BBC: building its global Islamophilic empire, via BBC ARABIC.
Sympathy goes out to anyone on the receiving end of Gaddafi violence in Libya. But the present activities of BBC ARABIC there raises questions as to the role of BBC ARABIC.
For a couple of years longer, BBC ARABIC remains under the control of the British government and so is financed by British taxpayers.
After that, BBC ARABIC becomes under the editorial control of the BBC, to be financed by the British licencepayers.
BBC licencepayers should NOT pay for any BBC ARABIC in future as it serves the broadcasting interests of an Arab/Islamic area, not the British people.
Politically, INBBC is so close to AL JAZEERA that BBC ARABIC (which has HQ in East Wing -Mecca-facing, of Broadcasting House, London), can and should be CLOSED DOWN.
But, of course, instead, INBBC is stealthily planning to use the output of its Islamophilic BBC ARABIC (and World Service) in its typically culturally empire-building way:
“BBC World Service Arabic cuts not as ‘severe as planned'”
International Woman’s Day fades so quickly 😉 . Katie Connelly reports and manages to be racist, sexist and dismissive (at least in the BBC sense of the terms) and all in her first paragraph.
It wasn’t Julia Gillard’s blazing red hair, or even her jarring, nasal accent that made her an anomaly in Washington this week. It was her message.
Well spotted, Bruce. Gillard is a woman (wasn’t commenting on a woman’s appaearance a no-no?) and Australian, who speaks with an Australian accent (would she have dared make a crack like this about an Arab?) and jarring is all in the ear of the beholder.
And in Washington, President Barack Obama’s bold visions were rewarded with electoral defeat for the Democrats last November. (Not really. It was his failure to deliver on those visions).
Because sometimes it also takes a friend to tell you things you don’t want to hear.
Actually, she was complementary to the point of flattery.
I’ve got to hand it to Gillard. She took over the leadership of her party when in Government, changed its direction, and called an election for a renewed mandate.
I would much preferred to have seen her opponent elected, but rare democratic principle indeed in this squalid, amoral world.
I believe Katie Connolly is Australian herself. Although I grant you it could be personal prejudice against a regional accent. Typical BBC, then.
Describing the President’s agenda as “bold visions” is partisan advocacy. Bias, plain and simple. That’s why she lied and called Him a centrist. Connolly is as bad a partisan hack as the rest of them.
I wonder, will the BBC be as tenacious as these two radio presenters in Australia when talking to guests about the costs and impact of these costs when trying to reduce carbon emissions?
This is quite fantastic – the EU carbon commissioner is on about half way through, and she is utterly clueless and way, way out of her comfort zone (too many BBC type easy rides, perhaps…?)
I really do fear for my children’s future when people like this are in charge of squandering billion and choking growth. It is shameful!
That really was quite intriguing. She claimed how ‘right on’ China were with its green policies. They’re the biggest producer of wind turbines. She elided over the point that they’re building 1 coal power plant per week.
I loved the caller who came on and put their construction of wind turbines into perspective. According to him, they only build them to sell to us!!
Just to add that its great to see there is a robust debate taking place in Oz over this. We simply never had one.
A few years ago the concept of ‘liberal colonialism’ was proposed whereby western countries run failed third world states till they can run themselves.
I really feel Britain can benefit from being on the receiving end of ‘liberal colonialism’. Let a New Commonwealth and US consortium run us till we emerge from our regression to infantilism.
On the other hand on questions like multiculturalism and immigration there is far more debate in Britain than Australia. You can’t really speak out against multiculturalism in Australia without being thought an extremist. Australia doesn’t even seem to have much an identity to preserve however from multiculturalism. It has utterly turned its back on its British heritage but it has little to provide of its own. It is not the way we should go.
We don’t need the Commonwealth or Americans to show how to do things. We only need consult our history, our institutions and traditions and our great men. In Burke’s Reflections on the revolution in France, in Disraeli’s Vindication of the English constitution, in Hooker’s Ecclesiastical polity and of course in Shakespeare(to name a few.), we have all we could ever need to learn about politics, society, culture and man.
Yesterday British foreign secretary William Hague announced that the status of Palestinian diplomats in London had been upgraded from a ‘delegation’ to a ‘diplomatic mission’. The upgrade was reported in The Daily Telegraph, and by The Guardian’s diplomatic editor Julian Borger. Both papers regard the move as predominantly ‘symbolic’.
Symbolic of what, one might ask? Is this a sign the UK is contemplating recognising Palestines planned unilateral declaration of independence?
Yep, it is obvious what is behind this. Looks like Hague has been taken hostage by the useless FCO. Has Cameron got the guts to sack him or does he agree with this ?
We are “governed” by little boys struggling with the transition from nappies to short trousers.
They are dangerous idiots.
The BBC World Service misinformation unit has been trailing a programme about Israel that will air on the 16th March. “Whose Hebrew is it anyway-the controversy surrounding modern Hebrew”. Hebrew, we are given to understand, is actually a language of prayer that has been stolen and adapted by those ‘orrible Israelis to become their national language; “but there are still a small number of the ultra orthodox community, who refuse not only to pray using the new pronunciation, but see the very idea of using Hebrew as wrong”. In short, according to the BBC misinformation unit, Israel is an illegitimate country existing on stolen Arab land, consisting of illegitimate settlers, illegitimately using a language that they have stolen from the ultra-orthodox (anti-Zionist) Jews. Got that folks?
Gosh, how edgy. Really stretching the boundaries, yuh?
I look forward to hearing the programme. Will it really have the audacity to say that the language of the Jewish people is not the language of the Jewish people? For the clear propaganda purposes that you state.
If this does turn out to be the case, the only place left to push the boundaries even further is the rehabilitation of Adolf Hitler.
BTW, the latest revival of Hebrew as a modern language began with the Haskalah movement in the 18-19th Century. It began both (and somewhat in contradiction) the cultural assimilation into the non-Jewish world, begun by Moses Mendelssohn c1755, and Zionism, founded by Theodor Herzl in 1896. It was bitterly opposed by both the Rabbinic Establishment of Eastern Europe, not just for replacing Yiddish with Hebrew, but as a threat to their way of life.
The first mass modern immigration to Israel/Palestine while still Ottoman spoke a number of different languages in every day use, including Russian, Yiddish, Persian and Yeminite Arabic. but Hebrew as a unifying force was well established by the beginning of the 20th Century.
For the secular, anti religion BBC to oppose Hebrew because they support the religious and messianistic pretensions of the ultra Orthodox is of course hypocrisy. They oppose it because it was one of the tools of modern Zionism without which the ‘evil’ State of Israel probably wouldn’t have arisen.
RE: Matt Baker One Show comment -‘prime minister, how do you sleep at night?’
–a fairly innocuous question of any PM I would have thought – given all the mayhem in the world and financial collapse etc
–but its almost pathetically sad to see how childlike Guardian/BBC types have grasped this and seen it this as some sort of great Tory bashing victory!
A bit like those Greenham Common wimmin claiming victory for the end of the Cold War.
But now your favourite and mine – superprick Brigstocke has been quick to latch on to the bandwagon –
For almost the first time ever I turned on The One Show and as David Cameron was on I watched the end of the programme. The final question just struck me as being a ‘wow how do you sleep with all that pressure and all those worries’ type of question, not the barbed insult that the left want it to have been.
Boooom Bacon emerged from the lake at Netherfield Park, soaked trousers clinging tight to his legs, droplets of water chasing eachother down his waxed chest, sun glinting on his producted hair. The heffalump looked, transfixed; Lord Rumba of Rio looked, transfixed. Boom’s eyes darted from one to the other and back. Was there, is there, would there, could there ever be such a love as this. No, no, no, surely not. There could never be.
Now, just by way of a memory-jog, whi is near installed as a daily ‘guest commenter’, based on their awesome, impartial, professional journalism skills?
‘A Libyan friend (or ‘plas’, in the lingo) in London, anti-Gaddafi and on the Left(of course), gave me his own take…’
A quick twitter exchange and I reckon that’s good enough for Newsnight to get in Douglas Alexander to harrumph on a ‘sources close to the BBC’ basis.
Well , I am off to sunny Gambia and Senegal tonight for a month. Maybe I shall bump into Martin .
What shall I miss about the UK ? As usual, just my mother and this superb website. Er, that’s it. Keep these wretched Beeboids on their toes folks, and just think how awful it will be for me without the BBC for a month !
Cheers , David,
Kind of you to care. Don’t worry , my team down there do a good line in security. It is much safer than Glasgow on a saturday night !
Unless Martin is around, of course.
“The different sides of Jeremy Paxman were on clear display in two interviews for BBC2’s ‘Newsnight’ this week.
“The first was with US Republican senator John McCain, 74 on the Libya crisis. Some might say it is to the lofty rottweiller’s credit that he evidently took no notice of the senator’s age or status, treating him with that thinlu veiled disdain that we have come to expect.
“What a contrast, however, to his next interview with American professor Noam Chomsky, who describes himself as a ‘libertarian socialist’. On this occasion Paxo was positively deferential, hanging on to the old boy’s every utterance. A senior BBC colleague has described the difference between the two interviews as ‘frankly embarrassing’. Quite.”
And this is typical of BBC-NUJ-Labour’s politically biased output at ‘Newsnight’ (and elsewhere), and has been for years.
I am not a royalist & do not have any sympathy for the Duke of York or his chums. But why does the BBC etc get in such a lather about Epstein. When the buggering of a 13 year old by Roman Polanski was dismissed as a mere peccadillo – certainly nothing to warrant attaching the term “paedophile” to him.
Oddly the BBC have paid very little attention to the other people who appeared in his address book – 16 telephone numebrs for Peter mandelson including country house and boyfriend?
Nice to see the BBC News website leading with ‘Unions’ anger over pension Plan’ – Well, who’d a thunk it? Highly relevent for Public Sector employees…like, er, BBC journos?
Meanwhile, hidden down in the ‘smaller’ new items list is the minor news that:
UK manufacturing grows at fastest pace in 16 years – The recovery in manufacturing is gathering momentum, commentators say
A US congressman has warned al-Qaeda is actively recruiting US Muslims for violent attacks within the country. Representative Peter King, a Republican, spoke at a House homeland security committee hearing into the “radicalisation” of US Muslims.
4 paragraphs later…
Mr King, a New York Democrat, has accused US mosques of being a breeding ground for radical attitudes.
The radio reports I heard this morning about Rep King’s grandstanding told me that some sources/analysts/whatever likened the hearings to Sen McCarthy’s anti-Communist witchhunt. They didn’t tell me that King was an IRA supporter, surely more relevant to the experience of British licence payers than the ancient senate hearings. but anti-McCarthyism, like a love of Che, will be in the Beeboid jeans
Bit of fun here. But the old saying, ‘Many a true word….’ might, just might be apt.
The Russian take on the BBC reports.
I do caution a pinch of salt as verification of Russian media and sources is beyond me.
“The marketing campaign underway of major international media expands the organizers of the rebellion as heroes while they present Gaddafi as a killer and paranoid. The coming days and tomorrow are unpredictable in Libya.
However, the air strikes that western corporate media claim took place on February 22 over Benghazi and Tripoli, which were widely reported by the likes of the BBC and Al Jazeera, …were not registered by the Russian military chiefs examining the images coming in from satellites.
The satellite pictures show that, “nothing of that sort has been going on on the ground.” states Irina Galushko, adding that there is also no evidence from footage shot by television cameras which suggests that any airborne attacks took place.”
Apparently those nasty Tea Party people set up someone fairly well up in national public radio in the U.S. who said something uncomplimentary to the TP.
Republicans are also actively trying to reduce federal funding of NPR because of its liberal bias.
Rarely listen to Toady, bad for BP, but caught a snippet this morning of Humphreys and Naughty interviewing some hapless Professor with transatlantic accent from some nameless Polytechnic anouncing “research” which categorised people into one of five groups according to what type of movies they prefer.
After a few easy put downs such as “Whats the point?” the hapless prof made the mistake of suggesting it might be of commercial value to the media business.
What? It might be of commercial value?! railed Humphreys. Surely the taxpayer shouldn’t be funding research of commercial value??
Prof promptly backed off, left with nowhere to go.
Instead of Humphreys asking how much his student paid in university fees to carry out this pointless research, and how it might enable the hapless professors students to get a proper job, Humphreys struck down the research, not for being pointless, but for it having some potential commercial value.
In the BBC-think, anything people might find useful and make money with is bad.
If only we were all “uniquely funded” like Humphreys.
Reminder never to bother with the Beebs Flagship Truthcaster again.
Can those Guardian / BBC types go on and on about nothing else but Rupert Murdoch?
if he didnt exist they would have invented him – the favourite all-purpose bogey man for instant knee-jerk reaction and mindless pavlovian salivation —they are like a load of silly schoolgirls!
Get this in the Guardian – in the absence of anything actually newsworthy to say
I just caught the end of a documentary on a bunch of parents who were setting up their own school (now that Michael Gove’s opened that door) and they were so pleased with progress that they all went off to the pub to celebrate.
Of course … of course, showing a successful Tory policy in action, this was not on BBC.
BBC will (eventually) do a documentary on this but it will be a pretrendy leftie weepathon about sharp-elbowed middle class parents with lots of interviews with poor people, LEA drones, state-school teechurs, and Brendan Barber. And there certainly won’t be film of happy parents in a pub. No siree.
In fact, I’m on a roll tonight, and as I have my own production company, Half An Acre And A Lawnmower, I might even pitch this one to the BBCC myself.
Yesterday, on “Nightwaves” (9 PM, Radio 3), Tim Flannery, prominent appointee to Australia’s “Climate Commission”, was invited to plug his barking-mad book. If you aren’t familiar with Tim, please read Thanks to the great Jo Nova, I could listen to Flannery without actually crashing my car, because I knew what to expect. Even so, this was an interview utterly devoid of balance and, as such, typical of the bbc..
It directly followed a review of the film “Fair Game”, about Valerie Plame (also interviewed for half an hour on Radio 4 on Tuesday), in which the critic persistently failed to distinguish between his political opinions and the actual quality of the film – and the presenter conspicuously failed to press him. The reviewer was permitted several times to refer to “right-wingers” as “mad”, with no hint of a challenge from the bbc boy.
I heard on the BBC that their USA equivalent lost its boss.
Apparently the Republicans were gunning for him and taped him referring to the GOP as being infected by right wing nutjobs…racist,xenophobic…you know the rest!
This was the fault of the nasty Tea Party, and so when he was recorded saying these things he had to go.
Yet our Beeb hack saw no problem…wasn`t Fox just as bad, and it was a stitch up of our more enlightened and progressive US cousins.
He never said that Fox is not state-funded unlike the NPR. Nor does it bluster on in its mission statements about its balance or impartiality, unlike the NPR.
Oh dear-no wonder the Beeb slipped this little story in before 7am this morning-way too many parallels for their comfort.
Yet we get stuck with our weekend rebels on fat public sector pensions( are the Beebs being looked at by old Hutton then?)-whereas the USA can slough their useless idiot spawn of Gramsci College,Oxbridge. Shoud we not topple these fops first before going for Gadaffi…it is OUR BBC is it not… as John Birt once told us!
Fox claims to provide a balance of viewpoints, which NPR does not. NPR only gets a small portion of their funding from the Federal government, but they do act as if they are above all other US media. Fox doesn’t claim to be elitist in any way.
It was a stitch up, but what Schiller said speaks for itself. This also comes (a bit late) on the heels of their firing Juan Williams for making an unhelpful remark about getting nervous around Muslims on a plane. NPR dumped him immediately, and so they’d look even more hypocritical than the BBC if they didn’t get rid of the boss now for allowing Ron Schiller to espouse extremist viewpoints himself. The far-Left elite is feeling the pressure, and they hate it. The Beeboids know it, and defend them.
Interesting that NPR seems to have less defenders than Planned Parenthood among the US left; that shows you their priorities. I haven’t yet heard the BBC get involved in this issue though their entertainment and documentary programming, which are to me at least as much of a worry as their news, are resolutely in favour of cultural liberalism and all its assorted evils.
‘Newsnight’ hands over to its Labour-EU chum Mandelson.
BBC-Labour-EU still has a big political affinity to Labour-EU- Mandelson who was given a commission to present his/BBC-Labour-EU political propaganda on ‘Newsnight’ tonight on the subject of ‘globalisation’ which amounted to dangerous waffle; leave ‘globalisation to Mandelson-BBC-Labour-EU, and Britain will cease to exist as a nation state with any sovereignty, increasingly to be peopled by waves of mass immigration as part of uncontrolled ‘globalisation’.
I don’t know about the rest of you but i am getting mightily tee’d off with every “report” from Libya being accompanied with some lunatic bleating on about “alahoooooo ackbarrrrrrrr” having been slid into the soundtrack
compare and contrast with how many items from Israel have anyone saying in the background-
“Shma Yisreel, Adonai Eloheinu: Adonai Echad. Baruch shem kvod, Malcoos so ley olom va yed”
(Deuteronomy 6:4 – 5 4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: 5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.)
Guessing Mr. Bowen’s finished the coffee and brandies at Mr. Gaddafi’s dinner party, so it’s ‘safe’ to get back to how beastly tricky reporting in Libya is again..
This seems to be getting the twittosphere excited today, which doubtless means full page breaking news status after that thing in a part of the Far East that doesn’t matter as much as others….
Good grief, they’ve gone back to the original lie that the murderer was merely reacting to job-related stress. Not a word about what warning signs the accused officers are supposed to have ignored.
“These nine officers don’t deserve this treatment. They’re being singled out as scapegoats when they were just part of the Army’s politically correct establishment. They knew that if they had flagged Nidal Hasan as a potential jihadist, they would have been reprimanded themselves for ‘bigotry,’ ‘Islamophobia,’ and ‘racism,’ while Hamas-linked CAIR sent out national press releases defaming them, and Chris Matthews and Katie Couric and Keith Olbermann and Anderson Cooper ran investigative reports on ‘Islamophobia’ in the military. “
The truth is of course cloudy. The alleged murderer was clearly a Muslim, but there is very little to suggest that he adhered to a hard-line interpretation of his religion or that he had political or religious motives.
He may or may not have posted something on the internet defending suicide bombers. But he also appears to have been traumatised by the idea of being sent to a combat zone.
Still, people will speculate – as I am doing. Life may become more uncomfortable for his innocent co-religionists, a regrettable consequence of any such attack.
When he posted this, the facts about the murderer shouting the usual AA mantra was well known and colleagues were already coming out of the woodwork to say they had concerns about him turning radical. Yet Mardell deliberately tried to dismiss all of it. Yeah, he pretends he’s cautioning against jumping to conclusions, but the facts were already known and he tried to stifle debate, even going so far as to warn about this causing Islamophobia against “innoncent” people.
‘there is very little to suggest that he adhered to a hard-line interpretation of his religion or that he had political or religious motives. ‘
Hmm other than the fact that at Fort Hood Major Nidal Hasan shouted out “Allahu Akbar” just before the firing began.
“After I heard that I pretty much froze up because I knew what that meant,” said Zeigler, referring to the Arabic phrase meaning “God is great.”
Has the BBC attacked the Government over it’s poor handling of the earthquake in Japan yet? Hague’s on the News Channel, so I suppose it’s only a matter of time before Dougie Alexander is on again.
This just in, in response to feeback on the national broadcaster’s week of unity and support for Britsish diplomats and servicemen enaged in a difficult and sensitive operation that may not have gone as planned, but was being carried out, one still presumes (it still being mostly covert), for all the best reasons:
‘Thank you for your email. We are sorry you feel the article was biased but we believe it is unfair to suggest that we gave the shadow foreign secretary ‘free rein’ to express his views.’
[That would be 24/7 ‘botched, Botched, BOTCHED’ Alexander and such as Newsnight ‘Just how botched, Dougie?’ Paxman]
We gave over substantial space to Mr Hague to put across his version of events,
[That would be a serving Minister, with men under threat, in the middle of an op]
‘while the criticism did come from the shadow foreign secretary, and was reported prominently in all sections of the press and broadcast media, and not just on the BBC.’
[So Labour speaks, and the BBC dances. But it mitigation, others did too. Pathetic]
‘It was the clear implication of Mr Hague’s own remarks that the operation had not gone according to plan, and that there had been a “serious misunderstanding”.’
[Hey, but let’s leap in, put the boot in and put others in danger for petty political point scoring. Because we can. And we’re worth it]
‘Frank Gardner is a highly respected security correspondent and does not broadcast his reports unless he believes them to be based on well sourced information.’
[Ha. Ha ha. Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah}
‘We can only offer you the assurance that there was no intention to follow any particular agenda in producing this report.’
[Oh, in that case… #fail on all counts]
It’s like having our own personal 5th column trying to drag us down. Only we have to fund ’em.
The BBC “gave over substantial space” for Stage Performer Maitlis to ask Hague over and over again if he was crap. Not the same thing as giving him space to explain himself.
You might want to enquire with O2 as to why they are blocking this blog when their mobile users try and get here using 3G.
When ever I use my phone to check up on the site I get an adult content warning and then told I cant come here. You might want to ask O2 why it doesnt block the BBC, considering they have far worse material on their site than what is posted here!
A basic test of whether a country has national sovereignty is whether the government of that country can control and limit mass immigration. Obviously, Britain fails the test, being an E.U. member; no doubt INBBC and Patten are pleased about that.
Overgrown teenager gets stroppy with Senator John McCain Overgrown teenager dotes over ‘bad boy’ prof, Noam Chomsky. “That’s great. Thanks for that”. And my nomination for ‘BBC Bent Broadcaster of the Year Award’ goes to …
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
BBC: building its global Islamophilic empire, via BBC ARABIC.
Sympathy goes out to anyone on the receiving end of Gaddafi violence in Libya. But the present activities of BBC ARABIC there raises questions as to the role of BBC ARABIC.
For a couple of years longer, BBC ARABIC remains under the control of the British government and so is financed by British taxpayers.
After that, BBC ARABIC becomes under the editorial control of the BBC, to be financed by the British licencepayers.
BBC licencepayers should NOT pay for any BBC ARABIC in future as it serves the broadcasting interests of an Arab/Islamic area, not the British people.
Politically, INBBC is so close to AL JAZEERA that BBC ARABIC (which has HQ in East Wing -Mecca-facing, of Broadcasting House, London), can and should be CLOSED DOWN.
But, of course, instead, INBBC is stealthily planning to use the output of its Islamophilic BBC ARABIC (and World Service) in its typically culturally empire-building way:
“BBC World Service Arabic cuts not as ‘severe as planned'”
Denis MacShane tweeted this morning that “Chris Patten to give up Tory whip in Lords as BBC chair. Good to see a pro-European there to sort out Speccie/Mail line of BBC currnt affrs” – Has he lost all grip on reality? –
wonder what time the mothership is coming back for him
No, he never had any grip on reality.
McShane and reality are passing acquaintences!
David V,
Certainly after lunchtime, so I have heard !!!
International Woman’s Day fades so quickly 😉 . Katie Connelly reports and manages to be racist, sexist and dismissive (at least in the BBC sense of the terms) and all in her first paragraph.
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s message to US
It wasn’t Julia Gillard’s blazing red hair, or even her jarring, nasal accent that made her an anomaly in Washington this week. It was her message.
Well spotted, Bruce. Gillard is a woman (wasn’t commenting on a woman’s appaearance a no-no?) and Australian, who speaks with an Australian accent (would she have dared make a crack like this about an Arab?) and jarring is all in the ear of the beholder.
And in Washington, President Barack Obama’s bold visions were rewarded with electoral defeat for the Democrats last November. (Not really. It was his failure to deliver on those visions).
Because sometimes it also takes a friend to tell you things you don’t want to hear.
Actually, she was complementary to the point of flattery.
Gillard does have such a strange accent. I am convinced she is the illiciet love child of dame Edna Everage and Sir Les Patterson
Was she in “Strictly Ballroom”?
I’ve got to hand it to Gillard. She took over the leadership of her party when in Government, changed its direction, and called an election for a renewed mandate.
I would much preferred to have seen her opponent elected, but rare democratic principle indeed in this squalid, amoral world.
I believe Katie Connolly is Australian herself. Although I grant you it could be personal prejudice against a regional accent. Typical BBC, then.
Describing the President’s agenda as “bold visions” is partisan advocacy. Bias, plain and simple. That’s why she lied and called Him a centrist. Connolly is as bad a partisan hack as the rest of them.
How dare the electorate defeat his bold visions so. The nerve!
I wonder, will the BBC be as tenacious as these two radio presenters in Australia when talking to guests about the costs and impact of these costs when trying to reduce carbon emissions?
This is quite fantastic – the EU carbon commissioner is on about half way through, and she is utterly clueless and way, way out of her comfort zone (too many BBC type easy rides, perhaps…?)
I really do fear for my children’s future when people like this are in charge of squandering billion and choking growth. It is shameful!
That really was quite intriguing. She claimed how ‘right on’ China were with its green policies. They’re the biggest producer of wind turbines. She elided over the point that they’re building 1 coal power plant per week.
I loved the caller who came on and put their construction of wind turbines into perspective. According to him, they only build them to sell to us!!
Just to add that its great to see there is a robust debate taking place in Oz over this. We simply never had one.
A few years ago the concept of ‘liberal colonialism’ was proposed whereby western countries run failed third world states till they can run themselves.
I really feel Britain can benefit from being on the receiving end of ‘liberal colonialism’. Let a New Commonwealth and US consortium run us till we emerge from our regression to infantilism.
On the other hand on questions like multiculturalism and immigration there is far more debate in Britain than Australia. You can’t really speak out against multiculturalism in Australia without being thought an extremist. Australia doesn’t even seem to have much an identity to preserve however from multiculturalism. It has utterly turned its back on its British heritage but it has little to provide of its own. It is not the way we should go.
We don’t need the Commonwealth or Americans to show how to do things. We only need consult our history, our institutions and traditions and our great men. In Burke’s Reflections on the revolution in France, in Disraeli’s Vindication of the English constitution, in Hooker’s Ecclesiastical polity and of course in Shakespeare(to name a few.), we have all we could ever need to learn about politics, society, culture and man.
News of more eeeevil Tory cuts which are poised to send us all back up chimneys, apparently…
“But now real austerity is starting to bite at HQ in White City: the in-house BBC dentist is being abolished.”
Well, we can’t send carbon up them any more…
Oh no….
Only one in-house dentist ?
Forgive reposting but as the last post in the previous open thread I think it might be overlooked.
An essential story the BBC seem to have missed.
Palestinian delegation in London upgraded to ‘diplomatic mission’
Yesterday British foreign secretary William Hague announced that the status of Palestinian diplomats in London had been upgraded from a ‘delegation’ to a ‘diplomatic mission’. The upgrade was reported in The Daily Telegraph, and by The Guardian’s diplomatic editor Julian Borger. Both papers regard the move as predominantly ‘symbolic’.
Symbolic of what, one might ask? Is this a sign the UK is contemplating recognising Palestines planned unilateral declaration of independence?
Yep, it is obvious what is behind this. Looks like Hague has been taken hostage by the useless FCO. Has Cameron got the guts to sack him or does he agree with this ?
We are “governed” by little boys struggling with the transition from nappies to short trousers.
They are dangerous idiots.
The BBC World Service misinformation unit has been trailing a programme about Israel that will air on the 16th March. “Whose Hebrew is it anyway-the controversy surrounding modern Hebrew”. Hebrew, we are given to understand, is actually a language of prayer that has been stolen and adapted by those ‘orrible Israelis to become their national language; “but there are still a small number of the ultra orthodox community, who refuse not only to pray using the new pronunciation, but see the very idea of using Hebrew as wrong”. In short, according to the BBC misinformation unit, Israel is an illegitimate country existing on stolen Arab land, consisting of illegitimate settlers, illegitimately using a language that they have stolen from the ultra-orthodox (anti-Zionist) Jews. Got that folks?
Gosh, how edgy. Really stretching the boundaries, yuh?
I look forward to hearing the programme. Will it really have the audacity to say that the language of the Jewish people is not the language of the Jewish people? For the clear propaganda purposes that you state.
If this does turn out to be the case, the only place left to push the boundaries even further is the rehabilitation of Adolf Hitler.
BTW, the latest revival of Hebrew as a modern language began with the Haskalah movement in the 18-19th Century. It began both (and somewhat in contradiction) the cultural assimilation into the non-Jewish world, begun by Moses Mendelssohn c1755, and Zionism, founded by Theodor Herzl in 1896. It was bitterly opposed by both the Rabbinic Establishment of Eastern Europe, not just for replacing Yiddish with Hebrew, but as a threat to their way of life.
The first mass modern immigration to Israel/Palestine while still Ottoman spoke a number of different languages in every day use, including Russian, Yiddish, Persian and Yeminite Arabic. but Hebrew as a unifying force was well established by the beginning of the 20th Century.
For the secular, anti religion BBC to oppose Hebrew because they support the religious and messianistic pretensions of the ultra Orthodox is of course hypocrisy. They oppose it because it was one of the tools of modern Zionism without which the ‘evil’ State of Israel probably wouldn’t have arisen.
RE: Matt Baker One Show comment -‘prime minister, how do you sleep at night?’
–a fairly innocuous question of any PM I would have thought – given all the mayhem in the world and financial collapse etc
–but its almost pathetically sad to see how childlike Guardian/BBC types have grasped this and seen it this as some sort of great Tory bashing victory!
A bit like those Greenham Common wimmin claiming victory for the end of the Cold War.
But now your favourite and mine – superprick Brigstocke has been quick to latch on to the bandwagon –
-they just dont see how dim they look .
Had a quick gander.
This struck me as interesting.
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So…. when it’s a comment you like, full steam ahead and damn professional obligations.
When there’s a chance things might not work out as planned… shutters down… in advance.
Nice to control the media. Not so much when you have to pay for others to do so to indulge themselves.
that would be the same globetrotting do-as i say-not-as-i-do pompus prick greenie arsehole unfunny beeboid tosspot marcus Brigstocke then?
God forbid there’s another pompous prick greenie arsehole unfunny beeboid tosspot Marcus Brigstocke
For almost the first time ever I turned on The One Show and as David Cameron was on I watched the end of the programme. The final question just struck me as being a ‘wow how do you sleep with all that pressure and all those worries’ type of question, not the barbed insult that the left want it to have been.
Richard Bacon
Sarah Brown and Peter Mandelson
Sarah Brown on life ‘behind the black door’ and Lord Mandelson on Libya.
Radio 5 Listeners
Boooom Bacon emerged from the lake at Netherfield Park, soaked trousers clinging tight to his legs, droplets of water chasing eachother down his waxed chest, sun glinting on his producted hair. The heffalump looked, transfixed; Lord Rumba of Rio looked, transfixed. Boom’s eyes darted from one to the other and back. Was there, is there, would there, could there ever be such a love as this. No, no, no, surely not. There could never be.
That is the most disgusting porn I have ever seen on this site. Please delete !
-thats topped any further comments
Now, just by way of a memory-jog, whi is near installed as a daily ‘guest commenter’, based on their awesome, impartial, professional journalism skills?
‘A Libyan friend (or ‘plas’, in the lingo) in London, anti-Gaddafi and on the Left(of course), gave me his own take…’
A quick twitter exchange and I reckon that’s good enough for Newsnight to get in Douglas Alexander to harrumph on a ‘sources close to the BBC’ basis.
Well , I am off to sunny Gambia and Senegal tonight for a month. Maybe I shall bump into Martin .
What shall I miss about the UK ? As usual, just my mother and this superb website. Er, that’s it. Keep these wretched Beeboids on their toes folks, and just think how awful it will be for me without the BBC for a month !
Stay safe, Grant.
Cheers , David,
Kind of you to care. Don’t worry , my team down there do a good line in security. It is much safer than Glasgow on a saturday night !
Unless Martin is around, of course.
‘Just… this website’ – you know how to hurt! Have fun in Gambia and Senegal
Have a good one Grant !
I take it they have iron bru in these countries?
Hope you bring back lots of African sunshine to the this site. Enjoy!
politically –
(a) anti-McCAIN,
(b) pro-CHOMSKY.
-from today’s ‘Daily Express’, Hickey column:-
“The different sides of Jeremy Paxman were on clear display in two interviews for BBC2’s ‘Newsnight’ this week.
“The first was with US Republican senator John McCain, 74 on the Libya crisis. Some might say it is to the lofty rottweiller’s credit that he evidently took no notice of the senator’s age or status, treating him with that thinlu veiled disdain that we have come to expect.
“What a contrast, however, to his next interview with American professor Noam Chomsky, who describes himself as a ‘libertarian socialist’. On this occasion Paxo was positively deferential, hanging on to the old boy’s every utterance. A senior BBC colleague has described the difference between the two interviews as ‘frankly embarrassing’. Quite.”
And this is typical of BBC-NUJ-Labour’s politically biased output at ‘Newsnight’ (and elsewhere), and has been for years.
Overgrown teenager gets stroppy with Senator John McCain
Overgrown teenager dotes over ‘bad boy’ prof, Noam Chomsky.
“That’s great. Thanks for that”.
And my nomination for ‘BBC Bent Broadcaster of the Year Award’ goes to …
I am not a royalist & do not have any sympathy for the Duke of York or his chums. But why does the BBC etc get in such a lather about Epstein. When the buggering of a 13 year old by Roman Polanski was dismissed as a mere peccadillo – certainly nothing to warrant attaching the term “paedophile” to him.
Good point, albeit a rhetorical question ! I would have thought Beeboids would support buggery wherever it comes from, so to speak !
sod em all
or should that be sodom all
Oddly the BBC have paid very little attention to the other people who appeared in his address book – 16 telephone numebrs for Peter mandelson including country house and boyfriend?
Nice to see the BBC News website leading with ‘Unions’ anger over pension Plan’ – Well, who’d a thunk it? Highly relevent for Public Sector employees…like, er, BBC journos?
Meanwhile, hidden down in the ‘smaller’ new items list is the minor news that:
UK manufacturing grows at fastest pace in 16 years – The recovery in manufacturing is gathering momentum, commentators say
..yeah, but what’s the next bit of the story Bup – will there be a graphic novel?
I was thinking along the lines of one of those photo-journal type thingies.
Quality journalism from the BBC:
A US congressman has warned al-Qaeda is actively recruiting US Muslims for violent attacks within the country.
Representative Peter King, a Republican, spoke at a House homeland security committee hearing into the “radicalisation” of US Muslims.
4 paragraphs later…
Mr King, a New York Democrat, has accused US mosques of being a breeding ground for radical attitudes.
The radio reports I heard this morning about Rep King’s grandstanding told me that some sources/analysts/whatever likened the hearings to Sen McCarthy’s anti-Communist witchhunt. They didn’t tell me that King was an IRA supporter, surely more relevant to the experience of British licence payers than the ancient senate hearings. but anti-McCarthyism, like a love of Che, will be in the Beeboid jeans
Bit of fun here. But the old saying, ‘Many a true word….’ might, just might be apt.
The Russian take on the BBC reports.
I do caution a pinch of salt as verification of Russian media and sources is beyond me.
“The marketing campaign underway of major international media expands the organizers of the rebellion as heroes while they present Gaddafi as a killer and paranoid. The coming days and tomorrow are unpredictable in Libya.
However, the air strikes that western corporate media claim took place on February 22 over Benghazi and Tripoli, which were widely reported by the likes of the BBC and Al Jazeera, …were not registered by the Russian military chiefs examining the images coming in from satellites.
The satellite pictures show that, “nothing of that sort has been going on on the ground.” states Irina Galushko, adding that there is also no evidence from footage shot by television cameras which suggests that any airborne attacks took place.”
Surely, we must disregard such an observation.
The BBC wouldn’t, would they?
Strange item on Today this morning.
Apparently those nasty Tea Party people set up someone fairly well up in national public radio in the U.S. who said something uncomplimentary to the TP.
Republicans are also actively trying to reduce federal funding of NPR because of its liberal bias.
If only ……
Rarely listen to Toady, bad for BP, but caught a snippet this morning of Humphreys and Naughty interviewing some hapless Professor with transatlantic accent from some nameless Polytechnic anouncing “research” which categorised people into one of five groups according to what type of movies they prefer.
After a few easy put downs such as “Whats the point?” the hapless prof made the mistake of suggesting it might be of commercial value to the media business.
What? It might be of commercial value?! railed Humphreys. Surely the taxpayer shouldn’t be funding research of commercial value??
Prof promptly backed off, left with nowhere to go.
Instead of Humphreys asking how much his student paid in university fees to carry out this pointless research, and how it might enable the hapless professors students to get a proper job, Humphreys struck down the research, not for being pointless, but for it having some potential commercial value.
In the BBC-think, anything people might find useful and make money with is bad.
If only we were all “uniquely funded” like Humphreys.
Reminder never to bother with the Beebs Flagship Truthcaster again.
Can those Guardian / BBC types go on and on about nothing else but Rupert Murdoch?
if he didnt exist they would have invented him – the favourite all-purpose bogey man for instant knee-jerk reaction and mindless pavlovian salivation —they are like a load of silly schoolgirls!
Get this in the Guardian – in the absence of anything actually newsworthy to say
I suppose they all sit around saying ‘i told you so’
What a bunch of tarts.
I just caught the end of a documentary on a bunch of parents who were setting up their own school (now that Michael Gove’s opened that door) and they were so pleased with progress that they all went off to the pub to celebrate.
Of course … of course, showing a successful Tory policy in action, this was not on BBC.
BBC will (eventually) do a documentary on this but it will be a pretrendy leftie weepathon about sharp-elbowed middle class parents with lots of interviews with poor people, LEA drones, state-school teechurs, and Brendan Barber. And there certainly won’t be film of happy parents in a pub. No siree.
In fact, I’m on a roll tonight, and as I have my own production company, Half An Acre And A Lawnmower, I might even pitch this one to the BBCC myself.
Yesterday, on “Nightwaves” (9 PM, Radio 3), Tim Flannery, prominent appointee to Australia’s “Climate Commission”, was invited to plug his barking-mad book. If you aren’t familiar with Tim, please read Thanks to the great Jo Nova, I could listen to Flannery without actually crashing my car, because I knew what to expect. Even so, this was an interview utterly devoid of balance and, as such, typical of the bbc..
It directly followed a review of the film “Fair Game”, about Valerie Plame (also interviewed for half an hour on Radio 4 on Tuesday), in which the critic persistently failed to distinguish between his political opinions and the actual quality of the film – and the presenter conspicuously failed to press him. The reviewer was permitted several times to refer to “right-wingers” as “mad”, with no hint of a challenge from the bbc boy.
I heard on the BBC that their USA equivalent lost its boss.
Apparently the Republicans were gunning for him and taped him referring to the GOP as being infected by right wing nutjobs…racist,xenophobic…you know the rest!
This was the fault of the nasty Tea Party, and so when he was recorded saying these things he had to go.
Yet our Beeb hack saw no problem…wasn`t Fox just as bad, and it was a stitch up of our more enlightened and progressive US cousins.
He never said that Fox is not state-funded unlike the NPR. Nor does it bluster on in its mission statements about its balance or impartiality, unlike the NPR.
Oh dear-no wonder the Beeb slipped this little story in before 7am this morning-way too many parallels for their comfort.
Yet we get stuck with our weekend rebels on fat public sector pensions( are the Beebs being looked at by old Hutton then?)-whereas the USA can slough their useless idiot spawn of Gramsci College,Oxbridge. Shoud we not topple these fops first before going for Gadaffi…it is OUR BBC is it not… as John Birt once told us!
Fox claims to provide a balance of viewpoints, which NPR does not. NPR only gets a small portion of their funding from the Federal government, but they do act as if they are above all other US media. Fox doesn’t claim to be elitist in any way.
It was a stitch up, but what Schiller said speaks for itself. This also comes (a bit late) on the heels of their firing Juan Williams for making an unhelpful remark about getting nervous around Muslims on a plane. NPR dumped him immediately, and so they’d look even more hypocritical than the BBC if they didn’t get rid of the boss now for allowing Ron Schiller to espouse extremist viewpoints himself. The far-Left elite is feeling the pressure, and they hate it. The Beeboids know it, and defend them.
Interesting that NPR seems to have less defenders than Planned Parenthood among the US left; that shows you their priorities. I haven’t yet heard the BBC get involved in this issue though their entertainment and documentary programming, which are to me at least as much of a worry as their news, are resolutely in favour of cultural liberalism and all its assorted evils.
‘Newsnight’ hands over to its Labour-EU chum Mandelson.
BBC-Labour-EU still has a big political affinity to Labour-EU- Mandelson who was given a commission to present his/BBC-Labour-EU political propaganda on ‘Newsnight’ tonight on the subject of ‘globalisation’ which amounted to dangerous waffle; leave ‘globalisation to Mandelson-BBC-Labour-EU, and Britain will cease to exist as a nation state with any sovereignty, increasingly to be peopled by waves of mass immigration as part of uncontrolled ‘globalisation’.
Richard Littlejohn in excellent form as ever on BBC bias.
I don’t know about the rest of you but i am getting mightily tee’d off with every “report” from Libya being accompanied with some lunatic bleating on about “alahoooooo ackbarrrrrrrr” having been slid into the soundtrack
compare and contrast with how many items from Israel have anyone saying in the background-
“Shma Yisreel, Adonai Eloheinu: Adonai Echad. Baruch shem kvod, Malcoos so ley olom va yed”
(Deuteronomy 6:4 – 5 4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: 5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.)
Interesting commentary about petty political sheep herding…
Sadly, less on the complementary media that too often dances to the tune some demand.
Only the other day this blog noted that BBC Hague critics were almost reading from the same script.
Speaking of reading from one script…
Makes things easier, one supposes…
What an ex-Beeboid really thinks of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
(No, it’s not INBBC’s LYSE ‘the humanity of the Taliban’ DOUCET, no it’s not BARBARA ‘tears for Arafat’ PLETT.)
“George Fulton Flees Pakistani Fanaticism, Returns To England”
“George Fulton’s failed love affair with Pakistan”,,6466075,00.html?maca=en-rss-en-asia-5133-rdf
Not INBBC, but ‘Sky News’:
“A Saint For Pakistan”
(by Colin Brazier)
Guessing Mr. Bowen’s finished the coffee and brandies at Mr. Gaddafi’s dinner party, so it’s ‘safe’ to get back to how beastly tricky reporting in Libya is again..
This seems to be getting the twittosphere excited today, which doubtless means full page breaking news status after that thing in a part of the Far East that doesn’t matter as much as others….
Oddly, a recent outing by an EU commissioner showing no fiscal grasp of costs or results with matters in trillions…. [tumbleweed]
FORT HOOD: INBBC to be charged with failing to spot and name Islamic jihad symptoms?
“Nine officers to be disciplined over Fort Hood shooting”
Meanwhile, this would not be a surprise:
“Breaking News: NPR and HAMAS Merge!”
Good grief, they’ve gone back to the original lie that the murderer was merely reacting to job-related stress. Not a word about what warning signs the accused officers are supposed to have ignored.
“Army reprimands nine fall guys for PC climate that led to Fort Hood jihad massacre”
[Opening extract, ‘Jihadwatch’]:
“These nine officers don’t deserve this treatment. They’re being singled out as scapegoats when they were just part of the Army’s politically correct establishment. They knew that if they had flagged Nidal Hasan as a potential jihadist, they would have been reprimanded themselves for ‘bigotry,’ ‘Islamophobia,’ and ‘racism,’ while Hamas-linked CAIR sent out national press releases defaming them, and Chris Matthews and Katie Couric and Keith Olbermann and Anderson Cooper ran investigative reports on ‘Islamophobia’ in the military. “
A reminder of Mark Mardell’s scrambling to cut off any thoughts about conservative Islam inspiring mass murder:
‘Senseless tragedy?’
The truth is of course cloudy. The alleged murderer was clearly a Muslim, but there is very little to suggest that he adhered to a hard-line interpretation of his religion or that he had political or religious motives.
He may or may not have posted something on the internet defending suicide bombers. But he also appears to have been traumatised by the idea of being sent to a combat zone.
Still, people will speculate – as I am doing. Life may become more uncomfortable for his innocent co-religionists, a regrettable consequence of any such attack.
When he posted this, the facts about the murderer shouting the usual AA mantra was well known and colleagues were already coming out of the woodwork to say they had concerns about him turning radical. Yet Mardell deliberately tried to dismiss all of it. Yeah, he pretends he’s cautioning against jumping to conclusions, but the facts were already known and he tried to stifle debate, even going so far as to warn about this causing Islamophobia against “innoncent” people.
Job done.
‘there is very little to suggest that he adhered to a hard-line interpretation of his religion or that he had political or religious motives. ‘
Hmm other than the fact that at Fort Hood Major Nidal Hasan shouted out “Allahu Akbar” just before the firing began.
“After I heard that I pretty much froze up because I knew what that meant,” said Zeigler, referring to the Arabic phrase meaning “God is great.”
Has the BBC attacked the Government over it’s poor handling of the earthquake in Japan yet? Hague’s on the News Channel, so I suppose it’s only a matter of time before Dougie Alexander is on again.
This just in, in response to feeback on the national broadcaster’s week of unity and support for Britsish diplomats and servicemen enaged in a difficult and sensitive operation that may not have gone as planned, but was being carried out, one still presumes (it still being mostly covert), for all the best reasons:
‘Thank you for your email. We are sorry you feel the article was biased
but we believe it is unfair to suggest that we gave the shadow foreign
secretary ‘free rein’ to express his views.’
[That would be 24/7 ‘botched, Botched, BOTCHED’ Alexander and such as Newsnight ‘Just how botched, Dougie?’ Paxman]
We gave over substantial
space to Mr Hague to put across his version of events,
[That would be a serving Minister, with men under threat, in the middle of an op]
‘while the criticism did come from the shadow foreign secretary, and was reported
prominently in all sections of the press and broadcast media, and not
just on the BBC.’
[So Labour speaks, and the BBC dances. But it mitigation, others did too. Pathetic]
‘It was the clear implication of Mr Hague’s own remarks that the operation had not gone according to plan, and that there had
been a “serious misunderstanding”.’
[Hey, but let’s leap in, put the boot in and put others in danger for petty political point scoring. Because we can. And we’re worth it]
‘Frank Gardner is a highly respected
security correspondent and does not broadcast his reports unless he
believes them to be based on well sourced information.’
[Ha. Ha ha. Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah}
‘We can only offer you the assurance that there was no intention to follow any particular agenda in producing this report.’
[Oh, in that case… #fail on all counts]
It’s like having our own personal 5th column trying to drag us down. Only we have to fund ’em.
The BBC “gave over substantial space” for Stage Performer Maitlis to ask Hague over and over again if he was crap. Not the same thing as giving him space to explain himself.
Dave or someone,
You might want to enquire with O2 as to why they are blocking this blog when their mobile users try and get here using 3G.
When ever I use my phone to check up on the site I get an adult content warning and then told I cant come here. You might want to ask O2 why it doesnt block the BBC, considering they have far worse material on their site than what is posted here!
Mass Immigration:
-converting Europe into Eurabia, and Britain into Britainistan.
This 1 minute INBBC report is just a foretaste of further mass immigration to come, especially from Islamic countries.
“Migrants fleeing North Africa turmoil land on Lampedusa”
‘Gates of Vienna’ has:
“Update on Lampedusa: A Muslim Majority ”
A basic test of whether a country has national sovereignty is whether the government of that country can control and limit mass immigration. Obviously, Britain fails the test, being an E.U. member; no doubt INBBC and Patten are pleased about that.
Also, from ‘Gates of Vienna’:
“Muslim Immigration into the UK: Part One ”
(this is Part One of what is to be a Four-part series.)
A tale of two interviews.
Overgrown teenager gets stroppy with Senator John McCain
Overgrown teenager dotes over ‘bad boy’ prof, Noam Chomsky.
“That’s great. Thanks for that”.
And my nomination for ‘BBC Bent Broadcaster of the Year Award’ goes to …
A mini ‘Deller-thon’
Here (B-BBC mention), and here