Nicky Campbell’s Big Question programme looks to be a rich treat this morning; Up for discussion “Is it time to squeeze the rich?” (Does that include BBC presenters, Nicky?) Lots of clerics on to attack the banks.
Then, “Should creationism ever be taught in schools” (There’s a Church of England cleric who thinks it is akin to child abuse to do so and a Muslim who home-schools to be able to teach creationism, nice bit of BBC positioning there) Finally “Should you only tick the box about religion if you go to church” in the Census?
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No Nicky, its time to squeeze the overpaid BBC – BBC 2009/10 Accounts Salary – Mark Thompson, Director-General £668,000; Mark Byford, Deputy Director-General £475,000; Jana Bennett, Director, Vision £415,000; Helen Boaden, Director, BBC News £320,000; Richard Sambrook, Director, BBC Global News £299,880
Mr Topshop earns his money, and I don’t have to give him mine.
There is the germ of an idea, a windfall tax on the BBC management, to be paid from their salaries and expenses NOT the license fee.
Squeezing the rich (aka wealth and job creators) in the way that Comrade Nicky and his fellow Beboids want is like squeezing a tube of toothpaste in a vice; it all leaves the tube and goes everywhere but only a small amount will end up on the toothbrush to do what you want it to do.
That is the sum total of Beboid/SWP economics.