If there is one kind of Conservative that the BBC almost like, it’s the sort that are Conservative-in-name-only. Take Tim Yeo, please. This blustering buffoon was on the BBC this morning to discuss why some sort of subsidy for nuclear power was sadly inevitable. Naturally the BBC does not approve of any form of subsidy to this one form of clean energy whilst favouring as much as possible for windfarms and other loopy ideas. Mention nuclear energy and the BBC go into defence mode betraying their own innate bias on the topic.
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When it comes to subsidy-attracting, lobbyist-friendly, target-meeting, bonus-securing power, it seems green power corrupts pols & media equally & absolutely.
I am following ‘Wind Farm Wars’ with interest, to see what gets added and what gets left on the edit suite floor.
So far, it could be worse, but I’d wish more was made of actual, impartial expertise on the numbers that are claimed vs. what can and then does get delivered.
Couldn`t the BBC use the Petra Garden out back to show us how exactly they can run their handdryers and coffee machines using wind power alone.
Isn`t that what Blue Peter is now for?Surely their own bit of green space could be better employed and we could all benefit from the experiment in green living that the BBC seem to think WE ought to be subject to!
Rather guessing that the celebrating concert afterwards will be Unplugged-but no doubt Mitch Benn could hire a generator should he have to!
Blue Peter has now been renamed Green Gilbert…
Green Goddess perhaps?
Then it could be included in their Religious Output programming!
For some reason I have the impression that we can’t subsidise nuclear power because of EU rules…
EU rules, hm…there are ways and means, just as the Beeboid Corporation gets a massive subsidy of a few billion a year from us, despite the EU competition rules. 😉
I am sure the French stick to the rules !
Up here in my home village in sunny Perthshire, except it is not so sunny.
A flyer from “Solar Power Scotland” inviting me to request an estimate.
Now I am involved in in Solar Energy in Gambia which has 7-9 hours bright sun on average every day in the dry season and a bit less in the rainy season and it is still a moot point whether it is economic there.
So Scotland ? Someone is taking the mickey !!!
“A flyer from “Solar Power Scotland” inviting me to request an estimate.”
Straight from the experts.
If the world is getting dryer and hotter, then you could do worse. However, since the BBC/Met Office is not reliable when they predict anything over 2 hours, then I would tend not to risk the lives of my family.
You can bet Harrabin, Black and their messiah Gore will not be sitting under a 10 watt solar powered light bulb themselves during the winter months.
Grant – if you do go down this route. You will have to change your lifestyle ,Harrabin would not tell you this because he is ignorant of the facts (his part is just the propaganda).
“Because solar electricity is so expensive, you would normally go to great lengths to reduce your electricity consumption. Instead of a desktop computer and a monitor you would use a laptop computer. You would use fluorescent lights instead of incandescent. You would use a small B&W TV instead of a large color set. You would get a small, extremely efficient refrigerator. By doing these things you might be able to reduce your average power consumption to 100 watts. This would cut the size of your solar panel and its cost by a factor of 6, and this might bring it into the realm of possibility.”
If you want to really please the almighty Gore, go and live in a cave. Gore does.
Exactly. I don’t know how many of these lunatics have actually consulted real experts who are involved in the real world of solar energy in countries which are hot and sunny. But, they are still striving to solve problems there. So what chance the UK ?
Fantasyland ? Or are they just cheats and liars here ?
Look, you’ll be able to grow vines in your new mediterranean climate soon, so just hang in there – a “climate farmer” said so
No use to me. Irn Bru doesn’t grow on vines !
Well, plant some trees, then! 😀
Just how do you “farm” climate?
No doubt the BBC mentioned Yeos business interests?
ON the question of Nuclear power it is worth mentioning that Japan , from the outset has lied and lied about what really happened at their plant. It now appears there was a total meltdown immediately after the tsunami hit. No one has mentioned what the consequences are of such a total meltdown or true figures for work wide radiation. The media are almost totally silent right now. Funny how nows appears and then suddenly disappears.
If that is the case , I am surprised the BBC hasn’t been plugging it more given their antipathy to all things nuclear !