I’m sure B-BBC regulars trawl roughly the same blogs, and I often recognise familiar monikers on comments pages.
Grant wonders about the BBC’s lack of interest in Tunisia now that their uprising is old hat. I’d say it was a bit premature to hold it up as some sort of role model for the rest of the Arab World, though. Elder of Ziyoners will know what I mean.
Hat Tip to Hippiepooter for linking to this interesting thread from Harry’s Place.
I actually saw Jeremy Bowen say those words, and he had a distinct smirk on his face as he said them.
The Muslim Brotherhood is certainly not moderate, and as we already know, the BBC interprets *conservative* in its own unique way, but non violent? Pull the other one.
“A leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt told the Arabic-language Iranian news network Al-Alam on Monday that he would like to see the Egyptian people prepare for war against Israel.”
All BBC reporters seem to have taken to referring to Hezbollah and Hamas as “Regarded by Israel as a terrorist organisation.” (But not by anyone else, impliedly.) Soon they’ll be applying it to Al Qaeda. I think they would like to see the British people prepare, not only for a war against Israel, but also for a losing battle against Islam.
Barry Rubin has more.
“The Muslim Brotherhood is a religiously conservative group.”
False. Mainstream Egyptian clerics are religiously conservative. To be religiously conservative is to want to maintain the status quo. The Brotherhood is quite unhappy with Egyptian society and wants to change it drastically. That is why it is a revolutionary group even though it has been patient and careful about pushing the revolution.
And the claim that the Brotherhood is non-violent is also quite tricky. It dissolved its terrorist wing only because of government pressure and has advocated terrorism against Americans and Israelis. It applauded and incited the assassinations of secular activists and Egypt’s leading novelist. As I’ve pointed out in previous articles, its rhetoric sounds quite like al-Qaida (though it is not at all friendly toward al-Qaida as an organization).”
Bowen must have had his script written by Muhammad ElBaradei. (The BBC doesn’t usually distinguish between *conservative* and ‘religiously conservative’ in any case.)
Q. When is a conservative a good conservative ?
A. When it is a muslim conservative.
Sayyid Qutb was the leading Islamic theological authority for the Brotherhood. His writings, as promoted by his brother Muhammed in Saudi Arabia were a major inspiration for al Qaeda.
The bBC, that burnt down synagogue in Tunisia and what they aren’t telling you.
So have you heard about the Synagogue getting burnt down in Tunisia, well you may not have as the bBC unlike any reporting were a mosque gets attacked (or even one where there is a protest) has hidden this story inside one which informs you how many people died in the protests there the other week.
Tunisia protests against Ben Ali left 200 dead, says UN
At least 219 people died during the protests that toppled Tunisia’s President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali last month, a UN team has said….. Separately, a synagogue has been set on fire in the southern city of Ghabes, a spokesman for the Jewish community says.
“I believe those who did it want to create divisions between Jews and Muslims in Tunisia who have lived for decades in peace,” Perez Trabelsi told the Reuters news agency.
Mainly Muslim Tunisia has one of the largest Jewish communities in North Africa.
Part 2
So on reading that hidden gem of a story what impression do you get:
1) That Muslims and Jews have lived in peace for 10s of years.
2) That Tunisa has a very large Jewish population.
Well were is what Perez Traelisi had to say that wasn’t reported by the bBC:
“Someone set fire to the synagogue on Monday night and the Torah scrolls were burned,” Trabelsi Perez told AFP, criticising the lack of action by the security services to stop the attack.“What astonished me was that there were police not far from the synagogue,” added Perez, who is also head of the Ghriba synagogue on the island of Djerba, the oldest synagogue inAfrica.
And here is what he actually said to Reuters Note what part the bBC left out of it coverage;
“I condemn this action and I believe those who did it want to create divisions between Jews and Muslims in Tunisia who have lived for decades in peace,” Trabelsi said. Mainly Muslim Tunisia has one of the largest Jewish communities in North Africa but attacks are rare. The last attack came in 2002, when al Qaeda killed 21 people in a synagogue attack on the island of Djerba.
And ref that claim that Tunisia has a very large Jewish population, How many Jews do you think live there. Well just for the info 60 years ago 150,000 Jews lived in Tunisia, 200,000? 100,000? 50,000? The actual number of Jews living in Tunisia in 2005 was around the 1500 mark.
Isn’t it great how the bBC goes out of its way in which to promote this view that Jews can live in peace in Islamic lands Unlike how the Jews treat Muslims, which is probably why I never saw this bBC news snippet about another synagogue getting burnt down last week,Watch the video and ask yourself just who planted the seeds of hate inside the idiots who carried out the attacks.
Note also how the bBC links together Jews and Israel. now contrast that with how the bBC always ensures that we are informed that not all Muslims are terrorists.
I had just seen that story and went to put it in but saw you were there first. My comment was to the effect that this is the reason the Beboids won’t be doing much reporting from Tunisia: Can’t show any Jewish victims of Islam.
I speculated that if some Jews had burned down a mosque, including a Qu’ran, then the Beboids would be all over the net like spots in a measles epidemic.
the reason the Beboids won’t be doing much reporting from Tunisia
Without minimizing BBC hostility the Israel and their promoting of Islam, the major reason is quite simple. The BBC has no one stationed permanently in Tunisia or indeed anywhere in North Africa west of Cairo.
Crete synagogue arson arrests
Remarkably uninformative piece. What were the British and Greek suspects’ names? Where did they come from? Where were they born? Do they deny the charges? Do they acknowledge the acts but claim justification? What motivated them?
“Always Good to See You,” gushed the BBC Presenter to the Anti-Israel Arab Extremist ”
Daphne Anson.
I wonder how gushing she would be in a burka?
INBBC, Bowen support the Muslim Brotherhood;
Fox News, Beck are critical of Muslim Brotherhood:
“Spencer discusses Muslim Brotherhood on Fox News”
Little off topic:
Newsnight: Feb 01
Spokesman EDL 10 goals
Smug bastard from BBC (paxo no less …bless him) nil goals
what a dopey twat paxo is!
smug holier than thou moron……….
Talking of Beeboid smirking, I just had the misfortune of catching Paxman – the Smirkmeister himself – trying to demolish some EDL spokesman on Newsnight.
It was quite interesting actually. Paxman tried in the usual way (after the usual weighted and biased cutie-led report depicting all EDL supporters as tattooed thugs) to kill the substantive debate (about militant Islam), not just by crude and bullying interruption but also by deploying that patronising snobbish superiority that makes you want to slap his ugly face.
Now I don’t lke the crude racism that seems to characterise the EDL but I dislike our smug Beeboid overlords even more, and it was good to see this young kid stand up to Paxman. Frankly he made Paxman look like both a bully and a fool. The kid spoke with a terrifying honesty that actually revealed Paxman for the First Estate prick he is.
It also laid bare the BBC strategy to avoid real debate at all cost, and replace it with the multiculti Beeboid chanting that increasingly sounds ridiculous.
Interesting times ahead.
Paxman is well past his sell-by date and has just become a caricature.
Maybe, but do sun and mirror readers know that?
This is the tragedy of the BBC bias against the EDL. It is a left-wing bias. Exercising this bias under the fake auspices of ‘BBC impartiality’ towards his opposite number on the subversive Right only lends the subversive Right credibility if the intended ‘victim’ knows how to deal with Paxo’s left wing bias and knows how to get the points across about the dangers of Islam that most people would agree with.
An objective interviewer wouldn’t try rubbishing the EDL spokesman for his opposition to Islamism, but would seek to expose him with the abundant evidence that exists that it is a far-right organisation seeking to exploit the issue.
But then, if that is where we were at with the BBC we wouldn’t have the enormous problem with Islamism that we do.
Thank you Dr A for expressing my views somewhat more eloquently than I was able to do.
The BBC must bitterly regret inviting Tommy Robinson on to Newsnight. He came across very well indeed . I have said it before, The establishment cannot handle the EDL. The natural reaction now will be to try a bit of repression and state intimidation. It is the way of our ruling elite for centuries from the Norman conquest onwards. They simply do not understand that fear of losing a land and a culture is a very powerful driving force indeed. If I was the elite I would tread very carefully. These young men of the EDL are the same young men down endless generations who have always known what England really is and I for one would not want to incur their anger.
No, these young men are the types who would have been backing Hitler in WWII.
They’d have welcomed the battalions of the SS with open arms if they’d ever been able to come marching down Whitehall.
I agree with a lot of what the EDL say about Islam. I agree with a lot of what the UAF say about the BNP. But I dont gull myself into believing that they are anything but the right wing and left wing extremists that they are.
I’ve seen him speaking once before and found him articulate then, as he was again on the Newsnight clip I have just watched. More so than the average Beeboid. The only word he didn’t get right was Imam – he said Inam – but it’s not an English word. He has mastered English words such as phenomenon which is beyond most of the supposedly educated Beeboids who spend their lives babbling as if they know what they are talking about. And he has no pretensions to being educated or being anything that he is not. His straightforwardness was refreshing and Paxman ended up looking a fool. If Paxman can’t work out for himself why there is an EDL in Luton and has to have it explained to him what the EDL is worried about concerning Islam, or if he knows fine well but won’t acknowledge it, well, either way that is pathe just pathetic. It brought to my mind an earlier Newsnight discussion some weeks ago about rape and grooming gangs in which the Beeboids disingenuously never mentioned Asian or Pakistani or Muslim. How pretentious and downright dishonest they came across as.
BBC-NUJ is utterly opposed to English Defence League, which opposes Islamic jihadists, the imposition of Sharia law in Britain, and mass immigration.
It is NUJ official policy to do so. So ‘Newsnight’ inc Paxman is only carrying out NUJ policy in INBBC hosility to EDL.
In contrast, the night before, ‘Newsnight’ encouraged ‘UK Uncut’ to make their own propaganda film against big business tax evasion, which includes direct action on the streets.; this was followed by a kid-glove Paxman discussion with ‘UK Uncut’ in studio.
Conclusion: INBBC-NUJ Newsnight ‘impartiality’ means:
(a) hostile film and hostile interview with English Defence League:
(b) friendly film and friendly interview with ‘UK Uncut’.
Tommy Robinson on Newsnight
“Polishing Our Halos ”
This article includes a brief video clip of Doulas Murray talking about the English Defence League.
Very impassioned piece from Douglas Murray. I can understand what he’s saying, but the difference is we’ve fought a white hot war against Nazism and haven’t against Communism, and as rephrehensible as Communism is, it is not intrinsically anti-Semitic and racist like Nazism.
That said, is it not possible to have a democratic forum against Islamism? One that excludes the far right and the far left?
“That said, is it not possible to have a democratic forum against Islamism? One that excludes the far right and the far left?”
The trouble is, anyone who speaks out against Islamism is immediately tarred by the BBC et al as a racist, and has to spend their time explaining that they aren’t rather than advancing the argument. The BBC and its pals know this, as they find it easier to shout “racist” than to engage the argument. So by default the discussion becomes one of far right/left extremism and not the extremism of the Islamists.
“The Party of Knowledge and the Party of Ignorance”
“Although there are more conservatives who are critical of Islam than liberals, the correlation is not so strong as to be useful. There is another political axis that predicts whether someone supports or criticizes Political Islam. That axis is knowledge, knowledge about the doctrine and history of Political Islam.
Whether a Kafir (non-Muslim) supports or criticizes Islam is not classical left/right politics, but knowledge. There are two separate Kafir parties—the Party of Knowledge and the Party of Ignorance.”
No, it is just anti everyone and everything that gets in the way and is prepared to mass slaughter at will.
Report on the Roots of Violent Islamic Extremism and Efforts to Counter it: The Muslim Brotherhood
You have to wonder what if any research Bowen does to produce his “authoritative” analysis.
No, I dont wonder at all. His agenda is to see an Islamist Government in Egypt that will make war with Israel. He’ll talk any amount of duplicitous bilge to help bring that about.
I am surprised the BBC hasn’t upgraded the events from “unrest”.
Last night on Channel 4 News the “uprising” had become a “revolution”.
As an antidote to INBBC’s support for Muslim Brotherhood:
Glenn Beck, FOX NEWS has this critique of ‘The Muslim Brotherhood’
(Go to video for Feb 1: 41 mins duration.):
Glenn Beck continues on this theme of Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Middle East and Israel TONIGHT, when he explores the ideological and organisational links between much of the political ‘left’ in the West, with the Muslim Brotherhood. (INBBC ears may be burning.)
This programme can be viewed here:
Fox News, Glenn Beck programme, Sky channel 509, 10 pm, UK time.
Glenn Beck calls a spade a spade
kudos due!
Jon Donnison covers for the Muslim Brotherhood and accuses Israel of hyping things up:
Egypt protests: Israel watches anxiously
“We are already facing Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza and the prospect of, God forbid, an autocratic, fundamentalist, Islamic organisation taking over in Egypt is obviously not something we can ignore.”
Mr Gillerman is talking about the Egyptian Islamist movement, the Muslim Brotherhood.
Many analysts would disagree with his description, seeing the Brotherhood as a conservative, but more moderate, Islamic organisation.
But Israel is talking up the threat.
Meanwhile back at the HardTalk madhouse Stephen Sackur backs the MB asking leading questions of a Jew and refusing to listen to his answers:
Mortimer Zuckerman: Muslim Brotherhood would be a disaster for Egypt
Just so you know who this Zuckerman person is the BBC helps us out with the first line of the synopsis:
Mortimer Zuckerman is a US billionaire and influential member of the American Jewish community.
Ohmygod… it’s the Powerful Jewish Lobby!!!
Just to make things clear, and in the name of “balance” we have a spokesperson for the Muslim Brotherhood who is allowed to lie through his teeth without interruption.
Contrast & Compare:
Sharia law in Egypt if a majority ‘allows it’
On ZEINAB BADAWI, INBBC ‘s Muslim ‘soft talk’ interviewer with Muslim Brotherhood:
“Infiltration Watch: Al BeBeeCeera’s Zainab Badawi”
Article Two of Hamas Covenant 1988
The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of Moslem Brotherhood in Palestine. Moslem Brotherhood Movement is a universal organization which constitutes the largest Islamic movement in modern times. It is characterised by its deep understanding, accurate comprehension and its complete embrace of all Islamic concepts of all aspects of life, culture, creed, politics, economics, education, society, justice and judgement, the spreading of Islam, education, art, information, science of the occult and conversion to Islam.
Jon Donnison may think the Moslem Brotherhood is more moderate but Hamas certainly doesn’t think so.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is pleased with Barack Hussein Obama on this:
Spencer: Obama’s Brotherhood Moment
He sat on His hands during the protests in Iran, and sat on His hands this time. It’s a problem when the President of the US doesn’t care one way or the other about foreign policy because He’s focused exclusively on domestic politics. He probably thinks the Muslim Brotherhood is moderate and no problem as well.
Well the word “brotherhood” feels nice doesn’t it ?
I am surprised that the “sisterhood” aren’t protesting.
INBBC regards this UK Muslim Brotherhood as more politically amenable than the English Defence League:
MIDEAST CRISIS: UK Muslim Brotherhood Representative Says Egyptian People Should Prepare For War With Israel; Suez Canal Should Be Closed
This is considered a “moderate” position at the BBC.
Jeremy Bowen is not only biased, he is inarticulate. His limited, ‘radio one’ style vocabulary is surely unworthy of the position ‘the BBC’s Middle East editor’
In his very own words: “The guy has got to go” and “what part of ‘geddout’ do you not understand.”
Check out Justin Webb’s deluded take on events.
Actually, I think ol’ Justin has it right for once. He’s saying that if they’re in charge of their own destiny, and do it themselves, it’s much harder to scapegoat Israel and the US for their domestic troubles. I’ve been saying forever that these Arab dictators have used Israel as a boogeyman to distract the masses in order to stay in power.
He must be reading my comments.
I really doubt that Israel and the US are going to stop being bogeymen just because Egyptians are in “charge of their own destiny”.
It was practically unflinching support from the World Service for the attempted revolution in Egypt. They even cheerfully sacrificed their usual high standards of clarity in broadcasting by interviewing one would-be revolutionary who was so hoarse from shouting that it was impossible to make out what he was saying. I guess they thought that would spice up the report and evoke sympathy for the hoarse one and his comrades. And they faithfully reported colourful Arab exaggeration like the assertion that this was the greatest revolution the world had ever seen. The BBC can’t be accused of not entering into the spirit of things when revolution is in the air – especially when it is anti-Israel and anti-US.
So the change in tone was all the more marked when Mubarak supporters entered the arena and running battles ensued. World Service reporters were most indignant at this unexpected fly in the ointment and, unable themselves to come right out and call them thugs, made sure their listeners heard the newcomers described as thugs and Mubarak as evil incarnate as often as possible by the anti-Mubarak crew.
They then got hold of the Egyptian finance minister and petulantly insisted that he bring in the army to restore calm.
Funny that. There were no calls from the BBC for the army to restore calm when the revolutionaries were looting shops and beating people up.
It’s always the lefty agenda first and the news a poor second for this news-laundering organisation.