To the BBC, the opening of Britain’s loony “green bank” – a new way to waste billions of our cash – is clearly a cause for unqualified celebration and cue for the usual carping greenie comment about the measures not being green enough. Meanwhile, in the real world, Matt Ridley tells us with masterly incision why greenie policies are literally costing us the earth.
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The ‘green investment’ bank is a giant slush fund, an evolution in political corruption.
The stolen taxpayers money forcibly stolen from ordinary people will be used to bribe, blackmail, payoff those around the CAGW fraud.
Billions will be creamed off and the political class can fully expect their cut down the line, after all who can become a multi millionaire on salary alone? As more and more come to expect to board the gravytrain so more money is needed to fuel that gravytrain. More useless mouths to feed, more hungry rats wanting their share of the cash.
This is the CAGW fraud, this is how the fraud works, wheels greased by corruption and the more people involved the more money required. This so called green investment bank is like ENRON, so much is promised but when this scam folds the money will be gone, siphoned off into Swiss accounts and ofshore secret accounts.
A gigantic fraud, a giant slush fund to grease the wheels of an utterly corrupt narrative.
Too right. This is legalised theft of our money without our consent. These disgusting politicians are criminals, pure and simple.
Blimey! Auntie really doesn’t like private enterprise success.
Toady (R4) seemed deeply irritated that M&S had posted decent profit growth figures. Their chief exec was given a very rough ride.
I wish the beeboids would tackle labour politicians with such gusto!
Mann made global warming is a staggeringly lucrative scam. The really scary part is the indoctrination and propaganda fed to our children at school.
How does the old Jesuit saying go? “Give me the child until he is seven and I will show you the man”
Good point. The only hope is that , when children reach the “rebellious”, they will react against all this force-feeding. The problem is that they seem rather docile to me when it comes to these matters, if not some others.
I have posted here before about the indoctrination my daughter received last year whilst on the school “eco-committee”, including turning school lights off for an hour on “Earth Day” (or whatever the heck it was called). My comment to the school that if they didn’t need the lights for that hour, why the hell were they on the rest of the time, or that if they did, wasn’t there a Health & Safety issue in turning them off, was met as if I had come from another planet. It just didn’t compute.
However, one year on, her father’s scepticism has proved stronger than school indoctrination and she is rather scornful of the whole matter. I gather her successor on the eco-committee, when suggesting to her parents that their lights should be turned off for an hour, was told they would all be switched on. Little things like this occassionally give me hope that a reaction is indeed coming: if it does I suspect it will be sudden with consequences greenie politicians and the BBC cannot, in their little bubble, begin to imagine.
It was my Dad contradicting many things my schoolteachers said that taught me to be wary of brainwashing and “groupthink”. So don’t give up !
This will be another state backed slush fund for the Huhnes, Milibands and other eoc-Nazis to plunder, and still preeen themselves for virtuewhilst doing so.
More tilting at turbines from these deluded nomarks-all technological stitch ups that none of them will underestand(not being scientists, engineers-not even Meccano unless the butler did it for them!)-but we will pay for, nonetheless.
Lots of refugees from Silicon Valley or the Danish Highlands(well they`d believe that!) are taking nice planes over to see Huhne before he himself is paid to fly his kite on Hampsted Heath… he`ll cost us less damage there in the long run at least!
For some reason “Hampsted Heath” makes me think of dear old Martin who used to post here. He would have a few choice phrases about the activities of the likes of Huhne and Beeboids at that location and not much kite-flying either !
It will all come to an end soon the way we are going. Have you seen this months borrowing. Cuts what cuts. Its a joke. This is what happens with left wing governments. as this lot is no different to the last lot. We need to do the complete opposite of what the BBC supports.
Spot on, JohnnyNorfolk. Whichever high horse the Beeboids are riding you can guarantee it’s galloping towards the beanstalk of criminally wasteful state spending. This ecoloonery is only the latest outrage. Our money is thrown away like confetti at a same-sex wedding. As for cuts? Well, the multiculturalist enforcement army is immune in my ‘hood, which says much about priorities local, & national. Enforced diversity & greenism? Well at least when the lights go out we’ll all be colour blind.
I would like to make a deposit at (or rather, on) this “green bank” – preferably from a great height, and the morning after a blinding Ruby Murray.
Unfortunately, sourcing a blinding Ruby Murray in this part of France is well-nigh impossible, unless I construct my own – which, upon reflection, I think I might do sometime this week. (Especially as some chef is cooking up a chicken one on Wimmin’s Hour as I write).
Ah-but as the ladies said in regard of the “early” sexualisation” of “children” as the curry was cooking-who is to say what “blinding” “Ruby” and “Murray” mean?
Of course it is only right and proper to have this debate…but my facts here won`t be yours out in France, and who`s to say what “blinding” is in any meaningful context.
That said,here at Virago Uni : we totally respct your right to aspire to said stewed diversity dish…we`re all paying for the ingredients, and Adrian will be wanting some for the football coming up on Saturday!
Just trying to get my head around what exactly it is you are saying, CJ – are you on something?
Yes Natsman!
She was trying to have a debate about the “early sexualisation of children” with a couple of Virago harpies-but one of them was a bit too cavalier about paddde bras for 7 year old girls ,and so got howled down by the sother ladies in the room!
Whilst all this was going on-she was frying up a curry(or a flunky was on her behalf!).
Guess too much Wimmins Hour IS bad for you…I just ramble off !
I challenged cj some time ago about this and he claims he is “high on life”.
Despite his brilliantly surreal posts, my feeling is that he is harmless. But best keep a watchful eye on him, just in case.
Splendid stuff, CJ
Now step away from the radio
too much wimmin’s hour is bad for you
So the notion of early sexualization of children is relative, eh? Explains a lot.
Curried rabbit is my favourite !
I think I caught that bit on Wimmins Hour. The Beeboid woman was crawling to the Indian chef and said she wanted naan bread to mop up the sauce. The Indian said “brioche is better “. Beeboidess, most put out. Didn’t fit her racist stereotype of Indians !
Seems Cameron doesn’t seem able to “hide the decline” either. In this case, the decline of the UK, under his stewardship.
Just been listening to the President of Iceland on the Radio 4 news – he was talking about volcanoes and glaciers in Iceland, and how climate change is causing all the Icelandic glaciers to melt, and that this will lead to more volcanic eruptions in the next 1 – 200 years….
There’s no escape from this blinkered view, is there? They’re all sold on the lie. Why?
When I meet devote believers I always ask about the research that convinced them; the piece of peer-reviewed work that convinced them of causation rather than correlation.
There never seems to be one. AGW, it seems, is nothing without faith.
They probably don’t understand the difference between causation and correlation.
Even if they known damn well it is speculation, correlation, projection, cod science /scientists, know-nothing journalism and sloppy thinking, they dare not say so. Imagine the outcry by Beeboids and the rest of the lobbyists and hobbyists if PM Cameron were to say he didn’t believe a word of it and we should think, talk and act sensibly on this subject as on any other. Evil wicked Tories. Nasty party. Greedy capitalists. Destroyers of The Planet and Our Children’s Future, no less. End of Conservatives in government and back to….groan….oh, no! Not MillipEd. Please, not that…er…what then? Huhne and Clegg with their climate craze and the two of them plus that loony at the Business Department with their open borders madness. God help us.
Could be to do with Iceland being a bit short of cash.
…and now a bloody play about climate change…
An interesting piece by Roger Harrabin about shale gas appears here:
The third paragraph after the “Regulation Case” sub-heading caught my eye: It is the fracking process – creating tiny explosions to shatter hard shale rocks and release gas 10,000 feet underground – that has caused so much controversy in the US. Some householders claim that shale gas leaking into their drinking supply causes tap water to ignite.
Now, and call me old-fashioned, but the concept of water igniting was dispelled in 3rd Form chemistry many, many years ago. The suggestion that shale gas percolates nearly two miles up through the earth’s crust and then seeps through metal or plastic pipes containing water under pressure and then bursts in flames out of water taps with no source of ignition is, frankly, unbelievable to me. So I sent him an email and asked if he would care to suggest how this can happen, and if he had any documentary evidence of such an occurrence. To my surprise I received a reply a few minutes later, and he simply said “Many share your incredulity”. I sent another email: “So you made it up then? No facts, no news!”, and his reply this time was “No that’s silly”.
So, no evidence, no explanation, but solving the world’s energy problems in one stroke by inventing burnable tap water. You couldn’t make it up, but Mr Harrabin did!
The top geologist for the State of New York shares your incredulity. He’s called out environmentals in the US for lying and scaremongering about fracking, which has in fact been going on for years and years without the problems Harrabin claims. It’s only when the huge deposit was found where all those Northeast Leftoids live was there an outcry. Also it helps to have a Government which is in league with the watermelons.
There’s a famous scene with a flaming tap in the eco-propaganda film ‘GasLand’:
As usual it turns out to be another alarmist fake scare:
“In 2008 The Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) investigated a complaint made by Markham alleging that nearby natural gas operations impacted his domestic water well. Laboratory tests concluded that Markham’s water well contained biogenic methane, a combustible gas that occurs naturally in underground coal beds. Further investigation revealed that Markham’s water well had been drilled through four different coal beds containing naturally occurring biogenic methane gas. The 2008 investigation concluded that “there [were] no indications of oil & gas related impacts to [Markham’s] water well.” It was also concluded that the water well of Weld County landowner Renee McClure, also featured in the film, contained naturally occurring biogenic methane not related to oil and gas activity in the area.
“Many share your incredulity ” suggests that Harribin doesn’t thereby indicationg that he is certifiable !
It’s unbelievable that Harrabin and his fellow oiks continue, unchallenged (on air), to broadcast this stuff. If it’s pure fiction and lies, how can he be brought to heel (or preferably, brought to toe, and booted out)?