HA! the BBC will do its’ best to make the Tory-Led Coalition pay the price of Labour policy with regard to Gaddafi. Just think the previous government did all in their power to get Al Megrahi released from prison – souring relations with the USA in the process and did a bang up job at appeasement to boot. This got glossed over in a total stoty coverage of 4 hrs – c.f. Yachtgate or Ashcroft or Coulson astroturfing.
Labou appeasement has left British foreign policy – which had been pretty firm under the previous tory ‘regimes’ very much backing entirely the wrong horse. Gaddafi has always had a policy inimical to our interest not least arming the IRA – viz the Eksund and many other ships taking semtex amongst other thinks to the IRA – and the direct murder of our citizens. Is any of this getting mentioned by our state broadcaster? No, they are blaiming the government for not flying passsenger planes in without landing rights. Something that is patently impossible. There is no balance or rationality in the coverage, as with most BBC analysis it is simplistic and partisan and purile – ultimately it is based on their default position, it is all the fault of ‘Fatcher!
One of Gaddafi’s top men , General Yunes, has defected to the opposition and been interviewed by John Simpson on the BBC where he says Gaddafi ordered the Lockerbie bombing.
I was surprised the BBC broadcast this. We’ll see if it gets airbrushed with time.
Will Adams pay the price for his associatio with Ghaddafi? Not on the BBC he won’t. If they censor any mention of the blood on his own hands while running “the political wing” of the IRA, they sure aren’t going to frown at him for dealing with any other murderers.
Interesting wording from the bBC on a so called Mass killing by the ISAF (NATO) in Afghanistan. Afghan probe says Nato killed dozens of Kunar civilians Afghan government investigators have told the BBC that 65 civilians, including 50 women and children, were killed in a Nato operation last week. But the Nato force, Isaf, says its initial findings show that no civilians were killed in Kunar province. It said more than 30 insurgents died in an overnight raid in the area.On Sunday, the provincial governor said civilians had been killed in recent Nato-led air strikes in a remote mountainous district. Afghans – from President Hamid Karzai down – believe that in Kunar province, indiscriminate Nato firepower killed 20 women, 29 children, and more than a dozen unarmed men.
Above is the first paragraph from the bBCs continuing quest in which to attribute blame onto ISAF for the alleged killings off civilians.
So how does the bBC report these allegations. Well the headlines inform us that NATO is guilty.That the Afghan Government went direct to the bBC, not the UN,ISAF or Amnesty International. But the bBC.But here’s the catch , the attack transpired in the middle of nowhere and was only given the go ahead after Live TV confirmed that there was no risk to non combatents. During the attack (which was taped) Siglint heard a call from the Taliban that they should report this battlefield defeat as an attack on civilians so as to put a halt to the attack and allow them to regroup.Which is why you find this snippet hidden near the end of that article: However as this is the bBC they taint it with their touch so as to muddy the waters. No video or photographs have yet emerged either of the operation or, crucially, of any bodies.
Get that, there are no bodies, yet according to the bBC over 60 people were murdered?And then the bbC has the neck to make this claim right at the end of its article: But Afghans are convinced that Nato routinely bombs and shoots innocent people – and that belief is one of the things that keeps the insurgency alive.
Gee, I wonder where they got that idea from?
How I yearn for a Government that would send a couple of MI5 officers to have a ‘little chat’ with the BBC traitors who pump such pro-enemy propaganda, and convince them it is very much in their interests that there is no repetition. How I yearn for that Government.
“….The war in Sudan is our modern day Haiti war in terms of black liberation, and our recent fight against apartheid. Arabs are carrying out ethnic cleansing right now in Southern Sudan, with the financial support of the Arab world, particularly Libya and Saudi Arabia. China is backing them against Africa. The Janjaweed, with Sudanese and Arab governments’ backing, are trying to wipe out the black population so as to expropriate their lands, but Africans, including Nigerians, do not know where their interests should reside. The Arabs succeeded in doing the same thing in Northern Africa where the original Nubian African owners of the land have almost all been wiped out and the rest marginalized (enslaved) by their Arab invaders/settlers since 642 CE.
Islamization is not the problem in Sudan because the majority Furnawi people of Darfur are Moslems. Arabs do not consider Black Moslems authentic or of consequence. At best, they concede to blacks, the role of ordained slaves or animals, to be used as beasts of burden by the “superior Arab race.” The rule applies to all blacks, whether Moslems or non-Moslems and whether of Nigerian (Hausa/Fulani or Yoruba extractions) , Tanzanians, Ugandans, Malians or African-Americans.
A traveller in Sudan observed in 1930 that “In the eyes of the Arab rulers of Sudan, the black slaves were simply animals given by Allah to make life of Arabs comfortable.” In 1962, the Arab Sudanese General, Hassan Beshir Nasr, while flagging off his troops to the war front against black Africans in South Sudan, declared: “We don’t want these black slaves…….what we want is their land.” Arabs’ attitude to blacks derives from Genesis’ racist fiction of the three sons of Noah – Ham, Japheth and Shem. Arabs claim that “the accursed Ham was the progenitor of the black race; that Japheth begat the full-faced, small eyes Europeans, and that Shem fathered the handsome of face with beautiful hair Arabs,” of course.
Al Qaeda’s bombing of the American Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, left 260 black civilians that included 12 Americans, dead. Over 4,000 Kenyans and Tanzanians were wounded. A remorseless top Arab journalist justified the attack by quoting Stalin: “You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.”
Ibn Sina (Avicenna 980–1037), Arab’s most famous and influential philosopher/ scientist in Islam, described blacks as “people who are by their very nature slaves.” He wrote: “All African women are prostitutes, and the whole race of African men are abeed (slave) al-Dimashqi, an Arab pseudo scientist wrote, “the Equator is inhabited by communities of blacks who may be numbered among the savage beasts. Their complexion and hair are burnt and they are physically and morally abnormal. Their brains almost boil from the sun’s heat…..”
Ibn al-Faqih al-Hamadhani painted this no less horrid picture of black people, “…..the zanj (the blacks) are overdone until they are burned, so that the child comes out between black, murky, malodorous, stinking, and crinkly-haired, with uneven limbs, deficient minds, and depraved passions…..”
Compare and contrast with: 1001 Inventions – Discover The Muslim Heritage In Our World
That is pretty much the view of Lebanese immigrants about black Africans in W. Africa today, in my personal experience.
I know black African muslims who have made the Haj and been treated like dirt in Mecca by Arabs. It came as quite a shock to them to be so mistreated by their “brothers”.
Maybe Arab racism could be a topic for a fearless
BBC documentary ?.
“Arabs claim that “the accursed Ham was the progenitor of the black race; that Japheth begat the full-faced, small eyes Europeans, and that Shem fathered the handsome of face with beautiful hair Arabs,” of course”.
I always understood that Shem was regarded as the progenitor of the Jewish people, hence “Semites”.
The religio-cultural theory is that Islam was ‘religion’ of Abraham (and all the prophets through Issa to the final ‘revalation via Muhammad) and the true line of faith passed through Ishmael (the son of the Egyptian concubine, Hagar). Ishmael being the ‘father’ of the Arabs.
The line of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob ‘drifted’ away and finally departed from the ‘truth’ with Moses.
That’s the view.
Hence there are ‘good’ descendants and ‘bad’ descendants of Shem.
Guess which side the ‘semitic’ Arabs have identified themselves with (theologically) and who the bad guys are?
However, as folk above are noting, they merely exist in a pond with the BBC, C4, etc that really only exists to produce one methane/sulphide emission after the next.
But if I find the BBC jumps on this particular bandwagon, with one Labour hypocrite jumping on the opportunistic bandwagon laid out for them, I will have to write a very stiff letter to someone.
Geroge R wrote on the Last Open comments board: “INBBC’s Ms Guerin has a whole page of propaganda for ex-Gitmo, Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni.” During the video interview the man breaks down and cries while reminiscing his time at Guantanamo But what caught my eye was the cane which is aired for no reason what so ever.(Note the gold watch, did you know that according to the Koran Islamic men are forbidden to wear gold. It seems Mr Mohammed with his photographic memory of the koran is a hyprocrite)
Anyway back to the cane, why does a man who is sat down still rest upon the cane. The answer to that is the last ten seconds or so of the video where mohammed struggles to walk from one end of the garden to another and the use of the cane is explained. It substantiateshis claim that he was tortured.
But hang on.(Had to be a but) I’ve been fighting (Martial arts) since the mid 70s and because I spent a lot of time on the competitive circuit I’ve become very adept at spotting weaknesses in peoples stances and such. (In otherwords I seek out weaknesses , which I would if I got the chance target) I can spot a genuine limp from miles away and let me tell you that man doesn’t have a bad limp. Have a look at how he has no problem putting weight on either foot., which is probably why in the first segment of him walking he doesn’t know how to use the cane. Have a look again at that video clip from the bBC.
Then have a look at this video clip from the New York timeswhere he requires a zimmer frame type walker in which to painfully move. (And the use of a helper) Now contrast that with this video by MSNBC where he walks down the street without a cane. (but he has a limp)
Oh hang on for the CNN video he struggles to walk and requires somebody to hold onto. In each video he breaks down while trying to relate his experiences, (other than the wedding <img style=”border: 0px initial initial;” src=”http://cdn.js-kit.com/extra/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-wink.gif” title=”Wink” border=”0″ alt=”Wink”/> Gosh even Gwyneth Paltrow doesn’t cry that much.
“Orla Guerin, BBC News, Lahore”. Is frau Goering – sorry – Guerin speaking Spanglish with that last word to describe her propaganda relationship with Jihad?
Every time I see her face I can’t help but wonder if she’s actually Josef Goebbels secret love child.
The New York Times and CNN videos where has a zimmer frame and is holding onto to someone are from 2009. The MSNBC video (gingerly walking without a stick) is from 2011.
Spot the difference?
In the wedding video from 2010 we are informed that doctors say he is slowly recovering but is heavily dependent on anti-depressants.
“Gosh even Gwyneth Paltrow doesn’t cry that much.”
Gosh someone on anti-depressants crying a lot. How strange.
Whether or not you think he’s faking it; it still doesn’t change the fact that he was imprisoned for six years without charge, possibly tortured and then released with no explanation. That’s the real issue; not some bizarre ad-hom about the colour of his watch.
Dez writes: The New York Times and CNN videos where has a zimmer frame and is holding onto to someone are from 2009. The MSNBC video (gingerly walking without a stick) is from 2011
And the bBC video where he is walking with a stick is from??? 2011. So tell me Dez does he require a stick to walk with or doesn’t he. But here’s something else for you to ponder on, during one video he claims he and 4 others sick of the treatment they received committed a mass suicide by using bed sheets , Only he survived. In another he claims he attempted to top himself during an examination in the med centre and he asked if he could go to the toilet for a pee. (Yet he says he only attempted suicide once?)
Dez writes: Gosh someone on anti-depressants crying a lot. How strange.
Ever met a manic depressant (I dated one) or even somebody on Anti depressants. Look at their eyes and see the real person. Looking in dick splashes eyes show no pain, in fact they show nothing. As somebody who grow up not knowing when I was going to get beaten next. You soon learn to read people. It’s something I do very, very well. That guy is a bluffer and you know what they say, Never bluff a bluffer.
Whether or not you think he’s faking it; it still doesn’t change the fact that he was imprisoned for six years without charge, possibly tortured and then released with no explanation.
Oh spare me the tears, one thing I’ve learnt over the years is to accept responsibility for my bloody actions unlike the poor innocent so called torture victims arrested while on a 18-30 jihad holiday .But here’s something how many so called innocent men banged up by the nasty Americans who claim they were tortured show the scars of..torture. Err that will be none. I for example still have the marks where I was beaten on my arms ,my legs and my back. They were inflicted during the 70s and I still have them. So much so during medicals doctors have asked me, if there is something i should be telling them. Now how many so called computer experts/charity workers, men looking for brides, diamonds have shown their scars. Err that will be none. So how do they get round that angle. Oh they cut my willy? Who the f-ck cuts a dick., But guess what it is one place where you can cut yourself and nobody would notice. So how can you claim you were abused, if there is no evidence?
Silly me its physiological, you know what, I don’t like anybody touching my neck and I totally freak out if anybody slaps my face and for some strange reason I don’t feel pain (well I do but I have a very,very high pain tolerance) Which kind of explains why people don’t like administering Ju-jitu locks on me and I don’t tap out, why I don’t require aesthetic at the dentist. And why mates like me to be in their corner, Why is that, well lets see, getting beaten on a daily basis as a child, getting tied up naked in the cellar and left overnight hanging from the ceiling, getting hogtied in the garden and whipped (Again naked). Ostracized by the entire Islamic community , beaten by the mullahs, by the parents of Islamic children at the mosque who thought I was a bad influence. Living in the cellar until they went to bed. That Dez is torture. (and I haven’t told you half of what I had to endure)
But the thing is I have no problem sleeping, I don’t suffer nightmares and I have never been to see a trick cyclist. I have been told I am one of the soundest people going, somebody who can keep his cool when everything is going tits up and can step back and allow others to do their jobs. (In other words I feel no need to control the situation, if it is running well) People with physiological and psychological disorders don’t they have to be in control, they chop and change, they are always looking for validation for things they have done, they ask if you hate them and they bloody fidget. Tell me Dez, does the Hafez look like he fidgets in his film clips. Is he nervous? Has he been broken? Which funny enough isn’t a symptom that any of the so called Jihadists have exhibited? Each and everyone had gone on the circuit in which to promote their cause. Yet people who have been broken (As in tortured) do not seek the limelight. They hide from it.
That’s the real issue; not some bizarre ad-hom about the colour of his watch.
Actually you are wrong, He is a Hafez. He can recite the Koran from memory as such he has to purer than everybody else. Which is why People like him earn money from travelling and quoting the Koran from memory. As such he cannot be allowed to bring disrepute to the Koran. But that just goes to show how little you know about the subject at hand and also it exposes just how hypocritical Muslims are when they talk about how they live under the rules of the Koran. Just like everybody else they do as they please, Until that is they require an excuse for something, then the Koran is brought out.
Oh here’s a picture of my ugly right leg. Unfortunately it doesn’t reveal the dints in my shins. But the scars are over 30 years old.
Dez the watch proves he is liar about his faith so there fore could be bulling about his torture! but you will belive one and dismiss the other as per won’t you !
I think the truth or otherwise of the torture allegations at Guantanamo is of complete indifference to the likes of Dez. Its a propaganda stick to beat the likes of Bush with so he’ll use it shamelessly no matter how much he’s aware he’s doing Al Qa’eda’s bidding. He simply has no shame and is a traitor to his country at time of war.
Dez wrote: The subject you brought up is whether or not he was tortured in Guantanamo and possibly faking his injuries. But you’d rather talk about his watch…
And here is the offending snippet you refer to: During the video interview the man breaks down and cries while reminiscing his time at Guantanamo But what caught my eye was the cane which is aired for no reason what so ever.(Note the gold watch, did you know that according to the Koran Islamic men are forbidden to wear gold. It seems Mr Mohammed with his photographic memory of the koran is a hyprocrite)
Dez, could you be so as to explain to me, how an addittianal comment written and encapsulated in parentheses which begins with the word ‘Note’ overrules and overpowers the main thrust of the argument. The use of parentheses indicates that the subject enclosed is addittional to the article at hand.
I think you will find that the only person wanting to digress in the direction of the gold watch is you.
“Tell me Dez, does the Hafez look like he fidgets in his film clips. Is he nervous? Has he been broken? Which funny enough isn’t a symptom that any of the so called Jihadists have exhibited?”
I havent been locked up Guantanamo for six years; I wouldn’t be so arrogant to assume I know what that feels like.
Oh spare me the tears, one thing I’ve learnt over the years is to accept responsibility for my bloody actions unlike the poor innocent so called torture victims arrested while on a 18-30 jihad holiday.
And what “bloody actions” is Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni responsible for?
I havent been locked up Guantanamo for six years; I wouldn’t be so arrogant to assume I know what that feels like.
Nice one, While you admit that you haven’t a scooby about what torture feels like, you then claim that I am arrogant for writing about my own experiences. Experiences I should I had to endure as a child (not a bloody adult) A child who with his sister was taken into care in which to safeguard his life. Do you not think that children are quick learners, you know like the quickest route to school, which people to avoid and such. Do you not think i quickly learnt to spot the signs of anger, of fear and of lies from others when they spoke. Tell you what have a butchers at the dispatches video where the children flinch as the mullah walks past. Why is that dez? What causes children to flinch as the mullah walks by.
Oh here’s another symptom of my childhood I have Harlequin syndrome. Which in a nutshell means I only sweat down one side of my body.(Which let me tell you gets you lots of funny looks in the gym when only half your t-shirt is soaking wet)
Well yes, I like you dated one for a while and am still friends with someone who used to be on them ten years ago. They didn’t appear in any way to be ‘drugged up’ (different anti-depressant drugs have different side effects) but it would only take the slightest thing to set them off.
Superficially they always appeared to be fake tears until you realised that people suffering from depression aren’t living in the same rational world as everyone else.
“You soon learn to read people. It’s something I do very, very well.”
Everybody thinks they are very good at at reading people, and yet they seldom agree.
Your judgement of Saad Iqbal Madni isn’t based on facts, just your own perceptions; “he looks a bit shifty m’Lord – therefore he’s guilty”.
Useful idiots are very useful for as long as they have some use.
See how the useful idiot instinctively jumps to defend the scum of the earth, this scum wouldnt piss on the useful idiot if he were on fire and the scumbags bladder was full.
So much energy spent by the useful idiot class on protecting people who would happily see them dangling from a crane by the neck.
Why would these useful idiots expend so much energy and time protecting some of the planets most poisonous evil vermin? Its a bleedin mystery innit?
Useful idiots, proudly and stupidly protecting and serving the interests of the planets worst filth. If Dez thinks the planets worst filth will return the favour he is mistaken.
“Everybody thinks they are very good at at reading people, and yet they seldom agree. ”
Bull people in stressful situations are not ” living in the same rational world as everyone else” they have heightened perception to the world and the body language of others around them are a survival instinct!! if you think that’s cod then Mr D Attenbrough been a bit off is some of his programs and on that basis you are just as likely to be wrong !
Your judgement of Saad Iqbal Madni isn’t based on facts, just your own perceptions; “he looks a bit shifty m’Lord – therefore he’s guilty”. But hang on you say he’s innocent by exactly the same standard the main difference is Pounce sees someone taught to lie to gain advantage over his idealogical and religious enemy and you see a liberal bleeding heart story to kick the Americans and the coalition as in BBC land they are totally responsible for what Labour did ! mind I do find it funny how it’s always about the “principle” but they never give up the cash do these principled types??
Dez wrote: Everybody thinks they are very good at at reading people, and yet they seldom agree.
Another good observation. However as i mentioned above. People who have to learn to read the signs of their abusers learn from necessity and not becasue its a fun thing to do down the pub.
This Pakistani TV piece made it very clear to the seasoned observer as to why he has mounted this blitz of publicity.
Statements at the end of the report may lead you to conclude also that he is mounting this propaganda blitz because he is suing the US Government for his detention and alleged torture at Guantanamo, and that he is mounting this as an exercise in propaganda jihad to get Guantanamo closed because Obama has said he will now not do so.
I’m not aware if this line of inquiry has been pursued by anyone in the western media. Instead the MSM works hand in glove with Al Qa’eda in their latest wheeze in propaganda jihad. We desperately need a political realignment in our country, and I think we must earnestly hope and pray that Congressman Colonel Allen West runs for President in 2012.
Yes, it is funny. In the muslim countries I have lived in and visited, the men and women take a great pride in being draped in gold , if they can afford it !
“Sale tête de juif, tu devrais être morte” et “ Putain de bâtard je vais te tuer .” Galliano
Selon la femme du couple interrogée par Europe 1, le couturier aurait lancé les hostilités lui demandant de
“fermer (sa) gueule,sale pute“
“M. Galliano dément avoir proféré des insultes antisémites” said the lawyer. He would, wouldn’t he!
The prosecution is welcomed …. par le Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France (Crif), la Ligue internationale contre le racisme et le Cran.
Yes, strange that the BBC are very coy about what he is alleged to have said.
All this French reminds me why I gave it up as soon as I left school. Sounds like a load of birds twittering !
I mean I might as well post that the sun is yellow,
The OH listens to The News Quiz and while making myself a cup of something all I can hear is a shrivel of (pretrendy) lefties ranting away about Tory cuts and the NHS. No attempt at humour – least I’m assuming there’s not attempt – just a plain rant.
Take it from me PLs, as one who has often played the Glasgow halls, there’s nuthin worss than a heckler wi’ nae pa’er.
Not currently being reported anywhere else and so can’t say if true but if so, wondering what the Beeb will make of the story that US, British & French boots are on the ground in Cyrenaica:
I don’t know about the reliability of Debka’s sources but they certainly report more detailed “facts” than the BBC whose standard of journalism is its usual p**spoor rock bottom.
Question 1) below, is interesting; and we know that INBBC has a ‘technical’ agreement with Al Jazeera TV, – Al Jazeera English is home of many ex-Beeboids, – (to get Bin Laden video clips early, etc). So perhaps a Question 2.) needs to be added:
Just watched Ola Guerin on BBC World interviewing a terrorist who spent 5 yrs in guantanamo bay, my god this woman just allowed the terrorist to make assertions without any evidence to back it up.
I cannot believe that this thing was allowed to spout his bullshit without any hard questions being asked.
Erm, unfortunately Joseph, I would have been pinching myself if he’d been asked any serious questions, especially by this terrorist enabling ‘journalist’.
The murder of a Coptic Christian priest in the Upper Egyptian city of Assiut angered the roughly 3000 Copts who turned out for his funeral on Wednesday to demand that the killers be punished.
According to the slain priest’s neighbors, four people had killed the Coptic cleric in his home while “chanting Islamic slogans.”
The murder of a Coptic priest and attacks by the Egyptian army on two separate Coptic monasteries, all within a few days of each other, suggests a sinister trend. As does the acquittal this week of all but one of the terrorists involved in the the New Years Day massacre in Alexandria.
The BBC should be investigating instead of just painting a happy-clappy picture of the situation in Egypt.
At the most public Coptic service in the world after the New Year’s Eve Bomb.
Islam is a religion not a race or nationality.
Christianity is a religion not a race or nationality.
Christianity doesn’t need Moslems to ‘protect them’ symbolically.
Even a police presence is no source of reassurance as the police often mysteriously have ‘tea breaks’ or a called away from their posts, and then something unpleasant happens before they just as mysteriously return.
Where are the Moslems outside Coptic churches away from the world’s cameras.?
Ans. Denouncing Christians and Jews.
The ‘Allah Akbar’ bigots are permanently making lives of Christians very difficult indeed.
But in this media world, be assured, the shapers of Moslem politics are not without their publicity savvy.
The bombing in Alexandria was a big own goal for the political Moslem in publicity terms but did contribute to the raising tensions that finally enabled the take-over by the Generals from the aging colleague who had become a liability.
I would be more impressed (as a Christian Catholic) if the same happened outside a synagogue in Cairo….are there any left?
Yes Scott/Dez, there are signs of hope, but your propaganda colleagues at the BBC dont give us the other side of the picture, do they? Nothing that might get in the way of you getting a rush at seeing hirsute terrorists in power in Egypt eh? Planning your holidays already?
Google News has as one of its top five UK stories the rejection by the Court of Appeal today of islamist Rangzieb Ahmed’s attempt to get his terrorism conviction quashed. The terrorist “failed to prove he was tortured.”
The F.T, Spectator, Guardian (etc) have already taken up the story online. So has the BBC, but they haven’t got it on their home page, nor on their UK page, nor even on their England page. It only appears on their Manchester page. You’d think they didn’t want people to read it!
And yet…they had previously pushed this man’s allegations against MI5 and MI6, as can be seen here. His case was raised by a senior MP. It’s not a minor story to be “buried away in Berkshire” (or, in this case, Manchester).
Craig, a casual viewer to your link could conclude that the story has been posted under the ‘UK’ section, but a bit of digging confirms you’ll only find it buried away at the bottom of the Manchester page
Great exposure of the BBC’s rampantly biased news agenda again Craig. If my hassling of Melanie Phillips to get a new political party off the ground ever bares fruit, you’re invaluable analyses will come in very useful.
How many millions of people from Islamic North Africa (and elsewhere) will Islam Not BBC (INBBC) advocate should be allowed to emigrate to E.U. (and thereby have free access to Britain)?
a.) 2 millions:
b.) 5 millions;
c.) 10 millions;
d.) an unspecified number, and possibly larger number, using an open-door ‘policy’, and ‘human rights legislation for immigrants’, to ensure a Eurabia is achieved through more rapid Islamic colonisation here.
INBBC ‘Newsnight’ (tonight) seemed to be starting a report on the nature of British foreign policy, and Libya, but within a few minutes, INBBC was filming and giving free propaganda speeches to a local ‘Stop the War’ demo in London! I think this gives us more than a clue to where ‘Newsnight’s foreign policy preference lies!
Of course, ‘Newnight’ has no criticism of the selectivity of the nations which the ‘Stop the War’ people are against (largely Western), and the ones they support (largely Islamic ones):
Is the British ‘Stop the War Coalition’ Racist and Xenophobic?
“NBBC was filming and giving free propaganda speeches to a local ‘Stop the War’ demo in London! I think this gives us more than a clue to where ‘Newsnight’s foreign policy preference lies!”
A “stop the war” spokesman was given 16 seconds of air time.
Following this, ex-Conservative Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd and neo-con Douglas Murray were given 5 minutes.
Interesting what has tempted who out of the bunker.
No comment on a fair bit these last few weeks. Must be fit to bust, and with nothing to warrant a snipe in sight.
So the best that can be managed is comparing some activist spokesperson with two elected government officials. An entire cherry orchard and one windblown chance…. which turns out to be sour.
If it wasn’t funny it would simply be sad.
Any views on Newsnight’s recent panel composition to discuss the media, especially with the editor of the Guardian there to offer an insight into their (BBC-supported) attacks on tax avoiding banks whilst they, er, do the same.
Or Newsnight giving Douglas Alexander free rein to undermine the Libyan rescue mission free of any restraint that may be warranted by his own party’s and personal words and deeds up to a few days before?
16 seconds is more enough time to get the whole Stop the War message across. Any more would be repetition and send the viewers out to make tea.
We’ve all heard the slogans and cliches of the Stop the War bunch over the years and, frankly, it is predictably boring in the ‘here they go again’ sort of way.
What stunning new insight is the spokesperson going to give the jaded Newsnight viewer.?
Something he/she hasn’t already heard a jundred times before..
The main presumption of the ‘Newsnight’ programme was that war is caused by the West (inc Britain), and that ways must be found of stopping this military behaviour; ‘Newsnight’ like ‘Stop the War’ gave Islamic jihadists and their supporters a free pass.
Nice to see you’re still alive, we have been getting really worried about you. Time and again, when an interesting item pops up, people have said “Where’s Dez?” in a hope that you would enlighten us to point out where our views are mistaken, but you have been as missing as McCavity.
I can’t remember all the items where your opinions have been sought, I know the Peter sissons revelations were among them. It would be great if you would keep us informed on a regular basis what your great excuses are.
I can help Dez out there on Peter Sisssons “embittered, didn’t complain when he was at the BBC, not typical Beeboid etc. etc. blah , blah, blah….
However, Dez, on your Newsnight point, if they did give more time to Hurd and Murray, I assume you are drawing our attention to it because it is so rare at the BBC and quite exceptional. But it doesn’t make the BBC balanced.
“Craig” on this, and his own , website has forensically and comprehensively analysed the airtime the BBC gives to various parties and the bias is overwhelming and irrefutable.
In absence of any footage of the Newsnight piece, I’m going to have to assume that Scott/Dez has managed to find some low-hanging fruit at last and has made a valid point.
There are times – and this may not be one of them – when sometimes the thin gruel upon which accusations of BBC bias are based on here remind me of my days 30 years ago in the Labour Party Young Socialists when my comrades would fervently claim there was mass right wing bias at the BBC merely on the basis that it did not report their views as fact. They were bewildered when I would tell them the only overall bias I can see is to the left.
Beeboidistas (World Service branch) finally, but very reluctantly accept, after all this time, that there is no need , other than political, to use British taxpayers’ money to supplement Castro’s speeches in Spanish.
It works like this, if HMG favours military action, Harrumphrys and his colleagues will oppose it, if HMG is against military action, Harrumph and his colleagues will promote it. It’s called over-grown spoilt brat syndrome which is endemic with superannuated lefty journalists at the BBC.
Unfortunately, sending them to bed early does no good. They just get up in time to spout their propaganda on the TODAY programme.
Yesterday listening to local BBC radio (there was a reason – I wouldn’t have done so voluntarily) the Labour MP claimed that the Labour government in 2008 had the lowest debt ever. The deficit was all the banks’ fault. The MP concerned stumbled when she realised what she had said but the interviewer didn’t follow up and ask her how she could claim this. In built support of whatever Labour claim.
Has anybody watched the cricket highlights from the world cup on the BBC?
It is quite plain that this is a rebadged excerpt from Skys coverage and has all their commentators.
However according to their website.
“Manish Bhasin, Rishi Persad and Sonali Shah will present a nightly highlights programme from India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.”
You’ve got it no coverage to do as Sky has done it but even so loads of staff!
Dez writes: Your judgement of Saad Iqbal Madni isn’t based on facts, just your own perceptions; “he looks a bit shifty m’Lord – therefore he’s guilty”.
Dez, you have to admit. You are backing the wrong horse when you disparage the legitimate questions I raise about this man’s disability which he appears to switch on and off at whim. Questions, I should add supported by video evidence. Now as you feel that it is solely my judgement how Saad needs a zimmer frame to get about when interviewed by one TV company, somebody to hold onto in another, a stick for the bBC interview and no walking aid in another. What questions should I be asking.
You do know that this man is currently suing the British government (Not American, Not Malaysian, Not Egyptian and not Afghan but British) for ‘allegedly’ allowing the plane carrying him to refuel at British bases. So do you not think that his claim may be bolstered if he appears to worse off than he is. Do you not wonder, how sympathetic the British public would have been to that bBC report if they had revealed that along with Reprieve he is suing the British Government for damages. But they don’t. Instead they give us the tears of a clown.
BBC-Obama’s Mark Mardell and: ‘the truth that dare not speak its name’.
On ‘From Our Own Correspondent’, Mardell attempts to rescue his saviour, Obama, re-President’s Middle East reticence; to do this, Mardell begins by disparaging, but not naming FOX NEWS, and Glenn Beck Show in a 20 secs totally inaccurate, snearing piece, at 12 mins 20 secs in, here:
Of course, for anyone who wants to check Glenn Beck’s interesting analysis of the Middle East, Muslim Brotherhood, etc., there are whole episodes available here:
e.g. Feb 23 edition here is relevant to Mardell’s distortions:
Yes, that long sneer from Mardell was worthy of Matt Frei (the King of Sneer).
What a report! Classic BBC downplaying of the dangers of islamism, lots of Guardian-style pontificating about America’s wicked post-war foreign policy and a bit of Bush-bashing to boot. And, of course, the usual sycophancy towards his hero right from the start: “President Obama was firm this week.” (Later came the Chris Matthews-like ‘tingles’: “But I feel his heart beats a little faster when he sees peaceful crowds on the streets…When Mubarak fell it seemed Obama , rather than Egypt, was liberated. His speech soared.”)
Disgraceful extremist Abdel Bari Atwan has just been on Dateline London (with Gavin Esler) yet again – just as he was last week.
Esler turned to him straight away. Gaddafi isn’t mad, said Atwan, he’s “very clever”, “a shrewd politician”. “The man actually is very soft”, he went on. “I don’t buy also that he’s cruel, a dictator. He is not like Saddam Hussain. He is not courageous like Saddam Hussain.”
Atwan clearly has a soft spot for anti-Western dictators, and this (infamously) isn’t the first time he’s praised Saddam. Gaddafi is too much of a “coward” though for his tastes (probably for not taking on Israel and the West recently).
The makers of Dateline clearly have a soft spot for Atwan. Monitoring the programme from 13.6.2009-29.5.2010 showed that he was on 11 editions, more than anyone else. Since I started monitoring again (from 30.10.2010), he’s been on 6 editions, again more than anyone else.
There was also this meeting of minds between the oh-so-impartial BBC presenter and one of the regular left-wing British journalists on the panel – the far-left Isabel Hilton of the Guardian (and the Independent):
Isabel Hilton: “I think actually sending troops (to Libya) would be pretty disastrous. I think the sight of American troops…
Gavin Esler (interrupting): “When it happened in Iraq it wasn’t entirely a…
Isabel Hilton (interrupting): “It wasn’t a huge success.”
In fact, as so often, there was a meeting of minds across the whole panel (which contained no-one from outside the Left-liberal circle) on pretty much everything. Obama was praised as “smart” and the Republicans criticised for their “cheap shots” at Obama by one of the usual liberal Americans, Jef McAllister (Time). Gavin said the revolutions have “touched us all imaginately.” We should all use less oil, and turn to alternatives instead. Blah, blah…
Strewth, I admire your fortitude in being able to watch this, although I suppose it does provide good laughs if you’re into black humour. If Cameron ever commissioned a public inquiry into allegations of BBC bias the evidence would leave Esler’s position completely untenable.
Benicio de Toro brought his Che film to Miama, and got interviewed by this Cuban American reporter in Spanish.
The sublime part is 2:21 in, below I’ve given a translation (probably not that good):
Journalist: Did you know that Che Guevarra was in charge of a prison ‘La Cabaña’ where he killed over 400 people by firing squad?
Benicio: Yes I knew, but they were .. What I’ve understood and it is recorded .. I’ve seen some of the records.. most of those killed by firing squad had carried out terrorism on behalf of Batista’s Government.
Journalist: Ninety per cent were prisoners of conscience, simply for disagreeing with the ascendant system, simply for thinking differently.
Benicio: .. Ermm, I didn’t know this, no .. Where did you get this from?
Journalist: Historically documented including in Argentina, not only by us Cubans
She goes on to complain to him that he’s on record as complaining that Che was murdered in cold blood as if he was a criminal but the film has nothing to say about the hundreds of people he killed in cold blood for disagreeing with him.
She quotes from Che Guevarra on how much he enjoyed seeing people killed by firing squad knowing what was coming, then offers him a book about Che “So that you might learn a little more about him”.
I doubt she’ll be offered work on BBC World Latin America!
Whilst not wising to prejudge the outcome, it appears that with him only being accused of anti-Semitic remarks while drinking in a Jewish district of Paris last night; al-Beeb is already starting work on rehabilitating John Galliano.
Sure, he’s ‘normal’ alright – because anti-Semitism is also normal – at the BBC, that is.
It’s the subtle, easy-to-miss ones that you need to watch out for…
Unfortunately for Galliano, it was a vile and deeply offensive outburst. In his cups or not.
France’s Europa1 actually give a verbatim.
Perhaps, if he had substituted ‘Sal Arabe’ for ‘ juif’, the BBC might, just might, realise.
But Galliano is a luvvie (of sorts) and frightfully…well,….frightfully…you know what and that gives him a freeish pass. Talent is so highly strung, poor boy. Cool Britannia.
Oh darling, the fun’s only just begun! I can’t wait to see some of Galliano’s anorexic models show his concentration camp collection for when the time comes. Just a few more outdated inhibitions to cast off and then everyone can have the most marvellous time! More champagne anyone? There’s still plenty left over from when the Steinbergs had to leave Paris. Can’t wait to see what my neighbours the Levine’s have in their cellar! Not long now, cheers!
DP, I would suggest it bears no equivalent to what young master Gilmour did. It was an unintentional disrespect shown and they were willing to move their stand. They were very reasonable in listening to the points the people were making.
Gilmour got arrested for what he did and his claim his disrespect was ‘unintentional’ was completely unbelievable. The circumstances of this youtube video are entirely different, surely?
The end result is different, yes. But the outcome is irrelevant to the nature of the acts themselves. Both Gilmour and these people deliberately misbehaved and disrepected a war memorial. None cared about it until it was pointed out to them. Their intent and lack of respect and maturity is the same in each case.
I wonder why the bBCs defence experts are keeping away from commenting on this political hot potato? Boeing wins contract to provide aerial tankers for USAF Aircraft manufacturer Boeing has won a lucrative contract to provide the US with 179 aerial refuelling tankers. Boeing and European rival EADS had been competing for almost a decade for the $35bn (£21.6bn) US Air Force contract. Then in early 2008 EADS, partnered with Northrop Grumman Corp, won a 179-plane deal. That was then cancelled after government auditors upheld parts of a protest by Boeing.
In a nutshell the US Airforce has been looking at replacing its air tanker fleet whoever wins the contract will be busy for the next 50 years. Lucrative or what.
Well Boeing won the contract in 2003, but that was cancelled. Then EADs (Airbus) won it in 2008, but that was also scrapped and now Boeing have won it again. In the past the bBC has been more than happy to scream foul play for EADs. I quote: We deeply regret that the United States Air Force will not get the best available airplane EADS chief executive Louis Gallois Boeing, which has been supplying the United States Air Force with KC-135 flying refuelling tankers for decades, fought back. For starters, the US giant engaged in passionate patriot games, with full-page newspaper adverts playing the “American jobs” card.
So why has the bBC not complained further over how Boeing has won a contract over EADs.
Could it be this story about how the same plane EADS was selling to the Yanks saw its fuel boom drop into the ocean while it was refuelling an F16 two months ago.
Or how it has been revealed that the Boeing aircraft burns 1 tonne of less fuel per flight than the Airbus variant.
Also, and the bit I thought the bBC would have picked up on. It could have been political suicide in this time of austerity for Obama to have bought foreign instead of American.But they haven’t. instead allowing sleeping dogs to lie.
Grant was wondering the other day about the health of that arch-corruptor of our democratic process Alastair Campbell who, after being given the freedom of Broadcasting House for the first five weeks of 2011 (appearing on show after show, on channel after channel) hasn’t been on the BBC – as far as I can see – for at least a week now. Well, he’s back. Catch him next on BBC2 on Tuesday 1st March, 6.30pm talking to Anne Robinson on My Life in Books. On this programme he’ll be talking about his “top five reads” – exactly what he did on Radio 4’s Open Book some five weeks ago. Where will the BBC invite him to appear next?
Perhaps Ally has been too busy with Jamie Oliver’s school daze on Channel 4. never mind this week the book progrramme seat was kept warm by the BBC’s favourite Scottish sikh, Hardeep Singh Kohli who picked the Communist Manifesto as a darn good page turner.
That was astonishing wasn’t it ? Lots of lovely stuff about sweeping people away with new brooms passed off as though the extermination of one’s ideological foes was completely normal.
Good to see that being a Glesca slumlord doesn’t revoke your BBC privileges also.
‘So score one for the BBC’s excellent Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen, who reported from the Libyan capital last night and even managed to get an interview with Colonel Gaddafi’s son, Saif.’
Maybe he was just clearing out the guest room they have kept for him?
I suspect the Graun would “score one for Jeremy Bowen” if he just dropped his trousers, wiggled his bony arse at the camera and sang “I’m Just A Girl Who Cain’t Say No !”
(Which would, mark you, be every bit as edifying as his usual performances).
But on present form, if he had been, I doubt if Marrshmallow would have been so rude as to ask any questions about his opportunistic efforts on the week blowing straight back in his kisser.
Mind you, as Labour’s PR, especially in this unedifying episode (of many), I think Aunty might be hoping to ‘move along’ (probably with any distraction – sniper rifles!!!!) as fast as she can with a set of soiled bloomers around her ankles.
Speculating on INDONESIA’a future economic development, INBBC’s correspondent, Peter Day mentions, in his first sentence, that Indonesia is: “the world’s largest Muslim nation” – but he doesn’t relate that fact to the rest of the article:
There are about 203,000,000 Muslims in Indonesia, 88% of the total population; unlike Mr. Day’s impressions (above), the following author, Mr. Dhume, has this:
BBC must be the only media channel not carrying the desert rescues on its front page after wasting no time in hitting the govt for slow response before. Their naked bias is now a farce.
Breakfast called up ‘the right man for the job’ (from their perspective) to do their paper review this morning: Mehdi Hasan of the New Statesman.
When Nick Owen ran through some of the newspaper headlines at 7.25, his over-the-top, ‘Boys Own’-style of delivery when reading (“‘DARing mission rescues 150 Britons from Libyan desert’. RAF Hercules fly civilians to Maltaaaaaaah“) sounded suspiciously mocking. Still, he has an over-the-top style at times, so I might have been reading more into it than was intended…
…except that Hasan seemed to pick up on it too.
Naga turned to him and asked the leading question, “You’re looking at this Mehdi. Now 150 rescued, but they’re not all British.”
Hasan replied, “Now, that’s what amuses me. As Nick pointed out there the front pages all have the word “DARING!!!!”on it.” His silly voice was definitely deliberate and sneering. Was Owen’s?
Hasan continued the attack, “It’s been a night of heavy briefing yesterday, I believe, at the Ministry of Defence, which has had a bad week. The government’s had a bad week.” Hasan then laughed because only 50 of the 150 rescued are Brits and 300-400 are still stranded out there. “So it’s not as great a story as you might think. But it’s very well briefed. It’s on the front of the ‘Times’, front of the ‘Telegraph’, front of the ‘Mail on Sunday’, it’s inside the ‘Sunday Mirror’, it’s inside the ‘News of the World’. I mean it’s a great good news story for the government & the MOD after a very bad week.” (Note that Hasan ‘forgot’ to mention that it also leads in the ‘Observer’.)
Naga was seen grinning broadly during this tirade. Music to the BBC’s ears from Mehdi Hasan.
Nick Owen tried again at 8.20. Same delivery, then a very Blimpish voice for “brave soldiers”, but (in the same mock-military voice) he did add “Quite right too!” (So the jury’s still out on Nick Owen.)
On a different topic, Naga read out a story from the bottom of the front page of the Sunday Times: “Scotland Yard helping up to draw (sic) a new friendly approach to policing violent demonstrations. Not surprisingly after we’ve seen, of course, the recent student demonstrations..erm..and the whole issue about kettling.”
The bias comes in the editorialising phrase “not surprisingly”. Keep your opinions to yourself Naga!
With a variety of topics to hand, what do I hear from Nicky whatsit as the main area of discussion proposed on the British Broadcasting Corporation’s national Sunday (rigged, no doubt, in guests, questions and audeince) debate: ‘Should we be ashamed…’.
I can sympathise with the misspelling of ‘Gaddafi’ because it was a Saturday night and I’ve made the same mistake, though you’d think with the news full of him for days the Sunday Times journalists would have noticed how is name is spelt.
But what are “bribal trustees?” People who can be bribed to defraud a trust?
Perhaps the moral of this story is, don’t drink and write.
Hala Jaber and Tony Allen-Mills
With his reign on the verge of collapse, the Libyan tyrant, surrounded by his bribal trusties, is becoming increasingly brutal in his attempts to desperately cling on to power
This morning’s Broadcasting House featured an interview with Patrick Eyles, a British oil worker rescued from Libya last night by the RAF.
Along the way Mr Eyles said various things:
“And that’s was when we caught first sight of the Hercules flying. They did the fly-past first and then it returned back and finally landed. It was a very good moment.”
“We’d had an aborted attempt the day before, so that just adds to the tension and the stress, but it was just immense relief to see the British army and some support to come and collect us.”
“It was very organised….the army was very good. It was all very, very efficient organisation”.
…and, after some prompting by presenter Paddy O’Connell,…
“We were very frustrated at the first announcement by the prime minister saying he was doing all he could, and we were seeing planes coming in from the French military, the Russian military, and they were very quick to mobilise but the general feeling on site was ‘Where are our boys?’ ‘Where is the British army?’ Yeah, it seems they’ve been two or three days behind everybody else.”
Can you guess which of these four (equally extractable) quotes was chosen to be used at the very start of the programme? I bet you can!!!
“Very, very efficient” isn’t a phrase that comes to mind about Broadcasting House, given what followed.
Paddy turned to John Simpson: “Live now to Benghazi, our world affairs editor, John Simpson. Good morning. How many Britons are left and what plans are there to get them out?”
John Simpson replied, “Well I’m sorry Paddy, you’re asking the wrong person, because I’m not in Benghazi. I’m a long way away from that now, towards Tripoli, and these guys are right down in the south of the country and I’ve got no contact with them from the little town where we’ve just stopped to you. So I’m afraid you’re going to have to put that question to somebody else.” “Yes, quite right. Thank you for that advice John,” said Paddy, through what sounded a little like gritted teeth. Thank God the BBC didn’t organise the rescue mission!
Guest Who, Sat 18:26, linked to theguardian article by Roy Greenslade praising Bowen for his contact with Gaddafi Jnr (& going on to take a swipe at the Telegraph, implying Jason Blair-like shenanigans) http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/greenslade/2011/feb/26/dailytelegraph-libya?CMP=twt_fd
Guest Who said “Maybe he was just clearing out the guest room they have kept for him?”
Guest Who at 9:06 today says “Jeremy Bowen reports – ‘Everywhere the BBC team reports, more and more in support of Gaddafi’.
Go figure.”
Sky reporter has just said that she was among several other broadcast journalists in Tripoli as guests of Col Mad.
Guest Who, my hero!
Many here merely observe and share more often than healthy odd disconnects in the MSM infirmament, especially the one inhabited by the Graun/BBC axis of weevils.
Later Broadcasting House returned to its ongoing, monthly Derry Diary. To recap, so far…
Jan 2011, “An anniversary march is due to take place in LondonDerry today to honour the victims of Bloody Sunday”, announced Paddy O’Connell, before handing over to a DJ from Radio Foyle for an apolitical piiece about how pop music reflects the mood of the city.
Dec 10 – An American civil rights campaigner who was having nightmares about British Army “atrocities” as a result of memories brought back by the Bloody Sunday inquiry.
Nov 10 – A former IRA man “who now works for peace” tells a ‘funny’ story about how the IRA once embarrassed the British army.
Oct 10 – A North African immigrant says he is going to stay in the city, despite his kebab shop being damaged (collaterally) by a bomb.
Who was it this month? The relative of a victim of the Provisional IRA? A British soldier who served in Ulster? A member of the former Royal Ulster Constabulary? A apprentice boy? A now-peace-loving loyalist terrorist?
No, it was the father of a nationalist protestor jailed for throwing a petrol bomb at the police. The father, said Paddy. “condemns what his son did, but here he wonders at the jail term given to a remorseful son.”
He did indeed wonder. He says he’s “just lost him” and thinks his son’s imprisonment is “unfair“. “We had the student demonstration in England. We felt that somebody in the justice system was hoping to send a message out to everybody, everywhere that we’re going to stick someone away and our Stephen just happened to be that someone.” Being a diary, he wasn’t questioned and no other side to the story was told or heard from. So we can add to the list someone who believes the British justice system is not to be trusted. It’s turning out to be a very BC (beebishly correct) list.
The paper reviewers on BH were chattering (and joking) about Tesco allowing people to offset their club card points to pay for their university degrees. Left-wing historian Maria Misra was making a tediously familiar political point (“this really is the ultimate supermarketisation of education, isn’t it, in which education is seen as purely a commodity, you know?”), when that eternal student Paddy O’ Connell (aka Dave Spart) burst in, surprisingly sternly, to tell them all off:
“I suspect anyone of 19 listening to older people who went to university for free laughing would be…you might very well all be at risk when you leave our studios, at what faces the students.”
A left-wing beeboid cage well and truly rattled!!
Suitably told off, one of the panelists fell into line and bemoaned the fate of students.
One of the other panelists was the BBC’s very own Kate Adie, who expressed views on squatters and Libya. The panel were discussing a map of influence around Saif Gaddafi, and the names Prince Andrew, Mandelson, Rothschild, Deripaska and Blair came up. Kate opined that “this is power and oil and it’s all the same people.”
At that point, keeping up his tradition of stepping in to defend Labour politicos from accusations, Paddy O’Connell intervened to say, firmly, “andI‘llpoint out that this is people who’ve effectively met him at times in the past and is not a suggestion of links.” Really??
Equally firmly, when Kate tried to reply about “concentric circle”, he then said, “Now, I said we’ll move on, amazing though the time is.” That’s another instance of Paddy O’Connell using the phrase “move on”, when moving on from a story embarrassing to the Labour Party.
Finally (after the paper review ended with Maria Misra savaging Cameron for taking the Tories back to the 1960s with his multiculturalism speech – no interruptions or defences of the prime minister from Paddy here, surprise, surprise), Paddy O’Connell returned to where the programme started:
“The prime minister apologised for the slow start in helping Britons leave Libya, there was a plane that didn’t work, critics worried that simple steps weren’t being taken. Here are the tips from one ordinary citizen who just happens to organise big events.”
Ordinary citizen: “My three tips. Firstly get a plane that works, fly it to Tripoli, fly it out. My second tip would be get a boat that works, send it into a port on the north coast, evacuate people and get out. My final third tip would be perhaps a few helicopters that could land and take off again.”
Paddy O’Connell: “Alistair Hook from Meantime Breweries. One of his jobs is to organise a knees-up in a brewery.”
A voice should then have entered saying,”That was a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party.” It didn’t. That programme hasn’t an impartial gene in its body
María Misra also made the ridiculous comments that what has been happening in the Middle East is the ‘the end of the American Empire’.. ‘It is America’s 1989 moment’.
Might of borne some examination from a democratically minded presenter.
Funny you should mention that, hippie, as I was just reading Matt Frei’s latest about Ghaddafi, were he frets ever so slightly that his beloved Obamessiah’s response to the dictator’s mass murder of his own people was “relatively muted”.
I was prompted to check out Frei Boy’s gushing praise of Him back when we first entered The Obamessianic Age, and how His foreign policy resembled that of Bush Sr. Frei’s main point was to frame The Obamessiah’s as the “cautious pragmatist” in stark contrast to George W. Bush, whom he portrays in a very negative light.
Frei also reveals his blind sycophancy with this:
Obama is not nearly as radical as some on the right like to make out and many on the left liked to think.
His foreign policy resembles the realpolitik of George Bush Senior and his strategy for implementing healthcare reform is far more incremental than Bill Clinton’s was.
Whether it’s Afghanistan, healthcare reform or choosing a puppy, this man likes to take his time. He is after all a lawyer at heart.
Not nearly as radical? How’s that working out now, Matt? Implementing healthcare reform far more slowly than Clinton? How did that prediction pan out, Matt? It was rammed through via backroom deals and arm-twisting and procedural sleight-of-hand. Funny how the what Frei saw as “taking His time”, the rest of the world now sees as rudderless incompetence and severe lack of leadership.
The Obamessiah was always going to be the “Post-American President”. He was always going to reduce the US’s position in the world. The Beeboids loved that fact about Him and constantly told us how He’d bring the US back to respectability and high moral standing. How’s that working out now, Matt?
So I’m watching the full Saad Iqbal Madni TV interview on News 24. (Dez I hope you are reading this) Mr Innocent man (Prefered the Tom Selleck film better) is allowed to vex something awful about how he can only be a victim.
So on the full version what is there, that can’t be found on the internet clip. Well Dez he knew he was interviewed by a English man becasue the man told himk he was..English.
He tried to commit suicide in his cell, where in other film clips he did it in the med centre toilets.
He received a hole in his ear at Bagram , yet elsewhere he claimed he recived it in Eygpt.
Oh and the best one by far. He was informed by the US doctors at Bagram (This from the man who said he never saw a doctor) that he had 3 months to live. He left Bagram in…2003.
Yeah victim my arse.
I’ve been sitting on this story for a day now. but didn’t wish to say anything until the RAF went in again.
Now here is how the so called impartial bBC reports on the recovery of British nationals from a country currently tearing itself to bits. RAF Hercules planes rescue 150 from Libya desert
Frank Gardner
BBC security correspondent
Over the last few days PJHQ, which conducts all British military operations, have been working flat out over this plan, together with elements of special forces.They established an air-head on the desert floor deep inside Libya, got everybody on and took off.
That begs the question, why can’t they carry on doing that? I’m told the answer is it’s dark.
So far there doesn’t seem to have been any kind of fighting or bloodshed.This morning we were told there were about 500 British nationals in Libya, mostly in camps.About 300, maybe more, are left. So it’s much too early to celebrate.
They have come up with a plan which seems to be working but is not over yet.
It seems that not only was the bBC so called security expert willing to slate the british government for doing more than most other countries, but and a big but he was willing to put british lives at risk in which to try and promote a view of British incompetance. You know the type that gets you shot and your cameraman murdered becasue you went somewhere and opened your gob without checking the security situation. But then you do know that the bBCs security expert was a Banker before he joined the bBC.
BBC News broadcasts tonight have been very slow to report the use of 3 C130s to evacuate further people today, but I see it now leads the website. Perhaps the BBC also suffers from half term stasis
‘Perhaps the BBC also suffers from half term stasis’
It will be fun to remind the vast majority of senior news ‘reporters’ of the PR BS as news they were serving up whilst most were on the slopes, and that many in the UK do still keep their businesses operating with less money and fewer staff even when junior needs to learn a snowplough, but one suspects the ‘comments are closed’ mods will be on peak alert this week to avoid any… ’embarrassments’.
Could have been worse. He could have tipped off the Libyans a bit more directly. Falklands styly. Maybe Frank can text Jeremy to slip Col. G a note at breakfast?
At least SKY is simply incompetent as opposed to blatantly agenda driven to the point of being a 5th column.
Along with the rest of the SM, they are trying to forget their jumping on the Douglas Alexander bandwagon last week because nothing was suiting their 24/7 news maw quickly enough, but then the useless tw@ts just cut from an interview (well, the irish berk posing questions) with the Defence Secretary mid-sentence to go to the vapid peroxide clothes horse there trading meaningless pap with some 60+yo bloke whose hair dye seems to have affected his powers of thought.
It’s a movie. Folk won awards. I am fairly sure they all ‘feel’ pretty good. Get. a. life.
What passes for ‘news’ these days is either risible or pathetic. Or both.
Guest who writes: “Could have been worse. He could have tipped off the Libyans a bit more directly. Falklands styly. Maybe Frank can text Jeremy to slip Col. G a note at breakfast? “
You might be closer than you think there GW. Have a look at the bBC News website. You have to look bloody hard in which to find this news story. But last night the bBC very quickly had a number of articles on the subject. Its as if somebody has told them to make that story as low key. Maybe its how the bBC reported the story in the first place (As picked up by other news agencies) which had them reciving a phone call from the Government: I quote from the Malta Times: “The BBC reported how some of those rescued described the moment a Hercules was shot at above a strip south west of Benghazi, forcing it to abandon a landing.One British oil worker said: “The aircraft took two hits on the right hand side of the fuselage, you just heard “bang bang” as the rounds actually struck.”After failing to land at two blocked off fields, the Hercules was trying again at a third when the firing started, forcing them to abort. “ In a nutshell, what they have done is inform the whole world that the Brits failed to pick up at 3 locations. The people at those sites are now at risk from been taken hostage and we can thank the bBC for doing its bit. In other news, the German Luftwaffe went in Yesterday with 2 C160s and took out 132 people.
‘The people at those sites are now at risk from been taken hostage and we can thank the bBC for doing its bit’
If that is even close to being the case, one presumes the requisite authorities will be on it, and the result will be a bit more than ‘lessons have been learned’.
It comes to something that you need to fear the intentions and abilities of your national broadcaster above all else.
Popped over here to see if they had any editorial comment on the move from agenda and ineptitude to proactive collaboration with forces hostile to UK nationals…
ps: Check out some of the latter comments, Has Jeremy Bowen got folk other than Graun journos out there posting how excellent he is, on the basis that if you tell a lie often enough at least some will support you?
Sadly the opporunity to offer a counter view is now passed.
Do you have relatives who have managed to leave Libya? You can send us your experiences using the form below.
‘Yes, but thanks for amateur hour numpties like you seeking a quick mouth before brain engagement fix for the next slot, this is now even trickier and more dangerous.
The Irish election has not been kind to the BBCs closest political friends,collaborators and allies the greenshirt eocfascisti, it appears they have been wiped out, the BBC dont have much to say on this, funny that eh?
I nominate Malcolm Turnbull for foreign useful idiot mug tool of the year.
BBC hardtalk with Stephen Sackur interviews the former Liberal leader. Now why is the labour stooge BBC interested in a failed Liberal leader of a foreign nation? Hmmmmm! Now let me think on that for a minute or two….
Could it be that labour and Gillard are in trouble and they are banging the immigration drum for all they are worth? Waving the flag patriotic populism only missing the marching bands.
Always searching for a way to sabotage labours enemies the BBC comes up with a way of highlighting slavish liberal obedience to the hated multiculturist theology and dogma, Sackur played Turnbull like a cheap guitar. A classic ambush tactic played by the BBC all the time but why on earth do the right fall for it every bleeding time?
The Liberals were simply set up to protect highly unpopular values and support hostile islamofascist immigrants and the hated and failed multiculturalism.
This attack is in contrast to the lefts direct attacks and smears against the Liberals when they dared to contradict the multiculturalist dogma just recently. Its called bandwaggon jumping and cynical exploitation of public fears and sentiments, the left attacking the right for the very thing they themselves supported and espoused and now using those very values as a weapon to destroy their political enemies.
Again and again the right fall for the traps and snares of the leftist BBC.
Radio 5 Listeners this morning: Horribly nasal film monkey, Colin Someone or other, in the van of the BBCC’s attempt to gorra kinda wanna lorra-ise the English language, was at the Oscars.
He was doing this pointless nonsense where they shove the mic under a sleb’s nose and ask the how elated/ disappointed/what’s your favourite colour question and get the over the moon/ sick as a parrot/ red/ next interviewer please answer.
Boring for us, boring for the actor, very exciting for the droid.
Anyhoo when the droid came to Harvey Weinstein he asked him, ‘How much of the funding for The King’s Speech did you put up yourself?’
Harvey replied, ‘50%’
The droid went on with, ‘Yes and the UK Film Council put up one million dollars, how disappointed are you that it’s been closed down’.
Harvey, who’s never heard of the UK Film Council, said, ‘Oh yes it’s terrible’.
‘Strong words there for the UK government,’ went on the nasal one.
The question was not so much shoe-horned in as sledge-hammered in. Now the droid hasn’t heard of the UK Film Council either so he’d clearly been put up to it by someone who doesn’t really see the shame in using Harvey Weinstein as a stooge.
So who put him up to it?
One of the Eds?
Who knows: pretty disgusting in any case.
Lest we forget, the UK Film Council, a bonfired quango, had a staff of seventy, seven or eight of them on six figure salaries, a £70k a year Director of Diversity, all to distribute £15 – £25 million of Lottery funding to British films. An amount that in the private sector would be done by one employee and a temp sec.
Yes, having heard the trainee Cash Peters on R5 I was amazed that in the hour from 8-9 the “Today” programme managed to avoid a single reference to the UK Film Council – in part because Justin was too busy deploring the UK’s inability to operate a unilateral No Fly Zone over Libya.
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Both Gerry Adams and the Gaddafis are in the news today: will INBBC make the connection?:
“Is Gerry Adams about to pay the price for his long association with Gaddafi? ”
You mean like Blair and Brown ?
HA! the BBC will do its’ best to make the Tory-Led Coalition pay the price of Labour policy with regard to Gaddafi. Just think the previous government did all in their power to get Al Megrahi released from prison – souring relations with the USA in the process and did a bang up job at appeasement to boot. This got glossed over in a total stoty coverage of 4 hrs – c.f. Yachtgate or Ashcroft or Coulson astroturfing.
Labou appeasement has left British foreign policy – which had been pretty firm under the previous tory ‘regimes’ very much backing entirely the wrong horse. Gaddafi has always had a policy inimical to our interest not least arming the IRA – viz the Eksund and many other ships taking semtex amongst other thinks to the IRA – and the direct murder of our citizens. Is any of this getting mentioned by our state broadcaster? No, they are blaiming the government for not flying passsenger planes in without landing rights. Something that is patently impossible. There is no balance or rationality in the coverage, as with most BBC analysis it is simplistic and partisan and purile – ultimately it is based on their default position, it is all the fault of ‘Fatcher!
One of Gaddafi’s top men , General Yunes, has defected to the opposition and been interviewed by John Simpson on the BBC where he says Gaddafi ordered the Lockerbie bombing.
I was surprised the BBC broadcast this. We’ll see if it gets airbrushed with time.
Will Adams pay the price for his associatio with Ghaddafi? Not on the BBC he won’t. If they censor any mention of the blood on his own hands while running “the political wing” of the IRA, they sure aren’t going to frown at him for dealing with any other murderers.
Interesting wording from the bBC on a so called Mass killing by the ISAF (NATO) in Afghanistan.
Afghan probe says Nato killed dozens of Kunar civilians
Afghan government investigators have told the BBC that 65 civilians, including 50 women and children, were killed in a Nato operation last week. But the Nato force, Isaf, says its initial findings show that no civilians were killed in Kunar province. It said more than 30 insurgents died in an overnight raid in the area.On Sunday, the provincial governor said civilians had been killed in recent Nato-led air strikes in a remote mountainous district. Afghans – from President Hamid Karzai down – believe that in Kunar province, indiscriminate Nato firepower killed 20 women, 29 children, and more than a dozen unarmed men.
Above is the first paragraph from the bBCs continuing quest in which to attribute blame onto ISAF for the alleged killings off civilians.
So how does the bBC report these allegations. Well the headlines inform us that NATO is guilty. That the Afghan Government went direct to the bBC, not the UN,ISAF or Amnesty International. But the bBC. But here’s the catch , the attack transpired in the middle of nowhere and was only given the go ahead after Live TV confirmed that there was no risk to non combatents. During the attack (which was taped) Siglint heard a call from the Taliban that they should report this battlefield defeat as an attack on civilians so as to put a halt to the attack and allow them to regroup.Which is why you find this snippet hidden near the end of that article: However as this is the bBC they taint it with their touch so as to muddy the waters.
No video or photographs have yet emerged either of the operation or, crucially, of any bodies.
Get that, there are no bodies, yet according to the bBC over 60 people were murdered?And then the bbC has the neck to make this claim right at the end of its article:
But Afghans are convinced that Nato routinely bombs and shoots innocent people – and that belief is one of the things that keeps the insurgency alive.
Gee, I wonder where they got that idea from?
Every time I think the BBC can sink no lower, they prove me wrong.
Let’s face it, the pond they’ve established themselves in is bottomless…
How I yearn for a Government that would send a couple of MI5 officers to have a ‘little chat’ with the BBC traitors who pump such pro-enemy propaganda, and convince them it is very much in their interests that there is no repetition. How I yearn for that Government.
I too yearn for that day. It used to be a bit like that in the eighties…
Some bedtime reading for the Beeboid.
“….The war in Sudan is our modern day Haiti war in terms of black liberation, and our recent fight against apartheid. Arabs are carrying out ethnic cleansing right now in Southern Sudan, with the financial support of the Arab world, particularly Libya and Saudi Arabia. China is backing them against Africa. The Janjaweed, with Sudanese and Arab governments’ backing, are trying to wipe out the black population so as to expropriate their lands, but Africans, including Nigerians, do not know where their interests should reside. The Arabs succeeded in doing the same thing in Northern Africa where the original Nubian African owners of the land have almost all been wiped out and the rest marginalized (enslaved) by their Arab invaders/settlers since 642 CE.
Islamization is not the problem in Sudan because the majority Furnawi people of Darfur are Moslems. Arabs do not consider Black Moslems authentic or of consequence. At best, they concede to blacks, the role of ordained slaves or animals, to be used as beasts of burden by the “superior Arab race.” The rule applies to all blacks, whether Moslems or non-Moslems and whether of Nigerian (Hausa/Fulani or Yoruba extractions) , Tanzanians, Ugandans, Malians or African-Americans.
A traveller in Sudan observed in 1930 that “In the eyes of the Arab rulers of Sudan, the black slaves were simply animals given by Allah to make life of Arabs comfortable.”
In 1962, the Arab Sudanese General, Hassan Beshir Nasr, while flagging off his troops to the war front against black Africans in South Sudan, declared: “We don’t want these black slaves…….what we want is their land.” Arabs’ attitude to blacks derives from Genesis’ racist fiction of the three sons of Noah – Ham, Japheth and Shem. Arabs claim that “the accursed Ham was the progenitor of the black race; that Japheth begat the full-faced, small eyes Europeans, and that Shem fathered the handsome of face with beautiful hair Arabs,” of course.
Al Qaeda’s bombing of the American Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, left 260 black civilians that included 12 Americans, dead. Over 4,000 Kenyans and Tanzanians were wounded. A remorseless top Arab journalist justified the attack by quoting Stalin: “You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.”
Ibn Sina (Avicenna 980–1037), Arab’s most famous and influential philosopher/ scientist in Islam, described blacks as “people who are by their very nature slaves.” He wrote: “All African women are prostitutes, and the whole race of African men are abeed (slave)
al-Dimashqi, an Arab pseudo scientist wrote, “the Equator is inhabited by communities of blacks who may be numbered among the savage beasts. Their complexion and hair are burnt and they are physically and morally abnormal. Their brains almost boil from the sun’s heat…..”
Ibn al-Faqih al-Hamadhani painted this no less horrid picture of black people, “…..the zanj (the blacks) are overdone until they are burned, so that the child comes out between black, murky, malodorous, stinking, and crinkly-haired, with uneven limbs, deficient minds, and depraved passions…..”
Compare and contrast with:
1001 Inventions – Discover The Muslim Heritage In Our World
That is pretty much the view of Lebanese immigrants about black Africans in W. Africa today, in my personal experience.
I know black African muslims who have made the Haj and been treated like dirt in Mecca by Arabs. It came as quite a shock to them to be so mistreated by their “brothers”.
Maybe Arab racism could be a topic for a fearless
BBC documentary ?.
I wouldn’t hold your breath Grant.
“Arabs claim that “the accursed Ham was the progenitor of the black race; that Japheth begat the full-faced, small eyes Europeans, and that Shem fathered the handsome of face with beautiful hair Arabs,” of course”.
I always understood that Shem was regarded as the progenitor of the Jewish people, hence “Semites”.
The religio-cultural theory is that Islam was ‘religion’ of Abraham (and all the prophets through Issa to the final ‘revalation via Muhammad) and the true line of faith passed through Ishmael (the son of the Egyptian concubine, Hagar). Ishmael being the ‘father’ of the Arabs.
The line of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob ‘drifted’ away and finally departed from the ‘truth’ with Moses.
That’s the view.
Hence there are ‘good’ descendants and ‘bad’ descendants of Shem.
Guess which side the ‘semitic’ Arabs have identified themselves with (theologically) and who the bad guys are?
This is about SKY….
However, as folk above are noting, they merely exist in a pond with the BBC, C4, etc that really only exists to produce one methane/sulphide emission after the next.
But if I find the BBC jumps on this particular bandwagon, with one Labour hypocrite jumping on the opportunistic bandwagon laid out for them, I will have to write a very stiff letter to someone.
For all the good it will do.
BBC TV News at 6 reported the Libyans charging £9000 “handling fees” for flights leaving Tripoli Airport.
Geroge R wrote on the Last Open comments board:
“INBBC’s Ms Guerin has a whole page of propaganda for ex-Gitmo, Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni.”
During the video interview the man breaks down and cries while reminiscing his time at Guantanamo But what caught my eye was the cane which is aired for no reason what so ever.(Note the gold watch, did you know that according to the Koran Islamic men are forbidden to wear gold. It seems Mr Mohammed with his photographic memory of the koran is a hyprocrite)
Anyway back to the cane, why does a man who is sat down still rest upon the cane. The answer to that is the last ten seconds or so of the video where mohammed struggles to walk from one end of the garden to another and the use of the cane is explained. It substantiates his claim that he was tortured.
But hang on.(Had to be a but) I’ve been fighting (Martial arts) since the mid 70s and because I spent a lot of time on the competitive circuit I’ve become very adept at spotting weaknesses in peoples stances and such. (In otherwords I seek out weaknesses , which I would if I got the chance target) I can spot a genuine limp from miles away and let me tell you that man doesn’t have a bad limp. Have a look at how he has no problem putting weight on either foot., which is probably why in the first segment of him walking he doesn’t know how to use the cane. Have a look again at that video clip from the bBC.
Then have a look at this video clip from the New York timeswhere he requires a zimmer frame type walker in which to painfully move. (And the use of a helper)
Now contrast that with this video by MSNBC where he walks down the street without a cane. (but he has a limp)
And here is his wedding (Have a look at the very happy bride) where’s his cane and near the end of that video he is filmed walking down a flight of steps with his single cane and on his own.
Oh hang on for the CNN video he struggles to walk and requires somebody to hold onto.
In each video he breaks down while trying to relate his experiences, (other than the wedding <img style=”border: 0px initial initial;” src=”http://cdn.js-kit.com/extra/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-wink.gif” title=”Wink” border=”0″ alt=”Wink”/> Gosh even Gwyneth Paltrow doesn’t cry that much.
Sorry for the number of posts. But I am unable to post in one. Something about exceeding 5000 words or whatever.
No need to apologise for the posts. Vastly revealing and entertaining at the same time !
“Orla Guerin, BBC News, Lahore”. Is frau Goering – sorry – Guerin speaking Spanglish with that last word to describe her propaganda relationship with Jihad?
Every time I see her face I can’t help but wonder if she’s actually Josef Goebbels secret love child.
The New York Times and CNN videos where has a zimmer frame and is holding onto to someone are from 2009. The MSNBC video (gingerly walking without a stick) is from 2011.
Spot the difference?
In the wedding video from 2010 we are informed that doctors say he is slowly recovering but is heavily dependent on anti-depressants.
“Gosh even Gwyneth Paltrow doesn’t cry that much.”
Gosh someone on anti-depressants crying a lot. How strange.
Whether or not you think he’s faking it; it still doesn’t change the fact that he was imprisoned for six years without charge, possibly tortured and then released with no explanation. That’s the real issue; not some bizarre ad-hom about the colour of his watch.
Dez writes:
The New York Times and CNN videos where has a zimmer frame and is holding onto to someone are from 2009. The MSNBC video (gingerly walking without a stick) is from 2011
And the bBC video where he is walking with a stick is from??? 2011. So tell me Dez does he require a stick to walk with or doesn’t he. But here’s something else for you to ponder on, during one video he claims he and 4 others sick of the treatment they received committed a mass suicide by using bed sheets , Only he survived. In another he claims he attempted to top himself during an examination in the med centre and he asked if he could go to the toilet for a pee. (Yet he says he only attempted suicide once?)
Dez writes:
Gosh someone on anti-depressants crying a lot. How strange.
Ever met a manic depressant (I dated one) or even somebody on Anti depressants. Look at their eyes and see the real person. Looking in dick splashes eyes show no pain, in fact they show nothing. As somebody who grow up not knowing when I was going to get beaten next. You soon learn to read people. It’s something I do very, very well. That guy is a bluffer and you know what they say, Never bluff a bluffer.
Dez writes:
Whether or not you think he’s faking it; it still doesn’t change the fact that he was imprisoned for six years without charge, possibly tortured and then released with no explanation.
Oh spare me the tears, one thing I’ve learnt over the years is to accept responsibility for my bloody actions unlike the poor innocent so called torture victims arrested while on a 18-30 jihad holiday .But here’s something how many so called innocent men banged up by the nasty Americans who claim they were tortured show the scars of..torture. Err that will be none. I for example still have the marks where I was beaten on my arms ,my legs and my back. They were inflicted during the 70s and I still have them. So much so during medicals doctors have asked me, if there is something i should be telling them. Now how many so called computer experts/charity workers, men looking for brides, diamonds have shown their scars. Err that will be none. So how do they get round that angle. Oh they cut my willy? Who the f-ck cuts a dick., But guess what it is one place where you can cut yourself and nobody would notice. So how can you claim you were abused, if there is no evidence?
Silly me its physiological, you know what, I don’t like anybody touching my neck and I totally freak out if anybody slaps my face and for some strange reason I don’t feel pain (well I do but I have a very,very high pain tolerance) Which kind of explains why people don’t like administering Ju-jitu locks on me and I don’t tap out, why I don’t require aesthetic at the dentist. And why mates like me to be in their corner, Why is that, well lets see, getting beaten on a daily basis as a child, getting tied up naked in the cellar and left overnight hanging from the ceiling, getting hogtied in the garden and whipped (Again naked). Ostracized by the entire Islamic community , beaten by the mullahs, by the parents of Islamic children at the mosque who thought I was a bad influence. Living in the cellar until they went to bed. That Dez is torture. (and I haven’t told you half of what I had to endure)
But the thing is I have no problem sleeping, I don’t suffer nightmares and I have never been to see a trick cyclist. I have been told I am one of the soundest people going, somebody who can keep his cool when everything is going tits up and can step back and allow others to do their jobs. (In other words I feel no need to control the situation, if it is running well) People with physiological and psychological disorders don’t they have to be in control, they chop and change, they are always looking for validation for things they have done, they ask if you hate them and they bloody fidget. Tell me Dez, does the Hafez look like he fidgets in his film clips. Is he nervous? Has he been broken? Which funny enough isn’t a symptom that any of the so called Jihadists have exhibited? Each and everyone had gone on the circuit in which to promote their cause. Yet people who have been broken (As in tortured) do not seek the limelight. They hide from it.
Dez writes:
That’s the real issue; not some bizarre ad-hom about the colour of his watch.
Actually you are wrong, He is a Hafez. He can recite the Koran from memory as such he has to purer than everybody else. Which is why People like him earn money from travelling and quoting the Koran from memory. As such he cannot be allowed to bring disrepute to the Koran. But that just goes to show how little you know about the subject at hand and also it exposes just how hypocritical Muslims are when they talk about how they live under the rules of the Koran. Just like everybody else they do as they please, Until that is they require an excuse for something, then the Koran is brought out.
Oh here’s a picture of my ugly right leg. Unfortunately it doesn’t reveal the dints in my shins. But the scars are over 30 years old.
Please feel free to reply.
“But that just goes to show how little you know about the subject at hand”
The subject you brought up is whether or not he was tortured in Guantanamo and possibly faking his injuries.
But you’d rather talk about his watch…
Dez the watch proves he is liar about his faith so there fore could be bulling about his torture! but you will belive one and dismiss the other as per won’t you !
Only mugs like you would think that Guantanamo was a torture base.
I think the truth or otherwise of the torture allegations at Guantanamo is of complete indifference to the likes of Dez. Its a propaganda stick to beat the likes of Bush with so he’ll use it shamelessly no matter how much he’s aware he’s doing Al Qa’eda’s bidding. He simply has no shame and is a traitor to his country at time of war.
Dez wrote:
The subject you brought up is whether or not he was tortured in Guantanamo and possibly faking his injuries.
But you’d rather talk about his watch…
And here is the offending snippet you refer to:
During the video interview the man breaks down and cries while reminiscing his time at Guantanamo But what caught my eye was the cane which is aired for no reason what so ever.(Note the gold watch, did you know that according to the Koran Islamic men are forbidden to wear gold. It seems Mr Mohammed with his photographic memory of the koran is a hyprocrite)
Dez, could you be so as to explain to me, how an addittianal comment written and encapsulated in parentheses which begins with the word ‘Note’ overrules and overpowers the main thrust of the argument. The use of parentheses indicates that the subject enclosed is addittional to the article at hand.
I think you will find that the only person wanting to digress in the direction of the gold watch is you.
“Tell me Dez, does the Hafez look like he fidgets in his film clips. Is he nervous? Has he been broken? Which funny enough isn’t a symptom that any of the so called Jihadists have exhibited?”
I havent been locked up Guantanamo for six years; I wouldn’t be so arrogant to assume I know what that feels like.
Oh spare me the tears, one thing I’ve learnt over the years is to accept responsibility for my bloody actions unlike the poor innocent so called torture victims arrested while on a 18-30 jihad holiday.
And what “bloody actions” is Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni responsible for?
“arrogant” so in this instance suddenly you stop being arrogant! well that’s a start at least dezdimoana
Dez wrote:
I havent been locked up Guantanamo for six years; I wouldn’t be so arrogant to assume I know what that feels like.
Nice one, While you admit that you haven’t a scooby about what torture feels like, you then claim that I am arrogant for writing about my own experiences. Experiences I should I had to endure as a child (not a bloody adult) A child who with his sister was taken into care in which to safeguard his life. Do you not think that children are quick learners, you know like the quickest route to school, which people to avoid and such. Do you not think i quickly learnt to spot the signs of anger, of fear and of lies from others when they spoke. Tell you what have a butchers at the dispatches video where the children flinch as the mullah walks past. Why is that dez? What causes children to flinch as the mullah walks by.
Oh here’s another symptom of my childhood I have Harlequin syndrome. Which in a nutshell means I only sweat down one side of my body.(Which let me tell you gets you lots of funny looks in the gym when only half your t-shirt is soaking wet)
Now look up how you get it.
“Ever met a manic depressant…”
Well yes, I like you dated one for a while and am still friends with someone who used to be on them ten years ago. They didn’t appear in any way to be ‘drugged up’ (different anti-depressant drugs have different side effects) but it would only take the slightest thing to set them off.
Superficially they always appeared to be fake tears until you realised that people suffering from depression aren’t living in the same rational world as everyone else.
“You soon learn to read people. It’s something I do very, very well.”
Everybody thinks they are very good at at reading people, and yet they seldom agree.
Your judgement of Saad Iqbal Madni isn’t based on facts, just your own perceptions; “he looks a bit shifty m’Lord – therefore he’s guilty”.
Useful idiots are very useful for as long as they have some use.
See how the useful idiot instinctively jumps to defend the scum of the earth, this scum wouldnt piss on the useful idiot if he were on fire and the scumbags bladder was full.
So much energy spent by the useful idiot class on protecting people who would happily see them dangling from a crane by the neck.
Why would these useful idiots expend so much energy and time protecting some of the planets most poisonous evil vermin? Its a bleedin mystery innit?
Useful idiots, proudly and stupidly protecting and serving the interests of the planets worst filth. If Dez thinks the planets worst filth will return the favour he is mistaken.
“Everybody thinks they are very good at at reading people, and yet they seldom agree. ”
Bull people in stressful situations are not ” living in the same rational world as everyone else” they have heightened perception to the world and the body language of others around them are a survival instinct!! if you think that’s cod then Mr D Attenbrough been a bit off is some of his programs and on that basis you are just as likely to be wrong !
Your judgement of Saad Iqbal Madni isn’t based on facts, just your own perceptions; “he looks a bit shifty m’Lord – therefore he’s guilty”.
But hang on you say he’s innocent by exactly the same standard the main difference is Pounce sees someone taught to lie to gain advantage over his idealogical and religious enemy and you see a liberal bleeding heart story to kick the Americans and the coalition as in BBC land they are totally responsible for what Labour did ! mind I do find it funny how it’s always about the “principle” but they never give up the cash do these principled types??
Scott/Dez, do you have the hots for this Al Qa’eda terrorist too?
Inappropriate, hippie. And Dez is not Scott already.
Dez wrote:
Everybody thinks they are very good at at reading people, and yet they seldom agree.
Another good observation. However as i mentioned above. People who have to learn to read the signs of their abusers learn from necessity and not becasue its a fun thing to do down the pub.
This Pakistani TV piece made it very clear to the seasoned observer as to why he has mounted this blitz of publicity.
Statements at the end of the report may lead you to conclude also that he is mounting this propaganda blitz because he is suing the US Government for his detention and alleged torture at Guantanamo, and that he is mounting this as an exercise in propaganda jihad to get Guantanamo closed because Obama has said he will now not do so.
I’m not aware if this line of inquiry has been pursued by anyone in the western media. Instead the MSM works hand in glove with Al Qa’eda in their latest wheeze in propaganda jihad. We desperately need a political realignment in our country, and I think we must earnestly hope and pray that Congressman Colonel Allen West runs for President in 2012.
Yes, it is funny. In the muslim countries I have lived in and visited, the men and women take a great pride in being draped in gold , if they can afford it !
Even in Islam there are differing interpretations. Perhaps Pounce is extrapolating from his own experience to all Muslims about the gold?
For what it is worth I have seen gold shops in Old Jerusalem and Istanbul.
The bits Galliano said in front of a stack of witnesses the BBC omit (but the French do not)
“Sale tête de juif, tu devrais être morte” et “ Putain de bâtard je vais te tuer .” Galliano
Selon la femme du couple interrogée par Europe 1, le couturier aurait lancé les hostilités lui demandant de
“fermer (sa) gueule,sale pute“
“M. Galliano dément avoir proféré des insultes antisémites” said the lawyer. He would, wouldn’t he!
The prosecution is welcomed …. par le Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France (Crif), la Ligue internationale contre le racisme et le Cran.
Suits you, Sir,
Yes, strange that the BBC are very coy about what he is alleged to have said.
All this French reminds me why I gave it up as soon as I left school. Sounds like a load of birds twittering !
I mean I might as well post that the sun is yellow,
The OH listens to The News Quiz and while making myself a cup of something all I can hear is a shrivel of (pretrendy) lefties ranting away about Tory cuts and the NHS. No attempt at humour – least I’m assuming there’s not attempt – just a plain rant.
Take it from me PLs, as one who has often played the Glasgow halls, there’s nuthin worss than a heckler wi’ nae pa’er.
Don’t know if you were playing music in Glasgow but, if so, you may have noticed that nothing quite hums like a Glasgow audience.
Do they still fill their pockets with rivets ?
Not currently being reported anywhere else and so can’t say if true but if so, wondering what the Beeb will make of the story that US, British & French boots are on the ground in Cyrenaica:
What’s your take Pounce. Does it sound plausible?
BBC could have a hard time with this one – Imperialist inteference or is it okay on Obama’s say so?
The BBC will approve of the illegal invasion of a foreign country and the subsequent forced regime change. They were asking about it all week.
I don’t know about the reliability of Debka’s sources but they certainly report more detailed “facts” than the BBC whose standard of journalism is its usual p**spoor rock bottom.
If it is true the Islamists won’t have to take over the British, French and Americans will hand them Libya on a plate.
INBBC routinely censors reports like this:
Egyptian armed forces chanting “Allahu akbar” storm Christian monastery with tanks, open fire, injuring 19
Question 1) below, is interesting; and we know that INBBC has a ‘technical’ agreement with Al Jazeera TV, – Al Jazeera English is home of many ex-Beeboids, – (to get Bin Laden video clips early, etc). So perhaps a Question 2.) needs to be added:
Question 1.)
“Is Al Jazeera Part Of The Muslim Brothers’ Program?”
Question 2.)
‘Is INBBC Part of the Muslim Brothers’ Program?’
Just watched Ola Guerin on BBC World interviewing a terrorist who spent 5 yrs in guantanamo bay, my god this woman just allowed the terrorist to make assertions without any evidence to back it up.
I cannot believe that this thing was allowed to spout his bullshit without any hard questions being asked.
Erm, unfortunately Joseph, I would have been pinching myself if he’d been asked any serious questions, especially by this terrorist enabling ‘journalist’.
George, another such story is Coptic Christians angered by priest’s murder in Upper Egypt:
The murder of a Coptic Christian priest in the Upper Egyptian city of Assiut angered the roughly 3000 Copts who turned out for his funeral on Wednesday to demand that the killers be punished.
According to the slain priest’s neighbors, four people had killed the Coptic cleric in his home while “chanting Islamic slogans.”
The murder of a Coptic priest and attacks by the Egyptian army on two separate Coptic monasteries, all within a few days of each other, suggests a sinister trend. As does the acquittal this week of all but one of the terrorists involved in the the New Years Day massacre in Alexandria.
The BBC should be investigating instead of just painting a happy-clappy picture of the situation in Egypt.
Here’s another story:
“Egypt’s Muslims attend Coptic Christmas mass, serving as “human shields”
Nice of them.
At the most public Coptic service in the world after the New Year’s Eve Bomb.
Islam is a religion not a race or nationality.
Christianity is a religion not a race or nationality.
Christianity doesn’t need Moslems to ‘protect them’ symbolically.
Even a police presence is no source of reassurance as the police often mysteriously have ‘tea breaks’ or a called away from their posts, and then something unpleasant happens before they just as mysteriously return.
Where are the Moslems outside Coptic churches away from the world’s cameras.?
Ans. Denouncing Christians and Jews.
The ‘Allah Akbar’ bigots are permanently making lives of Christians very difficult indeed.
But in this media world, be assured, the shapers of Moslem politics are not without their publicity savvy.
The bombing in Alexandria was a big own goal for the political Moslem in publicity terms but did contribute to the raising tensions that finally enabled the take-over by the Generals from the aging colleague who had become a liability.
I would be more impressed (as a Christian Catholic) if the same happened outside a synagogue in Cairo….are there any left?
But there are limits to Moslem tolerance.
Yes Scott/Dez, there are signs of hope, but your propaganda colleagues at the BBC dont give us the other side of the picture, do they? Nothing that might get in the way of you getting a rush at seeing hirsute terrorists in power in Egypt eh? Planning your holidays already?
Google News has as one of its top five UK stories the rejection by the Court of Appeal today of islamist Rangzieb Ahmed’s attempt to get his terrorism conviction quashed. The terrorist “failed to prove he was tortured.”
The F.T, Spectator, Guardian (etc) have already taken up the story online. So has the BBC, but they haven’t got it on their home page, nor on their UK page, nor even on their England page. It only appears on their Manchester page. You’d think they didn’t want people to read it!
And yet…they had previously pushed this man’s allegations against MI5 and MI6, as can be seen here. His case was raised by a senior MP. It’s not a minor story to be “buried away in Berkshire” (or, in this case, Manchester).
I notice how the BBC report describes Ahmed as being “from Greater Manchester “. No doubt he is a loyal Lancashire cricket fan !
Craig, a casual viewer to your link could conclude that the story has been posted under the ‘UK’ section, but a bit of digging confirms you’ll only find it buried away at the bottom of the Manchester page
Great exposure of the BBC’s rampantly biased news agenda again Craig. If my hassling of Melanie Phillips to get a new political party off the ground ever bares fruit, you’re invaluable analyses will come in very useful.
How many millions of people from Islamic North Africa (and elsewhere) will Islam Not BBC (INBBC) advocate should be allowed to emigrate to E.U. (and thereby have free access to Britain)?
a.) 2 millions:
b.) 5 millions;
c.) 10 millions;
d.) an unspecified number, and possibly larger number, using an open-door ‘policy’, and ‘human rights legislation for immigrants’, to ensure a Eurabia is achieved through more rapid Islamic colonisation here.
Well – what do we make of this!?
I have absolutely no sympathy with Cam.
If the Tory party haven’t got the guts or gumption to sort out the BBC, then they deserve all the abuse, bile and bias the BBC hurls their way.
If they appoint Patten as Chairman of the Trustees it shows the Tories have no intention of fighting. Patten is a wet Beeboid through and through.
INBBC ‘Newsnight’ (tonight) seemed to be starting a report on the nature of British foreign policy, and Libya, but within a few minutes, INBBC was filming and giving free propaganda speeches to a local ‘Stop the War’ demo in London! I think this gives us more than a clue to where ‘Newsnight’s foreign policy preference lies!
Of course, ‘Newnight’ has no criticism of the selectivity of the nations which the ‘Stop the War’ people are against (largely Western), and the ones they support (largely Islamic ones):
Is the British ‘Stop the War Coalition’ Racist and Xenophobic?
Read more at Suite101: Is the British ‘Stop the War Coalition’ Racist and Xenophobic? http://www.suite101.com/content/is-the-british-stop-the-war-coalition-racist-and-xenophobic-a311229#ixzz1F194vQAw
“NBBC was filming and giving free propaganda speeches to a local ‘Stop the War’ demo in London! I think this gives us more than a clue to where ‘Newsnight’s foreign policy preference lies!”
A “stop the war” spokesman was given 16 seconds of air time.
Following this, ex-Conservative Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd and neo-con Douglas Murray were given 5 minutes.
Where exactly is the preference there huh?
Interesting what has tempted who out of the bunker.
No comment on a fair bit these last few weeks. Must be fit to bust, and with nothing to warrant a snipe in sight.
So the best that can be managed is comparing some activist spokesperson with two elected government officials. An entire cherry orchard and one windblown chance…. which turns out to be sour.
If it wasn’t funny it would simply be sad.
Any views on Newsnight’s recent panel composition to discuss the media, especially with the editor of the Guardian there to offer an insight into their (BBC-supported) attacks on tax avoiding banks whilst they, er, do the same.
Or Newsnight giving Douglas Alexander free rein to undermine the Libyan rescue mission free of any restraint that may be warranted by his own party’s and personal words and deeds up to a few days before?
I am afraid that poor old Dez suffers from “low-hanging fruit syndrome” for which there is no known cure.
16 seconds is more enough time to get the whole Stop the War message across. Any more would be repetition and send the viewers out to make tea.
We’ve all heard the slogans and cliches of the Stop the War bunch over the years and, frankly, it is predictably boring in the ‘here they go again’ sort of way.
What stunning new insight is the spokesperson going to give the jaded Newsnight viewer.?
Something he/she hasn’t already heard a jundred times before..
The main presumption of the ‘Newsnight’ programme was that war is caused by the West (inc Britain), and that ways must be found of stopping this military behaviour; ‘Newsnight’ like ‘Stop the War’ gave Islamic jihadists and their supporters a free pass.
Nice to see you’re still alive, we have been getting really worried about you. Time and again, when an interesting item pops up, people have said “Where’s Dez?” in a hope that you would enlighten us to point out where our views are mistaken, but you have been as missing as McCavity.
I can’t remember all the items where your opinions have been sought, I know the Peter sissons revelations were among them. It would be great if you would keep us informed on a regular basis what your great excuses are.
Thank you for coming today.
I can help Dez out there on Peter Sisssons “embittered, didn’t complain when he was at the BBC, not typical Beeboid etc. etc. blah , blah, blah….
However, Dez, on your Newsnight point, if they did give more time to Hurd and Murray, I assume you are drawing our attention to it because it is so rare at the BBC and quite exceptional. But it doesn’t make the BBC balanced.
“Craig” on this, and his own , website has forensically and comprehensively analysed the airtime the BBC gives to various parties and the bias is overwhelming and irrefutable.
In absence of any footage of the Newsnight piece, I’m going to have to assume that Scott/Dez has managed to find some low-hanging fruit at last and has made a valid point.
There are times – and this may not be one of them – when sometimes the thin gruel upon which accusations of BBC bias are based on here remind me of my days 30 years ago in the Labour Party Young Socialists when my comrades would fervently claim there was mass right wing bias at the BBC merely on the basis that it did not report their views as fact. They were bewildered when I would tell them the only overall bias I can see is to the left.
Beeboidistas (World Service branch) finally, but very reluctantly accept, after all this time, that there is no need , other than political, to use British taxpayers’ money to supplement Castro’s speeches in Spanish.
“BBC ends Spanish radio service for Cuba”
The sublime Con Coughlin chronicles some more humungous Humphrys humbug
It works like this, if HMG favours military action, Harrumphrys and his colleagues will oppose it, if HMG is against military action, Harrumph and his colleagues will promote it. It’s called over-grown spoilt brat syndrome which is endemic with superannuated lefty journalists at the BBC.
Unfortunately, sending them to bed early does no good. They just get up in time to spout their propaganda on the TODAY programme.
Yesterday listening to local BBC radio (there was a reason – I wouldn’t have done so voluntarily) the Labour MP claimed that the Labour government in 2008 had the lowest debt ever. The deficit was all the banks’ fault. The MP concerned stumbled when she realised what she had said but the interviewer didn’t follow up and ask her how she could claim this. In built support of whatever Labour claim.
Has anybody watched the cricket highlights from the world cup on the BBC?
It is quite plain that this is a rebadged excerpt from Skys coverage and has all their commentators.
However according to their website.
“Manish Bhasin, Rishi Persad and Sonali Shah will present a nightly highlights programme from India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.”
You’ve got it no coverage to do as Sky has done it but even so loads of staff!
Dez writes:
Your judgement of Saad Iqbal Madni isn’t based on facts, just your own perceptions; “he looks a bit shifty m’Lord – therefore he’s guilty”.
Dez, you have to admit. You are backing the wrong horse when you disparage the legitimate questions I raise about this man’s disability which he appears to switch on and off at whim. Questions, I should add supported by video evidence. Now as you feel that it is solely my judgement how Saad needs a zimmer frame to get about when interviewed by one TV company, somebody to hold onto in another, a stick for the bBC interview and no walking aid in another. What questions should I be asking.
You do know that this man is currently suing the British government (Not American, Not Malaysian, Not Egyptian and not Afghan but British) for ‘allegedly’ allowing the plane carrying him to refuel at British bases. So do you not think that his claim may be bolstered if he appears to worse off than he is. Do you not wonder, how sympathetic the British public would have been to that bBC report if they had revealed that along with Reprieve he is suing the British Government for damages. But they don’t. Instead they give us the tears of a clown.
BBC-Obama’s Mark Mardell and: ‘the truth that dare not speak its name’.
On ‘From Our Own Correspondent’, Mardell attempts to rescue his saviour, Obama, re-President’s Middle East reticence; to do this, Mardell begins by disparaging, but not naming FOX NEWS, and Glenn Beck Show in a 20 secs totally inaccurate, snearing piece, at 12 mins 20 secs in, here:
Of course, for anyone who wants to check Glenn Beck’s interesting analysis of the Middle East, Muslim Brotherhood, etc., there are whole episodes available here:
e.g. Feb 23 edition here is relevant to Mardell’s distortions:
Yes, that long sneer from Mardell was worthy of Matt Frei (the King of Sneer).
What a report! Classic BBC downplaying of the dangers of islamism, lots of Guardian-style pontificating about America’s wicked post-war foreign policy and a bit of Bush-bashing to boot. And, of course, the usual sycophancy towards his hero right from the start: “President Obama was firm this week.” (Later came the Chris Matthews-like ‘tingles’: “But I feel his heart beats a little faster when he sees peaceful crowds on the streets…When Mubarak fell it seemed Obama , rather than Egypt, was liberated. His speech soared.”)
Not even a pretence of impartiality these days.
For several weeks now Obama and his administration have been pathetic over events in North Africa and the Middle East. Spineless.
I like Christopher Hitchens take on this – and I’d dearly love to see Hitchens debate this with Mardell, he’d wipe the floor with him :
Bill O’Reilly points out that polling on Obama shows humiliating results on the “leadership” – or lack of. Like ever, he just votes “Present” ?
The free world really is in trouble with this socialist dork as “leader”.
Now now, John! He is a very superior Intellectual. Show proper respect. 😉
Disgraceful extremist Abdel Bari Atwan has just been on Dateline London (with Gavin Esler) yet again – just as he was last week.
Esler turned to him straight away. Gaddafi isn’t mad, said Atwan, he’s “very clever”, “a shrewd politician”. “The man actually is very soft”, he went on. “I don’t buy also that he’s cruel, a dictator. He is not like Saddam Hussain. He is not courageous like Saddam Hussain.”
Atwan clearly has a soft spot for anti-Western dictators, and this (infamously) isn’t the first time he’s praised Saddam. Gaddafi is too much of a “coward” though for his tastes (probably for not taking on Israel and the West recently).
The makers of Dateline clearly have a soft spot for Atwan. Monitoring the programme from 13.6.2009-29.5.2010 showed that he was on 11 editions, more than anyone else. Since I started monitoring again (from 30.10.2010), he’s been on 6 editions, again more than anyone else.
There was also this meeting of minds between the oh-so-impartial BBC presenter and one of the regular left-wing British journalists on the panel – the far-left Isabel Hilton of the Guardian (and the Independent):
Isabel Hilton: “I think actually sending troops (to Libya) would be pretty disastrous. I think the sight of American troops…
Gavin Esler (interrupting): “When it happened in Iraq it wasn’t entirely a…
Isabel Hilton (interrupting): “It wasn’t a huge success.”
In fact, as so often, there was a meeting of minds across the whole panel (which contained no-one from outside the Left-liberal circle) on pretty much everything. Obama was praised as “smart” and the Republicans criticised for their “cheap shots” at Obama by one of the usual liberal Americans, Jef McAllister (Time). Gavin said the revolutions have “touched us all imaginately.” We should all use less oil, and turn to alternatives instead. Blah, blah…
Strewth, I admire your fortitude in being able to watch this, although I suppose it does provide good laughs if you’re into black humour. If Cameron ever commissioned a public inquiry into allegations of BBC bias the evidence would leave Esler’s position completely untenable.
Something truly joyous to share.
Benicio de Toro brought his Che film to Miama, and got interviewed by this Cuban American reporter in Spanish.
The sublime part is 2:21 in, below I’ve given a translation (probably not that good):
Journalist: Did you know that Che Guevarra was in charge of a prison ‘La Cabaña’ where he killed over 400 people by firing squad?
Benicio: Yes I knew, but they were .. What I’ve understood and it is recorded .. I’ve seen some of the records.. most of those killed by firing squad had carried out terrorism on behalf of Batista’s Government.
Journalist: Ninety per cent were prisoners of conscience, simply for disagreeing with the ascendant system, simply for thinking differently.
Benicio: .. Ermm, I didn’t know this, no .. Where did you get this from?
Journalist: Historically documented including in Argentina, not only by us Cubans
She goes on to complain to him that he’s on record as complaining that Che was murdered in cold blood as if he was a criminal but the film has nothing to say about the hundreds of people he killed in cold blood for disagreeing with him.
She quotes from Che Guevarra on how much he enjoyed seeing people killed by firing squad knowing what was coming, then offers him a book about Che “So that you might learn a little more about him”.
I doubt she’ll be offered work on BBC World Latin America!
Good catch hippie !
Whilst not wising to prejudge the outcome, it appears that with him only being accused of anti-Semitic remarks while drinking in a Jewish district of Paris last night; al-Beeb is already starting work on rehabilitating John Galliano.
Sure, he’s ‘normal’ alright – because anti-Semitism is also normal – at the BBC, that is.
It’s the subtle, easy-to-miss ones that you need to watch out for…
Despising israel – This is What We Do
Unfortunately for Galliano, it was a vile and deeply offensive outburst. In his cups or not.
France’s Europa1 actually give a verbatim.
Perhaps, if he had substituted ‘Sal Arabe’ for ‘ juif’, the BBC might, just might, realise.
But Galliano is a luvvie (of sorts) and frightfully…well,….frightfully…you know what and that gives him a freeish pass. Talent is so highly strung, poor boy. Cool Britannia.
Jew-hatred: the new normal.
Oh darling, the fun’s only just begun! I can’t wait to see some of Galliano’s anorexic models show his concentration camp collection for when the time comes. Just a few more outdated inhibitions to cast off and then everyone can have the most marvellous time! More champagne anyone? There’s still plenty left over from when the Steinbergs had to leave Paris. Can’t wait to see what my neighbours the Levine’s have in their cellar! Not long now, cheers!
The video below features a local equivalent of Young Master Gilmour swinging from the Cenotaph.
More evidence of a mentality the BBC doesn’t want you to know about. Because they support it. I’m collecting more stuff for a real post on the topic.
DP, I would suggest it bears no equivalent to what young master Gilmour did. It was an unintentional disrespect shown and they were willing to move their stand. They were very reasonable in listening to the points the people were making.
Gilmour junior also claimed it was unintentional, and was willing to admit he was wrong when it was pointed out to him. Same and same.
Gilmour got arrested for what he did and his claim his disrespect was ‘unintentional’ was completely unbelievable. The circumstances of this youtube video are entirely different, surely?
The end result is different, yes. But the outcome is irrelevant to the nature of the acts themselves. Both Gilmour and these people deliberately misbehaved and disrepected a war memorial. None cared about it until it was pointed out to them. Their intent and lack of respect and maturity is the same in each case.
James Delingpole on target, on:
1.) BBC bias* against Geert Wilders:
(* ‘B-BBC’ gets mention here!)
2.) ‘Independent’ (and others) re- ‘warmists’
Ed West, at least, is a Telegraph blogger that has B-BBC on his blog roll
I wonder why the bBCs defence experts are keeping away from commenting on this political hot potato?
Boeing wins contract to provide aerial tankers for USAF
Aircraft manufacturer Boeing has won a lucrative contract to provide the US with 179 aerial refuelling tankers. Boeing and European rival EADS had been competing for almost a decade for the $35bn (£21.6bn) US Air Force contract. Then in early 2008 EADS, partnered with Northrop Grumman Corp, won a 179-plane deal. That was then cancelled after government auditors upheld parts of a protest by Boeing.
In a nutshell the US Airforce has been looking at replacing its air tanker fleet whoever wins the contract will be busy for the next 50 years. Lucrative or what.
Well Boeing won the contract in 2003, but that was cancelled. Then EADs (Airbus) won it in 2008, but that was also scrapped and now Boeing have won it again. In the past the bBC has been more than happy to scream foul play for EADs. I quote:
We deeply regret that the United States Air Force will not get the best available airplane
EADS chief executive Louis Gallois
Boeing, which has been supplying the United States Air Force with KC-135 flying refuelling tankers for decades, fought back. For starters, the US giant engaged in passionate patriot games, with full-page newspaper adverts playing the “American jobs” card.
So why has the bBC not complained further over how Boeing has won a contract over EADs.
Could it be this story about how the same plane EADS was selling to the Yanks saw its fuel boom drop into the ocean while it was refuelling an F16 two months ago.
Or how it has been revealed that the Boeing aircraft burns 1 tonne of less fuel per flight than the Airbus variant.
Also, and the bit I thought the bBC would have picked up on. It could have been political suicide in this time of austerity for Obama to have bought foreign instead of American.But they haven’t. instead allowing sleeping dogs to lie.
Grant was wondering the other day about the health of that arch-corruptor of our democratic process Alastair Campbell who, after being given the freedom of Broadcasting House for the first five weeks of 2011 (appearing on show after show, on channel after channel) hasn’t been on the BBC – as far as I can see – for at least a week now. Well, he’s back. Catch him next on BBC2 on Tuesday 1st March, 6.30pm talking to Anne Robinson on My Life in Books. On this programme he’ll be talking about his “top five reads” – exactly what he did on Radio 4’s Open Book some five weeks ago. Where will the BBC invite him to appear next?
Perhaps Ally has been too busy with Jamie Oliver’s school daze on Channel 4. never mind this week the book progrramme seat was kept warm by the BBC’s favourite Scottish sikh, Hardeep Singh Kohli who picked the Communist Manifesto as a darn good page turner.
That was astonishing wasn’t it ? Lots of lovely stuff about sweeping people away with new brooms passed off as though the extermination of one’s ideological foes was completely normal.
Good to see that being a Glesca slumlord doesn’t revoke your BBC privileges also.
He obviously knows which side his bread is buttered. It must be lucrative for him on the Beeboid circuit.
‘So score one for the BBC’s excellent Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen, who reported from the Libyan capital last night and even managed to get an interview with Colonel Gaddafi’s son, Saif.’
Maybe he was just clearing out the guest room they have kept for him?
I suspect the Graun would “score one for Jeremy Bowen” if he just dropped his trousers, wiggled his bony arse at the camera and sang “I’m Just A Girl Who Cain’t Say No !”
(Which would, mark you, be every bit as edifying as his usual performances).
Buggy, that is a horrible picture you just painted in my head! >:o
Excellent indictment of European establishment re-Gaddafis:
Exposed: Gaddafi Inc.
But… were they, or ‘critics’ furious there were no salted pretzels on board?
One looks forward to Douglas Alexander’s input. One is sure the BBC iPhone speed dial is dialing as we speak.
Wee Dougie was on again this morning: you must have missed him.
Still, never mind. I’m offering good odds that he turns up on Jug-Eared Andy’s prog tomorrow so you can still catch his act.
Oddly, I don’t think he was.
But on present form, if he had been, I doubt if Marrshmallow would have been so rude as to ask any questions about his opportunistic efforts on the week blowing straight back in his kisser.
Mind you, as Labour’s PR, especially in this unedifying episode (of many), I think Aunty might be hoping to ‘move along’ (probably with any distraction – sniper rifles!!!!) as fast as she can with a set of soiled bloomers around her ankles.
(‘From Our Own Correspondent’ item.)
Speculating on INDONESIA’a future economic development, INBBC’s correspondent, Peter Day mentions, in his first sentence, that Indonesia is: “the world’s largest Muslim nation” – but he doesn’t relate that fact to the rest of the article:
There are about 203,000,000 Muslims in Indonesia, 88% of the total population; unlike Mr. Day’s impressions (above), the following author, Mr. Dhume, has this:
BBC must be the only media channel not carrying the desert rescues on its front page after wasting no time in hitting the govt for slow response before. Their naked bias is now a farce.
Very true.
Sky‘s website leads with:
Rescue Drama: Special Forces Save Workers
The Observer‘s front page headline eads:
Daring SAS mission rescues Britons from Libyan desert
The Sunday Times leads with:
Daring SAS raid rescues 150 from Libyan desert
The Sunday Telegraph’s main headline is:
SAS swoops in dramatic Libya rescue
The Mail on Sunday has:
SAS ‘Blades’ rescue 150
The ITV website has:
Libya: RAF saves workers
The BBC News website however, as you say, shamefully ignores it – though it has a small sub-headline that reads UK forces to resume Libya rescue.
They are sickeningly partisan and unpatriotic at times.
Breakfast called up ‘the right man for the job’ (from their perspective) to do their paper review this morning: Mehdi Hasan of the New Statesman.
When Nick Owen ran through some of the newspaper headlines at 7.25, his over-the-top, ‘Boys Own’-style of delivery when reading (“‘DARing mission rescues 150 Britons from Libyan desert’. RAF Hercules fly civilians to Maltaaaaaaah“) sounded suspiciously mocking. Still, he has an over-the-top style at times, so I might have been reading more into it than was intended…
…except that Hasan seemed to pick up on it too.
Naga turned to him and asked the leading question, “You’re looking at this Mehdi. Now 150 rescued, but they’re not all British.”
Hasan replied, “Now, that’s what amuses me. As Nick pointed out there the front pages all have the word “DARING!!!!” on it.” His silly voice was definitely deliberate and sneering. Was Owen’s?
Hasan continued the attack, “It’s been a night of heavy briefing yesterday, I believe, at the Ministry of Defence, which has had a bad week. The government’s had a bad week.” Hasan then laughed because only 50 of the 150 rescued are Brits and 300-400 are still stranded out there. “So it’s not as great a story as you might think. But it’s very well briefed. It’s on the front of the ‘Times’, front of the ‘Telegraph’, front of the ‘Mail on Sunday’, it’s inside the ‘Sunday Mirror’, it’s inside the ‘News of the World’. I mean it’s a great good news story for the government & the MOD after a very bad week.” (Note that Hasan ‘forgot’ to mention that it also leads in the ‘Observer’.)
Naga was seen grinning broadly during this tirade. Music to the BBC’s ears from Mehdi Hasan.
Nick Owen tried again at 8.20. Same delivery, then a very Blimpish voice for “brave soldiers”, but (in the same mock-military voice) he did add “Quite right too!” (So the jury’s still out on Nick Owen.)
On a different topic, Naga read out a story from the bottom of the front page of the Sunday Times: “Scotland Yard helping up to draw (sic) a new friendly approach to policing violent demonstrations. Not surprisingly after we’ve seen, of course, the recent student demonstrations..erm..and the whole issue about kettling.”
The bias comes in the editorialising phrase “not surprisingly”. Keep your opinions to yourself Naga!
‘Although Britain has powerful newspapers, most people get their news from BBC TV, radio and online.’
And the worry about dominance is… Murdoch?
Sources say…?
Martin must be champing at the bit.
Oh goody… more people.
But fair dos, the BBC has done a lot to inflict the EU on us.
Jeremy Bowen reports – ‘Everywhere the BBC team reports, more and more in support of Gaddafi’.
Go figure.
All that is going down, of interest, and on Marshmallow…. we get Mandelson flogging a book… new chapter… out tomorrow.
Is there anything outside the BBC bubble that maybe the rest of the country has an interest in?
Curses, missus had it on in the kitchen.
With a variety of topics to hand, what do I hear from Nicky whatsit as the main area of discussion proposed on the British Broadcasting Corporation’s national Sunday (rigged, no doubt, in guests, questions and audeince) debate: ‘Should we be ashamed…’.
Aunty, you are one sick old tart.
Gadaffi set for bloody finale
I can sympathise with the misspelling of ‘Gaddafi’ because it was a Saturday night and I’ve made the same mistake, though you’d think with the news full of him for days the Sunday Times journalists would have noticed how is name is spelt.
But what are “bribal trustees?” People who can be bribed to defraud a trust?
Perhaps the moral of this story is, don’t drink and write.
Hala Jaber and Tony Allen-Mills
With his reign on the verge of collapse, the Libyan tyrant, surrounded by his bribal trusties, is becoming increasingly brutal in his attempts to desperately cling on to power
Sorry, not sure why that post got messed up. But I’m sure my esteemed colleagues here can disentangle it.
On Sky News now, Chairman of the BBC Trust being interviewed.
They never give up, the BBC.
This morning’s Broadcasting House featured an interview with Patrick Eyles, a British oil worker rescued from Libya last night by the RAF.
Along the way Mr Eyles said various things:
“And that’s was when we caught first sight of the Hercules flying. They did the fly-past first and then it returned back and finally landed. It was a very good moment.”
“We’d had an aborted attempt the day before, so that just adds to the tension and the stress, but it was just immense relief to see the British army and some support to come and collect us.”
“It was very organised….the army was very good. It was all very, very efficient organisation”.
…and, after some prompting by presenter Paddy O’Connell,…
“We were very frustrated at the first announcement by the prime minister saying he was doing all he could, and we were seeing planes coming in from the French military, the Russian military, and they were very quick to mobilise but the general feeling on site was ‘Where are our boys?’ ‘Where is the British army?’ Yeah, it seems they’ve been two or three days behind everybody else.”
Can you guess which of these four (equally extractable) quotes was chosen to be used at the very start of the programme? I bet you can!!!
“Very, very efficient” isn’t a phrase that comes to mind about Broadcasting House, given what followed.
Paddy turned to John Simpson: “Live now to Benghazi, our world affairs editor, John Simpson. Good morning. How many Britons are left and what plans are there to get them out?”
John Simpson replied, “Well I’m sorry Paddy, you’re asking the wrong person, because I’m not in Benghazi. I’m a long way away from that now, towards Tripoli, and these guys are right down in the south of the country and I’ve got no contact with them from the little town where we’ve just stopped to you. So I’m afraid you’re going to have to put that question to somebody else.”
“Yes, quite right. Thank you for that advice John,” said Paddy, through what sounded a little like gritted teeth.
Thank God the BBC didn’t organise the rescue mission!
Guest Who, Sat 18:26, linked to theguardian article by Roy Greenslade praising Bowen for his contact with Gaddafi Jnr (& going on to take a swipe at the Telegraph, implying Jason Blair-like shenanigans)
Guest Who said “Maybe he was just clearing out the guest room they have kept for him?”
Guest Who at 9:06 today says “Jeremy Bowen reports – ‘Everywhere the BBC team reports, more and more in support of Gaddafi’.
Go figure.”
Sky reporter has just said that she was among several other broadcast journalists in Tripoli as guests of Col Mad.
Guest Who, my hero!
<blushes> :-[
No hero me. But tx for the compliment.
Many here merely observe and share more often than healthy odd disconnects in the MSM infirmament, especially the one inhabited by the Graun/BBC axis of weevils.
Later Broadcasting House returned to its ongoing, monthly Derry Diary. To recap, so far…
Jan 2011, “An anniversary march is due to take place in LondonDerry today to honour the victims of Bloody Sunday”, announced Paddy O’Connell, before handing over to a DJ from Radio Foyle for an apolitical piiece about how pop music reflects the mood of the city.
Dec 10 – An American civil rights campaigner who was having nightmares about British Army “atrocities” as a result of memories brought back by the Bloody Sunday inquiry.
Nov 10 – A former IRA man “who now works for peace” tells a ‘funny’ story about how the IRA once embarrassed the British army.
Oct 10 – A North African immigrant says he is going to stay in the city, despite his kebab shop being damaged (collaterally) by a bomb.
Who was it this month? The relative of a victim of the Provisional IRA? A British soldier who served in Ulster? A member of the former Royal Ulster Constabulary? A apprentice boy? A now-peace-loving loyalist terrorist?
No, it was the father of a nationalist protestor jailed for throwing a petrol bomb at the police. The father, said Paddy. “condemns what his son did, but here he wonders at the jail term given to a remorseful son.”
He did indeed wonder. He says he’s “just lost him” and thinks his son’s imprisonment is “unfair“. “We had the student demonstration in England. We felt that somebody in the justice system was hoping to send a message out to everybody, everywhere that we’re going to stick someone away and our Stephen just happened to be that someone.”
Being a diary, he wasn’t questioned and no other side to the story was told or heard from. So we can add to the list someone who believes the British justice system is not to be trusted. It’s turning out to be a very BC (beebishly correct) list.
How many bloody times is News24 going to repeat this Guantanamo interview?
Yeah I’m watching that also
So short a programme, so much bias.
The paper reviewers on BH were chattering (and joking) about Tesco allowing people to offset their club card points to pay for their university degrees. Left-wing historian Maria Misra was making a tediously familiar political point (“this really is the ultimate supermarketisation of education, isn’t it, in which education is seen as purely a commodity, you know?”), when that eternal student Paddy O’ Connell (aka Dave Spart) burst in, surprisingly sternly, to tell them all off:
“I suspect anyone of 19 listening to older people who went to university for free laughing would be…you might very well all be at risk when you leave our studios, at what faces the students.”
A left-wing beeboid cage well and truly rattled!!
Suitably told off, one of the panelists fell into line and bemoaned the fate of students.
One of the other panelists was the BBC’s very own Kate Adie, who expressed views on squatters and Libya. The panel were discussing a map of influence around Saif Gaddafi, and the names Prince Andrew, Mandelson, Rothschild, Deripaska and Blair came up. Kate opined that “this is power and oil and it’s all the same people.”
At that point, keeping up his tradition of stepping in to defend Labour politicos from accusations, Paddy O’Connell intervened to say, firmly, “and I‘ll point out that this is people who’ve effectively met him at times in the past and is not a suggestion of links.” Really??
Equally firmly, when Kate tried to reply about “concentric circle”, he then said, “Now, I said we’ll move on, amazing though the time is.” That’s another instance of Paddy O’Connell using the phrase “move on”, when moving on from a story embarrassing to the Labour Party.
Finally (after the paper review ended with Maria Misra savaging Cameron for taking the Tories back to the 1960s with his multiculturalism speech – no interruptions or defences of the prime minister from Paddy here, surprise, surprise), Paddy O’Connell returned to where the programme started:
“The prime minister apologised for the slow start in helping Britons leave Libya, there was a plane that didn’t work, critics worried that simple steps weren’t being taken. Here are the tips from one ordinary citizen who just happens to organise big events.”
Ordinary citizen: “My three tips. Firstly get a plane that works, fly it to Tripoli, fly it out. My second tip would be get a boat that works, send it into a port on the north coast, evacuate people and get out. My final third tip would be perhaps a few helicopters that could land and take off again.”
Paddy O’Connell: “Alistair Hook from Meantime Breweries. One of his jobs is to organise a knees-up in a brewery.”
A voice should then have entered saying,”That was a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party.” It didn’t. That programme hasn’t an impartial gene in its body
María Misra also made the ridiculous comments that what has been happening in the Middle East is the ‘the end of the American Empire’.. ‘It is America’s 1989 moment’.
Might of borne some examination from a democratically minded presenter.
Funny you should mention that, hippie, as I was just reading Matt Frei’s latest about Ghaddafi, were he frets ever so slightly that his beloved Obamessiah’s response to the dictator’s mass murder of his own people was “relatively muted”.
I was prompted to check out Frei Boy’s gushing praise of Him back when we first entered The Obamessianic Age, and how His foreign policy resembled that of Bush Sr. Frei’s main point was to frame The Obamessiah’s as the “cautious pragmatist” in stark contrast to George W. Bush, whom he portrays in a very negative light.
Frei also reveals his blind sycophancy with this:
Obama is not nearly as radical as some on the right like to make out and many on the left liked to think.
His foreign policy resembles the realpolitik of George Bush Senior and his strategy for implementing healthcare reform is far more incremental than Bill Clinton’s was.
Whether it’s Afghanistan, healthcare reform or choosing a puppy, this man likes to take his time. He is after all a lawyer at heart.
Not nearly as radical? How’s that working out now, Matt? Implementing healthcare reform far more slowly than Clinton? How did that prediction pan out, Matt? It was rammed through via backroom deals and arm-twisting and procedural sleight-of-hand. Funny how the what Frei saw as “taking His time”, the rest of the world now sees as rudderless incompetence and severe lack of leadership.
The Obamessiah was always going to be the “Post-American President”. He was always going to reduce the US’s position in the world. The Beeboids loved that fact about Him and constantly told us how He’d bring the US back to respectability and high moral standing. How’s that working out now, Matt?
So I’m watching the full Saad Iqbal Madni TV interview on News 24. (Dez I hope you are reading this)
Mr Innocent man (Prefered the Tom Selleck film better) is allowed to vex something awful about how he can only be a victim.
So on the full version what is there, that can’t be found on the internet clip.
Well Dez he knew he was interviewed by a English man becasue the man told himk he was..English.
He tried to commit suicide in his cell, where in other film clips he did it in the med centre toilets.
He received a hole in his ear at Bagram , yet elsewhere he claimed he recived it in Eygpt.
Oh and the best one by far.
He was informed by the US doctors at Bagram (This from the man who said he never saw a doctor) that he had 3 months to live.
He left Bagram in…2003.
Yeah victim my arse.
Nice work, pounce.
I’ve been sitting on this story for a day now. but didn’t wish to say anything until the RAF went in again.
Now here is how the so called impartial bBC reports on the recovery of British nationals from a country currently tearing itself to bits.
RAF Hercules planes rescue 150 from Libya desert
Frank Gardner
BBC security correspondent
Over the last few days PJHQ, which conducts all British military operations, have been working flat out over this plan, together with elements of special forces.They established an air-head on the desert floor deep inside Libya, got everybody on and took off.
That begs the question, why can’t they carry on doing that? I’m told the answer is it’s dark.
So far there doesn’t seem to have been any kind of fighting or bloodshed.This morning we were told there were about 500 British nationals in Libya, mostly in camps.About 300, maybe more, are left. So it’s much too early to celebrate.
They have come up with a plan which seems to be working but is not over yet.
It seems that not only was the bBC so called security expert willing to slate the british government for doing more than most other countries, but and a big but he was willing to put british lives at risk in which to try and promote a view of British incompetance. You know the type that gets you shot and your cameraman murdered becasue you went somewhere and opened your gob without checking the security situation. But then you do know that the bBCs security expert was a Banker before he joined the bBC.
BBC News broadcasts tonight have been very slow to report the use of 3 C130s to evacuate further people today, but I see it now leads the website. Perhaps the BBC also suffers from half term stasis
‘Perhaps the BBC also suffers from half term stasis’
It will be fun to remind the vast majority of senior news ‘reporters’ of the PR BS as news they were serving up whilst most were on the slopes, and that many in the UK do still keep their businesses operating with less money and fewer staff even when junior needs to learn a snowplough, but one suspects the ‘comments are closed’ mods will be on peak alert this week to avoid any… ’embarrassments’.
Could have been worse. He could have tipped off the Libyans a bit more directly. Falklands styly. Maybe Frank can text Jeremy to slip Col. G a note at breakfast?
At least SKY is simply incompetent as opposed to blatantly agenda driven to the point of being a 5th column.
Along with the rest of the SM, they are trying to forget their jumping on the Douglas Alexander bandwagon last week because nothing was suiting their 24/7 news maw quickly enough, but then the useless tw@ts just cut from an interview (well, the irish berk posing questions) with the Defence Secretary mid-sentence to go to the vapid peroxide clothes horse there trading meaningless pap with some 60+yo bloke whose hair dye seems to have affected his powers of thought.
It’s a movie. Folk won awards. I am fairly sure they all ‘feel’ pretty good. Get. a. life.
What passes for ‘news’ these days is either risible or pathetic. Or both.
Guest who writes:
“Could have been worse. He could have tipped off the Libyans a bit more directly. Falklands styly. Maybe Frank can text Jeremy to slip Col. G a note at breakfast? “
You might be closer than you think there GW. Have a look at the bBC News website. You have to look bloody hard in which to find this news story. But last night the bBC very quickly had a number of articles on the subject. Its as if somebody has told them to make that story as low key. Maybe its how the bBC reported the story in the first place (As picked up by other news agencies) which had them reciving a phone call from the Government: I quote from the Malta Times:
“The BBC reported how some of those rescued described the moment a Hercules was shot at above a strip south west of Benghazi, forcing it to abandon a landing.One British oil worker said: “The aircraft took two hits on the right hand side of the fuselage, you just heard “bang bang” as the rounds actually struck.”After failing to land at two blocked off fields, the Hercules was trying again at a third when the firing started, forcing them to abort. “
In a nutshell, what they have done is inform the whole world that the Brits failed to pick up at 3 locations. The people at those sites are now at risk from been taken hostage and we can thank the bBC for doing its bit. In other news, the German Luftwaffe went in Yesterday with 2 C160s and took out 132 people.
‘The people at those sites are now at risk from been taken hostage and we can thank the bBC for doing its bit’
If that is even close to being the case, one presumes the requisite authorities will be on it, and the result will be a bit more than ‘lessons have been learned’.
It comes to something that you need to fear the intentions and abilities of your national broadcaster above all else.
Popped over here to see if they had any editorial comment on the move from agenda and ineptitude to proactive collaboration with forces hostile to UK nationals…
Guess what? ‘Closed for comments’.
Maybe Mitch Benn could score a mates’ promo arts series on BBC69 around his efforts to spin this phrase into a rallying cry for the hard-pressed mods?
ps: Check out some of the latter comments, Has Jeremy Bowen got folk other than Graun journos out there posting how excellent he is, on the basis that if you tell a lie often enough at least some will support you?
Sadly the opporunity to offer a counter view is now passed.
This may be worth adding to:
Do you have relatives who have managed to leave Libya? You can send us your experiences using the form below.
‘Yes, but thanks for amateur hour numpties like you seeking a quick mouth before brain engagement fix for the next slot, this is now even trickier and more dangerous.
Other than yours, whose side are you on?’
The Irish election has not been kind to the BBCs closest political friends,collaborators and allies the greenshirt eocfascisti, it appears they have been wiped out, the BBC dont have much to say on this, funny that eh?
Just a quick….ha haha ha hahahahah ha 😀 😀
Nominations for a new BBC awards show?
I nominate Malcolm Turnbull for foreign useful idiot mug tool of the year.
BBC hardtalk with Stephen Sackur interviews the former Liberal leader. Now why is the labour stooge BBC interested in a failed Liberal leader of a foreign nation? Hmmmmm! Now let me think on that for a minute or two….
Could it be that labour and Gillard are in trouble and they are banging the immigration drum for all they are worth? Waving the flag patriotic populism only missing the marching bands.
Always searching for a way to sabotage labours enemies the BBC comes up with a way of highlighting slavish liberal obedience to the hated multiculturist theology and dogma, Sackur played Turnbull like a cheap guitar. A classic ambush tactic played by the BBC all the time but why on earth do the right fall for it every bleeding time?
The Liberals were simply set up to protect highly unpopular values and support hostile islamofascist immigrants and the hated and failed multiculturalism.
This attack is in contrast to the lefts direct attacks and smears against the Liberals when they dared to contradict the multiculturalist dogma just recently. Its called bandwaggon jumping and cynical exploitation of public fears and sentiments, the left attacking the right for the very thing they themselves supported and espoused and now using those very values as a weapon to destroy their political enemies.
Again and again the right fall for the traps and snares of the leftist BBC.
Radio 5 Listeners this morning: Horribly nasal film monkey, Colin Someone or other, in the van of the BBCC’s attempt to gorra kinda wanna lorra-ise the English language, was at the Oscars.
He was doing this pointless nonsense where they shove the mic under a sleb’s nose and ask the how elated/ disappointed/what’s your favourite colour question and get the over the moon/ sick as a parrot/ red/ next interviewer please answer.
Boring for us, boring for the actor, very exciting for the droid.
Anyhoo when the droid came to Harvey Weinstein he asked him, ‘How much of the funding for The King’s Speech did you put up yourself?’
Harvey replied, ‘50%’
The droid went on with, ‘Yes and the UK Film Council put up one million dollars, how disappointed are you that it’s been closed down’.
Harvey, who’s never heard of the UK Film Council, said, ‘Oh yes it’s terrible’.
‘Strong words there for the UK government,’ went on the nasal one.
The question was not so much shoe-horned in as sledge-hammered in. Now the droid hasn’t heard of the UK Film Council either so he’d clearly been put up to it by someone who doesn’t really see the shame in using Harvey Weinstein as a stooge.
So who put him up to it?
One of the Eds?
Who knows: pretty disgusting in any case.
Lest we forget, the UK Film Council, a bonfired quango, had a staff of seventy, seven or eight of them on six figure salaries, a £70k a year Director of Diversity, all to distribute £15 – £25 million of Lottery funding to British films. An amount that in the private sector would be done by one employee and a temp sec.
Yes, having heard the trainee Cash Peters on R5 I was amazed that in the hour from 8-9 the “Today” programme managed to avoid a single reference to the UK Film Council – in part because Justin was too busy deploring the UK’s inability to operate a unilateral No Fly Zone over Libya.