166 Responses to OPEN THREAD

  1. Paddy says:

    Nightingale stew? Probably be a bit gristly and the meat would be a bit tough but I always insist on eating what I shoot. Maybe tenderise it a bit by driving a 4×4 back and forth over it. Brigstocke curry anyone?


  2. Paddy says:

    Couldn’t eat rhona Cameron though. maybe we could get claire balding to do that.


    • Grant says:

      I assume that you think you are being funny, but I find your idea of jokes to be in the worst possible taste and extremely politically incorrect.
      May we have some more please ?


  3. Grant says:

    Following on from the BBC’s respectful references to “Colonel”  Gaddafi, we have , on the early evening BBC 1 news just now,  ” General ”  Mladic.


    • cjhartnett says:

      Love the idea of a world of tyrants getting sick notes to say why they can`t play at the Hague from their sons/carers…think that report about people carrying ladders for back therapy has caught the imagination.
      We British do lead the world in imaginative excuses do we not?…Ernest Saunders started the trend in the 80s as I recall!


      • Grant says:

        No doubt Gaddafi and Mladic are already on UK sickness benefit. Every one else seems to be. I wonder if Mladic is eligible for Leagal Aid ?


      • Millie Tant says:

        Oh, yes,  he was too mentally fragile for the rigours of trial wasn’t it, but once he’d got off, he made a miraculous recovery. Hah!


        • john says:

          Yes, as I remember Saunders enjoyed a world medical breakthrough after the show trial which also starred Gerald Ronson and his beautiful daughters as eye candy.
          Oh those were the days !


          • David Preiser (USA) says:

            Too bad there’s no big oil reserve in the region.  Otherwise all Mladic would have to do is make sure his trial happens in Scotland, plead guilty, and he’d be back home in a few months.


  4. George R says:

    -Not on INBBC online ‘Health’ page:

    “‘Bradford is very inbred’: Muslim outrage as professor warns first-cousin marriages increase risk of birth defects”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1392217/Muslim-outrage-professor-warns-inbreeding-risks.html#ixzz1NmhJM4eU


    Hay Festival 2011: Professor risks political storm over Muslim ‘inbreeding’


  5. Roger C says:

    You would think that the 3.2 billion funded BBC would know the difference between a train & an engine! The news clip on the tempoary return of the Deltic locomotive pullong freight again keeps calling the unit “a train” this is BBC poor reporting, they do it for all clips featuring railway engines.


  6. ANDREW REID says:

    Test message only