I was pleased to see Green MP and BBC favourite Caroline “I am not of this world” Lucas on the BBC breakfast sofa this morning stoutly proclaiming that the UK has no need for nuclear power. Apparently better house insulation, wrapping up warm and having all those vital low carbon sources of energy will do the trick. Naturally the BBC interviewers felt no need to challenge her on any of her eco-lunacy. Then again why would they when this is essentially BBC policy. The Fukushima crisis has proven a real benefit to the BBC.
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I wish I’d seen Caroline this morning, but alas missed her wisdom as I was trying to find my fifth woolly jumper.
And you should try using the TV remote wearing fur lined gloves – it’s not easy.
I noticed on Sky though there has been an earthquake somewhere – so was that what she was on about ?
And the BBC greenwash continues…
Researchers have noted all kinds of noise can cause whales to beach: sonar, offshore rigs, ships engines and even offshore wind farms.
However, the BBC version? No mention of offshore wind farms (strange, that…). It’s all the fault of the US navy…
Someone should point out to Caroline luckless that heat has to be generated some how to make her wonder insulation house warm and keep it warm [insulation slows loss it doesn’t stop it !] especially in winter when Russians turn off the gas or the Chinese stop doing us cheap coal and if the wind turbines stop turning ,the clouds block the sun so solar is fecked , the ice and storms buggers up the water thingys and as wood burners are now a green hate object how are we gonna do this saft bint !
I may be wrong but I think the level of insulation needed to make a difference would be totally impossible on a large scale unless she is advocating rebuilding the entire UK housing stock ?
Thankfully she is but one voice in parliament, I assume she is the but of many in joke on the back benches.
There is no place for wind turbines within the energy policy of this country period.
Caroline Lucas is a retard
The mouth is smiling but the eyes(the window to the soul)are as hard as flint and just as cold.
Lucas is the new breed of fascist, more dangerous than those who trod the path of evil before her because she wears a mask with her true self hidden. If she and those like were ever to achieve real power then God help us.
Nobody will challenge her, I mean really attempt to strip the mask away and expose the ugliness behind not least the BBC. They suit each other perfectly.
Caroline Lucas is a retard
Caroline Lucas is a Jew hater
Just search Google for “Caroline Lucas, Jews”.
a proper scum bucket is our Caroline
A question for the saintly Caroline.
Did Japan have any offshore windfarms (or other renewable sources of energy) close to their north east coast, and if so, what happened to them after the earthquake?
Oh, and another one for the BBC. Japan is having to implement selective power outages as a result of the recent earthquake and associated damage. If contingency planning was to take place to deal with a similar emergency over here, where would the BBC see itself on the list of priority users of electricity? I think we can take it as read that the BBC would classify its entire output (including Local Radio, the Asian Network, Thought for the Day and the Archers) as essential, on a par with hospitals and the emergency services!
I truth, all the “news” media have been had a shot in the arm from the Japanese disaster and are preening themselves accordingly. However, there’s little evidence that the reporters and presenters, who have been sent to Japan at great expense (and with no little production of the evil CO2), are doing anything but speculate on events in the North East from the safety of studios hundreds of miles away.
Wind turbines would not have withstood the Sendai Earthquake.
The ability for a building or tower to withstand quakes, is measured as Peak Ground Acceleration i.e., by how quickly the ground moves.
Modern wind turbines are designed such that the turbine tower can withstand a PGA of 0.3g
Click to access windrad_wwec2003_windturbines_and_earthquakes_03.pdf
The Peak Ground Acceleration measured during the Sendai quake was at least equal to 0.5g
In fairness, falling wind turbines are unlikely to cause a Level 6 nuclear incident.
In all fairness if a country was entirely dependent on wind turbines and got hit by a Sendai magnitude quake it would have no means with which to generate electricity.
Diverse methods of electricity generation are needed. Nuclear and wind included.
To be of any use a power source must be able to produce actual useable electricity IN ISOLATION from other sources.
Coal/gas/biomass/nuclear/geothermal can all opperate independently but only windmills cannot. So windmills fail the first and most important test. Windmills are only capable of working to a fraction of their capacity on average and if the wind does not blow the windmills are useless.
Lets imagine a catastrophic failure cascade in the generating matrix, knock out the nuclear plants and the gas ones still work, knock out the gas plants and the coal plants still work and as a last gasp stop gap biomass plants will kick in because they can be fed with with anything that burns BUT if all those fail and only windmills are left then its game over because windmills cannot generate ANY useable electricity in isolation and when I say useable I mean in quantities and levels that could sustain a grid capacity.
If electricity generation is a chain and differing generating methods are links in the chain then windmills are nothing more than a break in the chain, rely on them and they will fail and they will let us down.
The only use that I can see for windmills in the future is a source of rare earth metals when China starts to flex its muscles and turns off the source of rare earth metals, I say when not if BTW.
That’s a valid point, Alfonso. However, if just one of them built in an earthquake (or other disaster which would make it fall over)-prone area and crushed a house and killed a child, would the same scrutiny be used on wind turbines? We already know that no amount of birds killed is too many, so where do we draw the line in the risk-analysis game?
Is there a minimum body count over a fixed time period?
Sorry, you are talking engineering, talking facts.
The BBC does not understand that sort of thing, far to complicated. Instead, the BBC deals in opinion. Its own opinion.
Ms Lucas is not a human being. One can see by the oddly-applied eyebrows, that some entity (other than a human one), applied them – clearly having no real knowledge of humans at all. They also selected Brighton to install her amongst other beings, thinking (erroneously) that it was the centre of the known English-speaking world. The beads in the adornment she wears around her neck contain a mixture of garlic and strontium, thus ensuring the vampires are kept at bay, and also keeping her throat warm.
This cretinous, evil being has been introduced into parliament by others of her origin, the operation being facilitated by her being-master, the alien Huhne (who is cunningly disguised as a human MP, of the yellow persuasion).
Together, they will dismantle all means of electricity generation, and inflict upon the unsuspecting British public, Hoosticks – which will eventually cover the countryside and grow in the sea.
These will allegedly produce electricity only sufficient to recharge these alien life form examples, who will attempt to multiply, and form a commercial enterprise called Lucas Industries, which will manufacture little light bulbs that will glow upon the application of their weak electric current.
But the main thrust of the enterprise will be to build sufficient windmills to enable the whole country to be slowly propelled towards Scandinavia, from whence the troll-like aliens like Lucas clearly originate, and wish to return.
I will write again when the medication wears off…
Here’s Peter Sissons’ account of subjecting Caroline Lucas to scrutiny for perhaps the first time in her life on the BBC.
I’m sure her solution to the energy crisis caused by going wholesale to green energy would be to cull humans.
I always remember ‘Lucas’ as in electrical industies was jokingly called ‘Prince of Darkness’ due to lightbulb failure. History seems to repeat itself with this Lucas also. We will be calling her ‘Pricess of Darkness’ when there is insufficient electricity; if we follow her madcap schemes.
“Green leader defends family Eurostar trips”
Ah the Green Party which on its election manifesto included the right for anybody and everybody to come and live in the Uk and be able to claim full benefits from day 1.
They seem to have managed to convince the good people of Brighton that that’s a good idea…
In fairness to The Fair Party of Fairness for A fair Future I had a quick look at their election manifesto – (I don’t got a life).
It doesn’t argue for unlimited immigration. However the immigration section of the manifesto is a masterpiece of blairite legalese where they hint that they might not (quite) allow untramelled immigration but without actually saying what they would do about it.
All things to all people.
Or to put it another way – a complete bag o’ shi’e.
Bupendra writes:
In fairness to The Fair Party of Fairness for A fair Future I had a quick look at their election manifesto – (I don’t got a life). It doesn’t argue for unlimited immigration.
I think you will find they reworded it, in which not to upset the natives. Here is what they wrote in the 2005 manefesto which was extant until the last election;
We will commit extra resources to the initial decision-making process. We will grant all asylum seekers access to benefits and the right to work, and ensurethere is an independent appeals tribunal in line with international standards. Wewill ratify the 1990 UN ‘Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers and theirFamilies’ and honour our obligations under the 1951 UN Convention Relating tothe Status of Refugees.The Green Party will review the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act,particularly with regard to issues of access to legal advice, childcare and levels ofsubsistence allowance. We will support common, European policies that result in better treatment for asylum seekers.
Page 30 and 31
Interesting to note the difference between that statement and the one in the last election’s manifesto statement which was intended to be so vague that it said whatever the reader wanted it to say.
It’s what passes for clever in our political circles.
I think we should take this concept to its logical conclusion, and see if the BBC will still pimp for it. I say that, instead of worrying about the safety of nuclear power, a far higher priority would be to discuss whether or not people in the UK really need to live in flood plains or coast lines prone to strong winds.
Why, just imagine the live that could have been saved and damage avoided if society just did the right thing and banned fools from living in dangerous areas. How come the BBC hasn’t been screaming about this since the deadly flooding in Australia? Now hundreds of millions of dollars are spent every year repairing damage done – unnecessarily – to homes and businesses sitting in the middle of areas which flood on a regular basis, not to mention places which get wiped out by hurricanes every few years. If we shouldn’t have any nuclear energy simply because one of them might have a problem after one of the worst earthquakes of all time, then surely nobody should be permitted to live any place that gets flooded regularly or damaged by hurricans, etc.
If the BBC doesn’t address this very real problem with even one-tenth of the energy they’ve spent scaremongering over nuclear power, then I say it’s a sign of deliberate bias in favor of watermelon Luddite policies and a denial of reality.
Creature from the Green Lagoon.
Lucas is a frightening example of what can happen when a presumably otherwise intelligent person falls into a trap of error, but is surrounded by sycophants, and becomes ever more detached from the real world. If someone disputes what she said, she would probably explode.
Like the 70’s Series “V”, you want to pull off their faces and reveal the alien beneath the mask.
Huhne, and his incessant daily visits from environmental campaign groups. If you surround yourself with sh*te, the whole world soon begins to look brown.
What were the odds that BBC-Greenie chum, Lucas, would be on ‘Question Time’ this week?