The BBC runs an item here on Obama’s visit to the Irish Republic and suggests that this will bring much needed economic benefit. How? It seems to me that this just the beginning in a series of items the BBC will run this week eulogising the imagined powers of their man in the White House. It’s hard to see how a 24hour visit from the US President can revive the long deceased Celtic Tiger but try telling that to the BBC!
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The BBC is probably in a state of shock after the Queen’s successful visit last week.
I think I’m right in saying that Ireland’s single largest trading partner is the UK, in which case the Queen’s visit is probably the more important.
But the IRA’s largest donor was probably the USA………
where all all the mindless unwashed leftoid zombies protesting about the warmongering USA?
the silence is doing me head in guv
hypocrites to the last
why does that not shock me?
Yes, I spotted that as well. Mute because being a liberal means never having to say sorry.
Meanwhile, BBC-NUJ’s other royalty, MICHELLE OBAMA, is treated reverentially as she propagandisies (along with British political ‘elite’, inc BBC-NUJ) for mass immigration into Britain, for ‘diversity’ (i.e. colonisation of Britain by immigrants, esp from Asia anf Africa), and for preferential treatment of such immigrants:
1.) Oxford Univ has this on her second visit EGA girls school in north London:
[Extracts, emphasis added]:
“The school, named after Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, the first woman to gain a medical qualification in the United Kingdom, has as its mission educating young women for the future. Many of EGA’s students are from economically and ethnically diverse communities and more than 90% speak English as a second language.”…
“Last February, the First Lady invited a group of London students to the White House – including one from EGA – who won a US Embassy Black History Month essay contest.”
BBC-NUJ on its First Lady visit in 2009:
Oxford University link (for above) to Ms Obama here:
‘more than 90% speak English as a second language.’ Amazing isn’t it?
Amazing bit of political opportunism. Ironically it has been much easier for him to prove his Irish ancestry than his American citizenship !!!!!!!
The BBC Today Program played the Corrigan brothers song “There’s no one as Irish as Barac O’Bama” this morning and the fact that the song takes the mickey was totally lost on the Presenters who seemed to regard it as some sort of tribute.
As the song says ‘ the Irish in Kenya will be rejoicing’.
John Humphrys: “Ooh, you’re a direct descendant of His uncle? May I touch the hem of your garment?” FFS, what a sycophantic segment.
Is anyone not descended from the Irish ?
Me, I am 99.99% certain. Mrs NotaSheep is less certain.
I’d not paid too much attention to the song, with having my Obama love filter engaged. But that is funny. The Irish go up in my estimation.
BTW I’m of Oirish decent too. 🙂 I wonder it they’ll wrtite a song about me? I mean I can do presidential.
There is a fashionable theory that all mankind is descended from Africans. I think it may have to be revised.
The fact that they have on the tourism maven says it all. I heard the same song last week during the Queen’s visit. Oh please oh please oh please can tourism revive the dead Celtic Tiger. Why the BBC decided on an agenda to champion Ireland is beyond me. But it’s pretty sad that tourism is all they got.
And now James Delingpole is in full flood. Hope he’s not planning to visit the US any time soon.
Dellers has one thing wrong. The President’s overseas jaunt isn’t about sucking up, it’s about running away from domestic scorn about the economy to bask in the adoration of a loving audience. Hence the Marr interview and utterly meaningless trip to Ireland.
He’s also running away from challenges about how His military action in Lybia is now illegal because the President has to get Congress’s approval after 60 days. Has any Beebod brought that up yet? ZZzzzzzzzz.
If the ash cloud gets worse, he may be able to prolong his absence.
He could, of course, hop on a ship to New York like one of his Irish ancestors.
BBC website talks about “Obama’s European Tour” as if he is a pop star………er………..
Morning Reports (R5) just gushingly compared his reception to Beatlemania
Imagine if this had happened to George W Bush:
Blair, O`Bama,Dylan and Jagger!
All these charlatans just make up their role and select their heritage, accent as they saunter along.
Amoral-causing chaos but ever smiling!
If you can`t be truthful about where you were born and your true education and background-if you can`t be honest in such fundamentals-then what hope have you?
Well, peace envoy(for Gods sake!), President, Prime Minister, rock god and spokesman for a generation apparently!
A world order of Mr Benns, and Hilary Clintons still thinks that she was in Bosnia and at risk!
Serial fantasists who all want each others jobs…most peculiar mama!
As pointed out above why hasn’t the bBC mentioned the Anti-American protesters who have no problem flocking to Shannon airport in which to bitch about US trooping flights.
Why hasn’t the bBC mentioned the Anti-Israeli protesters who stage protest after protest in Ireland over how the US supports Israel.
Why hasn’t the bBC mentioned how Muslims have been picked up and arrested during the duration of Paddy Hussian’s visit.
On a lighter note, a few years back and in New Orleans I popped into an Irish bar where people actually thought they were Irish. Christ my dick was more Irish than they were and so putting on my best Irish brogue (l had just finished a 3 year tour of the province) I asked for their strongest beer. I was served a bud. Gosh you should have seen their faces when I asked for that beer. Outside there was a souvenir shoppe and I kid you not there were Irish names that had never seen the light of day on the Emerald Isle. What is it with Americans and a sense of belonging to another country. I mean there is no way in hell would I go around shouting out that my parents came from India. I’m English, I was born in Yorkshire and my loyalty is here.
Yes. I lived in colorado for a while. In a town called manitou springs there was a shop called “Ye Olde Irish Shoppe” which sold irish crystal and chocolate and tatt. I had to laugh. The people working there pronounced all the names wrong.
Meanwhile, Katty Kay – the new No 1 at BBC America – has been retweeting the spiteful observations of anti-Palin obsessive Andrew Sullivan.
BBC America? Impartial? Don’t be a fucking stupid.
Is Katty Kay even worse than Matt Frei? For an ‘impartial’ BBC presenter she’s certainly not shy about tweeting her views:
“If a European is chosen for IMF, Christine Lagarde is an excellent choice. And NOT just because she’s a woman.”
Can’t really see how that squares with the idea of BBC impartiality either.
And you can sense her disappointment in this tweet:
“Republicans were digging themselves into a birther hole. Why did WH take the shovel away?”
Ah, what a shame – the White House taking away her chance to tar all Republicans with the same brush!
Katty is worse than Frei in that she uses her position at the BBC to promote her own personal political agenda.
In fact she’s usually so partisan that her comment about Lagarde is actually less biased than normal because she also has a side career going (built on top of her BBC credentials) promoting women in business. Her partner in that Womenomics jag is the wife of the current White House official mouthpiece.
But obviously those BBC training courses have paid dividends yet again with that wholly partisan remark about Republicans. Helen Boaden is probably very proud anyway, and thinks she got it about right.
The choice of a European is a big mistake, but demonstrates that the arrogant, parochial, European elite are still in denial about what is happening in the wider World. Pathetic watching people in their death throes. Fully supported by the dinosaurs at the BBC.
As a English born left footer I have slight nationalist tendencies which may at one time or another put on the other side of the fence from DV however, being a bit of a fenian wet does not allow me to stomach the Tom Cruiseisation of Ireland done by Barry O. He did everything but describe Michelle as a ‘Corker’ . It made me Ill.
The liberal left has always taken up the nationalist cause and their media wing is no exception. Luvvies like Emma Thompson consistently portray the British forces as some sought of pantomime baddy and the murdering scum who killed thousands in the name of unity are always portrayed as some sought of ghandiesque freedom fighters rather than the gangsters and petty thieves they are. The one sided glimmered view of the bee is a hinderence to peace. Ignoring the human rights of the northern Irish Protestant community is just as bad as ignorining the Catholics. It is only by treating both sides fairly that peace will be achieved , not being apologists for terrorists.
Barry O reads straight from the BBC handbook.
Ireland is described as oppressed and attempt is made to acknowledge the identity and rights of the Protestant minority. Over simplistic ‘lucky charms’ Ireland where there’s a leprechaun round every corner where all pubs are welcoming and where if in doubt blame england does not help Ireland. Continuing the victimhood mentality of the Irish left will not help it’s future.
I hate the way the left have ‘White hats and ‘black hats’. Nothing is grey in the dogmatic world of the Washington post and the islington gazette.
One last thing, auntie and Barry have one major thing in common, they hate Britain.
Blinkered not glimmered. Bloody ipad
Excellent post !
Interesting post.
“One last thing, auntie and Barry have one major thing in common, they hate Britain.”
Presidents come and go, so who cares? Unfortunately we seem to be stuck with the BBC and the stupid Tories don’t seem to realise how much damage is being done.
Hospital devastated, 116 killed and hundreds injured in Joplin Missouri. What’s Obama dong? Drinking Guiness and pretending to be Irish. Any comment from the BBBC? None.
Bet Obama can`t do a Geordie accent as well as that nice Jimmy Carter-ha`way the laads!