Anyone catch Sheikh Jeremy al Bowen on Today this morning? With Palestinians exercising their right to return to violence at any available opportunity. Bowen was quick to declare this is all part of the “Arab Spring” and that the US would have to “do something” about Israel. The BBC’s treatment of Israel is beyond deplorable and we have to wonder WHY it is that the State Broadcaster does everything possible to ensure that whatever the circumstance, Israel is always the aggressor and in the wrong. Is it because those nice little Middle Class Guardinistas that determine editorial policy have never shaken off their student years acquired hatred of Israel and now advance it instinctively? Is it because there is a dark shadow of anti-Semitism running through the State Broadcaster? I can tell you from personal experience that as one of the few local political commentators who is unapologetically pro-Israel (Yes, I do not hide my bias) I have found the BBC very hostile to me when invited on to discuss Israeli matters. I am surprised that the BBC presenters do not wear their keffiyehs as a badge of their rancid bias.
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as I suggested in an earlier post
I wonder where the BBCs legendary caution and fact checking has gone?I only ask because nobody has yet verified that the fatalities at the border were due to IDF weapons.
We do know for a fact that the Syrian regime is desperate to take the spotlight off its own mass murderfest and that to create a patriotic Jew hating anger would be a prime tool for the Syrian regime would it not? And if the Syrian thugs can shoot their own people down in cold blood they can certainly shoot down some expendable ‘Palestinians’.
We know that the Lebanese security forces are notoriously trigger happy and little better trained and disciplined than a Libyan style rabble and we know that they were using copious amounts of live rounds, this is not mentioned by the BBC of course.
So where are we in hard facts, facts that have been checked and verified. Where is the cautious impartial deliberation and picking apart the stunningly obvious possible motivations of those involved?
Yet again we see the BBC bias in action, they jump in with both feet, mouth in turbo charged overdrive blaming Israel first and ignoring everything else. Yet again we see that the BBC knows it all before it knows anything at all, fools rush in, pin the blame on their enemies, take the word of their friends…..And you can bet the bloody farm that this incursion was planned well before the event and you just know that the BBC reporters knew when and where to place their propogandists and had ‘Palestinian’ camera crews on sped dial.
I would go so far as to claim that the BBC conclusions were worked out and ready before one ‘Palestinian’ set foot toward the border, it was all just too quick and too smartly presented, they had the skinny and the down low and the conclusions from the start. A set up job and the BBC were in on it, reporters in place and reports ready in a flash, that just does not happen in a surprise situation.
Mr. Mardell is having some trouble with his attempts at conflating two very different scenarios (maybe Mr. Bowen passed on a quick translation from one of his stringers that ‘explained’ it all in <140 chars), and then as a consequence blatantly inciting.
Which, I had thought, was not the BBC’s remit. Or indeed any responsible media.
My site,
” Mr. ” eh ? The BBC only reserves that title for terrorists and criminals , so how can you apply it to Mardell and Bowen ? … Er….
Funny that the BBC can find Tracey Emin or some Kiwi waxing her plank whilst musing about how tarantulas can walk on glass.
Whether its the licensed rebels like Tracey(good rebellions!) or the fatuous uniloonies who have got an extra zero on the grant for getting on The Toadyshow at peak time; The BBC seem to have no problem finding these chilled out no marks to piss on “The Mans” chips.
Yet when it comes to Israel-the Middle East in general-how come they can only find a Jeremy or a Lys, an Orla or a Kate-to tell us what is going on with the stories they continue to fly like flags of convenience? Their consciences flapping to no purpose in the wind,until the immigrants can instal the wind turbines atop Bush House.
Why no Israeli voices then? Surely Mark Regev isn`t the only living saint? Have the BBC only licensed Sachs as long as he sticks to his spot?
Where are the Israeli voices?
If Patten says you`re balanced Jeremy-then that is all we need to know about you-can I get a (credible) witness on the BBC? Got to ask anyway eh?
Excellent ! But, you are a bit behind the times, Gunther Sachs died recently. Please keep up !
And the BBC has yet to find a replacement, only one Jew is required to throw rotten fruit at at any one time…goodness me if lots of Israelis or Jews were asked on the BBC then people might start to think the Jews were right and actually had a just cause.
The BBC certainly knows how to treat its enemies, they are experts at presenting them as tiny minorities, isolated and unable to speak in a multitude of voices. That is a beeboid trick learned from the big red book of fasicst propaganda.
I meant Jonathan Sacks of course!…who was Gunther then?
Forgive the spelling error…get Russell Brand flashbacks at times of stress!
Oh, OK. I was just gently pulling your leg ! Gunther was a wealthy playboy who never did a day’s work in his life and , at one time, was married to Bridget Bardot, or was it Gina Lollybrigi something ? Could have been Grace Kelly ? Anyway he reminds me very much of myself, except he was wealthy, had lots of beautiful girlfriends , is dead and, so far as I am aware had no views on BBC bias.
Does anyone know whether Mr Bowen ever puts himself in any dangerous situations? Does he have cause to fear that his mates, the Middel East muslims, might one day kidnap him and deprive him of his liberty for a long time? I wonder if he ever has sleepless nights worrying if he might be next on their list? I hope so. I wonder does he ever make enquiries about Gilad Shalit; if he is in good health and in one piece? As I’ve said before, while muslims are slaughtering Christians and Jews, I can’t work up any empathy for their miserable lives. I just wish all the socialists in the bbc who love muslims and hate Christians and Jews would go and live amongst their lovable muslims mates and then tell us how great is the islamic way of life.
Another “Mr” Bowen, what on earth is going on in this site ????
I tend to be polite to people who I detest. Not always, mind, haha.
If Al Bowen would like a “dangerous situation”, I am happy tp meet him any time.
At the height of hostage taking in Lebanon in the 80’s Robert Fisk managed to live there completely carefree and unmolested. I’m sure that for similar reasons Bowen has absolutely no worries about remaining unscathed when hosted by Arabs.
Just give up on the BBC and the liberal left axis. Palestine is their great cause. Their way of justifying their whole lives spent in pusuit of their unreal version of social justice and a progressive society.
Israel can never be in the right. It is a Western country and unaccountably refuses to behave like a liberal Western country should.
That is recognise the inferiority of Western civilisation and the guilt we must all bear.
The Lib/left obssession with Israel is a study fit ony for a pyschiatrist for it has no rational basis. I doubt it is anti Semitic just plain irrational.
Does the BBC view Israel’s existence as a legitimate ‘grievance’?