A Biased BBC reader asks;
“Listening to Professor Madawi Al-Rasheed, rofessor of the Anthropology of Religion at King’s College London, being interviewed on ‘Woman’s Hour’ ) this morning the thought came to me that perhaps the Pope is not Catholic.
His, some might say, extreme views on women, homosexuality and contraception are surely not what the Catholic Religion is really about. In other words the Pope is perverting or distorting the real Catholicism.
Then to see Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard of Brussels spalttered with pie for expressing such Popish views shook me…perhaps there is a God, one with a sense of humour….is God confirming my radical thoughts?
No it was the BBC.
My eyes were opened to new thinking about religion and authority when the above mentioned professor suggested that the oppression of women in Saudi Arabia had its origin in religion, but not the religion of Islam.
The Saudi religious establishment were not the true representatives of Islam…they were perverting its Truths for their own ends. This might seem strange as Islam was born in Saudi Arabia, Islam’s single most Holy shrine is in Saudi Arabia and the pronouncements of the Saudi religious authority are followed around the world and indeed the Saudis pay for much of the Islamic infrastructure burgeoning in Britain right now.
The question therefore arises if the Saudi Religious Establishment is not the true Islam because of its extreme and unIslamic nature, then possibly the Pope is not Catholic.
This is of course the new BBC narrative regarding Islam….the various ‘extremes’ which are shot through Muslim societies are actually a result of conservative cultural traditions and not Islam. Curious that cultures as disparate as Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Luton all have the same culture.
Have already commented on this on the Open Thread previously.
Still this is specifically about Jenni Murrays snowjob on the lady anthropologist from Kings College.
This educated fence straddler was unable to implicate Islam in the fact that her “sistas” were unable to vote in the coming Saudi elections. Not at all-Muhammad himself preferrred the AV system and if the House of Saud had not set its face against this enlightened sage, why the ladies could vote for their lingerie salespersons by now.
Funny isn`t it that our Jenni couldn`t bring herself to even suggest that Islam just might have SOMETHING to do with the fact that women need not fear their premiums going up in Saudi to satisfy E.U directives. No doubt Israel and the USA were to blame for Paxo and Nightie not being able to blag a business class beano in Riyadh .Not even to suggest just what the no-show of 50% of the electorate means for the “Tory coots” that may yet decimate Jeddah Central.
No booze on offer ,so what would Snow and his chums do once the microphones were off anyway?..at least they`ll not be getting that booze cancer that nice Evan was telling us about earlier!
Oh my, I’ve just realised, that perhaps bears dont shit in the woods either! Oh dear!
A very large gap in INBBC’s understanding of Islamic history:
“Fourteen Centuries of Jihad against European Civilization”
Good heavens, whatever next – someone to suggest that Cameron is not a true Conservative? [Oooops, bad example!]
It looks as though Islam is the same as socialism. I was brought up by socialist parents to believe that the National Socialists in Germany where not socialists, that the Soviet Socialists in Russia where not Socialists and eventually even the British Labour party where not socialists. So I was brought up with no idea of what socialism was other than hatred for anyone that was not a socialist, which included everyone that called themselves socialists. I concluded that people that are not socialists must be superior to people that call themselves socialists, therefore I am not a socialist. The only thing about socialism that is better than Islam is that if I was a Muslim, my family would kill me for converting.