1) Does anybody know if 5 live have aired the views of Gabrielle Brown the lady that phoned up Victoria Derbyshire and laid in to Ken for his rape proposals, she actually agrees with him
2) Seen this from the Telegraph. There is no way we can find savings, we are the BBC and besides we want to give all those people on £60K plus a £1K pay rise
Q: How does the chief executive of a company award himself a major pay rise?
A: He awards lesser executives (but never the workers) a smaller pay rise.
Arriving home late from work last night I was sat quite enjoying ‘Spring Watch’ and its explanation of bird migration patterns I didn’t even mind the ‘yoof’ presenters. But then in an item on what to put into your garden bird feeders there had to be a mention of the carbon footprint of this food. It seems because the nuts are coming from China the “carbon” may kill the poor birds in the long run.
Sounds a bit like the edition of ‘Gardener’s Question Time’ where they briefly interviewed an employee at Kew Gardens, before going in to great detail about his asylum status!
Interestingly Chris Packham is a paid consultant to one of the bird food companies and used “Springwatch” shamelessly a couple of years ago to advertise their products from his very expensive country home and garden.
Funny the nuts should come from China. Maybe Chris can explain why they don’t come from poor old Africa, especially as he enjoys a holiday in sunny Gambia once a year, paid for by one of the bird-watching holiday companies, while the Gambian bird guides do all the hard work ! Lucky Beeboid !
And never let it be said that the bbc isn’t pro-active in pushing its chosen views !( In this case oposing the proposed culling of badgers in TB hotspot areas.)
Strangely none of their reports mentions exactly how the questions were worded, or what information Mrs Miggins was given about the proven facts of badgers transmitting TB and the cost in slaughtered cattle, before being asked if she approved !
The poll, commissioned by the BBC News website from pollsters GfK NOP, is believed to be the first time that the UK public has been asked a simple “yes or no” on the issue.
So lets see….ought we to decide our child innoculation policy on the results of an opinion poll? What next BBC, energy policy? Membership of the EU? Capital punishment? Where will it end?
Important this!
This BBC -commissioned poll of theirs…anyone able to tell me what their justification is in creating their own toxic little news stories for themselves.
Why do we have to pay for their spurious prejudices to be given “statistical validity” as if they actually know what they are doing in this field.
All that they are creating is quasi scientific and methematical rationale for their lazy worldview borne of privilege and too much time to meddle.
Look where it all got the UEA and their global warming diatripe…yet,just like digital( where will all the tellies go…long time passing eh!) they get a free ride on our backs.
Lets see if More or Less will take this on…or indeed the Guardians Ben Goldacre-for both of them profess to hate junk science. Will they feel so brave if its THEIR BBC they`re analysing?
Probably no!
Sometimes a typo inadvertently gives us a brilliant new word. DIATRIPE I like. Being attacked with tripe! Like being savaged by a dead sheep. (Denis Healey)
Ah “digital”. Don’t get me started on that. I don’t really understand it, but smell a scam. Maybe I am wrong.
Looks like I have to buy some kind of box for my TV. Can I deduct the cost from my TV tax ?
Islam Not BBC (inc. M. Easton) still see Muslims, not non-Muslims, as ‘victims’.
This Easton video clip is symptomatic of INBBC Islamophilia.
The Easton vox pop gives only Muslim anti-government opinion; Ms May’s speech is edited and deliberately interspersed with Muslim only vox pop comment.
Easton, who as far as I know, has not written much on the ideology and the tenets of Islam- such as jihad and sharia, words which he avoids here, questions the ideology of the Government.
So Easton does not question or criticise Islamic supremacist ideology, but he does question and criticise, in one way or another, government ideology, and implicitly, he criticises British values.
And, of course, Easton approves mass immigration from Islamic countries, immigration without which none of this would be happening.
Note that INBBC’s EASTON goes out of his wasy to campaign for the outfit ‘ The Street’ project of Brixton, London.
This is Melanie Phillips’ comment on ‘The Street’ project:
“The STREET project Lambeth Council gave an unspecified sum to the STREET project, run by Abdul Haqq Baker, the chairman of the Brixton Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre. The project was aimed at ‘reaching out’ to young Muslims who were susceptible to violent extremism, but Baker is an adherent of Salafism, a hard line form of Islam seen as in conflict with liberal democracy. “
Ok sorry O.T. and not straight up bias but I would just like to say thanks to the evil commercial sector for the T.T. coverage and sod off to the BBC who hate bikes and everything they represent !! .
The BBC, led by Toenails, attacked Clarke unmercilessly over this proposal. Now Clarke has U-Turned they are using that woman, who tore a strip off him, who is now admitting that it was, after all, the best policy.
So they attacked him for the evil policy, now they are attacking him for backtracking on that same (now wonderful) policy. Robinson is totally shameless in his unrelenting bias. It’s disgusting. Scotty, Dezzie what is your excuse for Robinson’s disgraceful behaviour?
Hidden away, on a subsection of a subsection, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) has:
“Rochdale child ‘prostitution ring’ charges” ……
[ Omitted from headline by INBBC: ‘against Muslim sex gang’]
“Abdul Rauf, 42, of Darley Road, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16, sexual activity and paying for the sexual services of a child and trafficking a child within the UK;
Mohammed Ikhlaq, 41 of Cloverhall Crescent, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16;
Adil Khan, 41, of Oswald Street, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16, two offences of sexual activity, and trafficking a child within the UK;
Liaquat Shah, 41, of Kensington Street, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16 and two counts of rape;
Mohammed Sajid, 34, of Jepheys Street, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with a girl under 16, three offences of sexual activity and attempting to pay for the sexual services of a child;
Qamar Shahzad, 29, of Tweedale Street, Freehold, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16 and rape;
Mohammed Amin, 44, of Falinge Road, Falinge, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16, sexual assault and sexual activity;
Abdul Aziz, 40, of Armstrong
Hurst Close, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16, trafficking girls, rape and controlling child prostitution;”
INBBC has policy of censoring anything about ‘Muslim sex gangs’; English Defence League has a policy of exposing it.
‘Times’ (paywall) has this today:
“Eight men face trial on charges of sexually exploiting girls”
“Eight men appeared in court yesterday accused of involvement in the sexual exploitation of young girls.
“They are among 26 men from Rochdale, Lancashire, who have been arrested since December by detectives investigating allegations that girls from 13 to 15 were given alcohol and drugs before being subjected to numerous sexual offences.
It’s interesting isn’t it when you see the details, to note that they are all of mature age and therefore, I would speculate, more likely to be married than not. Maybe that is not the case and they are actually not married but they are certainly not those young Pakistani men who we were told by Jack Straw were under strict rules re sex before marriage and because of their youthful sex drive were using vulnerable young English girls for sex. Not that that was ever an excuse for this type of criminal and heinous activity directed at youngsters. But it isn’t even the motivation either.
The BBC is full of this empty virility crap.
If the policy is only going to get you into deeper political trouble-as opposed to the BBCs carping from the Labour circus tent-then I`d expect those who propose it to listen and to do as many twists and turns as they like until they get it right for re-election. U-turn, S bend, J cloth -who cares but the alpha males in Westminster and the accompanying shrill sisters of theirs.
Unfortunately if Blair, Madelson,Robinson,Mardell are your “alpha males”-and we`ve seen them now!-you`re not really going to do much more than watch them squit a couple of owl pellets and hope we`ll think it is tiger dung!
Blair famously said he had no reverse gear..and his camp followers and cheerleaders seem to think that was worth the price of as many squaddies in Basra or Helmand as it takes. Our alpha males could surely spare a tyre or a jowel and show the rest of us how it`s done.
Until then-that the Tories won`t go over the BBCs chosen cliff of convenience is fine by me!
Desperate men for desperate times-but no one will give them house room any more!
Thirteen years-The BBC/NuLabor furball the result.
I caught the lunchtime news earlier. There was an item on Nissan’s commitment to build the new Qashqai in Sunderland.
This was all set to video of Gordon Brown visiting the Nissan plant and shaking hands with management…er from about 18 months ago!
Is he still Prime Minister then? Have the last 12 months been a dream?
The voiceover gave Brown a glowing tribute as though it was entirely his doing, then added right at the end (for balance of course) “David Cameron is also said to be pleased”.
They aren’t even trying to be sneaky with the bias anymore, it’s absolutely blatant.
Poor old Beeb.
All alone in its twilight home with only its Guardian for company.
Only a public sector worker or a benefit dependent could possibly cluck along as the senile old fool recalls the days when what she said mattered-and did she tell us about that nice young doctor who said he`d be back to push her round the hustings one last time?(no-never heard that one auntie dear!)
Gave her the tartan blanket so he did-all together now ” Speed bonnie boat”...
Has Pratchett got a spare gurney going?…make a good programme,which surely is all that counts!
In contrast, Guido Fawkes has had a series “The curse of Jonah” which highlighted the fate that befell businesses visited by Gordon the Moron, usually closure and liquidation. The BBC seem to ignore these examples. I wonder why.
At least , since the new Nissan plant is to be built in the North -east by a Japanese company, we can be sure there is no corruption involved.
If Cameron had really wanted to put a spoke in the Beeboids’ cultural Marxist wheel, he would have appointed ‘Incapability’ Brown, DG. Within weeks, King McMidas ‘in reverse’, with the volcanic ash cloud of inevitable failure & rank incompetence that enshrouds his mad head, would have turned the atmosphere of the BBC biodome, paradoxically, a place he loves, into that of Venus. The man can’t help fcuking everything up – it’s in his genes. Like crazed lemmings, but less intelligent, the fleeing choking Beeboids would be mown down by the unforgiving A40 traffic that thunders past their jinxed encampments. Win win situation.
You`ve got a whole episode of a “what if” programme here-brilliant!
To hear Blair talking about getting peace in the Middle East as assorted Beeboids drooled and sniffed the glove of power only means they`re already commissioning absolutely any jazz hands improv ,then calling it news already.
The BBC is creating its own reality-“no matter that they tell you,what you believe is true” has replaced “imagine no possessions” as the motto carved into Reiths forehead…green mohican accessory an optional extra available at reception.
anyone picked up on the difference between reports about Israel and the arab “springtim for hitler”…….aprt from the shamefully obvious that is?
“these pictures cannot be verified” says the autocue reader
no prizes for guessing the pictures which are unquestioned in their veracity……..following a bit of judicious editing to ensure the narrative is followed slavishly by only telling half the story
well……what else do you expect from a bunch of jew hating halfwits?
richard facon was in the states today chatting to ‘intellectuals’ from the new yorker’ magazine. of course weiner gate is so tedious. a number of male politicians do this. it is just titillation. sorry it is not. apart from being a pervert, he claimed he was hacked, he gave a creepy, aggressive interview to abc and challenged their temerity to ask him any questions. but no, we should move on as he is a good politician.
next, facon was chatting to some old fogey about his favourite
ABC is the only US network that dug into what was obviously a major story – not just the sex angle, but the claim that a Congressman had been hacked. It is called journalism.
Even Fox played it softly.
The BBC deliberately ignored it – not just in the UK but also in the US.
The New Yorker is the epitome of a white, liberal elite. They’re all out in force defending Weiner even still, from St. Jon Stewart to MSNBC. Did Bacon or any of his guests mention that the lying involved accusing someone of a federal crime to cover up his actions?
I like how the female Beeboid reported just now from a health industry conference reports that some GPs are actually pleased with Cameron’s reforms which give them more control and authority over spending. Ominous tones, spinning it that we can’t judge until we’ve heard from all health workers, and in general a tone of voice reserved for reporting tragedies.
Very nice class war piece on the News Channel just now. It was introduced by Sopel as a situation where schools might have to separate the poorer students from those better off. Apparently the nasty Tories have cut funding to “outdoor education centers” run by local authorities. This may mean, the Beeboid warns, that parents will have to pay the fees for schoold trips instead, so poorer children will be separated from those with wealthier parents. Shocking.
Oh, wait, the Beeboid reporter on the scene admitted that it really means that some of these centers might go out of business. Not the same thing at all as how this report was presented now, is it? He quickly shifted back to Nasty Tory Cuts Narrative, though.
Still, what a BS story. Hands up all those who believe a school would ever do a field trip where they tell some kids they have to stay in class while the richer kids go off on a field trip. But that doesn’t stop the BBC from seizing an opportunity for a little class war.
Any school I’ve ever come across has a “hardship fund” or similar to cover the cost of outings for those who can’t afford to pay. To suggest a school would only take those with deep pockets is up there with the male cows for BBC stupidity.
They repeated the class war propaganda just now, this time with Huw Edwards giving the same intro. It’s not just the Beeboids being stupid, but the people who run these centers as well. The “report” included a statement from someone who runs one of them that this awful move from the Tories will inevitably “lead to a two-tier school system”. Propaganda all round.
The Telegraph seems to have some odd notion of ‘balance’ by hiring folk like Mary Riddell and Geoff Lean, but given their competencies in strength of argument, one suspects they are there more to act as ratings lightning rods.
Of course the BBC and apologists like Scottie and Dezzie always claim the Telegraph is “right-wing”. It has been a strange mixture of politics for some years now. Left-wing Riddell and bonkers Global Warming fanatic Lean certainly give “balance “.
INBBC, Patten, along with Labour, Lib Dems and Tories, advocate Turkey’s E.U. membership for its 80 million Muslims, (plus those from Syria). British people as bystanders again, while their own nation is Islamised.
As with all of Islam Not BBC (INBBC), Mr CONNOLLY shows his political bias here by lining up against Israel, and with the invaders from Syria. He does not mention why the Golan Heights are militarily essential to Israel, nor why the 1967 Israeli action was necessary. Connolly is committed only to Hamas and Fatah in his ‘reporting’.
“Memories of Six Day War see violence return to Golan Heights
President Obama was effusive in his praise for the Special Relationship when he visited London recently, but his administration continues to slap Britain in the face over the highly sensitive Falklands issue. Washington signed on to a “draft declaration on the question of the Malvinas Islands” passed by unanimous consent by the General Assembly of the Organisation of American States (OAS) at its meeting in San Salvador yesterday, an issue which had been heavily pushed by Argentina. In doing so, the United States sided not only with Buenos Aires, but also with a number of anti-American regimes including Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela and Daniel Ortega’s Nicaragua.
The declaration calls for Argentina and Great Britain to enter into negotiations over the sovereignty of the Falklands, a position which London has long viewed as completely unacceptable. It also comes in the wake of increasing aggression by the Kirchner regime in the past 18 months, including threats to blockade British shipping in the South Atlantic.
BBC: ZZZzzzzzzzzz
Their beloved Obamessiah takes sides against you, and they’re silent. And this isn’t even the first time. In essence, the BBC is siding with the leader of a foreign country against you. And all at your expense.
Having pointed out the BBC’s duplicity, may I humbly apologize – AGAIN – for the actions taken against you by my President. Not in my name! Not in my name! Not in my….oh @$#% it.
Look North this evening with Tim Iredale their ‘political correspndent’ tells the East Riding viewers that due to the evil ‘Tory Cuts’ that pupils living within 3 miles of their school are to have the cost of their bus pass doubled.
As usual the ‘Tories’ get the blame. He should remind people that the Council has no money because in the words of Liam Byrne ‘there is no money’ because Labour had spent it and that he and his cronies borrowed so much that there would be no money to help hard working people for a long long time.
Deborah, Councils have a choice of where to make savings. They do not have to let the old and young suffer, but they do because people like Iredale do not question anything. Much easier spewing out press breifings sent to mim by email.
But the Councillors still have enough money to reward themselves and senior staff with inflated “remuneration packages”, expenses and exotic jollies, meanwhile punishing the weak and defenceless and blaming it on the Government.
Totally and utterly indefensible.
In the past six years, £50 million has been spent transforming the town. And the cost of delivering the Bridlington Area Action Plan will be another £30 million.
The work is being handled by Bridlington Renaissance.
That’s a lot of money. Where is this coming from?
Funding for regeneration schemes was coming via regional development agency Yorkshire Forward, which is now being disbanded.
Oh, dear. So what’s next?
East Riding Council says money for the action plan work will come from council funds, as well as money generated by the developments.
Council funds, then, which the nast Tories have now cut. How awful that the nasty rich elite are stealing deliberately targeting the poorest in cutting these vital funds to create jobs and help the working classes. Except……
In a submission to the cabinet meeting, Mr Pickering wrote: “The cabinet has approved a number of notable extensions to the lifetime of the Bridlington Renaissance Project, but without reassessment of the delivery needs and mechanisms.
“Despite the cabinet’s continued support, the council’s aims for the town’s economy have not been realised. In any other environment, this would trigger a thorough investigation, not another extension.
“There has not even been a basic skills assessment of the posts involved to ensure we have the right job descriptions and right capacity to move forward, instead, an unquestioned extension of all contracts.
So millions and millions has basically been wasted. Nasty Tory cuts only means that the council has to at last be more responsible and intelligent with its spending. Any service cuts will be due to mismanagement by the council, and not because of nasty Tories taking money from the working classes who didn’t vote for them.
Just over a year ago, the East Riding of Yorkshire Council awarded large inflation busting rises for senior staff. The rationale was it would encourage those officers to stay with the council and encourage others to join the merry-go-round and move to East Yorkshire.
Just over a year later, two senior officers, Huw Roberts and Barry Adams, have opted to take early retirement and received much higher pensions as a result of their pay rises. Now a third wishes to leave the authority.
Sue Lockwood, Director of Corporate Resources, has applied for early retirement, and today, in a behind-closed-doors meeting, the East Riding Council cabinet approved an outrageous payment of £364,205 to her pension fund. Naturally, the public anger at this impending payment is great, and yesterday I wrote to all members of the cabinet urging them not to agree to this move. Predictably, the silence was deafening.
More waste, more taxpayer money down the toilet you can’t blame the Tories for. Yet if they cut a single thing one can label “front line services”, the profligate council won’t be blamed at all, even though they’ve wasted far more money than is being cut.
Oh, how INBBC ‘Newsnight’s Mr Whewell beamed every time he met Hamas and Fatah Islamic jihad leaders in Gaza.
The Gazan men seemed to have nice quality clothes, (no comment on the niqabed women), the food markets are well stocked, the beaches are sunnier and warmer than Blackpool’s, and the Gazans get more ‘foreign aid’ per head than anyone else on the planet, and INBBC appeases the Islamic jihadists, as usual.
An alternative report by Peter Hichens (Oct 2010):
Luckily for them, gaffes closer to home seem ‘unique’ and don’t count.
Be interesting to discover just how much such as Mr. Thompson’s golden pension will have cost the licence fee payer between his retirement and age 90, if he gets that far.
My site,
One “gaffe” the BBC don’t publicise is when Fiona Bruce asked the Prince about his Naval career in the interview last night.
He said he was professional but she wouldn’t know about that.
How dare Prince Philip imply that journalism is not a profession !
There are variety of topical aspects, from attitudes to cuts to support for credible (A)GW reduction measures, that would seem worthy of comment by the BBC and its supporters.
Has Call Me Dave cut as much from the amount of taxpayer money he gives to the EU as he has from the poorest and most vulnerable in Britain who didn’t vote for the Tories? Or are his hands tied by a law nobody voted for?
The BBC Today programme just after 08:30 pushed the ‘fact’ that Israel gained so much land (three times the size of Israel) in the 1967 war and that exchanging land for peace is the way forward. If you did not know any better you would be excused for believing that Israel was still three times larger than it was before the 1967 war. In fact Israel handed the Sinai peninsular back to Egypt, in exchange for peace in 1982.
The Sinai peninsular covers an area of around 23,000 square miles, Israel today covers just 8,522 square miles. The truth is that Israel gave up almost all of the land it captured in 1967 in return for peace with Egypt. Why did the BBC not report that?
Instead the BBC reported that some Israelis on a march through East Jerusalem taunted some Muslims; when was the last time the BBC reported the vitriolic attacks on Jews made by Hamas and Fatah leaders almost every day?
I have complained to the BBC, I wonder what their explanation will be?
Okay, but isn’t the Sinai and Egypt a good example that trading land for peace can work? Ah, I’m forgetting all the billions of dollars in “aid” the US gave to Mubarak and the military. So land wasn’t really what did it, but cold hard cash.
Its June. A’level season. Don’t think you’ve escaped your exams now you’re really old. Here’s your essay question.
Compare and contrast the reverence shown by the BBC to Arafat (Barbara Plett Crying) and Castro (hundreds of hours of positive uncritical coverage since the communists took over.)
The utter bile and contempt the show Prince Philip (90)
‘Prince Charming or Prince Charmless’ BBC 5 live
and Maggie Thatcher (85)
Her grave being britains biggest toilet QI BBC 2
Care must be taken not to throw things at the telly
The BBC trumpeting that Aung San Suu Kyi will be giving 2 Reith lectures this month.
I was puzzled about the BBC’s sudden conversion to supporting freedom. Do they consider the Burma military dictatorship to be “right-wing” I wonder ?
I wonder what Stephanie ‘Moll’ Flanders has to say concerning the revelations about her two Eds’ roles in the Blair ‘coup’? Brutus Balls & Cassius Miliband make for a pretty pathetic pair of conspirators. I doubt if they could stab an organically-sourced sausage.
Unfortunately, this Kevin Connolly piece of bile doesn’t have a comments section.
Memories of Six Day War see violence return to Golan Heights They tend to assert – without offering proof to me at least – the protesters at such events are paid according to a kind of rate card – $50 (£30) if you turn up for a demonstration, $900 (£550) if you are shot and injured, $10,000 (£6,000)if you are killed.
If Mr. Connelly had been reading his Guardian he would have discovered that Assad hasn’t discovered the wheel by paying ‘demonstrators’.
One demonstrator who was wounded that day told the Guardian the Lebanese militia Hezbollah had given him $50 to turn up at the border and $900 to have his gunshot wounds treated by physicians. He said he had been planning to return to Maroun al-Ras yesterday until the rally was cancelled.
You mean attempting (and failing) to maintain an impartial BBC, surely Helen. I can sympathise. People like Naughtie, Humphrys, Webb, Mardell, Bowen, Sopel, Esler, Easton, Bacon, O’Connell, Badawii, Doucet, Flanders, Mason, Marr, ,Kuennsberg, Maitlis…(thats enough, Ed.)……must make life awfully difficult for you. And that’s not even taking into account the behind the scenes wallahs who brief their talent with the Guardian.
“It is often in the tone and language and people often don’t realise they are taking sides,” she said.
Isn’t that the boss’s – or bosses’ – job? To employ quality people, tell them what standards are expected of them, monitor and enforce them? Why wouldn’t the boss be doing that, so that they do know they are taking sides?
It’s a mystery what Helen Boaden and Mark Thompson are there for, since the staff seem to do what they like, as we see constantly from their programmes, not to mention their often illiterate, ranting, swearing and grossly biased blogs and tweets.
“Daily Politics” just now with gorgeous, pouting Jo Coburn and guest, left-wing journalist Steve Richards, a permanent fixture on the BBC.
As Richards was speaking , a sub-title popped up to inform us that “Steve is a huge fan of Tottenham Hotspur “.
Search Biased BBC
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Two things:
1) Does anybody know if 5 live have aired the views of Gabrielle Brown the lady that phoned up Victoria Derbyshire and laid in to Ken for his rape proposals, she actually agrees with him
2) Seen this from the Telegraph. There is no way we can find savings, we are the BBC and besides we want to give all those people on £60K plus a £1K pay rise
Q: How does the chief executive of a company award himself a major pay rise?
A: He awards lesser executives (but never the workers) a smaller pay rise.
Arriving home late from work last night I was sat quite enjoying ‘Spring Watch’ and its explanation of bird migration patterns I didn’t even mind the ‘yoof’ presenters. But then in an item on what to put into your garden bird feeders there had to be a mention of the carbon footprint of this food. It seems because the nuts are coming from China the “carbon” may kill the poor birds in the long run.
At this point I swore and turned off the TV.
They really can’t help themselves can they !!
Dat ole’ dibil called carbon…
Sounds a bit like the edition of ‘Gardener’s Question Time’ where they briefly interviewed an employee at Kew Gardens, before going in to great detail about his asylum status!
Ah Chris Packham-who else!
Interestingly Chris Packham is a paid consultant to one of the bird food companies and used “Springwatch” shamelessly a couple of years ago to advertise their products from his very expensive country home and garden.
Funny the nuts should come from China. Maybe Chris can explain why they don’t come from poor old Africa, especially as he enjoys a holiday in sunny Gambia once a year, paid for by one of the bird-watching holiday companies, while the Gambian bird guides do all the hard work ! Lucky Beeboid !
PS. I should have said Chris and his family enjoy the holiday. And no African mud huts for them, believe me !
Excellent article on New Labour’s destruction of Britain and it’s people, which was assisted by BBC propoganda:
And never let it be said that the bbc isn’t pro-active in pushing its chosen views !( In this case oposing the proposed culling of badgers in TB hotspot areas.)
Strangely none of their reports mentions exactly how the questions were worded, or what information Mrs Miggins was given about the proven facts of badgers transmitting TB and the cost in slaughtered cattle, before being asked if she approved !
The poll, commissioned by the BBC News website from pollsters GfK NOP, is believed to be the first time that the UK public has been asked a simple “yes or no” on the issue.
So lets see….ought we to decide our child innoculation policy on the results of an opinion poll? What next BBC, energy policy? Membership of the EU? Capital punishment? Where will it end?
Ha ! Ha ! The next thing, we might actually have referenda on important matters. God forbid, we may end up a Fascist Dictatorship like Switzerland.
Important this!
This BBC -commissioned poll of theirs…anyone able to tell me what their justification is in creating their own toxic little news stories for themselves.
Why do we have to pay for their spurious prejudices to be given “statistical validity” as if they actually know what they are doing in this field.
All that they are creating is quasi scientific and methematical rationale for their lazy worldview borne of privilege and too much time to meddle.
Look where it all got the UEA and their global warming diatripe…yet,just like digital( where will all the tellies go…long time passing eh!) they get a free ride on our backs.
Lets see if More or Less will take this on…or indeed the Guardians Ben Goldacre-for both of them profess to hate junk science. Will they feel so brave if its THEIR BBC they`re analysing?
Probably no!
Sometimes a typo inadvertently gives us a brilliant new word. DIATRIPE I like. Being attacked with tripe! Like being savaged by a dead sheep. (Denis Healey)
I was just going to post similar. Good old cj, never lost for a word !
Ah “digital”. Don’t get me started on that. I don’t really understand it, but smell a scam. Maybe I am wrong.
Looks like I have to buy some kind of box for my TV. Can I deduct the cost from my TV tax ?
The digital thing is all about making you pay the license fee for buying computers and computer monitors.
I propose the culling of third-world spongers in ‘TB hotspots’ such as Tower Hamlets!
Not sure whether anyone’s read this yet (also appeared on the Grauniad’s CiF section, but I’ll be buggered if I link to that 😛 )
Just confirms what we all know:
Careful what you post here, Beeboids may be reading it and try and persuade you otherwise.
Like it Crab worth a read ! 😎
Islam Not BBC (inc. M. Easton) still see Muslims, not non-Muslims, as ‘victims’.
This Easton video clip is symptomatic of INBBC Islamophilia.
The Easton vox pop gives only Muslim anti-government opinion; Ms May’s speech is edited and deliberately interspersed with Muslim only vox pop comment.
Easton, who as far as I know, has not written much on the ideology and the tenets of Islam- such as jihad and sharia, words which he avoids here, questions the ideology of the Government.
So Easton does not question or criticise Islamic supremacist ideology, but he does question and criticise, in one way or another, government ideology, and implicitly, he criticises British values.
And, of course, Easton approves mass immigration from Islamic countries, immigration without which none of this would be happening.
All par for the course on INBBC pro-Islam bias.
Of course, the following accurate analysis, by Melanie Phillips, will be off Easton’s political radar:
“I warned about this years ago. Now ministers admit I was right”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2000622/Islamic-extremism-I-warned-years-ago–ministers-admit-I-right.html#ixzz1OgHtoNUt
Note that INBBC’s EASTON goes out of his wasy to campaign for the outfit ‘ The Street’ project of Brixton, London.
This is Melanie Phillips’ comment on ‘The Street’ project:
“The STREET project
Lambeth Council gave an unspecified sum to the STREET project, run by Abdul Haqq Baker, the chairman of the Brixton Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre.
The project was aimed at ‘reaching out’ to young Muslims who were susceptible to violent extremism, but Baker is an adherent of Salafism, a hard line form of Islam seen as in conflict with liberal democracy. “
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2000492/Theresa-May-admits-63m-terror-fighting-fund-GIVEN-extremist-groups.html#ixzz1Oh0aKD2a
Ok sorry O.T. and not straight up bias but I would just like to say thanks to the evil commercial sector for the T.T. coverage and sod off to the BBC who hate bikes and everything they represent !! .
But surely Beeboids like pushbikes ?
Good point Grant just not sure they count if their in the back of a tax payer funded taxi!!
Have a little look at this link for some bias!
The BBC, led by Toenails, attacked Clarke unmercilessly over this proposal. Now Clarke has U-Turned they are using that woman, who tore a strip off him, who is now admitting that it was, after all, the best policy.
So they attacked him for the evil policy, now they are attacking him for backtracking on that same (now wonderful) policy. Robinson is totally shameless in his unrelenting bias. It’s disgusting. Scotty, Dezzie what is your excuse for Robinson’s disgraceful behaviour?
Scottie and Dezzie are indisposed and resting. Expect them to re-appear as soon as someone makes a trivial typo.
must have found a new stash somewhere……..
Hidden away, on a subsection of a subsection, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) has:
“Rochdale child ‘prostitution ring’ charges” ……
[ Omitted from headline by INBBC: ‘against Muslim sex gang’]
“Abdul Rauf, 42, of Darley Road, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16, sexual activity and paying for the sexual services of a child and trafficking a child within the UK;
Mohammed Ikhlaq, 41 of Cloverhall Crescent, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16;
Adil Khan, 41, of Oswald Street, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16, two offences of sexual activity, and trafficking a child within the UK;
Liaquat Shah, 41, of Kensington Street, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16 and two counts of rape;
Mohammed Sajid, 34, of Jepheys Street, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with a girl under 16, three offences of sexual activity and attempting to pay for the sexual services of a child;
Qamar Shahzad, 29, of Tweedale Street, Freehold, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16 and rape;
Mohammed Amin, 44, of Falinge Road, Falinge, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16, sexual assault and sexual activity;
Abdul Aziz, 40, of Armstrong
Hurst Close, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16, trafficking girls, rape and controlling child prostitution;”
The English Defence League will not allow this to be swept under the carpet by the British Islamophilic elite.
“Muslim Pedophile Gangs Prey on non-Muslim Children”
Aaaaah, that’ll be the ‘Asian grooming myth’ (as UAF call it in their propaganda leaflets.)
-a comment at ‘Jihadwatch’ a few weeks ago:
U.K.: Authorities cover up “Asian” targeting of underage girls for sexual exploitation for fear of appearing “racist”
INBBC has policy of censoring anything about ‘Muslim sex gangs’; English Defence League has a policy of exposing it.
‘Times’ (paywall) has this today:
“Eight men face trial on charges of sexually exploiting girls”
“Eight men appeared in court yesterday accused of involvement in the sexual exploitation of young girls.
“They are among 26 men from Rochdale, Lancashire, who have been arrested since December by detectives investigating allegations that girls from 13 to 15 were given alcohol and drugs before being subjected to numerous sexual offences.
“The accused men, wo are of Pakistani origin….”
It’s interesting isn’t it when you see the details, to note that they are all of mature age and therefore, I would speculate, more likely to be married than not. Maybe that is not the case and they are actually not married but they are certainly not those young Pakistani men who we were told by Jack Straw were under strict rules re sex before marriage and because of their youthful sex drive were using vulnerable young English girls for sex. Not that that was ever an excuse for this type of criminal and heinous activity directed at youngsters. But it isn’t even the motivation either.
The BBC is full of this empty virility crap.
If the policy is only going to get you into deeper political trouble-as opposed to the BBCs carping from the Labour circus tent-then I`d expect those who propose it to listen and to do as many twists and turns as they like until they get it right for re-election. U-turn, S bend, J cloth -who cares but the alpha males in Westminster and the accompanying shrill sisters of theirs.
Unfortunately if Blair, Madelson,Robinson,Mardell are your “alpha males”-and we`ve seen them now!-you`re not really going to do much more than watch them squit a couple of owl pellets and hope we`ll think it is tiger dung!
Blair famously said he had no reverse gear..and his camp followers and cheerleaders seem to think that was worth the price of as many squaddies in Basra or Helmand as it takes. Our alpha males could surely spare a tyre or a jowel and show the rest of us how it`s done.
Until then-that the Tories won`t go over the BBCs chosen cliff of convenience is fine by me!
Desperate men for desperate times-but no one will give them house room any more!
Thirteen years-The BBC/NuLabor furball the result.
I caught the lunchtime news earlier. There was an item on Nissan’s commitment to build the new Qashqai in Sunderland.
This was all set to video of Gordon Brown visiting the Nissan plant and shaking hands with management…er from about 18 months ago!
Is he still Prime Minister then? Have the last 12 months been a dream?
The voiceover gave Brown a glowing tribute as though it was entirely his doing, then added right at the end (for balance of course) “David Cameron is also said to be pleased”.
They aren’t even trying to be sneaky with the bias anymore, it’s absolutely blatant.
Poor old Beeb.
All alone in its twilight home with only its Guardian for company.
Only a public sector worker or a benefit dependent could possibly cluck along as the senile old fool recalls the days when what she said mattered-and did she tell us about that nice young doctor who said he`d be back to push her round the hustings one last time?(no-never heard that one auntie dear!)
Gave her the tartan blanket so he did-all together now ”
Speed bonnie boat”...
Has Pratchett got a spare gurney going?…make a good programme,which surely is all that counts!
In contrast, Guido Fawkes has had a series “The curse of Jonah” which highlighted the fate that befell businesses visited by Gordon the Moron, usually closure and liquidation. The BBC seem to ignore these examples. I wonder why.
At least , since the new Nissan plant is to be built in the North -east by a Japanese company, we can be sure there is no corruption involved.
If Cameron had really wanted to put a spoke in the Beeboids’ cultural Marxist wheel, he would have appointed ‘Incapability’ Brown, DG. Within weeks, King McMidas ‘in reverse’, with the volcanic ash cloud of inevitable failure & rank incompetence that enshrouds his mad head, would have turned the atmosphere of the BBC biodome, paradoxically, a place he loves, into that of Venus. The man can’t help fcuking everything up – it’s in his genes. Like crazed lemmings, but less intelligent, the fleeing choking Beeboids would be mown down by the unforgiving A40 traffic that thunders past their jinxed encampments. Win win situation.
You`ve got a whole episode of a “what if” programme here-brilliant!
To hear Blair talking about getting peace in the Middle East as assorted Beeboids drooled and sniffed the glove of power only means they`re already commissioning absolutely any jazz hands improv ,then calling it news already.
The BBC is creating its own reality-“no matter that they tell you,what you believe is true” has replaced “imagine no possessions” as the motto carved into Reiths forehead…green mohican accessory an optional extra available at reception.
Okay, I’m now on the look out for the chance to say: “Sniff my glove of power ! “
anyone picked up on the difference between reports about Israel and the arab “springtim for hitler”…….aprt from the shamefully obvious that is?
“these pictures cannot be verified” says the autocue reader
no prizes for guessing the pictures which are unquestioned in their veracity……..following a bit of judicious editing to ensure the narrative is followed slavishly by only telling half the story
well……what else do you expect from a bunch of jew hating halfwits?
richard facon was in the states today chatting to ‘intellectuals’ from the new yorker’ magazine. of course weiner gate is so tedious. a number of male politicians do this. it is just titillation. sorry it is not. apart from being a pervert, he claimed he was hacked, he gave a creepy, aggressive interview to abc and challenged their temerity to ask him any questions. but no, we should move on as he is a good politician.
next, facon was chatting to some old fogey about his favourite
ABC is the only US network that dug into what was obviously a major story – not just the sex angle, but the claim that a Congressman had been hacked. It is called journalism.
Even Fox played it softly.
The BBC deliberately ignored it – not just in the UK but also in the US.
The New Yorker is the epitome of a white, liberal elite. They’re all out in force defending Weiner even still, from St. Jon Stewart to MSNBC. Did Bacon or any of his guests mention that the lying involved accusing someone of a federal crime to cover up his actions?
Rules and Guidelines for Westerners reporting on the Middle East
Written by Jeremy Bowen ?
That’s shockingly pink. But worth a main post, I’d say.
I like how the female Beeboid reported just now from a health industry conference reports that some GPs are actually pleased with Cameron’s reforms which give them more control and authority over spending. Ominous tones, spinning it that we can’t judge until we’ve heard from all health workers, and in general a tone of voice reserved for reporting tragedies.
Very nice class war piece on the News Channel just now. It was introduced by Sopel as a situation where schools might have to separate the poorer students from those better off. Apparently the nasty Tories have cut funding to “outdoor education centers” run by local authorities. This may mean, the Beeboid warns, that parents will have to pay the fees for schoold trips instead, so poorer children will be separated from those with wealthier parents. Shocking.
Oh, wait, the Beeboid reporter on the scene admitted that it really means that some of these centers might go out of business. Not the same thing at all as how this report was presented now, is it? He quickly shifted back to Nasty Tory Cuts Narrative, though.
Still, what a BS story. Hands up all those who believe a school would ever do a field trip where they tell some kids they have to stay in class while the richer kids go off on a field trip. But that doesn’t stop the BBC from seizing an opportunity for a little class war.
Any school I’ve ever come across has a “hardship fund” or similar to cover the cost of outings for those who can’t afford to pay. To suggest a school would only take those with deep pockets is up there with the male cows for BBC stupidity.
They repeated the class war propaganda just now, this time with Huw Edwards giving the same intro. It’s not just the Beeboids being stupid, but the people who run these centers as well. The “report” included a statement from someone who runs one of them that this awful move from the Tories will inevitably “lead to a two-tier school system”. Propaganda all round.
The Telegraph seems to have some odd notion of ‘balance’ by hiring folk like Mary Riddell and Geoff Lean, but given their competencies in strength of argument, one suspects they are there more to act as ratings lightning rods.
Just came across another:
Not going well. For her, her notions or her defendant.
Odone is only half right.
Of course the BBC and apologists like Scottie and Dezzie always claim the Telegraph is “right-wing”. It has been a strange mixture of politics for some years now. Left-wing Riddell and bonkers Global Warming fanatic Lean certainly give “balance “.
Its less biased than the BBC. The Telegraph seems to have a range of views. The BBC only has one.
The BBC sends out emergency emails for really, really important stuff, like this just in:
A 46-year-old Tory MP has been arrested on suspicion of sexual assault, the BBC understands.
I actually read it first as this:
A 46-year-old Tory MP has been arrested on suspicion of sexual assault. The BBC understands.
Don’t know why. They do seem to have an empathy borne of shared impulses.
But wherever they get their rushed PR understanding from, there is no doubt as to the miscreant’s political affiliation.
Thing is, I don’t recall such speed in the face of watertight oversight with other’s who have strayed form the peccadillo path of righteousness.
In fact, in some cases Aunty has seemed almost coy to the point of glacial to attribute.
A 46-year-old Tory MP has been arrested on suspicion of sexual assault. The BBC understands.
Very good! 😀 😀
Ignored by BBC-EU:
-from SYRIA, via TURKEY, to BRITAIN: more mass immigration.
“Syria crisis: Refugee surge to Turkey ‘as troops mass'”
INBBC, Patten, along with Labour, Lib Dems and Tories, advocate Turkey’s E.U. membership for its 80 million Muslims, (plus those from Syria). British people as bystanders again, while their own nation is Islamised.
As with all of Islam Not BBC (INBBC), Mr CONNOLLY shows his political bias here by lining up against Israel, and with the invaders from Syria. He does not mention why the Golan Heights are militarily essential to Israel, nor why the 1967 Israeli action was necessary. Connolly is committed only to Hamas and Fatah in his ‘reporting’.
“Memories of Six Day War see violence return to Golan Heights
A pro-Israel analysis, censored by INBBC:
The Nonsense About “Settlements”
Hey, where is your state broadcaster on this one?
Another slap in the face for Britain: the Obama administration sides with Argentina and Venezuela in OAS declaration on the Falklands
President Obama was effusive in his praise for the Special Relationship when he visited London recently, but his administration continues to slap Britain in the face over the highly sensitive Falklands issue. Washington signed on to a “draft declaration on the question of the Malvinas Islands” passed by unanimous consent by the General Assembly of the Organisation of American States (OAS) at its meeting in San Salvador yesterday, an issue which had been heavily pushed by Argentina. In doing so, the United States sided not only with Buenos Aires, but also with a number of anti-American regimes including Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela and Daniel Ortega’s Nicaragua.
The declaration calls for Argentina and Great Britain to enter into negotiations over the sovereignty of the Falklands, a position which London has long viewed as completely unacceptable. It also comes in the wake of increasing aggression by the Kirchner regime in the past 18 months, including threats to blockade British shipping in the South Atlantic.
BBC: ZZZzzzzzzzzz
Their beloved Obamessiah takes sides against you, and they’re silent. And this isn’t even the first time. In essence, the BBC is siding with the leader of a foreign country against you. And all at your expense.
Having pointed out the BBC’s duplicity, may I humbly apologize – AGAIN – for the actions taken against you by my President. Not in my name! Not in my name! Not in my….oh @$#% it.
So, what’s new ? The BBC sided with Argentina during the Falklands War ! And ever since.
Look North this evening with Tim Iredale their ‘political correspndent’ tells the East Riding viewers that due to the evil ‘Tory Cuts’ that pupils living within 3 miles of their school are to have the cost of their bus pass doubled.
As usual the ‘Tories’ get the blame. He should remind people that the Council has no money because in the words of Liam Byrne ‘there is no money’ because Labour had spent it and that he and his cronies borrowed so much that there would be no money to help hard working people for a long long time.
Deborah, Councils have a choice of where to make savings. They do not have to let the old and young suffer, but they do because people like Iredale do not question anything. Much easier spewing out press breifings sent to mim by email.
A good reporter would probably dig a bit deeper, just in case
Central government funding to East Riding has been cut by £7.5 million. Local transport funding has been cut by £3 million.
“They do not have to let the old and young suffer…”
And your pitiful evidence for this is what exactly?
“A good reporter would probably dig a bit deeper, just in case…”;
Four job adverts (nothing to do with East Riding) , supposedly showing £140,000 of wasteful council expenditure.
Oh except that three of them are nothing to do with local councils. One is a registered charity and two are “housing associations”.
You know, it’s almost as if “Eueferendum” were trying to mislead people; and almost as if you fell for it :-0
And why has government funding been cut? Because your lot spent it before it was earned.
But the Councillors still have enough money to reward themselves and senior staff with inflated “remuneration packages”, expenses and exotic jollies, meanwhile punishing the weak and defenceless and blaming it on the Government.
Totally and utterly indefensible.
Does this count as wasteful spending from East Riding council?
Council will take lead role in town regeneration plan
In the past six years, £50 million has been spent transforming the town. And the cost of delivering the Bridlington Area Action Plan will be another £30 million.
The work is being handled by Bridlington Renaissance.
That’s a lot of money. Where is this coming from?
Funding for regeneration schemes was coming via regional development agency Yorkshire Forward, which is now being disbanded.
Oh, dear. So what’s next?
East Riding Council says money for the action plan work will come from council funds, as well as money generated by the developments.
Council funds, then, which the nast Tories have now cut. How awful that the nasty rich elite are stealing deliberately targeting the poorest in cutting these vital funds to create jobs and help the working classes. Except……
In a submission to the cabinet meeting, Mr Pickering wrote: “The cabinet has approved a number of notable extensions to the lifetime of the Bridlington Renaissance Project, but without reassessment of the delivery needs and mechanisms.
“Despite the cabinet’s continued support, the council’s aims for the town’s economy have not been realised. In any other environment, this would trigger a thorough investigation, not another extension.
“There has not even been a basic skills assessment of the posts involved to ensure we have the right job descriptions and right capacity to move forward, instead, an unquestioned extension of all contracts.
So millions and millions has basically been wasted. Nasty Tory cuts only means that the council has to at last be more responsible and intelligent with its spending. Any service cuts will be due to mismanagement by the council, and not because of nasty Tories taking money from the working classes who didn’t vote for them.
And then there’s this:
Andrew Allison: East Riding Council Approves £364K Payout
Just over a year ago, the East Riding of Yorkshire Council awarded large inflation busting rises for senior staff. The rationale was it would encourage those officers to stay with the council and encourage others to join the merry-go-round and move to East Yorkshire.
Just over a year later, two senior officers, Huw Roberts and Barry Adams, have opted to take early retirement and received much higher pensions as a result of their pay rises. Now a third wishes to leave the authority.
Sue Lockwood, Director of Corporate Resources, has applied for early retirement, and today, in a behind-closed-doors meeting, the East Riding Council cabinet approved an outrageous payment of £364,205 to her pension fund. Naturally, the public anger at this impending payment is great, and yesterday I wrote to all members of the cabinet urging them not to agree to this move. Predictably, the silence was deafening.
More waste, more taxpayer money down the toilet you can’t blame the Tories for. Yet if they cut a single thing one can label “front line services”, the profligate council won’t be blamed at all, even though they’ve wasted far more money than is being cut.
Oh, how INBBC ‘Newsnight’s Mr Whewell beamed every time he met Hamas and Fatah Islamic jihad leaders in Gaza.
The Gazan men seemed to have nice quality clothes, (no comment on the niqabed women), the food markets are well stocked, the beaches are sunnier and warmer than Blackpool’s, and the Gazans get more ‘foreign aid’ per head than anyone else on the planet, and INBBC appeases the Islamic jihadists, as usual.
An alternative report by Peter Hichens (Oct 2010):
Peter Hitchens On His Visit To Gaza And The “West Bank”
BBC Website headline “Duke slows down at 90”.
So long as they stay impartial…
Luckily for them, gaffes closer to home seem ‘unique’ and don’t count.
Be interesting to discover just how much such as Mr. Thompson’s golden pension will have cost the licence fee payer between his retirement and age 90, if he gets that far.
My site,
One “gaffe” the BBC don’t publicise is when Fiona Bruce asked the Prince about his Naval career in the interview last night.
He said he was professional but she wouldn’t know about that.
How dare Prince Philip imply that journalism is not a profession !
I liked the bit where he said there was a difference between being a conservationist and a bunny hugger 😀
Yes, and Fiona had to ask him , what is a “bunny hugger” ? Looks like Beeboids are less in touch with the real world that royalty are !
That was funny. 😀
He’s good value. Better value than the Beeboid Corporation. And much funnier than their awful “comedians”. Well done, that Duke.
There are variety of topical aspects, from attitudes to cuts to support for credible (A)GW reduction measures, that would seem worthy of comment by the BBC and its supporters.
One lives in hope.
Has Call Me Dave cut as much from the amount of taxpayer money he gives to the EU as he has from the poorest and most vulnerable in Britain who didn’t vote for the Tories? Or are his hands tied by a law nobody voted for?
The BBC Today programme just after 08:30 pushed the ‘fact’ that Israel gained so much land (three times the size of Israel) in the 1967 war and that exchanging land for peace is the way forward. If you did not know any better you would be excused for believing that Israel was still three times larger than it was before the 1967 war. In fact Israel handed the Sinai peninsular back to Egypt, in exchange for peace in 1982.
The Sinai peninsular covers an area of around 23,000 square miles, Israel today covers just 8,522 square miles. The truth is that Israel gave up almost all of the land it captured in 1967 in return for peace with Egypt. Why did the BBC not report that?
Instead the BBC reported that some Israelis on a march through East Jerusalem taunted some Muslims; when was the last time the BBC reported the vitriolic attacks on Jews made by Hamas and Fatah leaders almost every day?
I have complained to the BBC, I wonder what their explanation will be?
More – http://notasheepmaybeagoat.blogspot.com/2011/06/israel-trebled-in-size-after-1967-war.html and http://notasheepmaybeagoat.blogspot.com/2011/06/i-have-complained-about-this-mornings.html
“We have come to the view that there is a consensus that anti-semitism is acceptable “.
Saves you making the complaint !
Here is a map that shows the Sinai and Israel and the arrangements for handing it back.
Oops – forgot to post the link to the map.
Here it is:
Okay, but isn’t the Sinai and Egypt a good example that trading land for peace can work? Ah, I’m forgetting all the billions of dollars in “aid” the US gave to Mubarak and the military. So land wasn’t really what did it, but cold hard cash.
Its June. A’level season. Don’t think you’ve escaped your exams now you’re really old. Here’s your essay question.
Compare and contrast the reverence shown by the BBC to Arafat (Barbara Plett Crying) and Castro (hundreds of hours of positive uncritical coverage since the communists took over.)
The utter bile and contempt the show Prince Philip (90)
‘Prince Charming or Prince Charmless’ BBC 5 live
and Maggie Thatcher (85)
Her grave being britains biggest toilet QI BBC 2
Care must be taken not to throw things at the telly
The BBC trumpeting that Aung San Suu Kyi will be giving 2 Reith lectures this month.
I was puzzled about the BBC’s sudden conversion to supporting freedom. Do they consider the Burma military dictatorship to be “right-wing” I wonder ?
I wonder what Stephanie ‘Moll’ Flanders has to say concerning the revelations about her two Eds’ roles in the Blair ‘coup’? Brutus Balls & Cassius Miliband make for a pretty pathetic pair of conspirators. I doubt if they could stab an organically-sourced sausage.
Unfortunately, this Kevin Connolly piece of bile doesn’t have a comments section.
Memories of Six Day War see violence return to Golan Heights
They tend to assert – without offering proof to me at least – the protesters at such events are paid according to a kind of rate card – $50 (£30) if you turn up for a demonstration, $900 (£550) if you are shot and injured, $10,000 (£6,000)if you are killed.
Shouldn’t that be, Israel and the opposition Reform Party of Syria assert? Arrogant prick.
If Mr. Connelly had been reading his Guardian he would have discovered that Assad hasn’t discovered the wheel by paying ‘demonstrators’.
One demonstrator who was wounded that day told the Guardian the Lebanese militia Hezbollah had given him $50 to turn up at the border and $900 to have his gunshot wounds treated by physicians. He said he had been planning to return to Maroun al-Ras yesterday until the rally was cancelled.
Yes, but did the demonstrator show the Guardian the “proof”? Can’t just take their word for it, you know.
How ridiculous. The one time the BBC doesn’t trust the word of a Palestinian (or Pali-supporter) is when they blame somebody other than Israel.
Funny how this miserabilis didn’t need to offer any proof when he claimed that the Tea Party movement wasn’t really grass roots at all but was guided by an unseen hand from nefarious forces.
Maintaining the BBC‘s impartiality is “an ongoing, daily battle”, its director of news Helen Boaden said today.
You mean attempting (and failing) to maintain an impartial BBC, surely Helen. I can sympathise. People like Naughtie, Humphrys, Webb, Mardell, Bowen, Sopel, Esler, Easton, Bacon, O’Connell, Badawii, Doucet, Flanders, Mason, Marr, ,Kuennsberg, Maitlis…(thats enough, Ed.)……must make life awfully difficult for you. And that’s not even taking into account the behind the scenes wallahs who brief their talent with the Guardian.
“It is often in the tone and language and people often don’t realise they are taking sides,” she said.
Now you’re just taking the piss, Helen.
Isn’t that the boss’s – or bosses’ – job? To employ quality people, tell them what standards are expected of them, monitor and enforce them? Why wouldn’t the boss be doing that, so that they do know they are taking sides?
It’s a mystery what Helen Boaden and Mark Thompson are there for, since the staff seem to do what they like, as we see constantly from their programmes, not to mention their often illiterate, ranting, swearing and grossly biased blogs and tweets.
Isn’t that part of BBC training, recognising biased language and avoiding it?
Helen Boaden seems to be channeling Jeff Randall. They’re so far up themselves they don’t even realize what they’re doing. Nor do they care, I bet.
“an ongoing, daily battle”
One imagines it must be, with the genetic mutations taking place minute by minute.
Oddly, the ‘evolution’ seems near uni-directional, and not in a good way.
“Daily Politics” just now with gorgeous, pouting Jo Coburn and guest, left-wing journalist Steve Richards, a permanent fixture on the BBC.
As Richards was speaking , a sub-title popped up to inform us that “Steve is a huge fan of Tottenham Hotspur “.