The Palin/Arizona saga is easily the most important issue today; but meanwhile, Roger Harrabin here assembles a veritable usual-suspect army of green campaigners to shout at maximum volume that the government must appoint a GREEN MINISTER to make sure the “green agenda” continues to be adopted. The horror is that the Cleggerons probably will; but of course, our Roger utters not a peep about those who think that such a move will be a massive waste of our money. I’m all for sensible spending of taxes by cutting out waste and making efficiency savings – but this is not the way.
I’m adding monstrously to my carbon footprint to enjoy some glorious global warming in the tropics, so this will be my last posting for a while. The main task was avoiding dreaded “eco hotels” that ram AGW messages down your throat with every meal, but I have managed. And NO BBC! Whoopee!
Have a wonderful holiday. I too have found the ‘negative warming’ that we’ve experienced in Britain this winter a little too intense for my liking so shall be heading to Costa Rica for a month.
Can I come too?
Have a good time.
I do hope the Icelandic volcanoes don’t interfere. The big one next to the unpronounceable one has had quite a few earthquakes within its caldera recently but has quietened down over the last few days.
Ho, ho, ho – Green Minister! An ideal candidature for a watermelon.
Isn’t that what the Huhnatic is? and Ed “The Red” Miliband was, before the electorate kicked him out? (I say kicked him out, when in reality the electorate got it wrong, again, hence the dopey coalition).
What a crazy world we inhabit, populated and governed, it seems, largely by the dregs of lunacy.
Don’t even think about your carbon footprint, Robin.
That sanctimonious, hypocritical creep Huhne, fresh back from a week’s inconsequential witterings at our expense at the Cancun boondoggle, apparently promptly jetted off to California with his switch-hitter companion Carina Trimmingham for a Christmas & New Year break.
We must all reduce our carbon footprint, mustn’t we – but clearly some of us need reduce it less than others…………
All the readers of this blog combined would have a smaller Carbon footprint that the derranged mong Harrabin.
Anyone else seen the beeboid bollocks with some dimbo driving (or trying) an electric car up to Scotland.
It has a range of 100 miles spouts the BMW pillock, unless it’s cold when it’s only 80 miles (pisser with all this white global warming stuff) oh and you can’t turn the heater on either or the range goes down even more, presumably you can’t turn your lights on or use the stereo either.
It’s going to take this beeboid mong a week to get to Edinburgh, I swear I could get there quicker walking.
Harrabin cleverly avoids appearing as an activist this time by quoting MPs instead of himself and the usual Warmist “scientists” on his contact list. Still, lame.
It’s Time to Bow to the Flying Global Warming Monster
But no amount of tips is ever enough. Because there is no such thing as a green lifestyle. Trying to do things the “Green” way usually ends up being worse for the environment. From ethanol to reusable bags to organic food, everything you do only makes the planet sicker.
Want to walk to the store instead of driving? No, you’re not saving the planet. You’re killing it. Because walking takes energy which must be replaced through food. And producing food for human consumption is bad for the environment. (There is now a heady debate among environmentalists whether it’s better to exercise and burn calories or to remain fat. Either way a lot of food gets consumed.) Don’t think that you can get out of the conundrum by shopping online. Do you have any idea how many carbon emissions are expended by having a delivery van come to your house. Or how many calories the deliveryman must consume in order to get that package of sweaters to your door.
That’s without even going into all the carbon dioxide generated by just doing a product search online. According to a report, from one of those institutes tasked with measuring absolutely useless things, “performing two Google searches from a desktop computer can generate about the same amount of carbon dioxide as boiling a kettle”. There you have it. If you search for a product online, you might as well boil a kettle. And boiling kettles kills the planet. Every time you make a cup of tea, a polar bear dies. If you have a tea party, you might as well just call it a polar bear massacre.
“David Cameron must take the environment to the heart of Whitehall if he wants to make the coalition the greenest government ever, say MPs”
16 MPs to be precise.
Just like Harrabin quotes “scientists” when he means one or two, he seems to be using the same tactic here.
Sorry here is the link to the “MPs”
Horizon What is One degree… I remember when science programmes contained some hard science, presented by a scientist or a serious presenter, not a f***ing comedian. Pure scaremongering.
I agree. The presented filed this whole program as a response to an argument at a dinner party with a woman who ended up being so wrong about her opinions. We were not told what they were.
I like Dambisa Moyo (the economist on Newsnight) apart from being rather cute she actually talks sense and winds up the left.
Caught a bit of the Jezza Vine show (currently deputised, possibly by Matthew Bannister, while our hero is off… again) today, and the topic seemed to be fuel prices, but pretty much was tied to ‘climate change’.
Sanctimonious eco-hypocrite George Monbiot was the key poster boy to ‘explain’ ‘stuff’ to us, with the accepted premise from the off being global warming is caused by man, and the UK at the top for blame in getting to work, visiting chums or shops, with cars the main cause… except when carried out by Beeboids and approved guests doing stories or on extensive hols. Or shunting about from rural second (OK, main home when not being accommodated by London-centric chums who only use the tube, bus, taxis or Priuses to get away for the weekend to Dorset or Verbier) 2nd home idylls in the mountains.
Hence the scene is set to ‘explain’ why fuel price rises are ace ‘cos it stops folk using cars and hence saves the planet.
No mention of or allowances for the difference between the impact on those who get chauffeured in from the city railway station or Islington pied-a-terre to read a faxed in PR and reprint it as ‘news’… and those with less urban arrangements.
Also no insights as to why the UK’s fuel prices seem a smidge higher than many other countries.
Or where all this tax revenue is going, green-wise, and how, as such, it will ‘solve’ anything.
The vox pops were the usual careful selection, from some raving loon who reckoned the lack of fuel protests so far this time show the last were simply an anti-Labour plot, to Hortense from Cheam chirping that she cycles a full mile each week to pick up her organic tofu from Harrods when not being tweeted for her opinion by best buds in Aunty’s research dept. on how beastly that ageism defeat was, but at least the licence fee extortee will pick up the tab… again.
Of course, last word was left to George of the jumble to solemnly intone that ‘he’ understood ‘our’ pain, but ‘we’ need to understand all this is necessary so he keeps getting gigs like this from the BBC to spout utter b*ll*cks to keep him in the limelight and appearance fees per Harrabin, Black, Shuckman et Al (Gore).
All in all, the usual horse sh*t level one can expect on an important topic from the agenda-compromised, complicit as hell, national impartiality joke broadcaster. They really are the lowest pond life there is integrity wise, and as incompetent professionally as it is possible to be across the board.
Sorry, that was an official rant. Felt good, but.