This is a guest article by Hippiepooter, make sure you give it a read as it covers quite a few biased bases…
“How much longer can we tolerate the Thought Police tyrannythat is the BBC ? Britain as a nation is on aprecipice and it is BBC bias thathas led it there.
Nothing highlights BBC bias more than thispiece on the TODAY programme last Thursday on the Prime Minister’s immigrationspeech.
The ‘interview’ itself was mainly Justin Webb harrying andhectoring Immigration Minister Damian Green. It was preceded by a couple of clips from UKIP and the BNP (falsely tagged on the link as “a debate”). Clearly, framing the Damian Green ‘interview’this way was a device to lump the Tories in with the BNP . If anyone can recall a Labour politicianbeing on to express disquiet about immigration and being trailed by a BNP spokesman sharing his concerns, please let usknow.
Justin Webb had also claimed that besides the commentssolicited from UKIP and the BNP they had asked the Labour Party to comment but they said they would wait tillafter Mr Cameron had made his speech. Idon’t buy it. If we are going to judgethe TODAY programme on past form as an adjunct to the Labour Party, as I thinkwe must, a far more plausibleexplanation is that Labour colluded with TODAY to set up the Tories for theabove smear.
The Mail Online also reportstoday how another core Labour insider has said that the Labour Governmentlied about immigration. Groundbreakingstuff. But not part of the news agendathat the TODAY programme wishes to set.
Sir Andrew Green also has an article in today’s Daily Mail asking‘Whyis the BBC STILL so hideously biased on immigration?’. He leads with the TODAY piece. Its well worth a read, and well worth notingthe balance and perspective he draws in contrasting BBC Radio 4 with BBC5Live. Its essential that we ourselvesdraw this balance if we’re ever going to stand any chance of dealingeffectively with a BBC that overall has been a cancer eating away at our societyfor a good few decades now.
In the last couple of weeks we have seen the BBC celebratethe recreational hooliganism of the Brixtonriots and the copycats that followed as a ‘people’suprising’, the HonLouise Bagshawe MP complaining to the BBC over its callous indifference to the Fogel family murders, MelaniePhillips’ open letter to the Culture Secretary to investigate the BBC ’s anti-Israel bias, and pulling out all thestops, as we see above, to rig the immigration issue.
If Britain is to survive in any meaningful form as a democracy, urgent and drastic actionis needed to rid the BBC of itssundry and myriad subversives and restore the impartiality for which it wasonce rightly renowned.”
I am begining to think that refusing to pay the BBC license fee is not an option, it is a duty, an obligation, like financial Jihad. I don’t have to contribute to the Labour Party. I don’t have to buy the Guardian. Why do I have to pay for this BBC Leftie-toss?
Come on Cameron, sleepwalking, what’s your answer? God the man is so out of touch I despair. He has to go.
If enough ‘big names’ were to get together and mounted a petition that collected, say, 100,000 signatures calling upon HMG to commission a public inquiry to investigate BBC bias and act on its findings, and Cameron ignored it, witholding the license fee would be a very potent act of civil disobedience for 100,000 people to take. Could such a venture be put together? Worth finding out. …
It would be foolish for anybody to attack the BBC if they earn their crust by relying upon the television media. To use a political metaphor, the BBC verges on a broadcasting one party State. This dominance, needless to add, is sustained by taxation. It is anti-competitive. The reason why Leftists are so pro-BBC is not simply because it pushes anti-competitive “correct thinking” on behalf of the State, it is also because it is a very good earner for Guardian readers.
The BBC can not be fixed.
It needs to be broken up and sold to the highest bidder.
Sadly, no matter how much money was raised by such an exercise, it would still not be enough to repair the smallest fraction of the damage this foul cancer has inflicted upon our nation.
Superb Post Hippie, great stuff!
It is the BBCs self appointed role to smear their Tory enemies and they do with the finesse and subtlety and I might add reckless joy of an islamist hacking the head off a defenceless captive.
The real story that has puzzled me for a while is just why the Tories continue to walk headlong into such crude but highly effective bear traps? Are the Tories too stupid to see what the BBC is doing? Time after time they mince into the BBC trap as if they didnt see it coming.
I wonder if the Tories enjoy being abused or if there is something altogether more sinister going on.
It is the BBCs self appointed role to smear their Tory enemies and they do with the finesse and subtlety and I might add reckless joy of an islamist hacking the head off a defenceless captive.
Not bad yourself Cass! 😀
In short, I believe the reason why the Tories are so mute about BBC bias to the point of Stockholm syndrome is fear. The BBC has enormous propaganda power, there are huge pitfalls in trying to deal effectively with the bias, so they take the path of least resistance, to the point of adopting cultural Marxism and making themselves utterly pointless.
Could Cameron’s inaction over the BBC bias be simply that the EU trumps everything else. The BBC, Lib-dims and nu-lab all want us firmly in the EU state, so it suits “call me Dave” to go along with it, job done! We end up screwed and Dave and mates get good jobs in the EU.
Just rid the country of the BBC. Sorted.
I must give a hat tip to Umbungo for drawing my attention to the TODAY ‘interview’ with Damian Green in a previous post.
Lord Glasman said ‘In many ways [Labour] viewed working-class voters as an obstacle to progress.
‘Their commitment to various civil rights, anti-racism, meant that often working-class voters… were seen as racist, resistant to change, homophobic and generally reactionary.
‘So in many ways you had a terrible situation where a Labour government was hostile to the English working class.’
The funny thing is if you mentioned this while Labour was still in power, you’d be branded as a waasist. But wait, this is still the BBCs line.
And even if one get past the BBC-NUJ ‘racist’ jibe thrown out at anyone who, unlike the BBC-NUJ, argues the case for controls of, and limits to numbers of immigrants, the BBC-NUJ tries to exclude the following key issues from discussion of the crisis of immigration:
1.) E.U. plans to increase immigration from Africa:
Read more:
2.) the growing, uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants from North Africa into Italy (and beyond);
Camp of the Saints: The Week in Brief
3.) the Labour-Lib Dem-Tory and BBC-NUJ-Patten campaign to get 80 million Muslims into the EU (and thereby free entry to UK).
On 3.), the admission of Turkey into the EU is a key part of our political elite’s plan to fully Islamise Britain as soon as possible.
Well, if folk are unable to see that voting Tory.Labour, Libdem will ensure that Turkey is added to the EU there’s no way to stop it. Some day, hopefully not too late ,enough people will realise that votes for the minority parties demonised by the MSM are not wasted votes at all. Wake up you lot!
Support Farrage !
George R, are you suggesting that Britain’s leaders held a meeting and said “If we let Turkey into the EU we’ll be able to fully Islamise Britain as soon as possible?” I dont share that view.
“Lord Glasman said ‘In many ways [Labour] viewed working-class voters as an obstacle to progress.”
Yet the “working class” still vote Labour. They are mostly against mass immigration, they talk in the pubs about too many immigrants in the country, but they still vote Labour. I now know why. My father in law has always supported Labour he will never think of voting for any other party, he does not agree with most of Labour policies but he votes Labour because Mrs Thatcher took free milk away from school children.
These are Labour voters they are not for Labour they are against tories. They see the country going to the dogs but because they cannot make rational decisions they are helpless to change it.
That’s socialism.
“[…] a mass protest at the BBC’s point blank refusal to admit that mass colonisation has been an unmitigated disaster”
This is the last thing I want to see. I want a level playing field to debate immigration and all the other issues that face our nation. I dont want to see the BBC load debate one way or the other. I want it to be what it used to be.
Jarwell has since deleted the post I was referring to!
Hippiepooter, I zapped my post because the wording of my last point was wrong, & you were right to pick up on it. I think i made a valid point about the BBC laying down a smokescreen with programmes like Antiques Roadshow etc, to dupe the audience into thinking they’re still watching/listening to dear old Auntie, when the News & Current Affairs Dept is getting away with flagrant cultural Marxist propaganda. Nothing less. That’s not to say bias isn’t widespread, but it is concentrated in Radio4, rather more diffuse elsewhere.
I should have said, ‘the BBC’s point blank refusal to permit an even-handed debate on mass immigration.’ If we had had a selective immigration policy for the last 40 years we would now be thriving, & if we had refrained from joining the EU, of course.
The idea of a mass petition demanding an enquiry into BBC bias, & presented to the PM, might even be the catalyst that he requires to take action. Possibly. But the appointment of Patten as DG is hardly encouraging. Mr Cameron is, I think, too much of a neo Liberal establishment boy to perform anything like the radical surgery the BBC requires.
I neglected to say how good your initial article is.
I think the BBC staples they do because they’re BBC staples. They’re mercifully untouched by the desire to infuse ideology.
I agree, but I think the Marxism is pretty concentrated across the spectrum – in every molecule of BBC output. Have you ever watched (I must admit to only limited exposure to this crap myself) “Dr Who”, any of the BBC public sector based soaps (Casualty etc), any of its light entertainment product, Childeren’s output (we debated Horrid Histories at length a few months ago – remember the Queen is “German” and not British an Ethiopian), its blatant selection of presenters based on their ethnicity, the absolute suppression of any “Daily Mailism” in its selection of vox pops – when was the last time a BBC soap sitcom or radion’comedy’ had someone expressing Mailism that was not a set up for scorn and ridicule and a lecture on “right-think” and ?
Above all “The News Quiz” typifies the BBC – the BBC is a guardianist group w**k, smug, protected islington liberal nonsense. That vile marxist Hardy told me yesterday that all Frenchmen were racist fascists yesterday (Xenophobic racism is ok on the BBC when its targets dare to disagree with the narrative) because they felt that Burkas were not compatible with French civil society or cultural traditions. He then eulogised the burka and explained that you could give a presentation in your pajamas etc… Perhaps female genital mutilation is just as liberating for the women Hardy?)
In the wake of 9/11 I distinctly remember Hardy referring to Islam as a “crappy little religion”. He has since of course, ‘got with the SWP programme’.
I also distinctly remember him holing up with a group of Palestinian terrorists who took sanctuary inside a Bethlehem Church with the Israeli army in hot pursuit. He was interviewed on BBC radio and claimed that there is not one weapon in the Church, he made out the ‘non-gunmen’ were merely being pursued by the Israeli Army for being Arab.
It was of course a whopping lie and I have had no doubt about Hardy’s commitment to genocideal anti-Semitism since.
Oh, and I also remember him saying on the News Quiz that you can tell members of the Tory Party because they’re all ugly. Pity one of his fellow panellists didn’t ask him if he was a member.
‘If Britain is to survive in any meaningful form as a democracy’
Too late … RIP.
Hippiepooter, the ‘Today’ piece offers a bit of proof for Daniel Hannan’s point about the high likelihood of UKIP getting mentioned in the same breath as the BNP by BBC reporters, in contrast to the Greens who rarely get tarred by association with the BNP.
There seems to be no good reason why Justin Webb’s interview with Damian Green shouldn’t have been preceded by clips from UKIP, the BNP and the Greens. It’s very suspicious. Why no Caroline Lucas, especially as the BBC aren’t usually reluctant to call her for an opinion? Did they deliberately choose not to include her in that package, or was it the sort of unconscious bias Mr. Hannan suggests?
On the issue of immigration a case can be made for only soliciting views from UKIP and the BNP as minor parties as their focus is sovereignty and race hate respectively, but the BBC are of course highly selective in when they seek their opinion!
The game Hannan alludes to is one the BBC were playing in the last election as well.
I know that UKIP have made objections to being bracketed with the BNP, but not strong enough. I would imagine they would have a good enough legal basis to say to the BBC ‘If you keep bracketing us with a deeply offensive, neo-Nazi Party like the BNP we will sue you’.
On the crisis of mass immigration into Britain, BBC-NUJ adopts, without rational explicit justification, a default ‘multiculturalist’ position of:
(a) giving preferential treatment to putative immigrants, relative to indigenous British people;
(b) favouring an ‘open-door policy’ of unlimited immigration;
(c) censoring discussion of immigration numbers and historical trends;
(d) accusing of ‘racism’ anyone who criticises BBC-NUJ pro-mass immigration political agenda.
BBC-NUJ (especially ‘Today’) had a negative attitude to ‘Migrationwatch’ site for many years.
And now, BBC-NUJ is in denial over such crucial immigration issues as these:
“Islam in Europe”
“Muslim Europe: the demographic time bomb transforming our continent ” (2009)
“Muslim population in European cities” (2007)*
(* see ‘Wikipedia’, above, for projections of populations to 2030.)
The same ‘multicultural’ dogmatism is evident in this propaganda video report on behalf of illegal Pakistani immigrants in GREECE, by INBBC’s MALCOLM BRABANT:
“Migrants in Greece ‘have had enough'”
(They’re not ‘migrants’ -they’re illegal immigrants from Pakistan.)
And, INBBC’s ‘migrants’ (illegal Pakistani immigrants) in GREECE are trying to get to Britain, and its welfare state; but INBBC’s Mr. Brabant misses out any British connection.
And from where did these illegal Pakistani immigrants come from, immediately prior to arriving in Greece? Why, from TURKEY, of course. Imagine 80 million Turks in the E.U., and imagine an EU Turkey’s porous border with IRAQ, and the further nightmare consequences of illegal mass immigration from such Islamic countries.
Yes and still Cameron thinks thats a good idea! heaven help us!
Never mind the illegals, consider that our back door is wide open – to the “Commonwealth”: free entry pass. We can’t move for Africans pushing baby buggies here in London. Last I went through Passport Control I saw dozens of Africans flashing “British” passports, many with babies that no official took the slightest notice of identifying. On East Croydon station I watched an escorted young African boy plainly wearing girls clothes, no doubt because he entered on a girl’s passport through Gatwick.
If you think Labour were useless, you ain’t seen Useless Dave in action.
“……….rid the BBC of its sundry and myriad subversives and restore the impartiality for which it was once rightly renowned.”
The BBC has NOT been impartial since the 1960’s
Thanks for the H/T
Re your excellent post: I don’t think any sentient being outside the political class and its useful idiots (eg the Gillian Duffy tendency) would disagree that the BBC is biased in its treatment of a number of core issues (climate change, immigration, Middle East, EU, education, the non-cuts, Islam, human rights etc). Where criticism of bien pensant policy is allowed onto the screen/radio it is almost solely from the left. These critics are, of course, treated with deference and respect whereas the few non-lefty critics of accepted wisdom (say, Andrew Green or Lord Lawson) are treated as half-wits or BNP-supporting scum and, as far as Today is concerned, rarely allowed to develop their case without constant interruption.
On student fees, for instance, I’ve rarely, if ever, heard any argument made on a BBC programme to the effect that shoving 50% of those leaving school through university might be mistaken. You would have thought that this would have been the question posed (and kept being posed) to the NUS/UKUnCut thugocracy after the recent demos. On the contrary, all we get from the BBC is coverage of the bidding war by the politicos in their attempts to hide the manifest failure of the state schools to educate those in its care. Any criticism of this “war” generally comes from some academic wasting space and taxpayers’ money at an “institute of education” who generally dismisses any bid to reduce our universities to educational dustbins as too little, too late.
To be fair to the BBC – a stance which, as I have written before, is rarely reciprocated – it isn’t alone. The “serious press” (Times, Telegraph, Guardian, Independent) also has its <!–[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser /> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]–> idées fixes<!–[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser /> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]–>. For instance in those papers’ coverage of the climate change racket they (apart from the Telegraph which gives James Delingpole a lone voice on its website but not extensively in its paper editions) display the British equivalent of the variety of opinion for which Pravda and Isvestia were famed in the USSR.
Accordingly, this is not just a BBC issue, it’s an issue of the political class. This makes tackling the BBC alone impossible: it will always be defended by that class cf Patten’s appointment as chairman of the BBC Trust. I agree that a mass refusal to pay the licence fee could be effective but it’ll never happen. Or rather, it won’t happen in isolation. I have no instant solution to this problem but, hitherto, one effective British form of resistance to the tyranny of its own rulers (and petty bureaucrats everywhere) was dumb insolence. This can either be active (eg lighting up in a pub, holding a street party without council permission) or passive (eg ignoring the race questions in submission of forms to councils or quangos). It is the refusal to “go along” which might work in the end: it is the “bearing witness” (in the manner of Victor Klemperer – ) to friends and acquaintances in respect of the baleful influence of the political class.
In the past 10/15 years I’ve (regrettably) reduced more than one hitherto civilised dinner party or similar gathering to bedlam by insisting on not “going along” with the bien pensant views propagandised by the BBC on behalf of its patrons and repeated unthinkingly (or worse, thinkingly) by fellow guests. Funnily enough, it seems that this has not had the ruinous effect on my and my wife’s social life that Mrs U feared. Even so, no matter how effective refusing to “go along” might be, there will not be a sudden collapse of resistance. Although there’s a lot of us out there still, bearing in mind the strength, immorality and viciousness of the opposition, it’ll be a long and nasty struggle with no guarantees of the outcome.
The third para above should read:
To be fair to the BBC – a stance which, as I have written before, is rarely reciprocated – it isn’t alone. The “serious press” (Times, Telegraph, Guardian, Independent) also has its idées fixes. For instance in those papers’ coverage of the climate change racket they (apart from the Telegraph which gives James Delingpole a lone voice on its website but not extensively in its paper editions) display the British equivalent of the variety of opinion for which Pravda and Isvestia were famed in the USSR.
The only remote possibility of undoing 30 years of cultural vandalism by Marxist subversives is if enough people are prepared to put their heads above the parapet and wage war to save our democracy.
That will mean a population that has let itself be placed in the mental straightjacket of politicial correctness – how many times do you hear people saying ‘political correctness gone mad/too far’? It’s like saying ‘racism gone too far’. Both are intrinsic evils. Racism is a perversion of patriotism and PC a perversion of equal opportunities – breaking free of their bonds and exercising zero tolerance of correctnick tyrants. The ructions that will cause will be nothing short of war. I think moral fibre is so worn away in our country now that most will do anything for a quiet life regardless of it leading us to the abyss.
Always worth trying to prove oneself wrong though!