A B-BBC readers writes!
“The BBC has declarednuclear power not just potentially risky or even dangerous but actually ‘Evil’. On ‘Wake up to money this morning, at around 10.50 mins the presenter asks is it a necessary evil and says toKeith Parker, chief executive of the Nuclear Industry Association that heobviously would not say it is evil…’… but it is isn’t it’?
He then makes sure we understand….’…there is a very evil by-product ofit…’. More wind turbines, that’s the answer!….got to keep those green businessesthat fund the BBC pension going. “
Time for a song…..
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But… But… But…
Windmills kill whales!
How can Auntie be so callous?
Too awful…..
Caroline Lucas in nuclear meltdown
Debbi Harry, now that’s how to start the day.
On Today this morning Prof Laurence Williams (former UK chief inspector of nuclear installations) gave an unsensational assessment of the Japanese nuclear position, emphasising that, whatever was happening, this wasn’t Chernobyl #2 and that the 12-18 mile exclusion zones were a sensible precaution. Harrabin followed with a (for him) fairly level-headed analysis but, being Harrabin, finished his sermonette by informing us quite gratuitously that Friends of the Earth had warned – among other things – that a wholesale evacuation of Tokyo might be necessary.
I’m all for balance and, had there been another acknowledged expert available to give an authoritative contrary view, it would have been an interesting and enlightening item. However, contradicting an acknowledged expert on the subject (in the absence of any claims – that I have heard – that the nuclear scientists chosen to comment on the BBC and in the MSM have been lying through their collective teeth about Fukushima a la the “scientists” concerned with AGW) with a statement from a blatantly political propaganda organisation is not “balance” – it’s bias.