I don’t know what you are all moaning about, it seems perfectly reasonable to me that they are being taught how to sit. It must be very difficult to sit on your arse at the same time that you are talking out of it. 🙂
George R
Excellent find !
Using the FOIA I would be grateful if you stumble across the success/failure rates of the Salford Babes in the Wood trying to sit down, would you share them with us?
I’ve just fallen off my chair, it’s the glare from my high-visibility keyboard gloves, otherwise I would have tried myself.
I noticed there were few comments here regarding how the BBC handled the ‘Balls files’. Did I think the BBC reported it all without bias – of course not. However difficult to pin down how (I was going to say ‘why’ but of course we all know why). Mostly it was reported on the ‘nothing to report, ancient history, move along please. However as the leading people in the revelations are the present senior bods in the shadow cabinet it is of course relevant – perhaps it was just because it confirmed all we suspected and nothing more.
I’ve noticed that some commentators on the BBC are grudgingly acknowledging that Labour is facing some problems.
The trouble is its all framed very much as a ‘where do we go from here?’ question.
You just know that whether the brothers soldier on under Red Ed or chuck him out for Ballsy or Miliband (major) Labour will still be the prefered option.
If you are unsure as to the degree of BBC bias re the Ed Balls leaks just imagine how they would have reported similar disclosures about Conservative infighting!
What is it with the BBC and assisted suicide? It is one of their obsessions that just keeps coming back.
I heard a plug on BBC Radio London for the lastest Terry Pratchett show. Of course they interviewed a relative of a former Dignitas client who had a sad story to tell but was not content to leave it at that and was now an outspoken advocate for assisted suicide.
I noticed the line (I do probably paraphrase here) ‘….of course most opponents of legalisation come from an extreme Christian point of view’.
Now I may have heard ‘Christian’ for ‘religious’ – but the reason for that is the way I know the BBC will always frame the argument.
I’m sad to say my teenage kids are frightened to set foot in a church lest the creationists grab them and brainwash them into thinking the dinosaurs didn’t exist.
Hopefully my last comment on WeinerGate. The BBC reported that the Congressman is “seeking help” (translation: getting in on the “sex addiction” scam so he doesn’t have to take responsibility for his actions). They even mention Princess Pelosi’s suggestion that he resign. The News Onlin sub-editor makes it all out to be that Rep. Weiner is being forced to resign because he’s been flirting online with women. That’s why Katty Kay tweeted that calls for his resignation “may be wrong”, and that’s why Mark Mardell basically dismissed the whole thing and watered it down by saying the photos Weiner sent weren’t really a big deal, but “lewd” is good for the press, and it was just media hype by puritanical US dopes who thought they were.
Of course, since this isn’t the BBC, there’s something they still don’t want you to know. Towards the end of the online article, the sub-editor writes this:
Mr Weiner, who is married, originally claimed that someone had hacked into his Twitter account to post a photo of a man’s crotch in grey underpants.
However, he later admitted to online flirtations in an emotional press conference.
What they’re not telling you is that the attempted cover-up is the real reason Weiner is in trouble. He deleted the tweets and photos from his account. The worst part is that his claim that someone hacked his account is a federal crime. Further, he then accused Breitbart of abetting that crime. It’s a federal crime to impersonate a Congressman, never mind hacking into his account. That’s what Weiner accused people of doing, and that’s why he’s going to resign eventually. Not because of the photos or fliritng, but because he accused people of committing crimes to cover up his own actions. This is not acceptable behavior. But since the Democrat talking point is that it’s “a distraction”, that’s how the BBC is presenting.
One more thing: Mardell had a good laugh at us foolish prudes in the US, and even told you the photos weren’t as bad as the hype said. He also belittled the entire incident by telling you that what Chris Bryant did wasn’t a hinderance to his political career. This is a very dishonest analogy, as Bryant wasn’t married and didn’t accuse a media organization of aiding a criminal act. At no point does Mardell even discuss this, as if it’s not important. Unfortunately, dishonesty from Mardell is nothing new.
Well, there are more photos out there now (this doesn’t go to the actual photos, but to a Slate piece which links directly to them. I’m not linking here because they are definitely NSFW!!! ). Even the BBC article I’ve just linked to says that Weiner himself admitted that the photos were “of an explicit nature”.
This is more than about “national purity”, and much more than Bryant ever did as far as I know. Mark Mardell is a liar. And for what?
Mardell is a shifty excuse-maker for saying that it was similar to what Chris Bryant did, which, he added airily, Bryant now regards as “a charming scar” on his career.
About the only thing similar in the two incidents is that they both involved underpants. Chris Bryant was a single gay man who posed on a gay dating site in his underpants – a straightforward full-length picture of him, not a crotch picture as such and not a lewd picture either.
It is not something I personally like to see an MP doing but it is a very different thing from a married man sending lewd pictures of crotch to some young woman or women, not to mention the lying, covering up and the offences in law that David P noted.
So shame on slippery Mardell for trying to pretend it was nothing but a charming peccadillo.
INBBC (and Patten) love Islamising TURKEY, Erdogan and AKP.
In amended propaganda, INBBC’s Mr Head has this:
“In his victory speech, Mr Erdogan also alluded to Turkey’s aspiration to be a voice in the West for the Middle Eastern region and Muslims, saying Bosnians, Lebanese, Syrians and Palestinians also benefited from his victory.”
Pedling the Labour message. There is a clear Labour campaign to edge slowly towards admitting that they were the cause of the financial problems. However it will be du=one in such a slow and dilute way it will bypass the public, but the liebore politicians will be able to swear on their dead gran’s grave that they have owned up.
During PM today, part of this propoganda was left to leak out and Peston asked to give a summing up, by saying ‘the financial problems is the worst incident since the 30’s’. No mention who is the cause of the problem? I expect this campaign to last several weeks while platitudes like; ‘this is history we need to look forward’ etc are trotted out.
I heard a truly bizarre comment by Evan Davis, when interviewing one of Red Ed’s lap-dogs, this morning.
He stated as fact that Cameron failed to win the election outright because he “hadn’t sufficiently de-toxified the Tory Party”
There’s a damn good reason why Cameron’s Party failed to win, and it’s not because it’s too far to the right!
Not quite as bizarre but just as biased was Evan Davis’s choice of words in describing Ed’s two ‘big ideas’ today – (1) cracking down on the the benefits of the workshy and (2) bashing the bankers/rich.
He described only one of them as a bit of “populism” (always a bogey-word at the BBC). Can you guess which one?
We have received complaints about the decision taken in editing the song ‘Fire In the Booth’ by Mic Righteous – the phrase “Free Palestine” was obscured.
The BBC’s Response
All BBC programmes have a responsibility to be impartial when dealing with controversial subjects and an edit was made to the artist’s freestyle to ensure that impartiality was maintained.
A rare instance of BBC censorship going the other way, but they still shouldn’t have done it. Of course this is now proof that the BBC is controlled by the Jewish Lobby, never mind all the evidence that it isn’t.
Free Television Centre, tastefully(?) situated in quiet Shepherds Bush thoroughfare. Raffle next Tuesday, only BBC licence holders need apply. Worth 300 million, apparently, so if nobody wins, presumably receipts from the resulting sale will be distributed among said licence holders.
The Obamessiah, who was supposed to usher in a new era of peace, was supposed to be the antithesis of John McCain/Bush’s Third Term/war supporter, and was given a Nobel Peace Prize, and was praised around the world for reaching out to Muslims, has started yet another war against Muslims. This time it’s Yemen.
Utter silence from the BBC. The best they can do it hint at it as part of a special report on the pathetic efforts of US “soft power” in Djerbouti. How many wars does a Nobel Laureate have to get involved in before the BBC stops protecting Him?
Here’s a story about the music director of the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra, who is making his players audition all over again. Naturally, various musicians’ unions around the globe are upset that they don’t have guaranteed jobs for life, regardless of circumstances. And just as naturally, the BBC presents their side only and censors the conductor’s own reasons for doing it. The BBC always sides with unions.
Read the sob stories the BBC features. Oh, the humanity. No time or space for the conductor to explain that it’s a crap orchestra, and that he came into a situation where the players had just gotten a fat new contract with a 50% (!) increase in salary. And the poor dears are expected to justify it by playing up to a minimum standard.
The BBC gives salary figures, but fails to provide the context of this massive increase. All you get is criticism and union attacks. They don’t even mention that Minczuk, a popular guest conductor in Europe, is losing work over this. Can’t make the bastard appear too sympathetic, I guess.
In tonight’s Republican candidate debate on CNN, Herman Cain just said that he does not want Shariah law in the US, and that he would not be comfortable with just any Muslim in his adminsitration because there are some Muslims who want to kill us.
They’ve censored news of him so far, but you can bet the BBC will magically start telling you about him now.
Mark Mardell is now mentioning Herman Cain and that remark and, true to form, is spinning it in a very negative way, calling it “a weird answer” and framing it in terms of Cain having to “defend” it. On the strength of the remark Mardell opines that it “left me feeling he won’t go much further.” (He should have written ‘fingers crossed’ after that!)
The way Mardell characterises it also sharply differs from your characterisation:
David P: Herman Cain just said that he does not want Shariah law in the US, and that he would not be comfortable with just any Muslim in his adminsitration because there are some Muslims who want to kill us.
Mardell: He defended his remark that he wouldn’t feel comfortable with a Muslim in his administration, because he would think of “the ones who want to kill us”.
Sounds very much as if Mr. Cain is being misrepresented.
* * * * * *
Mardell’s post is titled Did anyone miss Snow White? No prizes for guessing who the obsessive and biased BBC North America editor is talking about:
And did anyone miss Snow White, by whom I mean Sarah Palin? Well, I did. I would like to have seen whether her star power dazzled and dwarfed the rest of the field, or whether she would have been eaten alive.
It appears that the BBC still haven’t admitted the existance of the truly awesome Col. Allen West.
We can’t have a black man who’s not ‘on side’ now can we!
Snow White? Mardell mocks her for being shown as decent after the embarassing failed feeding frenzy over the emails? The lowest of the low, is Mardell.
OMG Mardell actually called Sarah Palin “Snow White” in the title of his post. He’s being “rude” about her, so is he angling for a job on Today? This is mocking someone for not looking bad after a media frenzy determined to fry her.
Beeboid, Beeboid on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? >:o
The only ones that missed Snow White was the left wing media. Without their designated punching bag, they got nothing. They whined for a year and half how they’d wish she’d shut up and go away…so she did. What did they do? When the budget battle started turning against them and they needed a distraction they loudly asked “where’s Palin?” Ugh!
Am I the only one who finds that the BBCs overkill showing the grotesque old crocodile Bruce Forsyth on at every opputunity is distasteful bias? He is flaunted as if he is the only one getting a gong and is shown sliming about the stage as if he was the arbiter of all that is good in entertainment. Bruce is now exhibited as the best of the Television Center.
Ah Bruce proof that there is an afterlife and that it has selective admissions ! as the only reason I can think of why he’s still on this side is they won’t let him in !
I belive in the report on Today Hamas were congratulated on the increase in public sector employment! Probably funded partly by yours truly through the largesse of the government or EU in some shape or form.
Is it true? The CIA World Factbook places Gaza at no. 184 from 200 so statistically that is correct (even though most figures are simply estimates and not necessarily recent) although when the percentage reaches about 50% it really jumps Namibia (51.20), Djibouti (59.00), Cocos (Keeling) Islands (60.00), Turkmenistan (60.00), Burkina Faso (77.00), Liberia (85.00), Nauru (90.00), Zimbabwe (95.00). What is it with hellholes like the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Nauru?
Sounds to me like another myth like Gaza as the World’s most densely populated place. Even the BBC rarely repeats that because it is so easily refutable.
What the BBC don’t say:Israel was the major local employer until the Palestinians as a matter of strategy made Palestinian labour, too expensive, too unreliable and too dangerous during the 1st Intifada. Even if Israel was to lift the blockade entirely it is unlikely to want or need to bring in Palestinian workers. Cut their own throat. <img style=”padding: 0px; margin: 0px;” src=”http://cdn.js-kit.com/extra/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-cry.gif” title=”Cry” border=”0″ alt=”Cry”/> Virtually all Palestinian workers were expelled from the Gulf following the 1st Gulf War because Arafat supported Saddam Hussein. They have been replaced by other groups such as South Asians and Palestinians won’t be remployed. Cut their own throat. :'( After the Israel 2005 withdrawal from Gaza Palestinians trashed facilities, such as expensive greenhouses, left to provide employment. Cut their own throat. :'( Border industrial zones designed to allow Palestinians to work for the Israeli economy without being physically in Israel closed when violent Hamas attacks made them too risky for investors. Cut their own throat. :'( After Hamas took over it fought and beat Fatah in Gaza. Although Fatah was corrupt it provided almost all the local entrepreneurship. Cut their own throat. :'( The Palestinian ‘refugees’ (actually their children, grandchildren & great grandchildren) receive the highest amount of International aid of any world group (Granted not all reaches them). This has created a welfare mentality and discouraged work. Cut their own throat. :'(
Gaza unemployment rates have always been high. According to Index Mundi (based on CIA figures).2003 (50.00%)2004 (50.00%) 2005 (50.00%) 2006 (31.00%) 2007(20.30%) 2008 (34.80%) 2009 (41.30%) 2010 (40.00%) 2011 (40.00%)
What led to the drop in 2007? It should be noted that peak unemployment was actually higher before the blockade.
Conclusion Palestinians are responsible for most of Gazan unemployment and the BBC are too lazy and/or biased to do the most basic research.
I see the bBC has drummed out its latest anti-Israeli offering: Gaza unemployment levels ‘among worst in world’ Gaza’s unemployment rate was among the world’s highest, at 45.2% in late 2010, the UN has found, as Israel’s blockade of the territory enters its fifth year.
The strange thing is while the bBC laments about the lot of their favourite victims. They (As did the British government yesterday) leave out the elephant in the room. Population growth. In fact the bBC wrote about this very issue a while back , but for some reason decided to leave it out. I mean why would they give the people they are trying to brainwash an alternative viewpoint.
In 1997 Gaza had a population of 1,022,207 ,in 2007 that had risen to 1,416,543 and today comes in at just under the 1.7 million mark. Now here’s a question, even with such a huge population constrained by the actual physical size of gaza only so many people can be employed.Only so many people can farm the land, only so many people can work in a shop only so many people can work in a factory. (but what Gaza makes I honestly don’t know) Now if life in Gaza is bad, then what does that say about Africans, Chinese and the rest who flock east in which to find work in the West. But by the look of things the UK.
What I see and what the bBC doesn’t mention is that nearly every country from Germany onwards heading east has a problem in generating work for their citizens. Be it Poland, Turkey, Pakistan and Gaza. The biggest export they all have in common is people.
Trying to blame the Israelis for the unemployment figures in Gaza by the bBC is just another example of the anti-Semitic nature of the liberal classes in the West.
Donnison says that the public sector is the only part of the economy that is growing. Who pays for that? Not local taxes, if half the population is unemployed. So while Israel tries to weaken Hamas, the rest of the world is propping them up, especially the UN. Anybody think the BBC is going to explain that?
and how long are they going to keep this story up on the front page? It’s already been there at least 2 days, and I have a feeling it will be linked to for months now.
The BBCs mark Mardell has just accused the repbulican candidates of being “political dwarves” a republican party in turmoil with no candidate able to beat Obama.
This beeboid watched the candidate debate and came to the conclusion that none of the candidates were any good and all these dwarves bound to lose against Obama. No bias there then eh?
It was clear by the tone just how much the beeboid hated every Rebublican candidate and how the small trivial proplems that Obama faces were more than made up for by the extra judicial murder of a defenceless old man. Hey folks its the perfect way to start the election campaign, shoot an old unarmed man in the head, yeeehaaaaa. To claim that Obama will win because he ordered the murder of Osama has to be the most desperate beeboid trick yet. BTW Obamas numbers have already plummeted near to where they were before he ordered his re election murder of a suspect.
The bBC, the friends of the Taliban. New footage reveals plight of first troops in Helmand Previously unseen footage, to be broadcast in the BBC documentary series Our War, shows how the first major deployment of British troops sent to Helmand Province in 2006 was almost overrun and told to prepare for capture.
So reading the above the bBC continues its mission statement of promoting the invincibility of the Taliban and in this example states how soldiers were told to prepare themselves for capture as they were surrounded by Allah’s favourite religious bigots.
But hang on while the bBC talks about British soldiers facing hoards of well armed peaceful warriors in july 2006 how many British soldiers died that month? 10,100,1000? Err 3, August 2006 saw 6 deaths and September (discounting the Nimrod crash ) saw 3. In fact 2006 saw an average of 1.5 men killed each month.(with the Nimrod crash that goes up to 2.75) More young lads got killed in London than they did in Afghanistan.
Anyway going back to that heavily promoted bBC view that British soldiers were at risk at getting captured by the taliban. Since 2001 how many british soldiers have been captured by Allah’s favorite murderers? That would be none. Now constrast that with how many taliban have been captured.
On the News Channel just now, the BBC ran a report about the outcry against showing Prachett’s snuff film. Their defense against the charges that it was a biased, one-sided propaganda piece? It wasn’t biased because it was Prachett’s personal opiniion. Yes, that’s right: giving someone free air time and a chunk of the license fee to do a programme about their pet issue with no counterbalance is not biased in favor of that issue.
Will INBBC act mainly as representative of 40,000 (and counting) illegal Muslim immigrants who are fleeing from INBBC’s wonderful ‘Arab spring’? Will INBBC put the case for strict, enforcible immigration border controls, and for prevention of immigration from the Maghreb, which is producing the Islamic colonization of E.U.?
‘Gates of Vienna’ blogsite is monitoring this mass Islamic immigration, approved by E.U. (and Patten acolytes):
INBBC’s ‘College of Journalism for Islam’ avoids its taboo, but accurate word: ‘IMMIGRANTS’, INBBC preferring the word ‘migrants’ because like migrating birds, that word is misleadingly employed in its ‘report’ on the human influx to give the impression that such humans will volunteer, at some future date, to go back to the Maghreb -which is, of course, the last thing they intend to do.
In line with INBBC ‘College of Journalism for Islam’ also, the appropriate phrase ‘Islamization of Europe’ is banned too.
“EU migrants: Lampedusa Italy now main entry point ”
I only caught the end of this butthe gist seemed to be that the government stirred up hatred and fear of ‘the other’ rather than celbrating diversity. Lampedusa was a beautiful island, now why should I go there to look at North Africans camping out and looking for food and money? Maybe I should go somewhere less diverse.
I hope this site doesn’t mind but I draw your attention to National Review online which is currently running a daily series of interviews with Andrew Breitbart. The host is Peter Robinson. (No relation). Anyone interested in media should hear what this man has to say. You can also watch segments of the interview on YOUTUBE. The tags are “Uncommon Knowledge Peter Robinson Andrew Breitbart”. (I refer to the current interview not an earlier Breitbart interview from a couple of years ago). The series ends on Friday.
The BBC referred to Breitbart as a “conservative provocateur” until a more mature News Online Beeboid edited that out. I think I’ll start calling various Beeboids provocateurs of another stripe.
I predict that with the militant teachers voting to strike over their public sector pensions we can expect a torrent of BBC news explaining that this is all due to the Coalitions failure to engage the unions.
I also predict that the teachers and other public sector unions who are about to vote to strike will find that the majority of workers (e.g the private sector) have no sympathy for them, and will see through what is clearly a political stunt by Millibands union masters to take the pressure away from him.
Time to bash the bankers again. Why should (insert latest group here) pay for the problems caused by greeedy bankers, all of whom are millionaires and haven’t suffered for their crimes, etc., etc.
Yes, the BBC will be dancing to Labour’s tune again.
The bBC the Islamic preference for young girls and half the story. Raids over child sexual exploitation in Greater Manchester Ten men have been arrested in police raids in Manchester and Derbyshire as part of a major investigation into the sexual exploitation of children. Officers have spoken to more than 30 girls in one of the largest inquiries carried out by Greater Manchester Police’s Major Incident Team. Some are victims and others are witnesses, a police spokesman said. Girls from Stockport are said to have been given drink and drugs and taken to sex parties in Manchester and Salford.
Months after the bBC went into overdrive in which to debunk Jack Straws claimsthat Muslims (but in his case Pakistani Muslims) like to emulate their holy prophet by shagging underage girls. We have yet another story over how yet another gang of child sexual exploiters have been arrested in that neck of the woods. The only clue into just who these men are lies in this little snippet by the bBC: “The youngsters themselves are predominantly white girls”
Otherwise the reader is left in the dark about just who these men are. But lets be honest we all know who these men are or should I say what faith they belong to and yet the bBC not only fails to join the dots over the many, many cases involving little girls but actually goes well out of its way in which to try to whitewash these idiots as victims. Meanwhile a few miles south of Manchester in Telford. Shropshire child prostitution trial begins
From the DT: “Terry Sweeney, assistant chief constable of Greater Manchester Police, said the force was now “fully prepared” to acknowledge the issue of ethnicity. However, he emphasised that on this occasion the alleged perpetrators were a mix of Asian and white men”
Not sure just how “mixed” these members of the grooming community are. No doubt the BBC will enlighten us.
I have just seen a report of the Shropshire case on BBC Midlands Today, and as usual the men on trial were described as Asian. I didn’t notice any Indian, Japanese,Chinese or Korean names amongst those charged, but there were plenty of names common to followers of a certain religion of peace. Quelle sodding surprise!
Missing from the latest BBC news brief about WeinerGate (I thought this would be my last comment, but the BBC keeps dragging me back in….) are two key facts which the BBC has never mentioned. They say this about the Congressman’s denials:
For several days Mr Weiner insisted the account had been hacked, but last week he admitted the photo was of his own body and he had intended to send it privately to a university student in Washington state.
Censored by the BBC are two facts: Hacking a Twitter account and impersonating a Congressman is a federal crime, and Weiner never called for a police investigation. If he were innocent, that would have been his first action, yet the BBC never called him on it. The other fact always censored from BBC News is that Weiner accused Breitbart of abetting a federal crime. It’s not the sleazy predatory behavior but his bearing false witness which is the real reason Weiner needs to resign.
Does the “treatment” he’s seeking include teaching him not to falsely accuse people of criminal acts? The BBC isn’t interested.
The BBC continues to censor key facts and play it all down as titillation being hyped up by a puritanical US.
Out of all his blog posts, it’s certainly revealing that this is the one which interests the BBC. Don’t think the BBC will be quite so keen though to quote the same blogger over Sharia law in Nigeria:
I think the Sharia law is a barbaric, dehumanizing, and blatant attack on the dignity of human beings, not to mention that it has a flagrant disregard, disrespect and snub of the Universal Human rights. It is almost evil. And so, I advice that the Sharia law be seriously reviewed, if not abolished, for its flagrant abuse of human rights, its tendency to discriminate against some segments of society, its disregard of human dignity and well, because it is plain evil and barbaric. I think the usual civil courts will always do us fine.
So, NO to Sharia.
Funny how Mardell opined that when Herman Cain said much the same thing it was “weird” and that he “wouldn’t go much further” because of it. Cain state very clearly that the reason for his statement (which Mardell misrepresented) was that he didn’t want Shariah Law in the US and would vet candidates for posts on that issue.
Caught a bit of this on local news, no inkling that it was the same Asian men abusing white girls phenomenom going on elsewhere. Chattal. I notice comments are disabled on the Daily Mail article. We really are totally anal on the subject of cultural integration and immigration.
I don’t think pretending a problem isn’t there is going to make it go away. Where will it end I wonder?
INBBC 2’s politics of Lampedusa, Italy, tonight is:
1.) pro-Islamic ‘migrants’ i.e. illlegal immigrants;
2.) anti-Berlusconi;
3.) pro-open door mass immigration into the E.U. from Islamic countries;
4.) pro-cultural and moral values of ‘the other’ i.e. Islamic immigrants, who are praised; and values of many Italians (except those with Beeboid ‘multiculturalist’ ideology), are denigrated as being insufficiently subservient to such illegal immigrants (INBBC’s ‘migrants’) who are unendingly playing the easy E.,U. border system; and these Tunisians do get to Paris and London: their targets all along. And INBBC will propagandise for the next wave of illegal immigrants. And the next, until Europe is predominantly colonised by Islam.
It was an extraordinary programme. Completely lacking in any analysis of the situation. Typical hand wringing faux empathy of the guilt ridden liberal in soap opera format if you like.
But then soap operas are what the BBC is good at or not depending on whether you can stand them.
All those useless and corrupt states of the ME and Africa are failed states.We are turning the old nation states of Europe into more failed states and in Lampedusa you can see how easily and speedily it can happen.
We are in danger of spending the accumulated social capital of our countries in one generation.
Has Europe ever spawned such a decadent generation?
Exactly; INBBC avoids discussions on the need to impose limits to the numbers of immigrants coming into the E.U. and Britain. INBBC’s attitude is that there aren’t all that many coming in. In effect, the immigrants decide our immigration ‘policy’! With connivance of INBBC and co.
The illegal immigrants (INBBC ‘migrants’) were occasionally described as Tunisians, but never as Muslims.
INBBC is pro-mass immigration, mirroring attitudes of the British and E.U. political establishment, and are ensuring the cultural suicide of Britain, and of all the nation states of the E.U.
A note for tech support – the above comment about Katty Kay and Michelle Bachmann vanished almost as soon as I posted it this morning but has reappeared now that I have logged in again tonight and posted a new comment on a different thread.
As the bBC is so anti American the whole article on the imperial Chinese navy is about how one day it may be able to take on the US navy. Funny enough it doesn’t mention anything about how each and every country which borders China has been buying up weapons. You know like Vietnam which has bought 36Su 27sand another 30Su30son order, then there’s theS300missile systems which is something that scares NATO (Look how they went overboard in stopping Russia selling it to Iran) Also for a such a small country with a very small navy, they have just ordered 6 Kilo subs off of Russia. This is a country which has no ocean going subs but rather operates midget subs. Gee I wonder why? Then there’s the other countries in the region. Yet the country which China had a spat with earlier on in the year isn’t mentioned. In fact that country not only has one of the most modern armed forces in the world, it also has a couple of aircraft carriers which the bBC defence experts don’t even mention. Maybe its because they are called helicopter carriers. But are actually bigger than the Italian, Thai and Spanish carriers. OH here is what the big things look like and to cap it all up, the japs are building something even bigger.
While the bBCS so called defence expert waxes lyrical about how the Chinese have a anti-Ship ballistic missile they leave out how the US and Japan are the only two countries in the world which own Ships with an active ballistic missile defence system. (AS of November last year the US had 21 ships fitted with the SM-3 missile system and the Japs had 3. That so called Chinese Stealth fighter. It’s only stealthy from the front. Not the sides and not the rear. Oh and that Ex Russian aircraft carrier, it has a ski ramp fitted now that may work for a harrier but a full sized fighter like the Su33? Now before anybody from the bBC comes on board and says it works. Yes it does, However and a big however the use of a ski jump (Instead of a catapult) simply boils down to a lighter aircraft taking off. In other words less bang for your buck. Lastly , even Russia has taken of China, this it has done by moving entire armies East. Oh the Russians say its to combat the US. But if the Yanks wish to hit Russia they won’t do it by crossing the pacific and then travelling across the entire length of Russia.
A navy man I bumped into was of the opinion that the Japanese navy was second only to the US in effectiveness. The Japanese seem to keep very quiet about it so even the incurious BBC seems unaware.
What we have known for a while and the BBC has steadfastly ignored for a while, the earth may well be heading into a Maunder minium which means years of cold head, a massive drop in global temperatures and its going to happen soon.
The IPCC lies, the CAGW lies, all the lies about a warming planet, all the lies about the sun having nothing to do with global temperatures, all lies and gross deceptions and the BBC aving been a major peddler of those lies. What price the consensus now?
How will the BBC report this news? The entire CAGW fraud now in utter ruins, the promised rise in global temperatures is a myth and now comes the awful tragic reality for so long denied by CAGW cultism. We are heading into years of cooling having squandered hundreds of billions to preapre for warming. They promised us warming, they promised us the science was solid, the debate was over they promised. They lied didnt they?
I believe the problem nowadays is that people have to be personally effected by particular issues before they make any political stance against it (or even vote at all in many cases), so when lights and heating go off, sewerage plants go down, businesses are forced to open as and when they can etc., only then will the masses really wake up to the climate change hoax.
Exactly! What will the powers that be do I wonder as they like to plug themselves into the artery of tax money that this AGW fantasy is realising for them. What will they do as their failed policy means elderly have to make a choice between food and heating due to the exhorbitant costs their fantasy has brough about.
Lets see what Black & Harrabin make of it. Ohh look – no activity there. Just like on the sun.
ZephirFeb 23, 06:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Or this: “Illegal immigrant who stabbed wife to death wins right to stay in Britain after arguing he might have…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:21 Weekend 22nd February 2025 And, no doubt, another item the racist, sexist bbc will be hiding: “Syrian refugee who stepped in to stop Islamist…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any…
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive https://www.timesofisrael.com/hostages-were-chained-starved-kept-in-pitch-black-some-return-almost-unresponsive/ ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Lucy Pevensey Think of all the money that you have saved over all those years .
“BBC hires ‘chair champion’ to tell MediaCity staff how to use seats”
Is that new BBC-NUJ HQ called: ‘MEDIACITY’ OR ‘MENDACITY’?
I think it’s called “MEDIOCRITY”
I don’t know what you are all moaning about, it seems perfectly reasonable to me that they are being taught how to sit. It must be very difficult to sit on your arse at the same time that you are talking out of it. 🙂
George R
Excellent find !
Using the FOIA I would be grateful if you stumble across the success/failure rates of the Salford Babes in the Wood trying to sit down, would you share them with us?
I’ve just fallen off my chair, it’s the glare from my high-visibility keyboard gloves, otherwise I would have tried myself.
I noticed there were few comments here regarding how the BBC handled the ‘Balls files’. Did I think the BBC reported it all without bias – of course not. However difficult to pin down how (I was going to say ‘why’ but of course we all know why). Mostly it was reported on the ‘nothing to report, ancient history, move along please. However as the leading people in the revelations are the present senior bods in the shadow cabinet it is of course relevant – perhaps it was just because it confirmed all we suspected and nothing more.
I’ve noticed that some commentators on the BBC are grudgingly acknowledging that Labour is facing some problems.
The trouble is its all framed very much as a ‘where do we go from here?’ question.
You just know that whether the brothers soldier on under Red Ed or chuck him out for Ballsy or Miliband (major) Labour will still be the prefered option.
If you are unsure as to the degree of BBC bias re the Ed Balls leaks just imagine how they would have reported similar disclosures about Conservative infighting!
Banned by the BBC
The episode of Dr Who that BBC thought was too scary.
Dr Who and the Muslim Daleks.
What’s ‘news’ about extended ‘Newsnight’ tonight?
Topic 1.) propaganda for suicide;
Topic 2.) propaganda for Bill Gates.
What is it with the BBC and assisted suicide? It is one of their obsessions that just keeps coming back.
I heard a plug on BBC Radio London for the lastest Terry Pratchett show. Of course they interviewed a relative of a former Dignitas client who had a sad story to tell but was not content to leave it at that and was now an outspoken advocate for assisted suicide.
I noticed the line (I do probably paraphrase here) ‘….of course most opponents of legalisation come from an extreme Christian point of view’.
Now I may have heard ‘Christian’ for ‘religious’ – but the reason for that is the way I know the BBC will always frame the argument.
I’m sad to say my teenage kids are frightened to set foot in a church lest the creationists grab them and brainwash them into thinking the dinosaurs didn’t exist.
And in large part I blame the BBC.
Hopefully my last comment on WeinerGate. The BBC reported that the Congressman is “seeking help” (translation: getting in on the “sex addiction” scam so he doesn’t have to take responsibility for his actions). They even mention Princess Pelosi’s suggestion that he resign. The News Onlin sub-editor makes it all out to be that Rep. Weiner is being forced to resign because he’s been flirting online with women. That’s why Katty Kay tweeted that calls for his resignation “may be wrong”, and that’s why Mark Mardell basically dismissed the whole thing and watered it down by saying the photos Weiner sent weren’t really a big deal, but “lewd” is good for the press, and it was just media hype by puritanical US dopes who thought they were.
Of course, since this isn’t the BBC, there’s something they still don’t want you to know. Towards the end of the online article, the sub-editor writes this:
Mr Weiner, who is married, originally claimed that someone had hacked into his Twitter account to post a photo of a man’s crotch in grey underpants.
However, he later admitted to online flirtations in an emotional press conference.
What they’re not telling you is that the attempted cover-up is the real reason Weiner is in trouble. He deleted the tweets and photos from his account. The worst part is that his claim that someone hacked his account is a federal crime. Further, he then accused Breitbart of abetting that crime. It’s a federal crime to impersonate a Congressman, never mind hacking into his account. That’s what Weiner accused people of doing, and that’s why he’s going to resign eventually. Not because of the photos or fliritng, but because he accused people of committing crimes to cover up his own actions. This is not acceptable behavior. But since the Democrat talking point is that it’s “a distraction”, that’s how the BBC is presenting.
One more thing: Mardell had a good laugh at us foolish prudes in the US, and even told you the photos weren’t as bad as the hype said. He also belittled the entire incident by telling you that what Chris Bryant did wasn’t a hinderance to his political career. This is a very dishonest analogy, as Bryant wasn’t married and didn’t accuse a media organization of aiding a criminal act. At no point does Mardell even discuss this, as if it’s not important. Unfortunately, dishonesty from Mardell is nothing new.
Well, there are more photos out there now (this doesn’t go to the actual photos, but to a Slate piece which links directly to them. I’m not linking here because they are definitely NSFW!!! ). Even the BBC article I’ve just linked to says that Weiner himself admitted that the photos were “of an explicit nature”.
This is more than about “national purity”, and much more than Bryant ever did as far as I know. Mark Mardell is a liar. And for what?
Mardell is a shifty excuse-maker for saying that it was similar to what Chris Bryant did, which, he added airily, Bryant now regards as “a charming scar” on his career.
About the only thing similar in the two incidents is that they both involved underpants. Chris Bryant was a single gay man who posed on a gay dating site in his underpants – a straightforward full-length picture of him, not a crotch picture as such and not a lewd picture either.
It is not something I personally like to see an MP doing but it is a very different thing from a married man sending lewd pictures of crotch to some young woman or women, not to mention the lying, covering up and the offences in law that David P noted.
So shame on slippery Mardell for trying to pretend it was nothing but a charming peccadillo.
INBBC (and Patten) love Islamising TURKEY, Erdogan and AKP.
In amended propaganda, INBBC’s Mr Head has this:
“In his victory speech, Mr Erdogan also alluded to Turkey’s aspiration to be a voice in the West for the Middle Eastern region and Muslims, saying Bosnians, Lebanese, Syrians and Palestinians also benefited from his victory.”
“Turkey election: Victorious Erdogan pledges ‘consensus'”
[ Consensus my a…. ]
INBBC’s Mr Head does not question the desirability to the West of Erdogan’s Islamising agenda once 80 million Muslim Turks are inside the E.U.
‘Jihadwatch’ has a fuller and critical account of Erdogan’s speech and political agenda, which INBBC censors:
Turkey: Erdogan says his victory is a victory for Gaza, Palestine, and “al-Quds”
Brendan O’Neil on the BBC’s poverty porn Poor Kids:
Pedling the Labour message. There is a clear Labour campaign to edge slowly towards admitting that they were the cause of the financial problems. However it will be du=one in such a slow and dilute way it will bypass the public, but the liebore politicians will be able to swear on their dead gran’s grave that they have owned up.
During PM today, part of this propoganda was left to leak out and Peston asked to give a summing up, by saying ‘the financial problems is the worst incident since the 30’s’. No mention who is the cause of the problem? I expect this campaign to last several weeks while platitudes like; ‘this is history we need to look forward’ etc are trotted out.
I heard a truly bizarre comment by Evan Davis, when interviewing one of Red Ed’s lap-dogs, this morning.
He stated as fact that Cameron failed to win the election outright because he “hadn’t sufficiently de-toxified the Tory Party”
There’s a damn good reason why Cameron’s Party failed to win, and it’s not because it’s too far to the right!
Not quite as bizarre but just as biased was Evan Davis’s choice of words in describing Ed’s two ‘big ideas’ today – (1) cracking down on the the benefits of the workshy and (2) bashing the bankers/rich.
He described only one of them as a bit of “populism” (always a bogey-word at the BBC). Can you guess which one?
I had to laugh at a recent complaint response (http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints/content/response/res_Radio1Xtracharliesloth300411) which says:
BBC Radio 1 Xtra – Hip Hop M1x with Charlie Sloth – rap song by Mic Righteous – Tx 30 April, 2011
Publication date: 25 May 2011
We have received complaints about the decision taken in editing the song ‘Fire In the Booth’ by Mic Righteous – the phrase “Free Palestine” was obscured.
The BBC’s Response
All BBC programmes have a responsibility to be impartial when dealing with controversial subjects and an edit was made to the artist’s freestyle to ensure that impartiality was maintained.
God bless that impartiality!
A rare instance of BBC censorship going the other way, but they still shouldn’t have done it. Of course this is now proof that the BBC is controlled by the Jewish Lobby, never mind all the evidence that it isn’t.
free palestine with every 500g box of kelloggs cornflakes
Free Television Centre, tastefully(?) situated in quiet Shepherds Bush thoroughfare. Raffle next Tuesday, only BBC licence holders need apply. Worth 300 million, apparently, so if nobody wins, presumably receipts from the resulting sale will be distributed among said licence holders.
Or maybe not…
I caught Feedback on Radio 4 last night which included criticism of Today.
The presenter added something like adding it to his dossier when he goes to Today soon.
Perhaps Grant? Craig? or whoever it was can provide them with some interruptions index statistics to ask them about.
Craig – good idea – Feedback has its own website at the BBC.
Roger Bolton this week reported the Linehan fuss, put the Today people oin a bad light
The Obamessiah, who was supposed to usher in a new era of peace, was supposed to be the antithesis of John McCain/Bush’s Third Term/war supporter, and was given a Nobel Peace Prize, and was praised around the world for reaching out to Muslims, has started yet another war against Muslims. This time it’s Yemen.
Utter silence from the BBC. The best they can do it hint at it as part of a special report on the pathetic efforts of US “soft power” in Djerbouti. How many wars does a Nobel Laureate have to get involved in before the BBC stops protecting Him?
The BBC will not stop protecting Obama until there is a new Democrat Presidential candidate.
Here’s a story about the music director of the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra, who is making his players audition all over again. Naturally, various musicians’ unions around the globe are upset that they don’t have guaranteed jobs for life, regardless of circumstances. And just as naturally, the BBC presents their side only and censors the conductor’s own reasons for doing it. The BBC always sides with unions.
Read the sob stories the BBC features. Oh, the humanity. No time or space for the conductor to explain that it’s a crap orchestra, and that he came into a situation where the players had just gotten a fat new contract with a 50% (!) increase in salary. And the poor dears are expected to justify it by playing up to a minimum standard.
The BBC gives salary figures, but fails to provide the context of this massive increase. All you get is criticism and union attacks. They don’t even mention that Minczuk, a popular guest conductor in Europe, is losing work over this. Can’t make the bastard appear too sympathetic, I guess.
In tonight’s Republican candidate debate on CNN, Herman Cain just said that he does not want Shariah law in the US, and that he would not be comfortable with just any Muslim in his adminsitration because there are some Muslims who want to kill us.
They’ve censored news of him so far, but you can bet the BBC will magically start telling you about him now.
Your prediction has already come true David.
Mark Mardell is now mentioning Herman Cain and that remark and, true to form, is spinning it in a very negative way, calling it “a weird answer” and framing it in terms of Cain having to “defend” it. On the strength of the remark Mardell opines that it “left me feeling he won’t go much further.” (He should have written ‘fingers crossed’ after that!)
The way Mardell characterises it also sharply differs from your characterisation:
David P: Herman Cain just said that he does not want Shariah law in the US, and that he would not be comfortable with just any Muslim in his adminsitration because there are some Muslims who want to kill us.
Mardell: He defended his remark that he wouldn’t feel comfortable with a Muslim in his administration, because he would think of “the ones who want to kill us”.
Sounds very much as if Mr. Cain is being misrepresented.
* * * * * *
Mardell’s post is titled Did anyone miss Snow White? No prizes for guessing who the obsessive and biased BBC North America editor is talking about:
And did anyone miss Snow White, by whom I mean Sarah Palin? Well, I did.
I would like to have seen whether her star power dazzled and dwarfed the rest of the field, or whether she would have been eaten alive.
Palin Derangement Syndrome.
It appears that the BBC still haven’t admitted the existance of the truly awesome Col. Allen West.
We can’t have a black man who’s not ‘on side’ now can we!
To be fair, West isn’t a candidate, and they did print his name once in a news brief right before the last mid-term elections.
Snow White? Mardell mocks her for being shown as decent after the embarassing failed feeding frenzy over the emails? The lowest of the low, is Mardell.
OMG Mardell actually called Sarah Palin “Snow White” in the title of his post. He’s being “rude” about her, so is he angling for a job on Today? This is mocking someone for not looking bad after a media frenzy determined to fry her.
Beeboid, Beeboid on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? >:o
I like this comment from “Snaggletooth” (#4):
The only ones that missed Snow White was the left wing media. Without their designated punching bag, they got nothing. They whined for a year and half how they’d wish she’d shut up and go away…so she did. What did they do? When the budget battle started turning against them and they needed a distraction they loudly asked “where’s Palin?” Ugh!
Raised at the right summit…
‘You have to balance it against the fear that they’ve just filled in the blanks with their own interpretation of what happened.’
Wonder if it sunk in?
Am I the only one who finds that the BBCs overkill showing the grotesque old crocodile Bruce Forsyth on at every opputunity is distasteful bias? He is flaunted as if he is the only one getting a gong and is shown sliming about the stage as if he was the arbiter of all that is good in entertainment. Bruce is now exhibited as the best of the Television Center.
Ah Bruce proof that there is an afterlife and that it has selective admissions ! as the only reason I can think of why he’s still on this side is they won’t let him in !
I belive in the report on Today Hamas were congratulated on the increase in public sector employment! Probably funded partly by yours truly through the largesse of the government or EU in some shape or form.
Gaza unemployment levels ‘among worst in world’
Is it true? The CIA World Factbook places Gaza at no. 184 from 200 so statistically that is correct (even though most figures are simply estimates and not necessarily recent) although when the percentage reaches about 50% it really jumps Namibia (51.20), Djibouti (59.00), Cocos (Keeling) Islands (60.00), Turkmenistan (60.00), Burkina Faso (77.00), Liberia (85.00), Nauru (90.00), Zimbabwe (95.00). What is it with hellholes like the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Nauru?
Sounds to me like another myth like Gaza as the World’s most densely populated place. Even the BBC rarely repeats that because it is so easily refutable.
What the BBC don’t say:Israel was the major local employer until the Palestinians as a matter of strategy made Palestinian labour, too expensive, too unreliable and too dangerous during the 1st Intifada. Even if Israel was to lift the blockade entirely it is unlikely to want or need to bring in Palestinian workers. Cut their own throat. <img style=”padding: 0px; margin: 0px;” src=”http://cdn.js-kit.com/extra/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-cry.gif” title=”Cry” border=”0″ alt=”Cry”/>
Virtually all Palestinian workers were expelled from the Gulf following the 1st Gulf War because Arafat supported Saddam Hussein. They have been replaced by other groups such as South Asians and Palestinians won’t be remployed. Cut their own throat. :'(
After the Israel 2005 withdrawal from Gaza Palestinians trashed facilities, such as expensive greenhouses, left to provide employment. Cut their own throat. :'(
Border industrial zones designed to allow Palestinians to work for the Israeli economy without being physically in Israel closed when violent Hamas attacks made them too risky for investors. Cut their own throat. :'(
After Hamas took over it fought and beat Fatah in Gaza. Although Fatah was corrupt it provided almost all the local entrepreneurship. Cut their own throat. :'(
The Palestinian ‘refugees’ (actually their children, grandchildren & great grandchildren) receive the highest amount of International aid of any world group (Granted not all reaches them). This has created a welfare mentality and discouraged work. Cut their own throat. :'(
Gaza unemployment rates have always been high. According to Index Mundi (based on CIA figures).2003 (50.00%) 2004 (50.00%) 2005 (50.00%) 2006 (31.00%) 2007(20.30%) 2008 (34.80%) 2009 (41.30%) 2010 (40.00%) 2011 (40.00%)
What led to the drop in 2007? It should be noted that peak unemployment was actually higher before the blockade.
Conclusion Palestinians are responsible for most of Gazan unemployment and the BBC are too lazy and/or biased to do the most basic research.
Yet they have a Mercedes dealership.
It’s always interesting to note the side boxes.
If the aim of the blockade was to weaken Hamas, the employment numbers suggest this has failed”
Chris Gunness
But if the aim was to prevent munitions reaching Hamas?
The statement is well inline with the BBC agenda boosting Islamists as unbeatable but otherwise nonsense. Can anyone explain it to me?
I see the bBC has drummed out its latest anti-Israeli offering:
Gaza unemployment levels ‘among worst in world’
Gaza’s unemployment rate was among the world’s highest, at 45.2% in late 2010, the UN has found, as Israel’s blockade of the territory enters its fifth year.
The strange thing is while the bBC laments about the lot of their favourite victims. They (As did the British government yesterday) leave out the elephant in the room. Population growth. In fact the bBC wrote about this very issue a while back , but for some reason decided to leave it out. I mean why would they give the people they are trying to brainwash an alternative viewpoint.
In 1997 Gaza had a population of 1,022,207 ,in 2007 that had risen to 1,416,543 and today comes in at just under the 1.7 million mark. Now here’s a question, even with such a huge population constrained by the actual physical size of gaza only so many people can be employed. Only so many people can farm the land, only so many people can work in a shop only so many people can work in a factory. (but what Gaza makes I honestly don’t know) Now if life in Gaza is bad, then what does that say about Africans, Chinese and the rest who flock east in which to find work in the West. But by the look of things the UK.
What I see and what the bBC doesn’t mention is that nearly every country from Germany onwards heading east has a problem in generating work for their citizens. Be it Poland, Turkey, Pakistan and Gaza. The biggest export they all have in common is people.
Trying to blame the Israelis for the unemployment figures in Gaza by the bBC is just another example of the anti-Semitic nature of the liberal classes in the West.
Donnison says that the public sector is the only part of the economy that is growing. Who pays for that? Not local taxes, if half the population is unemployed. So while Israel tries to weaken Hamas, the rest of the world is propping them up, especially the UN. Anybody think the BBC is going to explain that?
and how long are they going to keep this story up on the front page? It’s already been there at least 2 days, and I have a feeling it will be linked to for months now.
How unlike the murder ogf the Fogel family which disappeared so quickbly. Anyone would think that the BBC had an agenda…
Meanwhile back at the ranch 😀 .
The BBCs mark Mardell has just accused the repbulican candidates of being “political dwarves” a republican party in turmoil with no candidate able to beat Obama.
This beeboid watched the candidate debate and came to the conclusion that none of the candidates were any good and all these dwarves bound to lose against Obama. No bias there then eh?
It was clear by the tone just how much the beeboid hated every Rebublican candidate and how the small trivial proplems that Obama faces were more than made up for by the extra judicial murder of a defenceless old man. Hey folks its the perfect way to start the election campaign, shoot an old unarmed man in the head, yeeehaaaaa. To claim that Obama will win because he ordered the murder of Osama has to be the most desperate beeboid trick yet. BTW Obamas numbers have already plummeted near to where they were before he ordered his re election murder of a suspect.
obama’s ratings are back in t he gutter where they belong
what clever new stunt will they try to pull to try and get them up again before the election?After all,Osama has gone…….
what’s he gonna do…….tell everyone they found Hitler and shot the crap out of him? 😛
The bBC, the friends of the Taliban.
New footage reveals plight of first troops in Helmand
Previously unseen footage, to be broadcast in the BBC documentary series Our War, shows how the first major deployment of British troops sent to Helmand Province in 2006 was almost overrun and told to prepare for capture.
So reading the above the bBC continues its mission statement of promoting the invincibility of the Taliban and in this example states how soldiers were told to prepare themselves for capture as they were surrounded by Allah’s favourite religious bigots.
But hang on while the bBC talks about British soldiers facing hoards of well armed peaceful warriors in july 2006 how many British soldiers died that month? 10,100,1000? Err 3, August 2006 saw 6 deaths and September (discounting the Nimrod crash ) saw 3. In fact 2006 saw an average of 1.5 men killed each month.(with the Nimrod crash that goes up to 2.75) More young lads got killed in London than they did in Afghanistan.
Anyway going back to that heavily promoted bBC view that British soldiers were at risk at getting captured by the taliban. Since 2001 how many british soldiers have been captured by Allah’s favorite murderers? That would be none. Now constrast that with how many taliban have been captured.
“Why is the BBC so keen on people topping themselves?”
(by Damian Thompson)
“BBC flooded with complaints over Choosing to Die documentary”
On the News Channel just now, the BBC ran a report about the outcry against showing Prachett’s snuff film. Their defense against the charges that it was a biased, one-sided propaganda piece? It wasn’t biased because it was Prachett’s personal opiniion. Yes, that’s right: giving someone free air time and a chunk of the license fee to do a programme about their pet issue with no counterbalance is not biased in favor of that issue.
INBBC 2 tonight:
“The Invasion of Lampedusa”
Will INBBC act mainly as representative of 40,000 (and counting) illegal Muslim immigrants who are fleeing from INBBC’s wonderful ‘Arab spring’? Will INBBC put the case for strict, enforcible immigration border controls, and for prevention of immigration from the Maghreb, which is producing the Islamic colonization of E.U.?
‘Gates of Vienna’ blogsite is monitoring this mass Islamic immigration, approved by E.U. (and Patten acolytes):
“Camp of the Saints: Recalibrating the Numbers “
INBBC’s ‘College of Journalism for Islam’ avoids its taboo, but accurate word: ‘IMMIGRANTS’, INBBC preferring the word ‘migrants’ because like migrating birds, that word is misleadingly employed in its ‘report’ on the human influx to give the impression that such humans will volunteer, at some future date, to go back to the Maghreb -which is, of course, the last thing they intend to do.
In line with INBBC ‘College of Journalism for Islam’ also, the appropriate phrase ‘Islamization of Europe’ is banned too.
“EU migrants: Lampedusa Italy now main entry point ”
Some political repercussions on France:
“Paris Welcomes Tunisians ”
I only caught the end of this butthe gist seemed to be that the government stirred up hatred and fear of ‘the other’ rather than celbrating diversity. Lampedusa was a beautiful island, now why should I go there to look at North Africans camping out and looking for food and money? Maybe I should go somewhere less diverse.
I hope this site doesn’t mind but I draw your attention to National Review online which is currently running a daily series of interviews with Andrew Breitbart. The host is Peter Robinson. (No relation). Anyone interested in media should hear what this man has to say. You can also watch segments of the interview on YOUTUBE. The tags are “Uncommon Knowledge Peter Robinson Andrew Breitbart”. (I refer to the current interview not an earlier Breitbart interview from a couple of years ago). The series ends on Friday.
The BBC referred to Breitbart as a “conservative provocateur” until a more mature News Online Beeboid edited that out. I think I’ll start calling various Beeboids provocateurs of another stripe.
I predict that with the militant teachers voting to strike over their public sector pensions we can expect a torrent of BBC news explaining that this is all due to the Coalitions failure to engage the unions.
I also predict that the teachers and other public sector unions who are about to vote to strike will find that the majority of workers (e.g the private sector) have no sympathy for them, and will see through what is clearly a political stunt by Millibands union masters to take the pressure away from him.
Time to bash the bankers again. Why should (insert latest group here) pay for the problems caused by greeedy bankers, all of whom are millionaires and haven’t suffered for their crimes, etc., etc.
Yes, the BBC will be dancing to Labour’s tune again.
The bBC the Islamic preference for young girls and half the story.
Raids over child sexual exploitation in Greater Manchester
Ten men have been arrested in police raids in Manchester and Derbyshire as part of a major investigation into the sexual exploitation of children. Officers have spoken to more than 30 girls in one of the largest inquiries carried out by Greater Manchester Police’s Major Incident Team. Some are victims and others are witnesses, a police spokesman said. Girls from Stockport are said to have been given drink and drugs and taken to sex parties in Manchester and Salford.
Months after the bBC went into overdrive in which to debunk Jack Straws claims that Muslims (but in his case Pakistani Muslims) like to emulate their holy prophet by shagging underage girls. We have yet another story over how yet another gang of child sexual exploiters have been arrested in that neck of the woods. The only clue into just who these men are lies in this little snippet by the bBC:
“The youngsters themselves are predominantly white girls”
Otherwise the reader is left in the dark about just who these men are. But lets be honest we all know who these men are or should I say what faith they belong to and yet the bBC not only fails to join the dots over the many, many cases involving little girls but actually goes well out of its way in which to try to whitewash these idiots as victims. Meanwhile a few miles south of Manchester in Telford.
Shropshire child prostitution trial begins
From the DT: “Terry Sweeney, assistant chief constable of Greater Manchester Police, said the force was now “fully prepared” to acknowledge the issue of ethnicity. However, he emphasised that on this occasion the alleged perpetrators were a mix of Asian and white men”
Not sure just how “mixed” these members of the grooming community are. No doubt the BBC will enlighten us.
I have just seen a report of the Shropshire case on BBC Midlands Today, and as usual the men on trial were described as Asian. I didn’t notice any Indian, Japanese,Chinese or Korean names amongst those charged, but there were plenty of names common to followers of a certain religion of peace. Quelle sodding surprise!
Mixed? As in some were converts?
Missing from the latest BBC news brief about WeinerGate (I thought this would be my last comment, but the BBC keeps dragging me back in….) are two key facts which the BBC has never mentioned. They say this about the Congressman’s denials:
For several days Mr Weiner insisted the account had been hacked, but last week he admitted the photo was of his own body and he had intended to send it privately to a university student in Washington state.
Censored by the BBC are two facts: Hacking a Twitter account and impersonating a Congressman is a federal crime, and Weiner never called for a police investigation. If he were innocent, that would have been his first action, yet the BBC never called him on it. The other fact always censored from BBC News is that Weiner accused Breitbart of abetting a federal crime. It’s not the sleazy predatory behavior but his bearing false witness which is the real reason Weiner needs to resign.
Does the “treatment” he’s seeking include teaching him not to falsely accuse people of criminal acts? The BBC isn’t interested.
The BBC continues to censor key facts and play it all down as titillation being hyped up by a puritanical US.
I’m more of a reader than a poster, but I this one caught my eye today. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-13763339
Nigeria’s pastors ‘as rich as oil barons’
It’s a balance of course, between an African story, and a chance to bash Christians. Guess the instinct to bash Christians won.
Good find. How is owning a successful business “taking advantage” of parishoners? It doesn’t say. Seems to be a non sequitur to push the Narrative.
Out of all his blog posts, it’s certainly revealing that this is the one which interests the BBC. Don’t think the BBC will be quite so keen though to quote the same blogger over Sharia law in Nigeria:
Sharia law should be abolished
I think the Sharia law is a barbaric, dehumanizing, and blatant attack on the dignity of human beings, not to mention that it has a flagrant disregard, disrespect and snub of the Universal Human rights. It is almost evil.
And so, I advice that the Sharia law be seriously reviewed, if not abolished, for its flagrant abuse of human rights, its tendency to discriminate against some segments of society, its disregard of human dignity and well, because it is plain evil and barbaric. I think the usual civil courts will always do us fine.
So, NO to Sharia.
Funny how Mardell opined that when Herman Cain said much the same thing it was “weird” and that he “wouldn’t go much further” because of it. Cain state very clearly that the reason for his statement (which Mardell misrepresented) was that he didn’t want Shariah Law in the US and would vet candidates for posts on that issue.
Narrative? What Narrative?
Dawn raids across Manchester as police move in on gang who groomed under-age girls at drug-fuelled sex parties
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 5:03 PM on 14th June 2011
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2003317/Manchester-Polices-early-morning-raids-target-sexual-exploitation-teenage-girls.html#ixzz1PGlkM2HF
Here we have the results of multiculturism, its not nice and its not pretty. Pakistani men using infidel children as sex slaves? Remember this is not news, this does not represent our new hostile colonists who merely wish to steal our land away from us, claiming ownership of the land by building their mosques. The BBC are not going to be reporting this are they?
“‘Sex gang groomed girls of 13’: Asian men accused of luring teens and turning them into prostitutes”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2003499/Asian-gang-ran-year-child-prostitution-ring-girls-young-13.html#ixzz1PKW5vUIl
“Nine go on trial for grooming and abusing young girls”
Caught a bit of this on local news, no inkling that it was the same Asian men abusing white girls phenomenom going on elsewhere. Chattal. I notice comments are disabled on the Daily Mail article. We really are totally anal on the subject of cultural integration and immigration.
I don’t think pretending a problem isn’t there is going to make it go away. Where will it end I wonder?
INBBC 2’s politics of Lampedusa, Italy, tonight is:
1.) pro-Islamic ‘migrants’ i.e. illlegal immigrants;
2.) anti-Berlusconi;
3.) pro-open door mass immigration into the E.U. from Islamic countries;
4.) pro-cultural and moral values of ‘the other’ i.e. Islamic immigrants, who are praised; and values of many Italians (except those with Beeboid ‘multiculturalist’ ideology), are denigrated as being insufficiently subservient to such illegal immigrants (INBBC’s ‘migrants’) who are unendingly playing the easy E.,U. border system; and these Tunisians do get to Paris and London: their targets all along. And INBBC will propagandise for the next wave of illegal immigrants. And the next, until Europe is predominantly colonised by Islam.
It was an extraordinary programme. Completely lacking in any analysis of the situation. Typical hand wringing faux empathy of the guilt ridden liberal in soap opera format if you like.
But then soap operas are what the BBC is good at or not depending on whether you can stand them.
All those useless and corrupt states of the ME and Africa are failed states.We are turning the old nation states of Europe into more failed states and in Lampedusa you can see how easily and speedily it can happen.
We are in danger of spending the accumulated social capital of our countries in one generation.
Has Europe ever spawned such a decadent generation?
Exactly; INBBC avoids discussions on the need to impose limits to the numbers of immigrants coming into the E.U. and Britain. INBBC’s attitude is that there aren’t all that many coming in. In effect, the immigrants decide our immigration ‘policy’! With connivance of INBBC and co.
The illegal immigrants (INBBC ‘migrants’) were occasionally described as Tunisians, but never as Muslims.
INBBC is pro-mass immigration, mirroring attitudes of the British and E.U. political establishment, and are ensuring the cultural suicide of Britain, and of all the nation states of the E.U.
“2,500 illegal immigrants a week from North Africa flooding into Europe through Italy”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2003537/2-500-illegal-immigrants-week-North-Africa-flooding-Europe-Italy.html#ixzz1PHcTu4b9
Why aren’t these people staying at home to help build, or fight for, their nations, and where are their womenfolk?
A note for tech support – the above comment about Katty Kay and Michelle Bachmann vanished almost as soon as I posted it this morning but has reappeared now that I have logged in again tonight and posted a new comment on a different thread.
The bBC, its so called defence experts and that so called Arms race in the China sea.
China extending military reach
As the bBC is so anti American the whole article on the imperial Chinese navy is about how one day it may be able to take on the US navy. Funny enough it doesn’t mention anything about how each and every country which borders China has been buying up weapons. You know like Vietnam which has bought 36 Su 27s and another 30Su30s on order, then there’s the S300 missile systems which is something that scares NATO (Look how they went overboard in stopping Russia selling it to Iran) Also for a such a small country with a very small navy, they have just ordered 6 Kilo subs off of Russia. This is a country which has no ocean going subs but rather operates midget subs. Gee I wonder why? Then there’s the other countries in the region. Yet the country which China had a spat with earlier on in the year isn’t mentioned. In fact that country not only has one of the most modern armed forces in the world, it also has a couple of aircraft carriers which the bBC defence experts don’t even mention. Maybe its because they are called helicopter carriers. But are actually bigger than the Italian, Thai and Spanish carriers. OH here is what the big things look like and to cap it all up, the japs are building something even bigger.
While the bBCS so called defence expert waxes lyrical about how the Chinese have a anti-Ship ballistic missile they leave out how the US and Japan are the only two countries in the world which own Ships with an active ballistic missile defence system. (AS of November last year the US had 21 ships fitted with the SM-3 missile system and the Japs had 3. That so called Chinese Stealth fighter. It’s only stealthy from the front. Not the sides and not the rear. Oh and that Ex Russian aircraft carrier, it has a ski ramp fitted now that may work for a harrier but a full sized fighter like the Su33? Now before anybody from the bBC comes on board and says it works. Yes it does, However and a big however the use of a ski jump (Instead of a catapult) simply boils down to a lighter aircraft taking off. In other words less bang for your buck. Lastly , even Russia has taken of China, this it has done by moving entire armies East. Oh the Russians say its to combat the US. But if the Yanks wish to hit Russia they won’t do it by crossing the pacific and then travelling across the entire length of Russia.
A navy man I bumped into was of the opinion that the Japanese navy was second only to the US in effectiveness. The Japanese seem to keep very quiet about it so even the incurious BBC seems unaware.
“All three of these lines of research to point to the familiar sunspot cycle shutting down for a while.” Posted on June 14, 2011 by Anthony Watts
I’ve managed to get a copy of the official press release provided by the Southwest Research Institute Planetary Science Directorate to MSM journalists, for today’s stunning AAS announcement and it is reprinted in full here:
What we have known for a while and the BBC has steadfastly ignored for a while, the earth may well be heading into a Maunder minium which means years of cold head, a massive drop in global temperatures and its going to happen soon.
The IPCC lies, the CAGW lies, all the lies about a warming planet, all the lies about the sun having nothing to do with global temperatures, all lies and gross deceptions and the BBC aving been a major peddler of those lies. What price the consensus now?
How will the BBC report this news? The entire CAGW fraud now in utter ruins, the promised rise in global temperatures is a myth and now comes the awful tragic reality for so long denied by CAGW cultism. We are heading into years of cooling having squandered hundreds of billions to preapre for warming. They promised us warming, they promised us the science was solid, the debate was over they promised. They lied didnt they?
I believe the problem nowadays is that people have to be personally effected by particular issues before they make any political stance against it (or even vote at all in many cases), so when lights and heating go off, sewerage plants go down, businesses are forced to open as and when they can etc., only then will the masses really wake up to the climate change hoax.
Exactly! What will the powers that be do I wonder as they like to plug themselves into the artery of tax money that this AGW fantasy is realising for them. What will they do as their failed policy means elderly have to make a choice between food and heating due to the exhorbitant costs their fantasy has brough about.
Lets see what Black & Harrabin make of it. Ohh look – no activity there. Just like on the sun.
One might have thought that INBBC would be interested in reporting on this about Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Robert Fisk, not nothing so far.
‘Independent’ yesterday:
“Robert Fisk: I saw these brave doctors trying to save lives – these charges are a pack of lies”
‘Journalism.co.uk’ today:
“Bahrain to sue Independent over ‘defamatory’ articles”