There was a piece in the Telegraph a week or so ago about Radio 5Live and a certain Dr Fod made several appearances in the comments field. This is one of his comments:
Radio 5 went downhill when Richard ‘the idiot’ Bacon was given the top daytime slot from Simon Mayo. Bacon’s hatred of Tories, hatred of George W Bush and his utter loathing of Sarah Palin isn’t hidden. His man love of Barry the liar Obama is sickening and his obsession with camp male trivia that is only ever discussed in gay bars just annoying.Add in the even more left wing Scabby Logan, the awful Vicky Pollard Derbyshire and then the endless sneering of Dame Nikki Campbell and what you have is a radio station run by Nu Liebore for NuLiebore.
Camp Richard ‘the idiot’ Bacon, man love, gay bars, Scabby Logan, Vicky Pollard & Dame Nikki Campbell….It’s got to be Martin!!!
The site administrators are David Vance and allseeingeye – as far as I know, only they have access to the email addresses of commenters.
If it was up to me I’d have done what you suggest, but personally I aint bovvered by colourful language when used imaginatively.
As for his offensive remark, he could have been reprimanded more affectionately IMHO.
Sorry, but the site admin side of things doesn’t give DV or myself any extra info about commenters.
You don’t ever register with this site – you only authenticate to comment using Google, Yahoo accounts etc. If someone shares their contact details through, say, their Google profile (click on their name) then we’ve all got a way of contacting them. If not then no.
If you are ever undecided about any policy in the news, I would suggest you listen to either of the Dimblebys to reveal the wishes of the cloistered elite that run the BBC-and you simply vote the complete opposite way…you`ll not go wrong!
So it was with AV on “Any Questions”-all you need do is apply Craigs implied concept of the IQ( interruption quotient) that the NO peopelget as opposed to the clear run for the YES bunch-bet it`s something to do with removing any historical sense of democracy that the EU would rather we not have any more!
Anyway-no need to go further-the BBC want us all to say “yes”-because Ed, Alan etc would like us to. So “Just Say No Folks”-which the snorts and tinklers that comprise BBCs radio reporters these days-presumably they can get away with the wild stares if there`s no cameras to monitor your intake!
Oops..sorry about that!
The ending seems to suggest that I too have been sharing my nightlife with Evan or Johnny Diamond!
Just thinking that too many of the Beebs hacks of a certain age and privilege re reporting for Radio 4 seem susceptible to an exotic lifestyle that the camera would reveal were they on the telly!
It wouldn’t even occur to them to mention that he’s a Labour activist, it’s what they consider as ‘normal and right’.
They’re always sure to make up a title for anyone to the right of Labour though, such as ‘Pro-Cuts’, ‘Ultra-Nationalist’, ‘Anti-Europe’ (never ‘Anti-EU’ of course, they wouldn’t want anyone thinking that you can oppose the Marxist EU monster but still love European nations and their people).
Well one of the things that puzzles me about them is the way they deal with Christianity… Some examples I heard while they’re not going off about Israel:
One time there was a program on the World Service about churches doing charitable and community work with Roma communities and to end the program the reporter said something along the lines of:
“Here people are used to grasping at straws, and now, this is the only one they’ve got.”
Another time there was a religious debate with Christopher Hitchens, with jokes at Christianity’s expense and an appreciative crowd.But being broadcasted on a Sunday morning.
In an opinion piece somebody called museums the “New Churches” and said “There is nothing about Christianity that appeals to me one bit.” But noted the influence of it in the art, and that museams needed to be “altered” to fit their potential new role.
Reminded me of building over and converting historic sites. Wonder where I remember that from…
Meanwhile islam is a darling without fault,highlighted in a positive light at every opportunity.
Some bloke was hushed up a la Walter Wolfgang at the start of Any Questions earlier…Dimblrby said that he was in a “democratic space” but this did not extend to letting him be heard as Dimbo drowned whatever point out that he was trying to make.
Is the trusty Labour rotten borough of Tower Hamlets in the habit of setting its vulnerable voters into BBC studios to rant on-or is that just for the MPs and local councillors only.
Doesn`t augur well for wee Nige of UKIP should he dare show up for the show next week-his very name was hissed and booed by the impartial and obviously unbiased studio audience-presumably on a coach trip from the Twilight Home for embittered and embattled Labour/public sector lotus eaters.
Reinforce those pinstripes Nigel-sense Dimbleby has his 1 bore shotgun-was 12 but the Tory Cuts left us with just him!
I have a business in Menton, the town on the French side of border. The issue is longer running, deeper and more complex than the BBC are making out. Also the trains that were stopped were full of immigrants and “political activists”, again a whole side to the story that the BBC tries to supress.
Strangel no analysis how Italy’s behaviour runs a cart and horses through the spirit and purpose of the Shengan agreement. Giving unlimited economic migrants (which is what they are if the BBc only cared to investigate) permits and a map to France is a very odd way to behave.
Just as BBC-NUJ and its publicly subsidised global empire is imbued with left-wing political bias, so too in the United States, a parallel left-wing political bias operates:
“‘Behind the Bias’: Hannity Examines ‘Double Standards’ in American Media Coverage” (includes video clips) –
Not a trick question: which political organisation is doing the most to Islamise Britain?:-
a.) Tory Party;
b.) Lib Dems;
c.) Labour Party;
d.) European Union;
e.) INBBC.
Here’s another Islamising development:
“David Cameron studies plans for multi-faith Lords: David Cameron is considering plans to create a ‘multi-faith’ House of Lords where Muslim imams could sit alongside Anglican and Catholic bishops. ”
In fact the order would be e c b d a. Although the examples you’ve quoted show that Cameron doesn’t want to be left behind in this insidious lurch to Islamism.
I’d be inclined to put (a) higher than that. In spite of all the talk about immigration getting out of control under Labour, which it did, social cohesion in my home town was largely destroyed under Tory control.
Two of my favourite words in the English Language are “what” and “now”.
Regrettably when I have a relapse and tune into BBC news 24, I jumble them up and say out loud : “now what !”
Wall to wall coverage of teachers (don’t make me laugh) who can’t string a sentence together when interviewed, no need really as all their students achieve 1000% in everything, are considering strike action.
Facinating !
But why oh why (I like these words as well) do the BBC lead with this as “their” top story ?
Cruel Coalition Cuts – These are three of the BBC’s favourite words !
An impartial BBC ? Bollocks !
So can anybody explain the news value of this bBC story? Taliban killer speaks to the BBC of his ‘appalling crime’ It was one of the most brutal Taliban attacks of the past ten years in Afghanistan. A gunman entered a bank in the eastern city of Jalalabad, and shot dead 42 Afghans. The victims included women and children. The BBC’s Quentin Somerville has spoken to the killer, and the man who recruited him.
Watching the video in that bBC article all I gleaned was that it excused the murder of innocents (Yes innocents) due to the fact that ISAF soldiers are based in Afghanistan. In otherwords the coldblooded murderers are allowed to justify their actions. The very same bBC which berates American,British and Israeli police forces, the American,British and Israeli Military for any accidents that they cause. Allows a cold blooded murderer to promote his viewpoint as rightious?
To the Islamist, only observant Muslims are innocent everyone else is guilty by virtue of not being Muslim. I have blogged about this mindset many times often with reference to such as Anjem Choudary’s claims that Islam never condones the murder of innocents.
“When we say innocent people we mean Muslims, as far as non-Muslims are concerned they have not accepted Islam and as far as we are concerned that is a crime against God… As far as Muslims are concerned, you are innocent if you are a Muslim, then you are innocent in the eyes of God. If you are a non-Muslim then you are guilty of not believing in God… I must have hatred to anything that is not Islam”
Wow. Yet oddly tucked away… for now. I hope some higher profile types (Andrew Neil?) may pick up and pursue.
Had to love this…
‘“The BBC is a founding member not a funding member. They can make in-kind contributions, like organising events, supporting logistics, sharing content.”
She added that Complus did not fund Globe but work with them on “convergent objectives”.
A who-what vs a what-what? Since when was I uniquely co-funding folk to uniquely found (what, it doesn’t take time and/or hence in-kind money to ‘organise events’?) other folk?
At least I have a new weasel to add to ‘enhancing the narrative’ in describing what a bunch of unelected folk get up to with others’ money to pursue their, but not necessarily everyone’s ‘convergent objectives’.
This investigation by the Telegraph is very good stuff.
That said, it’s hard not to sympathize with one of the commenters on the Telegraph thread who asks (sarcastically) “What would we do without the MSM?”, then backs that up with a large number of links to EU Referendum, The Registerand Christopher Booker of the Telegraph – i.e. the blogosphere -, all of whom were investigating and reporting this well over a year ago.
As for COMplus and the World Service Trust, you could read all about them here in Feburary and March 2010, courtesy of a certain Robin Horbury:
From the Sunday Telegraph – “Lobbyists who cleared ‘Climategate’ academics funded by taxpayers and the BBC” Lord Oxburgh’s dubious connections are highlighted –
Funny enough, this isn’t reported on the BBC site.The Telegraph are running a story that “A shadowy lobby group which pushes the case that global warming is a real threat is being funded by the taxpayer and assisted by the BBC.”
Lets be clear, my taxes and TV license monies are paying for a group of people to perpetuate a lie, so as to enable government to tax me even more – genius!
The below is on Ray Cook’s excellent site, and does appear on many other pro-Israel sites too. Considering how much the BBC made the Koran-burning into a major item, apparently encouraging reprisals to take place; it would appear that they have missed this totally.
Does anybody know why a polite but critical thread on Doctor Who has been closed on the BBC’ s Points Of View Messageboard?
I had been wondering myslef why such a self-proclaimed success needed so much advertising ( isnt that illegal under the BBC’s charter?) as so much of the BBC’s output recently has had a trailer for it…
A week ago I was quoted in the Daily Mail as accusing the BBC of acting as a ‘cheerleader’ for the legalisation of assisted suicide. I have outlined the reasons for this claim on my blog at
Just been watching a program bBBC1, called ‘The Story of Jesus – part 2’.
Imagine my surprise, when i find the program is a platform for some left-wing african-american intellectual called Obery Hendricks (one of Obama’s/Jeremiah Wright’s clan) to inform us that JC’s teachings were really all about socialist politics & social justice.
This is probably the only interpretation of JC that the ‘progressives’ can tolerate.
BTW. I aint christian, but i know propaganda when i see it.
Regulars on this site may recall the internet flurry caused by one Ann Barnhardt when she posted a two part 28 minute video on Youtube condemning the Koran as a work of evil, reading and denouncing passages bookmarked with strips of bacon, and then burning it bit by bit then the whole caboodle.
I’m not entirely sure what to make of her, apart from having gonads that any man would envy, but have just checked her business websit, and I’m glad to say she is still alive. The threat of her pink armalite (scroll down to 5th and 7th April) may have been the deciding factor. Maybe there’s some codicil in some Islamic hadith that says if you get whacked by a woman wielding a pink coloured weapon you dont end up being tended to by 72 virgins but get reincarnated as a young boy in Afghanistan at the tender mercies of the local muslim militia?
She seems to be prospering somewhat too.
Today, when we celebrate the Risen Christ, she has this article in the American Thinker
She has also been gracious enough to carry an Arabic translation of her Koran burning video.
Above all, she is among those (scroll down to 17th April) endorsing this man for President. I’d like to see Mardell and Frei cope with that if it happens.
God bless you Ann, you pistol packin’ momma you!
PS You may also wish to check out her 12th April and 7th April entries.
Yeah, its covered, but compare the reporting. To my mind, certainly the penultimate report a search produced, they were given a lot of prominence ergo credence to the Dubai version of events. There doesn’t seem any eagerness on the part of the BBC to dig deep to find out the truth about what happened to a British Subject in Dubai custody.
Compare that to how they act as the propaganda arm for global Jihad over Guantanamo detainees who once may have visited Heathrow airport.
“Well these drones are pretty lethal quite scary weapons… and they’re armed with very lethal missiles”
The above was a comment from al-vile-Bowen on the new Nato tactic in Libya.
I heard this morning that these pretty lethal quite scary weapons used one or two of their very lethal missiles to take out a Libyan army Multiple Launch Rocket System.
Despite it’s lethal sounding nomenclature, I am assured that the MLRS are used only for the purposes of sending cluster missiles over the rebel’s heads which explode harmlessly up in the air dropping thousands of fragrant flower-lets on them.
Hmm so this rock I have is also a very lethal missile and quite scary as well ! yet this seems not to bother bowdown when his pallys are using them wonder why ???
You may wish to write a polite email to Victoria Derbyshire ( ) requesting that the next time she interviews Mr Bowen and he refers to Gaddafi’s regime as ‘they Libyans’ or ‘Libya’ she clarifies with Mr Bowen exactly what side he is referring to in the conflict as it confuses listeners who are aware that there are two sides and they’re both Libyan.
On a more serious subject, the latest installment of Broadcasting House‘s monthly Derry Diary looked at “teenage republicans”.
Mark Patterson of Radio Foyle introduced the feature like this:
“So this week in our Derry Diary I’ve been speaking to one young person for whom the 32 County Sovereignty Movement, one of the current dissident factions here, holds the answers. So. er, yesterday on a beautiful blue-sky day up on Derry’s historic walls I asked 18-year old Nathan Hastings just why it was that he had joined the 32CSM.”
I’m afraid I’m woefully ignorant of dissident republican factions but, after the programme, I looked up the “32CSM” and was rather shocked to find (from Wikipedia’s description) that they are far more than just any old dissident faction:
The 32CSM are often referred to as the ‘political wing’ of the Real IRA and are considered a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) by the United States.
I think Broadcasting House should have told us that.
The interview itself gave the “teenage republican” plently of chance to have his say and asked him such bleeding-heart-liberal questions as “Do you feel hated?” and “An awful lot of young people that I hear..I mean people say they know, the sort of fringes of your kind of republicanism is growing in some quarters. Maybe if there was more prosperity, more of an economic opportunity around, would you be as intense about your politics?” and “What rights do you lack?”
The strongest challenge Mr Patterson made to Nathan Hastings came when the 32CSM man started listing all the areas of British “interference” he disliked. Of this fairly long list, Mark Patterson ignored everything (including Britain’s alleged military and economic “interference”) except his criticism of…the media! Mark said, “You’re making huge points. I mean you could argue that people who think like you are far from being the scourge of the media, you’re steering the media. The media’s all over you guys. Here we are.”
“An awful lot of young people that I hear..I mean people say they know, the sort of fringes of your kind of republicanism is growing in some quarters. Maybe if there was more prosperity, more of an economic opportunity around, would you be as intense about your politics?”
Bog standard BBCC tactic.
Make a statement of your own opinion, but pretend it’s a question by leaving a small gap at the end for the dupe to insert the word ‘yes’.
Have you noticed (though he didn’t do it today) how Paddy O’Connell, when he actually deigns to use the word ‘Londonderry’
often ostentatiously stresses the third syllable (turning it into ‘londonDerry’)?
Oddly enough, the 32CSM/Real IRA lad didn’t say ‘yes’. He said, “I’ve never been devoid of opportunity. I was never disaffected by anything. The path I’m taking has never changed. I’m totally happy with who I am,” which scuppered the beeboid’s point completely!
Just a reminder of how BH‘s monthly Derry Diary has been going since I started listening to the programme again last October:
April 11 – interview with a “teenage republican” from the political wing of the Real IRA, attacks British “interference” in Northern Ireland
March 11 – an interview with a Protestant girl who dated a Catholic girl, to the disapproval of both communities (no political views expressed)
February 11 – an interview with the father of a republican sent to prison for throwing a petrol bomb at police during a loyalist march, attacks British justice
January 11 – an interview with some pop musicians about music in the city (no political views expressed)
December 10 – an interview with an American civil rights lawyer who attended the Bloody Sunday inquiry and was now having nightmares about British soldiers carrying out atrocities
November 10 – a former IRA man tells a ‘funny story’ about how the IRA got one over on the British army.
October 10 – a North African immigrant resolves to stay in the city after his kebab shop is damaged by a Real IRA bomb
A strong trend towards people expressing a republican political outlook is emerging. No-one expressing moderate nationalist or unionist opinions will be found on that list.
(Oddly enough, after the IRA man was interviewed in November, Paddy O’Connell said the programme would be interviewing someome from the loyalist camp at a later date – a curious sense of balance that, balancing a terrorist from one side with a terrorist from the other side. It hasn’t happened yet though.)
I’ve just listened to the interview and the preceding interview with the head of the PSNI Police Federation on the growing terrorist threat. What might seem in isolation complicity in terrorism by Mark Patterson, taken overall, I would say is not.
Mark Patterson’s question about ‘lack of prosperity and economic opportunity’ to explain away the increasing commitment to violence amongst republican youth showed an interviewer determined to delude himself about the reality of evil.
It was pretty funny when his interviewee (who I felt was a very good at dissimulating his support of terrorism – and only 18!) bluntly told him that he’d never lacked any opportunity, he has no reason for disaffection on that score.
Far more robust questioning was needed of this malevolent kid. He claimed that the British are in the 6 counties without consent of the Irish people but that is the biggest possible guff one can imagine.
On 22nd May 1998, the Irish Republic voted by 94% to rescind their territorial claim to Northern Ireland contained in Articles 2 & 3 of the Irish Constitution.
Surely, the questions to put to this scheming young thug were:-
“The overwhelming majority of people in the Republic voted to rescind its territorial claim to Northern Ireland and both sides of the border voted overwhelmingly in favour of the Belfast Agreement, what right have you to kill people because noone agrees with you?”
“Your terrorism is against democracy in the whole of Ireland, can you think of any reason why the Garda and PSNI shouldn’t take an extremely hard line in cracking down on terrorist diehards like you?”
I guess one of the reasons he may have chosen to delude himself about the naked reality of the evil in front of him is that he would almost certainly put his life at risk if he’d asked the questions he should of this contemptible young scumbag.
As the world’s biggest coward, I wont be over-censorious of someone’s faliure of courage, but then, if I was too afraid to ask the questions needed, I wouldn’t have conducted the interview in the first place.
Take your point about the left/liberal emphasis on Jesus as “social rebel”. Don`t think that he mentioned Christs parable about the labourers in the vineyard,becaue it normally confuses the TUC types.
That said ,it was a joy to have a couple of hours on religious stuff on this morning, so am grateful for that…crumbs,tables and all that!
The last bit on the Resurrections meaning was worth the watch anyway-Tom Wright was not his normal Thought For The Day eunuch!
Broadcasting House its usual smug Sunday morning waste of space-they only seem happy if they can find some sub-IRA wannabe James Deans to “smash the system maan”. Not even the wondrous Peter Hitchens could breathe life into poor Paddys vacuous vehicle.
Plastic Paddy in every sense!
He seemed particularly keen on a rather unsophisticated literal translation of ‘the first shall be last’, with the Rich having their role reversed with the Poor. In fact he was positively excited by the notion.
As one who holds the historical JC as more of a cosmically enlightened Buddha figure, i always find these political interpretations of JC rather tiresome.
Do the insular ‘Asians’ even bother watching BBC?
All the Pakistani co-workers/families i’ve known have always subscribed to SKY for Asian TV channels (Al-Jaz, ZeeTV etc), and thats all they ever watched.
The BBC obviously have too much time on their hands, and too much of other-peoples-money to spend, chasing after their pathetic multiculti-diversity targets.
It wouldve been funny though, if they had found someone whose specialist subject was The Caliphate & Shari’ah or Dhimmitude & Taqqiya … well i wouldve laughed 🙂
It’s all whitey’s fault don’t you know! If he wasn’t so evil and racist then these downtrodden treasures of diversity would make up 99% of the contestants.
Whoops! The “On a more serious subject” above refers to the post of mine that originally preceded it (which I’ve now got rid of, as it wasn’t very good!)
An excellent letter in ‘Sunday Times’ (24 April) on aspects of Islamisation of London which INBBC censors:
“Playing down the Tower Hamlets Taliban”
“Both the Tower Hamlets police borough commander and the Quilliam Foundation, the anti-extremist think tank, are wrong to minimise the threats to the Whitechapel pharmacy assistant as just the work of a ‘small minority’ of ‘Talibanesque thugs’ (‘Tower Hamlets Taliban order women to cover up’, News, last week). The issue is much more serious than that.
“I know the young woman and the phamacy concerned, which is located in a Muslim-majority residential area under the shadow of the East London Mosque. The intimidation comes from burqa-wearing women, as well as bearded men, who live in the vicinity and come to the phamacy for their prescriptions. They are norman local residents – the Mr and Mrs Smiths of the neighbourhood – who have made it clear that their part of England is now part of Islam and that the non-Muslim young woman must wear Muslim clothing.
“It is especially ominous that the police borough commander should play down the matter. He of all people needs to recognise that this is standard Tower Hamlets Islam doing its normal hardline outreach work. The consequences of this are very distressing for the young woman in the chemist shop. In the long run they are an equally disturbing threat to the liberty of the rest of us.
I scan several media daily over my coffee. Something has struck me about our 24/7 £4B global ‘news’ broadcaster and most of its higher profile employees…
They almost all seem to be on holiday, and/or have been for a while.
On the plus side, one is spared their unique convergent objective viewpoints I guess, but then again it does seem that the presumption is that nothing happens over the school holidays, and certainly not enough to be left to free and willing blog contributors and mods on OT to be trusted with sans ‘watertight oversight’.
Saw this on the BBC1 news this morning as they were desparately trying to drag into a 3rd (or even 4th) day the non story of massive splits in the coalition over the No/Yes vote.
Of course it could be purely coincidental, but top marks to the editor(?) who managed to get the “Yes” portion of the background image to appear prominently centre screen, whilst the “No” portion was mostly obscured by the guest’s head as he spoke. There’s no doubt what message the BBC want’s to put across.
Normally if you had to select one option from a choice of two, and be fair about the choice, you’d go alphabetically or lead with the most significant option? (blue, no, Tories)!
Of course if later today I see another graphic the other way round then I will see the BBC has made an effort at balance, but somehow I doubt it.
I don’t think I misheard her ( Julia ?) on the early Sunday morning religious R4 programme.She seemed to be arguing that we need to “out” and name the silent racism/non PC attitudes endemic amongst the population.
By our silence we are condemned which is a new one on me and the essence of soft totalitarian state. Or maybe not so soft if she gets her way. I assume she is of impeccable liberal speech and more important thought so is exempt from her casually thrown out charge.
To be white and conservative is by definition to be racist etc etc. This is what it will come to if they are not stopped. Our silence will not save us . Our guilt is self evident.
The sad thing is people like Julia ( I did not catch her surname) will never accept that her way leads to the end of freedom and the purges and show trials of a totlitarian state.
This could shape up well, as ‘questions are being asked’…
krishgmKrishnan Guru-Murthywhat should we do on superinjunctions tonight? Seems unclear to me why Marr thinks they out of control now but not when he had one
..especially by some others as to what part of his antics were maybe less in the interests of his family than others. May however explain his line of questioning (or not) with a Huhne, or a Prescott, or a Johnson (!) or….
Which is, perhaps, why the public does have a right to know what may ‘guide’ those who presume to ‘guide’ us.
If there’s stuff they don’t want in the open, they are compromised by such ‘secrets’ surely?
Funny how BBCC seem to have deemed a story about a 3 year old super-injunction over an 8 year old affair as more important than anything else that’s happening in the world, leading, as it does, the views bulletins.
BBC – We Are The Story.
According to Marr there are situations (his own, for example)
where super-injunctions are absolutely right and proper, but other situations (everyone else’s, for example) where they are clearly wrong.
I have written to the British Broadcasting Coots Corporation asking whether there are any other al-beeb presenters ’embarrassed’ and ‘uneasy’ about injunctions.
Good grief. Bob Crow on with Dominic Raab on Victoria Derbyshire. What an awful yobbo that Bob Crow is. Trying to talk over Raab at every point till Vicky D slaps him down. About 45 mins in when the recording is up. When I turned it on I thought I was listening to some BNP thug in the personage of Mr Crow. Oh for the days of Ray Bucktonand that great geordie Sid Weighell. You wouldn’t catch either of them at some tossy ‘Cuban Solidarity’ conference.
The BBC’s approach to the story BBC’s Andrew Marr ’embarassed’ by super-injunction is interesting. It strikes me as quite venomous. Could it be because he was consorting with the enemy – Daily Mail? They even provide an in-story link not just Related Internet Link at the bottom of the page.
The Torin Douglas analysis is quite anti-Marr “He’s a working journalist, a former editor of the Independent and former political editor of the BBC.
As such, he is expected to fight for greater press freedom, not gagging orders.”
When the BBC wants to protect one of their own, they normally do a good job. For example they would make someone else’s defence of the injunction the focus. Not in this case.
People are saying it was noble of him to come clean, and others are saying he was forced to do so to primped Hislop’s ‘outing’ manoeuvre.
He said he only did it “to protect his family” (Take out the super injunction, not have the affair, obviously) 😉
Who ever she/he is, must be either desperate or visually and mentally challenged.
Only an overpaid BBC presenter could afford to buy her/him a Supertanker to shut them up.
Speaking of Christopher Columbus sailing off in search of the new world ……………. !
Will he interupt the natives immediately upon landfall, or just cast his roving eye in the direction of the first “hottie” ?
I call BS on Marr for saying that “I had my own family to think about.” If he was really so concerned about protecting his family from this, he wouldn’t have had an affair in the first place. He is a massive hypocrite on a number of levels and, it seems, without much personal integrity. I suppose it doesn’t mean he can’t ask challenging policy questions to Tory politicians, but he takes moral positions on air all the time, so he should not be permitted to continue with his current show.
By BBC standards, though, Marr hasn’t done anything wrong. Even the Trust nods understanding that this was just a “challenge” for him. Awww. Had he made a remark which could be taken in a racially charged way, he’d be out on his very large ear. But cheating on his wife and betraying his family is mainstream, moderate thought at the BBC. This kind of public noise is a temporary embarrassment for the Corporation which will pass very quickly.
Aside from that, Torin Douglas labeling Cameron’s side of the injunction issue as the “wrong camp” is biased. He should have said something like “on the opposing side from his colleagues” or something like that.
The Scottish presenter on BBC’s TV programme on the Celts needs to be sent for re -education as he seems to be confused as to his prime multi cultural directive. After lauding Roman Britain for it’s allegedly ( most dubious in my opinion) multi racial/cultural base he then went on to praise the heroic Celtic tribal peoples north of Hadrian’s Wall for resisting Rome.
Just another example of Scottish nationalism perhaps or maybe he just forgot for a moment just who he was working for.
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where is Martin btw?
has anyone heard anything on that front?
I miss his “to the point” commentary…….a man after my own heart
There was a piece in the Telegraph a week or so ago about Radio 5Live and a certain Dr Fod made several appearances in the comments field. This is one of his comments:
Radio 5 went downhill when Richard ‘the idiot’ Bacon was given the top daytime slot from Simon Mayo. Bacon’s hatred of Tories, hatred of George W Bush and his utter loathing of Sarah Palin isn’t hidden. His man love of Barry the liar Obama is sickening and his obsession with camp male trivia that is only ever discussed in gay bars just annoying.Add in the even more left wing Scabby Logan, the awful Vicky Pollard Derbyshire and then the endless sneering of Dame Nikki Campbell and what you have is a radio station run by Nu Liebore for NuLiebore.
Camp Richard ‘the idiot’ Bacon, man love, gay bars, Scabby Logan, Vicky Pollard & Dame Nikki Campbell….It’s got to be Martin!!!
Nice spot. The good Doctor is also on twitter. 😎
Can’t one of this site’s admins email him and tell him that his contributions (and logo) are missed?
The site administrators are David Vance and allseeingeye – as far as I know, only they have access to the email addresses of commenters.
If it was up to me I’d have done what you suggest, but personally I aint bovvered by colourful language when used imaginatively.
As for his offensive remark, he could have been reprimanded more affectionately IMHO.
Sorry, but the site admin side of things doesn’t give DV or myself any extra info about commenters.
You don’t ever register with this site – you only authenticate to comment using Google, Yahoo accounts etc. If someone shares their contact details through, say, their Google profile (click on their name) then we’ve all got a way of contacting them. If not then no.
But sorry, can’t help 🙁
If you are ever undecided about any policy in the news, I would suggest you listen to either of the Dimblebys to reveal the wishes of the cloistered elite that run the BBC-and you simply vote the complete opposite way…you`ll not go wrong!
So it was with AV on “Any Questions”-all you need do is apply Craigs implied concept of the IQ( interruption quotient) that the NO peopelget as opposed to the clear run for the YES bunch-bet it`s something to do with removing any historical sense of democracy that the EU would rather we not have any more!
Anyway-no need to go further-the BBC want us all to say “yes”-because Ed, Alan etc would like us to. So “Just Say No Folks”-which the snorts and tinklers that comprise BBCs radio reporters these days-presumably they can get away with the wild stares if there`s no cameras to monitor your intake!
Oops..sorry about that!
The ending seems to suggest that I too have been sharing my nightlife with Evan or Johnny Diamond!
Just thinking that too many of the Beebs hacks of a certain age and privilege re reporting for Radio 4 seem susceptible to an exotic lifestyle that the camera would reveal were they on the telly!
It wouldn’t even occur to them to mention that he’s a Labour activist, it’s what they consider as ‘normal and right’.
They’re always sure to make up a title for anyone to the right of Labour though, such as ‘Pro-Cuts’, ‘Ultra-Nationalist’, ‘Anti-Europe’ (never ‘Anti-EU’ of course, they wouldn’t want anyone thinking that you can oppose the Marxist EU monster but still love European nations and their people).
Sorry, that was meant for the ‘Internal Disputes’ post!
Well one of the things that puzzles me about them is the way they deal with Christianity… Some examples I heard while they’re not going off about Israel:
One time there was a program on the World Service about churches doing charitable and community work with Roma communities and to end the program the reporter said something along the lines of:
“Here people are used to grasping at straws, and now, this is the only one they’ve got.”
Another time there was a religious debate with Christopher Hitchens, with jokes at Christianity’s expense and an appreciative crowd.But being broadcasted on a Sunday morning.
In an opinion piece somebody called museums the “New Churches” and said “There is nothing about Christianity that appeals to me one bit.” But noted the influence of it in the art, and that museams needed to be “altered” to fit their potential new role.
Reminded me of building over and converting historic sites. Wonder where I remember that from…
Meanwhile islam is a darling without fault,highlighted in a positive light at every opportunity.
anyone notice the picture looks just like lord two jags prescott,uncanny dont you think…
Some bloke was hushed up a la Walter Wolfgang at the start of Any Questions earlier…Dimblrby said that he was in a “democratic space” but this did not extend to letting him be heard as Dimbo drowned whatever point out that he was trying to make.
Is the trusty Labour rotten borough of Tower Hamlets in the habit of setting its vulnerable voters into BBC studios to rant on-or is that just for the MPs and local councillors only.
Doesn`t augur well for wee Nige of UKIP should he dare show up for the show next week-his very name was hissed and booed by the impartial and obviously unbiased studio audience-presumably on a coach trip from the Twilight Home for embittered and embattled Labour/public sector lotus eaters.
Reinforce those pinstripes Nigel-sense Dimbleby has his 1 bore shotgun-was 12 but the Tory Cuts left us with just him!
*Islamic Caliphate of Tower Hamlets!
INBBC continues its campaign for unlimitged immigration into European Union from North Africa.
Here, INBBC’s Mr Schfield criticises the French government, and propagandises for immigration, without restriction, into the E.U.:
“France seeks change to Schengen border agreement”
For anyone at INBBC interested in the wider crisis of mass immigration, especially from Islamic countries, into the E.U.:
Camp of the Saints: A Strategy for Surrender
I have a business in Menton, the town on the French side of border. The issue is longer running, deeper and more complex than the BBC are making out. Also the trains that were stopped were full of immigrants and “political activists”, again a whole side to the story that the BBC tries to supress.
Strangel no analysis how Italy’s behaviour runs a cart and horses through the spirit and purpose of the Shengan agreement. Giving unlimited economic migrants (which is what they are if the BBc only cared to investigate) permits and a map to France is a very odd way to behave.
Just as BBC-NUJ and its publicly subsidised global empire is imbued with left-wing political bias, so too in the United States, a parallel left-wing political bias operates:
“‘Behind the Bias’: Hannity Examines ‘Double Standards’ in American Media Coverage” (includes video clips) –
Not a trick question: which political organisation is doing the most to Islamise Britain?:-
a.) Tory Party;
b.) Lib Dems;
c.) Labour Party;
d.) European Union;
e.) INBBC.
Here’s another Islamising development:
“David Cameron studies plans for multi-faith Lords: David Cameron is considering plans to create a ‘multi-faith’ House of Lords where Muslim imams could sit alongside Anglican and Catholic bishops. ”
All of them but particularly e.
In fact the order would be e c b d a. Although the examples you’ve quoted show that Cameron doesn’t want to be left behind in this insidious lurch to Islamism.
I’d be inclined to put (a) higher than that. In spite of all the talk about immigration getting out of control under Labour, which it did, social cohesion in my home town was largely destroyed under Tory control.
IMO, not much to choose between them, frankly.
Two of my favourite words in the English Language are “what” and “now”.
Regrettably when I have a relapse and tune into BBC news 24, I jumble them up and say out loud : “now what !”
Wall to wall coverage of teachers (don’t make me laugh) who can’t string a sentence together when interviewed, no need really as all their students achieve 1000% in everything, are considering strike action.
Facinating !
But why oh why (I like these words as well) do the BBC lead with this as “their” top story ?
Cruel Coalition Cuts – These are three of the BBC’s favourite words !
An impartial BBC ? Bollocks !
on sky news,but probably on al beeb as well,was a teacher at the conference complaining quote-
“what was stopping him teaching was this government pushing initiative after initiative down his froat (sic)”
kinda says it all doesn’t it?
I’m amazed that he said “froat” and not “froa?”, since the glottal stop seems to have largely replaced “t” in BBC English.
It’s surely only a matter of time before all beeboids are speaking ‘Jafaican’, ya get innit an’ ting!
probably a case of Ja-fake-an for the wigger beeboids.
So can anybody explain the news value of this bBC story?
Taliban killer speaks to the BBC of his ‘appalling crime’
It was one of the most brutal Taliban attacks of the past ten years in Afghanistan. A gunman entered a bank in the eastern city of Jalalabad, and shot dead 42 Afghans. The victims included women and children. The BBC’s Quentin Somerville has spoken to the killer, and the man who recruited him.
Watching the video in that bBC article all I gleaned was that it excused the murder of innocents (Yes innocents) due to the fact that ISAF soldiers are based in Afghanistan. In otherwords the coldblooded murderers are allowed to justify their actions. The very same bBC which berates American,British and Israeli police forces, the American,British and Israeli Military for any accidents that they cause. Allows a cold blooded murderer to promote his viewpoint as rightious?
To the Islamist, only observant Muslims are innocent everyone else is guilty by virtue of not being Muslim. I have blogged about this mindset many times often with reference to such as Anjem Choudary’s claims that Islam never condones the murder of innocents.
“When we say innocent people we mean Muslims, as far as non-Muslims are concerned they have not accepted Islam and as far as we are concerned that is a crime against God… As far as Muslims are concerned, you are innocent if you are a Muslim, then you are innocent in the eyes of God. If you are a non-Muslim then you are guilty of not believing in God… I must have hatred to anything that is not Islam”
The BBC has been doing the same with IRA murderers for years. Let me guess there was no analysis of fundamentalist Islam.
These are a little but dated but are perfect examples of bias. Compare and contrast:
Mass boycott of the licence fee. It’s the only way.
Telegraph: “Lobbyists who cleared ‘Climategate’ academics funded by taxpayers and the BBC
A shadowy lobby group which pushes the case that global warming is a real threat is being funded by the taxpayer and assisted by the BBC.”
If there was ever any doubt about the BBC’s blatant bias on this issue, surely it’s gone now.
Wow. Yet oddly tucked away… for now. I hope some higher profile types (Andrew Neil?) may pick up and pursue.
Had to love this…
‘“The BBC is a founding member not a funding member. They can make in-kind contributions, like organising events, supporting logistics, sharing content.”
She added that Complus did not fund Globe but work with them on “convergent objectives”.
A who-what vs a what-what? Since when was I uniquely co-funding folk to uniquely found (what, it doesn’t take time and/or hence in-kind money to ‘organise events’?) other folk?
At least I have a new weasel to add to ‘enhancing the narrative’ in describing what a bunch of unelected folk get up to with others’ money to pursue their, but not necessarily everyone’s ‘convergent objectives’.
This investigation by the Telegraph is very good stuff.
That said, it’s hard not to sympathize with one of the commenters on the Telegraph thread who asks (sarcastically) “What would we do without the MSM?”, then backs that up with a large number of links to EU Referendum, The Register and Christopher Booker of the Telegraph – i.e. the blogosphere -, all of whom were investigating and reporting this well over a year ago.
As for COMplus and the World Service Trust, you could read all about them here in Feburary and March 2010, courtesy of a certain Robin Horbury:
‘What would we do without the MSM?’ indeed!
Learn the truth a lot easier!
From the Sunday Telegraph – “Lobbyists who cleared ‘Climategate’ academics funded by taxpayers and the BBC” Lord Oxburgh’s dubious connections are highlighted –
Funny enough, this isn’t reported on the BBC site. The Telegraph are running a story that “A shadowy lobby group which pushes the case that global warming is a real threat is being funded by the taxpayer and assisted by the BBC.”
So much for the unbiased BBC …
Lets be clear, my taxes and TV license monies are paying for a group of people to perpetuate a lie, so as to enable government to tax me even more – genius!
Trying to post link, but getting message that post exceeds 5000 characters – it doesn’t – only around 50 characters in total …
Trying with shortened URL …
Further info …
The below is on Ray Cook’s excellent site, and does appear on many other pro-Israel sites too. Considering how much the BBC made the Koran-burning into a major item, apparently encouraging reprisals to take place; it would appear that they have missed this totally.
Does anybody know why a polite but critical thread on Doctor Who has been closed on the BBC’ s Points Of View Messageboard?
I had been wondering myslef why such a self-proclaimed success needed so much advertising ( isnt that illegal under the BBC’s charter?) as so much of the BBC’s output recently has had a trailer for it…
A week ago I was quoted in the Daily Mail as accusing the BBC of acting as a ‘cheerleader’ for the legalisation of assisted suicide. I have outlined the reasons for this claim on my blog at
Just been watching a program bBBC1, called ‘The Story of Jesus – part 2’.
Imagine my surprise, when i find the program is a platform for some left-wing african-american intellectual called Obery Hendricks (one of Obama’s/Jeremiah Wright’s clan) to inform us that JC’s teachings were really all about socialist politics & social justice.
This is probably the only interpretation of JC that the ‘progressives’ can tolerate.
BTW. I aint christian, but i know propaganda when i see it.
Regulars on this site may recall the internet flurry caused by one Ann Barnhardt when she posted a two part 28 minute video on Youtube condemning the Koran as a work of evil, reading and denouncing passages bookmarked with strips of bacon, and then burning it bit by bit then the whole caboodle.
I’m not entirely sure what to make of her, apart from having gonads that any man would envy, but have just checked her business websit, and I’m glad to say she is still alive. The threat of her pink armalite (scroll down to 5th and 7th April) may have been the deciding factor. Maybe there’s some codicil in some Islamic hadith that says if you get whacked by a woman wielding a pink coloured weapon you dont end up being tended to by 72 virgins but get reincarnated as a young boy in Afghanistan at the tender mercies of the local muslim militia?
She seems to be prospering somewhat too.
Today, when we celebrate the Risen Christ, she has this article in the American Thinker
She has also been gracious enough to carry an Arabic translation of her Koran burning video.
Above all, she is among those (scroll down to 17th April) endorsing this man for President. I’d like to see Mardell and Frei cope with that if it happens.
God bless you Ann, you pistol packin’ momma you!
PS You may also wish to check out her 12th April and 7th April entries.
The Daily Mail still covering the latest on the death in custody of a British Subject in Dubai.
Judge for yourself how well BBC Online are covering it.
Oh now be fair the Beebles are covering this story so well you’d need a satellite with thermal imaging and a hunting dog to find it !
Yeah, its covered, but compare the reporting. To my mind, certainly the penultimate report a search produced, they were given a lot of prominence ergo credence to the Dubai version of events. There doesn’t seem any eagerness on the part of the BBC to dig deep to find out the truth about what happened to a British Subject in Dubai custody.
Compare that to how they act as the propaganda arm for global Jihad over Guantanamo detainees who once may have visited Heathrow airport.
“Well these drones are pretty lethal quite scary weapons… and they’re armed with very lethal missiles”
The above was a comment from al-vile-Bowen on the new Nato tactic in Libya.
I heard this morning that these pretty lethal quite scary weapons used one or two of their very lethal missiles to take out a Libyan army Multiple Launch Rocket System.
Despite it’s lethal sounding nomenclature, I am assured that the MLRS are used only for the purposes of sending cluster missiles over the rebel’s heads which explode harmlessly up in the air dropping thousands of fragrant flower-lets on them.
It’s a peace thing.
I await al-vile-Bowen’s comments with interest.
Hmm so this rock I have is also a very lethal missile and quite scary as well ! yet this seems not to bother bowdown when his pallys are using them wonder why ???
Not to mention the Pally Katyusha rockets which are pre-programmed to only ever land harmlessly in fields and never on top of ‘wedding parties’.
There are the same sodding missiles as those on manned aircraft.
I am really getting fed-up of this complete and utter crap.
‘They’re’, not ‘There’.
I do hope Dez/Scott doesn’t see that; he’ll use it to undermine the whole thread…
You may wish to write a polite email to Victoria Derbyshire ( ) requesting that the next time she interviews Mr Bowen and he refers to Gaddafi’s regime as ‘they Libyans’ or ‘Libya’ she clarifies with Mr Bowen exactly what side he is referring to in the conflict as it confuses listeners who are aware that there are two sides and they’re both Libyan.
On a more serious subject, the latest installment of Broadcasting House‘s monthly Derry Diary looked at “teenage republicans”.
Mark Patterson of Radio Foyle introduced the feature like this:
“So this week in our Derry Diary I’ve been speaking to one young person for whom the 32 County Sovereignty Movement, one of the current dissident factions here, holds the answers. So. er, yesterday on a beautiful blue-sky day up on Derry’s historic walls I asked 18-year old Nathan Hastings just why it was that he had joined the 32CSM.”
I’m afraid I’m woefully ignorant of dissident republican factions but, after the programme, I looked up the “32CSM” and was rather shocked to find (from Wikipedia’s description) that they are far more than just any old dissident faction:
The 32CSM are often referred to as the ‘political wing’ of the Real IRA and are considered a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) by the United States.
I think Broadcasting House should have told us that.
The interview itself gave the “teenage republican” plently of chance to have his say and asked him such bleeding-heart-liberal questions as “Do you feel hated?” and “An awful lot of young people that I hear..I mean people say they know, the sort of fringes of your kind of republicanism is growing in some quarters. Maybe if there was more prosperity, more of an economic opportunity around, would you be as intense about your politics?” and “What rights do you lack?”
The strongest challenge Mr Patterson made to Nathan Hastings came when the 32CSM man started listing all the areas of British “interference” he disliked. Of this fairly long list, Mark Patterson ignored everything (including Britain’s alleged military and economic “interference”) except his criticism of…the media! Mark said, “You’re making huge points. I mean you could argue that people who think like you are far from being the scourge of the media, you’re steering the media. The media’s all over you guys. Here we are.”
Yes Mark, you certainly could say that.
“An awful lot of young people that I hear..I mean people say they know, the sort of fringes of your kind of republicanism is growing in some quarters. Maybe if there was more prosperity, more of an economic opportunity around, would you be as intense about your politics?”
Bog standard BBCC tactic.
Make a statement of your own opinion, but pretend it’s a question by leaving a small gap at the end for the dupe to insert the word ‘yes’.
And my usual reminder to the BBCC/ PIRA lackeys that the place is actually called ‘Londonderry’.
Have you noticed (though he didn’t do it today) how Paddy O’Connell, when he actually deigns to use the word ‘Londonderry’
often ostentatiously stresses the third syllable (turning it into ‘londonDerry’)?
Oddly enough, the 32CSM/Real IRA lad didn’t say ‘yes’. He said, “I’ve never been devoid of opportunity. I was never disaffected by anything. The path I’m taking has never changed. I’m totally happy with who I am,” which scuppered the beeboid’s point completely!
Just a reminder of how BH‘s monthly Derry Diary has been going since I started listening to the programme again last October:
April 11 – interview with a “teenage republican” from the political wing of the Real IRA, attacks British “interference” in Northern Ireland
March 11 – an interview with a Protestant girl who dated a Catholic girl, to the disapproval of both communities (no political views expressed)
February 11 – an interview with the father of a republican sent to prison for throwing a petrol bomb at police during a loyalist march, attacks British justice
January 11 – an interview with some pop musicians about music in the city (no political views expressed)
December 10 – an interview with an American civil rights lawyer who attended the Bloody Sunday inquiry and was now having nightmares about British soldiers carrying out atrocities
November 10 – a former IRA man tells a ‘funny story’ about how the IRA got one over on the British army.
October 10 – a North African immigrant resolves to stay in the city after his kebab shop is damaged by a Real IRA bomb
A strong trend towards people expressing a republican political outlook is emerging. No-one expressing moderate nationalist or unionist opinions will be found on that list.
(Oddly enough, after the IRA man was interviewed in November, Paddy O’Connell said the programme would be interviewing someome from the loyalist camp at a later date – a curious sense of balance that, balancing a terrorist from one side with a terrorist from the other side. It hasn’t happened yet though.)
Excellent research Craig, as always! What appalling bias.
A correction to that list due to fingers outpacing brain:
an interview with a Protestant girl who dated a Catholic girl, to he disapproval of both communities (no political views expressed)
This should have read “a Protestant girl who dated a Catholic boy”.
D’oh! and doubtle d’oh!
Banned from posting for a week!
I’ve just listened to the interview and the preceding interview with the head of the PSNI Police Federation on the growing terrorist threat. What might seem in isolation complicity in terrorism by Mark Patterson, taken overall, I would say is not.
Mark Patterson’s question about ‘lack of prosperity and economic opportunity’ to explain away the increasing commitment to violence amongst republican youth showed an interviewer determined to delude himself about the reality of evil.
It was pretty funny when his interviewee (who I felt was a very good at dissimulating his support of terrorism – and only 18!) bluntly told him that he’d never lacked any opportunity, he has no reason for disaffection on that score.
Far more robust questioning was needed of this malevolent kid. He claimed that the British are in the 6 counties without consent of the Irish people but that is the biggest possible guff one can imagine.
On 22nd May 1998, the Irish Republic voted by 94% to rescind their territorial claim to Northern Ireland contained in Articles 2 & 3 of the Irish Constitution.
Surely, the questions to put to this scheming young thug were:-
“The overwhelming majority of people in the Republic voted to rescind its territorial claim to Northern Ireland and both sides of the border voted overwhelmingly in favour of the Belfast Agreement, what right have you to kill people because noone agrees with you?”
“Your terrorism is against democracy in the whole of Ireland, can you think of any reason why the Garda and PSNI shouldn’t take an extremely hard line in cracking down on terrorist diehards like you?”
I guess one of the reasons he may have chosen to delude himself about the naked reality of the evil in front of him is that he would almost certainly put his life at risk if he’d asked the questions he should of this contemptible young scumbag.
As the world’s biggest coward, I wont be over-censorious of someone’s faliure of courage, but then, if I was too afraid to ask the questions needed, I wouldn’t have conducted the interview in the first place.
Take your point about the left/liberal emphasis on Jesus as “social rebel”. Don`t think that he mentioned Christs parable about the labourers in the vineyard,becaue it normally confuses the TUC types.
That said ,it was a joy to have a couple of hours on religious stuff on this morning, so am grateful for that…crumbs,tables and all that!
The last bit on the Resurrections meaning was worth the watch anyway-Tom Wright was not his normal Thought For The Day eunuch!
Broadcasting House its usual smug Sunday morning waste of space-they only seem happy if they can find some sub-IRA wannabe James Deans to “smash the system maan”. Not even the wondrous Peter Hitchens could breathe life into poor Paddys vacuous vehicle.
Plastic Paddy in every sense!
He seemed particularly keen on a rather unsophisticated literal translation of ‘the first shall be last’, with the Rich having their role reversed with the Poor. In fact he was positively excited by the notion.
As one who holds the historical JC as more of a cosmically enlightened Buddha figure, i always find these political interpretations of JC rather tiresome.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC), and its political and social engineering:
Read more:
Do the insular ‘Asians’ even bother watching BBC?
All the Pakistani co-workers/families i’ve known have always subscribed to SKY for Asian TV channels (Al-Jaz, ZeeTV etc), and thats all they ever watched.
The BBC obviously have too much time on their hands, and too much of other-peoples-money to spend, chasing after their pathetic multiculti-diversity targets.
It wouldve been funny though, if they had found someone whose specialist subject was The Caliphate & Shari’ah or Dhimmitude & Taqqiya … well i wouldve laughed 🙂
Ha Ha! I love this type of story.
It’s all whitey’s fault don’t you know! If he wasn’t so evil and racist then these downtrodden treasures of diversity would make up 99% of the contestants.
Whoops! The “On a more serious subject” above refers to the post of mine that originally preceded it (which I’ve now got rid of, as it wasn’t very good!)
Yes; INBBC censors these sorts of reports:
“‘Wear a headscarf or we will kill you’: How the ‘London Taliban’ is threatening women and trying to ban gays in bid to impose sharia law”
Read more:
An excellent letter in ‘Sunday Times’ (24 April) on aspects of Islamisation of London which INBBC censors:
“Playing down the Tower Hamlets Taliban”
“Both the Tower Hamlets police borough commander and the Quilliam Foundation, the anti-extremist think tank, are wrong to minimise the threats to the Whitechapel pharmacy assistant as just the work of a ‘small minority’ of ‘Talibanesque thugs’ (‘Tower Hamlets Taliban order women to cover up’, News, last week). The issue is much more serious than that.
“I know the young woman and the phamacy concerned, which is located in a Muslim-majority residential area under the shadow of the East London Mosque. The intimidation comes from burqa-wearing women, as well as bearded men, who live in the vicinity and come to the phamacy for their prescriptions. They are norman local residents – the Mr and Mrs Smiths of the neighbourhood – who have made it clear that their part of England is now part of Islam and that the non-Muslim young woman must wear Muslim clothing.
“It is especially ominous that the police borough commander should play down the matter. He of all people needs to recognise that this is standard Tower Hamlets Islam doing its normal hardline outreach work. The consequences of this are very distressing for the young woman in the chemist shop. In the long run they are an equally disturbing threat to the liberty of the rest of us.
Be the man God made you to be.
I’d love to see this woman interviewed by Paxman. She would kick his Gramscian butt!
I scan several media daily over my coffee. Something has struck me about our 24/7 £4B global ‘news’ broadcaster and most of its higher profile employees…
They almost all seem to be on holiday, and/or have been for a while.
On the plus side, one is spared their unique convergent objective viewpoints I guess, but then again it does seem that the presumption is that nothing happens over the school holidays, and certainly not enough to be left to free and willing blog contributors and mods on OT to be trusted with sans ‘watertight oversight’.
Probably arranged so that they are back at work and settled in time to start the important job of spinning for Labour just before the May elections.
Just say yes.
Saw this on the BBC1 news this morning as they were desparately trying to drag into a 3rd (or even 4th) day the non story of massive splits in the coalition over the No/Yes vote.
Of course it could be purely coincidental, but top marks to the editor(?) who managed to get the “Yes” portion of the background image to appear prominently centre screen, whilst the “No” portion was mostly obscured by the guest’s head as he spoke. There’s no doubt what message the BBC want’s to put across.
Normally if you had to select one option from a choice of two, and be fair about the choice, you’d go alphabetically or lead with the most significant option? (blue, no, Tories)!
Of course if later today I see another graphic the other way round then I will see the BBC has made an effort at balance, but somehow I doubt it.
BBC-NUJ political line on this is similar to ‘Guardian’:
“It’s time Tesco haters stocked up on facts”
(Stephen Pollard)
Why on earth is this headline national news.
Boy’s EMA speech gets NUT ovation
A 15-year-old boy is given a standing ovation by a teaching union’s conference after his speech on the axing of the education maintenance allowance.
ie young socialist wannbe parasite whines to older parasites about “cuts”
I don’t think I misheard her ( Julia ?) on the early Sunday morning religious R4 programme.She seemed to be arguing that we need to “out” and name the silent racism/non PC attitudes endemic amongst the population.
By our silence we are condemned which is a new one on me and the essence of soft totalitarian state. Or maybe not so soft if she gets her way. I assume she is of impeccable liberal speech and more important thought so is exempt from her casually thrown out charge.
To be white and conservative is by definition to be racist etc etc. This is what it will come to if they are not stopped. Our silence will not save us . Our guilt is self evident.
The sad thing is people like Julia ( I did not catch her surname) will never accept that her way leads to the end of freedom and the purges and show trials of a totlitarian state.
I am not uneasy to read of Marr’s uneasiness:
Gagging orders are out of control, says Andrew Marr as he abandons High Court injunction over HIS extra-marital affair
This could shape up well, as ‘questions are being asked’…
krishgm Krishnan Guru-Murthy what should we do on superinjunctions tonight? Seems unclear to me why Marr thinks they out of control now but not when he had one
..especially by some others as to what part of his antics were maybe less in the interests of his family than others. May however explain his line of questioning (or not) with a Huhne, or a Prescott, or a Johnson (!) or….
Which is, perhaps, why the public does have a right to know what may ‘guide’ those who presume to ‘guide’ us.
If there’s stuff they don’t want in the open, they are compromised by such ‘secrets’ surely?
A romantic Beeboid couple’s conversation:
WIFE: What the hell do you think you’re playing at, having an affair, and trying to hush it up?
HUSBAND: I’m uneasy about it.
An unromantic conversation between taxpayer, and INBBC Al Qaeda propagandist:
TAXPAYER: What the hell do you think you’re playing at, having a hot line with Al Qaeda, and trying to hush it up?
BBC part of “possible propaganda media network” for al-Qaeda
Funny how BBCC seem to have deemed a story about a 3 year old super-injunction over an 8 year old affair as more important than anything else that’s happening in the world, leading, as it does, the views bulletins.
BBC – We Are The Story.
According to Marr there are situations (his own, for example)
where super-injunctions are absolutely right and proper, but other situations (everyone else’s, for example) where they are clearly wrong.
I have written to the British Broadcasting Coots Corporation asking whether there are any other al-beeb presenters ’embarrassed’ and ‘uneasy’ about injunctions.
Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
PS I trust, super-injunctions being rich-man’s playthings and all that Marr’s was paid for by himself rather than by a benevolent employer ie us.
I mentioned this on the last open thread
I had heard a whisper about marr,but could only hint at it on the thread for obvious reasons 😉
Good grief. Bob Crow on with Dominic Raab on Victoria Derbyshire. What an awful yobbo that Bob Crow is. Trying to talk over Raab at every point till Vicky D slaps him down. About 45 mins in when the recording is up. When I turned it on I thought I was listening to some BNP thug in the personage of Mr Crow. Oh for the days of Ray Buckton and that great geordie Sid Weighell. You wouldn’t catch either of them at some tossy ‘Cuban Solidarity’ conference.
The BBC’s approach to the story BBC’s Andrew Marr ’embarassed’ by super-injunction is interesting. It strikes me as quite venomous. Could it be because he was consorting with the enemy – Daily Mail? They even provide an in-story link not just Related Internet Link at the bottom of the page.
The Torin Douglas analysis is quite anti-Marr “He’s a working journalist, a former editor of the Independent and former political editor of the BBC.
As such, he is expected to fight for greater press freedom, not gagging orders.”
When the BBC wants to protect one of their own, they normally do a good job. For example they would make someone else’s defence of the injunction the focus. Not in this case.
Has Marr offended someone in Bush House?
People are saying it was noble of him to come clean, and others are saying he was forced to do so to primped Hislop’s ‘outing’ manoeuvre.
He said he only did it “to protect his family” (Take out the super injunction, not have the affair, obviously) 😉
Who ever she/he is, must be either desperate or visually and mentally challenged.
Only an overpaid BBC presenter could afford to buy her/him a Supertanker to shut them up.
Speaking of Christopher Columbus sailing off in search of the new world ……………. !
Will he interupt the natives immediately upon landfall, or just cast his roving eye in the direction of the first “hottie” ?
I call BS on Marr for saying that “I had my own family to think about.” If he was really so concerned about protecting his family from this, he wouldn’t have had an affair in the first place. He is a massive hypocrite on a number of levels and, it seems, without much personal integrity. I suppose it doesn’t mean he can’t ask challenging policy questions to Tory politicians, but he takes moral positions on air all the time, so he should not be permitted to continue with his current show.
By BBC standards, though, Marr hasn’t done anything wrong. Even the Trust nods understanding that this was just a “challenge” for him. Awww. Had he made a remark which could be taken in a racially charged way, he’d be out on his very large ear. But cheating on his wife and betraying his family is mainstream, moderate thought at the BBC. This kind of public noise is a temporary embarrassment for the Corporation which will pass very quickly.
Aside from that, Torin Douglas labeling Cameron’s side of the injunction issue as the “wrong camp” is biased. He should have said something like “on the opposing side from his colleagues” or something like that.
BBC-NUJ’s permanent political campaign for MASS IMMIGRATION.
Featres of this BBC-NUJ campaign:
1.)put no limit on immigration numbers; in fact, don’t talk numbers!
2.) propagandise on behalf of all (illegal) immigrants, portray them as ‘victims’;
3.) relegate the human rights and interest of E.U.’ British indigenous citizens; write off demands for strronger immigratoin controls as ‘right-wing’.
Note all those aspects of BBC-NUJ campaigning in this report:
“France and Italy push for reform of Schengen treaty”
‘Telegraph’ relates this to Britain (but BBC-NUJ avoids such discussion of the interests of e.g. funders of BBC-NUJ, the British people):
“Migrants threaten to enter Britain as France and Italy crack down”
And, ‘Daily Mail’ sees the urgency of this huge problem for British people too:
“Berlusconi and Sarkozy resolve row over unwanted North African refugees – as 1,000 of them camp outside Eurostar in bid to get to Britain”
Read more:
‘The Guardian’ has:
“France and Italy in call to close EU borders in wake of Arab protests”
The Scottish presenter on BBC’s TV programme on the Celts needs to be sent for re -education as he seems to be confused as to his prime multi cultural directive. After lauding Roman Britain for it’s allegedly ( most dubious in my opinion) multi racial/cultural base he then went on to praise the heroic Celtic tribal peoples north of Hadrian’s Wall for resisting Rome.
Just another example of Scottish nationalism perhaps or maybe he just forgot for a moment just who he was working for.