Anyone catch Mark Mardell’s latest love note report on Obama here? It’s the fawning sycophancy that most sticks in my throat. George W Bush was far from perfect AND so is Obama but the tone the BBC adopts towards the two men could not be more different. The BBC meme is that Bush was always a miserable failure whereas Obama is a stunning success worthy of four more years. If you listen to the clip you will even hear Mardell lead the Democrat he interviews into the “let’s get out of Afghanistan right now” narrative so beloved of the BBC. On another front, the BBC has kept a pretty low profile on “Weinergate” and I see that Mardell gives it short thrift on his blog here. Still, with all those Palin emails to pour over, I am sure Mark will be a busy boy this weekend.
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Sticks in the throat, doesn’t it? Let’s hope that the folk in America do the business next year – let’s also fervently hope that there’s a worthwhile contender…
If Herman Cain gets the GOP nomination, has no skeletons in his cupboard, and is as well as he claims to be, Obama is in trouble. It would be interesting to see how the Beeboids handle that one.
Cain has said that ny Muslim who wants to work for him will have to prove their loyalty to the US Constitution over their religion. The Beeboids will hate him if they ever get their heads out of the gutter to notice. They’ll probably call him an Uncle Tom.
Has Mardell or any of the rest of them mentioned that Weiner accused someone of a federal crime, and then accused Breitbart of abeting a federal crime, in order to cover up his sleazy actions? Or do they still think, like Katty Kay, that this is not a big deal?
Mardell is only doing the same as his predecessor (the Webb monster) whose similar fawning sycophancy was downright embarrassing. The rest of them in America are / were much the same: Frei Boy, Katty Kay…anyone you care to name.
Not disputing that if Weiner had been a Republican the BBC would have highlighted this case but should it?
Wiener was one Congressman among 435. As far as I know he never chaired a committee or put his name to any significant legislation. Announcing candidacy for Mayor of NYC is not the same as winning or even being selected in the primaries.
For a married, middle-aged man to proposition young women is sleazy but does tweeting a photograph of your dick in underpants (no, I haven’t seen the picture) show anything apart from a lack of class, a certain lack of confidence, an inability to rate the chances of success (nil?)and an inabilty to hold off pushing ENTER? Lying and searching for a scapegoat doesn’t add to my respect for the man and shows a distinct lack of a sense of humour but does that justify world-wide coverage?
I somehow doubt that Wiener is the only politician with the urge for less than conventional relationships or in this case fantasy relationships but among crimes this ranks low, does not rank with misappropriating money, relationships with criminals or taking bribes to vote in a certain way.
I’m not sorry the BBC essentially ignored the story. Pity it isn’t as high minded on other stories.
DeeGee. You need to look at his Congress homepage. Weiner has been pretty high profile with 20 projects to his name including the 2007 KIDS (Keeping the Internet Devoid of Sexual Predators) Act. He’s taken the high moral ground on a range of issues from clean beaches to the hate narratives in Saudi textbooks. He’s a hypocrite. That’s why the US media have screwed him.
Weiner is high-profile in that he makes a lot of public noise about certain issues. But he’s in serious trouble not because of the sleazy behavior with young women, as he’s long had a reputation for it. He’s in trouble because he lied about it and tried to cover it up by accusing people of committing a federal crime. It’s never the crime but the cover-up….
…gives it short “shift” shurely?
No, “Shrift”….
…er, surely…
Also – Weiner has been very high-profile on US TV, a rabid attack-dog on issues such as the budget, and he was aiming to run as Mayor of New York.
Besides which – this had been big news in the US on all the networks for days and days – while the BBC US staff failed to report on it all.
Imagine if a Tory MP had done the same thing ……………
In this article Mark Steyn skewers Obama’s failures on the economy :
(Mark Steyn used to have his own programme on the BBC, reporting on the New York cultural scene – plays, musicals etc. He is a widely syndicated and very witty political journalist and author. But he is NEVER quoted or interviewed by the BBC on US matters.
Why not ? – because he is not on their Rolodex of leftie scribes.
The CEO of the biggest US mutual fund says that the debt situation for the US is proportionately worse than Greece ! – debt is up to 6 times GDP !!!
Will the BBC ever mention this ? (Horse laughs off)