I’ve been following the debate on the proposed changes to the allowable criteria schools can use when determining which pupils they will accept. What interests me is that the BBC frames the debate within a social engineering context leaving out any reference to academic ability. The Con-Libs seek to provide Academies and Free Schools with the ability to discriminate on an income basis – the poorer the family the better. Now I would have expected the BBC would provide a forum for someone who thinks this is morally and academically inappropriate but no such luck. It seems to me that so long as Government goes down an anti-academic social engineering pathway, the BBC gives it a bye. The fact that our Education system is corrupted as a consequence is a minor detail.
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Child Abuse , pure and simple.
The current edition of “Private Eye” has a quote from a Quiz Show “Pointless” BBC 2. The two contestants are teachers.
Q. Name any State in the USA which has a coastline ?
A. Teacher 1. ” Mexico ”
A. Teacher 2. “Orlando”
The problem is that the teachers are two ignorant to teach, so what hope have the children ?
Someting tells me the same mistake is not being made in Russia, China, India, Brazil, Turkey etc. It is not even being made in poor little Gambia.
The UK has a big problem with this.
“two” should be “too”. I should be a teacher !
Spent some time in India a year or so ago. My beloved, who is a teacher, had a good shufti around some local schools to see if she could pick up any useful tips or tricks.
She was astonished – almost ashen-faced – at the levels of achievement in science, technology and mathematics she observed.
That’s dangerous anti-union sentiment there, Grant. =-O
PS. You would almost think this Government is socialist.
Noted the use of Ann West from the school silo dump that is the LSE these days…did the Webbs or Gadaffi fund that one…or is Jagger still shilling out for their crap?
The Beeb at times like these also use the Institute of Education to tow the Marxist tug up to Camden Lock.
Anything to do with social engineering and schools…choose either of the above tools of research(i.e met Tony Mc Nultys missus and got my steer!)-and give it to the prepe school perps at the BBC/Guardian.
Presume Anns limo didn`t show-poor thing was reduced to a phone line as if she was a Tory, and therefore not welcome to share the brioches with Rita Chakhrabhati(no relation surely!). She certainly had no class to “teach”, so that`s no excuse!
So we got the tumbleweed of contradiction that is Evan (no kids,gay, private school-what`s a comp then?), but the BBCs line on this is set out for him
If we select on brains-boo fascist! Grammar schools did that and they`re” like illegal maan!”
If we select on parental(as if !…uncle number 17 perhaps) income-hooray class warfare!Private schools do this but let`s not mention that!
That`s all you need to know-we are where we are, and to reopen divisions on this screamingly stupid notion that schools are actually there to TEACH…well where have you been since 1988?
So we`re left with this Marxist slop bucket garnished with wreaths and pills that stayed good in the condom!
No point selecting by academic potential-there is NO academic content required in any state school unless it happens to be too close to a private one…or where house prices ensure that “adopting a paupers son” is the only way to get a decent education…better cover that blazer on the way home though!
“You wont fool the Children of the Revolution” though…and Evan, Justin and the Dress down Friday team are already playing in the the glitter tubs `til Anns limo finds them…
As cjn writes, on “education”, the BBC always wheels out criticism from the left as if an academic in “education” is an impartial witness to the devastation wreaked since the 60s. Accordingly the latest dollop of populist crap promised by the CINO minister of education is not enough. For the BBC – and the class it represents – education is not a “leading out”, it’s an opportunity to propagandise the latest trendy belief (AGW, the wonders of diversity, the wickedness of middle-class – or any class, except political class – aspirations etc etc) among the next generation of voters who will, not coincidentally be even worse educated than the present ones.
How true sir!
Basically the liberal elite want their kids (and life partners nephews etc) to get Titus Andronicus…and the Bash St kids of the proletariat to an assembly starring the director of musical enhancement strumming a line from Dire Straits Romeo and Juliet…so funky and edgy!
If we actually educated these kids then they`d be a threat to the Toynbees, Dimblebys, Rosses and the nomenklatura of privilege atop the BBC dungheap…so it`s Roedean for theirs and Roehampton Uni Sick Form Kollidge for ours!
All together now…
“We don`t need no ejukayshun”…as assorted Gimours, Ferrys,Jaggers etc sing with Kennedy flair from Bedales or Trinity College at Michaelmas Thump!
It’s worse than that: as we have seen with the Miliband brothers, their oh-so-right-on parents sent them to the local (need I say crap?) comprehensive and then (allegedly) pulled every string in the book to get them into Oxford. Not only that, apparently, the Milibands saw to it that David (who got a 1st in PPE so he might have got there anyway under his own steam had he gone to a decent school) benefited from an ILEA scheme promoting the efforts of “poor” children to go to Oxford.
As you imply the nomenklatura will always see that its interests and those of its children – especially in education – will be preserved and enhanced while paying lipservice to any scheme which will enhance, for instance, “social mobility” at no cost to them but at ruinous cost to the aspiring middle and working classes. I was lucky enough – and am old enough – to have attended an old-fashioned grammar school. When I got to university (LSE as it happens where Ralph Miliband was at the time on the faculty) I discovered that – in educational terms – I (and my fellow grammar-school educated undergraduates) were at no disadvantage at all compared to our public school colleagues. When it came to jobs after graduation, apart from some neanderthal employers in the City and industry*, the world was our oyster. Of course, those moral lice Shirley Williams and Tony Crosland (together with socialists and time-servers in all the major parties) saw that that state of affairs was crushed and kept crushed.
*Lord Rootes, for instance, reputedly refused to have any non public school educated men in senior management in the Rootes Group. Mind you, the Rootes Group effectively collapsed anyway – or was taken over by Chrysler which was the same thing.
AGW is a tough one for teachers. To openly express even the slightest doubt with regard to IPCC orthodoxy is to kiss your career goodbye.
Heresy is not an option.
“…is to kiss your career goodbye…”
And your arse…
The Social Engineers won’t suceed until they can prevent people from moving house. That’s what all the young couples have done in my street. As soon as the kids are ready for school the for sale sign goes up. They don’t want their kids coming home from school asking why they are “different” from everyone else in their class.
It’s even simpler than all that. Note how the BBC is pushing the line that these changes will discriminate against ‘middle class’ children, as though the only people affected will be the sons and daughters of barristers and GPs.
Nope, these changes will mean schools discriminating against any child who doesn’t qualify for free school meals, which includes pretty much all of the working class what actually works.
In other words, a postman will face having his kids discriminated against just so a bunch of rich folks who go private anyway can feel good about themselves, and no one at our unbiased broadcaster feels the need to point that out.
Maybe I’m just blinded by ideology and am missing something, but why on earth should free schools have a requirement about the ability of their students to pay?
Never fear!
If we listen to the Film Programme we find Jane Goldman holding forth on her latest script for some sci fi film she is involved with!
All very cosy in Beebworld isn`t it?-when Mrs Jonathan Ross gets herself on the BBC without any reference to her hubby and how we managed to shake him off the public payroll…but not his life partner and soulmate by all accounts.
The interviewer tells her that Janes use of Bay of Pigs archive footage may bring forth a spate of weird answers for the GCSEs this year-kids believe this stuff…and they laugh.
Only in dumbed down state exams ladies-your kids pre-Us for Oxbridge shouldn`t be affected…still those proles eh and their Media Studies?
Any suggestions for the types of people that led to this debauchery of education and the cultural creep that seeped in then?…no thought not Jane!
And ‘leftists’ of the Obama-BBC Democrat ilk apply their ‘deconstructionism’ to the history of the American Revolution, as Glenn Beck analysed on his Fox News TV show last night (video):