Hi folks. It’s Wednesday, mid way through our weekly bias fest, so time for a new one of these! I’m making my re-appearance to remind you that the Ministry of Truth was never as malignant at the State Broadcaster has become. You want proof? Provide it here…
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I know this has been discussed in the past but I am not sure if there was an outcome.
But, is there any way we can predict when a new open thread is going to start as many of us, I guess, only read the current thread and don’t have time to go back to previous ones ?
Therefore might post on a thread which soon becomes redundant.
Sorry if I am going over old ground here. I am sure someone will tell me !
Grant, sometimes you’ve just got to accept that life’s a bitch.
On the other hand, we could all take a ‘Big Society’ initiative and endeavour that the first ‘regular’ who posts in a new OT posts a link to the old OT. Let’s hope that the savage cuts the Tory led Coalition is carrying out wont make it impossible to find volunteers for this. Fortunately I am still in receipt of an annual £10,000 government grant so for the time being can volunteer my services, but my funding is threatened and I am due on the TODAY programme tomorrow morning to talk about it with James Naughtie. It should be a fascinating discussion that will help see we get elected – sorry – that will impartially examine the issue.
I’ll bet the next stage in Libyan crisis will be the refugees. Expect Britain to take 10000+. Expect the BBC to give the government an easy ride for breaking its manifesto pledge to cap non-EU immigratation. So predictable.
Yes; this will be the first stage of an ‘open-door’ approach by EU and its INBBC cheerleaders for speeded up mass Islamic immigration into Britain, which fits with their EURABIA intentions of transforming Europe into an Islamised continent.
Turkey’s accession to the EU will be the big nail to drive their policy through. We MUST resist it!
What on earth makes you think Turkey will ever join the EU ?
It is all so boringly predictable !
And when a few of them try to blow us up on the Metro on behalf of Al Qa’eda it will all be the fault of the racism and Islamophobia they suffered.
Then pro and anti Gadaffi factions will be fighting each other on the streets of Dover or wherever.
But you won’t hear about it on the BBC.
BBC breakfast was interesting this morning with the John Galliano anti semetism story. The report was his sacking after a new video emerged being carried by the Sun website in which he is alleged to have said to a group on the next table:
“People like you would be dead. Your mothers, your forefathers, would all be f****** gassed.”
I thought it was going okay with the idea of it being damning stuff. Then we seemed to drift off to it being more of a commentary about how excess and overstepping the mark were hallmarks of the fashion industry. The two guests were a social commentator whose name I didn’t quite catch and someone from the Telegraph responsible for fashion coverage currently in Paris
I was originally thinking oh here we go when the social commentator went on about fashion being about stepping over the mark. But then he became very strong when he started to illustrate how anti semitism had broekn through into the mainstream and had become rife and had somehow become socially acceptable and how this had been aided by parts of the mainstream media and more importantly it had to stop. He also commented how part of this was due to the coupling of viewpoints of Israel and Jews. It was finally getting to a hard news story with some real insight because that was the real story, not the idea of Well fashion is meant to be edgy darling!
It was just getting going at this point but I think having just implicitly pointed the finger at either the BBC or their editorial guidance book, The Guardian we needed to bring the story to a close and so we cut back to the other guest in the interests of balance who gave us the I’ve know John and his marvellous designs for a long while, he’s an immense talent and I’ve never heard him utter an anti semitic comment in all that time. I can only guess based on the final commentator’s assessment of him that Galliano’s views but be very new to him therefore and only formulated five minutes before he said them to the people on the next table.
I’ll bet the editor and the produced in the gallery had a bit of a sweat on during that piece.
Until this event I had never heard of this Galliano person, but it seems to me he is just another anti-semitic, luvvie, poof. Perfect for the BBC.
By the way, if he is gay, why does he go out drinking alone and insult strangers. Seems pretty sad to me. you would think, with all that money, he could buy some friends.
if you’ve ever been to a gay bar or club, you’ll find that most drunken gays are rude, obnoxious, self absorbed, prejudiced and some just vile people.
I think it depends where you are on the victim totem pole. Gay trumps Jewish so his comments were OK.
Muslim trumps Gay, which is why Muslims can be homophobic.
No prizes for guessing who’s at the bottom.
You can hear the BBC wind itself and the charities up regarding this ‘humanitarian crisis’ on Libya’s borders. Let the appeals begin.
And yet … isn’t the excuse why the whole arab world is against Israel that muslims have an obligation to look after their ‘brothers’. Isn’t this the very time that those wealthy oil producing states (getting wealthier even faster as the price we in the West pay goes shooting up) – help their fellow muslims and leave us to support for example the New Zealanders who have had their homes destroyed.
Good point. I remember remarking during the flooding in Pakistan how mysterious it was that the BBC never once showed people from a Mohammedan charity doing good work over there. Not once. One would have thought that the they’d be the first ones on the scene, and that there’d be plenty of them around, considering it’s a Muslim country and all. And surely the BBC would have had them on at every opportunity to show what great work they do – if there had been any.
The only gesture towards that I ever saw was what might have been a donation box (like at museum entrances) in the background during one segment when a Beeboid was interviewing yet another white Christian aid worker.
A defender of the indefensible tried to prove I was wrong, but seemed to think the government of Saudi Arabia was a charity organization.
DP, the Taliban were providing lots of help, and I’m sure you can understand how it would have been difficult and dangerous for BBC film crews to cover it. I’m sure the reason we saw no British based Muslim charities helping out in Pakistan had nothing to do with them being front organisations that raise money for the Taliban and other Muslim terrorist organisations. Perish the thought.
Fair point, hippie. I completely overlooked the charitable work the Taliban did. Always looking out, they are. 😉
I regret to say I live in a town which is now mostly muslim. There were NO charity initiatives by that “community” (god how I hate that BBC word). Just the handwringing public sector white liberals handing back taxpayer cash. Bastards.
A good point. The point for me is that this ‘cohesiveness’ among the followers of the faith can be transitional. This uniting force of islam that they all belong to, only rears its head when its about vitriol directed at us western imperialist aggressors. It would seem that when these disasters strike one of their contingent, they can conveniently rationlise their inaction because they suddenly split into branches of the faith.
Plus like the Palestinian situation it suits them for it to remain an open sore so that we in the west can feel endless guilt.
Yes, I was wondering today why we don’t hear of Saudi Arabia and other Arab States sending planes and tents and medicines. Why is it left for the British and the French to do things like that?
Israeli humanitarian teams are among the first to respond to natural disasters around the world, the Haiti earthquake being a case in point. Their efforts are never acknowledged.
Comrade MASON, Father of the Chapel, ‘Newsnight’ spends 6 minutes (video) trying to apply his Marxism to the present unrest, mainly in North Africa and the Middle East, without mentioning Islam.
Of course, in his utopian way, he would like to see a Marxist International come into existence; and, of course, he ignores the fact that the only international which most Muslims are interested in is the retoration of their international CALIPHATE.
As FOX NEWS’ GLENN BECK points out, several international socialist/Marxist groups are, nevertherless prepared to work alongside the Muslim Brotherhood, (which advocates Sharia law and global Islamic supremacy) and against the West.
Comrade Mason’s 6 minute Marxist video:
I’m sure we’re all grateful to the BBC for giving us a Communists’ take on what’s happening in the Middle East.
No doubt in the interests of extremist balance they’ll be giving Nick Griffin the chance to give us a Nazi’s view.
Good going BBC.
Of course, INBBC guesses that Muslim Brotherhood (MB) must be politically benign, because MB says it is.
What does INBBC read on MB? Not this:
“Muslim Brotherhood Activities in Yemen, Malaysia, Egypt, Libya and Bosnia”
[link deleted as it points to an infected site]
I hope it was better than his recent effort on Portugal’s cuurrent economic problems which was woeful. The Portuguese Finance Minister gave Paul Mason some odd looks as he driveled on …..
Matt not being entirely humourous, and God bless him for it.
Pakistan’s only Christian Government Minister is murdered by gunmen. He was calling for the repeal of laws that impose the death penalty for ‘insulting Islam’.
Thank goodness we can depend on the BBC to remind us that Christianity has just as much of an extremist problem as Islam.
I look forward to INBBC’s programmes on ‘Christianophobia’
among Muslims.
Vatican warns of growing “Christianophobia”
Expect the Islamist uprising to spread to Pakistan soon, good luck spinning that one into the Prague Spring BBC.
vicky d is doing her bit for the labour party. she has chosen a highly emotional subject of respite care for disabled children and getting their parents to come on and talk about how they are suffering. apparently cameron wrote to one of these mothers before the election and told her that they will make sure that respite care budget does not suffer. turns out she is getting 50% more respite care per week from 6 hours to 9 hours now yet vicky keeps askign her who is to blame for her plight and whether things will get worse now for her although her local tory mp says that their council’s respite care budget has gone up by 10%
following that there is a succesion of other mothers who are egged on by vicky d whether cameron has let them down. there is one woman who comes on and says she is not a tory voter and opposes their idealogy and yes wavy davy has let her down. vicky d makes a big issue of hte fact that she cannot get a govt minister to talk to her.
all in all 2 hours of how tory cuts imaginary or not are hurting these people athough not one of them is gettting a reduced service now. yet the message is non relenting. tory cuts leads to disabled children suffering. vile vile piece of propaganda.
Aren’t the beeb rehashing this story? I’m sure I’ve seen them push this before some time ago.
R5 is R4 with regional accents.
Chelsmee, I can understand why her show today might be seen that way but I dont think that was Victoria Derbyshire’s intention, although I may be wrong. Since taking up listening once more to R5L on the internet here in Spain I’ve found very little to criticise VD for, as with Nicky Campbell. I thought they were excellent broadcasters as a regular listener 8 years ago in Blighty and I think that now.
I always brace myself when tuning in to R4’s TODAY programme though. That programme is so screamingly bent it was one of the reasons I came to R5L as a political refugee.
Johnny Ball on somewhat topical issues.
No time now; hope it’s reviewable on iPlayer.
Send us your comments using the form below. A selection will be published
I see he’s on Daily Politics today and debating climate change with Alistair Darling & Philip Hammond. Can anyone who sees it let us know how it went?
Just watched it. Two seasoned pols vs. one rather bouncy (who can blame him?) old TV scince presenter.
And, despite a few bouts of hyperbole, he wiped the floor with them.
They had no argument and lied through their teeth to try and distract from the key point. The book Johnny showed IS NOT the only example of a very politically skewed educational curriculum.
Any concerned parent searching the internet can find a lot to be concerned about….
Andrew Neil seemed too content to let the pols roll with it.
If he’s good, they may even deign to list his backwatered blog on the BBC blog roll soon.
More ‘impartiality’ from Mark Mardell: His latest blogpost contrasts the caution of the Obama administration with the “fervour” of David Cameron on the issue of no-fly zones over Libya. It ends with an opinionated dig at the British prime minister:
Mrs Clinton’s testimony made it clear she thought America should lead the world through what she called “smart power”.
The UK still has to get used to a world where that doesn’t always imply smart missiles.
Incidentally, Mardell is very careful who he applies the word “fervour” to (with its implications of emotional, wrong-headed thinking). Search his blog for the word and you will only find it applied to those on the Right (or nominally on the Right!):
(a) David Cameron (the article linked to above)
(b) Neo-cons (this article)
(c) The Tea Party (this article, and this one from last April, with the wishfully-thought title Is the steam going out of the Tea Party?)
Mardell really is a sack of ordure. The stench his bias is going to leave behind in his Washington residence will make his Brussels home appear to have been a perfumeria.
Of course we’ll have to use missles. Or smart bombs anyway. You can’t have a no-fly zone without first taking out the enemy’s artillery on the ground. Mardell is dreadful.
From Gaddafi’s tent, somewhere in the desert a few days ago.
Gaddafi ( for it is he ) : ” Now you snivelling , dirty dogs. You know the BBC is anti-semitic, pro-Arab and loves me. I need a Beeboid to interview me . Who should I choose ? ”
Gaddafi’s advisors rise to their knees and , in unison : ” There is only one Beeboid. ( then chanting ). Al-Bowen, Al-Bowen, Al-Bowen, Allah U Akbar ….. etc. ” ( continues for 3 hours ).
And so it came to pass that Sheik Jeremiah Al-Bowen of Beeboidland was the chosen one .
( Editor’s note. Check that “Jeremiah” bit, it doesn’t seem quite right. )
Well, he is known for his jeremiads…..
How the bbC perpetuates the lie we armed Gadiffi.
British weapons found at Libyan arms dump.
So we have a video of John-They can be only misguided criminals-Simpson roving into enemy territory and on his travels he walks into a drive in arms dump and way and behold he finds..British made, Mortar bombs. You see evidence that the nasty Brits armed Gadiffi.
But hey, I’m pounce and I cut through the bBC crap that others can’t.
Listen again to the wording by John Simpson.
“Russia,America and China and in a room down there there’s a large number of Mortar bombs made in Britain. The British stuff like everything else is….very old. “
While they had no problem showing lots of boxes of non British kit, how many boxes did they show of British stuff? Err that will be one containing around 9 shells. But the devil is in the detail. Have a look at that box again. What’s it made out of..Wood. Well since the 70s the British have made their ammo boxes out of metal. Simpson does say it is very old, and so that would predate when the UK cut ties with Libya in 1984 after the murder of a British Police woman.
But hang on the last actual arms spurge by the Libyans on buying British weapons was during the late 60s. With the last delivery being in 1973 , which was the Frigate Dat Assawari which had been ordered in 1968. All of which transpired before Gadiffi took power and gravitated away from the west and towards…the Soviet Union.
I wonder why the bBC didn’t mention that the UK banned all arms sales to Libya after he was caught supplying arms and ammunition to the IRA in 1972. Which fits in with the last FCO document on arms sales to Libya which covers the period Jan 1974-Dec 1974.(FCO 93/374) which was preceded by the last document on ‘UK policy on arms sales to Libya’ dated Dec 1973-Dec 1974.( FCO 93/372)
I wonder why the bBC didn’t mention the above facts, instead of blurring the details about how the UK armed..Gadiffi.
Oh the link for the national archive
Are we going to found out that the Germans built his bunkers and the French gave him the bombs he used on his own people?
“…British weapons found at Libyan arms dump…”
Presumably, if they were dumped, they weren’t much use…
As David Preiser wrote recently, pounce’s comments are excellent because they are based on intimate knowledge of the material he’s commenting on: likewise David Preiser’s posts and comments. And the BBC? It gives us ace “reporters” John Simpson and Mark Mardell both of whom I reckon bring down salaries well into six-figures and that doesn’t include their expenses and both of whom, when not positively misleading, generate analyses of mind-numbing fatuity. If I’m going to be lied to I’d prefer it to be done with a show of effort. However, the BBC doesn’t care any more and delivers its lies with unconcealed contempt.
‘Newsnight’ on Middle East history: misses out Ottoman Empire and Islam, blames Breitish Empire.
For those with access, BBC iPlayer, ‘Newsnight’ (1 March) has item on Middle East; this is in two sections:
a.) INBBC’s Mr. Little giving pro-Arab, anti-British rant of a potted history (on film) of the past 100 years in 7 mins.
That starts at 19 minutes in.
b.) -followed by -at 25 mins: 50 secs in:
discussion between:
-Muslim writer, ZIAUDDIN SARDAR (to whom INBBC has already given a TV series on world Islam, in 2005, a series soon followed by other presentation of Islamic history on INBBC, including that of Muslim Rageh Omaar, ex-INBBC, now Al Jazeera).
-and historian NIALL FERGUSON, visiting professor at the LSE.
Will Prof Ferguson be given a TV series on the history of Islam?
Only kidding.
His TV series on ‘Civilization’ is on Channel 4 on Sunday evenings; and there’s a book.
…most Arab nationalists view the entire Ottoman era as a period of oppressive Turkish rule which stifled Arab culture and socioeconomic development and paved the way for European colonial control…..which. being more recent, is readily used by modern Arab Nationalist as a gambit in the irredentist struggle with the West.
Ferguson points out that the ‘killer apps’ which allowed a small peninsula at the western extremity of Eurasia to flourish:
“competition, science, democracy, medicine, consumerism and the work ethic.”
have barely penetrated the culture of Islam….hence the enormous danger of a culture which ‘wants’ but finds it astoundingly difficult to change the mindset which is the barrier to progress.
The frustration this engenders is evidenced by the irrationality of the political discourse, the conspiracy theories, the fervour for its anti-semitism and christianophobia.
Freud would have had a field day.
The BBC website’s Complaints section contains a page called Regular Reports. When you click on them these monthly reports are very brief and invariably begin with this form of words:
The BBC answered just under 23,00 complaints from the audience in December 2010. These ranged from a small number of complaints about alleged breaches of editorial guidelines through to a much larger collection of views about programme content and services.
Given that whenever you fill in their complaints form you choose from a range of complaint categories, including Bias, Factual Error or Inaccuracy, Offence (etc), it should be a few minutes’ work (at most) each month to provide actual figures on that summary. How many are “a small number of complaints about alleged breaches of editorial guidelines?” What percentage of the total do they comprise? It should be easy for the BBC to tell us.
On their Recent Responses page, a few examples are given – clearly carefully filtered.
The Editorial Complaints Unit rulings page contains the most interesting stuff, but it seems to be being starved of new responses at the moment.
Still, there are some fascinating admissions of breeches buried away here, especially this admission that Mark Easton used inaccurate statistics over immigration and then failed to correct the original error when he updated his post with different statistics. Easton is a propagandist, so none of this is very surprising.
I suppose it’s also not surprising that there are so few admissions of failure there, as the BBC Complaints department is – as so many of us know all too well – extremely reluctant to admit anything, even when caught red-handed.
Unfortunately, it looks like the complaints, even when acknowledged, have no effect on future reporting. No lessons learned, as if all mistakes are unavoidable anomalies.
Is there a category which deals with complaints about the compalints department?
Yes. Futility.
Forget about admiting fault, at the moment I’d just like a reply to my outstanding complaints. If the BBC are monitoring this then I do also want a an admission of fault!
Craig, complaining to the BBC is like complaining to a neighbourhood fox about foxes stealing chickens.
Would it be that difficult for Cameron to set up an independent complaints authority to specifically deal with complaints about BBC bias?
There’s an independent complaints authority for the Police, which the BBC did so much to bring about, why not the BBC?
Female Beeboid on the News Channel just now slightly challenging the Vice Chair of the police union on – what else – budget cuts. She actually read out three separate questions from an alternative point of view, even quoting Cameron about back-room and front-line positions. She also asked about excessive pay.
The union guy dodged the first question, and easily rebutted the other two by essentially saying, “It’s not true”. His answers weren’t challenged at all, and he was allowed to spin the back-room positions Cameron and so many other critics have been complaining about into police officers capturing internet paedophiles, which of course is not what the critics mean at all.
At least the BBC is starting to mention the criticisms. But it would be better for the public – and more fair – if they had an actual critic on to debate with a police union rep, rather than a Beeboid reading off devil’s advocate questions as a platform for the union position.
It’s actually more damaging to the critic’s case to mention a criticsm and have it easily rebutted than not mention the criticism at all. The impression given – quite deliberately I suspect – is that no criticism of the anti-“cuts” position in this case (or any case) are valid if they’re so easily disposed of.
Dopey Beeboids can’t tell the difference between actual breaking news and the Sec. of State’s appearance before a committee making the Administration’s case for military funding. Not a speech, not news. Yet they cut over to the scene simply because she was at a microphone.
This keeps happening: the BBC snaps to attention the moment either the President or another top Dem opens their mouths, regardless of the circumstances. This time it took about four minutes for a producer to realize this was not actual news and cut back to the studio. And even that was only to do the weather break.
The BBC behaves not only as HM Opposition but as the foreign propaganda wing of another government entirely.
Ed West in the Telegraph makes an amusing comment abou the BBC’s reaction to the murder of Shahbaz Bhatti.
Love the BBC’s version:
“It is hard to find an immediate motive behind the murder of Pakistan’s Minorities Affairs Minister Shahbaz Bhatti.”
Wonder if a black civil rights campaigner murdered in the Deep South, having been repeatedly threatened by white supremicists, whether they’d be so confused.
& this outrageous article goes on to say
“All that one sees are some anguished rants from some of Pakistan’s best known liberals, many of whom are not even resident in the country.”
Thanks a lot James for posting that very sly and evil piece of BBC bias from Aamer Ahmed Khan. A clear propaganda job for Muslim terrorists.
Why sly? Well, he begins by making out in the usual ‘look, no hands’ type of way that the murder had nothing to do with Islamists, and he ends the article (the part many readers dont get to) accepting it was an Islamist murder and seeking to demoralise Pakistani reformers by saying their position is hopeless.
A terrorist propagandist at the heart of the BBC. Sadly, completely unremarkable.
Pope Benedict Exonerates Jews for Jesus’ Death in New Book
In “Jesus of Nazareth” excerpts released Wednesday, Benedict uses a biblical and theological analysis to explain why it is not true that the Jewish people as a whole were responsible for Jesus’ death.
Interpretations to the contrary have been used for centuries to justify the persecution of Jews.
While the Vatican has for five decades taught that Jews weren’t collectively responsible, Jewish scholars said Wednesday the argument laid out by the German-born pontiff, who has had his share of mishaps with Jews, was significant and would help fight anti-Semitism today.
BBC: ZZzzzzzzzzz
That clear, theological exposition and clear conclusion is the pope speaking ex cathedra.
This statement is of supreme importance as it is a statement of faith and morals.
Rome has spoken. Causa finita est.
In Catholic terminology, Peter has spoken.
My understanding of Scripture is that yes, the Jews do bear the guilt of Christ’s death. Their punishment has been what they have suffered since. The Almighty left His people almost completely to the mercy of the Devil to try and destroy them to prevent the fulfilment of Biblical Prophesy.
Now the Jews have returned to Zion and we know that Summer is near.
The early Church leaders made the Jews who wouldn’t join them into the enemy. That’s what Matthew was doing. It’s a creation of the early leaders. There is nothing in Jewish tradition which mentions this at all. The only supposed Messiah anybody talks about from the period is Simon Bar Kochba, but that was nearly 100 years later. Most Biblical scholars understand that these days. The Pope has to dance around that, of course, and find another way. I realize this means something only to Catholics, and all other Christians are still free to condemn the Jews.
Jews have been in Zion the entire time. Except for a few decades of hiding underground and in the hills after the Romans squashed yet another rebellion, they’ve always been there since about 1000BC. Just not in charge again until recently. And there’s still no Temple rebuilt. In fact the grounds are so defiled as to probably be irreparable.
As the BBC continually pump out programs with an Islamic agenda on radio and TV, I wish I had the time to count them all, they must be in the thousands. There are signs showing they are doomed to failure.
Only a few years ago, many of Europe’s far-right politicians were openly anti-Semitic. Now some of the same populist parties are embracing Israel to unite against what they perceive to be a common threat.
Europe’s right-wing parties have “realized, whoops, we’ve been wrong about Israel and the Jews in the past,” The growing antipathy toward Muslims in Europe is spurred on by organizations such as Stop the Islamization of Europe, which has chapters in 11 countries, and the English Defence League, a growing protest movement.
Well it had to happen.
Charlie, you’ll find that in France Le Pen’s Frente Nacional has significant Muslim. The BBC tells us its because of his strong stance against crime, more objective souls might point to the visceral anti-Semitism of Le Pen.
Charlie, you’ll find that in France Le Pen’s Frente Nacional has significant Muslim support. The BBC tells us its because of his strong stance against crime, more objective souls might point to the visceral anti-Semitism of Le Pen.
From a BBC News Online article about why Cheryl Cole has to take elocution lessons so that parochial United Statesians can understand her when she’s on X factor:
This is because US audiences tend to identify the British accent with notions of social standing and refinement rather than geographical location, according to London-based film critic Ray Bennett of the Hollywood Reporter magazine, who spent 30 years living in North America.
Oh, so it’s only US audiences who associate class with accent, eh? Most of us have no idea about any of that outside of the obvious cut-glass accent of the extreme upper class. Very few people here have a clue about class prejudices and Northern accents. We have our own accent prejudices to deal with. I’d wager that Brits are far more obsessed with the notion.
But I don’t think it’s clear cut. There’s considerable prejudice against cut glass or RP accents – I think this is getting worse thanks to the BBC and 13 years of Labour. On the other hand, I think fewer people assume that all Northerners are working class unless, of course, the subject is a complete oaf like John Prescott (who is Welsh but perceived as Northern) or Michael Martin.
Now, of course, as Baron Prescott and Baron Martin of Springburn, they continue to complain on the BBC about their cruel persecution by the English class system.
I have a clear Northern accent, move in various circles, and never had a problem.
BBC policy to protect Mohammedans at all cost in full force just now. The quick update about the murder of two USAF airmen in Frankfurt mentions that the murderer is “of Kosovan origin”. We all know what that means (he’s probably not a member of the Westboro Baptist Church), and the BBC News producers are way ahead of us. After the update, Essler said this:
“I take it there’s no proof yet as to the motive…”
The choice of the word “proof” is 100% deliberate, intended to quiet those who are already thinking that it was yet another murderous Muslim doing this because of the usual grievances against the US. Instead of “proof”, a news organization which does not have a specific editorial agenda to protect Mohammedans at all costs would have said “word” or “information”.
It’s especially tricky because the US actually saved loads of Mohammedan asses in Kosovo.
And what has this to do in a report of an attack by a Kosovan on US troops?
“Last month the German parliament extended by one year the military mission in Afghanistan.
Germany has 4,860 troops there, despite domestic polls suggesting the mission’s unpopularity.”
Very little, Shay, at this stage unless it is a ‘pre-emptive justification’ should the murders be associated, even vaguely, with an Islamist motive.
The German press, though, are running with this:
“In den Stunden nach den Schüssen fließen die Informationen nur spärlich, aber vieles spricht für einen gezielten Anschlag: Aus dem Kosovo soll der Mann stammen, angeblich in Frankfurt leben. Etliche Male habe er abgedrückt, teilt die Polizei mit. Spekulationen, nach denen der Todesschütze vor dem Blutbad auf Arabisch „Gott ist groß“ gerufen haben soll, bestätigen die Ermittler aber ausdrücklich nicht.”
The report confirms that in the past 2 to 3 hours not much information other than name, nationality and the fact he boarded the bus standing in the bus lane at the airport. He fired a number of shots.
However, the information is circulating that the murderer called out ‘God is Great’ in Arabic.
The police did not specifically confirm that he had done so.
The arrested Kosovan is refusing to cooperate.
INBBC’s pro-Islam agenda is obvious here, in its censorship.
‘Jihadwatch’, in contrast, has this:
Frankfurt Airport murderer ID’d as Kosovar Muslim; U.S. Rep calls it terrorist attack
and this:
Frankfurt Airport attack “fits in the category of ‘armed jihadist assault’ similar to what…al-Awlaki called for”
I know the area very well as on my travels I used to stay overnight at Rhein-Main airbase (before it was closed down) once a week. Also the other year I flew into Frankfurt in which to visit friends at Ramstein.
By not reading the bBC news I have found out that:
The murderers name
That the airmen had just flown in from Lakenheath (UK)
What does the bBC give you?
“The airport is near the large US military base at Ramstein, a hub for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Last month the German parliament extended by one year the military mission in Afghanistan.
Germany has 4,860 troops there, despite domestic polls suggesting the mission’s unpopularity.
In otherwords popular leftwing gripes which excuses the cold bloodied murders of 2 innocent men
It was news to me that Kosovo has an islamist problem. This article by Stephen Schwartz shows that it’s been around for well over a decade now and seems to be an ever-growing concern in the area, spreading into Macedonia. This news, naturally, came via the blogosphere.
Has the BBC ever mentioned this? So far as I can see from a scan of their website, there’s nothing about it there. So if these murders are, as seems quite possible, a terrorist attack by an islamist from Kosovo, it will come out of the blue to everyone only because our MSM has so far completely ignored what seems to be a significant story.
Correspondent Steve Evans on the News Channel tonight is saying the motivation is “uncertain”, though it’s “probably political” and unlikely to be linked to other recent plots. The interviewer is asking mainly about the issue of airport security. The ignoring of what seems to be the most likely explanation looks as if it’s set to go on. (Where’s Occam’s razor when you need it?) The ‘M’ word and the ‘I’ word are going unmentioned. The possible Kosovan islamist background is not being probed on TV or on the website. The BBC is keeping tight-lipped.
Even if Arif Uka isn’t part of a Kosovan islamist organisation, there are Kosovan islamist organisation, organised by Wahhabi radicals, and the BBC should be reporting on them.
Robert Spencer’s take on this is here and he adds something else to the picture of the likeliest motive of the killer (which you won’t find on the BBC):
What’s more, Arif Uka is twenty-one years old and lives in Frankfurt, which has long been a hotbed of jihad activity in Germany.
I guess we should be grateful that the BBC hasn’t tried to blame Sarah Palin.
“Officials said the gunman, identified as Arid Uka, 21, shouted out ‘Islamic slogans’ before opening fire”
Nope, no proof whatsoever in BBC La La Land
Anybody notice how the bBC are broadcasting how the Irish have beaten the English.
Brilliant Ireland shock England
When was the last time you saw the bBC use the adjective’Brillaint to describe any english win.
Now before somebody calls me a sore loser. I can’t stand cricket. Never have ,never will. But my gripe comes from serving in the army alongside people of the British isles. Irish,Scottish and Welsh.
If the any of these home nations are playing and its on the telly, I will always support the home nation. However and a big however is when the Uk plays the very same home nations will always support the otherside. Ok that I can live with. But when leftwing English bastards who hate everything about the UK start doing the same then it gets my goat.
I have just watched the cricket highlights and I wish I hadn’t. England were back to their old feeble habits: dropped catches, poor bowling and they looked knackered. Bloody good innings by O’Brien though – wow!
Complacency – we’re riddled with it.
Magoo Robinson opining on a possible fuel price stabiliser on BBC1 6pm News says “Getting the calculations wrong could lose the country millions of pounds in tax revenue”. For a supposed “right winger” Robinson gives a good impression of following lefty thinking that the state is the country, that the money would stay in the taxpayers pocket doesn’t come to his mind.
The Islamic jihad murder of Christian government minister in Pakistan.
INBBC unable to mention tenets of Islam as inspiration for this.
INBBC video clip:
on Islam/Pakistan/ blasphemy
This story, from the Islamic Caliphate of Tower Hamlets, seems to have been largely ignored by the MSM:
‘pariah state’ or ‘apartheid state’ – the left and islam’s obsession with the one tiny Jewish state speaks volumes.
Hopefully, one day, we’ll get a serious party willing to look at the voting rights of foreigners living in our country. We’ve been far to generous and foolhardy in giving citizenship willy nilly and letting non-EU citizens vote. Putting our electoral house in order would avoid the problems we currently have with the Ummah in Tower Hamlets. Getting a lot stricter with the postal vote would help a lot as well. It’s nearly always Muslims practising wide-scale voter fraud. They make PIRA/Sinn Fein look like amateurs.
Postal votes should only be allowed if there is a genuine reason, e.g. away from home on election day, physical infirmity as confirmed by a doctor etc.
Blair even wanted to go down the dangerously bad route of online voting. It’s almost as if wanted to think of the easist ways to commit voting fraud, which my devious mind I still suspects may have been the case. After all, the majority of major ballot rigging has come from Labour supporters, and that is only what has come to light. The fraud that hasn’t been uncovered is the most worrying.
Demon, given that a number of elections have occurred since Labour made it far easier to vote by post and since the first election it was abundantly clear that massive fraud was being committed (as you say, in their favour) but they didn’t plug the huge loopholes they’d introduced, I have no doubt the intention was fraud on the part of New Labour.
Astounding the Tories dont make a song and dance about it, but then the voting fraud is mainly Muslim in favour of Labour.
“Al Qaeda release video praising ‘Musa the British martyr’ who died fighting for the Taliban”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1362089/Video-praising-British-Al-Qaeda-martyr-raises-fears-fresh-terror-attack-UK.html#ixzz1FTOtrBQn
INBBC censors this report lest word gets through to more and more British people that the tenets of Islam are a threat to British people.
And that no more Islamic immigration into Britain makes sense, in security terms alone.
Supplementary, so that INBBC can’t miss it:
“‘British martyr’ in new al-Qaeda video on web heightens concern over UK attack”
A Kosovan screams “Allahu Akbar” before opening fire on American airmen at Frankfurt Airport. A British Al Qaeda matryr video is released. And yet the BBC wants us to think that Geert Wilders is the most dangerous man in Europe.
Well, should this come to blows closer to home, there seems little doubt on which side the BBC will cheerle… er… ‘reporting’.
On only wonder at what point licence fee payers get a little dubious on being forced to fund the process as a crew up the street is offering propaganda services to the guys who the next day may be on the rampage.
My Jeremy Bowen can return ‘home’ and have a daily show ‘Bomb in the Attic’, where he shows off the latest local martyrs? At least they are less likely to require he needs a translator, so there may be a cost saving.
Yes; INBBC, by its pro-Islam rules, distorts the truth by refusing to use the accurate words ‘ISLAMIC JIHADIST’ and ‘MUSLIM’ to describe the assailant in its headline.
‘Daily Mail’ headline:
“‘This is my favourite killer outfit’: Face of Kosovan Muslim alleged to have shot dead two U.S. airmen at Frankfurt airport”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1362463/Arid-Uka-Face-Kosovan-Muslim-shot-dead-U-S-airmen-Frankfurt-airport.html#ixzz1FXESnod3
INBBC headline:
“Frankfurt airport shooting: Focus on terror theory”
Thanks for that post, it gave me an idea – http://notasheepmaybeagoat.blogspot.com/2011/03/cry-of-allahu-akhbar-that-bbc-ignores.html
I didn’t see the original BBC online report so can’t tell if it has undergone revisions. They now appear to have cited some of his jihadi viewpoints including his desire to kill infidels. They are however missing out on his anti jew rant and his comment about Germans fearing the spread of islam that the Daily Mail report
But as ever something remains curious about the BBC report. This additional report:
refers to The BBC’s Stephen Evans in Berlin. Yet the online report shows very little evidence of direct observation by him, almost as if he wasn’t there. All of the key developments reported on are secondhand and cite this paper or that source. Most of these sentences go with the “According to..” approach.
What’s up? If we know he was in Germany why this secondhand reporting? Couldn’t he get to this guys facebook page and find this himself and explore? The Daily Mail seem to have managed it and so do the other sources he quotes, so why couldn’t he?
Or is it something else.
Just reading the story and it’s secondhand reporting undermines the veracity of these facts just a little bit. It gives the story an element of doubt and unreliability. It’s like a friend who tells you a story that then starts to sound a little shaky when you hear that they didn’t actually witness it. It’s a subtle technique we often see in their reporting from incididents in Gaza / West Bank when citing the Israeli version of events.
It certainly weakens that angle of the story slightly and you have to wonder if that was the intent.
So – in just one day we have news of the Christian politician in Pakistan murdered because he was a Christian opposing the extreme blasphemy law that is frequently used by Islamists against Christians – either in court, or through assassinations/murders. Plus we have news of a Brit member of Al Qaeda – one of many – praising suicide bombings? Plus we have a Kosovan yelling “Allahu Akbar” as he murders some US servicemen – who were apparently en route from RAF Lakenheath to Afghanistan.
But NEVER does the BBC join the dots – it often leaves out any mention of this violence being Islamist. There is a religion out there with a significant proportion who hate us simply because we are not Muslim, but the BBC glosses over this at every turn.
Snap! Sort of.
I haven’t got time to blog today, but there’s a good piece about Chris Patten on Daphne Anson’s blog.
The bBC and its very shoddy reporting from Libya.
Remember that video clip from John Simpson when he walked into an arms depot and found…British weapons. (All 9 rounds of them) prior to a very selective video clip he mentioned that the ammunition came from lots of places America,China and Russia. Well funny enough the guardian airs photos from the very same compound. In fact the same room that Simpson walks into, but by the looks of things before , (Photo 8) but for some reason they didn’t take a picture of this (Photo7)load of non-British ammunition. I wonder why?
Then there’s the story about how the UK and France have sent 5 planes between them in which to return people to Eygpt. Did you know that Tunisia has chartered 7 planes. Did you know that the UN is demanding that Europe takes in 11000 Black Africans in the country, because the locals have started attacking them.
Did you know that Gadiffis forces have retaken the border post with Tunisa.
Did you know that Belarus made an arms drop a fortnight ago into Libya.
In that John Simpson video he makes the claim that pilots missed the arms compound on purpose, Al Jazera says otherwise. (they are just crap)
The bBC doesn’t mention any of the above and more. Instead they prance around like gods because they are from the bBC and so must be believed. Pathetic.
‘…prior to a very selective video clip …’
Ah, don’t you just love the sweet stench of an edit in the morning?
As to the omissions… no, I (and hence the rest of the UK broadcast fodder compelled to pay) did not know these salient facts, because for some reason the BBC has chosen not to share them.
It’s a shame that The Editors shut down their attempted navel-fluff engagement whitewash a few days ago when the narrative again took a hammering once outside their control…
One can see the difficulty is indeed ‘reporting’ from within Libya as there seems no problem getting scores of apologists in there at the drop of a Col. or mini-Col sofa invite. The problem is actually then reporting like real journalists and not gushing like daytime TV hosts.
Unlikely to happen because, like Libyan pilots, they are just crap.
Pounce= I think you mentioned it and slightly off the topic but presumably the latest Israeli tank protection system is a real game changer – as they say- and significantly alters the balance of forces in the ME. Nothing on the MSM about this I see. i wonder what you think.
I don’t really know. Is it a game changer? only until somebody works out a way to bypass it. Hezb-allah for instance has a habit of targeting armour with as many as 13 anti-tank missiles in which to try and defeat its armour. For the time being tIsrael has the upperhand. No doubt Russian and China will be dealing with Iran in which to gain an insight into how good trophy/windbreaker is.
A poster on Autonomous Mind has kindly provided the clip on Daily Politics with Johnny Ball’s opinion piece, followed by two senior politicians confirming one’s worst fears for their abilities and motivations.
The two them must have a lot of of directorships in renewable subsidy sucking companies lined up.
I am impressed that DP was allowed to air this at all. But maybe they didn’t expect two senior (ex + current) cabinet ministers to merely highlight the extent of delusion or deceptions at play. ‘Well look, I didn’t publish that book” Well who did? Why? On whose watch? You’re in power. The twat next to you was an Education Minister!!!! And it is currently in the curriculum, being taught as gospel and examined with the demand for compliance to tick a box to get an A*. While a kid in China is learning… Chemistry.
I’m noting a few folk seem to be finding that, despite what the Hon porkie-tellers attempted, there is a bit more than ‘just one book, Darling’ (Why?Are you happy with that one then? How about the BNP manifesto being mandatory – actually, if it was a free discussion with an objective teacher and ALL sources allowed, I wouldn’t mind – in a politics class?) being fed to our kids.
Whatever Mr. Ball’s excesses of enthusiasm, the facts of what he shared on current exam books is without question. And a concern. Except to the perverse minds in our very corrupt politico-media establishment.
Libya, LSE and INBBC’s close political chum, Shami Chakrabarti.
‘THE TIMES’ (paywall) today has extensive reports on the scandalous dealings of the London School of Economics with the Gaddafi regime.
Here are a few extracts (the whole coverage is well worth reading):
“The London School of Economics faces fresh scrutiny today over its links witth Libya as it emerged that the university secured a £1 million deal to train hundreds of members of the dictatorship’s future elite.
“British diplomatic sources say that the private commercial arrangement was made by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam, a student at the LSE and one of its most generous benefactors.”
(And, emphasis added:)
“Shami Chakrabarti, the director of ‘Liberty’ and a member of the ruling council ,[of the LSE] said:
‘The director has been completely straight about his embarrassment. The council has been completely united in its regret. As a human rights campaigner I can only share bucketfuls of both.’
“Ms Chakrabarti was on the council when it accepted £1.5 million from a foundation headed by Mr Gaddafi in 2009. He has been awarded a PhD by the university although his thesis is now being investigated over alleged plagiarism and ghostwriting.”
As ‘The Times’ suggests in a ‘leading article’ today, even though the LSE sold any academic integrity for cash from the Gaddafis, maybe an alternative explanation is even more damning (with emphasis added):
“There is, of course, an alternative explanation for the LSE’s conduct. But it is hardly a more encouraging one. It is that the LSE’s involvement with the Gaddafi family was not the result of a donation, but rather its cause. Mr Gaddafi chose the LSE because it ‘understood’ him. But this would suggest that the LSE employs senior academics who are posing as experts in political science while, in fact, being grossly ignorant about it.”
No doubt INBBC, which is of the same political ilk as the LSE and its Council, will continue to put up its political chum, M. Shami Chakrabarti of ‘Liberty’ (sic!), on ‘QT’, ‘Today’, ‘World at One, ‘PM’, ‘Newsnight’, etc, as though nothing had happened.
So the BBC is still pushing the Narrative that Britian is now “internationally isolated” for calling for a no-fly zone over Libya? The Beeboids were all for it last week until their beloved Obamessiah got cold feet. Now they’re using it as an opportunity to attack the Conservative-led Coalition and portray them as incompetent.
From what I can tell, Call Me Dave hasn’t bungled nearly as much foreign policy as He has. Yet the BBC defends Him.
This is really going to mess with their minds:
Arabs may impose Libya no-fly zone
International concern grows over violence in Libya with Arab state ministers saying they could impose a “no-fly” zone.
The Arab League has said it may impose a “no fly” zone on Libya in co-ordination with the African Union if fighting continues in Libya.
(Al Jazeera)
And Mark Mardell might end up doing the Hokey Cokey himself, given that Obama now looks to be flip-flopping over the idea of a no-fly zone himself:
President Barack Obama said today the U.S. was considering enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya.In his strongest remarks yet about the Libya crisis, the President indicated that he was keeping ‘all options open’ including enforcing a controversial no-fly zone with American military aircraft.
(Mail Online)
Craig, now that Gaddafi appears to stand a chance of recovering, the last thing that we in the West can afford, after what with been saying, is that he succeeds!
I’m not holding out too much hope that an intervention for the anti-Gaddafi forces might not just pave the way for an Islamist Govt. It will amaze me if the klutzs’ we now have governing the West are capable of anything else.
The whole talk about a no-fly zone was got up in the first place by the BBC and Cameron, the klutz, looking to get in with them comes up with this ill-thought out sound-bite, and now the BBC is laying into him for it.
The BBC; it sets ’em up and takes ’em down, only in this case, the Prime Minister, the Rt Hon dolt, had it coming to him.
Does he never learn?
While the BBC is fretting over what MI5 could have done to prevent the mass murders of 7/7, maybe they should talk about how they filmed terrorist training activity and presented it to the public as innocent fun with Mohammedans?
BBC = Scum.
Nice reminder.
INBBC Radio 4’s ‘PM’ (around 5:30 pm) had on Clegg, Muslim Islamic Centre, and Labour Party reps – all part of the same apologists for Islam; and all united to see EDL as their enemy. (INBBC is bound by its NUJ policy to oppose the English Defence League; whether that was the reason why the EDL was not allowed on, is not known).
The cuts – The most bizarre BBC angle?
I was surprised that the sympathetic BBC News channel coverage on the release of old government UFO files. All was clarified by the revelation that the government UFO bureau had fallen victim to the cuts. Hugh whined that it would leave UFO spotters with no place to go with their stories
They could join the Lib Dems.
Here’s a great parody of the latest dire effort from Thomas Friedman, (one of Matt Frei’s favourite columnists).
Here’s a conundrum for the Beeboids:
Cleric orders Gaddafi killed
Influential Muslim cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi has issued a fatwa that any Libyan soldier who can shoot dead embattled leader Muammar Gaddafi should do so ‘to rid Libya of him.’
‘Whoever in the Libyan army is able to shoot a bullet at Mr Gaddafi should do so,’ Qaradawi, an Egyptian-born cleric who is usually based in Qatar, told Al-Jazeera television.
Oh, dear. The Muslim Brotherhood versus Gaddafi. Whom should the BBC support? Will any Beeboid dare to frown at a religious scholar calling for the assassination of a soverign leader? Maybe they’ll hold this up as another example of how moderate the MB have become?
Personally, I find it refreshing to for a Mohammedan to actually be concerned about a Muslim leader killing his citizens, rather than letting it go and whining about the US.
It strongly suggests to me that the MB sees Lybia as there for the taking if Gaddafi falls.
Or at least an attempt to act like a group poised for leadership in Egypt.
Quick, somebody tell the BBC:
Obama: Qaddafi Has Lost Legitimacy, Must Leave; Chavez Offers to Negotiate
Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi has lost legitimacy to lead and he must leave, President Obama said Thursday as the Pentagon confirmed the Libyan “mad dog” was using air power to strike rebel forces who refuse to settle for less than his ouster.
“Let me just be very unambiguous about this: Col. Qaddafi needs to step down from power and leave. That is good for his country that is good for his people that is the right thing to do,” the president said during remarks to reporters alongside Mexican President Felipe Calderon.
But Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez may throw a wrinkle in U.S. and international ambitions offering to negotiate a way to salvage Qaddafi’s regime through mediation between the Libyan dictator and the rebel National Libyan Council.
Venezuela’s Information Minister Andres Izzara told Reuters that Libya had accepted a proposal “to work for a negotiated end to the conflict accompanied by an international commission.” Izzara said Venezuela will discuss “formulas for peace in Libya” with Arab allies.
Somebody tell me whether I’m supposed to laugh or cry.
Here are a few news stories which the world famous bBC doesn’t feel you need to know:
Gaza banks close in protest at Hamas cash seizure
Banks in the Gaza Strip closed on Thursday in protest against Hamas’s seizure of $250,000 in cash in a dispute between the Islamist movement that runs the enclave and its West Bank rival, the Palestinian Authority.
Israel permits Gaza tomato exports
Israel further eased its blockade of the Gaza Strip on Wednesday by allowing a truckload of produce destined for Europe to pass through their common frontier
Gaza fighters: Projectile fired at Israeli military tower
A militant group in Gaza said fighters fired a C5K rocket toward an Israeli military guard tower on Thursday, saying in a statement that attacks against military infrastructure would continue until Israel’s occupation ended.
Armored Kindergartens Planned for Israel’s South
The Ministry of Industry and Trade announced that they will finance the construction of new armored day care centers in communities near the Gaza Strip. Israeli towns in the Eshkol Region, and southern Negev have suffered from rocket attacks fired by Gaza terrorists. The schools and kindergartens will receive reinforced concrete walls and fortified barriers to protect against missile attacks.
Yesterday two mullahs in the UK had their day in court over alligations of child abuse. One walked free the other was jailed. Guess which story the bBC reports?
Bolton Koran teacher cleared of assaults
Ilford Islamic teacher guilty of molesting students
Another story of mutlicultural Britain yet the bBC feels it can be relgated to the back so you don’t hear about it.
Appeal over Lancashire death driver deportation fails
and here is a story from Kent which really should be given more air:
Asylum seekers are ‘making us racists’, says residents in part of Folkestone
Silly woman, everyone knows its the Tories that make us racist. Doesn’t she watch the BBC?
Interesting listening to the Today show on Radio 4 this morning with news of the Barnsley election which unsurprisingly was won by Labour. But the headline was that the Lib Dems came 4th. Now thats interesting but the real news surely was that UKIP came 2nd with the Tories just behind them.
Now in the old days the Tories being beaten into 3rd place was big news but it doesn’t appear to be when they are beaten by UKIP who the average Beebiod appears to hate more than the Tories.
“Barnsley by-election is a triumph for UKIP”
BBC too impartial on climate change according to Bob Ward in the graun.
For those with strong stomaches, breathtaking.
What an odd reaction.
Of all people to decry impartiality as irresponsible, and in matters of climate science especially, the Graun defers to… highly-qualified Bob Ward, of respected institution policy and communications director of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at London School of Economics and Political Science.
It is no more than a delusional, polemical rant and assault on free speech. So no point commenting, as the Graun mods will have you house ruled before you can say ‘democratic rights’.
Love the way he breezes past the main point, that a text book obsesses for pages on climate before actually getting to the subject on the cover, or that the two pols were, essentially, inane if not outright liars.
Who funds this guy?
Because for foot shooting on this topic, he’s worth every penny.
Expect him as a ‘guest expert’ on Newsnight, mainstream BBC TV as opposed to niche backwater, tonight.
For ‘balance’. Even if he seems unhinged.
Last night I switched on the TV to find Anne Robinson interviewing somebody on their choice of books. I have never heard such an Obama love-in. A clip from the audio of Obama’s own reading of his autobiography was played and the guest was allowed several minutes to tell us how wonderful Obama is. The guest was Larry Lamb – now I have looked him up on Wiki – apparently an Eastenders actor.
Well whoever he is I don’t care – nor do I care about his choice of books – but it set me thinking – what if he had chosen an autobiography of George W Bush – how would than have gone down? Not the same at all. I have tried to look on i-player to give you all a better description of the awfulness of it – but the wrong edition came up.
“Dreams of Barack Obama’s Father”
FOX NEWS – GLENN BECK, very insightful here:
This from Oct 2009
And this
But the BBC has chosen not to report this:
“I believe that creating Advancing Human Rights is the most important thing I’ve done in my life,” said Bernstein, who will serve as the organization’s Chairman. “I never imagined that at 88 years old I would be founding a new human rights organization, but I am doing it out of necessity because I believe there are trends which are doing great damage to democracies throughout the world.”
……AHR will return to the fundamentals of human rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights…..
“We will focus on women’s rights and free speech,” Bernstein noted. “These two rights—the spearhead of most totalitarian repression—are so important because where they are absent, achieving the other very important human rights is practically impossible. We will, of course, go into closed societies.”
…..Bernstein and Colonel Richard Kemp, former commander of British Forces in Afghanistan and one of AHR’s board members, announced the groups formation on Bloomberg TV on Friday”
I know the BBC can’t report EVERYTHING that goes on in the wprld, but I should have thought that the news that the original founder of HRW has decided to form a new organisation, would be of some interest, and at the very least, to deserve a mention.
Thank you very much for pointing this out. Huge news, especially not so long after Ghita Sigal parting company with AI after AI’s formal alliance with the Al Qa’eda propaganda jihad with Cagedprisoners.
It is an unchanging tenet of multiculturalists of BBC-NUJ-Labour ilk, that mass immigration into Britain should comtinue; and the Coalition government pretends that it can and will control this European Union-directed immigrant agenda.
“More Europe migrants to gain access to full UK benefits”
In effect, although BBC-EU is not specific, over 100,000 Eastern Europeans immigrants into Britain will be able to claim:
1.) job seeker’s allowance; 2.) council tax benefit 3. housing benefit.
‘Daily Mail’ report:
“100,000 Eastern European migrants now free to claim full benefits in Britain worth tens of millions of pounds after EU ruling”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1362451/100k-Eastern-European-migrants-free-claim-UK-benefits-EU-ruling.html#ixzz1FdDNYlxj
On Radio 5 Listeners this morning Gameshow Nikk played a blinder. Interviewing Barnsley Central’s new MP (hope this one stays out of prison) Gameshow talked about the economy being,
‘up you know where without a paddle. For whatever reason’.
Gotta lurve that, ‘For whatever reason’. Gameshow is a serial offender when it comes to affecting not to know what caused the economic mess we are in.
Gameshow, I know you read this blog, so let me help. The economy is ‘up you know where’ because of…
1. Your beloved Labour’s grossly inadequate oversight of the UK banking system and
2. Your beloved Labour’s gross and grossly ill-targeted overspending.
No need now, son, to pretend you don’t know.
Thank me later.
Bupendra, so if NC doesn’t express your opinions he’s biased?
This really is so deja vu from my days in the Labour Party Young Socialists, when my comrades thought the BBC was massively biased in favour of the Tories because .. because it transpired they dont report left wing views as fact.
I contend that only the extremely ideologically blinkered can regard the likes of NC (or Victoria Derbyshire) as BBC Gramscians.
‘if NC doesn’t express your opinions he’s biased?’
Rocky road making that statement based on what was written.
Because Nicky Campbell doesn’t take an open stance that Labour is to blame for the state of the economy he’s biased? I can’t see the rocks I’m afraid??
No-one’s accusing Gameshow of being a Gramscian.
What I am accusing him of is his repeatedly demonstrating that he’s a fully paid-up member of BBCC’s Operation CREEL*.
I also accuse him of being a hydrogen-weight, but that’s bye the bye.
*(Campaign to Re-elect Labour).
FRANKFURT: Islamic jihad murders reported, by:
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’
2.) INBBC’s censored comparison:
“Video: Krauthammer criticizes President for treating U.S. troop shooting in Germany like ‘a bus accident’”