I’ve commented before on the close links between the BBC and the fanatical lobby group Sandbag, which it now seems is now directly involved in writing greenie government policy – to the extent that at least 1,500 UK jobs have been lost because of the insane, unilateral desire to implement carbon taxes. This is beyond a joke. These pig-ignorant greenies are wrecking people’s lives on an increasingly massive scale and there is no way of stopping them. It’s Terminator time. These nutters really do have the keys to the madhouse and the BBC – as ever – is in on the act, spreading its eco-nut masters’ bidding.
Update: And as the BBC supports the de-industrialisation of Britain, Richard Black continues his one-sided trumpeting of those who want to tip money down the drain on projects that will shore up and accelerate the process. His favoured scheme today is the “greening” of Britain, when what we actually need is encouragement of business development. His chosen interest group is the Woodland Trust, an innocent sounding, tree-hugger-type organisation – in reality, they spread climate change lies to schools on an organised basis and are part of the quangocracy of government-backed green activists (in this case, the National Environmental Research Council whose board includes the notorious Juliet Slingo of the Met Office)who are spearheading our decline. And meanwhile, the corporation reports energy price rises – and the misery caused to our old folk – without a breath of a mention that the reason for these obscene hikes is entirely the government’s green policy.
Truly horrifying. None of these idiots have ever made a thing. Never built or repaired a machine ,even of the simplest kind.A steam engine would baffle them. Is it magic they would cry? They have no notion of how wealth is created. Never have any of them taken responsibility for a workforce however small unless you count their endless “workshops” on their ever more arcane and absurd causes. They seem to have zero awareness of how civilisation has developed using tools, raw materials and brain power to create what they take for granted. Do they think the fairies leave computers at the bottom of their gardens? Certainly.
In China they would be locked up and in India laughed to scorn. Our ancestors would have put them to simple tasks on the land, Rook scaring and stone breaking. We are now at their mercy . God help us.
Ah,but when it comes to social engineering…no,actually they`re shit at that too!
No matter-Lady Di`s fountain is fixed, so let`s see the Chinese top that!
But they are excellent at feathering their own nests with other people’s money.
It gets worse. Or better, depending on how you look at it:
Environmental tax threatens green energy research in UK
Carbon reduction commitment (CRC) scheme has ‘perverse effect’ of threatening zero-carbon energy research
You have to laugh, really.
The deliberate destruction of the UK?
Who will benefit?
Marxist leftist dogma has always promised its folowers that there will be a crisis in capialism, a point where capitalism fails. This supposed failure is merely being helped and assisted. Its like putting sand in the cars engine and then blaming the manufacturer for a faulty product. Notice the use of the word “sustainable” and notice too that this word is a complete lie, any activity using that key word can only exist because of the plundering of rescources from the productive part of the economy and wasting it on the unprodutive part. The word sustainable is in fact just a code for state aid.
Every move the regime makes is hampering and wilfully sabotaging the UK economy, taxes and red tape are strangling the UK economy to death, its as though the regime is impatient to destroy whats left of the economy as fast as they possibly can. Money is being stolen from the productive economy and pumped in vast unsustainable quantities into the unproductive economy.
The beneficial crisis?
As everyone knows by now the EU is the master of provoking a crisis and then taking political advantage of that crisis to press for greater and more centralised political power. The financial mess has seen calls for a single regulatory regime, a single banking and monetary policy run of course from Brussels. With each disaster comes the inevitible push for more central and funnily enough more power that the electorate has no say and no control over.
The installed regime is spending all the money, soon there will be no more left and the regime will be unable to borrow any more, a collapse follows and guess who is waiting in the wings to come to our ‘rescue’? Offering the shattered UK a helping hand, the EU will be there promising a bailout as long as we hand over certain keys to the UK, keys like our currency, economic policy, economic control, sovereign powers…Only for our own good of course, only to to better help and assist the recovery, no ulterior motive.
As the unsustainable economy collapses we will see Brussels ready and eager to ‘help’ and the UK regime eager and ready to receive that ‘help’. It will be sold as European solidarity, the saviour of the powerless nation state, it will be sold like a cheap soap powder. The independent sovereign state was always bound to fail we will be told, the regime will promise that no sovereign state can make it on its own nowadays and anyway all the money is spent and gone so there is really no choice in the matter.
The only possible escape from the planned disaster is a complete surrender of our sovereign independence, there will be no other plan offered because the political class have been expertly destroying any other possible option for years. There will be only one way out offered and it will be the only way out that has ben planned all along.
It is a testament to the UK economy that it has lasted this long, I expect the Quislings are pretty amazed and their masters pretty impatient for the collapse to begin. The beneficial crisis has always been the preferred model of EU integration, the final meltdown and the final betrayal and the final move to complete integration and the final birth of the evil 4th Reich.
Beyond the calibre of reporting of macro-impacts of possible (A)GW (or not), I am wondering when folk are going to be presented with the full cause and effect consequences across the board, as opposed to selective focussing on what ‘could’ happen trumpeted, with what the consequences of some mitigations will be rather sidelined.
It makes assessing and deciding tricky.
The news this morning seems alive with soaring energy costs.
It would be good to get the full picture on why this may be.
Slightly off topic, but relevant I think to this area of green zealotry. On the Today news headlines at 8:00 this morning was a story about how Newcastle University was putting cameras into student bins to monitor how they recycle.
Now, just imagine that someone was putting cameras into people’s houses to monitor how they behaved. Any number of guests would have been invited on before you can say “Shami” to say what an infringement of privacy and human rights this was. So when a student was quoted, you would have thought it might have been one who disapproved. Not at all. No, the student remarked on how it changed her behaviour and encouraged her to do more recycling.
“Changed her behaviour.” Yes, a camera in the house would do that to all of us, but I doubt we’d be so sanguine about it. If it were me, the camera in the bucket would meet with an unfortunate accident early in its life.
We were left in no doubt that the BBC attitude was that this was A Good Thing.
I like the phrase ‘Nu Labour used Orwell’s 1984 not as a warning but as an instruction manual’.
Eventually kicked a regular habit of waking up to Radio 4’s Today back in the early 2000s when I just couldn’t stand the one way conversation and left-liberal world view anymore.
Dipped in this morning to a medly of Evan Davies, Nick Robinson and Robert Peston with guests Tim Yeo and Seb Coe.
Yep, its still a liberal love-in panto with Evan playing the chuckling ninny.
They appear to agree:
It was just fine to put CCTV on individuals to bring their behaviour into line with Governemt policy.
It was okay to splash cash on wind farms. If pensioners were about to freeze (no global warming?) because they couldn’t afford gas then the solution must be to regulate the suppliers and evil speculators.
It was fine and dandy that we wine and dine Sepp Blatter at the Olympics.
Oh, wait for it….Evan has seen the light….he actually likes the London Olympics Logo!! (tickets in the post care of Seb?).
Left-liberal establishment nonesense.
Did any of the Beeboids ask Seb Coe how much money he has made personally out of the Olympics so far ?
There’s about as much chance of a Beeboid criticising the Olympics right now as there is of them poo-pooing Glastonbury Festival. And for similar reasons. As someone once said ‘they’re all in this together’.
Mind you, I do get the impression they are a little disappointed its all boringly set in East London.
Beijing Oympics: BBC to send 437….
BBC staff outnumbers British team at Vancouver Winter Oympics….
No passport required and too much public scrutiny by the sound of things.
Where we stand on BBC Olympic tickets….
You must be joking – they are desperate for the Olympics to fail. Look at the stories they are running about the ticket sales. The Olympic tickets are over subscribed by millions and yet the sale of the tickets is by turn a failure, a farce, unfair yada yada yada. The tickets are so popular they are sold out in minutes, yet this is somehow deemed wrong!
It goes on and on. Anyone would think the BBC had lost the TV rights.
Saw him checking that Weymouth has its Zil lane for Blatter and Co next year-and he was suitably impressed that the promised chaos and gridlock is well ahead of schedule. Last Friday was fun for Portlanders,so I believe.
No matter-he looked old like a chuckle brother who`s a bit too keen on the gym for his own good!
Luckily though ,we heard our Unibrain.
Aussie soap inflections ?..check!
Glottal stops and as many shout outs for Facebook as poss?…whatever…but check!
Not the slightest idea of the implications of any of this?…not a bit of it…CHECK MATE.
Newcastle Uni…”providing vacuous airhead solutions in a scarf since Durham went posh in 1963″
It’s not difficult to establish the ‘cui bono’ link here to the marketing for which Sandbag and Co are the ‘front’.
The key is marketing….how to get people to part from their cash.
A modern example of a not so hidden persuader. The base emotion worked on is fear and guilt.
This is how they see themselves:
“For all of us who see the exciting potential of a clean, renewable future and the corresponding threat of climate change ‘meltdown’, it can be frustrating that things aren’t moving faster. We ‘do our bit’ but individuals’ efforts don’t add up to a clean energy revolution.
Not unless we can change the economy.”
Who or what is behind this front (very rewarding for its team…see Bryony’s rise to the Lords). Cui bono?
Let’s look at the ‘Who we are page’
Now go down to the ‘Advisory Board’
Scroll down to Michael Mason….Climatecare.
The clue is in the link.
Fancy a climate off-set certificate to save the climate?
Look up JP Morgan in Wiki (or your own research)
Going to buy, yet?
The ClimateCare team has been a part of J.P. Morgan’s Environmental Markets group since April 2008. Our innovative origination team provides advice and support to companies and project developers in emerging markets to create emissions reduction credits from projects that successfully reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
You can get your own certificate like this:
Click to access Example%20Certificate.pdf
Cui bono?
Storms, hurricanes and floods. Need insurance in a climate challenged world……
The BBC is just a mouthpiece (which we are obliged to fund through the licence fee )for some of the most rapacious operators on the planet.
Loads of money to be made out of “Climate Change” if you know the tricks of the trade.
Good old Tim Yeo is fully behind “low carbon energy”, whatever that means. Oh, of course – it means windmills! And yes, he does believe electricity will be dearer because of them, but they’ll be reliable, renewable sources…
… and bugger the poor pensioners
How’s this for emotional marketing.
“Murat Seren travels from his village to town along the route that passes by the BARES2 wind farm. He used to dream that everything, even his future home, lay in the green pastures with a little garden where he would have his fruit trees and his beloved farm animals. In his dream he was getting his water from the river next to the house and he would light his lamp by a mini wind turbine like one he’d seen in Germany.
And then one day as he passed by the same site he realised that the first wind power plant was rising there. And the windmills were not only providing electricity for his little house but also for the entire town including Band?rma’s Industry.
He now describes each of these turbines as “white lilies” powering his home town and he is proud of living near the first wind farm in Turkey.’
Set against (from Germany’s Spiegel)
“These turbines aren’t going to change the overall energy mix,” Vahrenholt says. The output is still too low and, at €30,000 per turbine, the price is still too high. Installation and maintenance costs make the mini-windmills even more expensive. For the moment, they are little more than a prestige or marketing installation for rich environmentalists.
Dream on….think of the fluffy little white bears.
Thought it read “white LIES” in line 15, RGH.
Of course they`re not white at all-but are diffently pigmented members of the mis-speaking family!
Wind turbines guily of racism…well I perceive them to be,so they are.
End racism-no illegal wind turbines to seek asylum from Denmark/Germany any longer!
The last gust of wind locally managed to blow one of them over and onto a car in the pub car park on Portland…ah,bless! So vulnerable!
Bandirma, on the Sea of Marmara ? I can tell you from personal experience, there is not much wind there !
Does Tim Yeo ever declare a financial interest in all this baloney ? He surely isn’t doing it for charity.
The problem is his conflicts of interest are there for everyone to see. Yet nohing is done. Why?
These people are a stain on our society.
We also have a conflict of interest here.
But who cares?
Daily Mash spot-on again:
Continuing the Orwellian theme, eco-mentalist Jo Abbess (best known around these parts as Roger Harrabin’s occasional editor) blogged about her disagreement with Baroness Bryony of CarbonCreditshire. Jo writes
I hung around a bit, and listened in amazement at Bryony’s cogitations on the need for satellites to monitor trucks supplying power stations in future. This would be to enforce the Carbon Cap of “Cap and Trade”.
Jo tells us Baroness Bryony is all in favour of the ‘smart meter revolution’. According to Jo, this is how smart meters will eventually be used
The idea is to get everyone to have a smart meter in their home, and then when everyone is connected to the Internet, by the new Broadband Tax, then probably, the plan is for everyone’s energy consumption to be uploaded and managed. Presumably when the Carbon Cap gets really tight, people will be “managed” to use less Energy at home by various punitive means.
Jo, on the other hand, prefers a scheme where evryone gets a a Personal Carbon Allowance and presumably would have to buy carbon credits if they exceeded their allowance.
These people are quite mad.
As for Bryony’s tweet about Tata, I think that’s a rather pathetic attempt to deflect guilt. Those jobs were lost because of the actions of Bryony and her ilk.
“These people are quite mad”. Yes frightening isn’t it? But they are allowed to dictate our energy policy without representing a single person. Cameron is also the lunatic in charge of this assylum.
Found this interesting in complement:
Have to wonder why such cautionary aspects of economic consequences get excised from certain quarters, so you don’t even get to weigh them up.
They did mention wind farm subsidies this morning, I nearly dropped my coffee. Both Nick Robinson in his intro bit and then John Humphries in his questioning of Tim Yeo, and they almost sounded hostile to the idea. I was sitting there with my mouth open …. and then realised that they’d just set the idea up to be dismissed by Tim Yeo who said it wasn’t much really and promptly moved on. Now they can ‘legitimately’ ignore it :'(
Not much to him, maybe. But a quite considerable sum to some poor old dear.
I think what the greedy hypocrite Yeo means is that the subsidies are not high enough.