Oh no. After hyping up the great evil of Conservative created inflation all morning….comes the news that it has fallen. BBC Gutted. What to do? Well, can we ever forget how evil the British were in KENYA when putting down insurrection there? Not if the BBC can help it ๐Ÿ˜‰ Shouldn’t David Cameron apologise and pay reparations? Meanwhile, buried away on regional news, we read about the shockingly callous behaviour of NHS staff, thanks to Channel 4 uncovering it. Elsewhere, BBC delight in David Cameron’s “mistake” over the number of black students at Oxford University. Wonder why the intrepid reporters never stopped to question WHY only 452 students out of a population of MILLIONS gained the necessary “A” level qualifications to even be considered? Might there be another issue in play here that the State Broadcaster chooses to downplay? Finally, on a much more parochial basis, my political party had it’s manifesto launch yesterday. The BBC turned up for the event and then, on their main news, gave us about 30 seconds. That’s 29 seconds more than I was expecting. Remember – these professionals are impartial to the core, it’s in their DNA you know!

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45 Responses to BBC BIAS ROUND UP

  1. john in cheshire says:

    I’m feeling depressed today as I have done, to varying degree, for the past 14 years. The destruction of our country marches on without pause and the forces acting against us, the normal people, are overwhelming. I’m depressed because I don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel just an all encompassing blackness.


    • hippiepooter says:

      You need a bit of dunkirk spirit, and read the Book of Revelations as well maybe.


    • wild says:

      70 years ago the extreme Left ran concentration camps across Europe. Now both the Nazi Party and the Bolsheviks are history. Rejoice! Rejoice! It is true that they were defeated at a cost of millions of lives, and the destruction of much of Europe, but the Left have to call themselves the New Left these days because pretty much everyone (other than a few fascist students) are aware that the Old Left is evil.


      People may swallow frog after frog, but eventually they vomit (Milosz).


      While the necrotic influence of the New Left is very much in evidence across Europe, you must have noticed (even in your moments of deepest despair) that they are generally viewed (whether it be black shirt terrorists, European Union politicians, or Guardian/Independent/New Statesmen journalists) as intellectually and morally bankrupt.


      That feeling of powerlessness you have is something the Left tries to foster, but with each new year they suffer a new defeat. The top down “Public Sector” for example is (despite the efforts of its unions) having to pay more attention to the people who pay for it, and because they have run out of other people’s money (Thatcher) the Leftist establishment is in a state of crisis.


      People have a tiny fragment of goodness, and therefore they know full well that the Left are full of shit.


  2. Natsman says:

    May I recommend buggering off elsewhere?  I did, best thing I ever did.  Now I can sit in relative comfort, and watch, cackling, as it all goes tits up.  Each nail in the coffin in the Former UK is celebrated in chez moi, with another glass of chilled sauvignon blanc.  Still get cross, though, and shout at the telly and radio at the sheer idiocy and stupidity of those who would call themselves “government”.


    • hippiepooter says:

      Hmm, personally, I do entertain a certain morbid, black humour on the malign insanity engulfing Britain by the day, but its nothing that I’d celebrate, being patriotic and all, doncha know.

      If there was a viable political party to challenge the quisling cultural marxists of the ‘big three’ I would be back from ‘piso 2º’ like a shot.  Unfortunately, the chances of Mel Phillips getting this off the ground look as remote as ever.

      As much as modern England makes me want to cringe, I love my country and I care about what happens to it.  It is a relief though not to live amidst its wilful destruction.  I feel for you John in Cheshire.  It all started going tits up the day Maggie left office.


      • Cassandra King says:

        Empires end, like people die, nations rise and witness glory and power and prestige but these things like the power of youth are ephemeral by nature. The nature of our demise saddens me greatly, we look to those in positions of power but they are looking to themselves now.

        Why did our nation have to die like this? Its like watching a beloved fade away with Altzheimers or MND. I suppose all things pass dont they? But its hard to let go of the dream and the memories, I feel shame and guilt, something personal, almost as though I were losing a family member.


    • wild says:

      If you live in mainland Europe Natsman you are going to see it go “tits up” first. The further away from the UK you go in Europe the stronger the likelihood of a “tits up” scenario. Keep your UK passport handy.


      • Mohammed Lovespigs says:

        Another thing to do is to contact the Tax Payer’s Alliance and urge them to start up a real conservative party, as they spoke about last year.  
        Imagine a party with the likes of Douglas Murray, Matthew Sinclaire, Peter Hitchens etc. all involved.  

        One good thing about the coalition is that the British people have had a chance to witness how awful all three of the main parties are in a very short space of time.


        • Barry says:

          I don’t think it’s the parties so much as the politicians. The wrong, self-serving types with little experience of anything useful are going into politics. They see a long, lucrative, feather bedded career path ending in Brussels or some other parasitic organisation. Failed in Westminster and screwed up millions of lives? Never mind – just move on.

          I’d like to think that UKIP would be better but I don’t really know. Out of the EU would help.


          • jarwill101 says:

            Barry, the 13th labour of Hercules was to discover a patriotic Brit anywhere in Westminster, Whitehall, the BBC, the CPS, the judiciary or the Quangos. This awesome task is rarely mentioned as the big man found it beyond him.


      • hippiepooter says:

        @ Wild .. Unfortunately Britain bailing out the PIGS when we’re not even in the Eurozone may well mean we will not be that far behind going tits up ourselves, although I didn’t have hindmost the financial situation.  Morally and spiritually we’re going tits up.


    • Barry says:

      Where did you bugger off to? The schadenfreude suggests Germany.


  3. George R says:

    Meanwhile on INBBC’s apartheid Asian Network radio station, the anti-infidel burqa is being propagandised like this:

    “Should all Muslims oppose the burqa and niqab ban in France?”

    (-from Nihal programme.)


  4. cjhartnett says:

    Come ,come you dismal Johnnies!

    Having just heard the Radio4 science programme on about the parasite that can be found in cat shit(should you want to do so!) I reckon that we now have the reason for the elitist,arrogant and lazy mind set that has permeated the BBCs personnel these last 20 years or so.

    This parasite-Beeb Meme Toxicaris-is contagious as well-like for real,dude (as the BBCs science numpties might say from the surfboard!)

    The Beeb of course link it to speeding boy racers crashing and to schizophrenics murdering their parents. Not their faults then-and we can expect ambulance chasing lawyers to cite this pioneering research in their upcoming cases I`m sure!

    For now though I can only hope that the BBCs science correspondents forgo their beanos to eclipses, weeping glaciers and Cancun/Bali/ Hawaii and inspect the ventilator ducts at Bush House for this contagious flabby parasitic virus that infects the brains of those at the BBC. Induces complacency, groupthink and lazy ignorance and preconceptions dressed up as science.

    Maybe too we can let Prescott continue in his pilfering all those Green Room vol-au-vonts in those specially modified pockets of his-at least then another potential source of this BeebMeme Toxicasis might be localised and isolated.

    This parasite lives off the fat of the land and sucks the lifeblood of the nation- we have been willing and stupid hosts for too long.

    Thankfully, Dr Murdoch is developing a virus out at the University of Woollamalloo ,so I`m told!


  5. Hannah says:

    “Oh no. After hyping up the great evil of Conservative created inflation all morning….comes the news that it has fallen. BBC Gutted.

    Mr. Vance, where did you get “BBC Gutted” from? The article you link to as evidence doesn’t support your charge at all. Someone describes the fall as a “welcome surprise” and someone else says “There is little cause for celebration”. Where exactly is the bias in this article? How does it show that the BBC is “gutted”? Where does the Mau Mau article mention David Cameron? What’s wrong with the BBC reporting a Channel 4 documentary about unacceptable behaviour at a Greater Manchester NHS trust in its Greater Manchester section? How is it BBC bias if the BBC reports something from Channel 4 that no one else is reporting at all, except for the Manchester Evening News? Is Sky reporting it? Any newspapers? If they aren’t, isn’t it a feather in the BBC’s cap that they are reporting it, even if there aren’t putting it on their main page? Can’t say I hear “delight” in that report about David Cameron and black students at Oxford. And you end by complaining that your party has been covered by the main news. They also covered your manifesto launch on their website – – and gave you yourself a few mentions at Where’s the bias?


    • Geyza says:

      The looks on the presenter’s faces showed pure disgust for a moment.

      They had spent all morning dutifully fearmongering about the economy and speculating only about how much inflation would go up by.  When the news came in that inflation had actually fallen, the presenters faces showed a combination of shock and pissed off dissapointment.

      It took them so long to actually register that inflation is falling that it has taken them quite a while to switch from reporting that increasing inflation is bad for everybody, into switching to falling inflation is a sign of a slowing economy and that is bad for everybody.

      They are not known as labour’s PR department for nothing.


    • hippiepooter says:

      Oh dear, Helen Boaden just can’t take it anymore! ๐Ÿ™‚


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      Aside from Devenport’s denigrating description of the area where the Unionists’ HQs are (calling it a Bermuda Triangle and worrying about getting “sucked in” is not unbiased behavior at all, and in fact suggests an anti-Unionist perspective on behalf of the reporter), and the fact that the BNP is Left wing and not a right-wing party as Devenport claims (the same lie the BBC always tells), yeah, I guess David V can’t complain too much that he was mentioned at all by the BBC, even if it was only as someone who agrees with Socialists and nothing else.

      Aside from that, the article about inflation was all about telling the reader how and why it was a false indicator, nothing to pin hopes on at all.  Musn’t allow even a hint that might turn the public in favor of the current Government’s handling of the economy.  Plus Stephanie Flanders suggesting that, even though she and her select City friends have been wrong and wrong again about inflation, not to worry: it will still go up so don’t blink or you’ll miss this moment of a good story for the Tories.


    • David vance says:

      Cheers Hannah for that insightful comment. My Party got 45seconds on BBC main news – by contrast on the local commercial station we got almost three minutes. Oh my,  ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Cassandra King says:

      Inflation was a parting gift from McMental caused by the industrial scale printing of money due to his maniacal mental state and of course his policies. The left is blameless in the eyes of the BBC, they cannot be blamed but the BBCs ideological enemies can.

      But the BBC has a Khmer Rouge style year zero policy where labour are concerned, history started with hated condem regime, the problems started not with those who caused the problems but with those left to deal with them. Not once has the BBC carried out forensic examination of the labour years and the blunders and fraudulant claims that has led directly to what we see now.

      Now those who know me know I am not the condem regimes biggest fan =-O in fact I hate them with a passion that outshines that of the BBC but fairs fair and the BBC aint fair and even I would be honour bound to present both sides cause and effect in total! The BBC are out to blame the condems and the reasons and causes are unimportant because the BBC are out to smear the condems.

      History repeats itself, as the 70s gave way to the 80s the BBC forgot what caused Thatchers policies. The left needed a Patsy with a capital P and they neded to transfer and project blame from the left to the right, nothings changed.


  6. hippiepooter says:

    On R5L Breakfast they reported that David Cameron got his figure from a claim made by Black Labour MP David Lammy, who they then had on performing his grievance mongering routine.

    Great ‘triangulation’ Prime Minister, perhaps the figures on homosexual paedophilia should concern you more in relation to Christians being de facto banned from fostering or adopting because they do not regard homosexuality is normal.


    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      Wonder why the intrepid reporters never stopped to question..’

      On SKY at lunchtime, this one was too good not to wheel out a usual bandwagon suspect, so in addition to a very nice, bright young black man and credit to his Uni was Oona King, who proceeded to dig herself into a massive series of holes every time she opened her mouth.

      I have to say Mr. Boulton did let out the rope quite neatly, mind. One tends to find BBC types either feeding softballs or covering up howlers before they get worse.


  7. hippiepooter says:

    Oh, DV, I note in your link to the BBC skit on CH4 revealing abusive nurses that they end their report with a gratuitous remark about ‘the cuts’.  No agenda there then.


  8. cjhartnett says:

    Inflation has gone down-but as Martha Kearney says-probably just a blip on the road to Tory hell what with them cuts and t`ing innit?
    No doubt the fact that we the dupes of Cameron are not spending enough in the shops(yet when we do it`s rampant consumerism and a lack of saving nous) will now be used as the lead news tonight to show that nice Mr Balls was is and forever will be Mr Right as far as Steffi Flounders is concerned!


  9. Liquid says:

    Here’s a riots memory from the 80s.

    The liberal types, rather than blame the bad behaviour on – bad behaviour, suggested that it was the fault of all the lead in the atmosphere caused by car fumes!
    Anything to avoid actualpersonal responsibility.


  10. Beeboidal says:

    What to do about the inflation figures?  If you’re Radio 5Live you rustle up a vox pop, which went something like this:

    Beeboid: Inflation is down from 4.5% to 4.3%. What do you think?

    Vox Popper No. 1: Ooh, no. Everthing’s going up as far as I can see.

    Beeboid:  A number of foodstuffs have decresed in price.

    Vox Popper No.2: Ooh, no. I haven’t seen that where I shop.


    Later, you rustle up an expert. When you deliver the inflation news in a bulletin, you accompany it with your expert explaining the fall mey be only a temporary blip.

    Yes, gutted is the word.


    • Deborah says:

      and on the 6pm have the same Vox pops and Stephanie unable to explain that rate of inflation doesn’t mean that prices will go down just that they will not continue to go up as quickly.


    • NotaSheep says:

      Oddly when Labour’s official figures showed inflation was really low but anecdotally prices were increasing, the Labour line was toed.


  11. Gerald says:

    Apparently, according to the BBC, there will be a “vote of no confidence in Andrew Lansley” at the Royal College of Nursing tomorrow.

    Is it me or do you only normally announce that after the motion has been put and the result declared, if in the positive.

    It could be said to just be sloppy journalism, which seems rife at the BBC, but then it is the BBC …..


    • Llew says:

      That’s the BBC’s news that hasn’t happened yet department in action then.

      I lost track of the number of times I used to hear the BBC say “Gordon Brown will later today…” or “Prime Minister Gordon Brown will announce in a speech to….” etc. Funnily enough nowawdays I rarely hear “Prime Minister David Cameron will announce tomorrow….” It’s almost as if the BBC had unlimited access to Labour Minister’s diaries or Labour went to great lengths to keep the BBC informed about Labour’s plans for the week  ๐Ÿ™‚ , something the Tories don’t. 


      • Demon1001 says:

        Either it’s something “the Tories don’t” as you say, or maybe it’s something the BBC don’t regard as newsworthy when they’ve got current events like the Brixton Riots to cover.  The Conservatives only become newsworthy when they can work a ‘cuts’ angle into it.


        • Gerald says:

          Pleased to hear on the news summaries this morning that the RCN are “going to vote on a motion of no confidence …” Does that mean beeboids read this blog?

          Having raised half a cheer with that, normal service is still being exhibited. Trailing a programme on Barrow in Furness we are glibly told of “the next recession” affecting the town. Strange that isn’t it. Despite being plainly in recession the BBC stuck to “downturn” under Labour but now after just one quarter we are in a recession under the Coalition.


        • gdansk says:

          Matthew, you can’t call them the ‘Brixton Riots’ – apparently that’s racist. They are now to be called ‘The Brixton Uprising’. Besides, it was all the fault of the police, for being a ‘force’ rather than a ‘service’. Thankfully the castration of that institutionally racist body is nearly complete, which is why we can now see that there is no crime problem in the black community. Now the police can focus on their true roles: ensuring the safety of genocidal murder-inciting islamist protesters outside London embassies, and investigating white heterosexuals for voicing prohibited opinions.


      • Geoff Watts says:

        Speeches are often released in advance so that stories can be written ahead.  It is normal practice. You can go to any government department website and usually get copies of speeches ahead of delivery. 


      • Llew says:

        Just to prove me wrong (do the BBC read this blog) I notice they are heavily promoting the news that David Cameron is going to announce his plans to cut immigration in a speech later today!

        However, every mention of this is balanced with Milliband’s hypocritical claim that DC is not doing enough over his promises to cut immigration!

        As any action against immigration is going to be popular I can see the BBC just had to pre-empt DC’s speech with Labour’s point of view to water it down. They just can’t help themselves.


    • NotaSheep says:

      To be fair if the RCN voted anything other tan in favour of this vote of no confidence I would be shcoked.

      The real BBC bias is in pretending that the RCN is not politically motivated.


  12. NotaSheep says:

    Pity the BBC now unemployment is down when we were assured by the Labour/BBC nexus that it would rise and rise. The rise in inflation was apparently a clear sign that the economy was slowing and that we were heading for a ‘double dip’ recession. What will the Labour/BBC line be now?


    • Llew says:

      Just means the BBC will try even harder to talk down the economy, create more doom & gloom, spread more bitterness and fear etc. Until they get their rightful Labour back in power of course.


      • Will says:

        It is sure that the prominence the BBC gave their forecast of One million Unemployed Young People theme this morning will be greater (& therefore be more in the audience’s mind) than the “dog bites man” status of the actual figures


        • Gerald says:

          Strange since the change of government the crystal baslls of Peston, Robinson et al at the BBC do not seem to be revealing forthcoming data etc. in quite the same way as previously such that they were first with the news.

          Seeing the BBC badly wrong footed on inflation and unemployment in the last two days must start to make Joe Public wonder they keep getting it wrong. I often comment on such matters at work on the well known principal of “if you hear it often enough it must be true”.


  13. ltwf1964 says:

    on the BBC news at one,I swear I saw a smirk on the face of Enemy Titless as the scrawny old ratbag read out the headline about the nurses vote of no confidence

    that is one scraggy faced boot i’d love to see out of a job


  14. Cassandra King says:

    I wouldnt get too excited about the drop in inflation, the indicators are not good for the long term, inflation and income stagnation has reared its ugly head, interest rates are going to have to go up at some point and the cost of living is rising for essentials with people none too keen on shelling out for luxuries. Go down any high street and you see the real future.

    The euroslime bailout is going to cost the UK a great deal of money because the fundamental and inherrent stresses and problems will not be solved by an injection of money into the PIGS economies, vast and far reaching reforms are needed and they are not going to be acceptable and so the injection of fresh cash will be spent and all that money is going to achieve is defer the collapse. They are trying the McRuin approach by desperately trying to inflate the flat tire while ignoring th f*cking great hole in the sidewall.

    The condems cannot continue to borrow the sums required because the tax take is falling and again the condems are using the patented McLoony method of raising taxes to make up for a falling tax take, its rather like a starving man chopping off his body parts and eating them. By the end of the year at least a million of the poorest euroslime peasants will be arriving with their hands out and that is going to place such a strain on services that the condems tiny cuts will be dwarfed by the urgent need to borrow eye watering sums and the markets will not be able to bear it, ratings will fall and rates will go up. The condems had a golden chance to put the UK back on track, they failed and now the slide begins with the union vermin just itching to raise their street rabble, it aint gonna end well.


  15. George R says:

    BBC-NUJ: its politically biased reporting on MASS IMMIGRATION into Britain.


     1.) BBC-NUJ’s default position is, and had been for many years: -open-door immigration, w.thout limit on numbers, as Labour and Lib Dems.

    BBC-NUJ steers away from discussing:

    a.) the ending of white Britain through immigration

    “By 2066, white Britons ‘will be outnumbered’ if immigration continues at current rates”

    Read more:

    2.) the Islamisation of Europe and Britain:

    “Europe’s Shifting Immigration Dynamic”



    Western Europe has gone through two major stages in its recent immigration history. In the first stage, European leaders misjudged the effects of immigration and, in the second, they miscalculated how hard it would be to stop an immigration dynamic.”


  16. Gregory Lyons says:

    A few days ago I was listening to the Today programme when the presenter asked the middle-east correspondent what the cause was of the recent escalation in violence between Israel and Hamas.

    The first part of the correspondent’s response was, predictably, this (and I paraphrase):

    The Israeli response to the rockets and shelling from Gaza is the cause of the escalation.

    That’s right.  The correspondent was blaming the Israeli <i>response</i> to being attacked as the cause of the escalation in violence.  You couldn’t make this crap up!