Fascinating interview @7.50am on Today concerning the Christian couple denied the right to foster any more children because they dare not endorse homosexuality values for 8 year olds. If you listen to the tone of the interview, there is clear BBC disbelief that ANY Christian person would not seek to convey the joys of the gay lifestyle. As ever the implication is that Christians are bigots and sexists.Having a go at Christians is now an essential aspect of the liberal judiciary and in this case it is one where the BBC is clearly content to go with the law. That said, I thought the couple concerned acquited themselves quite well although I can’t wait for the BBC asking Muslim parents their view on gay advocacy.
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I have personally witnessed the waste of “aid” in West Africa and the useless antics of most NGOs there.
Also I know several educated Africans who believe that aid actually prevents them developing. But, I don’t suppose they will appear on the BBC any time soon.
Suppose the U.K. was perceived as a poor country in need of aid from some far wealthier country, the aid would surely distort our economy. The aid industry is out of control.
I have personally witnessed the waste of “aid” in West Africa and the useless antics of most NGOs there.
Also I know several educated Africans who believe that aid actually prevents them developing. But, I don’t suppose they will appear on the BBC any time soon.
No idea how I managed to post this on the wrong thread and twice, weird.
“I can’t wait”… for the end of the article?
it’s no wonder these judges endorse the rump ranger lifestyle
a fair proportion of them like it up the wrong ‘un themselves
allegedly 😉
google Hollie Greig scandal and see what the ivory tower dwellers are in fact capable of
The screaming humbug in which this debate is framed is truly nauseating. According to the supporters of this judicial decision its about ‘putting the interests of the child first’ and ‘ending discrimination’. I heard a guy on 5live accepting the judges comments that Christians are good foster carers.
So, already scarce foster homes will become far more scarce because Christians are now banned from fostering for their views on homosexuality even though the judges and their supporters accept they make good foster carers. And that is in the interests of the child?
This case has nothing to do with ‘homosexual equality’, its to do with homosexual fascism. If foster carers dont impose state ideology on their foster children, they wont be allowed to adopt no matter how good a home they can provide.
Not that long ago the mere suggestion of this state of affairs would have caused uproar in Parliament. Now this state of affairs exists and we dont hear anything.
We need a political realignment.
we need a military coup
Erm, I will have to aver from that suggestion.
can it honestly be worse than what we have?
people vote like drones for their respective parties who promise the world in the manifestos and then go on to do exactly as all the rest have done
isn’t a govt meant to be in place to do the will of the people……not the other way round?
this country is rapidly disappearing down the plughole–there is no debate about that I think
just consider what it will be like in another 5-10 years
it genuinely does not bear even thinking about
“People vote like drones”
Yes, that’s democracy for you. But before they do so, they should at least be given the full facts about matters such as climate change, the EU, immigration and Islamic extremism, not the sanitised BBC versions. If they still choose to vote like drones then that is what the people want and we have to respect their decision.
if you can drag them away from constipation street,eastbenders,and the fecking x factor first
Since we’ve aleady had an EU coup, I’d just settle for a return to boring old democracy.
A little more freedom of speech wouldn’t hurt either.
Don’t you have to be 18 years old before the Army becomes your father and mother? A friend of mine left school at 14 to become a midshipman. Perhaps there’s less buggery in the navy?
DV, I’ve just listened to Justin Webb’s interview with Owen and Eunice John. I thought he questioned them very reasonably and gave them a fair hearing.
Mr John I thought got the point across very well that if an ‘equality law’ makes it illegal to give foster children a Christian upbringing, that law needs to be scrapped.
I would be interested to know though if any prominent supporter of the Court’s decision was also interviewed and had their views similarly challenged?
On 5Live Breakfast with Nicky Campbell and Rachel Burden this morning both views were aired and challenged even-handedly, as with Nicky C’s phone-in after.
I agree, the Johns acquitted themselves well but my perception of the interview was that Webb was trying to trick them into an anti-homosexual statement and/or admission. However, Mrs J stressed the importance of love – as she would as a sincere and practising Christian – and implied that she and her husband adhere to the principle of “hate the sin, love the sinner”.
Compare the “principles” of Stonewall and the Equality Commission: no love there (except the love of power). Aggressive pursuit of “rights” appears in this case to have caused more damage than the wrongs these rights were established to cure. Certainly, the misery caused to potential foster-children who must now remain in local authority care rather than be brought up by the Johns is real enough. OTOH the benefit to homosexuals from this case is difficult to identify. I suspect that it will further alienate the majority of people who are (or were) prepared to live and let live.
The motives of the homosexual lobby and their ‘friends in high places’ certainly aren’t democratic. We are well on the road to a new age fascism with this Court decision.
I saw the last part of the woman being interviewed on the News Channel yesterday. She was being attacked, no question. Maybe other appearances went down differently.
From Christian Concern site
In a landmark judgment, which will have a serious impact on the future of fostering and adoption in the UK, the High Court has suggested that Christians with traditional views on sexual ethics are unsuitable as foster carers, and that homosexual ‘rights’ trump freedom of conscience in the UK. The Judges stated that Christian beliefs on sexual ethics may be ‘inimical’ to children, and they implicitly upheld an Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) submission that children risk being ‘infected’ by Christian moral beliefs.
There is something akin to a Trojan or Worm that has infected the UK. When such an infection occurs on your computer, the best thing to do is remove the malware, then format the hard drive and re-install the OS.
Do we happen to know whether the judges are Christians? Or if they have any religion apart from secularism? Because if they are personally anti-religious, then perhaps there is cause for appeal in that the couple were not given a fair trial.
They’re either anti-religious or just blowing with the wind of the prevailing times. The welfare of needy children and the democratic values of our nation certainly have nothing to do with the Judgement that they’ve reached.
No, from what I’ve read about them, I don’t know whether they are secularists or religious themselves. That point you are making about anti-religious judges was I recall put forward a while back by Lord Carey who said they should excuse themselves from cases requiring sensitivity to and awareness of Christian sensibility but I believe that argument was rejected by the courts.
What makes me doubly sick is that Islam, and therefore a lot of Muslim parents, teach even more severe attitudes against homosexuals than the Christian faith. Will the Judiciary, or the BBC, for that matter, make any kind of pronouncement against placing a child in a Muslim household? You can bet your own bottom [dollar] they won’t.
Beeboid bum boys? Surely not – pass me another rent boy, this one’s split…
You are Martin by another name !
No, not me – I’m just an Old Goat…
Can 8 year old children know they are homosexual or whatever at that age. I’m glad I grew up very slowly I was still playing Cowboys and Indians at 15. I really must be a weirdo!
Well, at eight, I had no idea what a homosexual was, a pouffe was something you sat on, a faggot was some sort of rissole and gay meant something completely innocent.
This homosexuality lark is really taking over, big time.
I really don’t give a stuff about someone’s sexuality, and would prefer that they conduct whatever they do in private, without ramming their orientation down my throat and then denying me the opportunity to object publicly to their particular persuasion.
Minorities seem to rule the roost now, and the world’s become a shittier place because of it.
(Minorities seem to rule the roost now, and the world’s become a shittier place because of it.)
Especially if you are a homosexual!
Just because you are a goat, there is no excuse for “rammism”.
Butt, butt…
I would think that many people went through their whole lives either not knowing at all that there were homosexuals or having only the haziest idea about their existence.
It is the end of “Justice” as we knew it. They are slavishly following the orders of the ECHR which is a godless entity based on the Napoleonic Code. Rights are enshrined for some minorities, each one removing the rights of the greater number. In their non religeous attitude perhaps the two “judges” should look the their Oath of Office given to the Queen, an Oath which like a number of politicians, they seem to have forgotten.
It is the end of “Justice” as we knew it. When you find your home taken over by folks who dont want to leave and its you who are left homeless. Whats that all about.?
Hey, David V., you must at least give the Beeboids credit for going after black people for once, instead of only white Christians. Baby steps…..
That well known drunk, Bishop Tom Butler – a senior (retired) Church of England cleric – was on Thought For The Day before Mr & Mrs John were interviewed. Unsurprisingly, since he is to Christianity what Cameron is to Conservatism, he had absolutely nothing to say about the court’s decision and preferred to burble on about cornish pasties. How predictable that the BBC has selected him as a regular spouter of choice for TFTD and how typical and how shameful that a bishop of the established church prefers to keep shtum on a matter of conscience.
Tom Butler. He really makes me want to puke sometimes.
Another result of Xians views being accepted as mainstream like the traditional church. That is more remiss in child abuse : some progress !
Yet there is cause for alarm in relation to American pseudo ‘Evangelicals’ exporting cults as strange as Jonestown and promoting hate of witches and homosexuality to Africa, Uganda and Kenya in particular. Sarah Palin is in the middle of the Dominionist movement, accepted by some as the Messiah !
Not bad for a woman who can’t seem to string together a coherent sentence.
Have you seen these
I’ll have another shortly. To find similar content, look under the Archives header.
This is a result of Christian views becoming mainstream? Someone’s elevator not going all the way to the top floor here.
I puzzled over this, trying to figure out what it is supposed to mean:
Another result of Xians views being accepted as mainstream like the traditional church. That is more remiss in child abuse : some progress !
I gave up.
Then I read this:
Not bad for a woman who can’t seem to string together a coherent sentence.
Oh, irony.
“That is more remiss in child abuse” really got me thinking.
We need more posts from Opit to liven up this site.
Well, at least the message was incomprehensible rather than reprehensible. The ‘Lefties’ are trying [all together,’ very trying indeed’]
By the way, it seems the case had some additional elements not necessarily covered by the mainstream press.
You only have to look at the clergy and the lunatic PC brigade, to see that arse-stabbing will soon be compulsory.
“I can’t wait for the BBC asking Muslim parents their view on gay advocacy.”
Hell will freeze over first. The BBC and their ilk are basically bullies and are picking on Christians because they don’t fight back.
The imposition of immorallity and the lack of common sense are a daily occurrance now and the values of my childhood are long gone. Human Rights and Equality, positive aspirations you would assume, are the very tools of our destruction. The state, and by extention the BBC, is getting a stranglehold on all aspects of life and will eventually strangle the life out of it.
I need a happy pill 🙂