Remarkably soft interview with EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom here. As the prelude Gavin Hewitt explains why “many people” see Schengen as a lofty EU achievement! Lovely Cecilia wants to see lots of people from North Africa come to Europe to do the jobs that Europeans just won’t do. I was impressed to hear her bring climate change into her desire to incorporate Africa into the EU.
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It is amazing how the Today program can introduce the topic of “climate change” into almost any subject.
I spotted about three gratuitous references this morning – I am surprised that there wasn’t an opportunity with the FIFA story.
There was an amusing piece of nonsense in last night’s Newsnight where some green numpty flew to China to tell us about how they are using pig slurry to produce methane which when they burn in their kitchens gives them “clean” energy. Ignoring the two facts that Methane is a worse greenhouse gas than CO2 and that when burnt it produces CO2.
Still, no doubt it was worth the carbon footprint of the “reporter” and film crew to tell us these untruths.
Glad you saw it Mark…never seen a Green Missionary made to look such a tool! Not of any practical use variety sadly.
Rowlatt is the Beeb “nice but dim” His was the “nine millionth and first” bicycle in Beijing, so no doubt that long cycle to inform and educate the Chinese coolies will explain his absence from our screens these last few months.
Still Farmer Ren was doubtless inspired to shovel the pigshit into his biogas cooker all the better on seeing Justin after he`d rolled his Armani sleeves up and jolly well got stuck in.
That flame on the cooker looked rather like the one his wife has probably left on at home didn`t it?…but Justin was thrilled to see it all blue and hot! Clever Justin…and Farmer Ren was not inscrutable as he marvelled at this pioneer seemingly able to live without a bike rack at the farm gates too.These green Missionaries have their faith to sustain them through such travails!
Not all good news though-poor Justin was sad at the shopping mall wasn`t he?…but then he met the “ninth vegan poppet in Beijing” didn`t he…and Yin was harmonised with Yang once again.
Lovely cheongsam too-but she didn`t look as if she was possibly able to help Justin with his Sustrans 666 route from Beijing to Mandalay. Still the April Fool joke is on us, for paying for his puncture kits.
So Justin is surely on the cycle path to Mandalay now-coast to coast…and it`s simply GOT to be India next seeing as he`s out there.Thevy`ve got” ishoos” haven`t they-and not having Justin Rowlatt on speed dial will only harm their prospects if we don`t let him loose to scupper their chances much as the BBC hopes to do for ours.
China and India can`t agree on too much, but if they don`t thank Buddha or suchlike for OFSTED, Balls, Blunkett, Shami,Polly,Moonbat and Porritt each and every day I`ll be surprised once Justin has left the condoms in a marked manner somewhere easily accessible from near Delhis latest shopping experience.
Think I`ll set up my tinpot Gods as named above before he gets back…bit hilly in parts ,but Justin will cope!
Fear “nine million coal mines” in the place once Justin has finished his eco-evangelism! They`d be right too!
Mr. Rowlatt’s last blog suggests a lot about how the BBC does vs. what it says.
Created to suit a short term aspect of the narrative without thought to what is being stirred up or suggested. Filleted. Overdue. Closed without cause or reason. And now flapping in the breeze totally without irony.
Reminds me of the departed Matt Frei pining for a bit of Chinese-style autocracy. Not fans of personal freedom, these Beeboids. Except for themselves, as they are the nomenklatura.
Wonder if this particular Swede has had a walk round the Rosengård district of Malmö recently ?
Very culturally enriched I believe.
Can’t seem to see your link , but I assume it shows thousands of Buddhist monks stoning a woman to death because she is not wearing a saffron robe.
Not sure why you say “remarkably soft interview”, David. It would have been remarkable had an EU apparatchik not been given a soft interview.
Against my better judgement I listened to the ‘interview’. The mutual presumption that we were all going to be happy families was breathtaking in its arrogance. In time, when some historian comes to analyse the collective suicide of Europe’s nation states, he, or she will come to understand the significance of the Schengen ‘agreement’, or rather, betrayal. This Tacitus of the future will also highlight The Barcelona Process. Or Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, of 1995, which was intended to, ultimately, bring north African countries, when suitable, into the EU fold. This, presumably, explains the great excitement amongst the Beeboids over the Arab ‘spring’ & its vast potential for flooding Europe with millions more Muslims. But with EU unemployment at 10%, where are all the jobs these Africans are going to do? The fantasists at the BBC have no answer, of course. But why would they care? They’re state-suckled, and hey! won’t it be great to have even more ‘diversity & enrichment’? The problem is, that when the arrivistes really start cutting up rough there isn’t a frothy latte yet devised that can stick heads back on shoulders.
The last sentence of the BBC’s summary of the segment is wrong. It should read:
EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom considers if other European countries should surrender control of their borders to a supra-national body to help with the influx.
Immigrants are now migrants. So much less of a word and less of a problem I suppose. Our Cecilia is well named.A Maelstrom is what awaits the peoples of Europe particularly those nice liberal northern ones.
Never has Europe been ruled by so stupid a bunch of jerks so disconnected from reality.
Good point, dave s. It’s the cultural Marxists doing the old linguistic headstand once again. ‘Migrant’ implies that they’re merely seasonal workers, very occasionally flitting in for a few weeks work, instead of bedding down for the duration. The EU Commissars must think we were born yesterday.
Will the BBC be celebrating the sixth anniversaries of the French and the Dutch rejecting the E.U Constitution I wonder? They seem to have decided that 50 years of Amnesty is worthy of a weeks scheduling.
I`d say that the cross border co-operation and harmonisation shown between these two founder members of the European Family OUGHT to be celebrated…and we`d not now have Lisbons Treaty now if not for our two friends over in Manche Nord Deux!
Why then no scheduled celebration?
And speaking of anniversaries,it`s 22 tears since Tiananmen-have Amnesty a view, did Justin Rowlatt even shout a question from his bike as he breezed through?…no,thought not!
The only crime committed that awful time of 3/4 June 1989 was that the tanks weren`t electric ones…apart from that…nothing that the EU wouldn`t do if too many referendums were rejected!
The EU project is as debauched as it is possible to be.
Yet Lagarde and her lotus eaters hops from France-to the IMF-and presumably back to being President back home as DSK was attempting, before someone from the underclass told the Yanks about it.
All he was doing was trying to re-enact physically what his kind have been doing to the poor. Indeed that she was black makes him anti-racist and so to be commended by the likes of Lagarde and all in Business Class too.
U.N/E.U/I.M.F…Brown, Mandelson,Kinnock, Brittain and…of course…Patten…these oils slicks are always welcome under the door in any BBC studio of their choosing.
No Panorama on that little vipers nest of privilege though…and like Coe gets extra stars for being another Olympian…in all senses!
Still don`t see what the French have over the rest of us in letting their political wannabes practice their schemes within the likes of the IMF.Depardieu for Pope?
Fair point about DSK not being racist. He doesn’t care what race the woman is.