepted message being distributed by the media, and the eventual realisation by the general public that all they are being told is not necessarily the truth, and that they are being mercilessly milked of their assets.
We have, by now, well passed this point in terms of AGW – the public are slowly waking up to this unreasonable assault on their pockets, which is being peddled as being “good for them”, and which really is their involuntary contribution to “saving the planet” – a planet, which in reality, only needs saving from the stupidity of humanity, rather than an innocuous but vital trace gas.
It has become evident to them that the yarns spun to them over the last decade or so about the planet “warming”, and “mediterranean summers and mild, snowless winters”, and sea levels “rising to our ultimate danger” are just not coming true, and their hard earned cash is being siphoned off and given to the European 4th Reich – and they are about to kick up, hopefully.
Whether anyone dares remains to be seen.
The BBC alternative government (and most of todays politicians) should undergo public show trials, but that I think, is a forlorn hope.
What will happen, as we drag into yet another year of looming despair and pending economic disaster at the hands of these muppets?
Probably nothing.
Robin, reading a Tom Cunliffe ( excellent sailor & comentator) article in a yachting magazine recently .
When the Vikings first settled Greenland, archeologists found their dead were buried in graves about six feet deep. By the time the settlements were abandoned, a matter of some 2 – 3 hundred years later, graves were found to be much shallower, as a result of the perma frost which had developed.
Clearly the sort of irritating fact the bbc likes to ignore !
So much real news is missing from the BBC news product that almost anyone with eyes and ears to see and hear can notice the great big gaps appearing in every news bulletin.
Ski resorts? airbrushed out of existence.
Record cold all over the planet? out with the airbrush again.
Australia turning green where once brown scrub predominated and deserts flowering in Africa? now wheres that airbrush!
WUWT features a study that finds NO correlation between rising CO2 and global temperatures? will the BBCs own eco stooges report on that OR will they dig out the airbrush yet again? I note with amusement that the BBC/met office weather reports are now grossly over estimating regional temperature maximums, how low are they going to sink, how desperate are they that they will stoop to adding several degrees to each daily regional max, do they think we prole scum do not own our own temp gauges? More likely these inflated temps form the basis of the met office claim that we are all roasting to death in the hottest year since the dinosaurs did their thing.
So there you have it folks, the gap between whats actually happening in the real world and the BBCs fabricated censored fantasy world is as large as the USSR media a couple of years before it sank without trace.
Have you noticed how the BBC is now reduced to giving the Guardian fake charity offshore tax cheats almost total dominance when quoting from the papers? Only the Guardian now runs enough BBC approved lies so the news gaps get ever wider and ever more noticeable. A fake charity tax cheating rag and a leftist propaganda empire built on extortion by strong armed crapita thugs? A match made in Hell.