Scratch the surface, and there lies yet another BBC climate change fanatic. They are everywhere; they are proliferating and they rule our lives. Yesterday, I reported that Roger Harrabin was off on a jolly to Norway to discuss how the media should be forced into reporting more climate change lies. One of his companions on the carbon dioxide guzzling fest will be Paddy Coulter, who is one of the three bosses of the modestly titled consultancy outfit, Oxford Global Media.
This company, I found with weary familiarity, specialises in guess what? Giving alarmist climate change advice to a whole range of government agencies and organisations, and was recently reponsible, for example, for organising a seminar on why Copenhagen went so wrong, spreading propaganda about climate change in China, and “sustainability” strategy for the developing world (codeword for ensuring that everyone involved follows the climate change agenda).
One of his fellow directors on this august and enterprising body is the chap above – David A.L. Levy. And surprise, surprise, he’s a former BBC senior manager – Controller of Public Policy, no less. In his own words:
…in charge of UK & EU policy, engagement with the converged communications regulator, Ofcom and government affairs. He successfully led the BBC’s Charter Review & Licence Fee policy through its most testing review to date and was responsible for the management dimensions of the pioneering Public Value Test as applied to new services. He has long experience of the regulatory framework for broadcasting, having led the BBC’s input to the 1996 Broadcasting Act, the 2003 Communications Act, the European Communications Framework review, and the first Ofcom Review of Public Service Television.
Phew! And not only that. He was also clearly a toady to Peter Mandelson, because during the last couple of years of of NuLabour, he was appointed to the Department of Business Innovation and Skills to their Science and Media Expert Group. This body was – again, surprise, surprise – packed with warmist acolytes including Bob Ward of the Grantham Research Institute, and Fran Unsworth, the head of newsgathering at the BBC. Oh, and it was chaired by none other than one Fiona Fox, of the Science Media Centre….who, as I said yesterday, is also off on the jolly jaunt to Norway with our friend Mr Harrabin.
The findings of the said Science and Media Group were very predictably that nasty influences are keeping the true reporting of the full horrors of climate change out of the media, and steps must be taken to counter this. Exactly the same as Carbonundrum this Tuesday. It’s the same people singing from the same zealot’s hymn sheet. What is truly worrying is the depth to which this disease has infected the BBC, the extent to which the BBC is connected to these groups (and works with them), and the amount of our resources they collectively squander.
The BBC is riddled with the wormholes of bias and advocacy, and the worms are burrowing still more furiously. The message must be disseminated, come what may, in order for the whole to continue to exist. If the path is blocked one way, they’ll set off in another direction. A bit like termites, really.
The BBC is unashamedly, one huge AGW organ, and really needs speedily undermining from below.
And the public PAY for this. Unbelievable.
Whilst I find it unbelievable I am truly grateful to you Robin for finding these links out and telling us about them. A few years ago I was unsure about climate change but I had the nouss (good old Yorkshire word) to go search for alternative opinions and make my own mind up. Trouble is with Joe Public that most believe what they are spoon fed and hence why these BBC bods hold so much power.
“nasty influences are keeping the true reporting of the full horrors of climate change out of the media, and steps must be taken to counter this.”
As usual with Leftie claims, this is the exact opposite of the truth. The only story on climate change in the MSM is their scare story agenda. They are the ones preventing any other opinion being aired.
We are all doomed aren’t we? The question being: has the cancer of warming spread too far. We have power, money and influence – it matters little (to them) whether it is truthful or not – they benefit.
What it really needs is for our spineless politicians to distance themselves from it. Unfortunately, as has often been pointed out the vested interest is strong.
The only hope it that the disonnance makes them all appear quite mad; then again the warmists are so nebulous and futuristic (yeah, how would be know?) that this will be a long road.
Thank goodness for b-BBC, the bloggers and a few journalists for keeping on about the scam and the corruption.
The BBC should be towed out to sea and sunk. Another hatchet job on Wikileaks coming up on Monday night. Obviously does not pay to uncover Labour Lockerbie double dealings.
All friends and cosy close colleagues together engaged in their work, no indepndence and no differences.
How easy it is to unpick the close symbiotic inter relationships and inter dependence and thanks to Robin H we see who knows who. One ig happy family eh?
Just a little digging blows apart the BBC dogma of impartiality, nice work RH.
Joe Bastardi is REALLY frustrated with the blindness of the warmists, and how they continue to attribute the current Australian problems to global warming, when in fact it is the nascent cooling trend which is causing the turbulent weather conditions. The poor bloke keeps banging his head against the wall – we can see that inevitably he’s right – we can see it all so clearly for ourselves, yet we still have this manic undercurrent of pointless, faulty and downright wrong alarmism from the AGW adherents, and the politicians continue to believe them, their stupid, befuddled heads firmly in the sand of ignorance.
When will they wake up? How cold does it have to get before they relinquish their boneheaded plans, and realise that windmills and solar panels won’t save us? There’ll be tears, and it’ll all be too late when they realise that they should have started planning for a cooling world ages ago.
Read Joe’s latest European blog here:
Not sure, but having been nailed for cr*p science, lying and obfuscation, along with their in-house PR department at the BBC being outed at almost every turn in blind or complicit support, I am not sure that it’s going to cut much ice outside the hive that the main thrust of this endeavour seems to be ‘How do we omit, edit or plain fool the public a bit better in future?’
With a stonking extra taxpayer bill and massive carbon tag added for good measure so they can sit in a circle giving back-rubs.
Honestly, I’d love to see a bunch of noisy activists or expensive posters at the destination airport to greet these hypocrites as they fly in for this latest boondoggle, a la those that greeted ‘delegates’ at the various previous carbon jollies.
The thought of all these massively funded market rate talents being confronted with pictures of a sad, dusky moppet’s face with ‘Roger, Richard, David, Fiona, Paddy… why must I die so you can fly????, and having to explain the value of their presence to aggressively thrust microphones does appeal.
‘So, Beeboid ‘reporter’, just what do you think your contribution to the global GHG total is from attending this obscure event, and what do you think anyone, save your frequent flyer mile broker, will benefit from it?’
‘But….but…. I’m an analyst!!!!! Get me out of here!’
“Catastrophic man-made global warming” must rank as the most successful lie in all human history. It serves so many perverse agendas that it will take a very substantial amount of time to root it out, if it can be. It is worth considering why it is so “successful”
It is not unlike a metastising end stage cancer which has spread to every organ in the body and is in the process of “killing us in order to save us” with suicidal energy policies based on barefaced falsehoods and entrepreneurial greed.
It has no natural predator, the body defence systems are neutralised as occurs in another medical metaphor – AIDS – where the defence system of critical media scrutiny is eliminated by itself feasting on the lie.
Just as the Catastrophists try to tell us the fight against so-called “global warming” is the most pressing concern on the planet, so defeating the Catastrophists is actually the most pressing concern for the planet.
The media are pivotal in all this, which was why the bBC was an early target of the Warming Liars Alliance, funded by tax collectors and Hedge Fund couples guilt. The battle will not be won or lost in the laboratory or computer databank as it should. It will be won through control of the media viewpoint. Useful idiot Ed Boardman recently posted the view here “most people think it is” (warming) . How do most people know? Million of “most people” are watching Reality TV. About warming, they know only what the media tell them. That’s all most people will ever know. Control the media viewpoint and effectively, you control what “most people think”
The only defence against the shut down of dissent is actually the internet, thanks to which honest individuals opinions can be reached amidst a wall of mass media indifference and personal junketing by their scribes.
We must save the Planet. From those who would save the Planet.
It’s hard to do because it’s become like a religion. The zealots, or priests, like Harrabin and Fox are forever telling their story and making people believe.
For them it’s a question of faith, like with all other religions there is no proof for their claims but they meet like a travelling preacher’s show in the US Bible Belt, where they can all reaffirm their faith. But they will not do it in a way that would allow other points of view, think of Iran and Saudi Arabia, because they don’t want anything or anyone to question their faith.
I suspect they would love the world to end badly just so they could say they were right. Harrabin, Fox, Coulter and Unsworth – the Four Apostles of the Apocalypse.
Ah, but the major point is, that people are NOT believing Harrabin and co, judging by the reams of dissent everywhere that real comments are allowed in the main stream media.
But they plunge on regardless. THEY may well believe in themselves and the poison that they are propagating, but few of the rest of us do.
Thge BIG problem, is how to turn our revulsion and dissent at this tyranny into action, and stop it before we ALL suffer the inevitable consequences?
OT but this needs reading
BBC ‘migration’ boss leading move to Manchester travels 4,000 miles to work (and avoids paying any UK income tax)
Read more:
The BBC migration boss was made “redundant” by the same organisation less than two years previously. Now turns up as a consultant doing the same job he was paid probably a quarter million to stop doing. Its how it works. Nobody ever questions it. Job today, pay off tomorrow, consultancy contract the day after. I spent two decades in the “public sector” and all I ever saw was the public having the piss taken out of them by the HR industry.