‘BBCr4todayBBC Radio 4 Today James Naughtie, in Cairo, reports on the successes, failures and unfinished business of the Arab Spring – http://bbc.in/l67sAZ‘
Guessing, for the last, he didn’t quite manage to clear out the hotel room bar last time?
As to the rest, presuming this epic Arab linguist in the Bowen mould will be ‘reporting’ what others tell him via an intepreter?
I read Naughtie’s text but won’t bother to listen to the audio segment because the Narrative is already clear. It’s the continuation of the same thing we hear from all the various BBC News reports and “analyses” on the topic of the Arab Spring: because Bahrain/Syria/insert other Arab country here aren’t also changing to democracy at the same time, the whole idea of an Arab Spring is a false hope perpetuated by warmongers who think they can bring freedom at the point of a gun. Except when The Obamessiah talks about it, of course, then there are suddenly many lowered heads, muttering quietly, staring at their feet.
It’s a chidlish perspective. Nothing this huge and this complex happens all at once. Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor did it really fall in just one.
Paddy O’Connell’s Broadcasting House returned to the subject of class yesterday.
In the course of the discussion, Paddy succeeded in making a familiar point, following on from those programmes prior to the general election that looked at Old Etonians – one where someone from the Observer got to say they weren’t a good thing, the other a report where only Labour MPs were asked what they thought of Gordon Brown’s “playing fields of Eton” attack on David Cameron -, and those post-election programmes where Paddy asked such questions as “Are you satisfied that that with an Etonian running..er..Whitehall..er or Downing Street, an Etonian running London and a lot of talk about the peers and monarchy this week that we are living in this classless meritocracy?”
Yesterday’s contibrution was, “Marcus, do you feel we’ve perhaps all become rather pigeonholed? The country’s run by the posh…”
A key requirement of a classless meritocracy is that it’s no longer a big deal when somebody labelled as “upper class” achieves something and is in charge. Something tells me that the people complaining about an Etonian in charge don’t really want a classless meritocracy at all, but rather a different kind of elite running things. That elite, of course, is allowed to live a five-star, gold-plated lifestyle and pass the elite status on to their children because they hold the approved thoughts.
The bBC reports on yet another facet of the Talibans latest offensive. (which the ensure the reader is kept well informed of) Yet for all the hard work the Taliban have been putting in, in murdering innocents what actual progress have they made? You see contrary to the bBCs promotion of the might of the Taliban in Afghanistan, they (and I don’t see this lightly) are actually losing ground. Now lets look again at that so called Taliban offensive. What have they actually achieved. A number of well publicised strikes which have achieved nothing constructive on the ground. (why even that taking of a so called strategic area was a lie) so what is the Talibans objective if they are gaining no ground in Afghanistan
Well during the Vietnam war and after the tet offensive, the US and South Vietnam defeated the North Vietnamese , the American public felt they had lost the war due to Walter Kronkies reporting that gave the impression they had lost. It was this biased reporting that the bBC is trying to emulate in getting the Taliban back in power with power brokerage at the very least or the removal of NATO at the most.
When the final breeze takes away the final leaf to rest peacefully on the ground, the BBC will face one of its greatest dilemnas ever. They couldn’t cope with her while she was living, when she lies serenely in the grave, having ‘fought the good fight’, she will be more alive than ever.
Thanks for this!
Looked it up and only wish I was surprised at the venom and bile aimed at an old lady who now has Alzheimers.
The comments column only shows the evil and sheer nastiness of the liberal elite with their useful tools whose idea of a workshop is a gabfest at the taxpayers expense.
Guess the fact that she spoke for the heart of the British people(with errors as well)-and actually had PRINCIPLES makes her without forgiveness by Arthur,Harriet,Neil,Polly-and the nameless wonders at the BBC.
Just makes her more of a saint in my eyes!
Reckon we should recall James Naughtie back to Britain in protest at…well,whatever the BBC is unhappy about today.
That will be global warmig sceptics, Pro Life/Israel/USA and the usual suspects.
Note that a Beeb favourite “Professor Steve Jones” has peeved the Bradford Umma by saying that marrying your first cousins reduces the gene pool in that area. Oh dear Steve! See what happens when James leaves us?
Some local wise elder says that being an “inclusive and tolerant” religion that “welcomes diversty”, Islam has no problem with this-and would Steve take his “racist agenda that demonises Muslims” elsewhere?
So-incest as we see it is proof of diversity then…gays?…and I`ll let James deal with the implications for paedophilia. That will need James Naughtie to moderate and bring us all together.
He likes Ferrero Rocher I`m hoping!
Not just the shallow gene pools that once were water mills up north either!
Applies every bit as much to the BBCs elites like Dimblebys, cultural footrubbers like Toynbees and Brigstockes as well as political dynasties in danger of being tomorrows knotweed like Kinnocks and Prescotts.
Being fair to Mandelson isn`t easy but at least…
It’s so hardwired into their genetic makeup that not only do the Sargeants and the Snows and the Buerks follow in their fathers’ footsteps, but the old “nature or nurture” argument was put to rest by Justin Webb becoming a Beeboid even without knowing his father was one. Unlike the impartiality claimed by Helen Boaden, it’s the drive to become part of the nomenklatura that’s in their DNA.
The ultimate double blind test.
He was born to be a Beeb hack-and did`nt even know it until he`d got his sinecure!
God knows how many more fecund produce of 1001 casual relationships are wandering round unsure of their destiny to go all liberal on us and drain us of our taxes sine die!
It’s going to be very interesting to see how the BBC reports this story because Steve Jones is not just any old scientist:
BBC Press release: March 25 2010: The BBC Trust has today announced it has selected Professor Steve Jones to lead its forthcoming review of impartiality and accuracy in the BBC’s coverage of science. It has also published the formal terms of reference for the review, which will look at the BBC’s coverage of science across television, radio and online, particularly where it relates to public policy or matters of controversy.
The BBC’s natural inclination with any other professor who strays into this controversial territory would be either (a) to play down/ignore his speech and leave that sort of thing to Channel 4 or (b) cover it but trash the professor and give the views of his critics the lion’s share of the coverage. How can they do that with Prof. Jones, though – their own scientific impartiality czar?
I hope they look into things like Justin Webb using his position at the BBC and your license fee to advocate for specific controversial scientific experiments because he has a personal vested interest in them.
The blurb from Channel 4s Dispatches programme on inter-breeding last August:
“Dispatches reveals the tragic consequences of first cousin marriage in Britain. Every year such marriages cause hundreds of children to be born with terrible disabilities; one third of whom are so ill that they die before they are five years old.
The practice is most common in Britain’s Pakistani community, in which more than 50% of people marry their first cousin, and in Bradford 75% of ethnic Pakistanis follow the tradition.
It is also common in some Middle Eastern and East African communities here, and in the UK’s Bangladeshi community, nearly a quarter of people marry their first cousins.
It also happens in the white British community: Dispatches features a couple, first-cousins-once-removed, whose daughter died of a genetic disease.
The medical risks include infant mortality, birth defects, learning difficulties, blindness, hearing impairment and metabolic disorders. As adults, the offspring of these relationships also risk sporadic abortions or infertility.
Reporter Tazeen Ahmad meets affected families, including one with three children with serious degenerative genetic diseases. Tazeen’s own grandparents were first cousins: five of their children died before the age of ten, and three of her uncles were deaf.
Dispatches questions why no major national publicity campaign warns of these health risks. At-risk couples in some areas are offered genetic counselling, with some being offered selection of embryos or terminations, but as only 40% of recessive disorders can be medically tested for, this is of limited use.
Even talking about the practice is controversial. And, although many British studies have established the risks, people still deny the dangers and extol the benefits of marrying within the family. But others within the community say the risks should be publicised.”
Professor Steve Jones is a geneticist, and knows of what he speaks. This problem has been well-documented for many years, and, due to the severity of such birth defects, costs the NHS and social services considerable sums. I would prefer that these monies be spent on compassion implants for those nurses ‘caring’ for the elderly in hospital, and a fighting fund to prevent Sharon ‘I’m over the moon’ Shoesmith from receiving a penny in compensation.
I love the bit “it also happens in the white British community “, failing to point out that it only occurs in Grantham and Wick. With muslims it is endemic worldwide.
Grant – that occurred to me, too. This is overwhelmingly an Asian cultural problem. The only reason to mention whitey was because of PC balance BS, in my opinion.
We have endless quotes from the Public Health industry about the cost to the NHS of alcohol-related admissions, obesity, blah blah. Anyone leaping forward to estimate the cost to the NHS of all these Islamic disabled fruit-of-inbreeding kids.? I’ll give you a clue – a half million pounds a child. Why the silence, public health lobby groups? Cat got your tongue?
Am I the only one when picking up the TV remote to change over to BBC News 24 thinks : “Right, let’s see what the Idiots are going on about this time” and never disappointed ?
For example, I’ve just given Ben Brown 60 seconds on reporting the “Mladic is jolly poorly” slant, but had to pick up the remote again.
I find it is best to restrict such visits to the few minutes when Sky is on an ad break! Half the time, though, on such fleeting visits, the Beeboid channel seems to be labouring over an interminable weather forecast.
And not only TV, John. I used to like listening to Radio 4, but it has become a mere repository for the BBC’s biased obsessions and slanted reporting. This weekend’s listings include:
The News Quiz (hosted by Sandy “The Tories, who put the ‘n’ into cuts” Toksvig.
From Our Own Correspondent
Any Questions?
What the Papers Say (read by a Guardian journalist)
Start the Week (with the Gen Sec of Amnesty International)
Book of the Week (about a journey to Africa)
Afternoon Play (written by Lenny Henry, about a woman who fled Jamaica)
Alan Johnson: Failed Rock Star (failed Labour Home Secretary, more like)
Arise Black Man: the Peter Tosh Story (a bandmate of Bob Marley)
This is just three days’ worth.
BBC Commissioning Editors – naff off with the boring bias and earn your bloated keep.
I see the BBC is in too minds over the case of a Tynside council getting Twitter of hand over the names of people who have been tweeting naughtiness about several council members.
Perhaps their coyness on the subject is because the councils/councillors involved are all Labour, have been accused of corruption and are trying to blacken the name of an independant councillor and a blogger who broke the story and got Knacker involved? No, surely not?
The BBC does seem more willing than it used to be to talk about the effectiveness of foreign aid. The cynic in me notes that this has only really happened since the present government came to power and the foreign aid budget has become a hot issue. Still, the issue is getting an airing, as yesterday’s World This Weekend shows.
Of course the debate is steered in certain directions by the BBC which, however much it dislikes the current government, remains an enthusiastic supporter of the principle of giving foreign aid – and the government’s commitment to keep and raise the present levels of foreign aid. Yes, some of the government’s aid money is spent ineffectively, the message goes, but the government is still right to give all that money (and more).
Hence Shaun Ley’s use of the word “grumbling” to describe the reservations of Conservative backbenchers about the ring-fencing/growth of the aid budget.
Hugh Sykes’s report from South Sudan highlighted the profligacy of NGOs and the need “not to give people fish but teach them how to fish”, but its main point was the very Guardianish complaint that aid reflecting the concerns of donor countries rather than those of “the people”.
There followed an interview specifically on the question of “is our aid delivering?” with Nigel Timmins of Christian Aid and author Jonathan Glennie, who (though Shaun Ley didn’t mention this) is a Guardianblogger. Jonathan Glennie of the Guardian was wholly in agreement with the views expressed in Hugh Sykes’s report. His wish is to see our foreign aid budget “improved”. He was thankful that the poverty of the 1980s has passed. Nigel Timmins stuck up for NGOs but also agreed with Hugh Sykes’s report and talked of “pockets of poverty here in the UK”. Neither wants our aid budget cut.
A single example of bad foreign food aid was given by Shaun Ley. Can you guess what it was? America’s post-war “Food for peace” programme.
There were some interesting points raised in the debate but, still, the debate was viewed entirely through a BBC-Guardian prism.
I heard this one too yesterday.
As ever we get no one that really dissents from the consensus…but will happily argue about “preceptions” and “populist agendas”.How best to “present the facts”, rather than the whole nature of what aid does at its worst.
The comments from the Kenyan woman-black-who actually LIVED with the consequences(as opposed to co-ordinating it from Kingston-on Thames)-were very telling.
University graduates locally unable to work-but the blow in bleeding hearts kept their tinted window SUVs and obscene salaries;whilst networking solutions to the financially challenged.
Yet our two hand readed white liberal blokes managed to imply that the locals perceptions may yet be deceiving both the local grumblers and we, the forces of reaction back here.
Yet again-the pith helmets of Empire seem to think that the Africans themselves don`t know what`s really best for them-so let`s not ask them into any studio to set us straight.
Yes, I have seen it in Gambia and the local Africans feel exactly the same way as the Kenyan lady. But the BBC and their fellow-travelling Lefties don’t really give a damn about poverty, so long as they can strike an anti-Western pose. Hypocritical scumbags.
Well said, Craig. It’s the same for any wealth redistribution scheme: the only thing wrong is either you’re not giving out enough money, or not giving out enough money.
Well, I reach the opposite conclusion: if some of it (i.e. quite a lot) is being misspent, the overall amount should be cut substantially. It’s the same with other things too, e.g. mass immigration and widespread illegal immigration. You need to cut the overall thing so you can get a better grip on it and eliminate most of the abuse and the unwanted element of it. University education is another. Too much is proving to be a bad thing and devalues the whole.
Yesterday, the servers of the Public Broadcasting System were hacked by a group calling themselves LulzSec because they didn’t approve of a “Frontline” program about WikiHacks. The group defaced parts of the PBS website, and published all kinds of data, including login info for employees and contractors. They then left a warning to PBS to be more careful about what they say. All because Frontline reported something they did like.
The BBC needs to report this because it’s relevant and very timely, considering the recent hacks of Sony and Lockheed Martin. Especially since it’s quite legitimate to ask out loud if the BBC censored anything or otherwise shaded their reporting on the whole WikiHacks saga out of fear of just this kind of attack. We know which side the BBC was on the whole time, so this should be interesting.
Bubbling sea signals severe coral damage this century
<img src=”http://www.bbc.co.uk/media/images/50221000/jpg/_50221822_rb112.jpg” alt=”Richard Black”/> By Richard BlackEnvironment correspondent, BBC News
Oooh Noooo! The seas are bubbling and coral reefs all over the world are going to die, its a planetary emergency. If we dont destroy our industrial economies we will all…er…uhm..
Pity the polar bear couldnt be linked in somewhere eh? One tiny part of a reef on the slopes of a dormant volcano leaking CO2 and other natural gasses(which for some reason are not mentioned) and Black manages with his eco grren shirt masters to extropolate that all the worlds coral reefs are going to die off. This is highly selective scare mongering at its very best.
The incredible jump from a highly local event where extremely high concentrations of volcanic gasses leak into the water to human emissions of so called greenhouse gasses, its pure CAGW scaremongering. There are hundreds of thousands of such volcanic venting spots all over the world and sea life adapts perfectly as we see clearly around the deep sea ‘black smokers’. What we have here is the blatant attempt to seize on one visual aid to pimp a false theory. There is no way that atmospheric CO2 emissions will ever cause dissolved CO2 levels in the wider ocean to approach levels above highly local underwater volcanic leaks and to claim that it might is seriously dishonest and frankly crooked.
If the so called scientists involved ventured just a short distance form the local source of these volcanic gasses of which CO2 is just one they would find levels of CO2 fall dramatically until just outside the volcanic venting levels are completely normal, just a litle research would point to an increase in lifeofrms that require higher CO2 and have evolved to thrive around higher local CO2 sources. Blacks piece of trash propaanda is cherry picking at its worst presenting false conclusions and extrapolating from this local event a highly flawed and false prediction.
This piece of trash is a typical greenpiss/FoE product, a throwaway scaremongering piece of propaganda with no objective truth in it whatsoever, just another in a long line of BBC cynical eco exploitation. Of course Black offers no alternative views, no critical evaluation of the presented evidence is allowed, no counter view is sought. BBC bias? Black and his ecofascist comrades can take their false models and flawed predictions and shove them where the sun dont shine!
Notice in this story – http://tiny.cc/1damt – how the BBC provides a platform calling for more taxpayer money to be spent on social care for another 800,000 people in the UK. There is not even an attempt to put the taxpayer’s side of the story. With some exceptions most elderly people have a dynasty ranging from 2 or 3 people to over 100 people. Has it not occurred to the BBC that, by making family members redundant and having the state directly care for the elderly that this could lead to another 800,000, or perhaps 8 million people needing direct state care? When it comes to taxpayer money, it’s a one-way street at the BBC.
Here and there in the BBC output one finds a journalist who does his research, and tries to face issues head-on. Peter Day’s Business Programme has always been interesting and varied, with a good choice of interviewees.
In this example I think he excels himself. The topic is the crisis of the Euro, and he makes most other BBC comentary and reporting look amateur.
Maybe we need a Reith Award for Petr Day or any other brave soul who still asks the right questions, names any participants links( name like Balls though…still did it anyway!), listens to the answers and puts it together in an unargualble case,but with lots of scope to debate should you want to!
Great programme…More or Less on a good day is fair too!
To be treated like an adult by a presenter who knows more than me,so can put the case-with conclusions that the BBC won`t let us near usually!
Programme of last week then?
Just watching a documentary on BBC1 about Egypt’s Lost Cities.
The are talking about a fertile Sahara, and about the climate changing 4,000 years ago. This must be sacrilege! The BBC, surely, are firmly of the opinion that the climate changed only a couple of hundred years ago, due to the horrible humans and their industrial revolution.
The programme’s still on, and I await the inevitable revelation that this climate change of 4,000 years ago was due to the Tuaregs driving their Tuareg 4x4s all over the shop.
This evening on the 5pm news a report about the lack of primary school places in Lambeth. It is due, they said, to an increasing birth rate and the recession. Surely I thought they might mention that immigration might have something to do with it – what a surprise it was never mentioned.
Then I switched on BBC2 – didn’t realise till I looked it up for this post but it was Fergel Keane presenting ‘Story of Ireland’. I thought it would be difficult for an Irishman to give a balanced view but he didn’t even try – and it wasn’t the Protestants and England that he supported.
Listened to Start The Week this morning.
15 mins in and Paul Theroux pours scorn on Marrs cliched notion about “no new places to travel to now are there?…too many chavs in Chiang Mai etc”
Theroux says that that`s not true…try and get in to see Mecca or Medina as Burton and Wavell did way back! Disguise,circumcised etc..
Marr tells parents to “switch off the radio” at this point. Nervously but jokey I`m sure.
Cue tonights repeat…and it`s been cut…but of course!
I know that it is a truncated version, but Amnestys free plug seemed to survive pretty much intact.
Therouxs point will ensure he is not allowed to say such things again I`m sure.
Still, the full version is on iPlayer-for how long I don`t know though!
Marr’s knee-jerk reaction rather gives the game away and proves dhimmis like him are motivated by one emotion only, fear.
Paul Theroux is a bit of a loose cannon and not really a Beeboid. Little Louis boy is much better, reads from the BBC script word perfect.
Got me thinking that dad might yet be exerting some Beeboid pheremone “meme-like” thing here, just as Marx, Darwin and (it goes without saying!) Lord Sir Richard Dawkins of the Stool! might say.
If Louie is able to attract scripts, people to film his nasty little jailbird watching pieces…without the fear of anyone showing him the ratings afterwards..then those pheremones of Beeb might…just might at this point though…have made them bring Paul into the BBC family.
That he had a mind of his own is “disappointing”-but who visits the sins of the son upon the father?
No one is to blame Andrew-it`s in the genes and we can`t help it!
Still worthy of more research this one! Would account for why Baddiel gets his gang shows…and Whitehall may yet be getting his little turns for wacky, left-field(natch) and edgy in -yer- face brilliance.
Knew Ross Nobles dad…no, scotch this theory-for he`s a funny,decent man was Peter!
The recent outbreak in e coli food poisoning that has killed quite a few people, the BBC is missing a certain key piece of information. In order to protect the BBCs beloved and much pimped organic produce industry the BBC is hiding the fact that the source of the poisoning outbreak comes from producers of organic vegetables.
Dont buy organic, its no better for you than real modern safe farm produce, its more expensive and plays on the ignorance and fears of the customers. There are many reasons why the farming industry abandoned the old farming methods and turned to modern safe ways of producing the food we need. Dont buy organic produce if you want safe edible cheap reliable food.
Dont buy organic produce, its over hyped over priced and stuffed with the contaminants that cause food poisoning. But most importantly dont buy organic produce beause the BBC supports this method of systematic poisoning of the food chain.
Indeed ita fascinating how little coverage this story is now getting having been dropped from the BBC news main webpage. No doubt all the little greenies at the Beeb were all ready to slag off “factory farming” but to their horror found the produce in question was organic. Has anyone yet seen any investigation into why organic produce might be carrying this bug ?
People have died, this is a big story! Its a perfect example of the BBC protecting its narrative. If modern farming had cuased these deaths then there would be a queue around the block waiting to slag of modern farming and pimp their rancid soil asscoiation/greenpiss/ fiends of the earth.
Only the liberals could turn good ideas like Traidcraft,Oxfam, Organics, Amnesty etc into the discredited bogus Potemkin villages of privilege.
That they expect the poor to stay as the sandbags and ballast for their flights of fantasy is just a given-and every day we give them that “privilege” on equally discredited and corrupted vehicles like the Toady Show.No wonder “shallow speaks unto shallow”
Good ideas gone evil through indifference,casual incest, shallow meme pools of posturing pimps like Beeb ciphers…Quango bucks and boilers…and all absorbed by the Guardians Job Section for as long as we allow it!
This lot are just the dunghill that thinks its the cockerel…but self-mulching is coming on nicely!
There’s a report on the BBC News Channel right now saying that “nobody knows” where the outbreak really comes from. It might be, suggests the report, that it’s just a nasty strain of e-coli which affects only women, or lives on the cucumbers that “health-concious women” are likely to eat.
No source can be pinpointed, we’re told. But, just as Cassie said, we were also not informed that it’s organic markets being hit hardest. I wonder why?
Hey, look: the BBC did mention once that organic produce was suspected for the e-coli.
German authorities initially pointed to organic cucumbers from Spain.
But it’s swept aside quickly as the rest of the report is all “Nobody knows, nobody knows”. I guess that’s why the organic link was never mentioned at all in any of the features on the issue repeated all day on the News Channel. It was just “Spanish cucumbers”, with the organic bit censored.
The lead item on the Radio 4 6am news this morning was a very predictable Oxfam report on the dangers of high commodity prices. It seems high food prices will cause starvation , malnutrition , plagues of frogs and boils etc etc. The solution (and you will have never guessed it) is more regulation ! Yes you all know how well how mixing the food supply and socialism has worked before so it will work this time you bet.
Seriously they didn’t look at the reasons why food prices are rising. Thanks to several governments around the world printing money like there is no tomorrow investors are looking for something (anything) physical that will hold its value to invest in. To make things worse governments obsessed with carbon targets and other such nonsense have been subsidising power companies to burn various crops to generate power pushing prices even higher.
Thankfully (for now) we have a market economy and all around here the local farmers have started growing crops on marginal fields that have lain unused for years. So supply will increase but not if Oxfam manage to f**k it up first.
To “debate” this issue Today brought on Nicola Horlick – the grossly overhyped investment genius (who managed to lose her fund – Bramdean – about £10 million in the Madoff ponzi scheme – so she knows all about crap) who has bought a field in Brazil and Dame Barbara Stocking who blames everything on the West/capitalism in general and those awful speculators in particular.
This discussion was notable for the (wilful?) ignorance concerning the derivatives markets. Forget about the anti-capitalist message, Stocking obviously has no idea that the whole notion of “futures” was created in agriculture and give farmers, on one side, a certainty as to the price of their produce when it was harvested and, on the other, a smoothing out of the market supply of food. “Futures” is a species of derivative and, yes, speculators speculate in everything, including food (or whether Stocking is actually on leave from a mental institution 🙂 !).
Personally, I lost a fortune (well, for a student – about $1,000) speculating in hog-bellies on the Chicago market. Dame Oxfam has no wish to know or appreciate that, in the derivatives markets, for every buyer there is a seller: accordingly, in the non-physical end, derivatives are a zero-sum game: at the physical end unwarranted price fluctuations are smoothed.
Ignorati like Stocking (and her enablers at the BBC) will ruin all of us – and create famines into the bargain.
Exactly. And not just derivatives, it applies to all markets. Not that Beeboids would understand that. Maybe Stephanie Flanders can explain it 😀
Thanks for this My Site( without wishing to be too familiar!)
A joy to see Andy Kershaw mentioned…Peels patsy in the lavender slipstream of effnic music…but turned heroic on the Isle of Man in some ways at least!
1. Hates Womans Hour and scorched it a couple of years ago-yet still it smoulders and spits…but Andy was the first man into the building, so hats off!
2. Replace Matt Frei for “Womans Hour”-and that`s my second point.
3.Did I hear Andys voice on an ING ad the other day? sell out or great to have him back…the answer my friend?…
Need those fearless seekers of the truth in C4 not to be so coy over all their salaries-do`nt we pony up for them in some smoke and mirrors way too?…the YTwilight Twins of Snowjob and Krish deserve this legacy at the very least!
Can you buy an “airmiles/sycamores in Richmond Park” conversion app-or some actuarial equivalent table for the old oaks and forever young like Snow?
If so, trust Frei can offset Haiti against Snows Bali..Cancun…Rio……
This made my day. I missed Kershaw’s scathing criticism of Frei Boy’s Haiti performance, and it’s a joy to read. His opinion of Frei’s behavior seems to mirror mine fairly exactly.
Astonishingly, among these TV dramatists, I am sorry to say, is the BBC’s Matt Frei. An incongruously ample figure around Port-au-Prince, Frei has been working himself up all week into what is now a state of near hysteria about “security” and the almost non-existent “violence”.
Over the weekend we saw him anticipating an outbreak of unrest, standing before a crowd of thousands of hungry, humiliated Haitians as they waited, patiently and quietly, to be given rations by UN soldiers. Their dignity and stoicism seemed to escape Frei who was, in any case, looking away from them while ranting about the inevitability of looming bloodshed – conspicuously unlikely, judging from the evidence of his own report. (When he is not almost tumescent about violence, Frei speculates and pontificates pompously to camera, or booms at earthquake victims in French. Most Haitians don’t speak French. They speak Creole).
Frei’s reluctance to recognise the amazing self-control of these desperate people, and instead to amplify the hysteria about violence for which he has scant evidence, has brought him at times worryingly close to calling the Haitians savages.
Disgracefully, on Monday’s Newsnight, Frei had the audacity – and again, anything but the evidence – to declare: “The dignity of Haiti’s past is long forgotten.”
No, it certainly is not. And it took Bill Clinton, being interviewed by Frei on Monday, to correct him on that one, and to point out that Haiti still has dignity, immense quantities of it, especially in the present catastrophe. Their chat was turned by Frei, inevitably, to his appetite for imminent violence. “But what about this history of violence,” he asked, “and civil unrest in this country?”
Matt Frei is a TV dramatist, for sure. This storytelling is so typical of him. Anyone remember his “Cauldron of Hope” line from Chile? No wonder he’s possibly being downgraded from news anchor back to Washington correspondent. He doesn’t even deserve that job.
No-one can ever accuse “Woman’s Hour” of not tackling the big issues.
I may have misheard the trailer today, but it seems one topic tomorrow
will be whether there are “more moths this year “.
At first, I couldn’t see the BBC angle on this, then it came to me in a flash, of course– Global Warming !
Now, now, Grant. If the Beeboid Corporation can bring us such important items as that the UN be charged with running some ball game, or the spectacle of two “great” leaders playing table tennis, surely they can make room for the much more important, life or death matter of the moth population. I am engaged in my own Moth War against these pests of which there is currently a plague. Copious amounts of insect powder, mothballs, lavender sprays, wardrobe sachets, fly killer sprays and even chestnuts collected in the autumn have been called up and sent to the front line. If you don’t go for total annihilation these blighters will eat you out of house and home, devouring everything from the coat on your back to the carpets on your floor, the throws on your sofa and the socks on your feet. They have a particular penchant for wool. Beware if you have a woollen cardi or socks, a knitted cap or a cashmere winter coat.
If you want to kill anything off, and this should apply to moths as much as anything else, then turn up the volume of R4 when Mark Lawson is presenting Front Row.
If that doesn’t do it then you’ll have to move house and live in Salford where the local pest control department have been put on full red alert.
😀 😀 😀 Glad you mentioned that, John. Thanks. My wee environmental health man at the Council, whose counsel was sought, omitted to mention the Lawson or indeed the Salford connection.
I do occasionally catch the Lawson programme but usually only when I am stuck in the garage doing some tedious chore like sorting the rubbish into four different containers for the binmen and there is nothing on Radio 3 that appeals.
Shaaaduuup! 😛 They sell cashmere in Primark, nowadays, don’t you know? You must get out more! And my red and black plaid throw was known as a rug for its first twenty years but they are called throws these days, dahling. If I said rug round these parts, they’d think I’d taken the rug from the floor. As for my ancient wool and cashmere winter coat, well I am rather fond of it even if it is beginning to fray at the cuffs and look shabby. I just have to take care not to be seen by the neighbours or mistaken for a vagrant. 😉
Same thing on the News Channel just now. “Conservative Peer”. Oh, wait, now he’s a “very high profile Conservative Peer” and “one of the Conservative Party’s brightest”.
Yes, I was about to add this if no-one else had. But apparently he was “one of the Tories’ brightest stars”. You couldn’t make it up – no really, the BBC would have made it up already.
Do I detect a bit of racism here?
Maybe worth someone at Tory Central playing the Joker here…or Vince if it has been mislaid by the previous lot!
The reflex response of choice to Labour since 1997…worked for them!
Thought the BBC were nasty and gleeful outside Wandworth jail.
Don`t remember Morley and the previous few Labour ones getting the piece from the gates, saying what Taylor can expect for his first night in chokey.
Black’s back, with another tediously predictable entry along the lines of “we’re all going to die”.
“…casting a new layer of doubt on the ability of governments to meet the targets they’ve signed up to on curbing climate change” You don’t say? Could it be they sign up to shut you up and have no intention of following through. (well, some of them anyway: not those with fuckwits like Huhne in them)
A news reporter was sacked after he was revealed to be a Hell’s Angel who had launched a scathing attack on the police during an interview on Radio 4.
Who could this be?
I am meanwhile trying to think what other public outfits I am compelled to co-fund with money that gives ’em enough excess to blow on snorting coke, then yet more to be ‘helped’ when it all goes tits up.
Just like their vast, poorly-invested pensions, i guess.
3.) BBC-NUJ report on EDL in Blackpool, which manages to avoid mentioning what the demo was for, but emphasises the BBC-NUJ pastime of drinking instead, as per BBC school of journalism:
“Blackpool EDL and anti-fascist demos ‘pass peacefully'”
The BBC has belatedly gotten around to reporting that PBS got hacked by people who support Julian Assange and WikiHacks in response to a Frontline episode called “WikiSecrets”. The PBS report was critical of Assange and his fellow hackers, and so these criminals attacked.
The BBC report is heavily skewed against PBS. The first section of the article spends way too much time about Tupac Shakur, the topic of the hoax story planted on the PBS website by the hackers. But this has nothing whatsoever to do with the real story, and so is a waste of valuable time and space. The expert analysis provided is from one of the most notorious hackers of the past blaming PBS for not having enough security. Then the BBC quotes the PBS ombudsman who had “some questions in his mind” about the Frontline segment.
Nobody except the Frontline producer allowed space to criticize this criminal act, and no space is given to any discussion of whether or not this will put a chill on other media organizations’ reporting on WikiHacks. That’s because the BBC supports Assange and WikiHacks and thinks PBS got it wrong and deserved the attack. This article places more blame on PBS than on the hackers.
Sadly the best line is only in the deadtree version of today’s Evening Standard. The reporter elicits a general moan and then an excuse from Bowen, ‘I’m pretty cross about it,…’ (not getting recognition for the Gaddafi scoop). ‘…..I thought we weren’t meant to be tweeting because of the green ink brigade. But then I was called a dinosaur’.
We already know how the BBC big beasts like Jeremy Bowen prefer broadcast only mode – so now we know what he thinks of anyone who might disagree with his pearls of wisdom. Pesky license fee payers.
Are the “green ink brigade” the ones who pointed out all the Beeboids making heavily biased and partisan tweets? That’s why Helen Boaden sent out the memo to cool it. How typical that the BBC spins it the other way round.
Precisely, they love Twitter so long as its confined to an in-crowd of like-minded mutually back slapping sychophants. Not so keen on hearing from the dissenters.
So as we head to Jeremy we find that EDL is running at thirty times that of the BBCs chosen donkey. All those hopes and good intentions must be a real handicap…or is that differently abled now?
By the time it makes London, there will have been more UAF members that Beeboids have ever known though.
The cause of Charlene Downs …like that of the RE teacher battered senseless the other day…will not produce a knee jerk reaction, but will be a cause of reflection…before going in a capsule for the Blue Peter Garden with a thirty year rule slapped on it if legal are OK with that!
Sounded like a landslide to me…but will be put down to Sellafield up the coast I guess!
A senior Egyptian general admits that “virginity checks” were performed on women arrested at a demonstration this spring, the first such admission after previous denials by military authorities.
The BBC censored this when Amnesty initially made a fuss back in March. Now that it’s been admitted, though…..
BBC: Shhhh. The Muslim Brotherhood are moderate and have had no effect on the military. Don’t spoil the Narrative. No link because there’s no BBC report yet.
INBBC doesn’t report on the following; Glenn Beck does:
“Beck’s Explosive Video Vindication: Socialists Explain How They Worked With Muslim Brotherhood & Islamic Extremists in the Mid-East Revolutions to Unite Arab World Against USA, Britain & Israel”
Only because the BBC’s reporting already posits that the Arab Spring has already shown that Israel’s claim to be the only democracy in the village is false and that they are the worst oppressors in the region, and that Israel can do this only because the US and UK have propped up all the Arab dictators to keep it that way. The BBC already supports this struggle, so it’s not news to them. They think this is normal.
I would bett 100 to 1 thios story of foul Islamist behaviour does not get reported by the BBC. OK – it happened in the Ukraine. But it represents how sick Islam can get – and could get here too.
Nor will the BBC report the current alleged randy-US Congressman story.
Wiener flashed his wiener (allegedly) on Twitter – directly relevant to all the BBC reporting on social media. But nary a word will we hear. Because he is not Republican.
‘First the Saturday people then the Sunday people’ – a chilling piece of Islamic graffiti daubed on walls in Israel a few years ago. Muslim feelings towards Israel are hardly ambiguous, & in Pakistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Egypt & Sudan we see what surging mobs of Islamic fanatics do to Christians. The writing is on the digital wall, for all to see. The BBC can control its own selective, biased portrayal of Islam, but beyond its ‘chosen narrative’ the real world turns on, & the websites/blogsites are full of the savage imagery & murderous rhetoric of the religion of pieces – body pieces.
One day the black battle flags will come for the White City People – the Beeboid hedonistas; the people too high to see what’s happening on the ground, to see what’s beginning to happen in Tower Hamlets, with the demands, threats & attacks, the colonisation of east London by totalitarians. The BBC, for too long, has been play-acting with Muslim dynamite. But they’re backing the wrong side, because Islam wants everything its way, & it doesn’t like twittering poseurs snorting charlie. Their indulgent lifestyles will come to a miserable end, & saying ‘I did what I did for Sharia’ as they’re running down Wood Lane won’t cut any ice with the Caliphate Crew.
A BBC spokesman said: “We have strict editorial guidelines on impartiality, including religious perspectives,
Yes, we know. The guidelines are the problem.
and Christian programming forms the majority and the cornerstone of our religion and ethical output.”
Songs of Praise is as ever their trump card. I suppose in fairness I should include things like sitcoms having Christmas specials (even the sweary ones) and that programme about how to read church iconography (which was very well done, and of which Christians should be proud).
But “ethical output”? The cornerstone of Justin Rowlett’s “Ethical Man” was the religion of Warmism.
Reassuring, is it not, that a £4Bpa uniquely-funded entity is proudly moving more and more of its news gathering and debate systems to be based around this ‘source’.
‘Winnie Mandela (Sophie Okonedo) went from innocent country girl to fighter against apartheid, and from an adoring wife to a firebrand revolutionary’
Wikipedia on The Blessed Winnie Mandela
Moeketsi was kidnapped on 29 December 1988 after a school rally, accused of being a police informer and murdered at the age of 14. His body was found in Soweto with his throat slit. Jerry Richardson, one of Winnie Mandela’s bodyguards, was convicted of the murder. He claimed that she had ordered him to abduct four young men from Soweto, of whom Stompie was the youngest. The four were severely beaten and Stompie’s body was later recovered by the police.
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Guest WhoJan 19, 08:13 Weekend 18th January 2025 Like Starmer, bbc senior staff do like not being here. https://x.com/bbcnickrobinson/status/1880880569028063323?s=61 #ccbgb
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Fedup2Jan 19, 07:32 Weekend 18th January 2025 For fans of TTK the cover of the daily mail on Sunday must be worthy of framing … no airmiles…
‘BBCr4today BBC Radio 4 Today
James Naughtie, in Cairo, reports on the successes, failures and unfinished business of the Arab Spring – http://bbc.in/l67sAZ‘
Guessing, for the last, he didn’t quite manage to clear out the hotel room bar last time?
As to the rest, presuming this epic Arab linguist in the Bowen mould will be ‘reporting’ what others tell him via an intepreter?
These Naughtie over-egged and cheesey monologues get on my tits – he’s another Lardarse Mardell but with a Scottish accent. Cringe, cringe, cringe…
He always seems to be after an award. Jerry Springer’s closing monologues had more depth.
Jerry Springer’s programmes had more truth!!
I read Naughtie’s text but won’t bother to listen to the audio segment because the Narrative is already clear. It’s the continuation of the same thing we hear from all the various BBC News reports and “analyses” on the topic of the Arab Spring: because Bahrain/Syria/insert other Arab country here aren’t also changing to democracy at the same time, the whole idea of an Arab Spring is a false hope perpetuated by warmongers who think they can bring freedom at the point of a gun. Except when The Obamessiah talks about it, of course, then there are suddenly many lowered heads, muttering quietly, staring at their feet.
It’s a chidlish perspective. Nothing this huge and this complex happens all at once. Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor did it really fall in just one.
Paddy O’Connell’s Broadcasting House returned to the subject of class yesterday.
In the course of the discussion, Paddy succeeded in making a familiar point, following on from those programmes prior to the general election that looked at Old Etonians – one where someone from the Observer got to say they weren’t a good thing, the other a report where only Labour MPs were asked what they thought of Gordon Brown’s “playing fields of Eton” attack on David Cameron -, and those post-election programmes where Paddy asked such questions as “Are you satisfied that that with an Etonian running..er..Whitehall..er or Downing Street, an Etonian running London and a lot of talk about the peers and monarchy this week that we are living in this classless meritocracy?”
Yesterday’s contibrution was, “Marcus, do you feel we’ve perhaps all become rather pigeonholed? The country’s run by the posh…”
Has BH’s ‘Londonderry Diary’ managed to discover that there is a Protestant community there yet?
It has! And they were all very grateful to Martin McGuiness of Sinn Fein!
A key requirement of a classless meritocracy is that it’s no longer a big deal when somebody labelled as “upper class” achieves something and is in charge. Something tells me that the people complaining about an Etonian in charge don’t really want a classless meritocracy at all, but rather a different kind of elite running things. That elite, of course, is allowed to live a five-star, gold-plated lifestyle and pass the elite status on to their children because they hold the approved thoughts.
The bBC reports on yet another facet of the Talibans latest offensive. (which the ensure the reader is kept well informed of) Yet for all the hard work the Taliban have been putting in, in murdering innocents what actual progress have they made? You see contrary to the bBCs promotion of the might of the Taliban in Afghanistan, they (and I don’t see this lightly) are actually losing ground. Now lets look again at that so called Taliban offensive. What have they actually achieved. A number of well publicised strikes which have achieved nothing constructive on the ground. (why even that taking of a so called strategic area was a lie) so what is the Talibans objective if they are gaining no ground in Afghanistan
Well during the Vietnam war and after the tet offensive, the US and South Vietnam defeated the North Vietnamese , the American public felt they had lost the war due to Walter Kronkies reporting that gave the impression they had lost. It was this biased reporting that the bBC is trying to emulate in getting the Taliban back in power with power brokerage at the very least or the removal of NATO at the most.
A great British oak sees the last of its leaves falling.
When the final breeze takes away the final leaf to rest peacefully on the ground, the BBC will face one of its greatest dilemnas ever. They couldn’t cope with her while she was living, when she lies serenely in the grave, having ‘fought the good fight’, she will be more alive than ever.
Thanks for this!
Looked it up and only wish I was surprised at the venom and bile aimed at an old lady who now has Alzheimers.
The comments column only shows the evil and sheer nastiness of the liberal elite with their useful tools whose idea of a workshop is a gabfest at the taxpayers expense.
Guess the fact that she spoke for the heart of the British people(with errors as well)-and actually had PRINCIPLES makes her without forgiveness by Arthur,Harriet,Neil,Polly-and the nameless wonders at the BBC.
Just makes her more of a saint in my eyes!
It shows how low our Country has sunk, it is becoming the home of the stupid and incompetent, and then there are thee MPs!
This shows more the benighted character of the average lefty than it does of Mrs T.
Who do we want to govern? Those who hate or those who are hated?
I’m sure the champagne is already on ice.
Reckon we should recall James Naughtie back to Britain in protest at…well,whatever the BBC is unhappy about today.
That will be global warmig sceptics, Pro Life/Israel/USA and the usual suspects.
Note that a Beeb favourite “Professor Steve Jones” has peeved the Bradford Umma by saying that marrying your first cousins reduces the gene pool in that area. Oh dear Steve! See what happens when James leaves us?
Some local wise elder says that being an “inclusive and tolerant” religion that “welcomes diversty”, Islam has no problem with this-and would Steve take his “racist agenda that demonises Muslims” elsewhere?
So-incest as we see it is proof of diversity then…gays?…and I`ll let James deal with the implications for paedophilia. That will need James Naughtie to moderate and bring us all together.
He likes Ferrero Rocher I`m hoping!
“Re: Professor risks political storm over Muslim ‘inbreeding’”http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_direct_link.cfm/blog_id/35322
An update:
“‘Bradford is very inbred’: Muslim outrage as professor warns first-cousin marriages increase risk of birth defects”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1392217/Muslim-outrage-professor-Steve-Jones-warns-inbreeding-risks.html#ixzz1NpsGAzjB
I loved this quote from the comments section of The DM.
“Perhaps one of the effects of inbreeding is oversensitivity when confronted with the truth”
Not just the shallow gene pools that once were water mills up north either!
Applies every bit as much to the BBCs elites like Dimblebys, cultural footrubbers like Toynbees and Brigstockes as well as political dynasties in danger of being tomorrows knotweed like Kinnocks and Prescotts.
Being fair to Mandelson isn`t easy but at least…
It’s so hardwired into their genetic makeup that not only do the Sargeants and the Snows and the Buerks follow in their fathers’ footsteps, but the old “nature or nurture” argument was put to rest by Justin Webb becoming a Beeboid even without knowing his father was one. Unlike the impartiality claimed by Helen Boaden, it’s the drive to become part of the nomenklatura that’s in their DNA.
…the old “nature or nurture” argument was put to rest by Justin Webb becoming a Beeboid even without knowing his father was one.
Hilarious! 😀 😀 😀 😀
The ultimate double blind test.
He was born to be a Beeb hack-and did`nt even know it until he`d got his sinecure!
God knows how many more fecund produce of 1001 casual relationships are wandering round unsure of their destiny to go all liberal on us and drain us of our taxes sine die!
…the old “nature or nurture” argument was put to rest by Justin Webb becoming a Beeboid even without knowing his father was one.
Hilarious! 😀 😀 😀 😀
hahahaha…that is a classic 🙂
It’s going to be very interesting to see how the BBC reports this story because Steve Jones is not just any old scientist:
BBC Press release: March 25 2010:
The BBC Trust has today announced it has selected Professor Steve Jones to lead its forthcoming review of impartiality and accuracy in the BBC’s coverage of science. It has also published the formal terms of reference for the review, which will look at the BBC’s coverage of science across television, radio and online, particularly where it relates to public policy or matters of controversy.
The BBC’s natural inclination with any other professor who strays into this controversial territory would be either (a) to play down/ignore his speech and leave that sort of thing to Channel 4 or (b) cover it but trash the professor and give the views of his critics the lion’s share of the coverage. How can they do that with Prof. Jones, though – their own scientific impartiality czar?
I hope they look into things like Justin Webb using his position at the BBC and your license fee to advocate for specific controversial scientific experiments because he has a personal vested interest in them.
The blurb from Channel 4s Dispatches programme on inter-breeding last August:
“Dispatches reveals the tragic consequences of first cousin marriage in Britain. Every year such marriages cause hundreds of children to be born with terrible disabilities; one third of whom are so ill that they die before they are five years old.
The practice is most common in Britain’s Pakistani community, in which more than 50% of people marry their first cousin, and in Bradford 75% of ethnic Pakistanis follow the tradition.
It is also common in some Middle Eastern and East African communities here, and in the UK’s Bangladeshi community, nearly a quarter of people marry their first cousins.
It also happens in the white British community: Dispatches features a couple, first-cousins-once-removed, whose daughter died of a genetic disease.
The medical risks include infant mortality, birth defects, learning difficulties, blindness, hearing impairment and metabolic disorders. As adults, the offspring of these relationships also risk sporadic abortions or infertility.
Reporter Tazeen Ahmad meets affected families, including one with three children with serious degenerative genetic diseases. Tazeen’s own grandparents were first cousins: five of their children died before the age of ten, and three of her uncles were deaf.
Dispatches questions why no major national publicity campaign warns of these health risks. At-risk couples in some areas are offered genetic counselling, with some being offered selection of embryos or terminations, but as only 40% of recessive disorders can be medically tested for, this is of limited use.
Even talking about the practice is controversial. And, although many British studies have established the risks, people still deny the dangers and extol the benefits of marrying within the family. But others within the community say the risks should be publicised.”
Professor Steve Jones is a geneticist, and knows of what he speaks. This problem has been well-documented for many years, and, due to the severity of such birth defects, costs the NHS and social services considerable sums. I would prefer that these monies be spent on compassion implants for those nurses ‘caring’ for the elderly in hospital, and a fighting fund to prevent Sharon ‘I’m over the moon’ Shoesmith from receiving a penny in compensation.
Gotta love that cultural enrichment.
“Dispatches questions why no major national publicity campaign warns of these health risks.“
I think we can all work out the answer, can’t we?
Does inbreeding by any chance give rise to a predisposition to excessive irritability and tendency to fly off the handle at any perceived insult?
“Muslim Mistrust Bred Of Islam Leads To Cousin Marriage, Leads To Colossal Expenses For British Taxpayers”http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_display.cfm/blog_id/35326
I love the bit “it also happens in the white British community “, failing to point out that it only occurs in Grantham and Wick. With muslims it is endemic worldwide.
Grant – that occurred to me, too. This is overwhelmingly an Asian cultural problem. The only reason to mention whitey was because of PC balance BS, in my opinion.
We have endless quotes from the Public Health industry about the cost to the NHS of alcohol-related admissions, obesity, blah blah. Anyone leaping forward to estimate the cost to the NHS of all these Islamic disabled fruit-of-inbreeding kids.? I’ll give you a clue – a half million pounds a child. Why the silence, public health lobby groups? Cat got your tongue?
Am I the only one when picking up the TV remote to change over to BBC News 24 thinks : “Right, let’s see what the Idiots are going on about this time” and never disappointed ?
For example, I’ve just given Ben Brown 60 seconds on reporting the “Mladic is jolly poorly” slant, but had to pick up the remote again.
I find it is best to restrict such visits to the few minutes when Sky is on an ad break! Half the time, though, on such fleeting visits, the Beeboid channel seems to be labouring over an interminable weather forecast.
And not only TV, John. I used to like listening to Radio 4, but it has become a mere repository for the BBC’s biased obsessions and slanted reporting. This weekend’s listings include:
The News Quiz (hosted by Sandy “The Tories, who put the ‘n’ into cuts” Toksvig.
From Our Own Correspondent
Any Questions?
What the Papers Say (read by a Guardian journalist)
Start the Week (with the Gen Sec of Amnesty International)
Book of the Week (about a journey to Africa)
Afternoon Play (written by Lenny Henry, about a woman who fled Jamaica)
Alan Johnson: Failed Rock Star (failed Labour Home Secretary, more like)
Arise Black Man: the Peter Tosh Story (a bandmate of Bob Marley)
This is just three days’ worth.
BBC Commissioning Editors – naff off with the boring bias and earn your bloated keep.
I see the BBC is in too minds over the case of a Tynside council getting Twitter of hand over the names of people who have been tweeting naughtiness about several council members.
Perhaps their coyness on the subject is because the councils/councillors involved are all Labour, have been accused of corruption and are trying to blacken the name of an independant councillor and a blogger who broke the story and got Knacker involved? No, surely not?
The BBC does seem more willing than it used to be to talk about the effectiveness of foreign aid. The cynic in me notes that this has only really happened since the present government came to power and the foreign aid budget has become a hot issue. Still, the issue is getting an airing, as yesterday’s World This Weekend shows.
Of course the debate is steered in certain directions by the BBC which, however much it dislikes the current government, remains an enthusiastic supporter of the principle of giving foreign aid – and the government’s commitment to keep and raise the present levels of foreign aid. Yes, some of the government’s aid money is spent ineffectively, the message goes, but the government is still right to give all that money (and more).
Hence Shaun Ley’s use of the word “grumbling” to describe the reservations of Conservative backbenchers about the ring-fencing/growth of the aid budget.
Hugh Sykes’s report from South Sudan highlighted the profligacy of NGOs and the need “not to give people fish but teach them how to fish”, but its main point was the very Guardianish complaint that aid reflecting the concerns of donor countries rather than those of “the people”.
There followed an interview specifically on the question of “is our aid delivering?” with Nigel Timmins of Christian Aid and author Jonathan Glennie, who (though Shaun Ley didn’t mention this) is a Guardian blogger. Jonathan Glennie of the Guardian was wholly in agreement with the views expressed in Hugh Sykes’s report. His wish is to see our foreign aid budget “improved”. He was thankful that the poverty of the 1980s has passed. Nigel Timmins stuck up for NGOs but also agreed with Hugh Sykes’s report and talked of “pockets of poverty here in the UK”. Neither wants our aid budget cut.
A single example of bad foreign food aid was given by Shaun Ley. Can you guess what it was? America’s post-war “Food for peace” programme.
There were some interesting points raised in the debate but, still, the debate was viewed entirely through a BBC-Guardian prism.
I heard this one too yesterday.
As ever we get no one that really dissents from the consensus…but will happily argue about “preceptions” and “populist agendas”.How best to “present the facts”, rather than the whole nature of what aid does at its worst.
The comments from the Kenyan woman-black-who actually LIVED with the consequences(as opposed to co-ordinating it from Kingston-on Thames)-were very telling.
University graduates locally unable to work-but the blow in bleeding hearts kept their tinted window SUVs and obscene salaries;whilst networking solutions to the financially challenged.
Yet our two hand readed white liberal blokes managed to imply that the locals perceptions may yet be deceiving both the local grumblers and we, the forces of reaction back here.
Yet again-the pith helmets of Empire seem to think that the Africans themselves don`t know what`s really best for them-so let`s not ask them into any studio to set us straight.
It`s more than Richard Curtis` job is worth!
Yes, I have seen it in Gambia and the local Africans feel exactly the same way as the Kenyan lady. But the BBC and their fellow-travelling Lefties don’t really give a damn about poverty, so long as they can strike an anti-Western pose. Hypocritical scumbags.
Well said, Craig. It’s the same for any wealth redistribution scheme: the only thing wrong is either you’re not giving out enough money, or not giving out enough money.
Yes, I heard it too and it made me sick.
Well, I reach the opposite conclusion: if some of it (i.e. quite a lot) is being misspent, the overall amount should be cut substantially. It’s the same with other things too, e.g. mass immigration and widespread illegal immigration. You need to cut the overall thing so you can get a better grip on it and eliminate most of the abuse and the unwanted element of it. University education is another. Too much is proving to be a bad thing and devalues the whole.
PS: I mean the opposite conclusion to this one cited in Craig’s post, not what David P posted immediately above mine:
Yes, some of the government’s aid money is spent ineffectively, the message goes, but the government is still right to give all that money (and more).
Yesterday, the servers of the Public Broadcasting System were hacked by a group calling themselves LulzSec because they didn’t approve of a “Frontline” program about WikiHacks. The group defaced parts of the PBS website, and published all kinds of data, including login info for employees and contractors. They then left a warning to PBS to be more careful about what they say. All because Frontline reported something they did like.
The BBC needs to report this because it’s relevant and very timely, considering the recent hacks of Sony and Lockheed Martin. Especially since it’s quite legitimate to ask out loud if the BBC censored anything or otherwise shaded their reporting on the whole WikiHacks saga out of fear of just this kind of attack. We know which side the BBC was on the whole time, so this should be interesting.
Bubbling sea signals severe coral damage this century
<img src=”http://www.bbc.co.uk/media/images/50221000/jpg/_50221822_rb112.jpg” alt=”Richard Black”/> By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News
Oooh Noooo! The seas are bubbling and coral reefs all over the world are going to die, its a planetary emergency. If we dont destroy our industrial economies we will all…er…uhm..
Pity the polar bear couldnt be linked in somewhere eh? One tiny part of a reef on the slopes of a dormant volcano leaking CO2 and other natural gasses(which for some reason are not mentioned) and Black manages with his eco grren shirt masters to extropolate that all the worlds coral reefs are going to die off. This is highly selective scare mongering at its very best.
The incredible jump from a highly local event where extremely high concentrations of volcanic gasses leak into the water to human emissions of so called greenhouse gasses, its pure CAGW scaremongering. There are hundreds of thousands of such volcanic venting spots all over the world and sea life adapts perfectly as we see clearly around the deep sea ‘black smokers’. What we have here is the blatant attempt to seize on one visual aid to pimp a false theory. There is no way that atmospheric CO2 emissions will ever cause dissolved CO2 levels in the wider ocean to approach levels above highly local underwater volcanic leaks and to claim that it might is seriously dishonest and frankly crooked.
If the so called scientists involved ventured just a short distance form the local source of these volcanic gasses of which CO2 is just one they would find levels of CO2 fall dramatically until just outside the volcanic venting levels are completely normal, just a litle research would point to an increase in lifeofrms that require higher CO2 and have evolved to thrive around higher local CO2 sources. Blacks piece of trash propaanda is cherry picking at its worst presenting false conclusions and extrapolating from this local event a highly flawed and false prediction.
This piece of trash is a typical greenpiss/FoE product, a throwaway scaremongering piece of propaganda with no objective truth in it whatsoever, just another in a long line of BBC cynical eco exploitation. Of course Black offers no alternative views, no critical evaluation of the presented evidence is allowed, no counter view is sought. BBC bias? Black and his ecofascist comrades can take their false models and flawed predictions and shove them where the sun dont shine!
Notice in this story – http://tiny.cc/1damt – how the BBC provides a platform calling for more taxpayer money to be spent on social care for another 800,000 people in the UK. There is not even an attempt to put the taxpayer’s side of the story. With some exceptions most elderly people have a dynasty ranging from 2 or 3 people to over 100 people. Has it not occurred to the BBC that, by making family members redundant and having the state directly care for the elderly that this could lead to another 800,000, or perhaps 8 million people needing direct state care? When it comes to taxpayer money, it’s a one-way street at the BBC.
Here and there in the BBC output one finds a journalist who does his research, and tries to face issues head-on. Peter Day’s Business Programme has always been interesting and varied, with a good choice of interviewees.
In this example I think he excels himself. The topic is the crisis of the Euro, and he makes most other BBC comentary and reporting look amateur.
Maybe we need a Reith Award for Petr Day or any other brave soul who still asks the right questions, names any participants links( name like Balls though…still did it anyway!), listens to the answers and puts it together in an unargualble case,but with lots of scope to debate should you want to!
Great programme…More or Less on a good day is fair too!
To be treated like an adult by a presenter who knows more than me,so can put the case-with conclusions that the BBC won`t let us near usually!
Programme of last week then?
So, Peter Day’s days with the BBC are numbered then !
Just watching a documentary on BBC1 about Egypt’s Lost Cities.
The are talking about a fertile Sahara, and about the climate changing 4,000 years ago. This must be sacrilege! The BBC, surely, are firmly of the opinion that the climate changed only a couple of hundred years ago, due to the horrible humans and their industrial revolution.
The programme’s still on, and I await the inevitable revelation that this climate change of 4,000 years ago was due to the Tuaregs driving their Tuareg 4x4s all over the shop.
Cant find any of this:
Maybe this is the bit BBC are frightened to report.
“…calling for a popular democratic uprising among Europeans”
This evening on the 5pm news a report about the lack of primary school places in Lambeth. It is due, they said, to an increasing birth rate and the recession. Surely I thought they might mention that immigration might have something to do with it – what a surprise it was never mentioned.
Then I switched on BBC2 – didn’t realise till I looked it up for this post but it was Fergel Keane presenting ‘Story of Ireland’. I thought it would be difficult for an Irishman to give a balanced view but he didn’t even try – and it wasn’t the Protestants and England that he supported.
Of course the BBC, being unbiased will follow this with a series “The Story of England “.
Guido Fawkes has a piece today about the 2 best-selling books in the Guardian Bookshop this week :-
1. Lenin
2. Why Marx was right
INBBC omits this on TUNISIA:
“Ben Ali Is Gone, And Suddenly, Tunisia Needs 125 Billion Dollars.”
I hope this greenie did not fly there.
Listened to Start The Week this morning.
15 mins in and Paul Theroux pours scorn on Marrs cliched notion about “no new places to travel to now are there?…too many chavs in Chiang Mai etc”
Theroux says that that`s not true…try and get in to see Mecca or Medina as Burton and Wavell did way back! Disguise,circumcised etc..
Marr tells parents to “switch off the radio” at this point. Nervously but jokey I`m sure.
Cue tonights repeat…and it`s been cut…but of course!
I know that it is a truncated version, but Amnestys free plug seemed to survive pretty much intact.
Therouxs point will ensure he is not allowed to say such things again I`m sure.
Still, the full version is on iPlayer-for how long I don`t know though!
Marr’s knee-jerk reaction rather gives the game away and proves dhimmis like him are motivated by one emotion only, fear.
Paul Theroux is a bit of a loose cannon and not really a Beeboid. Little Louis boy is much better, reads from the BBC script word perfect.
Got me thinking that dad might yet be exerting some Beeboid pheremone “meme-like” thing here, just as Marx, Darwin and (it goes without saying!) Lord Sir Richard Dawkins of the Stool! might say.
If Louie is able to attract scripts, people to film his nasty little jailbird watching pieces…without the fear of anyone showing him the ratings afterwards..then those pheremones of Beeb might…just might at this point though…have made them bring Paul into the BBC family.
That he had a mind of his own is “disappointing”-but who visits the sins of the son upon the father?
No one is to blame Andrew-it`s in the genes and we can`t help it!
Still worthy of more research this one! Would account for why Baddiel gets his gang shows…and Whitehall may yet be getting his little turns for wacky, left-field(natch) and edgy in -yer- face brilliance.
Knew Ross Nobles dad…no, scotch this theory-for he`s a funny,decent man was Peter!
BBC censorship in action.
The recent outbreak in e coli food poisoning that has killed quite a few people, the BBC is missing a certain key piece of information. In order to protect the BBCs beloved and much pimped organic produce industry the BBC is hiding the fact that the source of the poisoning outbreak comes from producers of organic vegetables.
Dont buy organic, its no better for you than real modern safe farm produce, its more expensive and plays on the ignorance and fears of the customers. There are many reasons why the farming industry abandoned the old farming methods and turned to modern safe ways of producing the food we need. Dont buy organic produce if you want safe edible cheap reliable food.
Dont buy organic produce, its over hyped over priced and stuffed with the contaminants that cause food poisoning. But most importantly dont buy organic produce beause the BBC supports this method of systematic poisoning of the food chain.
Indeed ita fascinating how little coverage this story is now getting having been dropped from the BBC news main webpage. No doubt all the little greenies at the Beeb were all ready to slag off “factory farming” but to their horror found the produce in question was organic. Has anyone yet seen any investigation into why organic produce might be carrying this bug ?
People have died, this is a big story! Its a perfect example of the BBC protecting its narrative. If modern farming had cuased these deaths then there would be a queue around the block waiting to slag of modern farming and pimp their rancid soil asscoiation/greenpiss/ fiends of the earth.
Has anyone ever managed to buy inorganic vegetables?
Only the liberals could turn good ideas like Traidcraft,Oxfam, Organics, Amnesty etc into the discredited bogus Potemkin villages of privilege.
That they expect the poor to stay as the sandbags and ballast for their flights of fantasy is just a given-and every day we give them that “privilege” on equally discredited and corrupted vehicles like the Toady Show.No wonder “shallow speaks unto shallow”
Good ideas gone evil through indifference,casual incest, shallow meme pools of posturing pimps like Beeb ciphers…Quango bucks and boilers…and all absorbed by the Guardians Job Section for as long as we allow it!
This lot are just the dunghill that thinks its the cockerel…but self-mulching is coming on nicely!
There’s a report on the BBC News Channel right now saying that “nobody knows” where the outbreak really comes from. It might be, suggests the report, that it’s just a nasty strain of e-coli which affects only women, or lives on the cucumbers that “health-concious women” are likely to eat.
No source can be pinpointed, we’re told. But, just as Cassie said, we were also not informed that it’s organic markets being hit hardest. I wonder why?
Still no mention of organic crops involved from any of the News Channel segments being repeated endlessly.
Hey, look: the BBC did mention once that organic produce was suspected for the e-coli.
German authorities initially pointed to organic cucumbers from Spain.
But it’s swept aside quickly as the rest of the report is all “Nobody knows, nobody knows”. I guess that’s why the organic link was never mentioned at all in any of the features on the issue repeated all day on the News Channel. It was just “Spanish cucumbers”, with the organic bit censored.
The lead item on the Radio 4 6am news this morning was a very predictable Oxfam report on the dangers of high commodity prices. It seems high food prices will cause starvation , malnutrition , plagues of frogs and boils etc etc. The solution (and you will have never guessed it) is more regulation ! Yes you all know how well how mixing the food supply and socialism has worked before so it will work this time you bet.
Seriously they didn’t look at the reasons why food prices are rising. Thanks to several governments around the world printing money like there is no tomorrow investors are looking for something (anything) physical that will hold its value to invest in. To make things worse governments obsessed with carbon targets and other such nonsense have been subsidising power companies to burn various crops to generate power pushing prices even higher.
Thankfully (for now) we have a market economy and all around here the local farmers have started growing crops on marginal fields that have lain unused for years. So supply will increase but not if Oxfam manage to f**k it up first.
To “debate” this issue Today brought on Nicola Horlick – the grossly overhyped investment genius (who managed to lose her fund – Bramdean – about £10 million in the Madoff ponzi scheme – so she knows all about crap) who has bought a field in Brazil and Dame Barbara Stocking who blames everything on the West/capitalism in general and those awful speculators in particular.
This discussion was notable for the (wilful?) ignorance concerning the derivatives markets. Forget about the anti-capitalist message, Stocking obviously has no idea that the whole notion of “futures” was created in agriculture and give farmers, on one side, a certainty as to the price of their produce when it was harvested and, on the other, a smoothing out of the market supply of food. “Futures” is a species of derivative and, yes, speculators speculate in everything, including food (or whether Stocking is actually on leave from a mental institution 🙂 !).
Personally, I lost a fortune (well, for a student – about $1,000) speculating in hog-bellies on the Chicago market. Dame Oxfam has no wish to know or appreciate that, in the derivatives markets, for every buyer there is a seller: accordingly, in the non-physical end, derivatives are a zero-sum game: at the physical end unwarranted price fluctuations are smoothed.
Ignorati like Stocking (and her enablers at the BBC) will ruin all of us – and create famines into the bargain.
Exactly. And not just derivatives, it applies to all markets. Not that Beeboids would understand that. Maybe Stephanie Flanders can explain it 😀
aily_Telegraph The Daily Telegraph Jon Snow’s crown may slip through Matt Frei’s handshttp://tgr.ph/kYR7H4
Makes the machinations on ‘Game of Thrones’ look almost ethical in comparison.
Thanks for this My Site( without wishing to be too familiar!)
A joy to see Andy Kershaw mentioned…Peels patsy in the lavender slipstream of effnic music…but turned heroic on the Isle of Man in some ways at least!
1. Hates Womans Hour and scorched it a couple of years ago-yet still it smoulders and spits…but Andy was the first man into the building, so hats off!
2. Replace Matt Frei for “Womans Hour”-and that`s my second point.
3.Did I hear Andys voice on an ING ad the other day? sell out or great to have him back…the answer my friend?…
Need those fearless seekers of the truth in C4 not to be so coy over all their salaries-do`nt we pony up for them in some smoke and mirrors way too?…the YTwilight Twins of Snowjob and Krish deserve this legacy at the very least!
Can you buy an “airmiles/sycamores in Richmond Park” conversion app-or some actuarial equivalent table for the old oaks and forever young like Snow?
If so, trust Frei can offset Haiti against Snows Bali..Cancun…Rio……
“Snowjob” !!!!!!!!
This made my day. I missed Kershaw’s scathing criticism of Frei Boy’s Haiti performance, and it’s a joy to read. His opinion of Frei’s behavior seems to mirror mine fairly exactly.
Astonishingly, among these TV dramatists, I am sorry to say, is the BBC’s Matt Frei. An incongruously ample figure around Port-au-Prince, Frei has been working himself up all week into what is now a state of near hysteria about “security” and the almost non-existent “violence”.
Over the weekend we saw him anticipating an outbreak of unrest, standing before a crowd of thousands of hungry, humiliated Haitians as they waited, patiently and quietly, to be given rations by UN soldiers. Their dignity and stoicism seemed to escape Frei who was, in any case, looking away from them while ranting about the inevitability of looming bloodshed – conspicuously unlikely, judging from the evidence of his own report. (When he is not almost tumescent about violence, Frei speculates and pontificates pompously to camera, or booms at earthquake victims in French. Most Haitians don’t speak French. They speak Creole).
Frei’s reluctance to recognise the amazing self-control of these desperate people, and instead to amplify the hysteria about violence for which he has scant evidence, has brought him at times worryingly close to calling the Haitians savages.
Disgracefully, on Monday’s Newsnight, Frei had the audacity – and again, anything but the evidence – to declare: “The dignity of Haiti’s past is long forgotten.”
No, it certainly is not. And it took Bill Clinton, being interviewed by Frei on Monday, to correct him on that one, and to point out that Haiti still has dignity, immense quantities of it, especially in the present catastrophe. Their chat was turned by Frei, inevitably, to his appetite for imminent violence. “But what about this history of violence,” he asked, “and civil unrest in this country?”
Matt Frei is a TV dramatist, for sure. This storytelling is so typical of him. Anyone remember his “Cauldron of Hope” line from Chile? No wonder he’s possibly being downgraded from news anchor back to Washington correspondent. He doesn’t even deserve that job.
I’ve always been a bit of a fan of Andy Kershaw, not a typical Beeboid at all and has some serious knowledge of African music, not just posing either.
No-one can ever accuse “Woman’s Hour” of not tackling the big issues.
I may have misheard the trailer today, but it seems one topic tomorrow
will be whether there are “more moths this year “.
At first, I couldn’t see the BBC angle on this, then it came to me in a flash, of course– Global Warming !
Now, now, Grant. If the Beeboid Corporation can bring us such important items as that the UN be charged with running some ball game, or the spectacle of two “great” leaders playing table tennis, surely they can make room for the much more important, life or death matter of the moth population. I am engaged in my own Moth War against these pests of which there is currently a plague. Copious amounts of insect powder, mothballs, lavender sprays, wardrobe sachets, fly killer sprays and even chestnuts collected in the autumn have been called up and sent to the front line. If you don’t go for total annihilation these blighters will eat you out of house and home, devouring everything from the coat on your back to the carpets on your floor, the throws on your sofa and the socks on your feet. They have a particular penchant for wool. Beware if you have a woollen cardi or socks, a knitted cap or a cashmere winter coat.
If you want to kill anything off, and this should apply to moths as much as anything else, then turn up the volume of R4 when Mark Lawson is presenting Front Row.
If that doesn’t do it then you’ll have to move house and live in Salford where the local pest control department have been put on full red alert.
😀 😀 😀 Glad you mentioned that, John. Thanks. My wee environmental health man at the Council, whose counsel was sought, omitted to mention the Lawson or indeed the Salford connection.
I do occasionally catch the Lawson programme but usually only when I am stuck in the garage doing some tedious chore like sorting the rubbish into four different containers for the binmen and there is nothing on Radio 3 that appeals.
“Throws ” on Sofa ? “Cashmere ” coat ? Shouldn’t your post be on the “posh boy ” thread ? 😀
Shaaaduuup! 😛 They sell cashmere in Primark, nowadays, don’t you know? You must get out more! And my red and black plaid throw was known as a rug for its first twenty years but they are called throws these days, dahling. If I said rug round these parts, they’d think I’d taken the rug from the floor. As for my ancient wool and cashmere winter coat, well I am rather fond of it even if it is beginning to fray at the cuffs and look shabby. I just have to take care not to be seen by the neighbours or mistaken for a vagrant. 😉
what was really funny was that the ‘moth lady’ on the show said there was no evidence of an increase in moths and in fact there was a 25% decline.
So tarquin and cressida had their lovely morrocan cheesecloth shirts eaten by a moth and auntie spins it into some sic fi horror.
What we learnt from the show,
only 2 types of moth eat clothing
the numbers of these two aren’t increasing.
there are lots of other lovely species of moth.
Well (and this is an expression not an invite Scott) Bugger me!
Total no story , infect it would be hard to find a greater non story than this in the history of non stories.
And these dickheads get paid for this!
Oh, looky.
“Ex-Tory peer jailed over expenses”
Managed to shoe-horn “Tory” into the headline. Hands up who thinks “Labour” would have fitted in. Don’t be shy now.
Same thing on the News Channel just now. “Conservative Peer”. Oh, wait, now he’s a “very high profile Conservative Peer” and “one of the Conservative Party’s brightest”.
Yes, I was about to add this if no-one else had. But apparently he was “one of the Tories’ brightest stars”. You couldn’t make it up – no really, the BBC would have made it up already.
Funny how he was “one of the brightest stars” but never got elected as an MP.
Do I detect a bit of racism here?
Maybe worth someone at Tory Central playing the Joker here…or Vince if it has been mislaid by the previous lot!
The reflex response of choice to Labour since 1997…worked for them!
Thought the BBC were nasty and gleeful outside Wandworth jail.
Don`t remember Morley and the previous few Labour ones getting the piece from the gates, saying what Taylor can expect for his first night in chokey.
And he “fiddled” his expenses.
Black’s back, with another tediously predictable entry along the lines of “we’re all going to die”.
“…casting a new layer of doubt on the ability of governments to meet the targets they’ve signed up to on curbing climate change” You don’t say? Could it be they sign up to shut you up and have no intention of following through. (well, some of them anyway: not those with fuckwits like Huhne in them)
“Drink, drugs and bullying: BBC forced to reveal its disciplinary record ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1392232/Hundreds-BBC-staff-disciplined-drink-drugs.html#ixzz1NvwWwpZi
(Or as Martin would say: ‘I’ve always said they’re a bunch of xxxxxx xxxxxx and should have their xxxxxx put up xxxxxx xxxxxxxx.’)
Sometimes you just have to laugh:
Here’s an item from George’s link:
A news reporter was sacked after he was revealed to be a Hell’s Angel who had launched a scathing attack on the police during an interview on Radio 4.
Who could this be?
The Pugh cartoon in complement is rather fun.
I am meanwhile trying to think what other public outfits I am compelled to co-fund with money that gives ’em enough excess to blow on snorting coke, then yet more to be ‘helped’ when it all goes tits up.
Just like their vast, poorly-invested pensions, i guess.
and English Defence League:
1.) BBC-NUJ:
“Drink, drugs and bullying: BBC forced to reveal its disciplinary record”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1392232/Hundreds-BBC-staff-disciplined-drink-drugs.html#ixzz1NvwWwpZi
2.)English Defence League:
“EDL Blackpool Demo Report: Justice for Charlene Downes”
3.) BBC-NUJ report on EDL in Blackpool, which manages to avoid mentioning what the demo was for, but emphasises the BBC-NUJ pastime of drinking instead, as per BBC school of journalism:
“Blackpool EDL and anti-fascist demos ‘pass peacefully'”
And the turn out for the BBC-NUJ supported parasitic demo arranged in Blackpool at the same time as the EDL’s demo?: Total:
42 people-
“Blackpool 28 May 2011 – A Dark Day For The Socialist Opponents Of The EDL”
Note: BBC-NUJ members are politically obliged to oppose EDL and to support UAF, by terms of NUJ political policy.
How Islam Not BBC (INBBC) ‘reports’ NIGERIA.
‘Jihadwatch’ has this:
Nigeria: Muslims murder 15 in bars after inauguration of Christian president
INBBC’s Abdullahi Kauri Abubakar, presumably a Muslim, has this
“Nigeria: Blasts hit vice-president’s hometown, Zaria”
The BBC has belatedly gotten around to reporting that PBS got hacked by people who support Julian Assange and WikiHacks in response to a Frontline episode called “WikiSecrets”. The PBS report was critical of Assange and his fellow hackers, and so these criminals attacked.
The BBC report is heavily skewed against PBS. The first section of the article spends way too much time about Tupac Shakur, the topic of the hoax story planted on the PBS website by the hackers. But this has nothing whatsoever to do with the real story, and so is a waste of valuable time and space. The expert analysis provided is from one of the most notorious hackers of the past blaming PBS for not having enough security. Then the BBC quotes the PBS ombudsman who had “some questions in his mind” about the Frontline segment.
Nobody except the Frontline producer allowed space to criticize this criminal act, and no space is given to any discussion of whether or not this will put a chill on other media organizations’ reporting on WikiHacks. That’s because the BBC supports Assange and WikiHacks and thinks PBS got it wrong and deserved the attack. This article places more blame on PBS than on the hackers.
Calling all fellow members of ‘the green ink brigade’!
Poor Mr Bowen, he’s been a bit slow to get to grips with the BBC’s favourite fetish – Twitter
Sadly the best line is only in the deadtree version of today’s Evening Standard. The reporter elicits a general moan and then an excuse from Bowen, ‘I’m pretty cross about it,…’ (not getting recognition for the Gaddafi scoop). ‘…..I thought we weren’t meant to be tweeting because of the green ink brigade. But then I was called a dinosaur’.
We already know how the BBC big beasts like Jeremy Bowen prefer broadcast only mode – so now we know what he thinks of anyone who might disagree with his pearls of wisdom. Pesky license fee payers.
Are the “green ink brigade” the ones who pointed out all the Beeboids making heavily biased and partisan tweets? That’s why Helen Boaden sent out the memo to cool it. How typical that the BBC spins it the other way round.
Precisely, they love Twitter so long as its confined to an in-crowd of like-minded mutually back slapping sychophants. Not so keen on hearing from the dissenters.
So as we head to Jeremy we find that EDL is running at thirty times that of the BBCs chosen donkey. All those hopes and good intentions must be a real handicap…or is that differently abled now?
By the time it makes London, there will have been more UAF members that Beeboids have ever known though.
The cause of Charlene Downs …like that of the RE teacher battered senseless the other day…will not produce a knee jerk reaction, but will be a cause of reflection…before going in a capsule for the Blue Peter Garden with a thirty year rule slapped on it if legal are OK with that!
Sounded like a landslide to me…but will be put down to Sellafield up the coast I guess!
Turns out that it was due to shale exploration by Big Oil!
My gift for prophecy has returned!
Reality: Egyptian general admits ‘virginity checks’ conducted on protesters
A senior Egyptian general admits that “virginity checks” were performed on women arrested at a demonstration this spring, the first such admission after previous denials by military authorities.
The BBC censored this when Amnesty initially made a fuss back in March. Now that it’s been admitted, though…..
BBC: Shhhh. The Muslim Brotherhood are moderate and have had no effect on the military. Don’t spoil the Narrative. No link because there’s no BBC report yet.
INBBC doesn’t report on the following; Glenn Beck does:
“Beck’s Explosive Video Vindication: Socialists Explain How They Worked With Muslim Brotherhood & Islamic Extremists in the Mid-East Revolutions to Unite Arab World Against USA, Britain & Israel”
Only because the BBC’s reporting already posits that the Arab Spring has already shown that Israel’s claim to be the only democracy in the village is false and that they are the worst oppressors in the region, and that Israel can do this only because the US and UK have propped up all the Arab dictators to keep it that way. The BBC already supports this struggle, so it’s not news to them. They think this is normal.
Where is BBC-NUJ’s own report on the following, or has BBC-NUJ imposed a superinjunction?:
“Drink, drugs and bullying: BBC forced to reveal its disciplinary record”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1392232/Hundreds-BBC-staff-disciplined-drink-drugs.html#ixzz1NxqxXxxY
I would bett 100 to 1 thios story of foul Islamist behaviour does not get reported by the BBC. OK – it happened in the Ukraine. But it represents how sick Islam can get – and could get here too.
Nor will the BBC report the current alleged randy-US Congressman story.
Wiener flashed his wiener (allegedly) on Twitter – directly relevant to all the BBC reporting on social media. But nary a word will we hear. Because he is not Republican.
Nor will they report this wide sociological survey of antiSemitism among all classes of Muslim youth across Europe :
“First they came for the …..”
‘First the Saturday people then the Sunday people’ – a chilling piece of Islamic graffiti daubed on walls in Israel a few years ago. Muslim feelings towards Israel are hardly ambiguous, & in Pakistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Egypt & Sudan we see what surging mobs of Islamic fanatics do to Christians. The writing is on the digital wall, for all to see. The BBC can control its own selective, biased portrayal of Islam, but beyond its ‘chosen narrative’ the real world turns on, & the websites/blogsites are full of the savage imagery & murderous rhetoric of the religion of pieces – body pieces.
One day the black battle flags will come for the White City People – the Beeboid hedonistas; the people too high to see what’s happening on the ground, to see what’s beginning to happen in Tower Hamlets, with the demands, threats & attacks, the colonisation of east London by totalitarians. The BBC, for too long, has been play-acting with Muslim dynamite. But they’re backing the wrong side, because Islam wants everything its way, & it doesn’t like twittering poseurs snorting charlie. Their indulgent lifestyles will come to a miserable end, & saying ‘I did what I did for Sharia’ as they’re running down Wood Lane won’t cut any ice with the Caliphate Crew.
Beeboids are moral, intellectual and physical cowards. They disgust me.
I should have added, ‘or Mehdi Hasan’s Camel Corps’ to the last line.
Well, one could argue that BBc in-house surveys are usually less than accurate…
And I am sure a few may well try.
Seems the BBC spokesperson choked on ‘we think we get it about right’ and decided just to read out what ‘should’ be versus what clearly is.
Changing in response…?….
Supplementary report:
“BBC is anti-Christian and snubs the elderly, according to the Corporation’s OWN survey”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1392947/BBC-anti-Christian-snubs-elderly-according-Corporations-OWN-survey.html#ixzz1O0eU23or
A BBC spokesman said: “We have strict editorial guidelines on impartiality, including religious perspectives,
Yes, we know. The guidelines are the problem.
and Christian programming forms the majority and the cornerstone of our religion and ethical output.”
Songs of Praise is as ever their trump card. I suppose in fairness I should include things like sitcoms having Christmas specials (even the sweary ones) and that programme about how to read church iconography (which was very well done, and of which Christians should be proud).
But “ethical output”? The cornerstone of Justin Rowlett’s “Ethical Man” was the religion of Warmism.
Reassuring, is it not, that a £4Bpa uniquely-funded entity is proudly moving more and more of its news gathering and debate systems to be based around this ‘source’.
‘…after I left there were reports on Twitter..’
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) supports flotilla again.
INBBC alrady cheering on the quayside; no hint of criticism of Turkey (which INBBC wants in E.U., of course):
INBBC report:
“Gaza flotilla vow as thousands rally in Istanbul”
Here’s Robin Sheherd (2010) on INBBC’s propaganda about the last flotilla:
Glenn Beck, ‘Fox News’ (2010) –
on flotilla and the media.
(8 min video)
BBC on The Blessed Winnie Mandela
‘Winnie Mandela (Sophie Okonedo) went from innocent country girl to fighter against apartheid, and from an adoring wife to a firebrand revolutionary’
Wikipedia on The Blessed Winnie Mandela
Moeketsi was kidnapped on 29 December 1988 after a school rally, accused of being a police informer and murdered at the age of 14. His body was found in Soweto with his throat slit. Jerry Richardson, one of Winnie Mandela’s bodyguards, was convicted of the murder. He claimed that she had ordered him to abduct four young men from Soweto, of whom Stompie was the youngest. The four were severely beaten and Stompie’s body was later recovered by the police.
Firebrand/murderer – meh wodevva
China’s news agency, unlike INBBC, reports this:
“Israel prepares for Gaza flotilla to avoid deadly incident”