I was intrigued by this item on the BBC concerning how CCTV cameras are being placed in student bins in a drive “to change young peoples’ attitudes to recycling”. The Big Brother aspect of such an unwelcome intrusion into anyone’s private life sails right over the BBC and instead it is all about how “we” can cure “bad bin habits”. What a load of rubbish. How about having someone on to say that this sort of invasive social engineering is an affront to our liberal democracy and that those researchers involved demonstrate that for pure totalitarian stupidity, you can’t beat an academic. Evidently anyone who opposes the recycling mania of Government (and the EU) will not be given an air-time on the State Broadcaster as it relentlessly pursues its own agenda.
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Loved the interview with the “student” from the local Uni…and anyone who heard that will NOT pay £9,000 if that is their typical “grad”.
She reckons its a competition-yeah-and you might get a prize or an upload-cool!
Who`s Sybil Liberty then?
Zoot alors…sanitary towels floating on Diet Coke?…would that be Mark Lawson, Bonnie Greer, Jenni Murray or Bazelguette I ought to call first…Totally Wasted with that Geordie actor now able to stay up there where he belongs.
Newcastle is now the new !Royal `olloway”!
Wha` eva mate!
Environmentalism is to today’s left, as prudishness was to the Victorians. The sanctimonious try and outdo each other in public displays of moral excellence – and no left-wing organisation is more sanctimonious than the BBC. This latest exercise in environmentally sanctioned snooping is just the modern equivalent of putting a cover on a table leg.
I would like to think that most ordinary English people would respond to this scheme by throwing away notes giving robust criticism of the scheme and its implementers, written in blunt Anglo- Saxon vocabulary.
I wonder what would be revealed if CCTV cameras were placed in Beeboid bins ? Perhaps I would rather not know.
You`d find principles,integrity,independence,reliability,truth that are rotting at the bottom-and lots of prep school ties, condoms,drugs and Jo Brands sanitary towels that delighted someone more that her comedy could ever have done.
Drugs are in the Blue Peter Garden if anyone asks…or Shepherds Bush Green if ther`s a latte on the end of it for you!
I said I would rather not know. Not sure I can face my dinner now.
From the bottom of this very page:
“..the final answer, frankly, is the vigorous use of state power to coerce and repress. It may be my Presbyterian background, but I firmly believe that repression can be a great, civilising instrument for good. Stamp hard on certain ‘natural’ beliefs for long enough and you can almost kill them off.”
Andrew Marr, The Guardian Feb. 1999
Stamp hard on Andrew Marr-in high heels-and you can get him to think he`s the father of your children…even Blunkett didn`t pay out like a Vegas slot machine with that one did he?
Andrew Marr is a prat.
Absoultely. As I said before, somewhere, he is a complete Marrshole.
A large, multi-billion pound quasi-governmental organisation which employs snooping staff in their little vans, boasts of the large database which enables it to target non-subscribers and runs sinister poster campaigns in the poor parts of town threatening non-payers with fines and a criminal record is not likely to see the downsides of CCTV Big Brother tactics from anyone else in our bloated public sector.
Ahh the Beeb – Auntie of the Nanny state.
How dare you put your rubbish in the wrong bin.
How are we going to post all our analogue sets down to Bush House then so we can be kind to the environment?
They are wilfully causing all this waste of perfectly useful radios and tellies, so it will be up to them to get rid of them all in an eco friendly way!
Haven`t Greenpeace got a big hole by the old Brent Spar rig that might need filling…Mrs Lucas?…she`ll be round the BBC somewhere!
Chris Packham could ensure that all those birds that create wealth and jobs as they migrate here could get a bird table each…or hop to Morocco without risking those wings at least!
Salford is due some fine pavement art otherwise!…certainly fill the Ship Canal I`d guess.