No, I don’t listen to Woman’s Hour (or Wimmin’s Hour to be more accurate) but it happened to be on when I was in the car earlier and before I could turn it off I caught a conversation concerning how “patronising” the use of the word “lady” is when referring to a member of the contradictory gender. There was some arch-feminist on – let’s call her Millie Tant – who was suggesting that she was in no way ladylike. I am sure she is right. However the bit that really caught my attention was when she attacked David Walliams and Matt Lucas for their “I’m a lady” sketch on Litte Britain. This, she insisted, was transphobic. I think even the presenter was taken back by that one. What a pointless programme.
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Fuck me, they’re all bonkers.
Hopefully not our Millie Tant! 😉
Heh, Craig. 😀
Infamy! Infamy! They’ve all got it infamy. :'( Especially that manbeast D V. 😛
What I want to know is if this is the equivalent of being “named” by the Speaker. Have I been thrown out for the day or are the members voting to suspend me for grave misconduct?
If members do not follow his or her instructions, the Speaker may punish them by demanding that they leave the House for the remainder of the day’s sitting. For grave disobedience, the Speaker may “name” a member, by saying “I name [Mr X].” (deliberately breaching the convention that members are only referred to by reference to their constituency, “The [Right] Honourable Member for [Y]”). The House may then vote to suspend the member “named” by the Speaker.
Matt Lucas is a homosexual, so I say this woman’s criticism is homophobic. Try that one on for size, BBC.
I do listen to it occasionally and the programme itself is patronising, condescending , authoritarian and sexist, in the sense of confirming some men’s worst views of women.
To listen to Women’s hour you would think all women are stupid and trivial.
Even, on the few occasions, when they have a top woman scientist or business-woman, they ask “what is your favourite colour ? “.
Anyone would think that , in every woman, there is a bit of the school-teacher.
David, David, David – it’s not Women’s Hour, or Wimmin’s Hour.
It’s Wimmin Sour!
The home page of Kaite Welsh – the feminist in question – is here .
She’s a BBC editor’s wet dream: not for the sex you understand but for being 100% right-on. She is the female (or should I say “lady”) equivalent of Marcus Brigstocke but with a sense of humour (or what passes for humour in Islington circles).
And anyway, haven’t the EU just ruled that such special treatment for women is illegal? Surely that incluludes radio time?
this country is fucking nuts
Transphobia. The irrational fear of moving across or beyond…something? This dizzy bitch needs to get back to the kitchen, and make me a sammich, and…oh dear God, no. Now I know why she’s a feminist/dyke/BBC employee/whatever.
My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Correct Chuffer. The European Court of Human Stupidity has ruled that it is act of discrimination for insurance companies to charge women less for motor insurance. The triumph of ideology over reason, rationality, empirical evidence etc is complete. Yes PC trumps everthing. Now I was under the illusion that the whole basis of the insurance industry was the calculation of risk and that once calculated the premium you paid was related to the level of risk. If in calculating risk it is evident that gender is a factor, so be it? But no, a higher value is placed on, god knows what? Me thinks dogma. They will soon be calling us heretics as ‘denier’ is too gentle a label.
This poxy programme should have been binned decades ago. It’s absolutely appalling. In the 1950’s when wives stayed at home and baked cakes there might have been a reason for its existance, but times have changed. And now Woman’s Hour is dominated by the right on, pc brigade and opinionated lefty lesbo’s.
Part of me should get angry but in reality it’s probably some of the best comedy going. I actually love the madness of watching or listening to crazies like these twist themselves in knots with pointless games of wordsmithery to make them sound oh so clever. It really is like being back in the student union bars during the late 80’s & early 90’s where half of this cr*p was trotted out endlessly and the bozo revolutionary comrades sat nodding in agreement despite them not having the faintest what it was all about. The fact that they’re still banging on about this stuff really shows for me that they haven’t grown up one iota.
I hope it carries on so that one day a beeboid is really left no option but to offer the question:
“What planet are you on and do they sell tickets to visit it because I would love to see your crazy world one day?”