Name the problem and the BBC response is Palin is to blame (unless Thatcher got there first, of course). I’m on the BBC’s Nolan Show in the morning to discuss the Arizona murders. Any comments you would like me to make? I am appalled by the media hunt against Palin even as the dead still lay where they were so brutally murdered. ITV have been grim, and the BBC no better.
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All the best for tomorrow David. I think a good trawl through the comments here might give you the pointers you might need, especially what Twitter reveals about the mentality of BBC News staff with relation to this massacre.
Maybe you can refer listeners to the site so they can see just how pathetic it is that the BBC should claim Palin’s targets on states on a map of America could incite anyone to even think of murder. It’s just an obscene and ghoulish exercise by the Hatenik Left, which the BBC is a cheerleader for.
God bless.
As I’ve said on an earlier posting, if it was my relative who was killed by this person, the I would be disgusted that politicians and others are making political capital out of the incident. The dead deserve more than that. But socialists have, in general, no empathy for, well, anyone really. The perpetrator is a killer and having been apprehended should be subjected to the full legal process. Anything else is just callous posturing for ideological reasons.
Unfortunately when asked if his daughter had any enemies, Gabrielle Giffords’ father said “Yeah, the whole of the Tea Party”. However, this cannot necessarily construed to mean he was blaming them, although if he was, whose going to judge words spoken in grief?
It is my belief that the left are trying to gain some political leverage here to try and close down any attacks on policies or free speech.
The media are wishing for a big story. Some lunatic kills, he is arrested charged and convisted, possibly goes to some mental instition. Not much of a story, better if they can spin it out to include a full blown national civil war between the Republicans and Democrats.
The BBC/Guardians stance is with the former.
Just imagine if it turns out that Jared Loughner had converted to Islam!
Then it’d be hush hush, move along nothing to see here….
Good luck, DV. First and foremost, please remind everyone that when it was Muslims involved, the BBC went out of their way to say we should all reserve judgment until facts came out. Most importantly, point out Mardell’s statement that it most likely wasn’t, in stark contrast to his immediate blame this time around.
I would recommend not letting Nolan and his other guest(s) trap you into defending Palin or get stuck on condemning everyone’s “violent rhetoric” or whatever, as that is obviously going to distract from the key point of media hypocrisy. The hypocrisy of bending over backwards always except when they smell Tea Party blood should be your primary focus. If they spend more than two sentences on “violent rhetoric, blah, blah” – even if it’s to nominally condemn it on both sides – say, “Excuse me Stephen, but we really must get back to the hypocrisy of the BBC and the media coverage”.
Also, don’t get into defending AZ gun laws. Go all postmodernist on them and say they shouldn’t judge other people’s culture.
David Preisner, for what it’s worth, I believe it is natural for people to bear arms to defend themselves. It is unnatural for a nation to emasculate itself, as we have allowed ourselves to be here in the UK.
I don’t disagree, john. All I’m saying is that the Number One goal should be to stress the hypocrisy of bending over backwards to refrain from placing blame in every instance except this one, and to highlight the ideological bias behind it.
Any discussion of gun laws in AZ would be just another will-o’-the-wisp argument, used to take the discussion so far away from the main point as to get lost in a wilderness of policy details. AZ is a foreign culture, and there’s no reason for DV to have to defend any of its laws one way or the other.
If the murderer was a determined nutter, he’d have gotten a gun from illegal sources, so it’s moot. Even worse, if no guns were so easily available, he could have done a Timothy McVeigh and blown up the entire building instead, killing ten times as many people at a minimum. This kind of lunatic was a disaster waiting to happen regardless of gun laws. There, now I’ve ignored my own advice and gone down that path….
It should be stressed that Palin is a red herring and has no bearing at all on the murders. The murderers motives are not known by anyone and to try and put the blame on what someone may or may not have said is irrelavent.
Fat shit Nolan going hammer and tongs at Sarah Palin right now. It’s quite clear which way the drugged up twats at the BBC are trying to move this story.
I’m betting that tomorrow morning Dame Nikki will be leading the charge with the phone in on this.
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”
I have repeated this just in case the mongs at the BBC can’t read it first time around.
OMG I just saw Iain Mackenzie repeat that Obama quote on BBC 24, it didn’t roll easily off the tongue by the looks of it though
Fatty Mardell going at it again, I swear I see a piece of brown stuff on the end of his tongue.
Mmm, I bet that’s tasty Mark.
Oh, hell, I nearly forgot: David V. must repeat at every opportunity the fact that the murderer is a LEFTOID, and shares many Beeboids’ taste in political literature. Every answer to any of Nolan’s questions should begin with, “The murderer, a known left-wing radical who listed Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto as favorites…..”
Slight re-emphasis on the last paragraph, “The murderer, reported by the people that know him as a leftwing radical, who has read Mein Kampf but regards the Communist Manifesto as his favourite book”.
The emphasis to mention that he has only read Hitler but loves Marx, is to prevent their normal conflagration of the Nazis as right-wing. If they start with that line claiming that reading Mein Kampf makes him right-wing it will deflect from what David needs to assert about him being a left-winger who hates border controls etc.
The BIG fact they are all quoting is the Sarah Palin put the congresswoman in a “target”. Well remind them that so did the Daily Kos. The latter did so because this is a comparatively right wing democrat.
Here’s a link for the Daily Kos targets
With all due respect to David P. I don’t think playing politics on this one is the answer. Loughner also listed a book by Ayn Rand and the Wizard of Oz among his favourites. It is so easy to get into some toing and froing on where people stand on what books they keep.
My belief is that this person is menatlly ill. All the signs are there. It is just a pity that he was not commited when the teachers expelled him from school.
Fair points, JHT. If nothing else, Nolan should be reminded that the murderer had it out for the poor woman in 2007, before Sarah Palin was even a twist in Justin Webb’s knickers.
I agree with what you say, Palin is irrelevant and should be stresed. I just think that the BBC want confronation here. The left has no grounds for putting a motive to these murders. It is all dangerous speculation. The law should take its course and when the investigation is over we may have an answer.
The hypocracy and conspiracy theories put out by left wing bloggers and newspapers should be questioned. They should be shown up as people who are so willing to put forward their own judgements before the evidence has been obtained by the law.
But when the lefties start their inevitable attack on Palin, David must have the ammunition to prove to them (and everyone else) that they are lying. The only way to do that is to have the Left-Wing facts including the Democrats map with targets on states.
Then David can take the high ground by saying that the nutter was mentally ill rather than political, but it has shown up the standards of the BBC who have pursued a disgraceful slur on Ms Palin by pretending he was one of her followers when obviously it’s the opposite case. It will be hoped that she will sue the BBC for very large damages.
Good point and one I found at these two pages:
Sticking to the Beeboid bias theme and not the politics of the mental case murderer, why is a Beeboid news editor tweeting anti-Palin remarks – in other words taking a party political stance in the politics of another country? Surely that is weird – and improper for an impartially gened broadcaster. If you have that tweet to hand, you could quote the actual message.
The way to deal with the BBC is to ask them what research they have done into this story and where they get their info from. We know they use the hate sites in America, but why hasn’t the BBC reported a FACT that this guy has had dealing with the Congesswoman since 2007 and possibly before that.
Nothing has come up so far to indicate in any way that he even supported Sarah Palin, he seemed to be anti Government.
The one thing I’d say David is ignore what fat boy asks you and simply answer or say what you want.
The BBC incite violence here in the UK with the student protests yet think that violence is justified.
Refuse to entertain any discussion of Sarah Palin. There is no logical reason to make any link between her and the actions of a deranged killer. if they persist walk out and before you do so add that you will not be a party to unfounded character assassination by a supposedly neutral news organisation. It is essential to take a firm stand over this.
Say to the BBC that it is a disgrace that their US reporters only read the Democratic press and websites.
Tell them that it is obvious to any GOOD reporters that the murderer was a left-wing lunatic. That even the Washington Post has published good evidence of this.
And ask – why are we paying MILLIONS of dollars for the US BBC operation when they refuse to read respectable sites like Powerline, written by LAWYERS :
The obvious parallel is with Major Nidal Malik Hasan. If you remember, the first BBC reports didn’t mention that he was a Muslim, then people like Mark Mardell admitted that they were just stumped as to what his motives might have been, and maybe it was just one of those senseless things.
You could also take a look at this Democratic graphic.
Mainstream media blames Sarah Palin, conservatives for shooting of Rep. Giffords, despite lack of evidence — yet refused to talk Islam after Fort Hood jihad massacre
Laban and George R beat me to it. Asking how the BBC is willing to cast blame on Palin even without any evidence that Lougher had even seen the map with cross-hairs or reacted to it but refuses to even use the words Muslim, Islam and jihad even though it is absolutely clear that murderers, terrorists and rapists have read Koran apparently giving religious OK for their acts.
To summarise
1 We know from his own writings that the murderer was left-wing, anti-Constitution, anti-police, anti-Christian
2 Therefore, according to the BBC – he must be a fan of Sarah Palin, and member of the Tea Party.
We know the extreme bias of the BBC on UK politics. But they can fudge the issue.
But on 2 issues – global warming and Palin – the BBC bias comes shining through, every damn day.
” sarah palin tweeted: ‘Don’t Retreat, RELOAD’. today a house democrat, a judge, and 9 year old girl were shot by tea party members in arizona”
This complete fabrication came from that Wendy Bailey. That one should be investigated by the police.
I found this tweet on a previous thread, and posted it there as well. This is one of the most obvious instances of the BBC blaming the Tea Party and Palin when all the evidence point to their own fellow-traveller nutjobs.
To be fair Sarah Palin did tweet ‘Don’t Retreat, RELOAD’ in March. Not exactly a smoking gun.
However the rest of the sentence is a fabrication. Wendy Bailey didn’t actually write it, it was a retweet but it sure looks like Bailey has her cross-hairs over Palin and the Tea Party movement and taken a few pot-shots.
Ask why the BBC treats Gifford as ‘the story’ while downplaying six other fatalities and 14 other casualties?
BBC keeps referring to Gifford by name as if that is ‘the whole story’ and ignores the name of the Federal judge at least until much further down in the story.
Giffords shooting: Suspect Jared Loughner charged headline
Federal prosecutors charged Jared Loughner with trying to assassinate Gabrielle Giffords, 40, and killing two other government officials. Second paragraph
They charged him with two counts of first-degree murder for the killings of Federal Judge John Roll and Gabe Zimmerman, an aide of Ms Giffords. 13th paragraph and first mention of the names of the people who Lougher killed.
– – – The four others who died are simply anonymous. Didn’t the BBC reporter have the initiative to ask?
DV, IMCUHO (in my completely unhumble opinion) you’ll come over as nitpicking if you take this line. The target of the shooting was a US Congresswoman. That by itself is big news. The other victims are big news as well, but the centre of the story has to be Gifford.
And we know who was the target, how?
Ask why the BBC is downplaying evidence that if anything Laugher was a Left Democrat supporter?
At this point it’s unknown as to why he went on a killing spree. Making political capital out of these murders is despicable. The BBC shouldn’t be dragging up any old speculation especially politically biased speculation.
Current speculation:
He was batshit insane
Was a Democrat supporter
Linked to American Renaissance
It was Sarah Palin’s fault
It was Glenn Beck’s
It was Tea Party’s fault…
Ha Ha! Palin did not use crosshairs but surveyor’s symbols! And who used the shooting targets?
Radio 5 this morning with Dame Nikki
You get the drift
Toilets Maguire is on Lorraine Kelly right now ranting on about Sarah Palin, guess who is sitting next to him nodding her head?
Yep Victoria Derbyshire, what a shock. NOT
The BBC filth have a window of opportunity with stories like this, they realise that the first rule of the political smear is get your smear in early and go to town on the smears, then when the facts come out at least the smear is out there and perceptions have been shaped.
What comes next matters not a jot, the perception has been shaped and the meme released, the BBC are not about to go back to each report and recant and retract are they? Later when the facts do come out properly the story has lost its bite and dominance, other stories take over the news cycle an all that is left is the initial perception in the marks(us).
The left hate Palin because she could be a Reagan figure, a singular uniting figure of the right and this the left fear above all things. The left have tried to promote and pimp their own uniting figureheads for years some more successfully than others but the main aim is to destroy by smear anyone who might be able to unite the right wing and mobilze them like Reagan, it was he who destroyed the USSR the leftists best and greatest hope for the domination of their ugly creed.
Nolan shied off. I was not asked on.
No wonder! Speaks volumes does it not?
He’d been reading the briefings you got on here!
What a shock! NOT! Perhaps Nolan fancied a Mars bar instead.
I was thinking it would be on R5Live. There, would have missed it anyway!
One must never read too much into things, but from what the Tweets of senior BBC News staff have to say about endemic BBC bias may well have had something to do – a lot to do! – with him changing his mind.
Would be very interested if you can post a piece elaborating upon what reasons you were given for not being brought on after all. If you haven’t been given a reason maybe you could publish an open letter to BBC Ulster here requesting an explanation and asking them to address the speculation that has been raised here?
was going to say “He probably realised that someone would shoot his opinion down with ease”. I stopped myself because of the shooting metaphor. I did this once yesterday too. There’s no way I would try to make fun by using shooting terms, nor make political capital out of it, like the Left, either.
It just shows how innocuously one can use terms like shooting down a lie, shoot holes in an argument etc. But one has to always watch what one says or Dezzie or Scotty will be on here making malicious and false claims about our meanings. It shows how innocent the “target” map was. Only the left can turn it into something other than intended.
And the Beeboid Corporation never tires of using shooting terminology although I am tired of listening to them at it. I wish I had a pound for every time I have heard Beeboids across a range of channels and programmes intone that someone is in the firing line. They always get it wrong because what they are actually talking about is the line of fire. It’s a rather crucial difference and the Beeboids should get it right.
Well said, the BBC use ‘target’, ‘ambush’ and ‘bombshell’ all the time.
Adam Brookes, another beeoid Obama ring piece licker just claimed that politics in America has been ‘angry’ for two years, um no it’s been full of hate since 2000 when George Bush was elected.
Reverend Wright has a few things to answer for as well, not that the drugged up scum at the BBC would ever bother to report.
Indeed, so I take it, going by Beeboid reasoning in tweets and witterings all over the place about a mass murder in America, that the Beeboid Corporation must be inciting violence and procuring bombings, murder and mayhem by employing such bellicose, inflammatory terminology and verbal imagery. O:-)
So on BBC 1 news they cover Ed Milimong’s prattling on with that mad bug eyed stare of his, “Ed the hero” is the BBC narative along with that economic genius Postman Pat (what TWO economic geniuses in the Liebour party? wow we are blessed) except for some reason the BBC didn’t mention Red Ed being pinned on Postman Pat not knowing the rate of tax on NI for businesses.
Anyone want to bet if a Tory were caught out the BBC would run it, run it run it?
Coke-head Jonny Dymond’s little piece is pretty pathetic (good luck getting your drugs through the AZ TSA when you depart, Jonny). Note the hypocritical finger-pointing where he talks about how…
Almost as soon as the news of the shootings came out, some in Washington – and many on Twitter and on blogs – were pondering a link between the anger and polarisation apparent in today’s American polity and the attempted assassination of a Democratic congresswoman in a state with highly charged politics.
People in Washington like BBC North America editor Mark Mardell, perhaps?
Now Sopel on the News Channel is asking the guy from Republicans Abroad if there needs to be “a reflection on political discourse in America”. No, Sopel, there needs to be a reflection on the hyper-partisanship, hypocrisy, and dishonesty of the media, especially the BBC.
BBC = Scum.
Jesus, now stage performer Emily Maitlis and Adam Brookes are discussing how “America has this problem with assassinating it’s politicians”.
Get bent, BBC News producers.
At least Brookes at last said we need to find out if the murderer was mentally ill. Now the actress is asking about gun control. Yawn.
“Has President Obama captured the mood of the nation with the moment of silence,” asks Maitlis. Pro Obama At All Costs.
Part of Brookes’ idiotic respsone was to say that some believe He can “defang the Right” with this incident. WTF?
BBC = Scum.
Quite obviously the Beeboids see no need to behave objectively or attempt to act as real reporters when the events happen in another country. It must be so nice for them being able to twitter and report in conformity with their lack of principles. They still have to be a bit careful here what with the impartiality gene and the rest.
I have seldom seen the leftwing hive mind so united.
They are just really poor journalists and I would have thought at least one of them would try to find out what really happened and why.
Radio 5 have been hammering the ‘it’s Sarah Palin’s fault’ all day, now the biggest twat of all Richard Bacon is at it.
The quality of BBC reporting has hit rock bottom.
1. This nutter knew the Congresswoman since 2007
2. None of his Youtube/Facebook rants mention Palin at all
Sky are no better. The “story” is the row in America:
“Sky’s Tim Marshall examines the row over right-wing rhetoric – and Sarah Palin in particular – sparked by the US shootings”
Its not a “row” – a row is between two equal opposing points of view. Its bring Palin down at any cost – because she signals potentially the end of the Liberal Wet Dream, a left-wing black man in the White House. Instead you get diametrically the opposite: a right-wing white woman in the White House. Its all too awful for them to contemplate.
Our media continue to be a disgrace.
Yes the violent hate all comes from the right doesn’t it?
Do you remember the Dem idiots as well at some Dem conference all proudly sporting a T-Shirt saying “Sarah Palin is a c[**]t”? Nice.
This is a ‘Sky News’, not a Beeboid take on all this:
“Ready. Blame. Shoot!”
(by Tim Marshall)
And BBC-NUJ is not excluded from this particular political propaganda double-standard:
“Journalists urged caution after Ft. Hood, now race to blame Palin after Arizona shootings”
Read more at the Washington Examiner:
Adam Brookes has clearly been licking Obama’s rectum yet again with another piece claiming that all this nasty hate speech is coming from the Republicans and only happened over the last two years.
This is the sort of journalism and lies that makes the BBC look like twats.
So fatty Mardell admits that the nutter had a grudge against the Congresswoman from SEVERAL YEARS BACK, yet the fat shit still lies by saying “the genie is out of the bottle” regarding the Palin map.
No fatty, you lot on the left shot your gobs off before knowing the facts, even though these lone gunmen usually have some grudge.
The BBC have smeared Sarah Palin and the right in America without any just cause.
By the way, anyone else notice that Mark Mardell looks like Polly Toynbee with glasses?
Obama worshipper, Beeboid MARDELL continues with his personal political vendetta against Palin on his blog, and everywhere else.
She is the negative subject of his last THREE obsessive blog topics!:
What Mardell does not remind us of is Obama’s quick call to caution against those who wedre saying that the Fort Hood shooting was an Islamic jihad atrtack (as it turned out to be):
That Mardell post is almost criminal. I think someone mentioned earlier in the comments, or onhe earlier thread, that the BBc set out to misdirect to “set the scene” which later hangs around like a bad stain, and here we have nardell admitting exactly that: “But the killings have already acquired a meaning.” Of course they have you twat, you helped create it.
What Mardell meant was that he and his fellow travelers have acquired a Narrative, and they’re pushing that about this act of murder in spite of the truth. They simply do not care about facts or reality on this one. Their personal biases trump all.
Hey, Mardell: Where were your thoughts about the “meaning” of the Muslim Major’s act of mass murder at Ft. Hood? Oh, that’s right – you were telling us there wasn’t any.
Buffoon. Hypocrite. Biased Beeboid.
Someone on Guido made an excellent point in a thread illustrated by a picture of students haning Nick Clegg in effigy, about the sickos at the Graun and their hand wringing ‘palin is to blame’ attack line.
He asked us to remember the leftoid video 10:10 made by Curtis showing carefully targetted climate deniers (like school children) being blown to bits for their carbon crimes. Remember how this was seen as ‘witty and edgy’ and that complaints were made by idiots?
Can the Left never ever see its double standards.
The first 20 minutes of Glenn Beck’s programme on FOX NEWS tonight (on Sky channel 509, 10 pm weekdays) is very good on this theme currently. No doubt someone here will post it tomorrow.
Glenn Beck, FOX NEWS, video report, first 17 mins, last night’s show, which, I suggest, can also be regarded as a riposte to BBC-Democrat political propaganda, as on ‘Newsnight’ last night:
INBBC ‘Newsnight’s political agenda TONIGHT predictably continues with:
1.) repeating theri Democrat chums’ blaming Sarah Palin for Arizona shooting;
2.) relegating the Muslim and Islamic element of ‘Muslim Sex Gangs’ in Britain.
Mardell will be apoplectic over this reasoned piece:
“How America’s elite hijacked a massacre to take revenge on Sarah Palin”
By Tom Leonard
Read more:
The hatred for someone who hasn’t actually done anything – she lost the election, and all the right-on thinking people people blame her for losing it – is quite astonishing.
This fear of “the other” says so much about the Beeboid and Left-wing ideologue mindset.