Listened to the BBC fronted jihad against Midsomer Murders co-creator Brian True-May. That will teach him not take ethno/gender/equality seriously – right? BBC doing all they best to ruin this man’s career because he dared set a successful fictional series in a traditional English village!
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Is it just me, or are things descending more rapidly into utter stupidiy in the UK (and around the world) than hitherto?
No Natsman, I have noticed that too.
The interview with the Radio Times seems to be the start of all this, and so the PC false outrage began. So to keep the beeboids happy here is a suggested plot to make it PC.
PLOT: A group of Irish travellers invade the village hall and claim squatters rights. The vliiages, unable to get them evicted, hire a black hoody gang to cause trouble. After 4 murders; ( I think this is the minumum needed in a Midsomer plot) they start to leave. However to cover their tracks the villagers have hired an asian suicide bomber to join the hoodies so that their are no witnesses left to implicate the villagers.
Do you think the PC beeoids would be happly with that multi culteral PC plot? Happy viewing!!!
I seem to remember Diane Abbott, when challenged by Andrew Neil on “The Week” during the Labour Party leadership campaign last year as to the representative nature of her candidacy, responding that she was the most popular candidate among “Midsomer Murders” viewers. How time flies!
It was covered on Today this morning. Simon Jenkins could barely conceal his amazement that such trivia was being discussed when Japan is in the news.
Here’s the key. In the final sentence.
Re-education in the service of the policy of immigration.
“It’s up to programmes like Midsomer Murders, she says, to be more responsible in using the power they have in shaping national identity.”
In the past, national identities evolved with distant foci of identity….king, parliament, royal justice etc. Identity was shaped locally in the absence of the means to do so efficiently from the centre
Technology enabled media (see Hitler’s untunable single broadcaster radios, or the strict control of information in Iron Curtain societies) is too tempting to monopolists.
The BBC clearly sees its power and seeks to propagate its ‘view’ as a secular moral value. The question one should ask is how can the question as in ‘is it ever right….’
The BBC answer is clear.
‘We’ (the BBC)are shapers of national identity and that means into every aspect of the culture.
That final sentence is a quote from Judy Ling Wong, the UK Director of Black Environment Network. She’s not a BBC person.
I can’t see a problem with her opinion although I disagree with it.
It is just a run-of-the-mill nanny state opinion which we might expect from the boss of a quango, or indeed the BBC in its quest to educate us while it also informs and entertains.
A bit of a repeat post, but BBC-NUJ’s MARK EASTON has no interest in the plight of ITV ‘Midsomer Murders’ producer being condemned, without trial, and suspended from his job for ‘political incorrectness’.
On his obnoxious blog, paid for buy us, Easton simply pushes his political propaganda (to accompany his propaganda voiced earlier for mass immigration), about ‘English white rural racism’!
It could be argued that EASTON should be suspended for only talking about the ‘racism’ of whites.
Easton’s most recent piece about ‘English white racism’:
“Midsomer race row”
Yes, Easton’s latest post is guaranteed to raise your blood pressure, dangerously! Quite why such a piece of prissy left-wing propaganda is on the blog of a supposedly impartial BBC reporter rather than in the op-ed columns of the Guardian, where it belongs, is beyond me.
Agreed, although from what I caught of the debate on TODAY it seemed remarkably balanced. 5Breakfast had the ex ‘The Office’ producer on as well and I thought his opinions were very measured.
‘The Office’ producer said he didn’t think the guy meant to express himself the way he did.
Basically, in my view, capturing English ‘tweeness’ is enhanced by all white faces.
2 sides of the same bent coin
And the report just has to include the race baiter and millionaire parasite ‘is it coz I iz blick’ Trevor(what have you white scum ever done for me)Phillips didnt it? And he just had to accuse the British of the usual OTT crime of “apartheid”
What kind of person would complain about this kind of thing anyway? So you skin colour does not appear ona TV show? Ooooh dear, get me Shami Chakrabatti on the line stat! The forces of racism and race baiting will never be happy ever until the entire cast is Asian and black asylum seeking islamists and any odd white person would be the criminal suicide bombing racist. Hey why not just introduce anti white laws, where only black people get job preference? These people do not want equality they want and desire supremacy, the white native majority are hated with a passion few can understand.
These people will never rest and never be satisfied, the more the British native population step back and compromise the more these people will take, they want nothing less than the eradication of the British way of life and native British identity, they are taking our past present and future away from us bit by bit. What other nation and people on earth would give up their own country to hostile colonisation, what other people would passively stand back annd allow themselves to be airbrushed out of history like this?
It’s the age old “give a monster a cookie and he’s then going to demand a glass of milk”.
This whole is the sort of claptrap from a middle class that likes to move to the country but takes out court injunctions to have the church clock bell stopped because the noise disturbs them, or the sort of people who want the cows fed something that will stop the smell they make.
But the more sinister side to them exists also. There is the side of them that knows that if you want to destroy a race and it’s identity you seperate it from its roots. You destroy all links with its past. One way is to break it up with attacks like this.
The other thing I’ve noticed is how these people continually move the goal posts by changing the language. Look at how many redefinitions language to describe people who are not White British. For some reason it never stops evolving. Why is that? Is it because the previous definition was wrong? Doubtful. I suspect this has something to do with keeping the so called “experts” in a position of self serving power. If they keep changing the words, you and I can never keep up. We are on the back foot, constantly in the wrong. We use what we think is the description du jour only to have the “experts” suck air through their teeth and giving us the look when they have recognised a racist because we didn’t get the memo on the new description.
For me that’s the plan with these tinkerers to keep you and I unsteady on our feet so that they can continually push us around as they work on their never ending plan to create a people with no ties to their birthplace.
When I see things like this I am always reminded of a quote in the comments section of a online news site that said “As a balck woman I am sick and tired of being told by middle class intellectuals what I should and should not be offended at”. That for me is it in a nutshell.
Banish him to thought-crime island.
He can spend the rest of his days with Rod Liddle.
I’ve never seen it, but it occurs to me to wonder how many white faces there are in The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency. Can someone enlighten?
Yes, I watched an episode or two of it. Entertaining, but I didn’t see a white face. I look forward to seeing the BBC descend on the series seething with indignation at the lack of ethnic diversity in the show.
Set in Botswana, I believe. There’s a Black Journalists Society in South Africa. Not a white face to be seen. Maybe the BBC, as fellow journalists, will descend in indignation on that organisation as well.
A little aside.
Midsomer is exported to over 200 countries because of its ‘Englishness’. The series is very popular (dubbed) for foreigners.
An ‘Inspektor Barnaby’ Fan club here in Germany has invited its members to e-mail a ‘protest’ at what has produced news comment here on the continent.
I paste directly as written (inc. grammar and constuction issues):
“To whom it may concern / Regarding the suspension of Brian True-May
Dear Sir or Madam,
with consternation we heared about the suspension of producer Brian True-May because of his utterances concerning ethnical minorities which he refuses to show in the Inspector Barnaby crime series.
„Inspector Barnaby“ and all other crime series I know are fictional. Especially they do not display the real part immigrated criminals play. Consistantly it should be also possible to show a rural society free from immigration, as it still exists in the provinces. Free from immigrated criminals and immigrants on the whole!
I like „Inspector Barnaby“ for this – and it is part of it s success story in Germany and about 200 other countries. Please preserve the series – and let Mr. True-May continue doing his excellent job.
ie. the series very ‘identity’ which sells is ‘Englishness’ as perceived by foreigners who are not English.
Strange isn’t it that foreigners, in some quarters, still have a fondness for ‘Englishness’ at those moments when they wish to shut out the hard reality of life of an evening.!
Isn’t this confusing ‘English’ with ‘British’? Or am I missing something?
You raise an interesting question, are there any Jocks, Taffies or Paddies in Midsomer?
You are . Englishness is nothing to do with Britishness. I was once at the site of the Battle of Hastings (1066) with my daughter and explaining to her just how old England was lost on that day.
An old man turned to me and said that it still hurt after all these years. To understand that you have to have England in your blood .
Nothing to do with Britain. That is another country altogether.
dave, I meant that the BBC is confusing (dishonestly conflating?) the two, not people here. I realize that the producer meant ‘English’ and not ‘British’, which is where the multi-culti argument falls flat on its multi-hued face. I’m well aware that the English and the Jews are the only people not permitted to have their own ethnic identity in their own country.
Ok I understand your point now. Your last point is only too true sadly.
Increasing the diversity quotient of this programme would be a disaster. After all, not knowing “who done it” until the very end is part of its appeal.
I have never seen Midsomer Murders in fact my TV watching is restricted to the preferences of my one year old great granddaughter whose tastes don’t rise above Cbeebies which I don’t think has been analysed on here or even mentioned. If I don’t intervene with her mother I fear that the child will grow up indoctrinated into thinking that at least half of the population of the UK belongs to an ethnic minority and/or are disabled. Many of the programmes feature invited groups of children and are almost always weighted towards ethnic minorites and/or disabled children. There is even one programme called Rastamouse where all the characters speak in a West Indian patois which I have difficulty understanding so what chance for a one year old. I have taken recently to switching to Sky News thinking better the devil Murdoch than the PC BBC. Even better I switch off and teach her traditional songs and nursery rhymes.
This furore manufactured over Midsomer by the PC crowd of thought police could backfire. It does reveal the true situation in this country. A nearly 100% native population in the villages and small towns contrasted with the quite opposite situation in London and other cities. The true extent of white flight is there to see. Easton and the usual academic handwringers can fulminate all they want. This country is being Balkanised and the future is bleak. Who let it happen and why is the question. The natives certainly didn’t want it and are getting restless.
What really angers me is that those idiots who rammed a multicultural society down our throats are leaving it to our grandchildren to deal with for good or ill.
All the self-appointed politically correct race relations experts and commentators have never seen fit to complain about to the lack of black characters in Midsomer Murders during all the years it has been on.
Therefore we can assume they have satisfied themselves that there are valid reasons for the lack of black characters.
It follows that they are only outraged by True-Mays reason for including no black characters, not the lack of them in itself.
I might ask the boss of the Today programme why there have never been any black presenters. If the answer doesn’t come up to scratch I’ll be all disgusted and make wild accusations of racism. Why shouldn’t I jump on the outraged bandwagon and take the opportunity to show how morally superior I am to everyone else?
I stopped watching “Holby City” (I know, I know!) when the ratio of white to non-white actors reached equal proportions – it just irritated me. The BBC is making a pastiche of itself with this constant pc rubbish – it reminds me of the bureaucrats who threatened to withdraw funding from the Lake District Tourist Board or some such organisation since few members of ethnic minorities visit the area. It’s so silly. And while I’m on this broad subject, why are “piggy banks” deemed offensive to Muslims when nobody ever bothered to ask whether they are offensive to Jews? (Er – I reckon I know the answer *DONT_KNOW* )
This is a silly story isn’t it? A story of warped perceptions by the observer.
Though is not Midsommer Murders an ITV programme? I’ve seen a few annoying references creeping into ITV of late (this – diversity) and on ITN news a few misplaced global warming references by Lawrence McGinty. I wonder if there is new blood at ITV of BBC provenance?
Back to the Beeb, children’s is rife with this enforced and thus unrealistic diversity – noticed it on the Doctor Who spin off with the former assistant.
Sometimes you just wish they would leave us alone; maybe we’d all be better off living in dumb ignorance.
Though then they’d win! 🙁
Yes, the world is getting crazier, but the UK is leading the pack. The multicultural juggernaut is now in overdrive. Every facet of our once, relatively stable, nation state is being desecrated then replaced. And the most frenetic advocates of cultural Marxism are toiling away in the BBC biodome, where the artificial atmosphere, thick with treason & contempt for what Britain was, is 100% hallucinogenic. Their arrogance knows no bounds. When that puffed-up lump of state-funded lard, Jim Naughtie, called a Tory, a ‘Berkshire hunt’, it was a dare, not a mistake.
I’m a new poster, that has severed all links to BBC Radio, & apart from one or two programmes on BBC4, I’m done with their execrable TV output. For an hour in the morning, before work, I listen to Nick Ferrari on LBC. To my amazement, at first, his show actually criticises immigration/colonisation, multicultural indoctrination, rampant criminality – if I woke up to that on the BBC I’d think I’d been drinking in my sleep.
Biased BBC is a fantastic site, I wish I’d discovered you earlier!
By the way, the all white, English detective show you mention isn’t long for this world. It’s to be re-branded – Midsoweto Murders. Shot, literally, in Peckham. That should get the Beeboid juices flowing, just as long as they don’t have to live anywhere near the sharp end of multiculturalism. They love diversity, from a distance; like Android Marr, the BBC’s very own Minister for Miscegenation, whose very white family live in that edgy middle-class ghetto called Barnes, down by the Thames.
Multiple plagues upon the Beeboid encampments. If only.
“This reaction should at once tell us all we need to know about the intolerance of the tolerance-demanding Left”
Token Black Guy
Is it ever OK for the BBC management to be all-white?
“Midsomer Murders: On the trail of the real Midsomer”
Vicar of Dibley, any one spot an ethnic in that? Thought not, 1994-2007, shame on you BBC, shame…
Unless the white liberal left have the opportunity to bang on about race they’re not happy. Like all liberal media think-tanks the bBC support “multiculturalism” because it’s a fashion template, not an issue anyone should be bothered about. It helps white liberal organisations feel good about themselves, while pointing the accusing finger of rascism at conservatives.
I’ve never heard any blacks moaning about Midsomer before all this…in fact even now all I hear from the black community is the deafening sound of crickets. After all, they have lives to get on with too. Unlike the empty suits at the bBC.
this country is becoming more and more like the US
an open air mental hospital where the patients are in charge
“You raise an interesting question, are there any Jocks, Taffies or Paddies in Midsomer?” Hippiepooter
No from the little I have seen its just Limeys, no other Britons, Poms only.
From what I understand, “It Ain’t Half Hot Mum” is banned from repeats on the BBC because it has Michael Bates in blackface (no offense meant to Bupendra B), and some don’t like how the native Indian wallahs are portrayed.
Yet they let Lucas and Walliams put on a multi-ethnic minstrel show and defend it to the hilt.
But at least Balamory in the north of Scotland has its quota of ethnic and disabled characters. Yes this is ridiculous – but it satisfies the PC pedants.
CBBC and BBC kids’ stuff generally has been poisoning the well for many years now.
Currently my biggest worry is about Radio 7. Normally it plays old comedy stuff, old drama etc. Really old. But latterly it has been including current editions of the leftie News Quiz and the Now Show. How on earth do they fit the normal Radio 7 format ? Is there no escape from the lefties ?