Two cheers for Today in letting Ron Prosor make Israel’s case against British attitudes to Israel, particularly highlighting the spurious “freedom” of speech at British universities where Israel is concerned. Mind you, this was broadcast in the Today “dead zone” (post 8:30 am) and, as I’ve commented before, Prosor, being a professional diplomat and having – despite excellent English – a thick accent, is not the most appropriate or dynamic person to make Israel’s case.
Prosor engaged in rational criticsm but, as a diplomat and a representative of a government with other interests, he’s got too many other issues to be careful about so that his words must be modulated through the “censor” of Israeli global foreign policy. Accordingly, although the proximate cause of having Prosor on Today was his article earklier this week in the Times (?), a critique of this type should be made by a rather less constrained advocate. Accodingly, an opportunity to go for the jugular here was lost and a little gentle nagging was substituted.
However, you can expect the avalanche of anti-Israeli reporting and analysis led by the BBC’s Middle East editor to continue unabated. After all, this 5 minute interview proves the impartiality of the BBC so any old anti-Israeli or anti-Jew propaganda will, on the BBC anyway, balance Prosor’s reasonable remarks.
Thanks again George!
Doing some homespun research in proportions of such things and this is an open goal.
Most “news” is one autocue cipher in the studio asking another numpty outside a building what his opinion is on the news he is said to have knowledge of…talk about positive feedback and dyadic groupthink being somehow equated with real news!
But its cheap-doesn`t involve the risk of the BBC being “challenged” about their OPINION(for this is what all the news is for 85% of the time)-and reinforces the BBCs wetsock approach to its cultural agenda being banged on its shields until we go home.
Still-we know it`s all piss and wind…and won`t be getting any more money(except in a Railtrack way!) before very long.
“BBC coverage”, hmmm, it’s like a toxic blanket thrown over us all, stifling our own tenets and beliefs, and infusing us with theirs. That just about sums it up for me.
“Expenses fraud MP Illsley ‘claimed after guilty plea'”
Spot the missing word? One of the most common BBC bias routines. They do mentiuon labour in the first paragraph of the article but NOT in the link or the headline…why?
Just watched the BBC’s TV coverage of the four police officers cleared of beating up terror suspect Babar Ahmad. The jury took just one hour to find all four policemen not guilty but the BBC clearly didn’t agree. It went on to describe in some detail Mr Ahmad’s case against the officers and, to me, it conveyed the impression that the officers were lucky to get off.
As often with BBC reporting, the impression was subjective and could not, therefore, justify a complaint. Very slippery.
In the last open thread, I commented on Mark Mardell’s blog post about his visit to New Hampshire to see Mitt Romney start his presidential bid. Mardell also found time to sneer at Sarah Palin and insult her supporters.
Mardell has apparently been given free reign on the blog to express his personal opinion freely, as if that somehow it’s no longer bias if he says it out loud. He said that Romney was dull, and in today’s post after having seen the first appearance, Mardell just tells it like it is:
I had gone to the event with the impression that Mitt Romney was on the dull side, but with an open mind. After all, I had never seen him in the flesh. The worthy speech lit no touch paper and his genial walkabout didn’t persuade me either.
At least it’s now out in the opinion: Mardell is an opinionmonger, an “analyst”, and not a journalist.
Having summarily dismissed the first challenger to his beloved Obamessiah, Mardell doesn’t think it’s worth mentioning Palin again. Which is wise, because it turns out her appearance was the exact opposite of what Mardell told you yesterday it was going to be.
Commenting on Romney’s problem in the 2012 presidential campaign with the Romneycare health care reform he sponsored in 2005 as governor of Massachusetts, Palin said mandates at all levels of government are to be avoided.
“However, even on a state level and even a local level, mandates coming from a governing body, it’s tough for a lot of us independent Americans to accept, because we have great faith in the private sectors and our own families … and our own businessmen and women making decisions for ourselves. Not any level of government telling us what to do.”
Does this sound at all like the empty flag-waving Mardell said it was in his post yesterday? Not to me it doesn’t. Mardell’s opinion is biased, his “reporting” is biased, and he is not fit for purpose.
I like how the BBC is now reporting all details in full about John Edwards’s legal trouble over using campaign cash to hide his affair with a staffer while he was parading his cancer-stricken wife around the country to prop up his candidacy.
I don’t like how the BBC doesn’t want you to know that the entire US media suppressed the story, starting with the LA Times editor ordering his employees to sit on the story. This attitude spread quickly, and the BBC censored all news of it as well until the story broke elsewhere so much that at last reality forced the BBC to report it.
Before a defender of the indefensible chimes in to correct me, I found that Kevin Connolly (the Beeboid who insulted hundreds of thousands of people on air with a sexual innuendo, the text version of which BBC News Online still publishes happily) included this little throw-away line in his “Notes” on the Edwards scandal last year:
It is worth noting in passing that the mainstream media did not distinguish itself with this story, loftily ignoring it until The Enquirer eventually came up with evidence strong enough to stand up in a court of law, never mind the court of American public opinion.
It’s also worth noting in passing that the BBC ignored it as well until after the US media finally stopped censoring the news. Connolly seems to be distinguishing the BBC from the MSM, which is a bit disingenuous. This one line doesn’t disprove my statement that the BBC is failing to mention the censorship in their current reporting, and that they’ve failed to do their own mea culpa.
Speaking of BBC censorship, they still haven’t reported on WeinerGate. A fairly high-profile NY Congressman is in serious hot water over possibly tweeting a naughty picture to a 21-year old college girl whom he for some reason was following on Twitter. It’s all over the news in the US, and Weiner’s behavior has been so slippery and shady about it that even his old college buddy St. Jon Stewart did a segment on it to try and take the pressure off. Weiner is so badly off here that the best he can do now is claim that he can’t say for sure if the picture is him or not. He still hasn’t called for a police or FBI investigation into his claims that his Twitter account was hacked and that someone else sent the photo. As this is impersonating a Congressman, it’s a federal offense. Yet no investigation?
The BBC has been utterly silent. They all know about it – it’s been reported by both guiding lights, the Posts Washington and Huffington – but the BBC editors have decided to censor the story even now. They’re not so quiet when it’s a Republican scandal. But of course, since the BBC follows the lead of certain Leftoid US media outlets, it’s no surprise as the US MSM does the same thing. Once again it seems clear that all BBC staff in the US are redundant and can easily be replaced by a news aggregator.
Whatever your own views on drugs legalisation, the selection of “the best of the web” provided by the BBC website today is anything but balanced:
Why does the war on drugs continue? The war on drugs should be declared over recommends the Global Commission on Drug Policy report. It says the policy of total prohibition followed by the world’s most powerful nations for the best part of four decades “has not, and cannot, be won”. Commentators mull over why governments have so far rejected the advice.
Five news sources are sampled and they all agree with the Commission.
The vanishingly small circulation of the Independent doesn’t stop it being first off, saying the reason is government fear of “the right-wing press”. “This commission is to be commended for telling the truth about drugs prohibition and for making an admirably clear argument for a different strategy.”
The Ottawa Citizen agrees, adding that “most epidemiologists agree” that the advent of AIDS “was made much worse by the criminalization of drugs”.
Someone from Time agrees, arguing that “regardless of the evidence ending prohibition of drugs is just too taboo for governments to consider”.
Someone (inevitably) from the Guardian (see previous thread!) agrees, arguing “that the war on drugs may be too precious to politicians to give up”. “The arguments over drugs are done and dusted. Any independent body that looks at the evidence comes to similar conclusions”.
Finally we get the Telegraph, but it’s not some sterling rejection of the commission’s findings, no it’s a piece that agrees with the Commission and expounds the view that “Evidence seems, overwhelmingly, to suggest that prohibition is not just failing to fix drug problems, it is aggravating them.”
Is it really the case that no opinion writer in any paper across the globe disagrees with the commission? Or is this just a biased sample? I think I can the answer to that.
One or more burglars bashed in a steel door at the Sooner Tea Party’s Oklahoma City headquarters over the Memorial Day weekend and escaped with donor records, photocopies of checks, blank checks and other items, the leader of the conservative political organization said Wednesday.
“It was definitely political,” said leader Al Gerhart, 53, noting that the burglars took a lot of Sooner Tea Party records, but passed over expensive tools and equipment in the west Oklahoma City carpentry shop where he kept the records. An air-conditioner and a laptop computer Gerhart used for his business were the most expensive items Gerhart mentioned as being taken.
Gerhart said he found his 2009 and 2010 tax records stacked by the door, but the burglars apparently forgot to load them., in the Featured Video section, recently presented a video of the famed Maccabetas singing group performing for President Barack Obama at a reception in the White House in honor of American Jewish Heritage Month, the month of May. American Jewish Heritage Month pays tribute to the American Jews who have helped form the fabric of American history, culture and society. As part of the entertainment at the event, the Maccabeats were invited to sing several songs. They also did an impromptu acapella chant, with beautiful harmonies, of ”Four More Years,” which was the video posted on The Office of the President, however, has asked that the video be removed from the internet and has acceded to that request.
The Maccabeats’ own website has a video clip of the President Himself thanking them for their performance. Mysteriously, this is the only high-profile public performance of theirs for which the group doesn’t have a video.
Now, why would the White House want to suppress a video of the President applauding Jews? I mean, the song they sang for Him was called “Four More Years”. Or maybe they’re actually embarrassed about that and are trying to spin it the other way? =-O
What INBBC censors on Gaza, and Hamas-Fatah-Islamic Jihad:
(4 min video) –
“‘Our Entire Nation Is Osama’: Those Simply Displaced Palestinians Vow Revenge to the Jews & America, the Country of Heresy & Prostitution, Osama-Bin-Laden-Style”
I’m very confused now by the BBC’s coverage of the charges against the police officers who arrested Babar Ahmed. A few times now I’ve seen in the News Channel text crawl that a video tape proves the officers’ side of the story and that Ahmed was lying about being religiously harrassed and unreasonably assaulted. There was one brief mention of that in one of their field reports, but it was quickly swept aside.
On the other hand, all actual reporting out loud seems to point the finger of blame at the police anyway. The BBC has repeated a video clip of some Mohammedan comlaining about how awful it was to have the police insulting Islam, even though we seem to know that it’s not true. And just now Gavin Esler forgot to bring up the video tape evidence to Ahmed’s lawyer who was given free, uninterrupted air time to lay out her case that the officers concerned have had other abuse complaints against them, and therefore they are guilty and should be charged, etc.
So which is it? What is going on? Why is the BBC reporting in text that the video shows the cops are innocent but all the other reporting says they should be charged anyway and repeats the sympathy towards the guy they arrested?
Just saw the 6 O’Clock news version. I seem to think that the poor moslem peace activist was viciously attacked in an unprovoked and sustained assault by four heavily armed police. The jury was packed, it must have been as they only took an hour to whitewash the police.
Not sure why the BBC feels the need to provide ‘balance’ and promulgate the defence of someone who has been proven to have lied in a court of law. Perhaps the court came up with the wrong verdict
For once, credit where credit’s due and I was interested to see this on the BBC website
It’s a report marking the 70th anniversary of the Farhud, a Nazi-inspired anti-semitic pogrom in Iraq. (Note: several years before the State of Israel came into being so they can’t blame anti-Zionism for this atrocity). This was broadcast on the World Service.
Spain has big problems, real big problems. But what or who contributed to the collapse?
Looking through the BBC website I can see no reference to any fiscal or economic mistakes the Spanish socialist regime have made. In effect the BBC have created and sustained a BBC patented ‘responsibilty free zone’ expertly crafted to protect its socialist allies.
Had the Spanish elected a right wing government that had needed a bailout, the BBC would of course take every opportunity to make sure the listener/viewer knew exactly which party bears the blame, which policies assisted with the collapse.
The BBC have ensured a safe sterile space for socialism in which their faliures and mistakes are hidden, anyone looking at the BBC coverage of the PIGS disaster could believe that socialist policies and governments had nothing to do with the unfolding disaster. This disaster just happened with no political assistance.
We are seeing the same kind of assistance being planned for the POTUS Omahabama, a safe sterile zone is being built around him, he is being isolated from responsibility and blame by the BBC, a deliberate tactic to assist in the coming US election.
The BBC as we all rememer was as fast as lighning to hold Bush to account for real and invented mistakes, if the Dow sank or the dollar went south or more than a dozen jobs were lost the BBC was in like Flint with critics queueing around the block, it was all hands on deck and man the big guns to be fired at Bush. We see a surreal quiet zone being constructed, a vacuum around Ohamabanana. Like a film with the swear words taken out and where the cast mumbles, the story is chopped and edited until only a confusing chop shop of a product remains.
This is not news gathering, it is partisan and in depth political bias of the worst kind.
or a definition of a communist which would also apply to a socialist as they are the same thing…….only one has a champagne quaffing habit and possibly a holiday bolt hole in Tuscany 😉
Q.what is a communist?
A.someone who has f*** all and who wants to give me half of it
Don’t count on it yet, Millie. The opponents of the President (“enemies”, as He calls them) can still screw this up big time. Hopefully the Tea Party will trump the Republican Establishment (small “t”, honestly, no Donald intended).
“How do you tell a communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin”
Ronald Reagan
What to commenters think of this story run by the BBC – attacking ‘big society’ reforms and a tory council. Apart from smears, innuendo and hear-say can anybody detect any evidence to support the headlines?
“As part of his Big Society vision, David Cameron wants councils to reconsider whether someone else – charity, company, community group – could run their services better. But one place that took that idea and ran with it, Suffolk, is now in turmoil and its controversial chief executive is facing disciplinary proceedings.”
The allegations are all there but where is the story. What have Suffolk failed to do?
Suffolk “CEO” , Andrea Hill, was in trouble under the last government. How many hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ has she spent on gagging sacked staff ?
Reported regulary in Private Eye, but she hasn’t sued yet.
According to government figures, 13 of the past 16 months have been calmer than normal – while 2010 was the “stillest” year of the past decade.
Meteorologists believe that changes to the Atlantic jet stream could alter the pattern of winds over the next 40 years and leave much of the nation’s growing army of power-generating turbines becalmed.
Meteorologists have found that the position of the jet stream has been influenced by the lower levels of activity on the Sun. This decline in sun-spot activity is expected to continue for the next 40 years, with potentially serious consequences for the viability of wind farms.
And here’s me thinking that BBC show was reality programming……
Meteorologists have found that the position of the jet stream has been influenced by the lower levels of activity on the Sun. This decline in sun-spot activity is expected to continue for the next 40 years, with potentially serious consequences for the viability of wind farms
David P. I thought the changes to the jet stream and gulf stream was all due to man-made global warming. They’ve just shot themselves in the foot with this one. 😀
Yes, it was down to some sort of feedback loop or something from all those “greenhouse gases” in the atmosphwere, wasn’t it? I’m not worried, though, because when the wind farms don’t produce enough energy, you can just switch to nuclear and coal and, oh, wait……
Heard Dimbleby furiously announcing one of tonights Any Questions topics as ” The War on Terror has been declared as a failure and should they be subject to decriminalisation?
I assume the old duffer meant The War on Drugs.
Note that we get Wrexham and Newport as the venues for the Dimblebums this week. Lots of assorted greens,liberals,Plaid Cymru and lots of public sector jobs too by way of substrate for the Beeb to add their own dung.
Bet the Beeb were pleased to have the oil rig disaster on their doorstep for the night-good timing…imagine Dimblebys wind turbine gets an airing as an alternative to nasty Big Oil.
Anyone tell me why the BBC are so keen to have drugs legalised?…is it really so hard for them all to get them round Shepherds Bush then?
Off the topics above, but to me very pertinent, has anyone else noticed the Met Office trying to perpetrate a lie regarding the start of the seasons? This discredited organisation is now trying to establish a situation whereby Summer, for example, begins on the first day of June. This is totally untrue. The first day of Summer has a long history of beginning on the 22nd June (it’s possible it can vary by a day either side, but I’m not totally sure of this). And so for all other 3 seasons. The Met Office has taken it upon itself to change something that is not in its power to change. I find this puzzling, worrying and possibly another symptom of socialist meddling. If I am wrong, I would welcome someone (with non-socialist credibility preferably) to enlighten me.
I’ve been moaning about this for years. It is obviously too difficult for their little brains to think that anything can start on a day that isn’t the 1st. Probably also fits in with BBC schedules.
Well maybe in Cheshire, but up here in Bonnie Scotland we are lucky if summer starts at all. Lovely day yesterday, but I could really do with some Global Warming 😀
Grant, I don’t know what part of Scotland you’re in , but we have a ‘Gardening For All Seasons’ book which (amongst other handy things) features a set of maps showing ‘The Progress Of The Seasons’ through the British Isles.
This shows that e.g., the Southwest gets Spring earliest (Feb onwards), that we in the Weald get Summer first (Early June) etc etc.
Thing is (and we might have had a bit of a snigger about this,so sorry), there’s a bit of North East Scotland (Aberdeenshire and some of Angus) which has this line:
Spring: Arrives late April-May.
Summer: July.
Autumn: Mid-August.
Winter: Early November.
So that’s a late-ish Spring lasting two-and-a-half months, followed by a month to six whole weeks of Summer, with a six-week Autumn and six months of Winter.
Toasty ! I’ll not be surprised if the next season of ‘Ice Road Truckers’ features Huntly in a prominent role….
That’s in a good year.
If Huntly ever features they will need subtitles for any interviews with the locals. Not needed for we posh folk in Edinburgh, of course.
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I was at Aberdeen University for four years studying Doric in my spare time, and one of my best friends comes from Huntly. Great people up there, although the sheep have to tread a bit carefully.
Wester Hailes , how very dare you ? Niddrie rules OK , ya bas !
This killer cucumber thing as not reported in the main by the BBC.
Here’s a thought, but only that :
It’s what we are not being told scientists, just off the cuff remarks that this is a hitherto a new strain and is possilbly in the food chain.
Or :
It’s in the water system in parts of Northern Germany courtesey of the Religion of peace.
As I say, it’s only a thought.
I posted on the QT thread to the effect that I was puzzled why a has-been like Stephen Dorrell was on QT.
It did occur to me that it may be because he is against the Lansley NHS reforms.
I never watch QT these days, but a friend who does tells me Dorrell didn’t deny he was after Lansley’s job. Did any hawk-eyed BBBC poster notice this ?
It would certainly explain why the BBC invited him.
Given the privileged lifestyles so many Beeboids, & the trendy well-heeled Left, enjoy, I thought this posting I discovered on another website might be of interest. It might explain the cognitive dissonance clanging in their heads.
‘Today’s Lefties suffer mentally because they aren’t being victimised. Victimhood is virtue. It is a constant source of shame to be living in the First World Western Good Life as they do. (The poster now takes the part of a Leftie) “Must find a way to position self in a narrative that expiates me, that paints me as moral. I must regularly be in a position of scolding something ‘Western’ that’s either ‘privileged’ (Oh, the irony) or ‘oppressive’ or I start to look evil to myself.”
The strange ‘triumph’ of the 1968ers as they, & their pupils have moved through the institutions. We now have a political/civil servant/media class that is working to undermine the nation from which it greedily suckles. When all is chaos I’m sure they’ll have their escape routes open.
If Jim ‘The Pharaoh Nok Tee’ (after his non-fact-finding stint in Egypt) was to do a ‘Buddha’, & give his worldly goods away, & walk out unshielded into the madhouse his ilk has created, I might have an iota of respect for him. Until then we’ll just have to endure the consequences of hypocrites’ guilt-trips.
If you offered Naughtie a rickshaw down to Covent Garden for some Opera opportunity( no one can sing what with the cuts an` all), then at least you`d get him away from the shortbreads for a while.
Would love to see the BBC tartan-patel shades, silk of hand reared worms and a rainbow motif you can see if your wear the rose tinted specs only.
Arbroath smokies done with the editors passive dope smoke!
As we know, British people are forced to finance the vast global broadcasting empire of the BBC-NUJ.
For example, much of Islam Not BBC (INBBC) output on the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is provided by BBC Urdu, which we finance.
INBBC is slow to criticise the political and military enmity of Pakistan towards the West; belatedly it does so here, in a limited way,while managing to omit all reference to the Islamic tenets which motivate the ISI’s support for Islamic jihadists against the West.
I can see how this would be a possible idea if Britain was part of the single currency. But it’s not, and this is another overreach of power, unchallenged by the BBC. Give prisoners the vote, accept the “refugees” we tell you to, taxation without representation. All your national sovereignty are belong to us.
Maybe a case for us to creatre our own currency to give to rip off companies and to pay our license fee.
Call it the Blatter-as long as you`ve a blue and yellow crayon you`ll be fine!
Money to be redeemed when next any of us meet him in Zurich-and I hope the FIFA family will continue to fill his pockets.
Baddles are monks and clerics part of the papal order.
Goodies include two gay anglican soldiers a lesbian pairing including a carpet munching lizard and a bhuddist soldier.
All that was missing was some caricature of a greedy Jew.
The beeb are scum. Pure and simple scum.
Passing this anti Christian claptrap propaganda before the watershed is insidious brainwashing.. Can you imagine them having a nasty Dyke or a hero Jew. Maybe they could try a Muslim monster hiding in a space ship from the Bradford star system.
They should be allowed to use mainstream family entertainment to push their politics.
I know you’re not supposed to mention fascism as it’s supposed to be an Internet cliche but didn’t nazi Germany produce comedies and dramas design to dehumanise Jews auntie is trying to set people against Christians.
Come on Scott, tell me why this hidden crap is legitimate.
Tried to say the magic words but the troll didn’t wake up. Probably tired after spending most of the day preventing heterosexual billy goats from crossing bridges. As for dez, he’s probably on some ‘peace’ flotilla bringing armed ‘peace’ activists to Palestine along with ‘engine parts’ from north Korea.
In Doctor Who, “A Good Man Goes To War”, 4 June 2011, “the Church”, headed by a “papal mainframe”, is portrayed in the future as an evil entity and enemy of the Doctor. The antipathy displayed between the Doctor and the said future “Church” was apparent in episodes last year. However, the inimical relationship is now characterised as full-blown.
This has all the appearance of a blatant attempt by a particular mindset operating within the BBC to affect children’s relationship to the Christian church (which in many cases includes their own parents) through setting it up in opposition to a much loved character. Trying to explain why the Church should be evil in the future puts Christian adults in an impossible position. This is not family viewing but an undermining of family cohesion.
Parents should not be forced into the position of refusing to allow children to watch Doctor Who because “the Church” is portrayed as ultimately evil in the future.
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I have just watched the mid-season finale of Dr Who. It upsets that the state broadcaster feeds this propaganda to young people.
The baddies were an Anglican Christian order who served a female pope who was a computer.
The two male soldiers at the start of the episode were a gay married couple. I don’t really care about gay marriage, but why couldn’t they just be soldiers?
There was an inference that the Silurian and her human female maid were engaged in a Lesbian relationship. Again nothing wrong with Lesbians, but why did there have to be an allusion to an extra sexual dimension to this relationship?
Lastly there was an odd attempt at humour with an odd sub-text as the Sontaran revealed he had been genetically modified to lactate. Why?
When as I child I watched Dr Who there were none of the under currents. The Dr and his companions were friends; there was no need to mention sex. Surely it is a more positive message to transmit that men and women could be just friends? Is Amy Pond really a positive role model for young women? Her only talent appears to be obstinacy; coupled to a prickly disposition.
There were other things with which I was unhappy but I feel I need to leave it.
john smith,
Can you or anyone think of a BBC programme which doesn’t have sex in it ?
It seems a rather unhealthy obsession for Beeboids. I wonder why ?
Hasn’t Doctor Who been a vehicle for leftist dogma since the eighties? Isn’t that widely understood?
Interestingly, I haven’t watched the show since the mid-late eighties. Even as a child I understood that it was bollocks in some degree or other.
I guess what I’m saying is that yes, Doctor Who pushes this sort of crap with gay (z0mg!!!1) abandon, but if you’ve ever had the misfortune to ever meet or – God forbid – work with anyone who watches the show? They’re already lost.
As far as children go, there’s far more worrying, insidious stuff being pushed on them in the form of children’s TV. Horrible Histories and Newsround as two good examples.
Naomi Campbell gets a front page apology from cadbury because of a joke about her being a diva which she then linked to racism because chocolate is brown coloured and yet auntie will sit smug in the knowledge that their unique funding system and their ‘independence’ means they have to apologise to no one. No one matters to auntie apart from their leftwing pets. As long as you don’t insult gays, Muslims, Greenies, feminists, or south American communists then you have free reign.
The airtime is theirs to do with what they wish and woe betide any white man, breeder, or Christian/Jew who may want to call them to account. Just like Muslims against crusaders they hide behind the system insulting the majority knowing they are immune because no one dares stop them.
Credit where due: HIGNFY made a joke about Muslims being suicide bombers. The audience didn’t want to laugh, but sort of chuckled guiltily. It’s a start.
David P,
And the quizmistress made a joke about Mecca, but looked a bit guilty.
I also noticed that when they did a piece on Lord Taylor, Ian Hyslop quickly mentioned about Labour peers fiddling expenses.
But, how sad that we have to clutch at these straws !
Yes, that was the joke about Mecca being Mecca for suicide bombers. The audience didn’t laugh until she cringed. Then it was okay for them to pass it off as laughing at the guilty conscience rather than at the joke itself.
Also, somewhere in that segment on Lord Taylor somebody threw in a gag about someone sending a photo of his private parts to someone he didn’t even know. The only BBC mention of WeinerGate so far.
All of the BBC redeemed, then, and this site has been refudiated!
Stupid f*ck not only got the aspect ratio wrong before uploading, they managed to reverse the image too. Perhaps they shouldn’t be in such a rush to publicise their shock and indignation that the BBC actually managed to crank out a rare comedy dig at Muslims.
There`ll be no interest in this sub-Pullman stuff from the C of E sadly.
It`s insiduous, but because they only get the media spotlight if they`re like extras from Dibley…and they just love that !
Really corrosive, but the church would rather get Geldofs autograph.
The afternoon play tooka gratuitous pot shot at “old Ratzinger” as they called the Pope.If the BBC hate the Catholics, then it`s off to confession soon for me!
If my lot complain then the beeb will just wheel in Stephen Fry, Ian macellan and Pulman to say all papes are kiddy fiddlers. Same as when big Ben came on his visit.
Old BBBC favourite Marcus Prickstock features in today’s Telegraph “My Perfect Weekend” when he, his wife and children go to Brighton in their “bio-diesel/solar powered camper van” with their
“kite” ( ? ).
On the journey they plan their “move to the country next year , build an eco-house , have chickens and so on “.
Once back in London, his wife and he “go into town for dinner at Roka in Charlotte Street. It’s Japanese cuisine and astronomically expensive “.
I could go on, but I suspect any readers will be reaching for the sick bag by now.
Oi, Marcus, what about the workers ?
Lord knows (yet again) what the DT are doing featuring this oaf. There’s me, having a nice cup of tea and relaxing with Victoria Moore’s useful alcohol guide when I turn the page for part two and am greeted by the talentless oaf himself with his “Perfect Weekend” in all its trite predictability.
Starngely enough my “Perfect Weekend” also involves Prickstocke (excellent !), though it’s a slight variant on his in that he’s wearing a meat suit á la Lady Gaga and lead boots and is being pursued by a pack of very feisty wolves. And maybe a bear, too. With Mrs Bear and the family in tow. Perhaps a lion and some tigers. And honey badgers by the cartload. Aaaaahhh !
On behalf of the native population of South East England, I hereby pledge to make this a reality if the giant wazzock and his brood carry out their threat to move amongst us. I’m pretty sure Aspinall’s can help with the wee predators. I could probably sell tickets. Or maybe Sussex could use it as a ‘between-innings’ entertainment: He is keen on Brighton, after all.
You raise a good point about the Telegraph. Several years ago, when Will Lewis a Labour supporter was made editor , it started moving to the Left. The most recent manifestation being the sacking of Simon Heffer.
Today, it is sort of “half and half”. No paper which has the Left-wing Mary Riddell as a columnist can be described as “Right-wing”.
It matters, apart from anything, in the context of BBC bias in quoting newspapers and Scottie and Dezzies description of the Telegraph as a “Right-wing ” paper.
Sandi Toksvig is also a regular columnist.
I never read the Guardian , but does it have any Right-wingers as regular columnists ?
John Aspinall’s zoos would make perfect venues for such a pageant. And to answer those who complain at the violent imagery in the above; it’s called ‘edgy humour’!
Roka in Charlotte Street is hideously over-priced for the quality of the food; it’s not a patch on Nobu. It’s also full of rich boorish Russians and bankers, although nowhere near as bad in this respect as Zuma. Odd place for the right-on Marcus Brigstocke to go and eat, unless he is even more of a hypocritical cnut (see other BBBC post) than I thought.
Toady show with Marcus in the supplement Grant?
That`s worth a day off tomorrow surely!
Hope a cloud follows his van and traps him on the Crawley bypass.
A weak “joke” by Sandi Toksvig who referred to putting the n into cuts is deemed by the Beeboid in charge of editing to be something that would delight listeners to the programme, so any offence given to other listeners doesn’t count.
It seems that even the oldies in Beeboidland are rather juvenile – and awfully short of wit and humour if they thought they couldn’t afford to drop a fairly obvious and not very funny crack. Could it be that their desire to promote an agenda and score a political point overcame their judgement both as to its comic value and its necessity to the programme?
I had a boss many years ago who did that course. He mostly learned to have us all fill out more forms and reports more often. Your license fee hard at work for sure.
I came across this post asking if the Beeboid Corporation is anti-Christian, based on something in a programme called “Outnumbered”:
During a church wedding one of the children started taking the piss out of the fact that Jesus died nailed to a cross.
This scene got me thinking….would the BBC have put out the same programme if the child took the mickey out of Allah or the Koran?
I’m not religious, don’t go to church and don’t believe in God.
I love the non sequitur replies that this question produced.
Not really a shock given the location: if you’re ever at a loose end, starting a thread attacking the Beeb/NHS/Obama etc on Digital Spy is like pouring water into an ants nest.
Interesting BBC news line up this morning – Labour to call for more taxes on bankers (quite clearly a blantant – and successful – attempt to get some news coverage) and evil bast**d Tories cutting vital medical research into cystic fibrosis, something I am sure Mr Cameron is totally committed to
Many is the time , on this website, I have warned about the Buddhist terrorist threat to this country and their cunning use of muslim names. Well I hate to gloat, but I told you so !
How long before Marr, The Master of the Megacities, makes an appearance in the farrago of PC tripe that is Dr Who? In fact, forget all these foppish Doctors, why don’t the Beeboids install a hardline cultural Marxist Time Lord? And Ko Urshun Marr’s just the ticket to boost the horror quotient . A man so visually disturbing he makes the Mekon look like Brad Pitt the Younger. The inter-galactic Robespierre of the BBC Revolution.
Cruising hyperspace in a Tardis renamed, Red October, talking balls in 5000 alien tongues, scattering ‘diversity’, ‘enrichment’ with the gay abandon of a civil servant with a Government Procurement Card, having extra-terrestrial affairs by the shed load. Trevor Phillips, his loyal manfriend, a platoon of Chakrabartis watching his slippery back, as he sweeps through time ‘correcting’ history, eliminating rationality, repressing, repressing. Stamping ‘hard on certain “natural” beliefs for long enough…to kill them off.’ A Time Lord for our twisted times.
Jarwill, you probably won’t be too surprised to hear that Andrew Marr has already appeared on Doctor Who (“Aliens of London”), reporting from outside Downing Street when the Slitheens were up to no good inside.
(If I remember the episode correctly, the green, baby-faced aliens – or so they seemed to be – eventually took off their fake green skins to reveal that they were all Andrew Marr lookalikes. That was a very scary moment and traumatised many a youngster).
If they do make him the new Doctor Who, they’ll probably make Baroness Helena Kennedy his sidekick (as she’s usually his sidekick on The Andrew Marr Show). Together they could battle croak-voiced machine-like creatures – Torleks – who shout “Cut, cut, cut!” as they try to wipe out the human race.
I think that was also the story arc, if not the actual episode, where it ended with a blatant Thatcher/Belgravia reference, complete with David Tennant’s nostrils flaring in anger at how the female PM was actually more evil than the aliens who tried to take over the planet.
Craig, I think we should collaborate on a script. I can see Dr Whomarr & The Baroness atomising wondrous cathedrals, replacing them with silicon super mosques, exhorting the bankrupt populace of XP38 to indulge in even more state spending, otherwise they’ll be back with the EU Kommissars, putting the thermonuclear stick about. Visiting Revolutionary Russia, calling Trotsky a ‘Berkshire Hunt’ for falling out with Lenin; ‘experimenting with their sexuality’, with trans-gender Cybermen. It’s a very rich field.
Maybe they could discover that the Cybermen are just misunderstood victims of Cyberophobia and that they should really be known as the Cyberwarriors of Peace and that what we humans understand by the word ‘Delete’ should really be translated (via the Tardis universal translator) as ‘Helping people reach spiritual understanding’.
You may be just catching up on something big here.
1. Daleks have still not formally committed to a ceasefire.
2. The “disability lobby” aren`t all they claim to be and have been infiltrated-Purnell of the last shower said as much,so the BBC would run with this if we asked them to.
3. There has been an unprecedented increase in the number of “disability ramps” and especially for key strategic targets an enemy might want.
Methinks some sinister force is getting the place just ripe for the taking.
I know that Salford has plenty of these Dalek dais…but the BBC won`t be worth taking over because they`re already in the pocket of Davros…doesn`t Peston etc take his winter break with him every year?
The story has been sanitised somewhat though. Nabka, which they admit means catastrophe has been redefined to blame Israel. Also missing is the fact that the celebration of the 1967 war is a celebration of the Arab invasion of Israel, purely for existing. Imagine if we were to celebrate the invasion of Iraq.
We also go to the protestors throwing rocks and rubbish. No mention of the molatov cocktails or armed men spotted at Kunetra.
Oh and the old “Israel says” regarding their story about issuing warnings to the protestors to back off in arabic. That’s right folks – according to the BBC they obviously didn’t.
However, TBF, I switched off SKY’s Murnaghan earlier today when he was ‘interviewing’ an exciteable Palestinian (who, if asked, may have been a tad vague on who started what war that saw the borders get redefined), some useful idiot from a ‘thinktank’ (whose back story might have helped with context on his objective input) and an Israeli spokesperson.
This latter was the usual calm, if po-faced, low voiced, emotionless type one usually gets the actual facts from, but having been asked to explain our Dermot cuts him off with a ‘that’s all we have had time for, and you’ve been given plenty to make your case’. (I’d actually love a senior overseas pol to one day hit back with ‘time for what? Cutting to 2 minutes of skateboarding turtles to keep your majority IQ-bereft main audience funding your ludicrous pay cheque via an ad for 4000% APR ‘debt relief’?’)
I’d have been keen to have had a breakdown on the truth of that, especially as he was ranged against two who were given free rein to spout utter bollocks on ‘peaceful protest’.
Pretty much all UK media seems to be incapable of objectivity on thigs over there.
But at least there was a small concession from their man around Syria that while Assad has been slaughtering hundreds of his own, it may suit the Arab street and their groupies for some old men to send kids across a hostile border to provoke a TV useful response.
‘And next up Tony Livesey with as usual Toby Young and Laurie Penney (sp?)’.
Toby seems to be a right-winger and Penney (sp) is a vile tit who fAncies she’s the poster child of the ‘YOOHOO EVERYBODY IT’S ME ME ME I’M ON A DEMO !!!!!’ crowd.
I suppose when they were planning the programme, the production staff all sat around in their thinkpods and said, ‘we must get Toby Young on a programme, he’s a right-winger and he’s brilliant, but we need to pretend balance so can you all try and come up with a token leftie, maybe try google or something.’
ZephirFeb 23, 07:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Sickening, As is the ability to wilfully ignore their sheer murderous brutality and genocidal instincts.
Guest WhoFeb 23, 07:53 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bet that image inspired tears in the eyes of the lads and lasses of JezBo’s unit.
ZephirFeb 23, 07:02 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Some sense at last: “Ukraine war : Like the equally bird-brained Iraq invasion, it was the desire of a militant…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Or this: “Illegal immigrant who stabbed wife to death wins right to stay in Britain after arguing he might have…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:21 Weekend 22nd February 2025 And, no doubt, another item the racist, sexist bbc will be hiding: “Syrian refugee who stepped in to stop Islamist…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any…
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
Two cheers for Today in letting Ron Prosor make Israel’s case against British attitudes to Israel, particularly highlighting the spurious “freedom” of speech at British universities where Israel is concerned. Mind you, this was broadcast in the Today “dead zone” (post 8:30 am) and, as I’ve commented before, Prosor, being a professional diplomat and having – despite excellent English – a thick accent, is not the most appropriate or dynamic person to make Israel’s case.
Prosor engaged in rational criticsm but, as a diplomat and a representative of a government with other interests, he’s got too many other issues to be careful about so that his words must be modulated through the “censor” of Israeli global foreign policy. Accordingly, although the proximate cause of having Prosor on Today was his article earklier this week in the Times (?), a critique of this type should be made by a rather less constrained advocate. Accodingly, an opportunity to go for the jugular here was lost and a little gentle nagging was substituted.
However, you can expect the avalanche of anti-Israeli reporting and analysis led by the BBC’s Middle East editor to continue unabated. After all, this 5 minute interview proves the impartiality of the BBC so any old anti-Israeli or anti-Jew propaganda will, on the BBC anyway, balance Prosor’s reasonable remarks.
The Telegraph. Here’s a link to the article:
I think the article was in the Telegraph on Weds.
“Ex-BBC man attacks ‘gratuitous’ rise of piece to camera”
All the better for BBC-NUJ to politically editorialise at us.
That’s an interesting analysis. Hm…maybe that explains why the BBC TV news always feels to me like constant babble. Give it a rest, Beeboids.
Thanks again George!
Doing some homespun research in proportions of such things and this is an open goal.
Most “news” is one autocue cipher in the studio asking another numpty outside a building what his opinion is on the news he is said to have knowledge of…talk about positive feedback and dyadic groupthink being somehow equated with real news!
But its cheap-doesn`t involve the risk of the BBC being “challenged” about their OPINION(for this is what all the news is for 85% of the time)-and reinforces the BBCs wetsock approach to its cultural agenda being banged on its shields until we go home.
Still-we know it`s all piss and wind…and won`t be getting any more money(except in a Railtrack way!) before very long.
Foreign/immigrant students crowd out British students.
Any mention of this at Cambridge or at BBC-EU?:
“EU students get a better deal at British universities ”
Apparently not:
“Cambridge academics seek ‘no confidence’ vote”
“BBC coverage”, hmmm, it’s like a toxic blanket thrown over us all, stifling our own tenets and beliefs, and infusing us with theirs. That just about sums it up for me.
and the sad thing is,the eastender zombie audience don’t even recognise it
BBC-NUJ has the following on immigration:
“Asylum seekers ‘granted amnesty’ by UK Border Agency”
But David Green, ‘Telegraph’, rightly puts the issues in a wider context:
“Britain’s borders are still wide open to abuse by migrants.It seems that we still don’t know who is entering or leaving the UK, writes David Green.”
I’d say this is largely true of INBBC:
Raymond Ibrahim: In the face of Muslim persecution of Christians, the “humanitarian” West yawns
Link on UK politics news page =
Expenses fraud MP ‘kept claiming’
Headline on page =
“Expenses fraud MP Illsley ‘claimed after guilty plea'”
Spot the missing word? One of the most common BBC bias routines. They do mentiuon labour in the first paragraph of the article but NOT in the link or the headline…why?
Because it takes up more space than “Tory”?
Or because we can all assume it’s Labour unless otherwise stated.
Just watched the BBC’s TV coverage of the four police officers cleared of beating up terror suspect Babar Ahmad. The jury took just one hour to find all four policemen not guilty but the BBC clearly didn’t agree. It went on to describe in some detail Mr Ahmad’s case against the officers and, to me, it conveyed the impression that the officers were lucky to get off.
As often with BBC reporting, the impression was subjective and could not, therefore, justify a complaint. Very slippery.
In the last open thread, I commented on Mark Mardell’s blog post about his visit to New Hampshire to see Mitt Romney start his presidential bid. Mardell also found time to sneer at Sarah Palin and insult her supporters.
Mardell has apparently been given free reign on the blog to express his personal opinion freely, as if that somehow it’s no longer bias if he says it out loud. He said that Romney was dull, and in today’s post after having seen the first appearance, Mardell just tells it like it is:
I had gone to the event with the impression that Mitt Romney was on the dull side, but with an open mind. After all, I had never seen him in the flesh.
The worthy speech lit no touch paper and his genial walkabout didn’t persuade me either.
At least it’s now out in the opinion: Mardell is an opinionmonger, an “analyst”, and not a journalist.
Having summarily dismissed the first challenger to his beloved Obamessiah, Mardell doesn’t think it’s worth mentioning Palin again. Which is wise, because it turns out her appearance was the exact opposite of what Mardell told you yesterday it was going to be.
Palin takes stand on Bunker Hill, fires libertarian volley at Romney
Commenting on Romney’s problem in the 2012 presidential campaign with the Romneycare health care reform he sponsored in 2005 as governor of Massachusetts, Palin said mandates at all levels of government are to be avoided.
“However, even on a state level and even a local level, mandates coming from a governing body, it’s tough for a lot of us independent Americans to accept, because we have great faith in the private sectors and our own families … and our own businessmen and women making decisions for ourselves. Not any level of government telling us what to do.”
Does this sound at all like the empty flag-waving Mardell said it was in his post yesterday? Not to me it doesn’t. Mardell’s opinion is biased, his “reporting” is biased, and he is not fit for purpose.
Mardell goes to see Romney “with an open mind”. Yeah, right !
Mardell is a joke.
Open in the sense that there’s a lot of empty space.
Vacant. 🙂
mardell is a complete soap dodging buffoon who always looks like he got gets dressed with a knife and fork in a very dark room
I like how the BBC is now reporting all details in full about John Edwards’s legal trouble over using campaign cash to hide his affair with a staffer while he was parading his cancer-stricken wife around the country to prop up his candidacy.
I don’t like how the BBC doesn’t want you to know that the entire US media suppressed the story, starting with the LA Times editor ordering his employees to sit on the story. This attitude spread quickly, and the BBC censored all news of it as well until the story broke elsewhere so much that at last reality forced the BBC to report it.
Before a defender of the indefensible chimes in to correct me, I found that Kevin Connolly (the Beeboid who insulted hundreds of thousands of people on air with a sexual innuendo, the text version of which BBC News Online still publishes happily) included this little throw-away line in his “Notes” on the Edwards scandal last year:
It is worth noting in passing that the mainstream media did not distinguish itself with this story, loftily ignoring it until The Enquirer eventually came up with evidence strong enough to stand up in a court of law, never mind the court of American public opinion.
It’s also worth noting in passing that the BBC ignored it as well until after the US media finally stopped censoring the news. Connolly seems to be distinguishing the BBC from the MSM, which is a bit disingenuous. This one line doesn’t disprove my statement that the BBC is failing to mention the censorship in their current reporting, and that they’ve failed to do their own mea culpa.
Speaking of BBC censorship, they still haven’t reported on WeinerGate. A fairly high-profile NY Congressman is in serious hot water over possibly tweeting a naughty picture to a 21-year old college girl whom he for some reason was following on Twitter. It’s all over the news in the US, and Weiner’s behavior has been so slippery and shady about it that even his old college buddy St. Jon Stewart did a segment on it to try and take the pressure off. Weiner is so badly off here that the best he can do now is claim that he can’t say for sure if the picture is him or not. He still hasn’t called for a police or FBI investigation into his claims that his Twitter account was hacked and that someone else sent the photo. As this is impersonating a Congressman, it’s a federal offense. Yet no investigation?
The BBC has been utterly silent. They all know about it – it’s been reported by both guiding lights, the Posts Washington and Huffington – but the BBC editors have decided to censor the story even now. They’re not so quiet when it’s a Republican scandal. But of course, since the BBC follows the lead of certain Leftoid US media outlets, it’s no surprise as the US MSM does the same thing. Once again it seems clear that all BBC staff in the US are redundant and can easily be replaced by a news aggregator.
Whatever your own views on drugs legalisation, the selection of “the best of the web” provided by the BBC website today is anything but balanced:
Why does the war on drugs continue?
The war on drugs should be declared over recommends the Global Commission on Drug Policy report. It says the policy of total prohibition followed by the world’s most powerful nations for the best part of four decades “has not, and cannot, be won”. Commentators mull over why governments have so far rejected the advice.
Five news sources are sampled and they all agree with the Commission.
The vanishingly small circulation of the Independent doesn’t stop it being first off, saying the reason is government fear of “the right-wing press”. “This commission is to be commended for telling the truth about drugs prohibition and for making an admirably clear argument for a different strategy.”
The Ottawa Citizen agrees, adding that “most epidemiologists agree” that the advent of AIDS “was made much worse by the criminalization of drugs”.
Someone from Time agrees, arguing that “regardless of the evidence ending prohibition of drugs is just too taboo for governments to consider”.
Someone (inevitably) from the Guardian (see previous thread!) agrees, arguing “that the war on drugs may be too precious to politicians to give up”. “The arguments over drugs are done and dusted. Any independent body that looks at the evidence comes to similar conclusions”.
Finally we get the Telegraph, but it’s not some sterling rejection of the commission’s findings, no it’s a piece that agrees with the Commission and expounds the view that “Evidence seems, overwhelmingly, to suggest that prohibition is not just failing to fix drug problems, it is aggravating them.”
Is it really the case that no opinion writer in any paper across the globe disagrees with the commission? Or is this just a biased sample? I think I can the answer to that.
So , according to the Independent, the Labour Government must have been in fear “of the right-wing press “.
The Violence Comes From The Left, Part…screw it, I’ve lost count:
Sooner Tea Party headquarters burglarized
One or more burglars bashed in a steel door at the Sooner Tea Party’s Oklahoma City headquarters over the Memorial Day weekend and escaped with donor records, photocopies of checks, blank checks and other items, the leader of the conservative political organization said Wednesday.
“It was definitely political,” said leader Al Gerhart, 53, noting that the burglars took a lot of Sooner Tea Party records, but passed over expensive tools and equipment in the west Oklahoma City carpentry shop where he kept the records. An air-conditioner and a laptop computer Gerhart used for his business were the most expensive items Gerhart mentioned as being taken.
Gerhart said he found his 2009 and 2010 tax records stacked by the door, but the burglars apparently forgot to load them.
BBC: ZZZzzzzzzzzz
Proof that the President is definitely not a puppet of the Jewish Lobby:
Obama’s Office Asks for Removal of Maccabeats Video, in the Featured Video section, recently presented a video of the famed Maccabetas singing group performing for President Barack Obama at a reception in the White House in honor of American Jewish Heritage Month, the month of May. American Jewish Heritage Month pays tribute to the American Jews who have helped form the fabric of American history, culture and society.
As part of the entertainment at the event, the Maccabeats were invited to sing several songs. They also did an impromptu acapella chant, with beautiful harmonies, of ”Four More Years,” which was the video posted on
The Office of the President, however, has asked that the video be removed from the internet and has acceded to that request.
The Maccabeats’ own website has a video clip of the President Himself thanking them for their performance. Mysteriously, this is the only high-profile public performance of theirs for which the group doesn’t have a video.
Now, why would the White House want to suppress a video of the President applauding Jews? I mean, the song they sang for Him was called “Four More Years”. Or maybe they’re actually embarrassed about that and are trying to spin it the other way? =-O
Obama hates israel and does little to disguise it
remember what I said about America having problems every time the idiot of a president opens his mouth to demand the division of Israel?
well it looks like the midwest is getting ripped apart by unusually powerful tornadoes
“well it looks like the midwest is getting ripped apart by unusually powerful tornadoes”
That should be good for a flying Presidential visit in a fortnight or so, then.
Providing he hasn’t got anything else planned, e.g. electioneering in foreign parts, obviously
Or a round of golf.
What INBBC censors on Gaza, and Hamas-Fatah-Islamic Jihad:
(4 min video) –
“‘Our Entire Nation Is Osama’: Those Simply Displaced Palestinians Vow Revenge to the Jews & America, the Country of Heresy & Prostitution, Osama-Bin-Laden-Style”
I’m very confused now by the BBC’s coverage of the charges against the police officers who arrested Babar Ahmed. A few times now I’ve seen in the News Channel text crawl that a video tape proves the officers’ side of the story and that Ahmed was lying about being religiously harrassed and unreasonably assaulted. There was one brief mention of that in one of their field reports, but it was quickly swept aside.
On the other hand, all actual reporting out loud seems to point the finger of blame at the police anyway. The BBC has repeated a video clip of some Mohammedan comlaining about how awful it was to have the police insulting Islam, even though we seem to know that it’s not true. And just now Gavin Esler forgot to bring up the video tape evidence to Ahmed’s lawyer who was given free, uninterrupted air time to lay out her case that the officers concerned have had other abuse complaints against them, and therefore they are guilty and should be charged, etc.
So which is it? What is going on? Why is the BBC reporting in text that the video shows the cops are innocent but all the other reporting says they should be charged anyway and repeats the sympathy towards the guy they arrested?
Just saw the 6 O’Clock news version. I seem to think that the poor moslem peace activist was viciously attacked in an unprovoked and sustained assault by four heavily armed police. The jury was packed, it must have been as they only took an hour to whitewash the police.
Not sure why the BBC feels the need to provide ‘balance’ and promulgate the defence of someone who has been proven to have lied in a court of law. Perhaps the court came up with the wrong verdict
For once, credit where credit’s due and I was interested to see this on the BBC website
It’s a report marking the 70th anniversary of the Farhud, a Nazi-inspired anti-semitic pogrom in Iraq. (Note: several years before the State of Israel came into being so they can’t blame anti-Zionism for this atrocity). This was broadcast on the World Service.
Spain has big problems, real big problems. But what or who contributed to the collapse?
Looking through the BBC website I can see no reference to any fiscal or economic mistakes the Spanish socialist regime have made. In effect the BBC have created and sustained a BBC patented ‘responsibilty free zone’ expertly crafted to protect its socialist allies.
Had the Spanish elected a right wing government that had needed a bailout, the BBC would of course take every opportunity to make sure the listener/viewer knew exactly which party bears the blame, which policies assisted with the collapse.
The BBC have ensured a safe sterile space for socialism in which their faliures and mistakes are hidden, anyone looking at the BBC coverage of the PIGS disaster could believe that socialist policies and governments had nothing to do with the unfolding disaster. This disaster just happened with no political assistance.
We are seeing the same kind of assistance being planned for the POTUS Omahabama, a safe sterile zone is being built around him, he is being isolated from responsibility and blame by the BBC, a deliberate tactic to assist in the coming US election.
The BBC as we all rememer was as fast as lighning to hold Bush to account for real and invented mistakes, if the Dow sank or the dollar went south or more than a dozen jobs were lost the BBC was in like Flint with critics queueing around the block, it was all hands on deck and man the big guns to be fired at Bush. We see a surreal quiet zone being constructed, a vacuum around Ohamabanana. Like a film with the swear words taken out and where the cast mumbles, the story is chopped and edited until only a confusing chop shop of a product remains.
This is not news gathering, it is partisan and in depth political bias of the worst kind.
No, no, no. Socialism is a beautiful ideology, only people keep doing it wrong.
What’s the old phrase of the comrades when faced with the reality of their ideology? Oh yes:
“Socialism hasn’t failed because socialism has never been implemented properly.”
Seriously, just imagine how many hundreds of millions they could have murdered had they only taken the trouble to do things “properly”.
This is all you need to know about socilaism.
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
or a definition of a communist which would also apply to a socialist as they are the same thing…….only one has a champagne quaffing habit and possibly a holiday bolt hole in Tuscany 😉
Q.what is a communist?
A.someone who has f*** all and who wants to give me half of it
There’s also Einstein’s definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
The Americans aren’t daft. They won’t be electing Him again, then. 😉
Don’t count on it yet, Millie. The opponents of the President (“enemies”, as He calls them) can still screw this up big time. Hopefully the Tea Party will trump the Republican Establishment (small “t”, honestly, no Donald intended).
“How do you tell a communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin”
Ronald Reagan
Superbly put !
Many thanks Grant. And look, almost spelling gaffe free 😀 I took the time to wear my special glasses this time.
What to commenters think of this story run by the BBC – attacking ‘big society’ reforms and a tory council. Apart from smears, innuendo and hear-say can anybody detect any evidence to support the headlines?
“As part of his Big Society vision, David Cameron wants councils to reconsider whether someone else – charity, company, community group – could run their services better. But one place that took that idea and ran with it, Suffolk, is now in turmoil and its controversial chief executive is facing disciplinary proceedings.”
The allegations are all there but where is the story. What have Suffolk failed to do?
This is a truely terrible example of the BBC leaping on anti tory stories
Suffolk “CEO” , Andrea Hill, was in trouble under the last government. How many hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ has she spent on gagging sacked staff ?
Reported regulary in Private Eye, but she hasn’t sued yet.
As the BBC’s groundbreaking documentary, “Wind Farm Wars”, broadcasts its grand finale, I bring you relevant news:
Wind farms: Britain is ‘running out of wind’
According to government figures, 13 of the past 16 months have been calmer than normal – while 2010 was the “stillest” year of the past decade.
Meteorologists believe that changes to the Atlantic jet stream could alter the pattern of winds over the next 40 years and leave much of the nation’s growing army of power-generating turbines becalmed.
Meteorologists have found that the position of the jet stream has been influenced by the lower levels of activity on the Sun. This decline in sun-spot activity is expected to continue for the next 40 years, with potentially serious consequences for the viability of wind farms.
And here’s me thinking that BBC show was reality programming……
Meteorologists have found that the position of the jet stream has been influenced by the lower levels of activity on the Sun. This decline in sun-spot activity is expected to continue for the next 40 years, with potentially serious consequences for the viability of wind farms
David P. I thought the changes to the jet stream and gulf stream was all due to man-made global warming. They’ve just shot themselves in the foot with this one. 😀
Yes, it was down to some sort of feedback loop or something from all those “greenhouse gases” in the atmosphwere, wasn’t it? I’m not worried, though, because when the wind farms don’t produce enough energy, you can just switch to nuclear and coal and, oh, wait……
Heard Dimbleby furiously announcing one of tonights Any Questions topics as ” The War on Terror has been declared as a failure and should they be subject to decriminalisation?
I assume the old duffer meant The War on Drugs.
We need to step up the War against The Dimbliban.
It’s not as though you’d need a Smart missile is it ? 😛
Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week. Don’t forget to tip your waitress before you go.
Note that we get Wrexham and Newport as the venues for the Dimblebums this week. Lots of assorted greens,liberals,Plaid Cymru and lots of public sector jobs too by way of substrate for the Beeb to add their own dung.
Bet the Beeb were pleased to have the oil rig disaster on their doorstep for the night-good timing…imagine Dimblebys wind turbine gets an airing as an alternative to nasty Big Oil.
Anyone tell me why the BBC are so keen to have drugs legalised?…is it really so hard for them all to get them round Shepherds Bush then?
Off the topics above, but to me very pertinent, has anyone else noticed the Met Office trying to perpetrate a lie regarding the start of the seasons? This discredited organisation is now trying to establish a situation whereby Summer, for example, begins on the first day of June. This is totally untrue. The first day of Summer has a long history of beginning on the 22nd June (it’s possible it can vary by a day either side, but I’m not totally sure of this). And so for all other 3 seasons. The Met Office has taken it upon itself to change something that is not in its power to change. I find this puzzling, worrying and possibly another symptom of socialist meddling. If I am wrong, I would welcome someone (with non-socialist credibility preferably) to enlighten me.
It all started in America™. We always think summer starts the day after Memorial Day.
I’ve been moaning about this for years. It is obviously too difficult for their little brains to think that anything can start on a day that isn’t the 1st. Probably also fits in with BBC schedules.
Well maybe in Cheshire, but up here in Bonnie Scotland we are lucky if summer starts at all. Lovely day yesterday, but I could really do with some Global Warming 😀
I thought the first day of Summer is on Polly Toynbee’s birthday, at least as far as the Beeb is concerned.
Grant, I don’t know what part of Scotland you’re in , but we have a ‘Gardening For All Seasons’ book which (amongst other handy things) features a set of maps showing ‘The Progress Of The Seasons’ through the British Isles.
This shows that e.g., the Southwest gets Spring earliest (Feb onwards), that we in the Weald get Summer first (Early June) etc etc.
Thing is (and we might have had a bit of a snigger about this,so sorry), there’s a bit of North East Scotland (Aberdeenshire and some of Angus) which has this line:
Spring: Arrives late April-May.
Summer: July.
Autumn: Mid-August.
Winter: Early November.
So that’s a late-ish Spring lasting two-and-a-half months, followed by a month to six whole weeks of Summer, with a six-week Autumn and six months of Winter.
Toasty ! I’ll not be surprised if the next season of ‘Ice Road Truckers’ features Huntly in a prominent role….
That’s in a good year.
If Huntly ever features they will need subtitles for any interviews with the locals. Not needed for we posh folk in Edinburgh, of course.
Don’t they speak the Doric up there ? I’ve always thought that a lovely speech to have.
And you’re from Wester Hailes, then ? 😉
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I was at Aberdeen University for four years studying Doric in my spare time, and one of my best friends comes from Huntly. Great people up there, although the sheep have to tread a bit carefully.
Wester Hailes , how very dare you ? Niddrie rules OK , ya bas !
This killer cucumber thing as not reported in the main by the BBC.
Here’s a thought, but only that :
It’s what we are not being told scientists, just off the cuff remarks that this is a hitherto a new strain and is possilbly in the food chain.
Or :
It’s in the water system in parts of Northern Germany courtesey of the Religion of peace.
As I say, it’s only a thought.
John. This is the reason the BBC is being a bit coy.
What are you saying?
I posted on the QT thread to the effect that I was puzzled why a has-been like Stephen Dorrell was on QT.
It did occur to me that it may be because he is against the Lansley NHS reforms.
I never watch QT these days, but a friend who does tells me Dorrell didn’t deny he was after Lansley’s job. Did any hawk-eyed BBBC poster notice this ?
It would certainly explain why the BBC invited him.
Given the privileged lifestyles so many Beeboids, & the trendy well-heeled Left, enjoy, I thought this posting I discovered on another website might be of interest. It might explain the cognitive dissonance clanging in their heads.
‘Today’s Lefties suffer mentally because they aren’t being victimised. Victimhood is virtue. It is a constant source of shame to be living in the First World Western Good Life as they do. (The poster now takes the part of a Leftie) “Must find a way to position self in a narrative that expiates me, that paints me as moral. I must regularly be in a position of scolding something ‘Western’ that’s either ‘privileged’ (Oh, the irony) or ‘oppressive’ or I start to look evil to myself.”
The strange ‘triumph’ of the 1968ers as they, & their pupils have moved through the institutions. We now have a political/civil servant/media class that is working to undermine the nation from which it greedily suckles. When all is chaos I’m sure they’ll have their escape routes open.
If Jim ‘The Pharaoh Nok Tee’ (after his non-fact-finding stint in Egypt) was to do a ‘Buddha’, & give his worldly goods away, & walk out unshielded into the madhouse his ilk has created, I might have an iota of respect for him. Until then we’ll just have to endure the consequences of hypocrites’ guilt-trips.
If you offered Naughtie a rickshaw down to Covent Garden for some Opera opportunity( no one can sing what with the cuts an` all), then at least you`d get him away from the shortbreads for a while.
Would love to see the BBC tartan-patel shades, silk of hand reared worms and a rainbow motif you can see if your wear the rose tinted specs only.
Arbroath smokies done with the editors passive dope smoke!
There’s a ‘comments’ section running on this at ‘Conservative Home’ site. Note the disclaimer at end of Isaby’s piece.
“Jonathan Isaby: If you’ve ever wanted to tell the BBC what you think of its news coverage, here’s your chance”
(Comment: big deal.)
As we know, British people are forced to finance the vast global broadcasting empire of the BBC-NUJ.
For example, much of Islam Not BBC (INBBC) output on the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is provided by BBC Urdu, which we finance.
INBBC is slow to criticise the political and military enmity of Pakistan towards the West; belatedly it does so here, in a limited way,while managing to omit all reference to the Islamic tenets which motivate the ISI’s support for Islamic jihadists against the West.
“Can anyone control Pakistan’s ISI spies?”
Pakistan: A Key Ally
Islamic Republic of Pakistan, again.
Will INBBC continue to censor Pakistan’s persecution of Christians, and leave the issue in the hands of INBBC Urdu?
No report on this at INBBC:
Pakistan: Islamic party appeals to supreme court to ban the Bible
EU take over of Britain.
BBC-EU’s Hewitt notices this:
“Jean-Claude Trichet outlines his European dream”
-but it’s tucked away by Patton’s BBC-EU.
‘Daily Mail’ has clear headline:
“Give Brussels power to veto Britain’s tax policies, urges Euro bank chief”
Read more:
Seriously sinister stuff George:
“In his vision, the crisis in the eurozone is an opportunity for a great leap forward towards ever closer union.
He suggests a European finance ministry that would oversee spending by national governments”
I can see how this would be a possible idea if Britain was part of the single currency. But it’s not, and this is another overreach of power, unchallenged by the BBC. Give prisoners the vote, accept the “refugees” we tell you to, taxation without representation. All your national sovereignty are belong to us.
Maybe a case for us to creatre our own currency to give to rip off companies and to pay our license fee.
Call it the Blatter-as long as you`ve a blue and yellow crayon you`ll be fine!
Money to be redeemed when next any of us meet him in Zurich-and I hope the FIFA family will continue to fill his pockets.
I firkin hate them.
Doctor who tonight:
Baddles are monks and clerics part of the papal order.
Goodies include two gay anglican soldiers a lesbian pairing including a carpet munching lizard and a bhuddist soldier.
All that was missing was some caricature of a greedy Jew.
The beeb are scum. Pure and simple scum.
Passing this anti Christian claptrap propaganda before the watershed is insidious brainwashing.. Can you imagine them having a nasty Dyke or a hero Jew. Maybe they could try a Muslim monster hiding in a space ship from the Bradford star system.
They should be allowed to use mainstream family entertainment to push their politics.
I know you’re not supposed to mention fascism as it’s supposed to be an Internet cliche but didn’t nazi Germany produce comedies and dramas design to dehumanise Jews auntie is trying to set people against Christians.
Come on Scott, tell me why this hidden crap is legitimate.
I agree that this bears all the appearance of propoganda aimed at a family audience and introducing dehumanising images of Christians.
Geez, Paddy. Are they using left over scripts from ‘Bonekickers’ ?
Maybe we should produce our own propaganda piece about the average beeboid and call it ‘Bonelickers’
Or sword swallowers, knob jockeys, shirt lifters, turd burglars…..
There are many subjects where Scotty and Dezzie go mysteriously AWOL and this is one of them.
Tried to say the magic words but the troll didn’t wake up. Probably tired after spending most of the day preventing heterosexual billy goats from crossing bridges. As for dez, he’s probably on some ‘peace’ flotilla bringing armed ‘peace’ activists to Palestine along with ‘engine parts’ from north Korea.
In Doctor Who, “A Good Man Goes To War”, 4 June 2011, “the Church”, headed by a “papal mainframe”, is portrayed in the future as an evil entity and enemy of the Doctor. The antipathy displayed between the Doctor and the said future “Church” was apparent in episodes last year. However, the inimical relationship is now characterised as full-blown.
This has all the appearance of a blatant attempt by a particular mindset operating within the BBC to affect children’s relationship to the Christian church (which in many cases includes their own parents) through setting it up in opposition to a much loved character. Trying to explain why the Church should be evil in the future puts Christian adults in an impossible position. This is not family viewing but an undermining of family cohesion.
Parents should not be forced into the position of refusing to allow children to watch Doctor Who because “the Church” is portrayed as ultimately evil in the future.
Don’t remember seeing your name here before, but welcome anyway !
Thank you for the welcome, Andrew.
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I have just watched the mid-season finale of Dr Who. It upsets that the state broadcaster feeds this propaganda to young people.
The baddies were an Anglican Christian order who served a female pope who was a computer.
The two male soldiers at the start of the episode were a gay married couple. I don’t really care about gay marriage, but why couldn’t they just be soldiers?
There was an inference that the Silurian and her human female maid were engaged in a Lesbian relationship. Again nothing wrong with Lesbians, but why did there have to be an allusion to an extra sexual dimension to this relationship?
Lastly there was an odd attempt at humour with an odd sub-text as the Sontaran revealed he had been genetically modified to lactate. Why?
When as I child I watched Dr Who there were none of the under currents. The Dr and his companions were friends; there was no need to mention sex. Surely it is a more positive message to transmit that men and women could be just friends? Is Amy Pond really a positive role model for young women? Her only talent appears to be obstinacy; coupled to a prickly disposition.
There were other things with which I was unhappy but I feel I need to leave it.
john smith,
Can you or anyone think of a BBC programme which doesn’t have sex in it ?
It seems a rather unhealthy obsession for Beeboids. I wonder why ?
Um. I don’t watch BBC drama perhaps Spooks. It was the Survivors remake which was the last straw for me for reasons I don’t want to go into.
I know US programmes are produced by a left leaning media but any “relationship” stuff is handled in a more mature, even cosseted way
Hasn’t Doctor Who been a vehicle for leftist dogma since the eighties? Isn’t that widely understood?
Interestingly, I haven’t watched the show since the mid-late eighties. Even as a child I understood that it was bollocks in some degree or other.
I guess what I’m saying is that yes, Doctor Who pushes this sort of crap with gay (z0mg!!!1) abandon, but if you’ve ever had the misfortune to ever meet or – God forbid – work with anyone who watches the show? They’re already lost.
As far as children go, there’s far more worrying, insidious stuff being pushed on them in the form of children’s TV. Horrible Histories and Newsround as two good examples.
Naomi Campbell gets a front page apology from cadbury because of a joke about her being a diva which she then linked to racism because chocolate is brown coloured and yet auntie will sit smug in the knowledge that their unique funding system and their ‘independence’ means they have to apologise to no one. No one matters to auntie apart from their leftwing pets. As long as you don’t insult gays, Muslims, Greenies, feminists, or south American communists then you have free reign.
The airtime is theirs to do with what they wish and woe betide any white man, breeder, or Christian/Jew who may want to call them to account. Just like Muslims against crusaders they hide behind the system insulting the majority knowing they are immune because no one dares stop them.
I seem to have the Mysite bug. Bugger!!
But a quick cure. What’s the secret?
Credit where due: HIGNFY made a joke about Muslims being suicide bombers. The audience didn’t want to laugh, but sort of chuckled guiltily. It’s a start.
David P,
And the quizmistress made a joke about Mecca, but looked a bit guilty.
I also noticed that when they did a piece on Lord Taylor, Ian Hyslop quickly mentioned about Labour peers fiddling expenses.
But, how sad that we have to clutch at these straws !
Yes, that was the joke about Mecca being Mecca for suicide bombers. The audience didn’t laugh until she cringed. Then it was okay for them to pass it off as laughing at the guilty conscience rather than at the joke itself.
Also, somewhere in that segment on Lord Taylor somebody threw in a gag about someone sending a photo of his private parts to someone he didn’t even know. The only BBC mention of WeinerGate so far.
All of the BBC redeemed, then, and this site has been refudiated!
David P,
Don’t give Scottie and Dezzie ideas !
you need a brain to be able to process ideas Grant LOL
The funny side, chuckles-wise, may be short-lived…
Be interesting to see how this ‘un plays out.
Stupid f*ck not only got the aspect ratio wrong before uploading, they managed to reverse the image too. Perhaps they shouldn’t be in such a rush to publicise their shock and indignation that the BBC actually managed to crank out a rare comedy dig at Muslims.
There`ll be no interest in this sub-Pullman stuff from the C of E sadly.
It`s insiduous, but because they only get the media spotlight if they`re like extras from Dibley…and they just love that !
Really corrosive, but the church would rather get Geldofs autograph.
The afternoon play tooka gratuitous pot shot at “old Ratzinger” as they called the Pope.If the BBC hate the Catholics, then it`s off to confession soon for me!
If my lot complain then the beeb will just wheel in Stephen Fry, Ian macellan and Pulman to say all papes are kiddy fiddlers. Same as when big Ben came on his visit.
Old BBBC favourite Marcus Prickstock features in today’s Telegraph “My Perfect Weekend” when he, his wife and children go to Brighton in their “bio-diesel/solar powered camper van” with their
“kite” ( ? ).
On the journey they plan their “move to the country next year , build an eco-house , have chickens and so on “.
Once back in London, his wife and he “go into town for dinner at Roka in Charlotte Street. It’s Japanese cuisine and astronomically expensive “.
I could go on, but I suspect any readers will be reaching for the sick bag by now.
Oi, Marcus, what about the workers ?
Nothing is too good for the workers 😀
Lord knows (yet again) what the DT are doing featuring this oaf. There’s me, having a nice cup of tea and relaxing with Victoria Moore’s useful alcohol guide when I turn the page for part two and am greeted by the talentless oaf himself with his “Perfect Weekend” in all its trite predictability.
Starngely enough my “Perfect Weekend” also involves Prickstocke (excellent !), though it’s a slight variant on his in that he’s wearing a meat suit á la Lady Gaga and lead boots and is being pursued by a pack of very feisty wolves. And maybe a bear, too. With Mrs Bear and the family in tow. Perhaps a lion and some tigers. And honey badgers by the cartload. Aaaaahhh !
On behalf of the native population of South East England, I hereby pledge to make this a reality if the giant wazzock and his brood carry out their threat to move amongst us. I’m pretty sure Aspinall’s can help with the wee predators. I could probably sell tickets. Or maybe Sussex could use it as a ‘between-innings’ entertainment: He is keen on Brighton, after all.
Starngely, enough. :-[
You raise a good point about the Telegraph. Several years ago, when Will Lewis a Labour supporter was made editor , it started moving to the Left. The most recent manifestation being the sacking of Simon Heffer.
Today, it is sort of “half and half”. No paper which has the Left-wing Mary Riddell as a columnist can be described as “Right-wing”.
It matters, apart from anything, in the context of BBC bias in quoting newspapers and Scottie and Dezzies description of the Telegraph as a “Right-wing ” paper.
Sandi Toksvig is also a regular columnist.
I never read the Guardian , but does it have any Right-wingers as regular columnists ?
John Aspinall’s zoos would make perfect venues for such a pageant. And to answer those who complain at the violent imagery in the above; it’s called ‘edgy humour’!
Roka in Charlotte Street is hideously over-priced for the quality of the food; it’s not a patch on Nobu. It’s also full of rich boorish Russians and bankers, although nowhere near as bad in this respect as Zuma. Odd place for the right-on Marcus Brigstocke to go and eat, unless he is even more of a hypocritical cnut (see other BBBC post) than I thought.
He fits in with the rich and boorish.
Toady show with Marcus in the supplement Grant?
That`s worth a day off tomorrow surely!
Hope a cloud follows his van and traps him on the Crawley bypass.
I hope he eats an organic Spanish cucumber
Underweight shrivelled green thing anyone, look it’s even covered with all natural organic untreated faecal matter.
Steady on, Paddy. Nobody could describe Prickstocke as being “underweight”…………
More insight into Beeboid mentality:
A weak “joke” by Sandi Toksvig who referred to putting the n into cuts is deemed by the Beeboid in charge of editing to be something that would delight listeners to the programme, so any offence given to other listeners doesn’t count.
It seems that even the oldies in Beeboidland are rather juvenile – and awfully short of wit and humour if they thought they couldn’t afford to drop a fairly obvious and not very funny crack. Could it be that their desire to promote an agenda and score a political point overcame their judgement both as to its comic value and its necessity to the programme?
Christ, the lefty/beeboid troops have been quickly organised to vote down the anti-BBC comments in that article, most unusual for e DM anti-BBC piece.
“BBC pays £40k for Harvard course for executive who must defend vast cuts”
Look at the state of him. Look at his salary. We pay for all that.
Read more:
I had a boss many years ago who did that course. He mostly learned to have us all fill out more forms and reports more often. Your license fee hard at work for sure.
I came across this post asking if the Beeboid Corporation is anti-Christian, based on something in a programme called “Outnumbered”:
During a church wedding one of the children started taking the piss out of the fact that Jesus died nailed to a cross.
This scene got me thinking….would the BBC have put out the same programme if the child took the mickey out of Allah or the Koran?
I’m not religious, don’t go to church and don’t believe in God.
I love the non sequitur replies that this question produced.
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Not really a shock given the location: if you’re ever at a loose end, starting a thread attacking the Beeb/NHS/Obama etc on Digital Spy is like pouring water into an ants nest.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s Orwellian misuse of language:
how INBBC misdescribes an ISLAMIC JIHADIST in Pakistan as a mere ‘militant’, via INBBC and Islamic BBC Urdu political propaganda:
“US strike ‘kills’ key Pakistan militant Ilyas Kashmiri”
Those pesky Buddhist “men” from Luton at it again
Interesting BBC news line up this morning – Labour to call for more taxes on bankers (quite clearly a blantant – and successful – attempt to get some news coverage) and evil bast**d Tories cutting vital medical research into cystic fibrosis, something I am sure Mr Cameron is totally committed to
It’s just a bank robbery. Hardly ideological, unless they’re student anarchists protesting against nasty bankers or something.
Many is the time , on this website, I have warned about the Buddhist terrorist threat to this country and their cunning use of muslim names. Well I hate to gloat, but I told you so !
“UN condemns Sudan’s takeover of disputed Abyei”
“Sudan on U.N. calls to pull out of disputed region it invaded: No.“
How long before Marr, The Master of the Megacities, makes an appearance in the farrago of PC tripe that is Dr Who? In fact, forget all these foppish Doctors, why don’t the Beeboids install a hardline cultural Marxist Time Lord? And Ko Urshun Marr’s just the ticket to boost the horror quotient . A man so visually disturbing he makes the Mekon look like Brad Pitt the Younger. The inter-galactic Robespierre of the BBC Revolution.
Cruising hyperspace in a Tardis renamed, Red October, talking balls in 5000 alien tongues, scattering ‘diversity’, ‘enrichment’ with the gay abandon of a civil servant with a Government Procurement Card, having extra-terrestrial affairs by the shed load. Trevor Phillips, his loyal manfriend, a platoon of Chakrabartis watching his slippery back, as he sweeps through time ‘correcting’ history, eliminating rationality, repressing, repressing. Stamping ‘hard on certain “natural” beliefs for long enough…to kill them off.’ A Time Lord for our twisted times.
Jarwill, you probably won’t be too surprised to hear that Andrew Marr has already appeared on Doctor Who (“Aliens of London”), reporting from outside Downing Street when the Slitheens were up to no good inside.
(If I remember the episode correctly, the green, baby-faced aliens – or so they seemed to be – eventually took off their fake green skins to reveal that they were all Andrew Marr lookalikes. That was a very scary moment and traumatised many a youngster).
If they do make him the new Doctor Who, they’ll probably make Baroness Helena Kennedy his sidekick (as she’s usually his sidekick on The Andrew Marr Show). Together they could battle croak-voiced machine-like creatures – Torleks – who shout “Cut, cut, cut!” as they try to wipe out the human race.
I think that was also the story arc, if not the actual episode, where it ended with a blatant Thatcher/Belgravia reference, complete with David Tennant’s nostrils flaring in anger at how the female PM was actually more evil than the aliens who tried to take over the planet.
Craig, I think we should collaborate on a script. I can see Dr Whomarr & The Baroness atomising wondrous cathedrals, replacing them with silicon super mosques, exhorting the bankrupt populace of XP38 to indulge in even more state spending, otherwise they’ll be back with the EU Kommissars, putting the thermonuclear stick about. Visiting Revolutionary Russia, calling Trotsky a ‘Berkshire Hunt’ for falling out with Lenin; ‘experimenting with their sexuality’, with trans-gender Cybermen. It’s a very rich field.
Maybe they could discover that the Cybermen are just misunderstood victims of Cyberophobia and that they should really be known as the Cyberwarriors of Peace and that what we humans understand by the word ‘Delete’ should really be translated (via the Tardis universal translator) as ‘Helping people reach spiritual understanding’.
You may be just catching up on something big here.
1. Daleks have still not formally committed to a ceasefire.
2. The “disability lobby” aren`t all they claim to be and have been infiltrated-Purnell of the last shower said as much,so the BBC would run with this if we asked them to.
3. There has been an unprecedented increase in the number of “disability ramps” and especially for key strategic targets an enemy might want.
Methinks some sinister force is getting the place just ripe for the taking.
I know that Salford has plenty of these Dalek dais…but the BBC won`t be worth taking over because they`re already in the pocket of Davros…doesn`t Peston etc take his winter break with him every year?
Here we go again:
The story has been sanitised somewhat though. Nabka, which they admit means catastrophe has been redefined to blame Israel. Also missing is the fact that the celebration of the 1967 war is a celebration of the Arab invasion of Israel, purely for existing. Imagine if we were to celebrate the invasion of Iraq.
We also go to the protestors throwing rocks and rubbish. No mention of the molatov cocktails or armed men spotted at Kunetra.
Oh and the old “Israel says” regarding their story about issuing warnings to the protestors to back off in arabic. That’s right folks – according to the BBC they obviously didn’t.
But oh. Wait. What’s this? Video:
No excuse, BBC.
However, TBF, I switched off SKY’s Murnaghan earlier today when he was ‘interviewing’ an exciteable Palestinian (who, if asked, may have been a tad vague on who started what war that saw the borders get redefined), some useful idiot from a ‘thinktank’ (whose back story might have helped with context on his objective input) and an Israeli spokesperson.
This latter was the usual calm, if po-faced, low voiced, emotionless type one usually gets the actual facts from, but having been asked to explain our Dermot cuts him off with a ‘that’s all we have had time for, and you’ve been given plenty to make your case’. (I’d actually love a senior overseas pol to one day hit back with ‘time for what? Cutting to 2 minutes of skateboarding turtles to keep your majority IQ-bereft main audience funding your ludicrous pay cheque via an ad for 4000% APR ‘debt relief’?’)
I’d have been keen to have had a breakdown on the truth of that, especially as he was ranged against two who were given free rein to spout utter bollocks on ‘peaceful protest’.
Pretty much all UK media seems to be incapable of objectivity on thigs over there.
But at least there was a small concession from their man around Syria that while Assad has been slaughtering hundreds of his own, it may suit the Arab street and their groupies for some old men to send kids across a hostile border to provoke a TV useful response.
‘And next up Tony Livesey with as usual Toby Young and Laurie Penney (sp?)’.
Toby seems to be a right-winger and Penney (sp) is a vile tit who fAncies she’s the poster child of the ‘YOOHOO EVERYBODY IT’S ME ME ME I’M ON A DEMO !!!!!’ crowd.
I suppose when they were planning the programme, the production staff all sat around in their thinkpods and said, ‘we must get Toby Young on a programme, he’s a right-winger and he’s brilliant, but we need to pretend balance so can you all try and come up with a token leftie, maybe try google or something.’
Bup, mate, I don’t think that’s how it would have worked.
Toby Young is also a vile tit. Even if he has the one good idea about education.
“Why no tent city? BBC books 200 rooms in 14 hotels for its Glastonbury festival army ”
Read more:
More on BBC-NUJ financial extravagance:
“Question Of Sport back in London as guests snub new £1bn northern BBC base”
Read more: