There’s nothing that greenies at the BBC like more than wallowing in dung. They’ve been doing it for years, and there’s an obsession to find out how much of the “potent” (BBC word) greenhouse gas methane cows expel. Here, for those who might rub their eyes with disbelief, is a nice BBC propaganda film devoted to the pursuit. And here is the latest report in the obsession, a detailed paper into processes within cow faeces conducted by a whole phalanx of “researchers” with loads of funding but nothing-better-to-do, including one gentleman – I kid you not – with the surname Bull.
I would laugh if the BBC coverage of this idiocy wasn’t so vomit-making. it’s a whole article devoted to such tommyrot, with the usual one-sided invocation of the alarmist creed at the end:
Dr Gill stressed that larger studies will be needed to pin down a more precise functional relationship between the two. But because methane is a greenhouse gas more than 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide, such precise numbers will be of great use. “There definitely is a need for better estimates of methane emissions from animals,” she said.
Have a heart Robin!
If you see the BBC as just the only goldfish in the bowl, then you`ll see that it just is continually surprised by that castle it keeps passing…”ooh,a castle…ooh a castle,” and so it goes!
We are not talking about any kind of learning institution here-in fact it is “institutionally thick”..or “intellectually challenged” if we`re talking about them whilst they`re in the room!
Come on Robin-a farting cow, a spitting fish, an operatic whale-it`s only what Packham tells them,so let them worry/use it all for windmills/get all angry at the rest of the human race!
Better than them taking that caravan of love of theirs to Salford..oh, wait…ooh, a castle!
Jackanory never went away-everything to be seen is always through the green window…or the rose tinted one if its Milipede and his many slippers!
Just a lot of nerds using placky backed dipsticks…
I see this Dr Gill belongs to this lot.
If this is not a “cash cow ” I don’t know what is. The number of staff here is unbelivable. Is here any room for students?
Just for comparison here is the list of staff at the School of Mathamatics.
well spotted! Unbelievable is right!
‘Dr Gill stressed that larger studies will be needed to pin down a more precise functional relationship’
One is sure they will, one is sure they will.
Meanwhile, having hoovered gazillions already on not, as such, pinning down anything precisely, a sure home in the BBC is assured for whatever vague notions can be pumped out to order.
Scrolling through the seemingly unending list, I became curious as to what these academics with doctoral ambitions were up to.
Purely at random, I stumbled upon this. I paste verbatim.
“Educating Children to Educate Their Parents. Information, Knowledge and Experience Diffusion within the Family for Pro-environmental Behaviour and Sustainable Lifestyles”
Project Description
In my PhD I focus on Environmental Education and how it can foster intergenerational communication and influence within the family, aiming at more sustainable lifestyles. In effect, I evaluate the capacity of environmental education interventions to lead to environmental change at home, investigating the factors that affect intergenerational communication and influence (e.g. educational, social, emotional) and having as an ulterior purpose the enhancement of children’s and parents willingness to adopt pro-environmental behaviour.” (End)
So to influence adults through their children……..where have we seen this before?
Kommunistka 1920.
Communist society considers the social education of the rising generation to be one of the fundamental aspects of the new life. The old family, narrow and petty, where the parents quarrel and are only interested in their own offspring, is not capable of educating the “new person”. The playgrounds, gardens, homes and other amenities where the child will spend the greater part of the day under the supervision of qualified educators will, on the other hand, offer an environment in which the child can grow up a conscious communist who recognises the need for solidarity, comradeship, mutual help and loyalty to the collective.”
Wondeful post RGH.
Luckily for us, we have had Blunkett, Morris, Miliband and Balls these last thirteen years…where the SATs were abandoned because they couldn`t organise and mark them, and they meant nothing anyway.
Today we hear of the traditional annual exam shambles with answers given or impossible to obtain.
The Communists had technical mastery of their evil, but the current crop of thick socialists and liberals between them won`t be a threat, long as we accept that their “vulnerable charges from the prole class” will need help in reading the duty solicitor card that is stapled to their piercing!
Given that the wanna-bes of the Labour movement were distracted by issues of personal advancement and lacked the intellectual rigour needed has not prevented the state from attempting to substitute its vision of the ‘general will’ (coinciding with their political notions) with incessant social engineering.
My good fortune (?) was to have taken an elective course at my University entitled ‘Working Class Movements’ out of curiosity not conviction. What I discovered there immunised me against pseudo-science and intellectual dishonesty for life.
The environmentalist ‘Eifer’ (enthusiasm and eagerness) to reform…climate justice etc is an ‘old wine in new bottles’ phenomenon. They aren’t communists but have much in common….distorted idealism, reliance on ‘science’ to pigeonhole the individual, moralising for ‘class enemy’ read ‘denialists, the list goes on.
They want ‘heaven on earth’ and will do anything (in extreme cases) to have their way.
This is an old social and political truth which history teaches in abundance. Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.
đŸ˜€ Hilarious…I kid you not: From that BBC article:
“In a relatively small study, Dr Gill and her colleagues fed 12 male cows two different diets…”
Male cow? WTF!! Are these people so stupid?
Absolutely Spanows!
Prats the lot of them! Utterly useless at their non-jobs.
Sounds like a load of Bull to me.
Have you heifer herd such nonsense? They need someone to steer them in the right direction.
Where does a male cow fit in the Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Transgender/Whatever spectrum? The BBC has to comply with diversity targets, so it’s important to know which box to tick.
The Sheep Liberation Front is not happy.
Did you heiffer hear so much rubbish in your life?
They certainly milk it for all it’s worth.
Sounds like bullocks to me.
There must be an udder side to this story.
P.S. There are already several tried and tested additives natural or synthetic) that regaulate rumen function and reduce methane (mainly by ‘tying up’ all the free H that is bobbing around in there).
A few years ago, I was asked to research a product from Ireland – I seem to recall, where there was a machine which attached to a cow’s tail, and electronically controlled the amount of food intake.
Presumably, the methane product was then controlled, but the fantasy crept in thereafter, and it was never going to be a job to do for anyone, let alone Scrobs Inc…
I’m totally serious in this! Seems ridicu;lous – even as it was back then, but these eco-freaks stop at nothing where UK farmers are vulnerable, and the taxpayer picks up the tab.
“The research was funded by the Leverhulme Trust. ”
The trust are shareholders in Unilver.
“The income of the Trust amounted to £54.3m in 2009 (2008: £51.2m), The income of the Trust therefore increased by £3.1m. This was due to the increasing regular dividends received on the Trust’s shareholding in Unilever (£6.7m)”
And Unilver just happen to produce “Cattle cake” or concentrate animal feed
“In Unilever one activity has frequently led to another. The oil seeds crushed for use in margarine and soap yielded a by-product known as “cattle cake” which prompted a move into animal feeds.”
I’m sure you wouldn’t want to fund research which cocludes that concentrate feed produces more methane or am I just getting cynical in my old age?
No doubt the parents of Dr Gill are proud to know that their lives were not in vain.
Here at Wessex Uni, we hope to plug the Asda carrier bags with Professor Plums chewing gum, so we can measure the flatulence capacity of the Holstein Fresian cow(male!) To ascertain” how many roads a man must take before we can call him a man” is surely worth a good ten minutes on Today or some other scientific world class research forum.For the answer my friends is…
MIT…Yale…anybody else want to join us?…
Wetlands produce a lot of methane but the greenies think they are marvellous and should be protected, expanded or created anew. I say drain them all and turn them into pasture for male cows.
Wonderful propaganda show by greenie ‘Newsnight’ and Paxman tonight: the show was a plug for what were labelled by ‘Newsnight’ on screen as ‘CLIMATE CAMPAIGNERS’, not labelled as ‘ACTIVISTS TRYING TO OCCUPY AND ILLEGALLY CLOSE DOWN POWER STATIONS’. Paxman let one of greenies get away unchallenged with remark that even if they had (illegally- not mentioned) managed to physically occupy and close down a power station, this woldn’t have had much effect on British people! It’s all the police’s fault apparently.
“proof” that they read BBBC? They’ve changed the text to now read 12 bulls (well dome primary school editor)
The graphic has the (ignited) methane emerging from the wrong end. Most of it is belched, not fartled
‘not fartled’
A typo (presuming it is) to treasure. Hands off lurking vultures; this one is better than the original.
Now… off to find a worthy application.
My site,
And you spotted it before Dezzie did , well done đŸ˜€
I doh do typos
It’s all my fault! O:-)
Biodegradable Products Are Good For Landfills, But Bad For The Climate
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. A new study finds that while biodegradable products help reduce mass in landfills, they may be worsening global warning. Luckily, there’s a solution: Make earth-friendly plastics that actually disintegrate more slowly.
Biodegradable products, which slowly decay into inoffensive chemicals instead of clogging up landfills until the end of time, seem like they shouldn’t have a downside. But one of those chemicals is apparently not so inoffensive: methane gas. If a landfill has high-tech methane-capture technology, then that’s free fuel. But if they don’t (and most don’t), that methane is going straight into the atmosphere. And methane is actually a far worse greenhouse gas than much-derided carbon dioxide.
Methane, by itself, is a useful product that can be harvested and turned into biofuels. But the EPA guesses that only about 35% of the solid waste we all throw out ends up in landfills that capture methane and burn, while about 31% ends up in landfills that simply let it drift skywards.
As long as I can remember, these ‘degrading’ options have had a basically free ride from MSM science-free moppets who also pose behind a G-Wiz and say ‘Look… no emissions so it’s zero carbon’, because they’ve been sold as ‘green’.
This despite a bunch of folk asking what goes up (in the degradation process) or down (residual chemical soups).
My objection to the ‘reporting’ from the likes of the BBC is not just the agenda behind it all, but the overwhelming scientific incompetence.
If AGW is a false premise or an exaggeration, then none of the GHGs are as worrysome as the Scaresmiths wish us to believe. That ruminants emit methane is a feature of their digestion and represents a significant waste of the metabolisable energy in their food. Where the ruminant is a farmed animal this waste is a financial burden on production. If an economic means could be found to reduce ruminant methane emission this would improve the economics of meat and milk production. There may be no link whatever to AGW, except that this has become the “Open, sez me!” of funding.