I can remember vividly Britain’s last major sustained power cuts back in the 1970s, the consequence of maniac Ted Heath’s ham-fisted attempt to take on the all-powerful National Union of Mineworkers under the wily Joe Gormley. The three-day week created untold misery and inconvenience. Stumbling about by candlelight reinforced forever for me the benefits of modern technology. Today, our lunatic government seems totally determined to pursue “low carbon” policies that will bring about similar consequences, and nothing will stop them. Roger Harrabin, as usual – by one-sidedly supporting an attack on nuclear power – is aiding and abetting them in their zealous pursuit of high energy prices and the insane belief that renewables will meet our needs. He outlines his creed:
It is widely agreed that this (a shake-up of the energy market) is needed to meet the challenge of providing enough affordable electricity without compromising the UK’s climate change targets. The current structure was designed to supply plentiful cheap electricity, but not to ensure it was low-carbon.
Who the hell “widely agrees” that climate change targets must be adhered to? As far as I can tell it is only the idiot political class, the BBC, and snout-in-trough corporates who benefit from climate change subsidies. The rest of us are standing back in horror as – thanks to eco-loonery – fuel prices escalate and we face the first power cuts and the most dire fuel poverty in a generation. Energy derived from coal enabled us to escape from the miseries of the dark ages; Mr Harrabin is in the vanguard of those who are intent on us being dragged back there.
They won’t be happy until they have us completely enslaved.
Soon there will be a lot of people with no disposable income left after spending everything on food, getting to/from work and heating/lighting our houses (when possible).
Such journalists really have no idea….but to them it doesnt matter..the main thrust of what they do is to create drama.
So, even if the lying Huhne ends up languishing in the nick (unlikely), or getting his political arse kicked (more likely), the madness trundles on. Good old Dave, some say…
“It is widely believed”
“People are saying”
“There is a growing sense of anger”
“Sources close to..are saying that”
You`re onto something here Robin…the BBC have given up reporting on news unless it can be spun or woven into comment. History is one long tapestry or collage to these oafs…and hardly an “independent” scientist amongst them! Unless he`s called Nutt or something that fits onto Twitter!
The World At One is a Classic-“news:comment ratio will be 1:9 tops!
All the Beeb want to do is gossip over the washing line albeit with bigger words and less honest bitching. Presumably the sound of the wind turbines will give them the necessary cover for us not to actually hear their musings and bullshitting.
Poor old dears wouldn`t want to have to go out there when it`s windy now would they? Too much like hard work to actually find out anything newsworthy anymore-especially when UEA have helpfully highlighted the gobbets that these Oxbridge chilled out entertainers will need if they want to be all renaissance!
“It is widely believed”
“People are saying”
“There is a growing sense of anger”
“Sources close to..are saying that”
The list of weasels for ‘can’t be bothered to actually find out’ / ‘no actual sources so we’ll make stuff up that sounds about in keeping with how we feel’ is long, growing and ignoble.
And it sure ain’t news.
Well, I can safely say there’s a lot of anger here about this BS, and people are getting vexed’
– My Site(cte), from my seat, possibly on my own, repo… claiming things that may or may no be true.
“The list of weasels for ‘can’t be bothered to actually find out’ / ‘no actual sources so we’ll make stuff up that sounds about in keeping with how we feel’ is long, growing and ignoble. “
I have mentioned this before but it is worth repeating. Harrabin knows who these people are but he deliberatly does not mention them for a reason. Its because they are a small number of people, but to make it sound like some grass roots revolution he uses the form of propoganda known as “astro-turfing”.
Surely no-one could possibly suggest that journalists fabricate stories and quotes ? Heaven forbid !
Pretty sure my national brodcaster once made a promise about impartiality and competence, but that soon went out the window in favour of ‘enhancing the narrative’ and ‘interpreting events’.
‘UK breaks promise on nuclear power subsidies, say MPs’
Maybe a quick headline story on that is overdue?
The truth is that the BBC simply cannot afford to present both sides and all opinions on the climate targets/climate change act.
The case for them is so weak that any debate between the for and against sides would cause the for side to crumble in seconds and the BBC simply cannot and will not allow that to happen.
We will never be allowed to view both sides of the debate, we will never be allowed to decide for ourselves the merits of a fair and even debate because the CAGW carbon fixated fools would lose, their is no case for this economically crippling madness.
There are many people out there who fully realise the damage these measures against a harmless trace gas would inflict but they will never be allowed on air in a free and fair debate. This is the ultimate proof of BBC bias, nobody can now doubt it.
Just pay up – belief is optional, and quite frankly, we don’t give a stuff…
Oh, please. It must be at least 6 or 7 years now we’ve been hearing about how Britain is facing imminent power cuts for the first time since the 70s. I’ll believe it when I see it. In the meantime, I hesitate to use the word ‘alarmism’, but if the cap fits…
So carbon free energy will meet our demands then? Good news.
Do the maths, the numbers don’t add up !
It is a given that we are to lose 40% of our generating capacity in the next few years due to EU regu;lations readily accepted by our toy government. In place of this, so fa,r all we have are unsightly and useless wind turbines. These in turn will need backup from conventional plant. Where then is the saving. We have to replace the old plant to give the backup. In the days of Heath, a blackout was not too serious but things have moved on, very fast and far. Have a blackout now and almost everything will stop. Then try shopping, or drawing money from a bank or even putting some in, how will pensions be paid, or direct debits. And these lunatics think this is good policy.