It is Friday and time for an Open Thread to take you across the weekend. Please detail your thoughts here on those seemingly endless instances of political bias from the State Broadcaster.
I just caught the end of “Daily Politics” yesterday, Brillo AWOL again.
So we had sultry, smouldering, Anita Anand and some rather dim jack-in-the box called Giles Dilnot.
The discussion, for some reason, was about the USA and Russia keeping stocks of smallpox. The guest was a scientist specialist in smallpox.
He was very calm and reasonable, giving his scientific opinions to the boy Giles’ questions.
Despite this Giles , jumping up and down in his seat, questioned him quite aggressively and interrupted him continually as if he was a nasty Tory Minister. Maybe Giles thought he was.
I was puzzled. Could it be that Beeboids are so programmed to be rude and aggressive that they can’t switch it off unless the interviewee is Labour ? The scientist looked a bit bemused but took it in good grace.
I checked the fingers in Giles boy’s hands. He had 10 so can count his own IQ. Where do the bBC find these people ? They seem to have an endless suppy.
That’s old Shoutalot. He’s been shouting on the Daily Politics for years, usually reporting from Parliament Square, not main presenting as such. When Andrew is away and you get those two together, it’s like a double assault on the ear – Piercealot and Shoutalot. They are unbearable.
reporterboy Giles Dilnot
RT @NorksAndBacon BOW? BOW? Why the actual fuck would anyone BOW to the Queen? I’m a sod of a lot taller. Conversation would be easier.
Obama is due to visit British Parliament next week; perhaps BBC-NUJ will investigate this time why, and whether he should have refused to accept a bust of Winston Churchill.
-Suggest BBC-NUJ view this Glenn Beck clip (9 mins) video first:
The bBC and its biased reporting of the Queens visit to Ireland.
Well I wrote at the beginning of the week over how only time will tell how the Queens Visit to Ireland had gone down. While there is still a day to go i get the impression that the bBCs view that the Queens visit across the water was akin to allowing a dog into a mosque. The simple fact remains the visit of the Oueen has gone down very well.Why over ½ million people tuned in just to watch her planting a tree on RTE. (That’s 1/9th of the population) In the UK the equivalent figure would be 7 million. In fact I get the impression that the bBC is somewhat dismayed that nothing serious has transpired over the visit, which is probably why they have relocated news of the Queens visit to the back of the schedule and much more important stories such as: Fear for mass stranding of whales, Strauss-Kahn to be freed on bail and Million bid for Olympic sprint final have been given more precedence.
Of course that doesn’t stop the bbC from continuing its ingrained character assassination of the English. I quote this from today’s article: The Queen will then move to Cork and the English Market, which was given its name in the 1840s by the Protestant upper classes who frequented it to distinguish from another market which was used more by the city’s Irish Catholic inhabitants.
So reading the above do you get the impression of historical injustices (not that there weren’t) in which to horrify and inflame the reader of past English injustices, when actually the Queens visit is but another step in leaving the past behind and moving forward. Well back to the English market and how and why it was named. Well here is the official history as per its website on why it is so named: When my co-author and I set about writing a book about the English Market, a prime objective was to find an answer to the first question everyone asks: ‘So, why is it called the English Market?’. There were a number of ‘theories’ in circulation – only English was spoken there, while the other main city market was Irish-speaking; it was created in the style of English covered markets; only Cork’s ‘English’ inhabitants were allowed trade or shop there – none of which rang true. As our research proceeded, an answer began to take shape. To cut a long story short, the Market was created in 1788 by the Protestant or ‘English’ corporation that controlled the city until 1841. When local government was reformed in 1840 and the representatives of the city’s Catholic, ‘Irish’ majority took over, they established another covered food market, St Peter’s (now the Bodega@St Peter’s Market) which became known as the ‘Irish Market’ to distinguish it from its older counterpart, which remained associated with its English creators. The name ‘English Market’, then, dates from this era of transition..
So in reality the market only picked up the tag ‘English’ after a new market was built 50 years after it was and was colloquially referred to as ‘ the Irish market and thus by default it picked up the tag ‘English market’.
The bBC could have found the very same information if only they had looked at the English markets website. Instead they stick to the tried and tested ways of revisionist history in which to find yet another stick in which to beat the English. Who according to the left are the only racists in the village.
The bBC continues with its biased reporting of the royal visit with an article which judges how it has gone down with the locals:
The front-page headline in the Irish Examiner newspaper the next day read like the title of a new movie – The Queen’s Speech. Inside, the editorial page condemned the 100 violent protesters who tried to disrupt the royal visit.
At the same time, it would be foolish to think British-Irish relations are now perfect.
It would also be naive to believe that the Queen’s visit was universally popular in Ireland. For some, normal state-to-state relations can only take place once Northern Ireland is handed back to the rest of Ireland.That is not just the view of violent dissident republicans; it is the view of Sinn Fein, and with 14 out of 166 members of parliament, they are the fourth largest party in the Republic.
The bBCs Mark Simpson writes an article which at first glance gives both sides of the story. But when contrasted with the facts on the ground the story is very biased. That front page headline, err no, below is the front page of the Irish examiner, The main story is all about the death of Garret Fitzgerald followed by mortgage problems. The Queen’s visit is at the bottom of the page. Under the title :
However as ominous as that headline reads it actually refers to the queen visiting what was rebel country. The article Simpson refers to the Queens speech is here and makes no reference to violent protesters., Yes he never says so, but by linking it to what is written in the editorial he wants you join up the dotted lines and come to that conclusion.
Some Sinn Féin politicians pronounced themselves “underwhelmed” – and found themselves roundly attacked. The television interviewer VincentBrowne asked the parliamentarian Aengus Ó Snodaigh: “So when did the IRA ever apologise?”
The Sinn Féin president, Gerry Adams, however, united with David Cameronto praise the Queen’s historic address. “I believe that her expression of sincere sympathy for those who have suffered as a consequence of our troubled past is genuine,” he said.His party has been criticised for refusing to meet the Queen.
In fact at the bottom of the Guardian they air the headlines of a few Irish newspapers all are positive of the queen’s visit. This they preface with the following:
The Irish newspapers have covered the Queen’s visit in exhaustive detail, from the constitutional and political implications to details of the state dinner and Her Majesty’s clothes – and all have been lavish in their praise of the 85-year-old monarch.
It seems the bBCs still sticks to the view that the English are the only racists in the village
Yes, good point RCE.
What happened to your long-running exchange with the Beeboid with the muslim name ? Last I heard it was being referred somewhere within the BBC.
The BBC rarely ventures beyond simplistic stereotype in its narrative. That is why the bias is so consistent and unashamed. The journalists have no knowledge of British (inc Irish history) and therefore interpret events consistently along the lines we see daily.
Any ‘A’ Level History student (until the 1970’s) would have had a deeper more nuanced insight into the history of Ireland (the Irish Question merited its own paper).
This blog is about the bias expressed in the bBC based on its leftwing viewpoint. I’ve jsut bought this DVD of a program I used to watch when te bBC had no problem airng world class programs. I’m not going to say out loud just what the program was but as its friday here is the soundtrack (You tube) and if you have 10 mins spare. Enjoy this wee film clip. I wonder how the bBC would remake this program today?
Pounce – I bought that DVD a few years ago. The theme music really thrilled me even as a child. We will never see the likes of programmes like this anymore
I see the BBC on TV News at 1 are still referring to the opponents of Gaddafi as “rebels”. Why are they not “freedom fighters” ?
Beeboid in Libya asks some of them ” who is in charge here , you or NATO ? “.
Anyone who didn’t know that the BBC is totally unbiased might think that it is on Gaddafi’s side.
My site,
Don’t say that, he would probably enjoy it. But it is unlikely to happen as he will do his time in a cushy “open” prison and be let out early.
BBC TV News at one avoided the “L” word, even saying quickly towards the end “Tony Blair’s government “, the quickly “excluded from the Labour Party”.
Of course, if it had been a Tory, the screaming headline would be
” Tory ex-minister jailed for expenses fraud”.
The BBC, biased and boringly predictable.
I listened to several bulletins on the beeb and in most they managed to squeeze in fast reference to Leibor at the tail end. Blink and you missed it. Certainly no mention in the headline.
If the BBC was truly unbiased this view would be sought. Unfortunatly Political correctness as stifled free speech in this country and the BBC are its overseers.
“I got a feeling about political correctness. I hate it. It causes us to lie silently instead of saying what we think.”
Hal Holbrook
You do not have to listen to the news and political programmes to hear BBC bias. Radio 3 on Mondays has started a comedy hour giving a so called comedian air time to spout his thoughts. Last Monday they had one who spent the ten minutes from 0900 to 0910 telling about the most excellent labour party and what they had done for us. Every day since they have reffered to him and his music choices. So that is over th Classic FM on that morning.
The bBC and the difference between Jews and Arabs when it comes to murder.The bBC quite rightly reports on the murder of a young girl by her Grandfather in Israel: Rose Pizem murder: Mother and grandfather found guilty The grandfather and mother of a four-year-old girl whose body was found in a river in Tel Aviv in 2008 have been convicted of her murder.
The murder which was rare has shocked the nation. Which the bBC mentions. However a similar murder in the West bank which also shook the Palestinian organisation remains like the fogal murders..unreported by the bBC. Harsh West Bank `honor killing’ brings tougher law A 20-year-old Palestinian woman who was thrown into a well and left to die in the name of “family honor” has not become just another statistic in one of the Middle East’s most shameful practices. The killing of Aya Baradiya – by an uncle who didn’t like a potential suitor – sparked such outrage that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas scrapped laws this week that guaranteed sentences of six months or less for such killings.And in another sign of changing attitudes, the young college student is being mourned as a “martyr” and her grieving parents are being embraced, not shunned, by neighbors
So-called “honor killings” are committed regularly in traditional Arab societies that enforce strict separation between the sexes and view an unmarried woman’s unsupervised contact with a man, even by telephone, as a stain on the family’s reputation. There were nine such killings in the West Bank last year, and Jordan reports about 20 every year.
She disappeared on April 20, 2010, and was killed that same day, though her body was not discovered until 13 months later, on May 6, after her 37-year-old uncle, Iqab Baradiya, confessed to the crime.On the day of the killing, the uncle and two accomplices snatched the woman and tied her hands and feet, Hebron police chief Ramadan Awad said. The suspects told interrogators she screamed and demanded to know why they wanted to kill her, but the uncle said only that she deserved to die, he said.She told them she had done nothing wrong, then her attackers dumped her into the well.The water would have reached to her neck, Awad said, adding: “We can’t be sure … if she died immediately or it took her a long time to die.”Aya Baradiya’s parents, Ibrahim and Fatma, said they reported their daughter missing within hours after she failed to come home from university but did not learn her fate until this month.Fatma Baradiya said she barely left the house during her daughter’s unexplained absence because she sensed her neighbors’ disapproval. In Arab society, women live with their parents until they marry, and a sudden absence from home quickly causes gossip. The police chief said suspects in honor killings often come forward immediately because they don’t face serious punishment and a confession is part of the “cleansing” of family honor. However, Aya Baradiya’s uncle remained silent, even saying at one point that his niece had called him and told him she just decided to go away.Palestinian media say the uncle disapproved of the woman’s suitor, who had approached the family through traditional channels, asking for her hand in marriage. One accomplice said the men talked about the alleged relationship as they planned the killing.
You’d think that story deserves just as much coverage at the bBC as the other. But for some strange reason it doesn’t. Gee i wonder why?
And that story is still towards the top of the MIddle East news feed, and one of the two stories featured for the Middle East section on the main news home page.
Compare that to the speed they made the story of the terrorist truck driver in Tel Aviv disappear.
This judges report that recommends sharing impending injunctions with the ‘media’ is worrying. How is the ‘media’ to be defined? Will the Biased BBC blog be defined as ‘media’. We must not allow prescribed media organisations as this will be the first step towards government control of our media. We need to stop and think. This issue will, of course, not be discussed on the BBC as it will end up being one of the main beneficiaries, especially if media that is ‘off message’ is relegated to ‘unofficial media’ or even gagged.
The BBC hate Twitter and the like,because it makes them look like the establishment quisling that they actually are. State mouthpiece,but posturing as the voice of the people. We want them gone-they give us” Points of View”.
The BBC continually snivel and sniff at the young and feckless new media-but are more than happy to skim them for titbits.
The BBC are currently pushing the “poor judges being undermined by MPs” line-and are happy to grass up the opposition.
Yet they pose as “rebels” when it`s safe like drugs being condoned(nudge nudge…Pete Docherty eh?).
The BBC are a beacon to me-whichever pose that they take, I know that I`ll be right as long as its the exact opposite of their “consensus”
cjhartnett – you say the BBC ‘hate Twitter’ and the reasons you give are quite correct.
But the BBC also promote Twitter – advertising a private company in a big way. Could you imagine them advertising Apple computers (sorry they do; perhaps Microsoft would be a better choice)
Just heard a mention on the News Channel of the bail arrangements for Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Apparently the company providing bail and security for his temporary house arrest did the same for Bernie Madoff. So this got me thinking:
Jew Madoff rotting in prison for life, Jew DSK locked down and in trouble based on the word of a black woman, and yesterday the President hung Israel out to dry in front of the whole world. Jewish Lobby fail or what? What’s happened to the all-powerful Jewish influence behind the scenes of everything? If the Jews are so powerful, how could this stuff keep happening? The BBC won’t tell me, even though they occasionally sneer at AIPAC, etc.
What I heard was there will only be one guard on DSK’s door. I bet he does a runner, through Mexico or something. Let’s wait and see.
What is especially disgusting is not just that this was a black African immigrant, but that DSK is claiming it was consensual. What a lowlife piece of scum.
Not that I am prejudging the verdict, of course !
If he’s wearing an electronic tag, he won’t escape. Considering the forces on his side, though, the chamber maid might suddenly “change her mind”. DSK’s mistake was to try this in the US and not France or Italy or Britain.
David P,
I think the chambermaid is very brave if she testifies. I have some experience of West African women and, believe me, they are tough cookies and have a strong sense of right and wrong.
I hope she goes through with it and gets at least $1m dollars when she sells her story.
I’m not questioning the woman’s integrity, Grant. More like I’m suggesting that someone else might magically discover a problem with her immigration status or DSK’s powerful associates might otherwise put the muscle on her.
David P,
Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply you were questioning her integrity for one minute.
I agree with you that every trick in the book will be used to destroy her evidence and character.
After all , she is just some worthless skivvy. DSK is a very important man indeed.
She is Black African, DSK is white and French.
It is funny that more hasn’t been made of the racial aspects of this. I wonder why.
A Mr. Morley, a former MP “having represented Scunthorpe” is now in trouble for money fiddling. What political party is he from? Gavin Esler didn’t say….
David, here’s a bit of news (OT) about our old friend Katie Connolly, the BBC’s chief online Washington reporter – and a very biased specimen of BBC reporting (evidence for which is here and here and here, among other examples on this blog).
The firm played a major role in the Obama 2008 presidential campaign, and its president was Obama’s lead pollster and continues to work for the Democratic National Convention. Its other clients include large numbers of Democrat politicians and even the UK Labour Party.
Thanks for that news, Craig. What a shock. Another BBC employee in the US working on Democrat political campaigns. How many does that make now? Four? They either worked on the campaign and then got hired by the BBC, or left the BBC to work on the campaign. You couldn’t make it up.
At least Frei Boy is just moving to a bigger pond where he can do his storytelling to a larger audience.
But good riddance to Katie as well. Now they just need to shut down the entire US bureau and substitute it with a news aggregator and maybe one Washington correspondent to read out White House talking points a couple times a week, maybe with the occasional swooning over Michelle Obama’s dress. Mardell can go to a Socialist paradise like Venezuela or something.
Top spotting Craig. Reckon it might even deserve a blogpost – something along the lines of: “Hey, d’you remember that Katie Connolly we’ve been telling you not to trust because she’s a Dem-supporting Obama groupie? Well, she’s just taken up a senior postion at the Democratic National Committee’s favourite pollster.”
Here’s the last tweet I sent to her back in March:
@katiemconnolly Have you considered adding a Dem Party twibbon to your profile pic?
I like to think I hounded her out of the BBC personally. That’s the way I’m going to tell it, anyway.
Another one from the file marked “Funny how the only political opinion expressed by BBC employees on Twitter is left-wing”, here’s Radio One producer Rhys Hughes tweeting duing Question Time last night:
So here I am amazed at how the bBC is headlining the English News Web Site with the story about how a couple of men (Hussnain Ahmed, and Omar Ali) have been jailed for raping a 15 year old schoolgirl. Which got me wondering why?
Oh look there’s a story much further down on how a former bBC presenter has been in court on sex charges.: “Former BBC radio presenter Peter Rowell has appeared in court accused of a string of child sex offences.Mr Rowell, 53, from Wickwar in South Gloucestershire, is charged with seven counts of indecent assault against girls under the age of 16…. A BBC spokeswoman said Mr Rowell was no longer engaged by the corporation as his contract had come to the end of its term.”
So a man who is charged with 4 counts of indecent assault on young girls under 16 and holding a stash of kiddy porn is according the bBC only accused of sex offences. There’s a missing word here something that starts in ‘P’: Pillock, Plank, Pilchard nah just like the bBC I can’t just find the word that describes this man who likes very young girls.
But what I did like is how quick the bBC is in referring to him as former. Funny enough when he went missing in March he was a bBC man. I quote a headline from the 30th March: Missing BBC presenter Peter Rowell ‘may be in Cumbria’ Police investigating the disappearance of a BBC Bristol and Somerset radio presenter believe he may have travelled to the Lake District.
When he was charged just over a month ago he was still a bBC presenter: BBC’s Peter Rowell in court on indecent assault charges BBC Bristol and Somerset radio presenter Peter Rowell has appeared before Bristol magistrates on indecent assault charges.
But now he’s an former bBC employer. Yup it seems the bBC learnt quite a lot from hosting Paul Daniels in which to make things look smaller than they actually are. Not a lot mind you.Not a lot.
Let`s hope that the BBC are now made to accept that there has indeed been a systemic problem in regard of this issue!
I want Pope Patten to make an unreserved apology for sweeping this whole problem under the carpet now for so long, and to say sorry to us all for “muffin the mule” as well!
Next time I see a local broadcast , I shall yell shrilly at them, knowing that my cause will be come a cause celebre at Wood Lane!
Bloody hell, it hasn’t taken the bBC long to remove that Rape story from the English news webpage. Funny enough other stories are still there, But the one about 2 Pakistani muslims raping a 15 year gone.
Guido Fawkes has han interesting piece about Dr Tom Coffey of the Brocklebank Health Centre, Wandsworth. Dr Coffey is coining it in his GP practice, but he likes to take time out to shill for Labour. Amongst other things, Guido shows him recently conducting a tour for Red Ed, So in 2009 when the BBC News channel did a series called ‘Doctor’s Diary’, where do you think they got the doctors from? No prizes if you correctly guessed from Labour’s pet GP’s Brocklebank Health Centre, Including the good doctor himself, off course. Entirely coincidental, I’m sure.
Dr Tom Coffey is a long standing New labour stooge, founder of the New Health Network, a bit of NuLab freemasonry in which greasy pole climbers got together . Its Chief Exec is a former Labour Party Head of Policy, and its board includes the fragrant Claire Perry, originally a nobody personel officer in Lewisham who climbed the greasy Labour pole to the dizzy heights of Chief Exec of Hammersmith Hospitals.
These networks are now pimping for Ed. What a suprise. Snout back in the trough. Meanwhile where’s Cameron? Agonising over bombing Libya. How about bombing Dr Coffey, your enemy within?
Dr Clare Gorada – chairman of the Royal College of GP’s – as frequently heard on Today and other BBC programmes – active in the Socialist Health Association (affiliated to the Labour Party, attendee at the Labour Party Conferences etc, etc). I wonder why The Guardian describe her as ‘one of Lansley’s fiercest critics’?
Useful rule of thumb-if Fred the Shred is being dragged up as a hate figure by the BBC, then I begin to think that he`s alright with me.
He is SIR Fred after all-Gordon Brown conferred it and the Pestons of the world were wondering at his genius for years up to 2008-so the more they abuse him, the more I smell a rat.
Fred for head of the IMF…more integrity than Brown and not a rape suspect like Kahn. Give him the job-things can only get better after all!
Perhaps someone on the BBC Website has a sense of humour. As tonight it has as a headline.
Greece default fears rise as reprofiling talk flounders
Whereas only last week the flounderer herself Stephanie Flanders who lest we forget ( no sniggering at the back) is the BBCs Economics Editor headlined her blog with.
“Have I got News for You ? ” last night. One of the guests was introduced by quizmaster ( Alan Johnson , no less ! ) as ” Michael Jupp , comedian “.
Well he is a new one on me and it was difficult to tell from his very few contributions that he was a comedian. Where do the BBC find them, is the supply limitless ?
How long can unfunny Paul Merton get away with appearing under false pretences ?
As usual most of the comments and the funniest were provided by Ian Hyslop and he is not even described as a comedian.
This show is relatively politically unbiased. I wonder if that is due to Hyslops presence ? Remove him and it would descend to the normal BBC Tory hatefest.
Quite right Grant.
The fearless poppers of the elite that are taking us all to the swamp are pretty good at self-censorship regarding injunctions aren`t they|?…lots of bleeps, black rectangles-it`s as if the new elite need their Lord Chamberlain with his blue pencil after all…they`ve gone all Mary Whitehouse on us,havent they?
Hislop is one of the few licensed “conservatives” allowed on the BBC-probably the Spitting Image,Private Eye links of old helped-and that his wife is an author won`t harm him!
The News Quiz is a far nastier pice of work-all the worst for being unfunny with the tatty old lefties that daren`t leave their Hampstead pubs upstairs room! Luckily their ear trumpets aren`t pointed at the creepy Russell Howard and his Guardian kiddies supplement!
Grant, HIGNFY is definitely biased in the same direction as the rest of the BBC, but they do play fair once in a while. There was more criticism of Gordon Brown from Hislop on that show than there was in all of BBC News, so I guess the tenor would change for the worse if he ever left.
But there is one bright light there. In fact, the opening animated sequence of the show is the only place on the BBC you will ever find a joke at The Obamessiah’s expense.
The first series after He was elected featured a sequence of Him sitting at His desk in the Oval Office shooting a basketball at a hoop on the wall and making it. That changed in the next series into having Him miss the basket, which is still there in the current series. They don’t dare do it within the show itself – no jokes ever about Him or anything, whereas Bush was a constant target – but at least it’s something.
But how sad that an animated gag in a silly little show like this is the only place in the entire spectrum of BBC broadcasting – all those channels, all those shows – where someone dares make a joke at the President’s expense.
Karl-Ulrich Köhler, chief executive of Tata Steel’s European operations, said that one of the main reasons for the 1,500 job losses announced yesterday was carbon legislation:
“EU carbon legislation threatens to impose huge additional costs on the steel industry. Besides, there remains a great deal of uncertainty about the level of further unilateral carbon cost rises that the UK government is planning.”
The above quote appears in various forms in online reports by, among others, the Telegraph, the Guardian, the Independent, the Daily Mail, the Daily Express, Sky News, Reuters, P.A., and in media outlets from Australia to India. It even appeared in the Wandsworth Guardian.
But not on the BBC. Uniquely, it seems, BBC journalists chose not to mention Köhler’s comments in its online reports. The article in its business section cites only “falling demand for steel” as the reason for the job losses. Buried deep in the story is a quote from a local Labour MP about concerns over “carbon taxes coming in earlier in the UK than in other parts of Europe”, but that’s it. There’s also a BBC Tees report which doesn’t discuss carbon costs at all.
So the BBC – and, it would appear, only the BBC – decided that Köhler’s comments linking job losses to EU carbon legislation should not be reported.
Did the BBC mention that St. Pachauri, the IPCC maven, was involved in the first place? Corus already shut down a plant in Britain due to his organizations carbon fascism, and he and his cronies at Tata made a packet off the jobs going back to India. Now it’s happening again. If this was anythning other than a sacred Warmist issue, the Beeboids would be shouting “follow the money” from the rooftops. But when it’s a Warmist darling involved in harming British jobs, ZZzzzzzzzzzz.
Think I`ve worked out how best to enjoy my BBC for the moment.
1. Brian Matthew as opposed to the Toady show-the weekend deserves better once I have a free choice,and not trapped in the car.
2. Hop over to the sainted Danny Baker now he`s back.
3. Tune into the Francoise Hardy programme on R4 once the political muppets have headed back to the Chilterns.
Listen to the 11am news bulletin and be grateful for what you`ll have missed by way of opinion and comment on earlier gobfests!
My blood pressure is fine this morning!
If the Beeb could only stay out of politics, I might hate it a little less!
I was doing a Frei here and talking through my hat!
Just heard Any Questions…and being a bit of an idiot, I got Any Answers too…as if I`d EVER get any from the carousel of canards that are” Beeb ishhos” up for debate.
Loads of platiudinous guff over Clarkes twaddle on rape,the token minutes silence at the tomb of the unknown rapist that is that French chappie in NYC-straight to the effects of his arrest on the IMF and Eurobond markets!
Not only that ,but Eddie Mair continues to goad us all with whether Gordon Brown should be “our Enery” at the IMF now DSK is indisposed!
So much for concerns about the victims of rape-Clarke gets shafted for not bothering about them, but the politicos and their windup jocks don`t give a fig about the cleaner at the Sofitel, but they DO care about how the financial markets might be taking this news of the great white chiefs embarrassment!
Hypocrisy doesn`t even come close…these people will happily step over her body to check on how their shares now look on the screens!
Should have stuck on Radio2 shouldn`t I?
I think Gordon the Moron has no chance. Everyone hates him. The indication seems to be that it will be another Froggie, Christine Lagarde. But, better check her history of sexual harassment first.
Sorry this may be a bit off topic. But I did enjoy hearing the 10pm News last night when it was reported that Britain would be nominating Lagarde for the IMF post.
Revenge is a dish best served cold. I am sure we all remember how ‘helpful’ Gordon was to the Conservatives in his last year in office. Usually in the 5th year of a government the PM allows the opposition to see all Civil Service papers …but not Gordon. But then didn’t he say that when he finished in politics he wanted to teach (I assume he could get a CRB although within the deeper secrets on the web there is the suggestion that he wouldn’t)? I also thought that he had a job at the moment as MP for KirkKaldy and Cowdenbeath (although he seems to forget it).
So not really bias this time BBC – except that the story does seem to have dropped down the running order and is ready in a slightly depressed tone.
I thought there was meant to be rules about the proportion of internships on offer at the BBC!
Heard a bit of the smugfest that is Loose Ends this evening-only heard Louie Theroux(Westminster School-daddys famous doncha know?) and Sophie Ellis Bextor(mum`s a BBC Blue Peter producer of old). The louche lawyer Clive Anderson swapped prep school joshes with Louie as these BBC types do in the twilight end of the schedules!
Did we give Barry Gibb an OBe for services to ridding the schedules of smug lawyers for a few years-and who let Clive back in anyway?..being a school chum of Portillo does him no harm I`m guessing…yet he mentions Therouxs fagging for Clegg!
Hypocrite alert…is there a system to ring in when we see it?
Which was supposed to be about ‘Pakistan’s valley of wine.
However, after some small insight into the Kalash valley we were treated to the following statement:
At the foot of the entrance to the festival in Rumbur was a mosque, which was in the village next to Balanguru. The increasing rate of conversion to Islam is yet another sign that Kalashi culture risks being eroded. A young man with a kind face, a beard and skull-cap stood nearby.
“I don’t go to the festival anymore. I think it is wrong and according to Islam it is not good,” Muhammad, a converted Kalash, told me.
I particularly love the description of Muhammad with his kind face, also love the fact that they use Muhammad’s soundbite to highlight the piece, and not someone who has not coverted to Islam…
Never been to Pakistan, but a Pakistani friend of mine assures me there was a whisky distillery near his school in Pakiland. I wonder if it is still there ? Maybe it now produces Irn Bru. A great reason to visit anywhere !
(Oh, and don’t bother checking to find out this is a total misrepresentation with the word ‘row’ in it of the sort that does get ‘picked up’ by default by BBC ‘news’ if it suits the narrative)
I wonder if Pres. Obama’s ‘people’ Googled Andrew Marr’s ‘body of work’, and as a consequence had a wee word in his shell like as to how it would go down if this interview was going to happen? Plus perhaps putting an extra few inches between them just in case anything was catching.
Of all the people who could have been selected, could there be any more compromised, and hence manipulable ‘interviewer’ in the sordid BBC top drawer?
The result will, I’d hazard, by utter, um-yes beige.
I see The Mail has apologised re Tim Henman’s wage from the Beeboids:
On May 15 we said Tim Henman was being paid £200,000 by the BBC for commentating at Wimbledon this year. In fact we have been informed that his fee will be substantially less than that. We apologise for the mistake and are happy to set the record straight.
So, it must be only £190000, otherwise the BBC would be proud to tell us how little of our money the they are spending on someone even more boring than Steve Davis. Sorry, I didn’t mean that, I am a fan of Steve. I mean’t Andy Murray. Wouldn’t want to be accused of being anti-english 😀
From the Telegraph story above:
“It runs an educational programme on climate change across Africa, including “Africa Talks Climate Change”. It says: “Climate change is one of the most important issues on the global political and economic agenda … African citizens’ response to climate change is hampered by a fundamental shortage of relevant useful information …”
A document prepared by the BBC Trust and the British Council adds: “African citizens are the least responsible for generating the greenhouse gases that are contributing to global climate change … For many, understanding of human-induced global climate change is limited.”
It spent more than £500,000 on the climate change project last year.”
Search Biased BBC
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I just caught the end of “Daily Politics” yesterday, Brillo AWOL again.
So we had sultry, smouldering, Anita Anand and some rather dim jack-in-the box called Giles Dilnot.
The discussion, for some reason, was about the USA and Russia keeping stocks of smallpox. The guest was a scientist specialist in smallpox.
He was very calm and reasonable, giving his scientific opinions to the boy Giles’ questions.
Despite this Giles , jumping up and down in his seat, questioned him quite aggressively and interrupted him continually as if he was a nasty Tory Minister. Maybe Giles thought he was.
I was puzzled. Could it be that Beeboids are so programmed to be rude and aggressive that they can’t switch it off unless the interviewee is Labour ? The scientist looked a bit bemused but took it in good grace.
I checked the fingers in Giles boy’s hands. He had 10 so can count his own IQ. Where do the bBC find these people ? They seem to have an endless suppy.
That’s old Shoutalot. He’s been shouting on the Daily Politics for years, usually reporting from Parliament Square, not main presenting as such. When Andrew is away and you get those two together, it’s like a double assault on the ear – Piercealot and Shoutalot. They are unbearable.
This seems to be how BBC “interviewers” are taught. The BBC see it as “tough questioning” I see it as aggresive and rude.
Is got to the stage where almost all presnters at the BBC seem to think rudeness is the way to get on in the BBC. Maybe they will.
reporterboy Giles Dilnot
RT @NorksAndBacon BOW? BOW? Why the actual fuck would anyone BOW to the Queen? I’m a sod of a lot taller. Conversation would be easier.
An example of one of his tweets.
How would your employer view that?
I suppose BBCC believes it to be ‘edgy’.
I said Giles has just enough fingers to count his IQ. What a brainless prat !
‘Brillo AWOL again’
Maybe off finding out who mods his blog?
2 days. 13 comments. Now that’s interacting with the nation!
Two important current reports which BBC-NUJ decides to censor because they don’t fit the political narrative?:
1.)Impact of Labour’s policy of Mass Immigration into Britain:
‘Daily Mail’:
“Immigration ‘boosted the UK population by 1.75m in just eight years'”
Read more:
2.) Islamic Republic of Pakistan speeds up nuclear weapons development –
Satellite images show Pakistan rushing to finish weapons-grade nuclear reactor
Obama is due to visit British Parliament next week; perhaps BBC-NUJ will investigate this time why, and whether he should have refused to accept a bust of Winston Churchill.
-Suggest BBC-NUJ view this Glenn Beck clip (9 mins) video first:
“Glenn Beck: I now know why Obama returned the Churchill bust to Britain”
Supplementary: video clip (2010) on Obama’s feelings towards
US, Kenya, Britain, Churchill, etc, which BBC-NUJ relegates:
The bBC and its biased reporting of the Queens visit to Ireland.
Well I wrote at the beginning of the week over how only time will tell how the Queens Visit to Ireland had gone down. While there is still a day to go i get the impression that the bBCs view that the Queens visit across the water was akin to allowing a dog into a mosque. The simple fact remains the visit of the Oueen has gone down very well. Why over ½ million people tuned in just to watch her planting a tree on RTE. (That’s 1/9th of the population) In the UK the equivalent figure would be 7 million. In fact I get the impression that the bBC is somewhat dismayed that nothing serious has transpired over the visit, which is probably why they have relocated news of the Queens visit to the back of the schedule and much more important stories such as: Fear for mass stranding of whales, Strauss-Kahn to be freed on bail and Million bid for Olympic sprint final have been given more precedence.
Of course that doesn’t stop the bbC from continuing its ingrained character assassination of the English. I quote this from today’s article:
The Queen will then move to Cork and the English Market, which was given its name in the 1840s by the Protestant upper classes who frequented it to distinguish from another market which was used more by the city’s Irish Catholic inhabitants.
So reading the above do you get the impression of historical injustices (not that there weren’t) in which to horrify and inflame the reader of past English injustices, when actually the Queens visit is but another step in leaving the past behind and moving forward. Well back to the English market and how and why it was named. Well here is the official history as per its website on why it is so named:
When my co-author and I set about writing a book about the English Market, a prime objective was to find an answer to the first question everyone asks: ‘So, why is it called the English Market?’. There were a number of ‘theories’ in circulation – only English was spoken there, while the other main city market was Irish-speaking; it was created in the style of English covered markets; only Cork’s ‘English’ inhabitants were allowed trade or shop there – none of which rang true. As our research proceeded, an answer began to take shape.
To cut a long story short, the Market was created in 1788 by the Protestant or ‘English’ corporation that controlled the city until 1841. When local government was reformed in 1840 and the representatives of the city’s Catholic, ‘Irish’ majority took over, they established another covered food market, St Peter’s (now the Bodega@St Peter’s Market) which became known as the ‘Irish Market’ to distinguish it from its older counterpart, which remained associated with its English creators. The name ‘English Market’, then, dates from this era of transition..
So in reality the market only picked up the tag ‘English’ after a new market was built 50 years after it was and was colloquially referred to as ‘ the Irish market and thus by default it picked up the tag ‘English market’.
The bBC could have found the very same information if only they had looked at the English markets website. Instead they stick to the tried and tested ways of revisionist history in which to find yet another stick in which to beat the English. Who according to the left are the only racists in the village.
The bBC continues with its biased reporting of the royal visit with an article which judges how it has gone down with the locals:
The front-page headline in the Irish Examiner newspaper the next day read like the title of a new movie – The Queen’s Speech. Inside, the editorial page condemned the 100 violent protesters who tried to disrupt the royal visit.
At the same time, it would be foolish to think British-Irish relations are now perfect.
It would also be naive to believe that the Queen’s visit was universally popular in Ireland. For some, normal state-to-state relations can only take place once Northern Ireland is handed back to the rest of Ireland.That is not just the view of violent dissident republicans; it is the view of Sinn Fein, and with 14 out of 166 members of parliament, they are the fourth largest party in the Republic.
The bBCs Mark Simpson writes an article which at first glance gives both sides of the story. But when contrasted with the facts on the ground the story is very biased. That front page headline, err no, below is the front page of the Irish examiner, The main story is all about the death of Garret Fitzgerald followed by mortgage problems. The Queen’s visit is at the bottom of the page. Under the title :
Queen to engage with Rebels in heart of city
However as ominous as that headline reads it actually refers to the queen visiting what was rebel country. The article Simpson refers to the Queens speech is here and makes no reference to violent protesters., Yes he never says so, but by linking it to what is written in the editorial he wants you join up the dotted lines and come to that conclusion.
Then there is the bit about how no republican would ever welcome theQueens visit.
Here is how the Guardian reports the above view:
Some Sinn Féin politicians pronounced themselves “underwhelmed” – and found themselves roundly attacked. The television interviewer VincentBrowne asked the parliamentarian Aengus Ó Snodaigh: “So when did the IRA ever apologise?”
The Sinn Féin president, Gerry Adams, however, united with David Cameronto praise the Queen’s historic address. “I believe that her expression of sincere sympathy for those who have suffered as a consequence of our troubled past is genuine,” he said.His party has been criticised for refusing to meet the Queen.
In fact at the bottom of the Guardian they air the headlines of a few Irish newspapers all are positive of the queen’s visit. This they preface with the following:
The Irish newspapers have covered the Queen’s visit in exhaustive detail, from the constitutional and political implications to details of the state dinner and Her Majesty’s clothes – and all have been lavish in their praise of the 85-year-old monarch.
It seems the bBCs still sticks to the view that the English are the only racists in the village
White English and Jewish; is it any wonder the BBC don’t reply to my complaints any more?
And male. I don’t know how you can live with yourself !
What did you put on your census form ?
I found mine waiting for me on my return from Gambia and answered truthfully :
Born China
Nationality British
Q. 14 What do you feel to be your identity ? ( or words to that effect ). A. Gambian
That should confuse the buggers !
Have they simply stopped replying, NotaSheep?
Yes, good point RCE.
What happened to your long-running exchange with the Beeboid with the muslim name ? Last I heard it was being referred somewhere within the BBC.
The BBC rarely ventures beyond simplistic stereotype in its narrative. That is why the bias is so consistent and unashamed. The journalists have no knowledge of British (inc Irish history) and therefore interpret events consistently along the lines we see daily.
Any ‘A’ Level History student (until the 1970’s) would have had a deeper more nuanced insight into the history of Ireland (the Irish Question merited its own paper).
BBC: poor quality at a high price.
The BBCs source for historic events is Twitter.
You just have to look at this womens output to see that Twitter is their only link to the outside world.!/rachelkennedy84
This blog is about the bias expressed in the bBC based on its leftwing viewpoint. I’ve jsut bought this DVD of a program I used to watch when te bBC had no problem airng world class programs. I’m not going to say out loud just what the program was but as its friday here is the soundtrack (You tube) and if you have 10 mins spare. Enjoy this wee film clip. I wonder how the bBC would remake this program today?
Pounce – I bought that DVD a few years ago. The theme music really thrilled me even as a child. We will never see the likes of programmes like this anymore
I see the BBC on TV News at 1 are still referring to the opponents of Gaddafi as “rebels”. Why are they not “freedom fighters” ?
Beeboid in Libya asks some of them ” who is in charge here , you or NATO ? “.
Anyone who didn’t know that the BBC is totally unbiased might think that it is on Gaddafi’s side.
And the word missing is ? hmm no idea! wonder if it’s his political party? nahh they have no trouble with this story !
‘Peerage ‘left Tory Lord Hanningfield out of pocket’
or this one
‘A Conservative peer accused’
Must be a oversight yep thats it !!
I hope he gets a big black cock up his arse!
My site,
Don’t say that, he would probably enjoy it. But it is unlikely to happen as he will do his time in a cushy “open” prison and be let out early.
“I hope he gets a blig black cock up his arse !”
Oh dear. =-O
The real question is, would Yvette Cooper and Ken Clarke consider that rape or not?
I hate it when people don’t make themselves clear.
BBC TV News at one avoided the “L” word, even saying quickly towards the end “Tony Blair’s government “, the quickly “excluded from the Labour Party”.
Of course, if it had been a Tory, the screaming headline would be
” Tory ex-minister jailed for expenses fraud”.
The BBC, biased and boringly predictable.
“then quickly”. I am typing too quickly !
I listened to several bulletins on the beeb and in most they managed to squeeze in fast reference to Leibor at the tail end. Blink and you missed it. Certainly no mention in the headline.
This view will never be aired on the BBBC
“When is a rape not a rape? SHOCK”
from a serving policeman.
If the BBC was truly unbiased this view would be sought. Unfortunatly Political correctness as stifled free speech in this country and the BBC are its overseers.
“I got a feeling about political correctness. I hate it. It causes us to lie silently instead of saying what we think.”
Hal Holbrook
“BBBC” sorry that should be BBC
Yes, I’ve had quite a lot to say along those lines, here:
The CPS say ‘all rapes are equal.’
The CPS also give a variety of sentencing guidelines for these equal rapes.
This is a circle that can’t be squared.
In short, ‘wimmin’, not women, have decreed on all our behalfs that ‘rape is rape is rape’ and Head Wimmin Harriett had this rammed into law.
And the Absolute Rule is that when it comes to rape, ‘wimmin’, from Thick Vic Dreadfulshire up, can shriek louder than anyone else, and do.
What these “wimmins'” views of women who are found guilty of lying about rape ?
They don’t accept that it’s possible: There’s no way a sister would do something so evil that it will negatively impact on other sisters.
Unless it’s DSK or Roman Polanski, then it’s just a misunderstanding…
” She was asking for it “.
You do not have to listen to the news and political programmes to hear BBC bias. Radio 3 on Mondays has started a comedy hour giving a so called comedian air time to spout his thoughts. Last Monday they had one who spent the ten minutes from 0900 to 0910 telling about the most excellent labour party and what they had done for us. Every day since they have reffered to him and his music choices. So that is over th Classic FM on that morning.
And note : Radio4Extra (nee – BBCR7) is metamorphing that way as well !
The bBC and the difference between Jews and Arabs when it comes to murder.The bBC quite rightly reports on the murder of a young girl by her Grandfather in Israel:
Rose Pizem murder: Mother and grandfather found guilty
The grandfather and mother of a four-year-old girl whose body was found in a river in Tel Aviv in 2008 have been convicted of her murder.
The murder which was rare has shocked the nation. Which the bBC mentions. However a similar murder in the West bank which also shook the Palestinian organisation remains like the fogal murders..unreported by the bBC.
Harsh West Bank `honor killing’ brings tougher law
A 20-year-old Palestinian woman who was thrown into a well and left to die in the name of “family honor” has not become just another statistic in one of the Middle East’s most shameful practices. The killing of Aya Baradiya – by an uncle who didn’t like a potential suitor – sparked such outrage that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas scrapped laws this week that guaranteed sentences of six months or less for such killings.And in another sign of changing attitudes, the young college student is being mourned as a “martyr” and her grieving parents are being embraced, not shunned, by neighbors
So-called “honor killings” are committed regularly in traditional Arab societies that enforce strict separation between the sexes and view an unmarried woman’s unsupervised contact with a man, even by telephone, as a stain on the family’s reputation. There were nine such killings in the West Bank last year, and Jordan reports about 20 every year.
She disappeared on April 20, 2010, and was killed that same day, though her body was not discovered until 13 months later, on May 6, after her 37-year-old uncle, Iqab Baradiya, confessed to the crime.On the day of the killing, the uncle and two accomplices snatched the woman and tied her hands and feet, Hebron police chief Ramadan Awad said. The suspects told interrogators she screamed and demanded to know why they wanted to kill her, but the uncle said only that she deserved to die, he said.She told them she had done nothing wrong, then her attackers dumped her into the well.The water would have reached to her neck, Awad said, adding: “We can’t be sure … if she died immediately or it took her a long time to die.”Aya Baradiya’s parents, Ibrahim and Fatma, said they reported their daughter missing within hours after she failed to come home from university but did not learn her fate until this month.Fatma Baradiya said she barely left the house during her daughter’s unexplained absence because she sensed her neighbors’ disapproval. In Arab society, women live with their parents until they marry, and a sudden absence from home quickly causes gossip.
The police chief said suspects in honor killings often come forward immediately because they don’t face serious punishment and a confession is part of the “cleansing” of family honor. However, Aya Baradiya’s uncle remained silent, even saying at one point that his niece had called him and told him she just decided to go away.Palestinian media say the uncle disapproved of the woman’s suitor, who had approached the family through traditional channels, asking for her hand in marriage. One accomplice said the men talked about the alleged relationship as they planned the killing.
You’d think that story deserves just as much coverage at the bBC as the other. But for some strange reason it doesn’t. Gee i wonder why?
And that story is still towards the top of the MIddle East news feed, and one of the two stories featured for the Middle East section on the main news home page.
Compare that to the speed they made the story of the terrorist truck driver in Tel Aviv disappear.
This judges report that recommends sharing impending injunctions with the ‘media’ is worrying. How is the ‘media’ to be defined? Will the Biased BBC blog be defined as ‘media’. We must not allow prescribed media organisations as this will be the first step towards government control of our media. We need to stop and think. This issue will, of course, not be discussed on the BBC as it will end up being one of the main beneficiaries, especially if media that is ‘off message’ is relegated to ‘unofficial media’ or even gagged.
The BBC hate Twitter and the like,because it makes them look like the establishment quisling that they actually are. State mouthpiece,but posturing as the voice of the people. We want them gone-they give us” Points of View”.
The BBC continually snivel and sniff at the young and feckless new media-but are more than happy to skim them for titbits.
The BBC are currently pushing the “poor judges being undermined by MPs” line-and are happy to grass up the opposition.
Yet they pose as “rebels” when it`s safe like drugs being condoned(nudge nudge…Pete Docherty eh?).
The BBC are a beacon to me-whichever pose that they take, I know that I`ll be right as long as its the exact opposite of their “consensus”
cjhartnett – you say the BBC ‘hate Twitter’ and the reasons you give are quite correct.
But the BBC also promote Twitter – advertising a private company in a big way. Could you imagine them advertising Apple computers (sorry they do; perhaps Microsoft would be a better choice)
Just heard a mention on the News Channel of the bail arrangements for Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Apparently the company providing bail and security for his temporary house arrest did the same for Bernie Madoff. So this got me thinking:
Jew Madoff rotting in prison for life, Jew DSK locked down and in trouble based on the word of a black woman, and yesterday the President hung Israel out to dry in front of the whole world. Jewish Lobby fail or what? What’s happened to the all-powerful Jewish influence behind the scenes of everything? If the Jews are so powerful, how could this stuff keep happening? The BBC won’t tell me, even though they occasionally sneer at AIPAC, etc.
What I heard was there will only be one guard on DSK’s door. I bet he does a runner, through Mexico or something. Let’s wait and see.
What is especially disgusting is not just that this was a black African immigrant, but that DSK is claiming it was consensual. What a lowlife piece of scum.
Not that I am prejudging the verdict, of course !
If he’s wearing an electronic tag, he won’t escape. Considering the forces on his side, though, the chamber maid might suddenly “change her mind”. DSK’s mistake was to try this in the US and not France or Italy or Britain.
David P,
I think the chambermaid is very brave if she testifies. I have some experience of West African women and, believe me, they are tough cookies and have a strong sense of right and wrong.
I hope she goes through with it and gets at least $1m dollars when she sells her story.
I’m not questioning the woman’s integrity, Grant. More like I’m suggesting that someone else might magically discover a problem with her immigration status or DSK’s powerful associates might otherwise put the muscle on her.
David P,
Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply you were questioning her integrity for one minute.
I agree with you that every trick in the book will be used to destroy her evidence and character.
After all , she is just some worthless skivvy. DSK is a very important man indeed.
She is Black African, DSK is white and French.
It is funny that more hasn’t been made of the racial aspects of this. I wonder why.
A Mr. Morley, a former MP “having represented Scunthorpe” is now in trouble for money fiddling. What political party is he from? Gavin Esler didn’t say….
The “It’s only money” Party.
David, here’s a bit of news (OT) about our old friend Katie Connolly, the BBC’s chief online Washington reporter – and a very biased specimen of BBC reporting (evidence for which is here and here and here, among other examples on this blog).
Seems she’s now left her job at the BBC and become a Senior Project director for Benenson Strategy Group.
The firm played a major role in the Obama 2008 presidential campaign, and its president was Obama’s lead pollster and continues to work for the Democratic National Convention. Its other clients include large numbers of Democrat politicians and even the UK Labour Party.
Wonder which projects she’ll be directing?
First Matt Frei leaving the BBC, now Katie Connolly…the good news just keeps on coming!
(Mark Mardell next please!)
A word to the wise :
Sell your shares in the Benenson Strategy Group – NOW !
Thanks for that news, Craig. What a shock. Another BBC employee in the US working on Democrat political campaigns. How many does that make now? Four? They either worked on the campaign and then got hired by the BBC, or left the BBC to work on the campaign. You couldn’t make it up.
At least Frei Boy is just moving to a bigger pond where he can do his storytelling to a larger audience.
But good riddance to Katie as well. Now they just need to shut down the entire US bureau and substitute it with a news aggregator and maybe one Washington correspondent to read out White House talking points a couple times a week, maybe with the occasional swooning over Michelle Obama’s dress. Mardell can go to a Socialist paradise like Venezuela or something.
Top spotting Craig. Reckon it might even deserve a blogpost – something along the lines of: “Hey, d’you remember that Katie Connolly we’ve been telling you not to trust because she’s a Dem-supporting Obama groupie? Well, she’s just taken up a senior postion at the Democratic National Committee’s favourite pollster.”
Here’s the last tweet I sent to her back in March:
@katiemconnolly Have you considered adding a Dem Party twibbon to your profile pic?
I like to think I hounded her out of the BBC personally. That’s the way I’m going to tell it, anyway.
Come off it DB, you are just after her job at the BBC !
Not the Republicans and the Tories then ?
BBC website headline ” Obama holds tough Netanyahu talks “.
Makes it sound as if Bibi will be quaking in his shoes !
Another one from the file marked “Funny how the only political opinion expressed by BBC employees on Twitter is left-wing”, here’s Radio One producer Rhys Hughes tweeting duing Question Time last night:
More proof that the Beeboids don’t care any more. They know they are untouchable. Champagne corks popping when Fatty Patten was appointed.
Strewth. This is so serious, he may get one less ‘x’ at the end of Helen the Hugs’ next email askng them not to be so obvious.
So here I am amazed at how the bBC is headlining the English News Web Site with the story about how a couple of men (Hussnain Ahmed, and Omar Ali) have been jailed for raping a 15 year old schoolgirl. Which got me wondering why?
Oh look there’s a story much further down on how a former bBC presenter has been in court on sex charges.:
“Former BBC radio presenter Peter Rowell has appeared in court accused of a string of child sex offences.Mr Rowell, 53, from Wickwar in South Gloucestershire, is charged with seven counts of indecent assault against girls under the age of 16…. A BBC spokeswoman said Mr Rowell was no longer engaged by the corporation as his contract had come to the end of its term.”
So a man who is charged with 4 counts of indecent assault on young girls under 16 and holding a stash of kiddy porn is according the bBC only accused of sex offences. There’s a missing word here something that starts in ‘P’: Pillock, Plank, Pilchard nah just like the bBC I can’t just find the word that describes this man who likes very young girls.
But what I did like is how quick the bBC is in referring to him as former. Funny enough when he went missing in March he was a bBC man. I quote a headline from the 30th March:
Missing BBC presenter Peter Rowell ‘may be in Cumbria’
Police investigating the disappearance of a BBC Bristol and Somerset radio presenter believe he may have travelled to the Lake District.
When he was charged just over a month ago he was still a bBC presenter:
BBC’s Peter Rowell in court on indecent assault charges
BBC Bristol and Somerset radio presenter Peter Rowell has appeared before Bristol magistrates on indecent assault charges.
But now he’s an former bBC employer. Yup it seems the bBC learnt quite a lot from hosting Paul Daniels in which to make things look smaller than they actually are. Not a lot mind you.Not a lot.
Let`s hope that the BBC are now made to accept that there has indeed been a systemic problem in regard of this issue!
I want Pope Patten to make an unreserved apology for sweeping this whole problem under the carpet now for so long, and to say sorry to us all for “muffin the mule” as well!
Next time I see a local broadcast , I shall yell shrilly at them, knowing that my cause will be come a cause celebre at Wood Lane!
Bloody hell, it hasn’t taken the bBC long to remove that Rape story from the English news webpage. Funny enough other stories are still there, But the one about 2 Pakistani muslims raping a 15 year gone.
How strange.
The story about the Israelis murdering a child is still the 5th top title in the Midlle east RSS feed…
Guido Fawkes has han interesting piece about Dr Tom Coffey of the Brocklebank Health Centre, Wandsworth. Dr Coffey is coining it in his GP practice, but he likes to take time out to shill for Labour. Amongst other things, Guido shows him recently conducting a tour for Red Ed, So in 2009 when the BBC News channel did a series called ‘Doctor’s Diary’, where do you think they got the doctors from? No prizes if you correctly guessed from Labour’s pet GP’s Brocklebank Health Centre, Including the good doctor himself, off course. Entirely coincidental, I’m sure.
Dr Tom Coffey is a long standing New labour stooge, founder of the New Health Network, a bit of NuLab freemasonry in which greasy pole climbers got together . Its Chief Exec is a former Labour Party Head of Policy, and its board includes the fragrant Claire Perry, originally a nobody personel officer in Lewisham who climbed the greasy Labour pole to the dizzy heights of Chief Exec of Hammersmith Hospitals.
These networks are now pimping for Ed. What a suprise. Snout back in the trough. Meanwhile where’s Cameron? Agonising over bombing Libya. How about bombing Dr Coffey, your enemy within?
Until Dave replaces all these Labour stooges in “public life” nothing much will change.
Dr Clare Gorada – chairman of the Royal College of GP’s – as frequently heard on Today and other BBC programmes – active in the Socialist Health Association (affiliated to the Labour Party, attendee at the Labour Party Conferences etc, etc). I wonder why The Guardian describe her as ‘one of Lansley’s fiercest critics’?
It must have been a great day for politicians when Tony Blair abolished morality.
I knew the BBC would be involved somewhere with this news.
He knows how to pull the lookers, doesn’t he?
Useful rule of thumb-if Fred the Shred is being dragged up as a hate figure by the BBC, then I begin to think that he`s alright with me.
He is SIR Fred after all-Gordon Brown conferred it and the Pestons of the world were wondering at his genius for years up to 2008-so the more they abuse him, the more I smell a rat.
Fred for head of the IMF…more integrity than Brown and not a rape suspect like Kahn. Give him the job-things can only get better after all!
Perhaps someone on the BBC Website has a sense of humour. As tonight it has as a headline.
Greece default fears rise as reprofiling talk flounders
Whereas only last week the flounderer herself Stephanie Flanders who lest we forget ( no sniggering at the back) is the BBCs Economics Editor headlined her blog with.
Why the Greek bail-out has worked
“Have I got News for You ? ” last night. One of the guests was introduced by quizmaster ( Alan Johnson , no less ! ) as ” Michael Jupp , comedian “.
Well he is a new one on me and it was difficult to tell from his very few contributions that he was a comedian. Where do the BBC find them, is the supply limitless ?
How long can unfunny Paul Merton get away with appearing under false pretences ?
As usual most of the comments and the funniest were provided by Ian Hyslop and he is not even described as a comedian.
This show is relatively politically unbiased. I wonder if that is due to Hyslops presence ? Remove him and it would descend to the normal BBC Tory hatefest.
Quite right Grant.
The fearless poppers of the elite that are taking us all to the swamp are pretty good at self-censorship regarding injunctions aren`t they|?…lots of bleeps, black rectangles-it`s as if the new elite need their Lord Chamberlain with his blue pencil after all…they`ve gone all Mary Whitehouse on us,havent they?
Hislop is one of the few licensed “conservatives” allowed on the BBC-probably the Spitting Image,Private Eye links of old helped-and that his wife is an author won`t harm him!
The News Quiz is a far nastier pice of work-all the worst for being unfunny with the tatty old lefties that daren`t leave their Hampstead pubs upstairs room! Luckily their ear trumpets aren`t pointed at the creepy Russell Howard and his Guardian kiddies supplement!
Grant, HIGNFY is definitely biased in the same direction as the rest of the BBC, but they do play fair once in a while. There was more criticism of Gordon Brown from Hislop on that show than there was in all of BBC News, so I guess the tenor would change for the worse if he ever left.
But there is one bright light there. In fact, the opening animated sequence of the show is the only place on the BBC you will ever find a joke at The Obamessiah’s expense.
The first series after He was elected featured a sequence of Him sitting at His desk in the Oval Office shooting a basketball at a hoop on the wall and making it. That changed in the next series into having Him miss the basket, which is still there in the current series. They don’t dare do it within the show itself – no jokes ever about Him or anything, whereas Bush was a constant target – but at least it’s something.
But how sad that an animated gag in a silly little show like this is the only place in the entire spectrum of BBC broadcasting – all those channels, all those shows – where someone dares make a joke at the President’s expense.
Karl-Ulrich Köhler, chief executive of Tata Steel’s European operations, said that one of the main reasons for the 1,500 job losses announced yesterday was carbon legislation:
“EU carbon legislation threatens to impose huge additional costs on the steel industry. Besides, there remains a great deal of uncertainty about the level of further unilateral carbon cost rises that the UK government is planning.”
The above quote appears in various forms in online reports by, among others, the Telegraph, the Guardian, the Independent, the Daily Mail, the Daily Express, Sky News, Reuters, P.A., and in media outlets from Australia to India. It even appeared in the Wandsworth Guardian.
But not on the BBC. Uniquely, it seems, BBC journalists chose not to mention Köhler’s comments in its online reports. The article in its business section cites only “falling demand for steel” as the reason for the job losses. Buried deep in the story is a quote from a local Labour MP about concerns over “carbon taxes coming in earlier in the UK than in other parts of Europe”, but that’s it. There’s also a BBC Tees report which doesn’t discuss carbon costs at all.
So the BBC – and, it would appear, only the BBC – decided that Köhler’s comments linking job losses to EU carbon legislation should not be reported.
Funny that.
I’ve hit ‘like’, but I don’t really… at all.
Such blatant editorial by omission is sheer agenda-motivated propaganda.
And that is darn dangerous from a £4Bpa broadcast organ pumped out 24/7 to every voting home in the land.
Where there are consequences, people deserve to know what the causes are, so they can react accordingly.
Did the BBC mention that St. Pachauri, the IPCC maven, was involved in the first place? Corus already shut down a plant in Britain due to his organizations carbon fascism, and he and his cronies at Tata made a packet off the jobs going back to India. Now it’s happening again. If this was anythning other than a sacred Warmist issue, the Beeboids would be shouting “follow the money” from the rooftops. But when it’s a Warmist darling involved in harming British jobs, ZZzzzzzzzzzz.
Think I`ve worked out how best to enjoy my BBC for the moment.
1. Brian Matthew as opposed to the Toady show-the weekend deserves better once I have a free choice,and not trapped in the car.
2. Hop over to the sainted Danny Baker now he`s back.
3. Tune into the Francoise Hardy programme on R4 once the political muppets have headed back to the Chilterns.
Listen to the 11am news bulletin and be grateful for what you`ll have missed by way of opinion and comment on earlier gobfests!
My blood pressure is fine this morning!
If the Beeb could only stay out of politics, I might hate it a little less!
I was doing a Frei here and talking through my hat!
Just heard Any Questions…and being a bit of an idiot, I got Any Answers too…as if I`d EVER get any from the carousel of canards that are” Beeb ishhos” up for debate.
Loads of platiudinous guff over Clarkes twaddle on rape,the token minutes silence at the tomb of the unknown rapist that is that French chappie in NYC-straight to the effects of his arrest on the IMF and Eurobond markets!
Not only that ,but Eddie Mair continues to goad us all with whether Gordon Brown should be “our Enery” at the IMF now DSK is indisposed!
So much for concerns about the victims of rape-Clarke gets shafted for not bothering about them, but the politicos and their windup jocks don`t give a fig about the cleaner at the Sofitel, but they DO care about how the financial markets might be taking this news of the great white chiefs embarrassment!
Hypocrisy doesn`t even come close…these people will happily step over her body to check on how their shares now look on the screens!
Should have stuck on Radio2 shouldn`t I?
“I was doing a Frei here”
Happens to us all at some time. Personally, I shift the blame onto the dog.
Take cheer from Mark Steyn on DSK and his ilk:–.html
I think Gordon the Moron has no chance. Everyone hates him. The indication seems to be that it will be another Froggie, Christine Lagarde. But, better check her history of sexual harassment first.
Sorry this may be a bit off topic. But I did enjoy hearing the 10pm News last night when it was reported that Britain would be nominating Lagarde for the IMF post.
Revenge is a dish best served cold. I am sure we all remember how ‘helpful’ Gordon was to the Conservatives in his last year in office. Usually in the 5th year of a government the PM allows the opposition to see all Civil Service papers …but not Gordon. But then didn’t he say that when he finished in politics he wanted to teach (I assume he could get a CRB although within the deeper secrets on the web there is the suggestion that he wouldn’t)? I also thought that he had a job at the moment as MP for KirkKaldy and Cowdenbeath (although he seems to forget it).
So not really bias this time BBC – except that the story does seem to have dropped down the running order and is ready in a slightly depressed tone.
sorry ‘ready’ should read ‘read’ at the bottom of the post
Someone having fun at the expense of The Great Orator (or grating orator, as far as I am concerned):
I thought there was meant to be rules about the proportion of internships on offer at the BBC!
Heard a bit of the smugfest that is Loose Ends this evening-only heard Louie Theroux(Westminster School-daddys famous doncha know?) and Sophie Ellis Bextor(mum`s a BBC Blue Peter producer of old). The louche lawyer Clive Anderson swapped prep school joshes with Louie as these BBC types do in the twilight end of the schedules!
Did we give Barry Gibb an OBe for services to ridding the schedules of smug lawyers for a few years-and who let Clive back in anyway?..being a school chum of Portillo does him no harm I`m guessing…yet he mentions Therouxs fagging for Clegg!
Hypocrite alert…is there a system to ring in when we see it?
The BBC cannot help themselves, I was reading the article linked below
Which was supposed to be about ‘Pakistan’s valley of wine.
However, after some small insight into the Kalash valley we were treated to the following statement:
At the foot of the entrance to the festival in Rumbur was a mosque, which was in the village next to Balanguru. The increasing rate of conversion to Islam is yet another sign that Kalashi culture risks being eroded. A young man with a kind face, a beard and skull-cap stood nearby.
“I don’t go to the festival anymore. I think it is wrong and according to Islam it is not good,” Muhammad, a converted Kalash, told me.
I particularly love the description of Muhammad with his kind face, also love the fact that they use Muhammad’s soundbite to highlight the piece, and not someone who has not coverted to Islam…
Never been to Pakistan, but a Pakistani friend of mine assures me there was a whisky distillery near his school in Pakiland. I wonder if it is still there ? Maybe it now produces Irn Bru. A great reason to visit anywhere !
is the BBC biased? well, just a little bit
That picture of the family is clearly racist.
Also worth noting that dog’s dinner that is the new ‘format’, with mod referalls, Editors’ Picks and highest and lowest clashing delicioulsy.
Plus, overall, from a quick scan, not too many persuaded that Mili. E is the next big thing.
I sense a closing soon.
Holy hold the front page!
Clear the BBC top of the hour headlines!
Get Kevin Maguire in the studio, stat!
(Oh, and don’t bother checking to find out this is a total misrepresentation with the word ‘row’ in it of the sort that does get ‘picked up’ by default by BBC ‘news’ if it suits the narrative)
I wonder if Pres. Obama’s ‘people’ Googled Andrew Marr’s ‘body of work’, and as a consequence had a wee word in his shell like as to how it would go down if this interview was going to happen? Plus perhaps putting an extra few inches between them just in case anything was catching.
Of all the people who could have been selected, could there be any more compromised, and hence manipulable ‘interviewer’ in the sordid BBC top drawer?
The result will, I’d hazard, by utter, um-yes beige.
mediaguardian Media Guardian News comes first at the BBC – so the axe will have to fall elsewhere
It’s in the graun, so i suspect that headline was not written tongue in cheek.
who’s the tv “star” beeboid who named the twitter footballer on the radio and is now facing jail?
i can think of a few that aa spell behind bars would be most apt!!
I see The Mail has apologised re Tim Henman’s wage from the Beeboids:
On May 15 we said Tim Henman was being paid £200,000 by the BBC for commentating at Wimbledon this year.
In fact we have been informed that his fee will be substantially less than that. We apologise for the mistake and are happy to set the record straight.
Read more:
Whatever they are paying him is too much as they shouldn’t be employing him as a commentator at all as he is hopeless at it.
PS: The link doesn’t give anything more than what I have cut and pasted above – it just came up automatically when I pasted.
So, it must be only £190000, otherwise the BBC would be proud to tell us how little of our money the they are spending on someone even more boring than Steve Davis. Sorry, I didn’t mean that, I am a fan of Steve. I mean’t Andy Murray. Wouldn’t want to be accused of being anti-english 😀
“How the BBC spends Britain’s international aid”
From the Telegraph story above:
“It runs an educational programme on climate change across Africa, including “Africa Talks Climate Change”. It says: “Climate change is one of the most important issues on the global political and economic agenda … African citizens’ response to climate change is hampered by a fundamental shortage of relevant useful information …”
A document prepared by the BBC Trust and the British Council adds: “African citizens are the least responsible for generating the greenhouse gases that are contributing to global climate change … For many, understanding of human-induced global climate change is limited.”
It spent more than £500,000 on the climate change project last year.”