You will need a strong stomach to listen to this fulsome tribute to Obama from Mark Mardell on the BBC this morning. Note the total lack of objectivity – this is full-on Obamalove and an utter disgrace. If we recall how the BBC reported similar events during the Bush years, never was a contrast greater.
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Yes, I had the misfortune to hear this, and commented (and threw up) on the last Open Thread.
I almost threw up over my steering wheel.
Only out-syruped by Kira Cochrane’s grovelling to Michelle in the Guardian.
i don’t know about listening to lardass making you sick
that photo on the thread does it for me!!
& that’s before he turned puce with a surfeit of expense account dining
It doesn’t matter how many different photos of Mardell I see, he still looks like a soap-dodger to me. I don’t think he should be allowed near young children or sheep either.
what’s the difference between mardell and a trampoline?
you get tired jumping up and down on a trampoline
I also had the misfortune to listen. Even some of the basic facts of the interview are a bit ‘ropy’ – to my knowledge Obama is not the first ‘non-east coast’ president, a number have been from the mid west or Texas and didn’t Ronald Reagan spend most of his life in California?
The most despicable point was where Mark Mardell read out the (alleged) story of Obamas’ father’s treatment by the British as why O might hate Britain. This is a disgrace. Imagine if one of our leaders was visiting Japan – would the BBS say it’s a surprise we are visiting Japan because of the nasty things they did in WWII, or if a jewish politician visited Germany to make the same point about Germany. This is low journalism
Yes, the accusation against British Forces was noted.
“This is low journalism” No, this is propaganda.
Illinois was on the east coast when Reagan was born I guess.
Mardell did say “most”, but that’s still rather unfair because there was not much else besides the East Coast for the first few decades of the country’s existence. I’m surprised Mardell didn’t find a way to compare The Obamessiah with Lincoln, who was from Illinois. No log cabins in Hawaii, or wasn’t that on the birth certificate?
Mardell specifically called Obama “the first Pacific president”, but surely that was Richard Nixon…
Nixon was born in Yorba Linda, California, was an undergraduate at Whittier, California, practised law in Whittier and La Habra (California) following his graduation, served in the Pacific theatre during the war, was elected to the House of Representatives in 1946 representing California’s 12th congressional district, was elected to the United States Senate as the Junior Senator from California, returned to California following his loss to Kennedy, ran for Governor of California in 1962, was elected President of the United States twice before returning to the family home ‘La Casa Pacifica’ in San Clemente, California, following his resignation. Plus his resting place is at the Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, California.
Shouldn’t Mardell have checked his facts before calling Obama “the first Pacific president”?
So what ? Nixon was a Republican. They don’t count.
Yes well better braced yourselves for the next couple of years as the BBC will be in ‘Obamagasm’ from now until the Presidential Elections.
They must be praying he will not experience any Electoral Disfunction.
They’ve been in that…mode (I can’t bring myself to mention it, and therefore concoct the image in my mind) since the last Presidential Elections.
Heard the first line of his Cyril Fletcher like ode to Obamas hush puppies, and heade to the bathroom in order to brush my teeth…all thay syrupy gloop has got to got the prep school run kids as high as kites before being dropped off with the dogwalker!
Not to be confused with William Shakespeare was is?
Cream. sugar and lots of fat-with added saccharine and Red Bull. The Mardell Pastry recipe-to be served on the tip of a well shod boot and licked until even the puppy throws up!
The Ariel Panto in Salfords Gaiety Theatre has is Buttons anyway!
Presumably there will be a health warning to diabetics next time before Mark Mardell is let near Seamus O` Bama of the Brian Boru tribe. Mardell made Henry Kelly sound like Robin O` Day!
Your posts get more bizarre by the day. Keep up the good work !
Most kind Grant!
Thanks to our favourite broadcaster for its continuing to pump out comedy gold, despite the Toricutz and the National Front marching through Ilford in 1977!
No Gigging orders will silence us eh?
Fair point, cj, the BBC do gift you a lot of raw material.
Our only hope is a Watergate or a Monica !
Mardell told you as fact that any claims about the President disliking the UK due to colonialsm are “sheer nonsense”, but then says it’s perfectly understandable if they had “driven nails into your grandfather’s genitals”. Nice graphic anecdote for the defense.
I’m more offended, though, by Mardell’s favorable comparison of the President with Mr. Spock. Mardell says that the President favors logic over emotion, but it’s pretty hard to square that image with a White House that has an enemies list, speaks of punishing enemies, and trumps policy arguments by saying, “I won.”
Still it’s full-on White House talking points about how He did all these great foreign policy things and we just don’t understand because, like Spock, He’a just smarter and more logical than we are. And He, too, is a half-breed with funny ears <img src=”extra/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-surprised.gif” title=”Surprised” border=”0″ alt=”Surprised”/> .
I said after last week’s speech that Mardell’s faith had been restored, and this is proof. Can’t think of a better time to bring back an appropriate Bible quote:
Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you – unless you have believed in vain.
(I Corinthians 15:1-2)
Oh, yeah – Mardell also frgot to point out how inappropriate it is for the President to be campaigning overseas when the midwest is being devastated by floods and now tornados have killed dozens.