I see The Obamessiah’s speech last night was so great it saved the economy already. The Dow is up and stocks are booming, and the BBC had on someone to tell me that His speech gave the economy “the filip” it needed.
I didn’t hear the speech, but I think Obama would have earnt a lot of kudos for not sinking to the depths of his ‘co-religionists’ on the left after the attempted murder of Congresswoman Giffords.
Actually, Mark Mardell was hoping He’d use the mass murders for more political advantage. He didn’t quite say it that way, but that’s what he meant. Heroism and service?
Hi David
Not every review of President Obama’s speech was favourable in the UK. An influential economics blog I follow thought this.
“As you can see some rather expensive promises were made here. Such clean energy projects come with a very high bill and hyperbole such as “countless new jobs” is pretty much misleading. So in fact we are in danger of deficit increases rather than the reductions talked about. It is not my intention here to say that a stimulus measure in itself is a bad idea merely that President Obama is saying one thing and appears to be doing another.”
Of course to get such independent thought in the UK one needs to go outside the BBC and in this instance I was following what is on the notayesmanseconomics blog or http://notayesmanseconomics.wordpress.com
The BBC’s phone-hacking coverage has been so hysterical it’s hilarious. Ramifications to be felt throughout Fleet Street, Nasty Uncle Rupert’s empire could be brought to its knees, it’s far more serious than any of us realize.
They were talking to some ex-MP on the phone earlier, asking if he thought his phone was tapped. “I don’t know. I think so.” The only evidence he gave was, “My phone was behaving funny.”
“What’s that like?” asks Sophie Beeboid. “People who haven’t had their phone tapped can’t imagine what it’s like.” So it’s fact already, even though the guy actually has no idea.
Next up is a page on the website: Have you had your phone tapped by the nasty Screws? Has any of Nasty Uncle Rupert’s minions tapped your phone? Let us know in the form below….
I posted before, but if hacking was rife at News of the World, it is unlikey to be the only paper. It would be funny if the Left-wing Daily Morror was at it as well.
Don’t be fooled into thinking ther BBC are up in arms about ‘phone-hacking’, this is about destroying News International’s chances of taking over BSkyB. The BBC fear competition and will protect their market share any way they can.
What time of day are you making the enquiries ? I have heard that MacShanes powers of concentration and response times tend to wane as the day wears on, if you get my meaning.
When Peter Sissons was forced to go to a course on “Journalistic Ethics” describing how demeaning it was to him, I now appreciate how he felt.
My wife has just come in from work after attending a compulsory course on “Equality & Diversity” she was pretty mad after ploughing through 50 pages of how to treat people.
She along with others had to rename a Black Board, a Homosexual, a Paki, a Fat Person. The list carried on for about 30/40. Answers had to be Acceptable and Unacceptable or Alternative.
Islam was mentioned as moderation in all things including food?
It goes on and on.
I think Martin would have a very good description of this course.
Charlie, I too went on one of those courses this one was an army one for military personal . The course consisted of commanding officers and such (and me) and on day 2 we walked into the classroom to be faced by an Asian woman dressed in a sari. She then went on about how some people are different but just as equal as everybody else and that seeing somebody dressed as such wasn’t a sign of inferiority. She then turned to me refering to me by by first name (written on a badge worn on my chest) and openly stated that she didn’t expect me to hold the same views as the rest of the class. I went apeshite there and then. I castigated her for inferring that my fellow military fellows could be anything but racist and that by singling me out for preferential treatment she herself had become what she was trying to combat..a racist. Afterwards a female officer came up to me and shook my hand and stated that she felt the same way when she heard this woman speak but didn’t speak out because she didn’t want to classed as a trouble maker albeit a racist. Makes my bloody blood boil. I seen and witnessed far more racism out of uniform than in it. Yet for the likes of the PC crowd (and the bBC) while banging on about how I am the same as everybody else I will always be different because of my skin colour.
When I was in the TA, many moons ago, a mate of mine of mixed English/West Indian parentage – or a ‘half-caste’ as he called himself – was out of work and did deliveries to army depots for the TA.
One day he dropped something off, went for a bit of a stroll on a green while it was being unloaded, and all of a sudden from behind him someone bellowed: “GET OFF THE GRASS YOU BLACK BASTARD!”
His back went rigid, bubbling with anger, and he turned around.
It was a black Sergeant Major with a grin on is face a mile wide!
Pounce. When we had foot and mouth disease in 2001 we were taken over by DEFRA and then by the local RAF Regiment guys, chaos ensued, until the RAF Regiment guys were put in charge in the name of Kevin a sergeant.
He a came up to me and said look I know sweet FA about farming how should I go about this, now Kevin was as dark as the ace of spades but more English than me.
When the press arrived I was not in the mood to talk to them, Kevin said just say the word Charlie I,ll have em arrested.
Later I was invited to his base and given a demonstration of sniping and other military disciplines. A great bloke.
I went (was forced to go) on one of those once. I was told that aslylum seekers where not a drain on the taxpayer. But they get benefits and cannot work, I said. So do a lot of English people was the reply. How can you argue with logic like that?
I actually felt that the “course” had the opposite effect of what was intended, speaking to my fellow “students” after the brainwashing.
Huw Edwards has just reported that old twat boy Toenails is ‘reporting’ that David Cameron is denying he discussed phone hacking when he had dinner over Xmas with Rebecca Brooks from the Sun and James Murdoch.
Clearly this is the BBC trying to smear Cameron personally, where is the evidence BBC scum that Cameron discussed anything with these people?
He’s called Toenails because a fellow beeboid said that Robinson was so far up Gordon Brown’s arse all you could see were his toenails.
The thing is when a fellow beeboid thinks Robinson is biased you know it’s bad and if you check out his blog you will find that if posters call him toenails on the blog the posts are often left up.
So it’s a sort of unofficial BBC nick name as well.
Kevin Maguire is called toilets, not too sure why, one story is it’s the only place he knows what he’s doing and the other is he does his best work in a toilet.
Did anyone hear the fragrant Ms Montague on Today this AM? As soon as the item on media monopolies began (about 8:40, I think) I was on the edge of my seat waiting for the standard petulant interruption when the BBC’s market share came up.
R4 “World at One ” today with Martha Kearney, run-of-the-mill, bog standard BBC clone.
One topic was the cuts to the BBC World service. No prizes for guessing dear Martha’s position.
First an “incest interview ” with Beeboid Peter Horrocks who rambled on for what seemed like decades while Martha listened in rapt attention without interrupting.
Then, a change in tone of voice as she geared up to interview the nasty , evil, Tory, wee Willie Hague.
She asked him 6 or 7 questions, every single answer aggressively interrupted by the Beeboid.
Job done, salary, bonus and pension secured.
The bias so blatant and shameless it is totally irrefutable.
I floated an idea in the last OT (that seemed to have got lost in the smorgasbord of posts – or was syntatically unappealing!) of trying to get 10,000 people to sign up to a mass boycott of the license fee until Her Majesty’s Government holds a public inquiry into BBC bias.
If it got traction what would completely undercut it is if protest against BBC bias got mixed up with protest about the license fee. Given grist to the mill for Polly Toynbee to call pro-impartiality protesters ideological axe-grinders would ruin everything.
Not that I’d be part of it, living here in Barcelona, but if I was in Blighty, I wouldn’t sign up to such a thing unless 10,000 agreed to do so. Empty and wasteful gestures never held too much appeal to me.
A Portsmouth councillor walked out of a council meeting because an imam was asked to deliver an opening prayer.Conservative councillor Malcolm Hey left Tuesday night’s Portsmouth City Council chamber while Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo was speaking.His behaviour was heavily criticised by Muslim community group Wessex Jamaat, which said snubbing the imam by walking out was “a serious issue”…Yasin Rahim, of Muslim community group Wessex Jamaat, said: “It was our imam who Malcolm snubbed by walking out.”I think this is a serious issue here. The imam was invited by the mayoress – it was an invitation to the table of brotherhood and here he walks out.”It smacks of inauthenticity. He says he’s not Islamophobic but that is like saying I’m turning right and then he turns left.”
So the bBC protray this Tory councilor as nothing more than a racist and then drag out any muslim who has an axe to grind n which to back up their stance. And here is how the same muslim spoke to the local Postsmouth newspaper on the same subject:
Yasin Rahim, director of interfaith at Wessex Jamaat, said: ‘The Muslim community here is mature. We aren’t angry, we just regard this as a host who doesn’t know how to behave towards his guest. It’s a real shame. But we invite him to come to read a Christian prayer to Muslims at one of our prayer meetings. That way, he can experience what interaction between faiths can do.’
And here is what the bBC says the councillor had to say:”
Mr Hey said it was not appropriate for a Muslim to deliver prayers at the start of a full council meeting.
and here is how the local newspaper reports what he had to say:
He said: ‘I did so because we are a traditionally Christian country, so Christian prayers are read as a matter of tradition. But I don’t feel it’s appropriate for Muslim prayers to be said, as I don’t feel we worship the same God as Muslims, so I left.’
Even muskrat can see difference the bBC uses in which to play the racist card. Simples…
To be honest I think the councillor is rude and wrong. Do the Muslim councillors walk out during the usual Christian prayers? If they do then he has a point, if not he is wrong.
What Muslim cllrs there may or may not be on Portsmouth Council, they, or their family emigrated to an historically Christian country. They should respect our religious heritage and not seek to impose their own. Way to go to this cllr for standing up to dhimmitude.
There are no obvious muslim names on the list of Portsmouth Councillors.
Are other religions invited to address the council ? If not, why not ?
What the hell is “The Table of Brotherhood” ?
So after my last post where the bBC are making a mountain out of a molehill of a story here is a story which they haven’t bothered their arses in reporting. Posters put up in Tooting detail Fatwa against Home Secretary Theresa May Wanted posters issuing a Fatwa against Home Secretary Theresa May have appeared in Tooting town centre overnight. The Western-style, professionally-printed posters have been plastered on phone boxes, bus shelters and even the town’s message board close to Tooting Broadway Tube station. They claim the Fatwa – a term sometimes used to mean an Islamic death sentence imposed upon a person – is “for the abduction, kidnapping and false imprisonment” of various radical clerics…The posters direct the reader to a professionally-made website –theresamayfatwa.com.
BBC budget cuts must be affecting even cash cow Top Gear. They must have gotten rid of their writers and are now stealing ideas from old episodes of Jackass.
Jeff Randall 7.00 Sky has just done a big story on it. Private company returns of 71%, yes you read it correctly, 71%. Mentioned at PMQ’s, read the bBC are I defy anyone to show how the bBC story shows what a financial disaster Liebour has been.
Sorry to be rather out of theme here – after all, this is not biased Channel 4 blog – but I am so steaming mad that if I don’t put this in writing somewhere I’ll burst.
Herr Jon Snow, I do realize you were in mufti and not in uniform during today’s fifteen-minute hate period. But why weren’t you wearing your little black armband with the white circle and the red Hackenkreuz? Next time be more formal – the Party lays great emphasis on these external things.
Yesterday’s Channel 4 news on the 0.5 % contraction in the economy was the most brutally biased anti-government reporting I have ever seen. The BBC would be proud to recuit Jon Snow.
Has anybody else noticed that every time either Ed (Milliband or Balls) or indeed any other member of the Labour Party says anything about a Conservative or indeed Coalition member (eg Cameron has raped a Brownie/Osborne has cooked the Downing Street rat and eaten it for breakfast/Clegg has been caught shoplifting) it is reported as though it were a truth.
Check out how Mark Mardell is shocked by how partisan and confrontational the SOTU speech was. He’s constantly surprised that the President is “throwing down the gauntlet”. It’s quite amusing.
Narrative fail at the BBC. Only yesterday Mardell and Katty Kay were trying to tell you (as I said on the last open thread) that the President was going to try to bring us all together and it was only going to be nasty Republican opposition that would bring it all down.
Anyone not blindly worshiping Him would know that this was always going to be an attack speech and not a “reaching across the aisle” moment. But nobody like that works at the BBC.
This sort of propaganda priority given by ‘Newsnight’ to a South African of uncertain gender (?) is another reason for cutting out BBC’s ‘World Service’ type fat paid for by us.
So after the bBC shouted out from the top of the local minaret that a tory councillor can only be a racist and a bigot for walking out during an Islamic prayer (complete with people who feel that he was wrong to do so)
They report on a story how two councillors who refused to sign the local Holocaust book of remembrance are justified in doing so so because of the crimes committed by Israel.
I quote from the bbC article: “Mr Al-Khatib said if a Palestinian genocide memorial was erected nearby, he would happily sign the book.”When a memorial, genocide memorial, a Palestinian genocide memorial is erected next to the Jewish memorial, I will be happy to celebrate it,” the Labour councillor for Hartshill and Penkhull told BBC News.”
I replied to the other one that I feel it was disrespectful to walk out like that councillor did, and I still believe the same. But this is disgusting, particularly the BBC’s totally shameful double standards on it.
I think that , if Councils want to hold religious events in the Council Chambers, they should be in a separate room set aside for the purpose and attendance should be voluntary.
I would have walked out of “prayers” from any faith. It has nothing to do with Council business.
I’d feel the same, but it would appear from the quote attributed to him that the councillor was quite happy for Christian prayers to be said. Would he have done the same to a rabbi? Obviously we don’t know the answer to that question as he hasn’t been tested but it certainly leaves room for speculation.
My main gripe is the same as others that the BBC is so full of double standards; they condemn very loudly an insult to Islam but almost appear to back racism from muslims to Jews.
I have no problem with this and if they don’t want to be hypocrites then the BBC should shut up ! religious freedom is a corner stone of our way of life well was ! and if some one wishes to withdraw from something they feel goes against their beliefs fine as he did not try to prevent the imam speaking so broke no law! given that at the BBC lurvie Dawkins would have kicked off I find their reaction pathetic !
You may have read Dan Hannan and Douglas Carswell on the BBC’s endless attempts to get them to sound off against the coalition(and Laban has quoted them in the past), such as:
Every few days, I seem to field a ‘phone call from a BBC researcher inviting me to make rude noises about the Coalition – preferably in angry, reactionary terms (Indeed, the latest one as I wrote this …) (Douglas Carswell)
It’s the BBC here. We’d like you to say something angry, stupid and preferably racist about the new government. (Dan Hannan) If any BBC current affairs programme was likely to be up to those sort of games it’s the Politics Show and, lo and beyond, this week’s show featured a report containing a small number of Conservative MPs who couldn’t say ‘no’, called Grumpy Old Tories. No Dan Hannan but Douglas Carswell was there after all, doubtless trying to undermine the BBC’s effort and argue that – in presenter David Thompson’s words, not his own – “there’s nothing wrong with a bit of backbench grumpiness”. He should have known better, because Thompson, having framed his words beforehand (not that many of them were used!), followed them by saying “But if he’s not careful ‘grumpy’ could turn into ‘angry’ and a real problem for David Cameron.” Which just goes to show that any politicians who agree to be talking heads in a BBC report leave themselves wide open to being used in any way the BBC reporter thinks fit, just as Douglas Carswell was used here. Just so ‘no’!!
‘Which just goes to show that any politicians who agree to be talking heads in a BBC report leave themselves wide open to being used in any way the BBC reporter thinks fit, …’
One is sure that it is pervasive across a delusional ‘news’ media industry that still harbours the notion that anything they come out with is taken at face value.
But as one without commercial pressures, that the BBC is one more under the spotlight for rigging things – Crowing about catching out Mr. Delingpole now backfiring nicely as even more objective Guardian scribes express concern – is, truly, unique. Not in a good way.
Currently in the Uk Mohammed Hanif Khan (an Iman) is in the dock for allegations he raped two boys under his care. The bBC on reporting this court case have promoted that this man can only be innocent and that the boys have made it all up; Here are the 3 news items from the bBC covering this case so far.
But for some reason the bBC haven’t reported on the latest (and very damning) piece of evidence. I quote from the local paper:
AN IMAM accused of sexually assaulting two boys told a court that one of the alleged victims asked to massage his shoulders as a “sign of respect”.CCTV was seen by the jury at Nottingham Crown Court which showed Muslim leader Mohammed Hanif Khan tapping his shoulders, before the boy massaged him.Prosecutor Tariq Bin Shakoor asked Khan: “Are you saying the boy indicated a wish to massage your shoulders?”Khan replied: “Yes. The day before he saw one of my friends in the congregation massaging my shoulders.”It’s a sign of respect.”He asked if he could do it but I said ‘no, go home’.”Mr Shakoor asked: “Were you grooming this boy?”Khan replied: “No, I wasn’t grooming him.”Khan was asked why he didn’t tell the police that on occasions he had his shoulders massaged by students.Khan told the court: “When they asked me if I had any physical contact with any child I thought they meant whether I had hit them, not a tap on the back of the head or shoulders.
I have lived in 3 muslim countries and my wife and in-laws are at least nominally muslim ( obviously not very strict as they don’t disapprove of her being married to me ! ) and I have never heard of this “shoulder-massaging” bull**t. Can’t wait to tell them about this one, they will have a good laugh.
Can’t the BBC just accept that homosexuality and paedophilia are quite common in muslim societies. In many places they are not even concealed.
PS. I have heard of “shoulder-massaging” in muslim countries by ladies of a certain profession, but that is just hearsay, I can’t personally vouch for it.
And like so many highly paid Beeboids does he channel his dosh through his own company to avoid tax ?
Not only should all Beeboids paid above a certain amount have the payments published, the relevant contracts should be published too. After all , it is our money.
The BBC really is ramping up the class war Narrative. Notice how they tie this in to other social engineering “dilemmas”, as if religious freedom is the same thing as income distribution.
Bash the bankers first, of course. Then misdirect with a discussion focusing exclusively on the intolerance of Christians (no Mohammedans against flaunting homosexual relations, eh, BBC?), and then back to the class war. The BBC even goes so far as to announce that they’ve launched an investigation into class war in Britain.
Obviously Andrew Neil’s Tory toffs attack piece is precisely timed. Class war, fought by the nomenklatura on behalf of the proletariat. It’s so sweet, and is exactly what is so dangerous about the official national broadcaster doing this. And what a surprise! Just when the nasty Tories have cut their funding, they turn the topic on its head and opine that in fact social mobility based on achievement is the wrong idea.
Further, the virtue ethicist asks, does a socially mobile world actually undermine certain roles that are great goods – such as the arts or being a mother?
I think we can guess where this is headed.
These things contribute to the common good. They are part of any just, flourishing society. And yet, social mobility may sideline them by not appreciating them.
Yes, we are drifting into lovely Soviet Socialist territory here.
This is not to say that a virtue ethics approach is against mobility.
No, of course not. How does a “virtue ethics” approach achieve this?
What it would suggest, though, is that a good society needs to have ways of rewarding individuals that contribute things of moral, not just material, worth.
That might be a society which funds the arts, encourages the humanities as well as sciences, and doesn’t forget that what goes on in the home matters at least as much as what goes on in the marketplace.
A cynic might interpret this to mean that high pay for pop stars, actors, athletes, and BBC Directors of Vision is good. Although, I bet the neo-Marxist behind this really means that we need to rethink our values as a society and stop rewarding certain kinds of achievement in favor of other kinds. Who decides what compensation a given moral contribution is worth? Who decides what’s moral and what isn’t?
The bBC its continuing anti-semitic stance and half the story
Kristine Luken killing:’Two Palestinians confess’. Police in Israel have arrested two Palestinian men who they say have confessed to killing US woman Kristine Luken late last year.Ms Luken, 44, was stabbed to death while hiking with a British friend in a forest outside Jerusalem.Officials said the suspects belonged to a crime gang also linked to the killing of an Israeli woman in the same area.Police said the gang had targeted Israelis to avenge the assassination of a Hamas official in Dubai.
Police said the motive was to avenge the assassination of a top Hamas militant, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, in Dubai last January.Jerusalem Police Chief Aharon Franco said the men responsible for the attack were all from the West Bank and had confessed to the attack during interrogations. They told police they had intended to kill a Jew and were surprised to discover that Luken was a Christian.
Note how they specifically state they were hunting Jew. But the bBC changes it to Israeli in which to continue in their spin of defending radical Islam at any cost.
I am not sure that the BBC understand what an Israeli Arab is. The ones that I have met are very pro Israel and would rather live there than in one of the neighbouring Muslim states.
Here’s a logo which accurately reflects Mark Mardell’s reaction to the way his beloved Obamessiah’s SOTU speech went against everything he (Mardell) and Katty Kay predicted. These partisan hacks fully expected – and gave you their expert analysis about how – the President would be reaching across the aisle, using this moment to bring us all together in bi-partisan harmony, only nasty Republicans would fight Him, etc. Yet, the speech itself was highly partisan and on the attack, to which even a devoted acolyte like Mardell recoiled (as evinced by his analysis here). Hence the appropriateness of this logo:
From the World Have Your Say programme on Egypt, mentioned on the Incitement thread.
Here’s Mohammed, an Egyptian living in London and a guest on the show, obviously qualified to be on the BBC simply because of his anti-government stance :
Mohammed: …. people will step up their fight in order to bring this government down …. [While you encourage them with your arse safely ensconsed in a BBC chair in London.]
WHYS’s Chloe Tilly: [Silence]
Mohammed: …. it’s unthinkable to imagine this can go on indefinitely ….
Chloe Tilly: [Silence]
Mohammed: …. what this will depend on in the coming few days is the ability of theorganisers to organise themselves through facebook and other media outlets in order to come out on Friday in large numbersand….[Right, Mohammed, set yourself up as a leader of a radical Islamic revolution on World Have Your Say. The BBC wont mind.]
Chloe Tilly: [Silence]
Mohammed: ….Perhaps they are only giving themselves 48 hours to reorganise and come out in large numbers once again…. [Right, Mohammed, organise the Brotherhood from BBC studios, you have a free hand.]
Chloe Tilly: Let me bring in Noor, she’s half-Syrian, half-Egyptian, lives in Kuwait…Noor, you’ve lived in Egypt for a number of years, do you support the protesters? [As if they would have taken her call if she didn’t.]
Noor: …. Egyptian newspapers are not telling the truth….that these are just the Brotherhood, Islamic Brotherhood…. low life piece of you know ….
Chloe Tilly: Noor there are a lot of international broadcasters who have people on the ground …. and they’re reporting what they see. [Presumably she includes the BBC in that absurd observation. Anyway, Noor does it for her:]
Noor: ….I try to open Egyptian newspapers, nothing. I open Kuwaiti newspapers, nothing. But whenever I open the BBC or CNN or whatever, I get what I really want – what I really believe, you know?
Yes, the BBC knows very well. May its demise be hastened.
A few minutes later, Chloe Tilly asks another caller if he wont demonstrate [read riot] through fear of being arrested and then turns to Mohammed, asking him if he thinks there is a large swathe of people in Egypt who are too scared to go out.
Mohammed: ….if you asked me two years ago perhaps would I go out on the street against the Egyptian regime I probably would have said no because of the fear factor. But if you asked me the same question today, I wouldn’t think twice.
Chloe then carries on discussing the modus operandum of “revolution” with him, asking him whether that’s because there are large numbers of people on the streets. So do you think every Egyptian has a responsibility to pay a price, she asks him. By now, it’s pretty clear that she has forgotten he is hosting a talk show on behalf of the “objective” BBC. I guess her greatest regret right now is that she can’t join her comrades on the streets of Cairo.
That would be a bit too much, even for the BBC.
I’ve taken these excerpts from about 37 minutes in:
The BBC’s bias on any subject can generally be deduced from the selection question when they ask for comments.
Egypt Protests: Your stories Are you in Cairo or elsewhere in Egypt? Are you attending protests? You can send us your experiences using the form below.
Are you a policeman, a Mubarak supporter or one of the millions who did not protest? Don’t bother replying as the BBC is not interested.
It is difficult if not impossible to judge the real degree of pro or anti government sentiment in Egypt. The last election results were so clearly manipulated that they can not be relied on. In a police state opinion polls are are similarly useful. However, even if the ruling party’s support has genuinely fallen below 50% millions of Egyptians still support it. The BBC ignores their views.
I don’t think the law should be broken. And I don’t think there should be selectivity with who breaks it. So I have an open mind on the whole phone hacking thing as it evolves.
What seems fairly clear is the disconnect already between the pursuit of truth, and the pushing of selective tribal agendas in its name.
Which means the BBC is pretty much at the bottom of the pile on professional credibility grounds already.
That they, and SKY, are pushing the oaf Prescott on us as a bastion of moral rectitude, based on the fact that the Met kept telling him they couldn’t find any substance to his suspicions but he doesn’t believe them, really taints any real news value it may have.
If our media ever had a plot, it has long since been flushed down the bog.
The Andrew Neil presented programme last night “Posh and Posher: Why Public School Boys Run Britain” on BBC2 last night was, well, rather good.
It was prefaced by a very careful BBC as being Neil’s personal take on the issue. I suspect Neil succeeded in getting this programme on-air by gulling the BBC into allowing an inquiry into the failures of the UK educational system by selling it internally at the BBC as an expose of private education and the privileges money can buy via education.
Actually, en passant, it established that good education (as delivered by the private schools now and the grammar schools when Neil and I passed through them) is the passport to social and political advance. Moreover the programme condemned all the major political parties for stopping social mobility which, according to Neil, died at the turn of the century and which is caused by the political class’s refusal to allow any reversion to some form of academic selection in the state system.
Unlike the intellectual crookery recently displayed by the president of the Royal Society, Neil (as far as I could see) allowed the proponents of the comprehensive ideal (Mandelson and the head of Neil’s old school) to put their case – or at least opinions – freely and not conspicuously edited to make them look foolish. In all, more please. Programmes like this on, for instance, AGW, immigration, Israel, the “cuts” etc etc might go a little way to repair the BBC’s damaged gene of impartiality.
Don’t worry – the follow-up programme next Wednesday, fronted by Richard Bilton ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/biographies/biogs/news/richardbilton.shtml ), is about how the toffs who are sent to the private schools get the best jobs (well that’s what the ads for the programme on the BBC are selling). I suspect that it’s back to the BBC narrative about “unfairness” rather than the simple explanation that those educated in private schools tend to be get the best jobs because they’re the only ones left in the UK under 25 who can construct a grammatical sentence, read without moving their lips and do sums without using their fingers to count to ten.
That doyen of BBC-NUJ political propaganda, Mr. K. LIVINGSTONE, decides, opportunistically, but not on political principle, to give up broadcasting on AHMADINEJAD’s Islamic Republic of Iran TV station, ‘Press TV’, (with HQ still wrongly allowed to broadcast from London):
“Ken Livingstone quits lucrative presenting job on Iranian state television”
BBC licencepayers can now expect to fund Livingstone for even more political appearances on BBC-NUJ-Labour; and the political journey from ‘Press TV’ is short.
What a useful coincidence for the BBC that the phone-tapping noise is loudest right when News Corp.’s attempt to own more media is up for discussion. They’re all salivating over the supposed possibility that nasty Uncle Rupert’s empire will collapse over this (no other media affected, to judge from BBC reporting). How convenient that the BBC doesn’t have to obey anti-trust laws.
Moment of cognitive dissonance: The BBC scolding some mouthpiece from Sky that News Corp. will have “too much influence on public opinion” if the merger goes through, following on a full day of whining about how nasty Tory cuts will be curtailing the BBC’s global influence on public opinion.
They really have no shame, and have the self-awareness of an over-ripe tomato. But I have to say Mark Thompson is either a political genius or is being looked after by one of those angels who normally protect drunks and children.
Correction, as the BBC is repeating that moment of cognitive dissonance. The Beeboid said, “Do you accept that you (Sky) will have too much control over public opinion” if the merger goes through.
According to figures provided by the BBC, half the population of the West Bank and Gaza have internet access. (chart at bottom of page) This is genocidal oppression?
Credit where due: In honor of Holocaust Day, the BBC actually does bother to report on anti-Semitic incidents. When it’s a tiny story in the US.
Apparently some Jewish hockey player is suing his old team because a couple of minor league coaches harrassed him with Jew jokes and didn’t play him. The BBC thought this was so important that they had a junior sub-editor spend time rearranging copy from the wire services.
So well done, BBC, for proving me wrong and making an effort to report on anti-Semitic incidents. Now how about finally informing the public about real stories like what’s happened to the Jews of Malmö or in the Netherlands, for example?
As part of Radio Five Live’s week of broadcasting dedicated entirely to the Andy Gray/Richard Keys sexism row, Richard Bacon asked BBC6 DJ and former BBC2 Culture Show presenter Lauren Laverne for her views on the subject on his show yesterday.
Bacon: Is this, the last few days, the first time you’d heard of either of them?
Lavern: Yeah, I mean, y’know, Andy Gray, I would recognise them both, I think, but I wouldn’t know who they were. I have no context. I kinda, I was thinking about this and I reckon for me the equivalent is when Moe Tucker from the Velvet Underground was filmed at a Tea Party rally for the Republican Party, em er, over in the States last year and, er, all of the kind of woolly liberals like me were like “Nooooo! How could you?” And so…
Bacon: Maybe it was research. Maybe he [sic] was making a documentary?
Lavern: I understand, my understanding that I’ve kind of gleaned from the coverage, is that they’re both pretty good at their jobs, right, but have said some pretty disgusting stuff.
Apart from offering yet another insight into BBC luvvie groupthink (Tea Party followers are beyond the realms of polite society, the cool person must’ve been making a documentary etc.) it was amusing – given the topic – that Bacon assumed Moe Tucker is a man. Unfortunately Laverne (who once called the The Spices Girls “Tory scum”, btw) saved his blushes by not mentioning it.
(Incidentally – Andy Burton, the Sky reporter suspended for calling the lineswoman “a bit of a looker”, once got fined for punching Richard Bacon in a London pub a few years back.)
Oh thank god they managed to get the big political hitter and intellectual Laverne! as her vacuous waffling and inane comedy routines will suit Bacons level of discussion perfectly!
What he punched him what only once ? lightweight !!
Why do they feel they have to shoehorn the Tea Party into every bloody conversation? You have to laugh at their obsession really. What on earth it has to do with Andy Gray is beyond me.
As for Moe Tucker, that comment has made a big VU fan an even bigger one 😎
Apparently the President plagiarized a line from Margaret Thatcher. She was the one who said the US was “the first country founded on an idea.” Mardell either didn’t notice, or dutifully kept quiet if he did. But no wonder he was unhappy with the SOTU speech.
Awesome. Good to see ‘interpreting events’ make an outing again.
I wonder if those cretins realise what that translates as to folk a wee bit unimpressed at having £4Bpa gouged so that that they can be uniquely funded to spin facts into opinion so the masses can be educated on how to think.
It’s so gratifying to see the BBC reporting approvingly on all these anti-dictatorship riots in Middle Eastern countries. It’s just as George Bush said. Does anyone remember when the BBC sneered at him for saying it? I do.
When George Bush said it, the BBC called it cultural imperialism. But now that he’s gone, the BBC can approve of it. Funny how their opinion changed like that.
Here we have the BBC not reporting the state but using their own “models” to predict the future of Britain’s streets. The odd point being for me is that I don’t see councils clearing dog mess up anyway so to suggest this “service” would fall by the wayside is ludicrous and very manipulative.
I also love the abandoned car bit.
There’s one small problem (as there ever is). They didn’t need to create these situations for television. There are estates that have been under Labour council controls even during the height of the Labour spending boon that have lived this way day in, day out for every one of their thirteen years in power. they could have found Streets infested with dog cr*p and burned out cars and abandoned fridges all over the place.
Somehow this story about dog muck feels like a metaphor for the quality of their journalism.
It’s also very telling that in Beeboid-land everything centres around the government (not) solving a problem rather than individuals not causing it in the first place. I’ve heard from a number of sources that after Tea Party rallies in the US the site is cleaner afterwards than it was before.
‘You can imagine the BBC’s embarrassment when they learnt about the cock-up. And all the thoughts racing through managers’ minds – will he accuse us of racism? etc.’
Well, other than the fact that Aunty doesn’t ‘do’ embarrassment, it is fairly clear that crooks and cretins are pretty much the only criteria for being ushered in.
It is gratifying to see that even in a time of economic cuts the BBC still has money to send Robert Peston and Stephanie Flanders to Davos. No doubt business class taxis at each end. Peston has enjoyed meeting one of his boyhood idols Peter Gabriel.
Meanwhile events go on such as the Japanese credit rating being cut which of curse they are too important to comment on. I notice when a friend mentioned this on the repective blogs the comments got removed…..
Admiral Lord Boyce has been pointing the finger at a certain one eyed idiot today at the Iraq inquiry.
Funny that the BBC have buried his comments on the cretin away, I’ve posted the Guardian’s commetns on it to compare.
The then Prime Minister Tony Blair told the Iraq inquiry last week that he never rejected any requests for equipment.
But Lord Boyce said that when the requests landed on the desk of Chancellor Gordon Brown, “there was a brick wall” – and that had had an impact on the speed of preparations for war. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-12298821
I know words have been said, “you can have everything you want”, from the prime minister. But the fact is the Treasury is inherently unable to deliver money unless it is actually beaten over the head. It’s always a drag on the system when you are trying to push through things, whether it’s UORs [urgent operational requirements]. And, by the way, UORs are themselves not in themselves a solution to the problem. There’s no point being told here’s a UOR for a nice gizmo, a nice new piece of kit, which you can only have by the way in theatre, if the person operating the kit doesn’t see it for the first time til he actually gets to theatre. Because he will die trying to learn how to use it. That is what was happening. If you were really on a proper war footing, that wouldn’t happen. But I don’t think the Treasury ever thought we were on a war footing. We were. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/blog/2011/jan/27/lord-boyce-iraq-inquiry-live
Note the beeboid report buries his comments about the one eyed idiot at the bottom of the article.
So Brown starved the forces of money that cost lives and the BBC doesn’t want to highlight it.
They will ,presumably ,be fined for allowing their pets to foul the streets? They will be easy to identify and while the police are busy fining the owners ,how about fining the BBBC for manipulating news?
Didn’t occur to me you could that. Just to save time, guilt and unnecessary anguish I’m only going to ‘like’ my own stuff in future. Even so, I’m going to be selective because I come out with some real crap some times.
Just thought I’d have a whinge about endless repeats throughout the BBC channels. I am watching, for the third time in as many weeks, a documentary about coach travel on BBC 4. There was another one last night, and both of them have been repeated thrice in three weeks. Why? What’s the point in running extra channels, just to show continual repeats in quick succession? What a waste. Invariably they are prefixed with the ludricous cop-out statement “another chance to see”, when each one has been seen ad nauseum.
What they really mean is “we’ve got nothing new for you, we haven’t produced anything fresh with your licence money, so watch repeats or go without”. What a shower.
And whilst I’m having a go, (and about Channel 4, this time), has anyone noticed the Channel 4 News “culture reporter” – the effeminate, lisping, limp-wristed creature known as Matthew Cain? He is so AWFUL, I literally wish to do him harm, and have to switch channels…
Did they have that same background music by Andy Hamilton that they use for nearly every other show these days? They’re very conservative with the license fee when it comes to that. I don’t know if it’s the same Andy Hamilton as little one with the squeaky voice, but it would be par for the BBC course if it was.
Iraq toys with polygamy as solution for war widows Interesting way to spin this. It’s not a return to basic principles of Islam but a practical ‘secular’ piece of decision making! Iraq prohibited polygamy in 1959 and specified imprisonment and fines for any violator. Due to strong opposition the law was revised in 1963 and the article prohibiting polygamy was removed.
Not sure I’d hold up the NotW as a beacon of journalistic probity, but in comparison the BBC makes it look like… er… some medium that maybe once had professional integrity a long time ago (can’t think of any in the MSM currently).
However, this is an outfit I am obliged to cofund, uniquely, as they engage in cheap tricks and gutter journalism.
Another cheap apology on p36 after the front page has done its job, from another cheap apology of a news broadcaster.
wwfcFeb 23, 14:04 Weekend 22nd February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkalM-JP_48&ab_channel=LancashireLarks
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Emmanuel GoldsteinFeb 23, 13:33 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I predict that the AfD will do much better than the msm are saying. There will be lots of people…
Fedup2Feb 23, 13:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I think ‘councillor Sedgwick ‘ needs to be looked at with their political control of plod – was it phone…
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wwfcFeb 23, 12:22 Weekend 22nd February 2025 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjTnipj_XTQ&ab_channel=DailySoak
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:09 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Do you notice how differently the bBC treats religiously motivated attacks to racially motivated ones ? Those Christians beheaded in…
I see The Obamessiah’s speech last night was so great it saved the economy already. The Dow is up and stocks are booming, and the BBC had on someone to tell me that His speech gave the economy “the filip” it needed.
Praise Him!
I didn’t hear the speech, but I think Obama would have earnt a lot of kudos for not sinking to the depths of his ‘co-religionists’ on the left after the attempted murder of Congresswoman Giffords.
Actually, Mark Mardell was hoping He’d use the mass murders for more political advantage. He didn’t quite say it that way, but that’s what he meant. Heroism and service?
Mardell is feeling a bit exposed being in the gutter without Obama to keep him company.
Hi David
Not every review of President Obama’s speech was favourable in the UK. An influential economics blog I follow thought this.
“As you can see some rather expensive promises were made here. Such clean energy projects come with a very high bill and hyperbole such as “countless new jobs” is pretty much misleading. So in fact we are in danger of deficit increases rather than the reductions talked about. It is not my intention here to say that a stimulus measure in itself is a bad idea merely that President Obama is saying one thing and appears to be doing another.”
Of course to get such independent thought in the UK one needs to go outside the BBC and in this instance I was following what is on the notayesmanseconomics blog or http://notayesmanseconomics.wordpress.com
The BBC’s phone-hacking coverage has been so hysterical it’s hilarious. Ramifications to be felt throughout Fleet Street, Nasty Uncle Rupert’s empire could be brought to its knees, it’s far more serious than any of us realize.
They were talking to some ex-MP on the phone earlier, asking if he thought his phone was tapped. “I don’t know. I think so.” The only evidence he gave was, “My phone was behaving funny.”
“What’s that like?” asks Sophie Beeboid. “People who haven’t had their phone tapped can’t imagine what it’s like.” So it’s fact already, even though the guy actually has no idea.
Next up is a page on the website: Have you had your phone tapped by the nasty Screws? Has any of Nasty Uncle Rupert’s minions tapped your phone? Let us know in the form below….
I posted before, but if hacking was rife at News of the World, it is unlikey to be the only paper. It would be funny if the Left-wing Daily Morror was at it as well.
To hear the BBC tell it, this is dangerous only to New Corp.
Don’t be fooled into thinking ther BBC are up in arms about ‘phone-hacking’, this is about destroying News International’s chances of taking over BSkyB. The BBC fear competition and will protect their market share any way they can.
Hacking, what about the BBC TV detector vans?
This won’t surprise anyone. First guest invited onto the BBC News Channel to comment on Theresa May’s statement on counter-terrorism this afternoon?
I give up. Is it a panda?!!
I think it’s the androgynous Muslim character from that awful Robin Hood series.
Panda ? Too small. Looks like a Lemur to me.
Yeah, guaranteed to cause panda-monium!
Liebour scum Dennis Mcshane on News 24 right now giving Huw Edwards a verbal blow job about the BBC and the world service.
“The BBC is a symbol of freedom” said Mctwat
I nearly pissed myself and Huw Edwards must have had a full on boner at that.
Edwards ‘cross examination’ of Mctwat was so lightweight I missed it.
It’s not just the world service that should be scrapped it’s the whole of the BBC.
Denis MacShane is a regular Tweeter but has yet to reply to a single on eof my polite enquiries. Is he not in ‘listening mode’?
What time of day are you making the enquiries ? I have heard that MacShanes powers of concentration and response times tend to wane as the day wears on, if you get my meaning.
Morning, noon and night; it seems to make no difference!
When Peter Sissons was forced to go to a course on “Journalistic Ethics” describing how demeaning it was to him, I now appreciate how he felt.
My wife has just come in from work after attending a compulsory course on “Equality & Diversity” she was pretty mad after ploughing through 50 pages of how to treat people.
She along with others had to rename a Black Board, a Homosexual, a Paki, a Fat Person. The list carried on for about 30/40. Answers had to be Acceptable and Unacceptable or Alternative.
Islam was mentioned as moderation in all things including food?
It goes on and on.
I think Martin would have a very good description of this course.
I’m far too polite these days to use such language.
So what has changed since your last post ? 😀
I’m with my rent boy so I’m happy 🙂
I knew it was bound to come to this.If you can’t beat them , join them !
Charlie, I too went on one of those courses this one was an army one for military personal . The course consisted of commanding officers and such (and me) and on day 2 we walked into the classroom to be faced by an Asian woman dressed in a sari. She then went on about how some people are different but just as equal as everybody else and that seeing somebody dressed as such wasn’t a sign of inferiority. She then turned to me refering to me by by first name (written on a badge worn on my chest) and openly stated that she didn’t expect me to hold the same views as the rest of the class. I went apeshite there and then. I castigated her for inferring that my fellow military fellows could be anything but racist and that by singling me out for preferential treatment she herself had become what she was trying to combat..a racist. Afterwards a female officer came up to me and shook my hand and stated that she felt the same way when she heard this woman speak but didn’t speak out because she didn’t want to classed as a trouble maker albeit a racist. Makes my bloody blood boil. I seen and witnessed far more racism out of uniform than in it. Yet for the likes of the PC crowd (and the bBC) while banging on about how I am the same as everybody else I will always be different because of my skin colour.
A double 1 mate!
When I was in the TA, many moons ago, a mate of mine of mixed English/West Indian parentage – or a ‘half-caste’ as he called himself – was out of work and did deliveries to army depots for the TA.
One day he dropped something off, went for a bit of a stroll on a green while it was being unloaded, and all of a sudden from behind him someone bellowed: “GET OFF THE GRASS YOU BLACK BASTARD!”
His back went rigid, bubbling with anger, and he turned around.
It was a black Sergeant Major with a grin on is face a mile wide!
Yes. It happens.
Pounce. When we had foot and mouth disease in 2001 we were taken over by DEFRA and then by the local RAF Regiment guys, chaos ensued, until the RAF Regiment guys were put in charge in the name of Kevin a sergeant.
He a came up to me and said look I know sweet FA about farming how should I go about this, now Kevin was as dark as the ace of spades but more English than me.
When the press arrived I was not in the mood to talk to them, Kevin said just say the word Charlie I,ll have em arrested.
Later I was invited to his base and given a demonstration of sniping and other military disciplines. A great bloke.
We don’t need to be told who or what to like.
I went (was forced to go) on one of those once. I was told that aslylum seekers where not a drain on the taxpayer. But they get benefits and cannot work, I said. So do a lot of English people was the reply. How can you argue with logic like that?
I actually felt that the “course” had the opposite effect of what was intended, speaking to my fellow “students” after the brainwashing.
Spot on.
How the BBC creates a non story.
Huw Edwards has just reported that old twat boy Toenails is ‘reporting’ that David Cameron is denying he discussed phone hacking when he had dinner over Xmas with Rebecca Brooks from the Sun and James Murdoch.
Clearly this is the BBC trying to smear Cameron personally, where is the evidence BBC scum that Cameron discussed anything with these people?
It’s Toenails trying to add a lie to a story.
Do you remember the BBC casting aspersions when Tony Blair supped with Rupert Murdoch or his editors?
Why is Toenails so sure that Cameron was discussing phone hacking? Had the BBC planted bugs in the room where they were eating?
And why is he called “Toenails”?
He’s called Toenails because a fellow beeboid said that Robinson was so far up Gordon Brown’s arse all you could see were his toenails.
The thing is when a fellow beeboid thinks Robinson is biased you know it’s bad and if you check out his blog you will find that if posters call him toenails on the blog the posts are often left up.
So it’s a sort of unofficial BBC nick name as well.
Kevin Maguire is called toilets, not too sure why, one story is it’s the only place he knows what he’s doing and the other is he does his best work in a toilet.
Take your choice.
Did anyone hear the fragrant Ms Montague on Today this AM? As soon as the item on media monopolies began (about 8:40, I think) I was on the edge of my seat waiting for the standard petulant interruption when the BBC’s market share came up.
Needless to say, I wasn’t disappointed.
R4 “World at One ” today with Martha Kearney, run-of-the-mill, bog standard BBC clone.
One topic was the cuts to the BBC World service. No prizes for guessing dear Martha’s position.
First an “incest interview ” with Beeboid Peter Horrocks who rambled on for what seemed like decades while Martha listened in rapt attention without interrupting.
Then, a change in tone of voice as she geared up to interview the nasty , evil, Tory, wee Willie Hague.
She asked him 6 or 7 questions, every single answer aggressively interrupted by the Beeboid.
Job done, salary, bonus and pension secured.
The bias so blatant and shameless it is totally irrefutable.
Trust me iff you complain the BBC will refute it and then ignore you if you dare to question them further.
I floated an idea in the last OT (that seemed to have got lost in the smorgasbord of posts – or was syntatically unappealing!) of trying to get 10,000 people to sign up to a mass boycott of the license fee until Her Majesty’s Government holds a public inquiry into BBC bias.
If it got traction what would completely undercut it is if protest against BBC bias got mixed up with protest about the license fee. Given grist to the mill for Polly Toynbee to call pro-impartiality protesters ideological axe-grinders would ruin everything.
Not that I’d be part of it, living here in Barcelona, but if I was in Blighty, I wouldn’t sign up to such a thing unless 10,000 agreed to do so. Empty and wasteful gestures never held too much appeal to me.
The bBC and compare the Muslim dot com.
Portsmouth councillor in imam prayer protest
A Portsmouth councillor walked out of a council meeting because an imam was asked to deliver an opening prayer.Conservative councillor Malcolm Hey left Tuesday night’s Portsmouth City Council chamber while Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo was speaking.His behaviour was heavily criticised by Muslim community group Wessex Jamaat, which said snubbing the imam by walking out was “a serious issue”…Yasin Rahim, of Muslim community group Wessex Jamaat, said: “It was our imam who Malcolm snubbed by walking out.”I think this is a serious issue here. The imam was invited by the mayoress – it was an invitation to the table of brotherhood and here he walks out.”It smacks of inauthenticity. He says he’s not Islamophobic but that is like saying I’m turning right and then he turns left.”
So the bBC protray this Tory councilor as nothing more than a racist and then drag out any muslim who has an axe to grind n which to back up their stance. And here is how the same muslim spoke to the local Postsmouth newspaper on the same subject:
Yasin Rahim, director of interfaith at Wessex Jamaat, said: ‘The Muslim community here is mature. We aren’t angry, we just regard this as a host who doesn’t know how to behave towards his guest. It’s a real shame. But we invite him to come to read a Christian prayer to Muslims at one of our prayer meetings. That way, he can experience what interaction between faiths can do.’
And here is what the bBC says the councillor had to say:”
Mr Hey said it was not appropriate for a Muslim to deliver prayers at the start of a full council meeting.
and here is how the local newspaper reports what he had to say:
He said: ‘I did so because we are a traditionally Christian country, so Christian prayers are read as a matter of tradition. But I don’t feel it’s appropriate for Muslim prayers to be said, as I don’t feel we worship the same God as Muslims, so I left.’
Even muskrat can see difference the bBC uses in which to play the racist card. Simples…
To be honest I think the councillor is rude and wrong. Do the Muslim councillors walk out during the usual Christian prayers? If they do then he has a point, if not he is wrong.
What Muslim cllrs there may or may not be on Portsmouth Council, they, or their family emigrated to an historically Christian country. They should respect our religious heritage and not seek to impose their own. Way to go to this cllr for standing up to dhimmitude.
There are no obvious muslim names on the list of Portsmouth Councillors.
Are other religions invited to address the council ? If not, why not ?
What the hell is “The Table of Brotherhood” ?
So after my last post where the bBC are making a mountain out of a molehill of a story here is a story which they haven’t bothered their arses in reporting.
Posters put up in Tooting detail Fatwa against Home Secretary Theresa May
Wanted posters issuing a Fatwa against Home Secretary Theresa May have appeared in Tooting town centre overnight.
The Western-style, professionally-printed posters have been plastered on phone boxes, bus shelters and even the town’s message board close to Tooting Broadway Tube station.
They claim the Fatwa – a term sometimes used to mean an Islamic death sentence imposed upon a person – is “for the abduction, kidnapping and false imprisonment” of various radical clerics…The posters direct the reader to a professionally-made website –theresamayfatwa.com.
BBC budget cuts must be affecting even cash cow Top Gear. They must have gotten rid of their writers and are now stealing ideas from old episodes of Jackass.
Here’s the only current bBC story I can find on PFI.
Jeff Randall 7.00 Sky has just done a big story on it. Private company returns of 71%, yes you read it correctly, 71%. Mentioned at PMQ’s, read the bBC are I defy anyone to show how the bBC story shows what a financial disaster Liebour has been.
Sorry to be rather out of theme here – after all, this is not biased Channel 4 blog – but I am so steaming mad that if I don’t put this in writing somewhere I’ll burst.
Herr Jon Snow, I do realize you were in mufti and not in uniform during today’s fifteen-minute hate period. But why weren’t you wearing your little black armband with the white circle and the red Hackenkreuz? Next time be more formal – the Party lays great emphasis on these external things.
Yesterday’s Channel 4 news on the 0.5 % contraction in the economy was the most brutally biased anti-government reporting I have ever seen. The BBC would be proud to recuit Jon Snow.
Has anybody else noticed that every time either Ed (Milliband or Balls) or indeed any other member of the Labour Party says anything about a Conservative or indeed Coalition member (eg Cameron has raped a Brownie/Osborne has cooked the Downing Street rat and eaten it for breakfast/Clegg has been caught shoplifting) it is reported as though it were a truth.
I am getting rather fed up with it.
Deborah. Get used to it..
Check out how Mark Mardell is shocked by how partisan and confrontational the SOTU speech was. He’s constantly surprised that the President is “throwing down the gauntlet”. It’s quite amusing.
Narrative fail at the BBC. Only yesterday Mardell and Katty Kay were trying to tell you (as I said on the last open thread) that the President was going to try to bring us all together and it was only going to be nasty Republican opposition that would bring it all down.
Anyone not blindly worshiping Him would know that this was always going to be an attack speech and not a “reaching across the aisle” moment. But nobody like that works at the BBC.
BBC Responds to Flotilla Inquiry Complaints
INBBC: still relegating the Islamic and global connections of tghe Moscow airport jihad, unlike the ‘Telegraph’:
1.) ‘Telegraph’
“Moscow airport bomb: suicide bombers were part of squad trained in Pakistan”
2.) Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
“Russia airport bomb: Medvedev sacks key officials”
Intro to Andrew Niel’s toff-bashing special:
“If you want to be a politicican, and indeed the Prime Minister, it seems there’s only one way to go.”
This is why it’s stupid for Hague to attack BBC pensions.
A main propaganda story on ‘Newsnight’s ‘GENDER-AGENDA’ tonight, is for its heroine (or hero?):
“Athlete Caster Semenya unbowed by gender row ”
This sort of propaganda priority given by ‘Newsnight’ to a South African of uncertain gender (?) is another reason for cutting out BBC’s ‘World Service’ type fat paid for by us.
I know all there is to know about the crying game.
So after the bBC shouted out from the top of the local minaret that a tory councillor can only be a racist and a bigot for walking out during an Islamic prayer (complete with people who feel that he was wrong to do so)
They report on a story how two councillors who refused to sign the local Holocaust book of remembrance are justified in doing so so because of the crimes committed by Israel.
I quote from the bbC article:
“Mr Al-Khatib said if a Palestinian genocide memorial was erected nearby, he would happily sign the book.”When a memorial, genocide memorial, a Palestinian genocide memorial is erected next to the Jewish memorial, I will be happy to celebrate it,” the Labour councillor for Hartshill and Penkhull told BBC News.”
Only at the bBC
I replied to the other one that I feel it was disrespectful to walk out like that councillor did, and I still believe the same. But this is disgusting, particularly the BBC’s totally shameful double standards on it.
I think that , if Councils want to hold religious events in the Council Chambers, they should be in a separate room set aside for the purpose and attendance should be voluntary.
I would have walked out of “prayers” from any faith. It has nothing to do with Council business.
I’d feel the same, but it would appear from the quote attributed to him that the councillor was quite happy for Christian prayers to be said. Would he have done the same to a rabbi? Obviously we don’t know the answer to that question as he hasn’t been tested but it certainly leaves room for speculation.
My main gripe is the same as others that the BBC is so full of double standards; they condemn very loudly an insult to Islam but almost appear to back racism from muslims to Jews.
I have no problem with this and if they don’t want to be hypocrites then the BBC should shut up ! religious freedom is a corner stone of our way of life well was ! and if some one wishes to withdraw from something they feel goes against their beliefs fine as he did not try to prevent the imam speaking so broke no law! given that at the BBC lurvie Dawkins would have kicked off I find their reaction pathetic !
You may have read Dan Hannan and Douglas Carswell on the BBC’s endless attempts to get them to sound off against the coalition(and Laban has quoted them in the past), such as:
Every few days, I seem to field a ‘phone call from a BBC researcher inviting me to make rude noises about the Coalition – preferably in angry, reactionary terms (Indeed, the latest one as I wrote this …)
(Douglas Carswell)
It’s the BBC here. We’d like you to say something angry, stupid and preferably racist about the new government. (Dan Hannan)
If any BBC current affairs programme was likely to be up to those sort of games it’s the Politics Show and, lo and beyond, this week’s show featured a report containing a small number of Conservative MPs who couldn’t say ‘no’, called Grumpy Old Tories. No Dan Hannan but Douglas Carswell was there after all, doubtless trying to undermine the BBC’s effort and argue that – in presenter David Thompson’s words, not his own – “there’s nothing wrong with a bit of backbench grumpiness”. He should have known better, because Thompson, having framed his words beforehand (not that many of them were used!), followed them by saying “But if he’s not careful ‘grumpy’ could turn into ‘angry’ and a real problem for David Cameron.”
Which just goes to show that any politicians who agree to be talking heads in a BBC report leave themselves wide open to being used in any way the BBC reporter thinks fit, just as Douglas Carswell was used here. Just so ‘no’!!
My view of Hannan and Carswell has changed since the election. AM and Euref have them bang to rights.
‘Which just goes to show that any politicians who agree to be talking heads in a BBC report leave themselves wide open to being used in any way the BBC reporter thinks fit, …’
One is sure that it is pervasive across a delusional ‘news’ media industry that still harbours the notion that anything they come out with is taken at face value.
But as one without commercial pressures, that the BBC is one more under the spotlight for rigging things – Crowing about catching out Mr. Delingpole now backfiring nicely as even more objective Guardian scribes express concern – is, truly, unique. Not in a good way.
Currently in the Uk Mohammed Hanif Khan (an Iman) is in the dock for allegations he raped two boys under his care. The bBC on reporting this court case have promoted that this man can only be innocent and that the boys have made it all up; Here are the 3 news items from the bBC covering this case so far.
But for some reason the bBC haven’t reported on the latest (and very damning) piece of evidence. I quote from the local paper:
AN IMAM accused of sexually assaulting two boys told a court that one of the alleged victims asked to massage his shoulders as a “sign of respect”.CCTV was seen by the jury at Nottingham Crown Court which showed Muslim leader Mohammed Hanif Khan tapping his shoulders, before the boy massaged him.Prosecutor Tariq Bin Shakoor asked Khan: “Are you saying the boy indicated a wish to massage your shoulders?”Khan replied: “Yes. The day before he saw one of my friends in the congregation massaging my shoulders.”It’s a sign of respect.”He asked if he could do it but I said ‘no, go home’.”Mr Shakoor asked: “Were you grooming this boy?”Khan replied: “No, I wasn’t grooming him.”Khan was asked why he didn’t tell the police that on occasions he had his shoulders massaged by students.Khan told the court: “When they asked me if I had any physical contact with any child I thought they meant whether I had hit them, not a tap on the back of the head or shoulders.
“Massaging shoulders isn’t an abnormal thing.
“Gosh, Mr Khan ! What a funny place to have your shoulders !”
Buggy that avatar of yours really is vile 🙂
I have lived in 3 muslim countries and my wife and in-laws are at least nominally muslim ( obviously not very strict as they don’t disapprove of her being married to me ! ) and I have never heard of this “shoulder-massaging” bull**t. Can’t wait to tell them about this one, they will have a good laugh.
Can’t the BBC just accept that homosexuality and paedophilia are quite common in muslim societies. In many places they are not even concealed.
PS. I have heard of “shoulder-massaging” in muslim countries by ladies of a certain profession, but that is just hearsay, I can’t personally vouch for it.
Mam, Imam’s making eyes at me.
Oh god that vile pig Alistair Campbell on the BBC again, this time whining on about the NOTW.
Campbell YOU should be investigated by the Police, just what do you know about the death of David Kelly?
Campbell trying to defend cash for honours again. F**k off Campbell.
Campbell is a big chum of BBC-NUJ-Labour ‘Newsnight’.
Zero interruptions of course from compliant nodder, Maitlis.
Enemy Titless
what a nasty piece of work that bitch is
Why does that revolting scumbag Campbell seem to have a monopoly over the British TV media ? I mean he doesn’t even have a sense of humour.
Campbell seems to be on the BBC more than almost any other ‘guest’. Would an FOI request reveal how often and how much he has been paid?
And like so many highly paid Beeboids does he channel his dosh through his own company to avoid tax ?
Not only should all Beeboids paid above a certain amount have the payments published, the relevant contracts should be published too. After all , it is our money.
The BBC really is ramping up the class war Narrative. Notice how they tie this in to other social engineering “dilemmas”, as if religious freedom is the same thing as income distribution.
Aristotle on modern ethical dilemmas
Bash the bankers first, of course. Then misdirect with a discussion focusing exclusively on the intolerance of Christians (no Mohammedans against flaunting homosexual relations, eh, BBC?), and then back to the class war. The BBC even goes so far as to announce that they’ve launched an investigation into class war in Britain.
Obviously Andrew Neil’s Tory toffs attack piece is precisely timed. Class war, fought by the nomenklatura on behalf of the proletariat. It’s so sweet, and is exactly what is so dangerous about the official national broadcaster doing this. And what a surprise! Just when the nasty Tories have cut their funding, they turn the topic on its head and opine that in fact social mobility based on achievement is the wrong idea.
Further, the virtue ethicist asks, does a socially mobile world actually undermine certain roles that are great goods – such as the arts or being a mother?
I think we can guess where this is headed.
These things contribute to the common good. They are part of any just, flourishing society. And yet, social mobility may sideline them by not appreciating them.
Yes, we are drifting into lovely Soviet Socialist territory here.
This is not to say that a virtue ethics approach is against mobility.
No, of course not. How does a “virtue ethics” approach achieve this?
What it would suggest, though, is that a good society needs to have ways of rewarding individuals that contribute things of moral, not just material, worth.
That might be a society which funds the arts, encourages the humanities as well as sciences, and doesn’t forget that what goes on in the home matters at least as much as what goes on in the marketplace.
A cynic might interpret this to mean that high pay for pop stars, actors, athletes, and BBC Directors of Vision is good. Although, I bet the neo-Marxist behind this really means that we need to rethink our values as a society and stop rewarding certain kinds of achievement in favor of other kinds. Who decides what compensation a given moral contribution is worth? Who decides what’s moral and what isn’t?
No prizes for guessing. Agenda? What agenda?
David P,
Yes, by “rewarding”, they mean money. It is just a question of who gets it and where does it come from.
Socialist hypocrisy in a nutshell.
A reasoned comment on sacking of Sky’s Gray and Keys, unlikely to be given house room at politically correct BBC-NUJ:
“I worry this intolerant nation now expects football pundits to behave like the Archbishop of Canterbury”
By Stephen Glover
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1350860/Andy-Gray-Richard-Keys-Expected-behave-like-Archbishop-Canterbury.html#ixzz1CBz1eAcF
And here’s one the holier-than thou, politicallly correct, non-discriminatory BBC-NUJ did a little earlier:
“A BBC obsessed with diversity and feminist pieties is gloriously hoist with its own petard”
( by Stephen Glover, again.)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1346634/Miriam-OReilly-BBC-diversity-feminist-pieties-hoist-petard.html#ixzz1CC0BsHXr
Football pundits and the Archbishop of Canterbury, not an easy choice.
The bBC its continuing anti-semitic stance and half the story
Kristine Luken killing:’Two Palestinians confess’.
Police in Israel have arrested two Palestinian men who they say have confessed to killing US woman Kristine Luken late last year.Ms Luken, 44, was stabbed to death while hiking with a British friend in a forest outside Jerusalem.Officials said the suspects belonged to a crime gang also linked to the killing of an Israeli woman in the same area.Police said the gang had targeted Israelis to avenge the assassination of a Hamas official in Dubai.
And here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you:
Police said the motive was to avenge the assassination of a top Hamas militant, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, in Dubai last January.Jerusalem Police Chief Aharon Franco said the men responsible for the attack were all from the West Bank and had confessed to the attack during interrogations. They told police they had intended to kill a Jew and were surprised to discover that Luken was a Christian.
Note how they specifically state they were hunting Jew. But the bBC changes it to Israeli in which to continue in their spin of defending radical Islam at any cost.
So in the BBC’s eyes, it could have been an Israeli Arab ?
I am not sure that the BBC understand what an Israeli Arab is. The ones that I have met are very pro Israel and would rather live there than in one of the neighbouring Muslim states.
Yes, I am sure that is true. I rather misread pounce’s post !
Here’s a logo which accurately reflects Mark Mardell’s reaction to the way his beloved Obamessiah’s SOTU speech went against everything he (Mardell) and Katty Kay predicted. These partisan hacks fully expected – and gave you their expert analysis about how – the President would be reaching across the aisle, using this moment to bring us all together in bi-partisan harmony, only nasty Republicans would fight Him, etc. Yet, the speech itself was highly partisan and on the attack, to which even a devoted acolyte like Mardell recoiled (as evinced by his analysis here). Hence the appropriateness of this logo:
From the World Have Your Say programme on Egypt, mentioned on the Incitement thread.
Here’s Mohammed, an Egyptian living in London and a guest on the show, obviously qualified to be on the BBC simply because of his anti-government stance :
Mohammed: …. people will step up their fight in order to bring this government down …. [While you encourage them with your arse safely ensconsed in a BBC chair in London.]
WHYS’s Chloe Tilly: [Silence]
Mohammed: …. it’s unthinkable to imagine this can go on indefinitely ….
Chloe Tilly: [Silence]
Mohammed: …. what this will depend on in the coming few days is the ability of the organisers to organise themselves through facebook and other media outlets in order to come out on Friday in large numbers and….[Right, Mohammed, set yourself up as a leader of a radical Islamic revolution on World Have Your Say. The BBC wont mind.]
Chloe Tilly: [Silence]
Mohammed: ….Perhaps they are only giving themselves 48 hours to reorganise and come out in large numbers once again…. [Right, Mohammed, organise the Brotherhood from BBC studios, you have a free hand.]
Chloe Tilly: Let me bring in Noor, she’s half-Syrian, half-Egyptian, lives in Kuwait…Noor, you’ve lived in Egypt for a number of years, do you support the protesters? [As if they would have taken her call if she didn’t.]
Noor: …. Egyptian newspapers are not telling the truth….that these are just the Brotherhood, Islamic Brotherhood…. low life piece of you know ….
Chloe Tilly: Noor there are a lot of international broadcasters who have people on the ground …. and they’re reporting what they see. [Presumably she includes the BBC in that absurd observation. Anyway, Noor does it for her:]
Noor: ….I try to open Egyptian newspapers, nothing. I open Kuwaiti newspapers, nothing. But whenever I open the BBC or CNN or whatever, I get what I really want – what I really believe, you know?
Yes, the BBC knows very well. May its demise be hastened.
A few minutes later, Chloe Tilly asks another caller if he wont demonstrate [read riot] through fear of being arrested and then turns to Mohammed, asking him if he thinks there is a large swathe of people in Egypt who are too scared to go out.
Mohammed: ….if you asked me two years ago perhaps would I go out on the street against the Egyptian regime I probably would have said no because of the fear factor. But if you asked me the same question today, I wouldn’t think twice.
Chloe then carries on discussing the modus operandum of “revolution” with him, asking him whether that’s because there are large numbers of people on the streets. So do you think every Egyptian has a responsibility to pay a price, she asks him. By now, it’s pretty clear that she has forgotten he is hosting a talk show on behalf of the “objective” BBC. I guess her greatest regret right now is that she can’t join her comrades on the streets of Cairo.
That would be a bit too much, even for the BBC.
I’ve taken these excerpts from about 37 minutes in:
The BBC’s bias on any subject can generally be deduced from the selection question when they ask for comments.
Egypt Protests: Your stories
Are you in Cairo or elsewhere in Egypt? Are you attending protests? You can send us your experiences using the form below.
Are you a policeman, a Mubarak supporter or one of the millions who did not protest? Don’t bother replying as the BBC is not interested.
It is difficult if not impossible to judge the real degree of pro or anti government sentiment in Egypt. The last election results were so clearly manipulated that they can not be relied on. In a police state opinion polls are are similarly useful. However, even if the ruling party’s support has genuinely fallen below 50% millions of Egyptians still support it. The BBC ignores their views.
I don’t think the law should be broken. And I don’t think there should be selectivity with who breaks it. So I have an open mind on the whole phone hacking thing as it evolves.
What seems fairly clear is the disconnect already between the pursuit of truth, and the pushing of selective tribal agendas in its name.
Which means the BBC is pretty much at the bottom of the pile on professional credibility grounds already.
That they, and SKY, are pushing the oaf Prescott on us as a bastion of moral rectitude, based on the fact that the Met kept telling him they couldn’t find any substance to his suspicions but he doesn’t believe them, really taints any real news value it may have.
If our media ever had a plot, it has long since been flushed down the bog.
The Andrew Neil presented programme last night “Posh and Posher: Why Public School Boys Run Britain” on BBC2 last night was, well, rather good.
It was prefaced by a very careful BBC as being Neil’s personal take on the issue. I suspect Neil succeeded in getting this programme on-air by gulling the BBC into allowing an inquiry into the failures of the UK educational system by selling it internally at the BBC as an expose of private education and the privileges money can buy via education.
Actually, en passant, it established that good education (as delivered by the private schools now and the grammar schools when Neil and I passed through them) is the passport to social and political advance. Moreover the programme condemned all the major political parties for stopping social mobility which, according to Neil, died at the turn of the century and which is caused by the political class’s refusal to allow any reversion to some form of academic selection in the state system.
Unlike the intellectual crookery recently displayed by the president of the Royal Society, Neil (as far as I could see) allowed the proponents of the comprehensive ideal (Mandelson and the head of Neil’s old school) to put their case – or at least opinions – freely and not conspicuously edited to make them look foolish. In all, more please. Programmes like this on, for instance, AGW, immigration, Israel, the “cuts” etc etc might go a little way to repair the BBC’s damaged gene of impartiality.
A relief to hear you consider Neil is still of independent mind.
“damaged gene of impartiality”
Utterly mutated I’d say. John Birt made dalek casings for all.
Don’t worry – the follow-up programme next Wednesday, fronted by Richard Bilton ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/biographies/biogs/news/richardbilton.shtml ), is about how the toffs who are sent to the private schools get the best jobs (well that’s what the ads for the programme on the BBC are selling). I suspect that it’s back to the BBC narrative about “unfairness” rather than the simple explanation that those educated in private schools tend to be get the best jobs because they’re the only ones left in the UK under 25 who can construct a grammatical sentence, read without moving their lips and do sums without using their fingers to count to ten.
“BBC news website cuts: London middle managers get shock reprieve ”
(by Neil Midgley)
The left are fond in repeating a lie until it enters common parlance, how about repeating ad infinitum the truth? Such as:
“The BBC: working tirelesly for the re-election of a Labour Government”.
Keep repeating it and it will stick, of course there are others, and suggestions are more than welcome, another could be:
“The BBC News Channel Paper Review: I think we’ll start with the Guardian for a change”.
That doyen of BBC-NUJ political propaganda, Mr. K. LIVINGSTONE, decides, opportunistically, but not on political principle, to give up broadcasting on AHMADINEJAD’s Islamic Republic of Iran TV station, ‘Press TV’, (with HQ still wrongly allowed to broadcast from London):
“Ken Livingstone quits lucrative presenting job on Iranian state television”
BBC licencepayers can now expect to fund Livingstone for even more political appearances on BBC-NUJ-Labour; and the political journey from ‘Press TV’ is short.
red alert
that old bugger mandela sounds like he could croak at any time according to some fawning beebpid on the “news” at one
tv blackout in our house for at least a week once he goes……better get some good dvds in
What a useful coincidence for the BBC that the phone-tapping noise is loudest right when News Corp.’s attempt to own more media is up for discussion. They’re all salivating over the supposed possibility that nasty Uncle Rupert’s empire will collapse over this (no other media affected, to judge from BBC reporting). How convenient that the BBC doesn’t have to obey anti-trust laws.
Moment of cognitive dissonance: The BBC scolding some mouthpiece from Sky that News Corp. will have “too much influence on public opinion” if the merger goes through, following on a full day of whining about how nasty Tory cuts will be curtailing the BBC’s global influence on public opinion.
They really have no shame, and have the self-awareness of an over-ripe tomato. But I have to say Mark Thompson is either a political genius or is being looked after by one of those angels who normally protect drunks and children.
Correction, as the BBC is repeating that moment of cognitive dissonance. The Beeboid said, “Do you accept that you (Sky) will have too much control over public opinion” if the merger goes through.
No mirrors at Broadcasting House, I guess.
According to figures provided by the BBC, half the population of the West Bank and Gaza have internet access. (chart at bottom of page) This is genocidal oppression?
So many puns today for this, but doesn’t my avatar seem the most appropriate 🙂
BBC doing a programme advocating against nasty Tory cuts, I see. Looks like Nick Robinson needs a new nickname based on this.
Credit where due: In honor of Holocaust Day, the BBC actually does bother to report on anti-Semitic incidents. When it’s a tiny story in the US.
Apparently some Jewish hockey player is suing his old team because a couple of minor league coaches harrassed him with Jew jokes and didn’t play him. The BBC thought this was so important that they had a junior sub-editor spend time rearranging copy from the wire services.
So well done, BBC, for proving me wrong and making an effort to report on anti-Semitic incidents. Now how about finally informing the public about real stories like what’s happened to the Jews of Malmö or in the Netherlands, for example?
(Earlier comment vanished – trying again.)
As part of Radio Five Live’s week of broadcasting dedicated entirely to the Andy Gray/Richard Keys sexism row, Richard Bacon asked BBC6 DJ and former BBC2 Culture Show presenter Lauren Laverne for her views on the subject on his show yesterday.
Bacon: Is this, the last few days, the first time you’d heard of either of them?
Lavern: Yeah, I mean, y’know, Andy Gray, I would recognise them both, I think, but I wouldn’t know who they were. I have no context. I kinda, I was thinking about this and I reckon for me the equivalent is when Moe Tucker from the Velvet Underground was filmed at a Tea Party rally for the Republican Party, em er, over in the States last year and, er, all of the kind of woolly liberals like me were like “Nooooo! How could you?” And so…
Bacon: Maybe it was research. Maybe he [sic] was making a documentary?
Lavern: I understand, my understanding that I’ve kind of gleaned from the coverage, is that they’re both pretty good at their jobs, right, but have said some pretty disgusting stuff.
Apart from offering yet another insight into BBC luvvie groupthink (Tea Party followers are beyond the realms of polite society, the cool person must’ve been making a documentary etc.) it was amusing – given the topic – that Bacon assumed Moe Tucker is a man. Unfortunately Laverne (who once called the The Spices Girls “Tory scum”, btw) saved his blushes by not mentioning it.
(Incidentally – Andy Burton, the Sky reporter suspended for calling the lineswoman “a bit of a looker”, once got fined for punching Richard Bacon in a London pub a few years back.)
Oh thank god they managed to get the big political hitter and intellectual Laverne! as her vacuous waffling and inane comedy routines will suit Bacons level of discussion perfectly!
What he punched him what only once ? lightweight !!
Why do they feel they have to shoehorn the Tea Party into every bloody conversation? You have to laugh at their obsession really. What on earth it has to do with Andy Gray is beyond me.
As for Moe Tucker, that comment has made a big VU fan an even bigger one 😎
Apparently the President plagiarized a line from Margaret Thatcher. She was the one who said the US was “the first country founded on an idea.” Mardell either didn’t notice, or dutifully kept quiet if he did. But no wonder he was unhappy with the SOTU speech.
BBC Responds to Flotilla Inquiry Complaints
‘While our primary role is to report events impartially, we also draw on the experience of our correspondents and experts to interpret those events’
Nothing further.
Awesome. Good to see ‘interpreting events’ make an outing again.
I wonder if those cretins realise what that translates as to folk a wee bit unimpressed at having £4Bpa gouged so that that they can be uniquely funded to spin facts into opinion so the masses can be educated on how to think.
It’s so gratifying to see the BBC reporting approvingly on all these anti-dictatorship riots in Middle Eastern countries. It’s just as George Bush said. Does anyone remember when the BBC sneered at him for saying it? I do.
When George Bush said it, the BBC called it cultural imperialism. But now that he’s gone, the BBC can approve of it. Funny how their opinion changed like that.
The BBC support the anti-Mubarak disturbances because his a Western ally and has made peace with Israel.
They’d rather see an Islamist dictatorship than a pro-West one.
It’s those cuts again folks:
Here we have the BBC not reporting the state but using their own “models” to predict the future of Britain’s streets. The odd point being for me is that I don’t see councils clearing dog mess up anyway so to suggest this “service” would fall by the wayside is ludicrous and very manipulative.
I also love the abandoned car bit.
There’s one small problem (as there ever is). They didn’t need to create these situations for television. There are estates that have been under Labour council controls even during the height of the Labour spending boon that have lived this way day in, day out for every one of their thirteen years in power. they could have found Streets infested with dog cr*p and burned out cars and abandoned fridges all over the place.
Somehow this story about dog muck feels like a metaphor for the quality of their journalism.
Great post.
It’s also very telling that in Beeboid-land everything centres around the government (not) solving a problem rather than individuals not causing it in the first place. I’ve heard from a number of sources that after Tea Party rallies in the US the site is cleaner afterwards than it was before.
They’re still doing the irony comedy gangbusters…
‘You can imagine the BBC’s embarrassment when they learnt about the cock-up. And all the thoughts racing through managers’ minds – will he accuse us of racism? etc.’
Well, other than the fact that Aunty doesn’t ‘do’ embarrassment, it is fairly clear that crooks and cretins are pretty much the only criteria for being ushered in.
It is gratifying to see that even in a time of economic cuts the BBC still has money to send Robert Peston and Stephanie Flanders to Davos. No doubt business class taxis at each end. Peston has enjoyed meeting one of his boyhood idols Peter Gabriel.
Meanwhile events go on such as the Japanese credit rating being cut which of curse they are too important to comment on. I notice when a friend mentioned this on the repective blogs the comments got removed…..
Admiral Lord Boyce has been pointing the finger at a certain one eyed idiot today at the Iraq inquiry.
Funny that the BBC have buried his comments on the cretin away, I’ve posted the Guardian’s commetns on it to compare.
The then Prime Minister Tony Blair told the Iraq inquiry last week that he never rejected any requests for equipment.
But Lord Boyce said that when the requests landed on the desk of Chancellor Gordon Brown, “there was a brick wall” – and that had had an impact on the speed of preparations for war.
I know words have been said, “you can have everything you want”, from the prime minister. But the fact is the Treasury is inherently unable to deliver money unless it is actually beaten over the head. It’s always a drag on the system when you are trying to push through things, whether it’s UORs [urgent operational requirements]. And, by the way, UORs are themselves not in themselves a solution to the problem. There’s no point being told here’s a UOR for a nice gizmo, a nice new piece of kit, which you can only have by the way in theatre, if the person operating the kit doesn’t see it for the first time til he actually gets to theatre. Because he will die trying to learn how to use it. That is what was happening. If you were really on a proper war footing, that wouldn’t happen. But I don’t think the Treasury ever thought we were on a war footing. We were.
Note the beeboid report buries his comments about the one eyed idiot at the bottom of the article.
So Brown starved the forces of money that cost lives and the BBC doesn’t want to highlight it.
And Tony Blair is the man people want to put on trial.
They will ,presumably ,be fined for allowing their pets to foul the streets? They will be easy to identify and while the police are busy fining the owners ,how about fining the BBBC for manipulating news?
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1351053/BBC-council-cuts-film-20-dogs-foul-street-services-benefit.html#ixzz1CGOF6no8
Martin, your BBC logo has become literally true!
“BBC ‘council cuts’ film farce: Producers bring in 20 dogs to foul street to show what would happen if services were removed”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1351053/BBC-council-cuts-film-20-dogs-foul-street-services-benefit.html#ixzz1CGe5HuXZ
I know I posted the story on the previous page!!!
Makes me proud!!!
This is the first time I’ve seen someone ‘like’ their own post!
Didn’t occur to me you could that. Just to save time, guilt and unnecessary anguish I’m only going to ‘like’ my own stuff in future. Even so, I’m going to be selective because I come out with some real crap some times.
OK, try ‘flagging’ your own post though!
Why isn’t there a “dislike” option ?
Just thought I’d have a whinge about endless repeats throughout the BBC channels. I am watching, for the third time in as many weeks, a documentary about coach travel on BBC 4. There was another one last night, and both of them have been repeated thrice in three weeks. Why? What’s the point in running extra channels, just to show continual repeats in quick succession? What a waste. Invariably they are prefixed with the ludricous cop-out statement “another chance to see”, when each one has been seen ad nauseum.
What they really mean is “we’ve got nothing new for you, we haven’t produced anything fresh with your licence money, so watch repeats or go without”. What a shower.
And whilst I’m having a go, (and about Channel 4, this time), has anyone noticed the Channel 4 News “culture reporter” – the effeminate, lisping, limp-wristed creature known as Matthew Cain? He is so AWFUL, I literally wish to do him harm, and have to switch channels…
Did they have that same background music by Andy Hamilton that they use for nearly every other show these days? They’re very conservative with the license fee when it comes to that. I don’t know if it’s the same Andy Hamilton as little one with the squeaky voice, but it would be par for the BBC course if it was.
Iraq toys with polygamy as solution for war widows
Interesting way to spin this. It’s not a return to basic principles of Islam but a practical ‘secular’ piece of decision making!
Iraq prohibited polygamy in 1959 and specified imprisonment and fines for any violator. Due to strong opposition the law was revised in 1963 and the article prohibiting polygamy was removed.
For background material see here
BBC Apologises to News of the World
Not sure I’d hold up the NotW as a beacon of journalistic probity, but in comparison the BBC makes it look like… er… some medium that maybe once had professional integrity a long time ago (can’t think of any in the MSM currently).
However, this is an outfit I am obliged to cofund, uniquely, as they engage in cheap tricks and gutter journalism.
Another cheap apology on p36 after the front page has done its job, from another cheap apology of a news broadcaster.