Anyone catch Paul Kenny, General Secretary of the GMB union, ranting on Today this morning? You could tell that Jim Naughtie was in full agreement with Kenny’s anti capitalist bile and it seems to me that the State Broadcaster floats very close to almost WILLING the public sector unions to strike. What say you? The Coalition must surely see that the BBC wants to see strikes, it wants to see a rerun of the fun and games that socialists tried on with Thatcher. In short, it wants to see the government fall. Doesn’t that make it a tad ..erm…insurrectionist?
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We did catch this “interview” – drinking our tea & reading the Times – whilst still resting in bed.
Mrs JoE insisted that the “ignoramus” was turned off, even before I did.
She is a lady of sound judgement. Wish I too had turned off.
Yes I heard it, I also heard Angel Gurria, secretary general of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), saying that the Government was right to “throw everything at it” and that they were doing the right thing and must “stay the course”.
Surprisingly (NOT) the BBC have not felt the need to repeat the interview during the day. It’s obviously more informative to hear the views of Trades Union representatives or the seemingly endless stream of London cab drivers who authoritively spout their economic wisdom ( as long it is contrary to the Government’s.)
Here is the link to the interview :-
Tory cuts…er sorry…conservative led coalition cuts cut cuts cuts, did I mention the cuts?
George Soros is quoted by a gleeful BBC as,
“warning the conservative coalitions austerity drive risks driving the UK economy into recession”
The BBC quoting a best friend of Gordon Brown, you might remember him from such films as ‘honey I gave away all the gold’ and ‘wheres all the money gone?’ and who can forget that classic ‘who wants a private pension when lovin me is all you need’.
You may also recall that Soros was the carpetbagger who stole billions off the UK taxpayer via the first fake tory regime, hey its only money right? Niiiice! The BBC selective reporting to reinforce a political narrative? You might very well think so, I couldnt possibly comment.
Whats next on attack the conservative led coalition day I hear you ask? Funnily enough the BBC cuts to the world service are now firmly being blamed on guess who? Well Ill give you a clue, he is bald and his boss has never been elected to anything in her life oooh and he might be secretly Gay, wonder who that could be?
Its two for one time at the BBC, here we come tory scum eh BBC? Niiiice! And to prove it the BBC wheels on universal Dennis McShame, you might remember him as the expenses fraudster but the BBC wheels him on to prolaim that….no dont laugh and spill your horlicks…the Uks world reputation will be badly damaged because the Serbian language BBC service will have to be cut! No no really ooh the shame of it, I dont think I can live another minute.
The BBC chooses to cut some services and its the tories who are to blame blame blame okaaay! We get the unions point of view and labours point of view and the BBCs point of view and thats it really, but thats really all we need isnt it?
Those tories eh? cuts here and cuts there….er… wait a minute now call me a denialist but coalition spending is in fact rising NOT falling, hmmm is the BBC sure about cuts cuts cuts? Naaaah the BBC is fully independent from government via its unique funding arrangement isnt it? I mean if the BBC needed to keep full service it has well over 3 billion quid to dive into has it not? Hmmmm the plot thickens me thinks.
So whats the real reason for the BBC axeing the world service? It might be a collapse in the listener base and a move to internet and home nation services improving. Pure BBC manipulation and emotional blackmail and I might have been partly convinced were it not for the wheeling out of McShame ridiculous attacks. The BBC comissars might just want some more cash to create more fake high paying jobs for all their leftists friends’N’family plus a little bit more for their pension pot.
You dont think the BBC is synchronising its anti coalition smear campaign with the labour party do you now that Balls is back in town?
Lay on the cuts smears to set up Balls for his new attacks on that greasy little rich kid wassisname? Naah the BBC wouldnt do that would they!
Well, Cassie, that is one of the finest and funniest rants I have read on this site. Have you been at the plum brandy again ? ( It was plum brandy, wasn’t it ? ).
If so, have another glass or, better still, move on to the Irn Bru !
Cherry Brandy is my exceptional treat 😀 and after a shitty day I deserved it, I know this because the voices in my head told me 😉 .
BBC news is now so Pyhonesque it practically screams out for the occasional piss take rant, I really dont know why there has been no effort to take the piss out of the beboids and their antics, its a bleeding comedy gold mine.
These thin lipped plastic Marxists have tipped over the edge into mental illness and cannot see how weird and funny they have become.
Sorry, cherry brandy, I forgot. I am sure no-one would grudge you that.
But , you are right. The BBC has become a parody of itself almost surreal in its unintentional comedy. A continual source of un-selfaware humour , underneath which lies a dark tradegy.
It is sometimes difficult to know whether to laugh or cry.
Or even “tragedy” !
Hasn’t anyone told the comrades at the BBC, the GMB and all other public sector unions that sacking public sector workers is very fashionable in Cuba at the moment. They are in the process of sacking 500,000 by mid 2011 and there are only 11,000,000 people on the island. And if Cuba is doing something then surely it is the right thing to do, especially from a BBC point of view.
Perhaps we can look forward to some ‘analysis’ from BBC news staff on how Cuba maintains its allegedly wonderful public services while cutting jobs on a scale unimaginable in the UK.
Talking about incitement, World Have Your Say had a rabble rouser or three on its programme tonight, basically calling for the overthrow of the Egyptian government – uninterrupted, naturally, by the BBC hostess. Nothing gets the BBC subversives salivating as much as the prospect of the rise of radical Islam.
Has to be heard to be believed:
Funny how the World Service was warning against callers recommending regime change in Zimbabwe back when Mugabe was losing his grip.
As posted many times here before, the BBC fascists never see a Dictator they don’t like.
The BBC as a media platform for the muslim brotherhood?
Well I mean the muslim brotherhood are just poor peoples welfare group handing out food and hope to the oppressed arent they? Loverly kind Robin Hood types who only want to help and be niiiiice to all.
From my podcast link, the only time the Muslim Brotherhood was mentioned on last night’s WHYS was when a woman called up to express support for the rioters and insist that Egyptian papers were lying when they said the Brotherhood was behind it. The BBC hostess could have queried that. She didn’t, too intent on breathing in the heady air of revolution.
Is there any BBC analysis that if the disorder in Tunisia and Egypt leads to revolution it will be taken over by Islamists as in Iran?
This is what an ex-IDF intelligence chief has to say:-
If the BBC was on the side of democracy and not thoroughly subverted by the Islamist/Left axis of evil, this analysis would be very much to the fore.
Interesting that this disorder is occuring in pro-west Arab dictatorships that are at peace with Israel.
And INBBC is quite partial to strikes and street demos in Tunis and Cairo, regardless of some of the aims of the activists.
E.g., in Cairo, INNC, apparently the last to know what’s really going on, gullibly reports:
“The government blamed the violence on the banned Islamist movement the Muslim Brotherhood, although this group was reported to have been ambivalent about the protests.”
More realistically, ‘Militant Islam Monitor’ has:
“Muslim Brotherhood Using Web In Promoting Egyptian Street Violence ”
Great news that the BBC have now found their union rent-a-gob address book again.
After thirteen years of wars, tuition fees, economic catastrophes, de Menezes, Kelly and the like you might have thought that Labours trough fillers in the unions might have once been asked about how the brothers and comrades squared it all with Uncle Joe. But the BBC didn`t seem to want to know throughout all that did they ?
But now…pygmies like Derek Simpson and Brendan Barber get a goodie bag from the Green Room on request, as the deepest cuts since time began now slay the first born of the poor before them all on Primrose Hill.
It really is time we thanked the Toady researcher who has already given us James Delingpole and Brendan O `Neill on this weeks unintended comedy spots to make the Toady numpties look the useful idiots that they are. No doubt a witchhunt for the mole who has their like on speed dial is on as we speak!
More BBC more…it is our BBC still isn`t it Sir John?
I’m surprised that we haven’t seen more indepth reporting of the poll tax riots.These youngsters need to be shown just how it was done……All brought to you by we never distort the truth always give a balanced view BBC….
Are people so thick that they cant see what the beeb does or is it the playstation xbox morons who cant think for themselves…..sorry i’ve just answered my question..
I’ve just heard the interview. I thought Mr Kenny made an impeccable point (albeit misplaced in the context of Mr King’s role) – as necessary as it may be for all to tighten belts Mervyn King really needs to focus attention on the excessive bonuses and pay of his colleagues in the financial sector after they’ve been bailed out.
Naughtie (who I have no time for) did nothing to boost his point – the reverse! He quite reasonably ventured that Mr King wasn’t laying down prescriptions just making forecasts, as is his role.
One could well argue that Mr Kenny’s following comments were injudicious in the present climate, but in my view Mr Naughtie did nothing to ‘egg him on’ or ‘boost’ what he was saying.
Personally, I think adducing ‘incitement to insurrection’ from Naughtie in this interview (especially in the context of the overall piece) would leave neutral observers utterly perplexed. I am a very biased observer, in that I am fully signed up to the proposition that ‘yes, Naughtie and co are outrageously biased and have no place in an impartial news organisation, least of all the national broadcaster’, but I am left somewhat non-plussed that this piece has been flagged as outrageous bias.
The closing interview with Lord Lamont saw the noble Lord reiterating the point Naughtie had made to the union leader.
I think the dangers of ideological over-commitment are that we lose objectivity, and sorry to say, I think that has happened here.