The bBC picks up on the growing British disgust on Foreign Aid and finds a worthy cause. How does UK overseas aid make a difference?
Yup they play nice music about a baby called Mohammed born to poor people in..Pakistan.
A country which will see British Aid double.
Here is what he bBC doesn’t tell you:
Pakistan has more nuclear warheads than the UK
Pakistan has more tanks than the Uk (3500 to 386)
Pakistan has more Combat aircraft than the UK (507-194)
Its Navy while Smaller than the Royal Navy (only just won’t be in a few years time)
In fact, every branch of its military is expanding and yet the bBC doesn’t feel the need to ask the same questions it asked about India and the Aid we give that country.
How about we stop all foreign aid and repair our bloody roads. Call me cold, call me bloody heartless. But I don’t see why I should subsidise a third world birthrate which has seen the population of Pakistan alone go from 50 Million in 1960 to 169 million in 2009.
A subject I should add which is behind all the problems in the Middle East at the moment. A problem which is heading Europe’s way.
On the intro to The Vine show today, again being deputised as he joins the rest of the BBC great and good ‘on holiday’, again, as nothing happens over the school hols, amongst the biggest load of ‘right on’/PC topic choices you can shake a diversity officer at, promised was a ‘debate’ on why we need to give some folk a continent away all our money despite the nuke and space progamme… ‘because they are worth it’.
It may be on as i write, but my car radio is now subject of a ‘is the BBC’s pathetic progamming responsible for more and more drive-by electronic product fly tipping?’ show on Cbeebies.
The droids of course disappear up their own fundaments on this issue.
Giving aid to poor peasants – mmm good.
But it’s Tory government policy – ooooooh bad.
Listen to the droid criticise the government for increasing the Aid budget in a period of boodget coots, while in the same breath (not even waiting for the next breath) rhapsodising about the number of children’s lives saved.
Rather funny these days to see some open their pieces up with ‘The BBC is reporting’ as a means of showing up whatever shambolic piece of PC BS they are in favour of as the agenda driven propaganda it is.
The anomaly against England is just mentioned in passing, rather than concentrating on this disgraceful situation.
A Yes vote in next week’s powers referendum would let Wales “catch up” with the rest of the UK, says First Minister Carwyn Jones.
I don’t need to comment on the above quote for its breathtaking arrogance, but it’s unbelievable that people can make a claim like that with a straight face.
Good catch. That is a funny bit of blind bias. No wonder the Beeboids think the St. George Cross is either a racist symbol or just a logo used in sports.
I have removed From Our Own Correspondent from my podcast list but caught the start of Bunter Mardell’s contribution last week. Not surprsingly Fattu Mardell chose an eatery as the venue for his pisspoor attempt at analysis of America’s response to the Libyan fiasco. Presumably between very large mouthfuls, Mardell ridiculed an American (Republican, natch) who’d asked him how the Brits were coping with their own “homegrown” Islamists.
Mardell seems unaware of the fact that much of inner city Britain is no ghettoised, with more and more Muslims cutting themselves off behind burkas, boundaries and borders. He ridiculed this with usual bien pensant Beeboid arrogance in a way that made you want to slap him, or, if one was really cruel, take away his third helping.
Am I alone in finding Mardell among the most hideous of our high table Beeboids. Snobbish, stupid, physically repellent, banal, bigoted…. no wonder he’s so highly regarded by the stinking BBC.
‘Am I alone in finding Mardell among the most hideous of our high table Beeboids. Snobbish, stupid, physically repellent, banal, bigoted…’
Now, now, don’t hold back,… say how you really feel >:o
What is more damning is how this overpaid ‘reporter’ for a multi-£B media outfit is trumped, for balance and accuracy, by David P, daily. Who, if I am not wrong, costs us… zippy.
One day, such disconnects will din into even the thick skulls of Mr. NaughtieMarr and his boss.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC), both pre-Patten and with-Patten advocates the entry of 80 million Turks into EU; but in case it be thought that this will speed up the Islamisation of Europe, INBBC censors reports such as this:
1.) the organisation, MILLI GORUS (‘national view’)
such as:
“Necmettin Erbakan’s ideology is set forth in a manifesto, entitled Millî Görüş (National View), which he published in 1969. The Islamist organisation of the same name, which he founded and of which he is the leader, upholds nowadays that the word ‘national’ is to be understood in the sense of monotheisticecumenism.
“A mainstay of the religious wing of Turkish politics since the 1970s, Erbakan has been the leader of a series of Islamist political parties that he founded or inspired that have risen to prominence only to be banned by Turkey’s secular authorities.”
2.) The Muslim Brotherhood (and Miil Gorus, in Germany)
3.)..”.Erbakan had alarmed the generals with moves to allow female civil servants to wear Islamic attire at work and to rearrange working hours to fit fasting times during Ramadan.”
In the presence of greatness (journalistically, of course, from the one dubbed by Graun reporters as ‘excellent’):
BBC_WHYS#Libya‘s Colonel Gaddafi also told the BBC’s Jeremy Bowen that the West wants to “colonise” Libya
The BBC’s Jeremy Bowen described #Libya‘s Colonel Gaddafi as “relaxed” and that Gaddafi told him foreign pressure “doesn’t matter” #Libya‘s Colonel Gaddafi told the BBC’s Jeremy Bowen that he felt “betrayed” by the fact that people were queuing up to tell him to go #Libya‘s Colonel Gaddafi also told the BBC’s Jeremy Bowen that al-Qaeda is supplying the protesters with hallucinogenic drugsColonel Gaddafi told Jeremy Bowen in his interview that “no true Libyans” backed the demonstators Libya’s Colonel Gaddafi has spoken to the BBC’s Jeremy Bowen, saying “all my people love me”. We will be talking to Jeremy Bowen soon
Just a few thoughts shared between mates?
You know, that Col. sounds like a nice bloke, they way Mr. Bowen tells it (well, bar the psycho stuff, and the feral mercs…
Terminal MoraineJan 22, 12:39 Midweek 22nd January 2025 The Guardian’s Nick Cohen on Rudakubana’s case: “… this feeds into a conspiracy theory pumped by Musk, the UK’s native…
moggiemooJan 22, 12:36 Midweek 22nd January 2025 I wouldn’t bother taking them back, just sink the boat where I found it, then piss off, the French can…
moggiemooJan 22, 12:31 Midweek 22nd January 2025 I was clearly too young at the time to appreciate the filth.
MarkyMarkJan 22, 12:29 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Not one – can’t see Tulip in the benches – is she in Bangladesh? HA HA HAHAHAH AH HA! Tories…
Fedup2Jan 22, 12:25 Midweek 22nd January 2025 PMQs No one congratulating President Trump on the inauguration ….no one at all ….
Fedup2Jan 22, 12:24 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Yes – read this earlier – mr Kennedy is always good value …
Lefty WrightJan 22, 12:20 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Deborah I’ve got 2 artificial knees. Perhaps I could get a lucrative job in TV ads. Not. I am a…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 12:03 Midweek 22nd January 2025 STARMER IS UP! House of Commons Wednesday 22 January 2025 Meeting started at 11.33am “One of the penalties of…
Fedup2Jan 22, 11:57 Midweek 22nd January 2025 DT – reports on a BBC’ journo ‘ who told us trump got elected on a theme of ‘hate ‘…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 11:55 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “650 MP Expense fraudsters Benefit cheats could be stripped of driving licences”
No doubt this will be featured on the soon-to-be-closed BBC ‘Asian Network’ apartheid radio station….
“Zenga Zenga: From Tel Aviv to Tripoli”,7340,L-4035148,00.html
Do the Qaddafi Stomp
B-BBC readers might enjoy the latest Dry Bones cartoon as it combines two areas of BBC bias Israel and climate change.
The bBC picks up on the growing British disgust on Foreign Aid and finds a worthy cause.
How does UK overseas aid make a difference?
Yup they play nice music about a baby called Mohammed born to poor people in..Pakistan.
A country which will see British Aid double.
Here is what he bBC doesn’t tell you:
Pakistan has more nuclear warheads than the UK
Pakistan has more tanks than the Uk (3500 to 386)
Pakistan has more Combat aircraft than the UK (507-194)
Its Navy while Smaller than the Royal Navy (only just won’t be in a few years time)
In fact, every branch of its military is expanding and yet the bBC doesn’t feel the need to ask the same questions it asked about India and the Aid we give that country.
How about we stop all foreign aid and repair our bloody roads. Call me cold, call me bloody heartless. But I don’t see why I should subsidise a third world birthrate which has seen the population of Pakistan alone go from 50 Million in 1960 to 169 million in 2009.
A subject I should add which is behind all the problems in the Middle East at the moment. A problem which is heading Europe’s way.
On the intro to The Vine show today, again being deputised as he joins the rest of the BBC great and good ‘on holiday’, again, as nothing happens over the school hols, amongst the biggest load of ‘right on’/PC topic choices you can shake a diversity officer at, promised was a ‘debate’ on why we need to give some folk a continent away all our money despite the nuke and space progamme… ‘because they are worth it’.
It may be on as i write, but my car radio is now subject of a ‘is the BBC’s pathetic progamming responsible for more and more drive-by electronic product fly tipping?’ show on Cbeebies.
On holiday again, are they? Goodness, on the way out they must have bumped into Jeremy (£1m p.a.) Paxman just arriving back from his Christmas junket.
The droids of course disappear up their own fundaments on this issue.
Giving aid to poor peasants – mmm good.
But it’s Tory government policy – ooooooh bad.
Listen to the droid criticise the government for increasing the Aid budget in a period of boodget coots, while in the same breath (not even waiting for the next breath) rhapsodising about the number of children’s lives saved.
Rather funny these days to see some open their pieces up with ‘The BBC is reporting’ as a means of showing up whatever shambolic piece of PC BS they are in favour of as the agenda driven propaganda it is.
Interesting from the Beeb about the Welsh vote:
The anomaly against England is just mentioned in passing, rather than concentrating on this disgraceful situation.
A Yes vote in next week’s powers referendum would let Wales “catch up” with the rest of the UK, says First Minister Carwyn Jones.
I don’t need to comment on the above quote for its breathtaking arrogance, but it’s unbelievable that people can make a claim like that with a straight face.
Good catch. That is a funny bit of blind bias. No wonder the Beeboids think the St. George Cross is either a racist symbol or just a logo used in sports.
I have removed From Our Own Correspondent from my podcast list but caught the start of Bunter Mardell’s contribution last week. Not surprsingly Fattu Mardell chose an eatery as the venue for his pisspoor attempt at analysis of America’s response to the Libyan fiasco. Presumably between very large mouthfuls, Mardell ridiculed an American (Republican, natch) who’d asked him how the Brits were coping with their own “homegrown” Islamists.
Mardell seems unaware of the fact that much of inner city Britain is no ghettoised, with more and more Muslims cutting themselves off behind burkas, boundaries and borders. He ridiculed this with usual bien pensant Beeboid arrogance in a way that made you want to slap him, or, if one was really cruel, take away his third helping.
Am I alone in finding Mardell among the most hideous of our high table Beeboids. Snobbish, stupid, physically repellent, banal, bigoted…. no wonder he’s so highly regarded by the stinking BBC.
‘Am I alone in finding Mardell among the most hideous of our high table Beeboids. Snobbish, stupid, physically repellent, banal, bigoted…’
Now, now, don’t hold back,… say how you really feel >:o
What is more damning is how this overpaid ‘reporter’ for a multi-£B media outfit is trumped, for balance and accuracy, by David P, daily. Who, if I am not wrong, costs us… zippy.
One day, such disconnects will din into even the thick skulls of Mr. NaughtieMarr and his boss.
Dr. A, you are not alone.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC), both pre-Patten and with-Patten advocates the entry of 80 million Turks into EU; but in case it be thought that this will speed up the Islamisation of Europe, INBBC censors reports such as this:
Turkish PM Erdogan, in Germany, urges Turks not to assimilate
INBBC whitewashes ex-Turkish PM, ERBAKAN.
In INBBC’s obituary on him there are glaring omissions as to his Islamic actions.
There is NO mention by INBBC of, e.g.:
1.) the organisation, MILLI GORUS (‘national view’)
such as:
“Necmettin Erbakan’s ideology is set forth in a manifesto, entitled Millî Görüş (National View), which he published in 1969. The Islamist organisation of the same name, which he founded and of which he is the leader, upholds nowadays that the word ‘national’ is to be understood in the sense of monotheistic ecumenism.
“A mainstay of the religious wing of Turkish politics since the 1970s, Erbakan has been the leader of a series of Islamist political parties that he founded or inspired that have risen to prominence only to be banned by Turkey’s secular authorities.”
2.) The Muslim Brotherhood (and Miil Gorus, in Germany)
“The Muslim Brotherhood’s Conquest of Europe”
3.)..”.Erbakan had alarmed the generals with moves to allow female civil servants to wear Islamic attire at work and to rearrange working hours to fit fasting times during Ramadan.”
4.) that Erbakan is the political Islamic mentor to present-day PM of Turkey, ERDOGAN.
5.) that both Erbakan and Erdogan have campaigned to Islamise Turkey, Europe, the World and to re-form the Caliphate.
Aunty’s new lead? Critics accuse….
In the presence of greatness (journalistically, of course, from the one dubbed by Graun reporters as ‘excellent’):
BBC_WHYS #Libya‘s Colonel Gaddafi also told the BBC’s Jeremy Bowen that the West wants to “colonise” Libya
The BBC’s Jeremy Bowen described #Libya‘s Colonel Gaddafi as “relaxed” and that Gaddafi told him foreign pressure “doesn’t matter”
#Libya‘s Colonel Gaddafi told the BBC’s Jeremy Bowen that he felt “betrayed” by the fact that people were queuing up to tell him to go
#Libya‘s Colonel Gaddafi also told the BBC’s Jeremy Bowen that al-Qaeda is supplying the protesters with hallucinogenic drugs Colonel Gaddafi told Jeremy Bowen in his interview that “no true Libyans” backed the demonstators
Libya’s Colonel Gaddafi has spoken to the BBC’s Jeremy Bowen, saying “all my people love me”. We will be talking to Jeremy Bowen soon
Just a few thoughts shared between mates?
You know, that Col. sounds like a nice bloke, they way Mr. Bowen tells it (well, bar the psycho stuff, and the feral mercs…