A reminder, as if we needed one, that the grim horror of Question Time returns tomorrow Thursday the 13th for the first show of 2011. It’s BBC bias in the raw; at its most blatant and visceral.
As usual we’ll be hosting a live chat here starting at 10:30pm and followed by the unspeakably awful yet strangely unmissable This Week with Andrew Neil and Michael Portillo. If the wine hasn’t run out and the enthusiasm remains we might stay online for the Oldham by-election result straight afterwards too.
The main event though, is first up and promises to be an unwelcome return to bias-as-usual. Join us here to discuss it, live and uncut, from 10:30pm tomorrow!
I’m looking forward to seeing Shami, Mehdi, Shappi and Billy again. . .
I just can’t face it. I value what little sleep I can get and the neighbours complain at me shouting and swearing at the TV. But, good luck anyway.