So now even the New York Times is havin to admit that Loughner has been a fruit cake for years and that the Police attended his house several times.
I wonder if the beloved BBC will now start asking the local Sheriff why he went on a rant about Sarah Palin when his department might have been able to stop his arsehole long ago.
That is where the real blame lies, this guy was not an unknown flying below the radar.
Don’t expect any of the BBC dope heads to actually do any investigation mind.
Yes – the local sheriff and a pliant media including the BBC has piled Pelion upon Ossa – using extreme rhetoric or argument to try to put the blame on “extreme rhetoric” by others. When the blame lies solely with the deranged gunman.
Or if there is any blame – it should be the sheriff himself, and his police department, that failed to act on prior warnings about how deranged the gunman was. If they had taken proper action on the various reports of death threats etc – he might not have been able legally to obtain the Glock he used.
Or wider – it is the liberal side of US politics that made it much more difficult to have medical intervention when people are clearly identified as unstable and possibly dangerous to society.
Palin’s statement today seems to me fairly moderate, considering the rubbish that the sheriff and the left-wing media – including the BBC – have wallowed in. But I expect the BBC to push it aside, just as they have been burying the FACTS about the gunman.
John Anderson,
ooooh ! “Pelion upon Ossa” and a reference to the classical composer, Glock, in the same post.
No-one can accuse B-BBC of being dumbed down π
The awful events of the last few days has thrown into sharp relief the BBC and lefts total conspiracy theorists mentality about the right [or anyone else who fails to see how great and good they are!!] , also their totally misplaced faith in their own omnipotence about the world and how it works has again led them to claim fact as fiction when it is only a matter of time that they are again proved idiots!!.
I am sure I have just heard on the Radio 2 News that Illsely is about to stand down as an MP ‘and in his favour he had apolgised to his constituents.’ Well so he should have done – and to the rest of us taxpayers – but were the BBC so kind so Jonathan Aitkin or Lord Archer?
Nope they were and still are the bench mark the Beebles fall back on when they want to kick the Tories or get a cheap laugh ! even though what they did was stupid! it has nothing on this twerps and his buddies thieving ,also he is taking a month to wind down his office that should get him about £5.000 in the bank and he could get 12months so he would be gone any way so not really the ‘decent thing’ some are pushing at the ministry of tooth!.
I also noticed, just after he was expelled from the parlimentary Labour party, there were some bulletins that referred to him as ‘the Independant MP ..”! I nearly spat my muesli at this blatent show of the BBC doing everything it could to avoid linking it to Labour. Fortunately it looks like someone stopped that by the end of the same day.
It was also striking that more recently when this trougher anounced he would be ‘winding down his office’, the BBC placed Miliband’s call for his recignation hig up in the piece to make it seem as if Miliband has wielded power and Illsey had reacted (which is rubbish).
BBC TV reports never used the word “Labour” in the headlines but later slipped in that this creep “had been expelled from the Labour Party” thereby showing Labour in a good light. Classic BBC bias.
The BBC has a report (now buried) in it’s Middle East section which mentions that a gunman boarded a train in Egypt and opened fire, the BBC article then goes on to state that it was not a sectarian shooting.
Notice to the BBC: ALL of the injured and the fatality were Coptic Christians and the gunman was an off duty policeman who asked to see the wrists of the passengers (Coptic Christians have a tattoo on their wrists) before opening fire, and who managed to only shoot this group of passengers. If this was not a sectarian attack than please provide your definition.
P.s. the BBC have not bothered to update the story since 22:20 yesterday, why is that?, is it due to the fact that the initial claim by the Egyptian authorities has been shown to be false?, compared this massacre with the events in Tuscon and it seems that if you are A) not left-wing or B) not muslim than the BBC does not care.
The failure to update and report is shameful. The elderly gentlemen was killed in front of his Christian wife. The other victims were Christian women. The survivors families insisted their loved ones be taken to the Good Shepherd Hospital (Christian). They were chosen because of the fact they were Christian. The Muslim policeman (there are virtually no Coptic security people in Egypt) searched for Christians quite openly and was identified by witnesses who enabled his prompt arrest by police chiefs anxious to get a lid on Moslem attacks on Christians given the high tension which has escalated since the New Year Alexandria bombing.
“Cross-border violence has escalated in recent weeks.
On Monday, Gaza militants fired three rockets into the Israeli coastal city of Ashkelon, 10km (six miles) north of Gaza. No injuries or damage resulted.
Meanwhile, Israeli troops shot dead a 65-year-old Palestinian farmer near the border fence.”
‘Near’ being one mile from the watchtower in question.
The BBC has repeated this ‘claim’ and now presents it as a fact.
I, most definitely, challenge that ‘fact’. I would go so far as to claim that it is propaganda.
Why? BBC institutional bias……they stopped being concerned with objectivity and just repeat what seems to them to be the preferred narrative.
I posted that , if a man was killed, it was likely he was killed by Hamas. I also suggested we should wait for independent verification by the UN ( π ).
Furthermore, why would the Israelis want to do this anyway ?
Can anyone give me a single example of a claim made by Hamas which the BBC have queried or investigated ?
I offer a bottle of 17-year old “Gordon’s Special Sporran” Irn Bru to the person with the first example.
BBC gets a relevant mention in this opening paragraph:
“Politicians who once espoused this once-immutable orthodoxy now deride it as ‘a wrong-headed doctrine that has had disastrous results’; Church of England bishops blame it for failing the very immigrants it was supposed to assist; the Chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission has said it is causing us to ‘sleepwalk towards segregation; and even senior employees of the BBC declare that it is responsible for causing the indigenous white population to feel ‘alienated, threatened and voiceless’.”
-from: “When will we end the curse of state multiculturalism?”
Ah. Multiculturalism, had a big argument about this with my lefty pals a long time ago, as the beer glasses accumulated I was accused of being a racist. Skip forward to present day, they all agree with me. I just love to be proved right.
I just watched a vomit inducing piece of shit by some beeboid mong (Matthew Price) from Haiti.
Why is Haiti still a shit hole a year on? Remember how the mongs at the BBC pounded on Bush after Katrina?
Who is in charge of the effort in Haiti? Why the UN of course, here’s an interesting take on the UN corruption by someone living there.
Everyone inHaitiknows theUnited Nationsis corrupt. The United Nations has endorsed fraudulent elections. Poor Haitians know it; rich Haitians know it; the “left” in Haiti knows it; the “right” in Haiti knows it; the opposition in Haiti knows it; the UN workers know it; the Haitian government knows it; the Haitian president knows it; the journalist from the New York Times Magazine knows it; Michelle Montas, spokesperson to the UN, knows it, and I know it
Further to my comment above ITV’s report was damming of Clinton, where as the BBC didn’t even mention him, yet Clinton is the man with the billions and is suppose dto have the plan to rebuild Haiti.
Perhaps Clinton is just eyeing up the young females instead?
Are the Clinton’s the US version of the Kinnock’s?
On the BBC News at 10 last night Price “interviewed” Clinton. You know Martin things aren’t so bad. After all Clinton was relaxed and tanned. He reassured Price that everything was OK. Price also showed us scenes of dozens of well-fed, relaxed and tanned UN bureaucrats shuffling paper in their well appointed, albeit temporary, offices. The Haitians don’t appear to be doing that well but – as I’m sure Clinton might say – you win some, you lose some.
So Newsnight once again dodges the issue of corrupt Liebour MPs being done for fiddling their expenses, but the BBC instead decide to make a programme on the by-election in Oldham. Why? Normally the BBC gives little attention to these, apart from sending the prick up there to chase around Tories.
Well as soon as Emily Titless opened her ugly gob I knew “The Tories should be doing better and Labour worse”
So there we go, if the BBC think the Tories won’t do well in a by-election they will cover the election, but you can bet that if Labour are going to do badly they will ignore it.
This is an excellent piece in the Mail on Tucson. It leads with Palin’s comments but also covers the left-liberal John Stewart repudiating that the killings had anything to do with ‘vitriolic rhetoric’.
BBC World News America showing a bit of disaster porn from Brisbane just now. While watching yet another report on the disastrous flooding, a thought occurs: notice how the BBC isn’t blaming the Australian Prime Minister. The focus of coverage is entirely on the disaster end, the human interest stuff. But when it was Katrina in the US, the disaster porn was always colored with placing blame on George Bush.
Let’s see now….the Australian PM is from what political party again?
Also note how the BBC are just itching to blame climate change for this, but they just can’t as all the weather services have clearly said it’s a natural event.
So an ugly female beeboid gushingly informs us of Dorset plods who are operating a ‘zero tolerance’ on their roads for all crime. This we are told had reduced road accidents by 20%. This is fantastic news.
Now I seem to remember when ‘zero tolerance’ was suggested for handling crime the BBC objected, suggesting that this might target ‘da efnik minorities’ oe ‘da moozlums’.
So why did the BBC suddenly think this zero tolerance story in Dorset was such a good idea?
Oh, she brought up ‘Tory cuts’ as the cause of the programme being cancelled.
yes and I bet the figures cover the cold bit where the tourists who make up most off the accidents stay home ??? also the police always operate zero tolerance when was the last time one of us normal working peasants get off with anything ?
Toilets Maguire on the BBC news this morning (of course) stating that thieving MPs shouldent be locked up & only given a slap on the wrist, ie community service. Would he have been so magnanimus had the MPs in question been Conservative?
Well he has a point! we should send toilets to prison instead he should like that all the gritty working class types he will meet should set him up for a nice novel co written by polly as she know loads of working class poor people she sees them from her car everyday !,as for MP.s punishment well the bottom of Irish sea is quite nice this time of year ! π
I see that the Regent Street stand off hasn’t made it onto the BBC websites front page, very odd as Sky were having it as a number 2 news item this morning. I had to scour the England page for it and finally found it under “Man arrested after shop stand off”. I wonder…
So going back to Newsnight last night, did anyone catch the bit about student tuition fees?
There was a great comment I think from Nick Watt who said that the Government hadn’t done a great job explaining the new tuition fees policy and that once students understood it, they were much more in favour of it.
Funny that, as I can’t remember the BBC EVER properly explaining the Government’s policy, when Liebour were in power, the BBC’s first position was to always ram Nu Liebour’s press releases down our throats using Person, Toenails and Marr as cheerleaders.
Mong Peston just spouting more crap on Radio 5 over the recommendation to refer the buy out of Sky by Murdoch to the competition commission.
Peston was sneering that Jeremy Hunt hasn’t yet done it and this is suspicious (sneer sneer sneer)
Then mongo Peston bleats that it’s unfair as Sky has bigger revenues than does the BBC (boo hoo hoo). Well mongo Peston Sky earns its revenues unlike you c**ts at the BBC that steal it off the tax payer.
Omission: Education, Education, Education. Nothing is likely to alienate the voter than to screw up their children’s education. The current tables has raised the question again of the standards of education. Balls, when minister, on every occasion has told us that standards are rising.
I cannot remember any bBC programme or series of programmes doing a long investigation into this difficult subject. Is it because they don’t care about education, no it is one of their core aims. So why keep away from the subject. Is it because their parental masters (the loony left) may be very uncomfortable with the truthful conclusions.
Very quiet at work at the moment so was able to listen to a 5Live morning debate and phone-in on abortion. As expected, Nick Campbell was absolutely impeccable in compering it. I remain absolutely mystified as to why there are so many people here with such a huge down on him.
At 8:10 am on Today Sarah Montague was interviewing Ed Davey (in the grumpy manner she reserves for coalition members) when apropos of Davey’s claim in respect of a policy change she asked him what proof he had that his claim would be borne out by events. This is a good question. However, in the period 1997 to 2010 I never heard this question posed this baldly (or at all) to any member of the Labour administration nor any trade unionist or economist or anyone supporting the then government’s policies.
Nor is this question posed by a Today interviewer to any warmist or representative of a fake charity in respect of any of their highly debateable claims. “Proof” in respect of such claims usually takes the form of unchallenged quoting of a pal-reviewed assertion in a “professional” journal or, much more likely, a badly composed and highly contentious press release. The unassailable assertion is then used by the “impartial” interviewer (or some propagandist like Shukman or Harrabin) in the introduction to the item and forms the unchallenged “factual” background to the interview.
‘When will the BBC ‘target’ its own high salaries paid to drug addled wankers of no talent?’
The MET office apparently at one stage had a prediction of an adverse cold snap in Beelzebub’s back garden tennis court, but as it wasn’t on narrative got suppressed by the government and BBC.
It would probably have been wrong anyway.
Not sure if the likes of Kirsty will be able to play a few sets at midnight when they end up there with most other hypocritical ‘market rate talents’ in the corporation.
The bBC and when it does report an abuse case concerning a mullah defends him to the high hilt: Stoke-on-Trent Imam ‘assaulted boy, 12, in classroom’ A teenager who accused an Imam of sexually assaulting him has insisted he was telling the truth.Mohammed Hanif Khan, 42, from Sheffield, is accused of sexually assaulting the boy, then aged 12, at the mosque he ran in Stoke-on-Trent….Robert Woodcock QC, defending, told the boy: “You keep saying, ‘I think, I think, I think’. “What happened to you must have been exceedingly unpleasant, wasn’t it? Every detail of it surely would be easy to remember, wouldn’t it? So where did it happen the last time it happened.” “I think it was in the classroom,” the boy said. “Did it happen at all?” Mr Woodcock asked. “It did happen,” the boy said. Mr Woodcock suggested to the court that the boy was upset with the Imam who had told him he thought he could smell cannabis on him.The boy denied the claim and said the reason he could not remember the night in greater detail was because it was a long time ago.
So when was the last time you saw the bBC defend a person in authority in charges of abusing a child.
Radio fivelive have just started covering the Oldham by-election on the Tony Livesey show. What do we get one of the most odious members of the last and this parliament Hazel “House Flipper” Blears. Why do the BBC keep giving her publicity?
Anyway Flipper was allowed to waffle on for ages abot the Lib Dems not keeping promises and also to claim that nobody had mentioned the issue of Phil Woolas’s election being declared illegal due to his false claims. Flipper was allowed to waffle on as if she was a reliable witness….
MPACUK is an Islamic NGO which is trotted out by the bBC in which to represent the views of main stream Islam in the UK. Here is what they are currently parading as factual news ref Pakistani gangs targetting young girls in the UK: Pakistanis Demand White People Do More! The leader of a paedophile ring which sexually abused young children and shared the images has been jailed. Colin Blanchard, 40, of Rochdale, admitted a string of sex offences. He received an indeterminate sentence and must spend at least nine years in jail.Two women were also sentenced. Tracy Lyons, 41, of Portsmouth, was jailed for seven years and Tracy Dawber, 44, of Southport, for four years.Plymouth nursery worker Vanessa George, 40, was jailed in 2009.Former Home Secretary Jack Straw has said he believes some WHITE people in Britain see CHILDREN as “easy meat” for sexual abuse.Mr Straw was speaking after WHITE PEOPLE who abused teenage girls in Derby were given indeterminate jail terms.The Blackburn MP said there was a specific problem in some areas where people of WHITE heritage target vulnerable CHILDREN.
The US will help Bangladesh to stage “transparent” trials for crimes committed during its independence war, an American envoy has said.Last year six people, including five leaders of the Islamic Jamaat-e-Islami party, were charged with war crimes.Thousands of people are believed to have died in the 1971 war, which culminated in the country’s independence from Pakistan.
So reading the above whom did Bangladesh gain its Independence from?
India? Great Britain? United States? Well for those of you who don’t know what the bBC doesn’t tell you is:
Bangladesh was known as East Pakistan, angry at how they provided all the wealth and got very little back from West Pakistan they voted to become independent. West Pakistan angry sent in the troops and they murdered up to 3 million (Not thousands as the bBC claims but millions) During the killings committed by the Pakistani army , 10 million people sought refuge in India. Unable to sate their blood lust the Pakistani army launched a preemptive attack on India in December 1971 in which get the first punch in, in the fight they knew was coming. 2 weeks later India declared victory after they defeated Pakistan not only where they invaded in the West, but also in Bangladesh.
Now contrast that excuse of a news report with any about Israel and Lebanon/Gaza etc…
On Today “Nihal, BBC Asian Network presenter and David Aaronovitch” (no intimations of highly selective choice of interviewees there, of course) discussed the Jack Straw intervention in the “grooming of white women and girls by men of Pakistani origins” kerfuffle. My hearing isn’t what it was but (and I stand to be corrected here) the word “Moslem” was not uttered once. Accordingly, the possibility (I would say near certainty) of a religious motive for the grooming was ignored. Luckily everyone agreed that the grooming was not racially motivated. That’s a relief!
You could hear the smiles on the faces of the BBC employees on Today as the results of the Oldham election were read out and analysed this morning. Although Baroness Warsi was give half a spot to deny the obvious (that Cameron had thrown the election to benefit his coalition partners) the BBC brought on – as an unbiased commentator – Polly Toynbee (+ a LibDem communications ex-apparatchik) to give their version of events.
If the BBC wanted a Labour view (and why not?) then an official spokesman should have been brought on. Oh it did: Yvette Cooper had her two pennies worth earlier in the programme. So bringing on Toynbee to dance on the grave of (genuinely) Conservative hopes in the North West was a gratuitous act of bias. We knew what she was going to say: she is, after all, a notorious Labour Party apologist. Perhaps the BBC should – in the interests of impartiality – have brought on Richard Littlejohn to puncture polly’s pieties. Can you imagine? No, nor can I.
How the bBC promotes the Taliban while at the same time denigrating the UK, oh and half the story: Afghan Taliban ‘end’ opposition to educating girls The Taliban are ready to drop their ban on schooling girls in Afghanistan, the country’s education minister has said.Farooq Wardak told the UK’s Times Educational Supplement a “cultural change” meant the Taliban were “no more opposing girls’ education”.The Taliban – who have been fighting the Kabul government – have made no public comment on the issue.Afghan women were not allowed to work or get an education under the Taliban regime overthrown in 2001….Mr Wardak also criticised the UK government for not providing more money for schools in Afghanistan.The UK’s Department for International Development spent £12m ($19m) on schooling in Afghanistan in 2009-10.
So according to the bBC the Taliban didn’t allow women to work or get an education and that the British aren’t handing over enough money in which to educate their children. I wonder if the Taliban in this story are the same ones who denied women medical care, who forbade them to leave home, who insisted that any building which contains women to have the windows painted over, you know the same people who go round not only burning down schools but murdering teachers and female pupils. I wonder why the bBC didn’t bother mentioning any of that in the above?
Search Biased BBC
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So now even the New York Times is havin to admit that Loughner has been a fruit cake for years and that the Police attended his house several times.
I wonder if the beloved BBC will now start asking the local Sheriff why he went on a rant about Sarah Palin when his department might have been able to stop his arsehole long ago.
That is where the real blame lies, this guy was not an unknown flying below the radar.
Don’t expect any of the BBC dope heads to actually do any investigation mind.
Yes – the local sheriff and a pliant media including the BBC has piled Pelion upon Ossa – using extreme rhetoric or argument to try to put the blame on “extreme rhetoric” by others. When the blame lies solely with the deranged gunman.
Or if there is any blame – it should be the sheriff himself, and his police department, that failed to act on prior warnings about how deranged the gunman was. If they had taken proper action on the various reports of death threats etc – he might not have been able legally to obtain the Glock he used.
Or wider – it is the liberal side of US politics that made it much more difficult to have medical intervention when people are clearly identified as unstable and possibly dangerous to society.
Palin’s statement today seems to me fairly moderate, considering the rubbish that the sheriff and the left-wing media – including the BBC – have wallowed in. But I expect the BBC to push it aside, just as they have been burying the FACTS about the gunman.
John Anderson,
ooooh ! “Pelion upon Ossa” and a reference to the classical composer, Glock, in the same post.
No-one can accuse B-BBC of being dumbed down π
bBC’s interest in this will stop, they won’t right the wrongs they have said, they’ll just stop reporting it and ignore it going forward.
The awful events of the last few days has thrown into sharp relief the BBC and lefts total conspiracy theorists mentality about the right [or anyone else who fails to see how great and good they are!!] , also their totally misplaced faith in their own omnipotence about the world and how it works has again led them to claim fact as fiction when it is only a matter of time that they are again proved idiots!!.
I agree with your post, but please… “ignore it going forward.” ?
Do you mean “ignore it in future”?
Life in jail for two Pakistani Muslim blasphemers
Surely you mean ‘Asians’, BBC?
I am sure I have just heard on the Radio 2 News that Illsely is about to stand down as an MP ‘and in his favour he had apolgised to his constituents.’ Well so he should have done – and to the rest of us taxpayers – but were the BBC so kind so Jonathan Aitkin or Lord Archer?
Nope they were and still are the bench mark the Beebles fall back on when they want to kick the Tories or get a cheap laugh ! even though what they did was stupid! it has nothing on this twerps and his buddies thieving ,also he is taking a month to wind down his office that should get him about £5.000 in the bank and he could get 12months so he would be gone any way so not really the ‘decent thing’ some are pushing at the ministry of tooth!.
I also noticed, just after he was expelled from the parlimentary Labour party, there were some bulletins that referred to him as ‘the Independant MP ..”! I nearly spat my muesli at this blatent show of the BBC doing everything it could to avoid linking it to Labour. Fortunately it looks like someone stopped that by the end of the same day.
It was also striking that more recently when this trougher anounced he would be ‘winding down his office’, the BBC placed Miliband’s call for his recignation hig up in the piece to make it seem as if Miliband has wielded power and Illsey had reacted (which is rubbish).
BBC TV reports never used the word “Labour” in the headlines but later slipped in that this creep “had been expelled from the Labour Party” thereby showing Labour in a good light. Classic BBC bias.
The BBC has a report (now buried) in it’s Middle East section which mentions that a gunman boarded a train in Egypt and opened fire, the BBC article then goes on to state that it was not a sectarian shooting.
Notice to the BBC: ALL of the injured and the fatality were Coptic Christians and the gunman was an off duty policeman who asked to see the wrists of the passengers (Coptic Christians have a tattoo on their wrists) before opening fire, and who managed to only shoot this group of passengers. If this was not a sectarian attack than please provide your definition.
P.s. the BBC have not bothered to update the story since 22:20 yesterday, why is that?, is it due to the fact that the initial claim by the Egyptian authorities has been shown to be false?, compared this massacre with the events in Tuscon and it seems that if you are A) not left-wing or B) not muslim than the BBC does not care.
The failure to update and report is shameful. The elderly gentlemen was killed in front of his Christian wife. The other victims were Christian women. The survivors families insisted their loved ones be taken to the Good Shepherd Hospital (Christian). They were chosen because of the fact they were Christian. The Muslim policeman (there are virtually no Coptic security people in Egypt) searched for Christians quite openly and was identified by witnesses who enabled his prompt arrest by police chiefs anxious to get a lid on Moslem attacks on Christians given the high tension which has escalated since the New Year Alexandria bombing.
I commented in the last open thread on the apparent death by shooting of a Gaza resident (age 65)
Eighth comment down.
I explain the inadequacy of the report sourced from ‘locals’ as the BBC coyly explains.
But today the questionable report reappears as a ‘fact’ in the timeline in this piece:
From the text:
“Cross-border violence has escalated in recent weeks.
On Monday, Gaza militants fired three rockets into the Israeli coastal city of Ashkelon, 10km (six miles) north of Gaza. No injuries or damage resulted.
Meanwhile, Israeli troops shot dead a 65-year-old Palestinian farmer near the border fence.”
‘Near’ being one mile from the watchtower in question.
The BBC has repeated this ‘claim’ and now presents it as a fact.
I, most definitely, challenge that ‘fact’. I would go so far as to claim that it is propaganda.
Why? BBC institutional bias……they stopped being concerned with objectivity and just repeat what seems to them to be the preferred narrative.
I posted that , if a man was killed, it was likely he was killed by Hamas. I also suggested we should wait for independent verification by the UN ( π ).
Furthermore, why would the Israelis want to do this anyway ?
Can anyone give me a single example of a claim made by Hamas which the BBC have queried or investigated ?
I offer a bottle of 17-year old “Gordon’s Special Sporran” Irn Bru to the person with the first example.
Multiculturalism and Britain.
BBC gets a relevant mention in this opening paragraph:
“Politicians who once espoused this once-immutable orthodoxy now deride it as ‘a wrong-headed doctrine that has had disastrous results’; Church of England bishops blame it for failing the very immigrants it was supposed to assist; the Chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission has said it is causing us to ‘sleepwalk towards segregation; and even senior employees of the BBC declare that it is responsible for causing the indigenous white population to feel ‘alienated, threatened and voiceless’.”
-from: “When will we end the curse of state multiculturalism?”
Ah. Multiculturalism, had a big argument about this with my lefty pals a long time ago, as the beer glasses accumulated I was accused of being a racist. Skip forward to present day, they all agree with me. I just love to be proved right.
“Meanwhile, Israeli troops shot dead a 65-year-old Palestinian farmer near the border fence. This could not be independently confirmed”
Whoops. Sorry. Strike the second sentence. BBC only uses that expression for Israeli statements.
But the BBC still states the killing as a fact !
I just watched a vomit inducing piece of shit by some beeboid mong (Matthew Price) from Haiti.
Why is Haiti still a shit hole a year on? Remember how the mongs at the BBC pounded on Bush after Katrina?
Who is in charge of the effort in Haiti? Why the UN of course, here’s an interesting take on the UN corruption by someone living there.
Everyone in Haiti knows the United Nations is corrupt. The United Nations has endorsed fraudulent elections. Poor Haitians know it; rich Haitians know it; the “left” in Haiti knows it; the “right” in Haiti knows it; the opposition in Haiti knows it; the UN workers know it; the Haitian government knows it; the Haitian president knows it; the journalist from the New York Times Magazine knows it; Michelle Montas, spokesperson to the UN, knows it, and I know it
However, the BBC would appear not to know it, or chooses to ignore it.
Hence anyone who relies on them for information will not either.
Pathetic for a ‘news’ organisation; useful in a propagandist.
And, in this country, unique.
Further to my comment above ITV’s report was damming of Clinton, where as the BBC didn’t even mention him, yet Clinton is the man with the billions and is suppose dto have the plan to rebuild Haiti.
Perhaps Clinton is just eyeing up the young females instead?
Are the Clinton’s the US version of the Kinnock’s?
On the BBC News at 10 last night Price “interviewed” Clinton. You know Martin things aren’t so bad. After all Clinton was relaxed and tanned. He reassured Price that everything was OK. Price also showed us scenes of dozens of well-fed, relaxed and tanned UN bureaucrats shuffling paper in their well appointed, albeit temporary, offices. The Haitians don’t appear to be doing that well but – as I’m sure Clinton might say – you win some, you lose some.
So Newsnight once again dodges the issue of corrupt Liebour MPs being done for fiddling their expenses, but the BBC instead decide to make a programme on the by-election in Oldham. Why? Normally the BBC gives little attention to these, apart from sending the prick up there to chase around Tories.
Well as soon as Emily Titless opened her ugly gob I knew “The Tories should be doing better and Labour worse”
So there we go, if the BBC think the Tories won’t do well in a by-election they will cover the election, but you can bet that if Labour are going to do badly they will ignore it.
This is an excellent piece in the Mail on Tucson. It leads with Palin’s comments but also covers the left-liberal John Stewart repudiating that the killings had anything to do with ‘vitriolic rhetoric’.
BBC World News America showing a bit of disaster porn from Brisbane just now. While watching yet another report on the disastrous flooding, a thought occurs: notice how the BBC isn’t blaming the Australian Prime Minister. The focus of coverage is entirely on the disaster end, the human interest stuff. But when it was Katrina in the US, the disaster porn was always colored with placing blame on George Bush.
Let’s see now….the Australian PM is from what political party again?
Also note how the BBC are just itching to blame climate change for this, but they just can’t as all the weather services have clearly said it’s a natural event.
So an ugly female beeboid gushingly informs us of Dorset plods who are operating a ‘zero tolerance’ on their roads for all crime. This we are told had reduced road accidents by 20%. This is fantastic news.
Now I seem to remember when ‘zero tolerance’ was suggested for handling crime the BBC objected, suggesting that this might target ‘da efnik minorities’ oe ‘da moozlums’.
So why did the BBC suddenly think this zero tolerance story in Dorset was such a good idea?
Oh, she brought up ‘Tory cuts’ as the cause of the programme being cancelled.
More double standards by the BBC.
yes and I bet the figures cover the cold bit where the tourists who make up most off the accidents stay home ??? also the police always operate zero tolerance when was the last time one of us normal working peasants get off with anything ?
Probably not too many ethnic minorities in Dorset. So long as it hits the white middle classes, it is ok with the BBC.
Toilets Maguire on the BBC news this morning (of course) stating that thieving MPs shouldent be locked up & only given a slap on the wrist, ie community service. Would he have been so magnanimus had the MPs in question been Conservative?
Well he has a point! we should send toilets to prison instead he should like that all the gritty working class types he will meet should set him up for a nice novel co written by polly as she know loads of working class poor people she sees them from her car everyday !,as for MP.s punishment well the bottom of Irish sea is quite nice this time of year ! π
Surely MPs should be treated more harshly to set an example for the rest of us ?
BBC hacks and deficit deniers (evidence a plenty in the 18 months before the election) take note. From your own ‘alter ego’, the Guardian:
richardpbacon Barack Obama’s speech at the memorial service. It’s REALLY worth seeing in full.”
“Daughter, your faith has made you well, go in peace”
Luke 8:48 (As David Preiser may say π )
He can heal!
I see that the Regent Street stand off hasn’t made it onto the BBC websites front page, very odd as Sky were having it as a number 2 news item this morning. I had to scour the England page for it and finally found it under “Man arrested after shop stand off”. I wonder…
So going back to Newsnight last night, did anyone catch the bit about student tuition fees?
There was a great comment I think from Nick Watt who said that the Government hadn’t done a great job explaining the new tuition fees policy and that once students understood it, they were much more in favour of it.
Funny that, as I can’t remember the BBC EVER properly explaining the Government’s policy, when Liebour were in power, the BBC’s first position was to always ram Nu Liebour’s press releases down our throats using Person, Toenails and Marr as cheerleaders.
Mong Peston just spouting more crap on Radio 5 over the recommendation to refer the buy out of Sky by Murdoch to the competition commission.
Peston was sneering that Jeremy Hunt hasn’t yet done it and this is suspicious (sneer sneer sneer)
Then mongo Peston bleats that it’s unfair as Sky has bigger revenues than does the BBC (boo hoo hoo). Well mongo Peston Sky earns its revenues unlike you c**ts at the BBC that steal it off the tax payer.
Omission: Education, Education, Education. Nothing is likely to alienate the voter than to screw up their children’s education. The current tables has raised the question again of the standards of education. Balls, when minister, on every occasion has told us that standards are rising.
I cannot remember any bBC programme or series of programmes doing a long investigation into this difficult subject. Is it because they don’t care about education, no it is one of their core aims. So why keep away from the subject. Is it because their parental masters (the loony left) may be very uncomfortable with the truthful conclusions.
Fred ,
It is essential for the Leftie elite to dumb down the plebs so that they are more likely to vote Labour.
Very quiet at work at the moment so was able to listen to a 5Live morning debate and phone-in on abortion. As expected, Nick Campbell was absolutely impeccable in compering it. I remain absolutely mystified as to why there are so many people here with such a huge down on him.
He’s a total twat
At 8:10 am on Today Sarah Montague was interviewing Ed Davey (in the grumpy manner she reserves for coalition members) when apropos of Davey’s claim in respect of a policy change she asked him what proof he had that his claim would be borne out by events. This is a good question. However, in the period 1997 to 2010 I never heard this question posed this baldly (or at all) to any member of the Labour administration nor any trade unionist or economist or anyone supporting the then government’s policies.
Nor is this question posed by a Today interviewer to any warmist or representative of a fake charity in respect of any of their highly debateable claims. “Proof” in respect of such claims usually takes the form of unchallenged quoting of a pal-reviewed assertion in a “professional” journal or, much more likely, a badly composed and highly contentious press release. The unassailable assertion is then used by the “impartial” interviewer (or some propagandist like Shukman or Harrabin) in the introduction to the item and forms the unchallenged “factual” background to the interview.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) and South Sudan.
-To assist INBBC in understanding what’s happening in South Sudan:
Con Coughlin, ‘Daily Telegraph’: –
“Sudan: A nation driven apart by Muslim bigotry”
“South Sudan’s referendum vote reaches 60%, says SPLM”
So the BBC ‘target’ NHS consultants for their high salaries, perhaps they are a bit high, but they are skilled professionals.
When will the BBC ‘target’ its own high salaries paid to drug addled wankers of no talent?
‘When will the BBC ‘target’ its own high salaries paid to drug addled wankers of no talent?’
The MET office apparently at one stage had a prediction of an adverse cold snap in Beelzebub’s back garden tennis court, but as it wasn’t on narrative got suppressed by the government and BBC.
It would probably have been wrong anyway.
Not sure if the likes of Kirsty will be able to play a few sets at midnight when they end up there with most other hypocritical ‘market rate talents’ in the corporation.
The bBC and when it does report an abuse case concerning a mullah defends him to the high hilt:
Stoke-on-Trent Imam ‘assaulted boy, 12, in classroom’
A teenager who accused an Imam of sexually assaulting him has insisted he was telling the truth.Mohammed Hanif Khan, 42, from Sheffield, is accused of sexually assaulting the boy, then aged 12, at the mosque he ran in Stoke-on-Trent….Robert Woodcock QC, defending, told the boy: “You keep saying, ‘I think, I think, I think’.
“What happened to you must have been exceedingly unpleasant, wasn’t it? Every detail of it surely would be easy to remember, wouldn’t it? So where did it happen the last time it happened.”
“I think it was in the classroom,” the boy said.
“Did it happen at all?” Mr Woodcock asked.
“It did happen,” the boy said.
Mr Woodcock suggested to the court that the boy was upset with the Imam who had told him he thought he could smell cannabis on him. The boy denied the claim and said the reason he could not remember the night in greater detail was because it was a long time ago.
So when was the last time you saw the bBC defend a person in authority in charges of abusing a child.
Radio fivelive have just started covering the Oldham by-election on the Tony Livesey show. What do we get one of the most odious members of the last and this parliament Hazel “House Flipper” Blears. Why do the BBC keep giving her publicity?
Anyway Flipper was allowed to waffle on for ages abot the Lib Dems not keeping promises and also to claim that nobody had mentioned the issue of Phil Woolas’s election being declared illegal due to his false claims. Flipper was allowed to waffle on as if she was a reliable witness….
Oh dear, the BBC won’t like this will they? or on the other hand it’s the ultimate wet dream for most male beeboids
MPACUK is an Islamic NGO which is trotted out by the bBC in which to represent the views of main stream Islam in the UK. Here is what they are currently parading as factual news ref Pakistani gangs targetting young girls in the UK:
Pakistanis Demand White People Do More!
The leader of a paedophile ring which sexually abused young children and shared the images has been jailed.
Colin Blanchard, 40, of Rochdale, admitted a string of sex offences. He received an indeterminate sentence and must spend at least nine years in jail.Two women were also sentenced. Tracy Lyons, 41, of Portsmouth, was jailed for seven years and Tracy Dawber, 44, of Southport, for four years.Plymouth nursery worker Vanessa George, 40, was jailed in 2009.Former Home Secretary Jack Straw has said he believes some WHITE people in Britain see CHILDREN as “easy meat” for sexual abuse.Mr Straw was speaking after WHITE PEOPLE who abused teenage girls in Derby were given indeterminate jail terms. The Blackburn MP said there was a specific problem in some areas where people of WHITE heritage target vulnerable CHILDREN.
Isn’t it nice to see the company the bBC keeps.
Biased bBC and how it reports on an actual genocide concerning ‘Pakistan’
US offers to help Bangladesh pursue war crimes trial
The US will help Bangladesh to stage “transparent” trials for crimes committed during its independence war, an American envoy has said.Last year six people, including five leaders of the Islamic Jamaat-e-Islami party, were charged with war crimes.Thousands of people are believed to have died in the 1971 war, which culminated in the country’s independence from Pakistan.
So reading the above whom did Bangladesh gain its Independence from?
India? Great Britain? United States? Well for those of you who don’t know what the bBC doesn’t tell you is:
Bangladesh was known as East Pakistan, angry at how they provided all the wealth and got very little back from West Pakistan they voted to become independent. West Pakistan angry sent in the troops and they murdered up to 3 million (Not thousands as the bBC claims but millions) During the killings committed by the Pakistani army , 10 million people sought refuge in India. Unable to sate their blood lust the Pakistani army launched a preemptive attack on India in December 1971 in which get the first punch in, in the fight they knew was coming. 2 weeks later India declared victory after they defeated Pakistan not only where they invaded in the West, but also in Bangladesh.
Now contrast that excuse of a news report with any about Israel and Lebanon/Gaza etc…
On Today “Nihal, BBC Asian Network presenter and David Aaronovitch” (no intimations of highly selective choice of interviewees there, of course) discussed the Jack Straw intervention in the “grooming of white women and girls by men of Pakistani origins” kerfuffle. My hearing isn’t what it was but (and I stand to be corrected here) the word “Moslem” was not uttered once. Accordingly, the possibility (I would say near certainty) of a religious motive for the grooming was ignored. Luckily everyone agreed that the grooming was not racially motivated. That’s a relief!
INBBC’s self-imposed political ban on use of words ‘Muslim’, ‘Islam’ and ‘jihad’ here continues:
“Abdel Nur sentenced in New York JFK airport fuel plot”
You could hear the smiles on the faces of the BBC employees on Today as the results of the Oldham election were read out and analysed this morning. Although Baroness Warsi was give half a spot to deny the obvious (that Cameron had thrown the election to benefit his coalition partners) the BBC brought on – as an unbiased commentator – Polly Toynbee (+ a LibDem communications ex-apparatchik) to give their version of events.
If the BBC wanted a Labour view (and why not?) then an official spokesman should have been brought on. Oh it did: Yvette Cooper had her two pennies worth earlier in the programme. So bringing on Toynbee to dance on the grave of (genuinely) Conservative hopes in the North West was a gratuitous act of bias. We knew what she was going to say: she is, after all, a notorious Labour Party apologist. Perhaps the BBC should – in the interests of impartiality – have brought on Richard Littlejohn to puncture polly’s pieties. Can you imagine? No, nor can I.
How the bBC promotes the Taliban while at the same time denigrating the UK, oh and half the story:
Afghan Taliban ‘end’ opposition to educating girls
The Taliban are ready to drop their ban on schooling girls in Afghanistan, the country’s education minister has said.Farooq Wardak told the UK’s Times Educational Supplement a “cultural change” meant the Taliban were “no more opposing girls’ education”.The Taliban – who have been fighting the Kabul government – have made no public comment on the issue.Afghan women were not allowed to work or get an education under the Taliban regime overthrown in 2001….Mr Wardak also criticised the UK government for not providing more money for schools in Afghanistan.The UK’s Department for International Development spent £12m ($19m) on schooling in Afghanistan in 2009-10.
So according to the bBC the Taliban didn’t allow women to work or get an education and that the British aren’t handing over enough money in which to educate their children. I wonder if the Taliban in this story are the same ones who denied women medical care, who forbade them to leave home, who insisted that any building which contains women to have the windows painted over, you know the same people who go round not only burning down schools but murdering teachers and female pupils. I wonder why the bBC didn’t bother mentioning any of that in the above?